NOVEMBER 1999 ^ NUMBER 379 $3
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MUFON UFO Journal November 1999 Page 3
with those suffering from PTSD, such as Agent Or- flesh-colored, but it was in shadow, and they had these
ange victims.4 This changed around the night of Aug. big, bug-like eyes.
9, 1994. PM: Did the eyes project outward, or. . .
Vicki was wide awake when a group of thin, pale VH: No, they were like in the face, in the face. But
figures with ropy limbs appeared in the Hoyles' bed- they didn't have a pupil. I didn't see an iris like we have.
room. They seemed to be waiting for her and wasted It was all one color, so it looked like an insect to me.
no time. One produced a pen-like rod with a light at PM: Were the eyes square, tightly set, or what?
the end. He put it to her head, possibly penetrating VH: No. they were almond-shaped and really big.
the temple. What she saw in those few seconds Slanted....Have you ever seen a Praying Mantis? That
changed her life. I got a phone call saying, "Paul, was the shape [of the face]... You know how we stand
they're back. They're real, and they're alive." erect and our head is aligned? But actually they crouch,
PM: About what time of night did this happen'? and their chins are forward, and they move really quick.
VH: I go to bed about midnight or 1 o'clock. It They move very quick. And it reminded me of an in-
happened then. I lay down, 1 put my arm around my sect, except that they only had two arms and two legs.
husband, and ... there they were. I didn't see them PM: Was there anything else about the way they
enter or exit. moved, other than the speed?
PM: How many? VH: They moved together. Except one. That's the
VH: Maybe five. Five for sure. one that came with this wand and stuck it on my
PM: What did they look like? head....They circled, you know? That was the scariest
VH: They were short, about a foot shorter than I part, because I definitely felt that I was being stalked by
am, and I'm 5' 9". That I could tell from where they insect-like beings. I don't think that they're human like
stood next to the light switch. Also, it was dark in the we are....They move differently.
room, but I saw that they had this palish skin. It wasn't PM: Like robots?
MUFON UFO Journal November 1999 Page 5
VH: Oh, I didn't feel that they were robots at all. brought the phantoms to life, generating the abduction
They sure didn't move like robots. They had wavy scenario.
movements....When I said that they were alive, it's Deception. To fake the evidence, a person would
because I just knew that they were alive. need to be versed in UFO literature. I casually ques-
PM: Did this seem real to you? tioned Mrs. Hoyle on what she knew while browsing
VH: Real....They're bipedal. They stand up. They her books and magazines (no hits). She said she had
have two legs and feet, kind of, and they have append- read Intruders. Subsequently, this work was studied
ages on the ends of their arms like we do, sort of. They for parallels to the testimony.
superficially look like us, but they're just not human. Analysis will focus on these hypotheses, though
PM: One came over to you! Did you have a special other options were considered.5
feeling about that one? For rhetorical purposes, grant the wounds a mun-
VH: Oh no. I felt the same about all of them, and I dane cause. Say the burns came from contact with a
definitely didn't like the one who came after me with stove orbed light. The marks were inflamations of non-
the wand. OK? But I knew that it was inevitable. It specific origin (an allergic reaction). A naive or imagi-
was so weird....All I saw was that thing, that silvery native person might decide that the stove was a UFO
long tube with this white light at the end. And they or the bed light an alien beam. Such is said to happen
touched my forehead with it and my brain turned to with FPPs.6 The question is, does this sort of thinking
mush. I didn't even stop them, or fight them. I couldn't, sound plausible for a woman with 20 years experience
you know? I thought about it. in nursing?
PM: How did you feel when the tube came up at If Hoyle's mind were affected by a medical experi-
you? ence, the line between plausibility and fantasy blurs.
