Data Communications Exercise Line Coding
Data Communications Exercise Line Coding
Data Communications Exercise Line Coding
Data Communications EN0214 Answer Scheme for Exercise/Past Final Exam_ ine Co!in"
No# 200$
1a) What is the relationship between bit rate and baud rate in the context of digital communications and hence show that the mathematical relationship between then is given by:
rb = rs log2
= number of symbols
!b) !i) #xplain why $%& signaling is not suitable for synchroni'ation at the receiver and why" using a anchester encoding scheme is suitable(
!ii) What method or techni)ue can be used to overcome the biphase for synchroni'ation over a long distance* !+m)
When a signal,encoding techni)ues are used" a distinction needs to be made between data rate !expressed in bits per seconds) and modulation rate !expressed in baud)(
-he data rate or a bit rate is 1.-b " where -b = bit duration( -he modulation rate is the rate at which signal element are generated
En0214/ October 2010/ssm
rs = rb ./ = rb .log2 rb = rs log2
where "
rb = data rate " bps rs = baud rate / = number of bits per signal element = number of different signal element
!b) !i) When it is a long string of 0s or 1s" it is behave li1e a dc components( 2nder this condition" any drift between the timing of the transmitter and receiver will results in loss of synchroni'ation between two( 3i,phase has no dc component( -here is a transition at the middle of each bit period( -he mid,bit transition serves as a cloc1ing mechanism and also as a data( -he problems are when the applications at relatively high data rates !up to 10 bps)( -he line format such 4536 and 37&8 will help to overcome the issues above(
Au"ust 2010
91 !a) :onsider a stream of binary data consisting of + bits long se)uence of 1s follows by a 'ero followed by another + bits long strings of 1s( 5raw the waveform for this se)uence using i( ii( iii( $%&,/ 3ipolar ;< = >seudoternary !2m) !1m) !2m)
!b) -he bipolar,< = waveform representing the binary se)uence 0100101011 is transmitted over a noisy channel( -he received waveform is shown in ?ig1" it contains a single error( /ocate the position of this error and explain your answer( !6m)
3ipolar,< =
#rror detected
-he error position has been located( -he error happening is because of the alternatively for successive ones !most preceding 1 bit has negative voltage)
En0214/ October 2010/ssm
anchester encoding
anchester: 0: transition from high to low in the middle of the interval 1: transition from low to high in the middle of the interval
&a' 2000
a) < = b) anchester
c) 4536
a)< =
!c) 4536
1 A
0 0
0 0
1 ,
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 B
0 3
0 0
0 0
0 B
1 ,
1 A
0 3
0 0
0 0
0 B
1 A
1 ,
0 0
0 0
1 A
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 B
0 3
0 0
0 0
0 B
1 A
1 ,
0 3
0 0
0 0
0 B
1 ,
&a' 2002
!b) ?igure 91!b) shows a various line codes used for data transmission( :ompare the line codes in terms of 3andwidth" 5: voltage and synchronisation( !@m)
$%& < 1 0 1 1 0 1 0
%& 1 0 1 1 0 1 0
anchester 1 < 0 1 1 0 1 0
Solution% Enco!in" N+, (an!wi!th 3W = 1.2C = rb .2 DC )olta"es 4as 5: component during long string of 0s or 1s S'nchroni*ation ,$o synchroni'ation due to unipolar( ,$o inherent cloc1 signals unless a pattern of 1"0"1"0"1"0Dis transmitted( :ommon format used to synchroni'e at the receiver via >hase loc1 /oop >redictable transition during each bit time and have self,cloc1ing codes that can be used for synchroni'ation
+, 3W min = rb
$o 5: component
,%easonably narrow with no 5: component ,3W re)uired is greater and wider than multilevel binary codes
$o 5: component