VH: I'll tell you, gosh, when it was happening to This opens the way to iatrogenic causation. Indeed,
me...it seemed familiar, because I didn't, like, leap out anesthesia can have hallucinogenic properties, and at-
of bed or anything....You know, the truth is, I feel that tempts have been made to tie UFOs/ETs to hallucino-
one big strong woman could squash a bunch of those. gens.7 However, none has shown how to generate the
But I never can do that. I didn't do it last time, and I abduction. I refer to David Jacobs' matrix, a set of
didn't do it this time. obtuse procedures performed by drones in drab decor.8
PM: So it doesn't seem to be a matter of physical I informed the family that while Vicki's story
power, but a question of what you have the impulse to sounded fantastic, it held a dozen staples of the expe-
do? rience-items as dramatic as the rod with the light 9
VH: Right....It occurs to me in retrospect that I (which turned her brain "to mush"), or as negligible as
would like to just plow through them... But the truth is the restraints.10 Her story didn't resemble a bad trip; it
that when it happened, I did not have that urge at all. resembled hundreds of accounts that have been col-
They were there, they were scary, and there was noth- lected in the MUFON database."
ing I could do. What of a hoax? Subject's interest and knowledge
[Note: Afler this episode, the flesh lump behind of UFOs seemed sparse, but comparison to Intruders
subject's ear went away.] found parallels. These matches could result from de-
Alternative hypoththeses ception, or the fact that the book shows people in simi-
Factors within the case suggest alternative ways to lar plights.
explain the testimony: The following exchange took place: "Did you read
FPP (Fantasy-Prone Personality). Fantasy-prone •Intruders before your memories surfaced?" "Hell no.
individuals can derive lurid ideas from everyday I thought all that stuff was nonsense." Nowhere does
stimuli. Since trauma can spark paranoia and emotional it describe a wall melting into a portal....the event high-
upset, Vicki's ills may have fired her imagination, pro- lighted by Hoyle in two interviews and two drawings.
ducing a fantasy of abduction. It further serves to ask, if a hoax, what was the payoff? |
latrogenic causation. An explanation similar to the The payoff would need to cover the "supporting cast." \
above was sought by family members, who put no stock Her family verified the wounds, the dates, the person- i
in the possibility of alien visitation. We met in the sum- ality changes. Since they opposed the idea of a visita- I
mer of 1995 to discuss the following theory. At a prior tion, it seems a poor performance for players in a fa-
time, Mrs. Hoyle had undergone surgery. They believed cade.
that anesthesia-induced hallucinations were buried in Remarks ,
her subconscious. Her wounds-whatever their source- Despite a rhetorical attempt to dismiss the sequelae,
Page 6 November 1999 MUFON UFO Journal
they feature in all aspects of the case (interviews, re- UFO Encounters. Vol. 2. No. 4. 1995, pp. 14-18, 29.
gression, questionnaires), providing a semblance of 7. Mckenna. Terence. The Archaic Revival: Speculations
cause and effect. The internal damage was unprec- on Psychedelic Mushrooms, the Amazon Virtual Reality,
edented in the life of subject, a middle-aged woman Evolution, Shamanism, the Rebirth of the Goddess, and the
whose culture test was negative. End of History, Harper. San Francisco. 1991. pp. 59-9.
Confirming the severity of the burns, a family mem- 8. Jacobs, David M. Secret Life, Fireside. New York,
1992. p. 28, ff
ber had offered to drive her to a scientific institute for
9. A panel presented four cases of the light-tipped rod,
radiation testing. (Icy roads prevented the trip.) Finally, from places as diverse as China and the U.S. (central Cali-
the symptoms arose in tandem. ("When the bums ap- fornia). See "Panel on Cross Cultural Patterns in Abduc-
peared, I had vaginal irritation.") No explanation could tions," Dick Hall, Jenny Randies, Keith Basterfield and
be found for this, except a ufological framework: Gilda Moura in Alien Discussions, op. cit. pp. 193-5. In
•flesh lump: possible alien implant Maine, a man described the "lighted rodlike instrument" in
•scoop mark: possible tissue sampling two abductions with two drawings. See Fowler, Raymond
•internal inflammation and tissue damage: pos- E. The Allagash Abductions, Wild Flower Press. Tigard.
sible reproductive procedures. Oregon, 1993. pp. 54. 81-3, 162-4. And in a scene similar
The elements jell when one considers that pelvic to Vicki's, the rod struck a woman behind the left ear, there
inflammation often troubles abductees,12 and burns fre- was a sting, and then she "felt like Jello..." See Jacobs, op.
cit p. 267.
quently follow contact with UFOs.13 Subject appears
10. Subject reported penetration and cutting as she lay in
to meet the criteria adopted by MUFON and CUFOS a "bucket seat... like a recliner." According to Jacobs, "In-
for the designation of "abduction experiencer."14 struments are used intravaginally to extract ova from women.
I reviewed these findings with the witness, who in Some women report that their legs are placed in stirrup-like
12 months of investigation had asked nothing, offered holders attached to the table." See Jacobs, David M., "Medi-
no solutions, and declined a second regression. She cal Examinations and Subsequent Procedures: Table Pro-
thanked me for "being there," and said life was on the cedures," Alien Discussions, op. cit. p. 54.
upswing. She was moving from Chicago to Atlanta. 11. Wright. Dan. "The Entities: Initial Findings of the
Later she stated that the reason she didn't proceed with Abduction Transcription Project." Part 1, MUFON UFO
the hypnosis is that "I know I've had several experi- Journal, February, 1994. Number 119, pp. 3-6; also Wright.
ences. I'm sure of it, and it's too scary to get into." "Sexuality, Aliens, Hybrids and Abductions." MUFON
For Vicki Hoyle the ultimate payoff would be to UFO Journal, February 1996, Number 334, pp. 11-12.
12. C.f. Chalker, Bill, "An Extraordinary Encounter in
never see the abductors again. The Dandenong Foothills," IUR September/ October 1994.
6; also Thompson, Richard. Alien Identities. Govardhan Hill
References Publishing, San Diego, 1993, pp. 345,380-1; also Jacobs,
l.Imbrogno, Philip J. "Extraterrestrial Contacts in New op. cit, pp. 244-5.
York State." UFO Universe, Vol. 1, No. 5, 1999. p. 8; also 13. Keel, John A. "The Flying Saucer Subculture."
Hopkins, Budd. Intruders: The Incredible Visitations at Fortean Society. 1994 (Reprint), original in Journal of Popu-
Copley Woods, Ballantine, New York. 1988. lar Culture. Vol. VIII: 4, p. 890; also Rutowski, Chris. "The
2. Miller, Paul. Encounter Case #205. Prepared for Falcon Lake Case: Too Close an'Encounter," Journal of
MUFON, Seguin, TX, August 1995, pp. 24-7. UFO Studies, n.s. 5. 1994. pp, 1-34; also Sturrock, Peter,
3. "Finding Abduction Cases Among the General Pub- A., "Physiological Effects on Witnesses," in "Physical Evi-
lic." Barbara Spellerberg, in Andrea Pritchard, et. al., edi- dence Related to UFO Reports," proceedings of a work-
tors, Alien Discussions: Proceedings of the Abduction Study shop held at the Pocantico Conference Center, Tarrytown,
Conference Held at MIT. North Cambridge Press. Cam- NY, Sept. 29-Oct. 4, 1997; http://www.jse.com/ufo reports/
bridge, MA. 1994, pp. 235-9. Sturrock/26/.html and Sturrock/27.html; also Thompson, op.
4. Wilson, John P. "Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder cit. pp. 251, 339; also Entry #4315 in *U* - UFO Database
(PTSD) and Experienced Anomalous Trauma (EAT): Simi- Mapping and Research Tool (95.11), Larry Hatch Software,
larities in Reported UFO Abductions and Exposure to In- Redwood City. CA, 1994.
visible Toxic Contaminants," Journal of UFO Studies, n.s. 14. Rodeghier, Mark, Goodpaster, Jeff and Blatterbauer,
2, 1990, 1-17. Sandra, "Psychosocial Characteristics of Abductees: Results
5. Miller, op. cit pp. 28-32, From the CUFOS Abduction Project,"./owrHa/ of UFO Stud-
6. For opposing views on FPP's relation to abduction, ies, n.s. 3, 1991, pp, 59-90; also Gotlib, David, Appelle,
see Baker, Robert A. "An Anomalous Minority," Journal Stuart, Flamburis, Georgia and Rodeghier, Mark. "Ethics
of UFO Studies, n. s. Vol. 3, 1991, pp. 142-48; also Car- Code for Abduction Experience Investigation and
penter, John, "False Memories and Imagination," MUFON Treatment,"Journal of UFO Studies, n.s. 5,1994, pp. 55-81;
UFO Journal, November 1994, pp. 17-18; also Wilson, c.f. Miller, op. cit. p. 14.
Katharina, "How Do I Make It From Here ... To There?"
MUFON UFO Journal November 1999 Page?
Illustration 1: Trails of ionization in the Earth's atmosphere reflect radio waves from over the
horizon. "Meteor-scatter" technology can detect the reflected signal.
cumstance in which the receiver will be able to detect has been used for various purposes by U. S. govern-
the broadcast signal from over the horizon is if the sig- ment agencies for clandestine or discrete communica-
nal is somehow reflected down to the receiver's an- tions systems.
tenna. Experience shows that radio signals tradition- 1 suspect that the ionization trails, presumed to oc-
ally can be reflected by meteors "trails," high flying cur behind fast-moving UFOs, would reflect radio
aircraft, migrating birds, clouds of bats or insects, vari- waves, just as the ionized trails behind meteors rou-
ous meteorological conditions, and perhaps other ob- tinely are seen to do. If this is the case, even though
jects, as well. UFOs themselves might not appear on radar, which
In recent years, this technique for skipping radio appears generally to be the case, the trails of ioniza-
communications has been used by "ham" radio opera- tion that are reported to follow them might allow them
tors, and relatively simple, reliable, and inexpensive to be detected remotely, nevertheless.
radio equipment has been developed in support of this Experience
application. In addition, the technology has been em- In his initial investigation of whether "meteor scat-
ployed in commercial fields as a low-cost, low-main- ter" technology might be useful in UFO research, I
tenance means for communication of substantial discovered information suggesting that extraordinar-
amounts of data to and from remote areas. Some evi- ily unusual events apparently sometimes are recorded
dence also suggests that "meteor scatter" technology by this technique.
MUFON UFO Journal November 1999 Page 9
other Dimension, and certainly she needed some sci- ous phone calls coming into the programme, one be-
entific data or serious discussion to prove her story. ing from a man who had worked at O'Hagan-Ward's
Elizabeth was adamant that this was how it had all hotel. "The story you told about the SAAF taking and
happened, and she was not prepared to alter anything. fetching Elizabeth Klarer to Flying Saucer Hill," he
All these inconsistencies always worried me about said, "is absolutely true. I saw it with my own eyes."
Elizabeth, but she was such a charming, kindly person I have never felt that Elizabeth Klarer deliberately
that it was difficult to be too critical of her. Sadly, in lied to me; she was not that sort of person. But it can
early February 1994, she passed away, her last years happen that people sincerely believe that something
dogged by poverty alleviated by her son David. has happened to them when in actual fact it has not. It
In UFO AFRINEWSNo. 19, there was an extremely is an illusion, a dream-state of euphoria.
interesting story told by "Doug." He and his wife were But today people readily believe Betty and Barney
honeymooning in the Drakensberg, and while walk- Hill; they believe Linda Cortile and dozens of other
ing not far from their hotel they came across a cairn of abduction stories which occurred in the USA. So when
stones a short distance from Champagne Castle moun- we get down to basics, why not Elizabeth Klarer?
When they returned to the hotel they asked the pro- The following was forwarded to the Journal:
prietors, Connor O'Hagan-Ward and his wife, about
the cairn. He told them it had been put there by Eliza- 509th Bomb Group Files...
beth Klarer to mark "Flying Saucer Hill" where she
had allegedly met a man from outer space.
O'Hagan-Ward then went on to say that one day when
his wife was alone at the Reception a tall, good-looking
man came in and asked for Elizabeth Klarer. Mrs
O'Hagan-Ward had never heard of her, nor was she
booked at the hotel or due to come. The man thanked
her and left.
A few seconds later her husband came in and his
wife asked if he had seen the man, or seen him leave
in his car. The husband was positive he had seen
no-one, nor had there been any unrecognized cars in
the car park. Awhile later Elizabeth did turn up with
her newly-published book. In it there was a drawing "This is the shoulder patch from the famous USAF's
of Akon, her spaceman lover. Mrs O'Hagan-Ward rec- 509th Bomb Wing, formerly stationed at Roswell, NM.
ognized him immediately. It was the man who had These are the same folks who recovered the crashed
called and asked for Elizabeth! disk on July 4th, 1947. They fly the B-2 Stealth these
One other fascinating point: Elizabeth had always days, out of Whitman AFB, MO. The patch is inter-
told me that she was constantly in touch with the South esting for two reasons: it's the only U.S. Air Force
African Air Force (SAAF) and reported to them about patch to depict an alien, and the Latin phrase is quite
her meetings and trips with Akon. I was doubtful about interesting. It'says 'tastes like chicken.' Hmm..."
this, but never queried it. I knew it could never be Editor's Note: Yes, hmm... This sounded just a bit
proven. On one occasion in her book she says that her strange, so I checked with Whiteman (not Whitman)
sister, her brother-in-law, and herself sheltered a SAAF Air Force Base Public Affairs and received the fol-
helicopter team who were forced to land on the farm lowing response from Senior Amn Ryan Steinbach:
during a heavy storm. "I'm Whiteman's editor, and while the patch you
O'Hagan-Ward told Doug that the SAAF used to described is pretty funny, it's not our patch. Our patch
fly Elizabeth to her rendezvous with her memories each has a mushroom cloud with wings sprouting from a
year after she had become too elderly to ride up there tri-stand. It's interesting, because as the wing that
on horseback. They would land her there and come dropped the atomic bombs, we are the only ones in the
back for her later. military allowed to wear a patch that features refer-
On Friday, 5 March 1999,1 appeared on Cape-talk, ence to nuclear weapons.
a radio show in Cape Town, where I was interviewed "The alien patch might have been a joke from the
by Lisa Chiat, the talk-show hostess. We discussed days the wing was stationed at Roswell, N.M., as we
Elizabeth Klarer and her bizarre story; her absolute were the ones sent out to investigate the infamous crash.
conviction that she told the truth. There were numer- However, it has never been our official patch.
Page 12 November 1999 MUFON UFO Journal
Filer's Files course, taught on the Internet. The cost for the 7-week
class is $15.00. See
By George A. Filer
MUFON Eastern Director Canada crop circles
Majorstar@aol.com 609-654-0020
NEILBURG — Paul Anderson the editor of Circles
Silver craft in Pennsylvania a blimp Phenomenon Research Canada reports a large new crop
formation in Saskatchewan. Ten circles were found in
HUNTINGDON VALLEY — MUFON investiga- a wheat field on Sept. 3, 1999, by Dave Robertson.
tor Tom Carey reports the July 23, 1999, sighting of a Three "arms" of circles come out from a larger central
lighted silver craft was positively identified by a Bryn circle. The center circle is about 35 feet in diameter;
Athyn fireman eyewitness as a "blimp." the others range from 4 feet to 22 feet.
Two blimps are based at Northeast Philadelphia Air- The "top" two circles and the center circle are clock-
port and one was airborne at the time. Thanks to Tom wise, the others are all counterclockwise, all with very
Carey. neat swirling and flattening of the crop. This is the sev-
enth Canadian report for 1999, and the first this year
Roswell investigation from Saskatchewan, usually the center of activity. Ray
attempted to take pictures but could not get the camera
Tom Carey and Don Schmitt have just returned from to function properly. Thanks to: Paul Anderson CPR-
another research trip to Roswell. Along with local in- Canada
vestigators Dennis Balthaser of Roswell and Nina http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Cavern/3310/
Coleman of Albuquerque, the team continues to 1999.html
proactively research this most famous UFO case.
New witnesses continue to be located and interviewed.
A former government person recalls having to vacate Israel has a busy summer
his employment area in Northern Virginia for one day
many years ago to allow the wreckage of a crashed Barry Chamish reports the summer of 1999 saw the
UFO to be moved out and relocated. triumphant return of flying triangular formations over
Renewed focus is being placed upon the events in Israel. As always, their appearance was greeted with
the Corona area as opposed to farther southeast of video cameras to solidly document them.
Roswell. One day was spent in the high desert trying On July 22, a triangular craft was spotted in the cit-
to locate the exact crash site. They believe that the ies of Tsfat and Yokneam at 7:30 PM. It was video-
true crash site was about 35 miles northwest of Roswell. taped in both places. A professional photographer, Rafi
Malka, video taped it from his home in Acceded. He
Nevada UFO video earned the distinction of being the first Israeli to vid-
eotape two separate UFOs.
NAVAL AIR STATION FALLON - On Aug. 29, He then phoned his nephew, Doron Cohen, in Yavne,
1999, Chris Miller and his client Syena Sowden were who spread the word in that city that a UFO was com-
on a video shoot on the desert three miles away from ing. Among those he contacted was professor Rami
the base at 6:30 PM. Syena saw the UFO first. Chris Shkalim, who has a Ph.D. in both physics and philoso-
states, "I was already holding the camcorder, so I just phy and is currently a professor of Kabbala at Bar Ilan
pointed it towards the UFO." It was traveling extremely University.
fast, perhaps 600 mph at around 30,000 feet. He was one of over two hundred people who viewed
The object was a cigar-shaped craft. Close exami- the craft until it disappeared at 12:30 AM. He had just
nation of the video reveals two plasmas can be seen. purchased professional equipment, a Sony 320 zoom
Thanks to Chris Miller. video camera that recorded an absolutely brilliant ten
minute videotape of the craft. The craft had two sil-
College course in UFOs very lights, both surrounded by a perfectly circular red
aura twice their size.
John A. Logan College in Carterville, IL, is offering When the craft seems to turn, a triangle of lights is
the course "UFOs: An Alien Connection?" The course visible. Then the craft becomes two lights.
will examine the history of the UFO phenomenon and
speculate on alien life. It's a continuing education (Continued on Page 18)
Page 18 November 1999 MUFON UFO Journal
Filer's Files...
(Continued from Page 17)
police knew about it and were looking at the same thing.
South Carolina disk I got my daughter so she could see it too and she called
the family next door. We all watched it ascend straight
GOOSE CREEK - On October 7, 1999, a school up without any noise and change to a diamond shape.
teacher was taking her dog for a walk and noticed a The next morning I looked up in the same spot and
row of blue-white lights up in the sky. She thought it there it was again, but higher. It started coming straight
might be a plane until she realized it was not moving. down and wobbling side to side. I called the police to
It stayed in one spot in the sky for about ten minutes. report it and when the officer arrived it had moved
The sun was just coming up at 6:45 AM. back up higher into the sky. He said, it looked like a
Th witness explains: "The UFO was shaped like a star to him. It is very frustrating to not have people
hamburger with a row of circle lights across the middle. believe you. I'm just glad the neighbors saw it too."
There were sirens and lights flashing, so I thought the Thanks to NUFORC and Peter Davenport
1. Publication Title: MUFON UFO JOURNAL 10. Owner: MUFON / MUTUAL UFO NETWORK, Inc.
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MUFON UFO Journal November 1999 Page 19
Huge planet beyond Pluto? and described it-and its extraterrestrial inhabitants,
Is it the Sumerian Nibiru described by whom they called the Anunnaki or Nefilim-in great
Zecharia Sitchin? Neil Freer (freerl@concentric.net) has studied
By CNl News Sitchin's work for more than two decades and has writ-
The astronomy world buzzed with excitement on ten a book, Breaking the Godspell (Falcon Press, 1987),
Oct. 7 as newly announced evidence from two sepa- in which he further develops the possible implications
rate research teams appeared to confirm the existence of Nibiru's influence upon past and current humanity.
of a huge planet-like body far beyond the orbit of Pluto. On hearing of the discoveries of David Murray, John
For decades, astronomers have speculated that such Matese et al, Freer wasted no time publicly pointing
a planet must exist. "Wobbles" in the known outer plan- out the obvious parallels with the predicted existence
ets seem to require it. ofNibiru:
Now, observations of incoming comets apparently "I wish to call to your attention that Zecharia Sitchin,
ejected from the extremely remote Oort Cloud by some Sumerian scholar and author of The Earth Chronicle
strong gravitational force lend credence to the idea of Series of books, revealed the existence, size, orbit, and
a giant planet circling our solar system at a distance of detailed characteristics of the tenth planet in our solar
perhaps three trillion miles, or half a light year. system 25 years ago through the translation of the
Dr. John Murray of Britain's Open University said, Enuma Elish (When in the heights....), a major docu-
"Although I have only analysed 13 comets in detail, ment unearthed at the archaeological digs at Nineveh
the effect is pretty conclusive. I have calculated that by Layard, and translated by L.W. King.
there is only about a one in 1,700 chance that it is due "It gives a complete account of the formation of our
to chance." solar system, including the gravitational capture into
In a recent research paper in the Monthly Notices of the system of this tenth planet (known to the Sumerians
the Royal Astronomical Society, Murray suggests that as Nibiru and the Babylonians as Marduk); its subse-
the so-far unseen planet is several times larger than quent collision with a large planet, Tiamat, orbiting
Jupiter. Furthermore, he says, the planet appears to orbit then between Mars and Jupiter; the formation of the
the sun in the "wrong" direction, opposite the orbit of asteroid belt, comets and meteorites from the impact;
all the known planets. This could mean that the huge [and] the translation of the larger part of the impacted
object may be a so-called "rogue planet" that drifted native planet into our orbit to become Earth.
in from very deep space and was captured by the sun's "The Enuma Elish says that the intruder planet
gravity. settled into a huge elliptical orbit of 3600 years around
Similar conclusions have been separately reached our sun in the 'wrong' direction, counter to the orbital
by physicists John Matese, Daniel Whitmire and direction of the other planets, [and] that it returns to
Patrick Whitman at the University of Louisiana at the inner solar system through the asteroid belt area
Lafayette. periodically. It gives the details of the path it can be
The findings of John Matese and colleagues will be observed taking through the constellations as it ap-
published in an upcoming edition of the journal Icarus. proaches and the disruptive events its close passing
In that article, Matese refers to the object as possibly a causes on Earth.
"brown dwarf' and estimates its mass at three times Tombaugh, searching for the tenth Planet X, dis-
that of Jupiter. covered Pluto in 1930.
According to Murray, if the presumed planet were Sitchin definitively answers the question, "How
in a circular orbit, it would take nearly six million years could our earliest civilizations know of this planet?"
to circle the sun. Also, despite its enormous size, it with the thoroughly substantiated thesis that the
would be extremely faint, giving off no light of its own, transcultural "gods" known to all the ancient civiliza-
and probably could not be detected even by the Hubble tions were not mythological but flesh and blood hu-
Telescope. But the next generation of space-based tele- manoids whose home planet was, is, indeed, this tenth
scopes, which would include ultra-sensitive infrared planet.
sensors, might be able to find it. They came here 432,000 years ago, created our spe-
Meanwhile, the discussion of a huge new planet has cies as a slave race for their gold mines by crossing
aroused the particular interest of researchers familiar their genes with those of Homo Erectus, moved us up
with the work of Sumerian scholar Zecharia Sitchin. to limited partnership subsequently and taught us civi-
In a series of books called The Earth Chronicles Sitchin lization and science and astronomy, eventually phased
has eloquently argued that the ancient Sumerian civi- offand left us on our own to find our own species iden-
lization knew very well about this huge outer planet tity.
Page 20 November 1999 MUFON UFO Journal
THE ANDREASSON LEGACY SPACE: Search Project for Aspects of Close Encounters, a support
Ray Fowler's latest book The Andreasson Legacy (UFOs and system and proactive research program, founded 1992, publishes
"Space Explorers" newsletter, based in New York and Florida, openly
the Paranormal: The startling conclusion of the Andreasson
Affair), hardback (463 pages) personally autographed, is now exploring entire range of encounters through open discussion among
experiences. For more information, contact: hegeln@wcbtv.net.
available from MUFON for S24.95, P&H included. Send or-
ders with check, postal money order, or cash to MUFON, 103
Oldtowne Rd. Seguin, Texas 78155. (Fororders in U.S.A. only)
Wear official MUFON T-Shirts (royal blue printing on white
cotton), sizes: S, M, L, & XL. Two styles of baseball caps (royal
blue with white logo or blue with blue logo on white front). T-
ABDUCTED! The Story of the Intruders shirt price $12.00 and baseball caps $8.00. S/H for each is $3.20
continues... or if both ordered together is only $3.20. MUFON, 103 Oldtowne
By Debbie Jordan & Kathy Mitchell with introduction by Budd Road, Seguin, TX 78155-4099. (Check, money order, traveler's
Hopkins. If you liked Mr. Hopkins book Intruders, here is the checks or cash in U.S. Dollars).
personal experience of Debbie Jordan and her sister Kathy
Mitchell. 268 pages, hardback for $10 plus $2. P&H from
MUFON, 103 Oldtowne Rd., Seguin, TX 78155
Three Texans are injured during an encounter with a UFO and
Military Helicopters by John F. Schuessler, 323 page softcover
SUMMONED book now available from MUFON, ! 03 Oldtowne Rd., Seguin,
Now Available: Summoned: Encounters with Alien Intelligence TX 78155 for $ 19.95 plus $2 for postage and handling.
by Dana Redfield. Personal Account. Foreward by Linda Moulton
Howe, Info on genetic alteration of humankind, 280 pgs. ISBN
1-57174-126-7. $13.95. Order at Hampton Road Pub. Co., Inc.
1 -800-766-8009 or local bookstore.
GEORGIA UFOs $5 savings on 1991 through 1999 symposium proceedings. See
Now available: Georgia's Aerial Phenomenon 1947-1987 by "Director's Message" in this issue of MUFON UFO Journal for
Michael Hitt. Mr. Hitt is the historian for the Georgia MUFON details. Here is your opportunity to add to your UFO Library
Chapter and a police officer. His publication documents what and save $5 on each of the above symposium proceedings.
has been reported over the state's skies and is indexed. Order
from Hitt at 23 Old Holcomb Bridge Way, Roswell, GA 30076.
$ I O p l u s $3p&h.
Reach more than 4,000 readers and fellow ufologists. Promote
MAJOR NEW UFO BOOK your personal publications, products, research projects, local meet-
UFOs Over Topanga Canyon by Preston Dennett. Tells the story ings or pet peeves here. Fifty words or less only $20 per issue.
of an incredible UFO wave and the investigation that followed. Add $ 10 for box and bold heading. Send ad copy and check, made
Includes sightings, UFO car chases, abductions, coverups and out to MUFON, to Walt Andrus, MUFON, 103 Oldtowne Rd.,
more. 312pp. Send $13.95 ($2.00 s&h) to Llewellyn; POB Seguin, TX 78155-4099. Must be MUFON member or MUFON
64383; St. Paul, MN 55164. ph (800) THE-MOON UFO Journal subscriber to advertise.
Page 22 November 1999 MUFON UFO Journal
Director's Message... the opportunity you have been waiting for. Due to the
(continued from page 24)
fact that we are moving the MUFON headquarters to
Start making your vacation plans to visit not only the Denver, CO, area, we have elected to sell the most
the massive silver arch in downtown St. Louis, named recent proceedings at a five dollar discount to reduce
"Gateway to the West," but the many other tourist at- the cost of shipping the stock to Denver.
tractions, such as their world-renown zoo in Forest Symposium proceedings from the years 1991
Park. through 1994 will now sell for $15, and those from
Due to its central location, this will be the third time 1995 through 1999 will be $20. The shipping and han-
that MUFON has conducted its annual symposium in dling charges will remain the same as on the MUFON
St. Louis, the others being 1971 and 1985. Publication List: the first book in the U.S.A. is $1.75,
and each additional book is one dollar. For foreign
Future MUFON Symposia orders the first book is $2.75, and each additional book
is $2.00. This special price will expire on Feb. 29,2000.
The 2001 MUFON symposium will be held in Or- Order now while it is fresh in your mind.
ange County in Southern California, coordinated and We have fifteen copies of the MUFON 1986 UFO
hosted by Jan C. Harzan and supported by Vincent Symposium Proceedings held in Lansing, MI, (not
Uhlenkott, the Southern California State Director. The shown on the publications list) for $ 10 plus $1.75 S&H,
event for 2002 is scheduled for Atlanta, GA, under the for the first 15 orders received. Checks will be returned
direction of Walter "Tom" Sheets, Georgia State if the orders cannot be filled.
Bids are now open for hosting future MUFON an- UFO Awareness Week
nual symposia for the years of 2003 (Central Region),
2004 (Western Region) and 2005 (Eastern Region). May we extend our congratulations for a job well
Please mail your written bids to me in Seguin, TX, done to the MUFON Arizona team for their UFO
delineating your facilities and qualifications for host- Awareness Show at Chris-Town Mall in Phoenix. Jim
ing a symposium. To be successful, a strong local group Kelly, State Section Director for Maricopa County,
is essential for hosting the affair, plus a city in a large and Dr. Ruth Hover were two of the people inter-
population center. viewed by Scott Bennett in his fine article in The Ari-
MUFON-RI has submitted a bid to host the 2005 zona Republic. Participation in UFO Awareness Week
Symposium in Providence, Rhode Island. is an outstanding method for educating the public to
the UFO Phenomenon and MUFON in particular.
UFO Database on CD-ROM
Walter Anarus
New MUFON Field Investigator's Exam
New Officers
Dan Wright, Deputy Director, Investigations, has
David B. Marler, B.S. (Fairmont City) was selected composed a new 100-question Field Investigator's
as the new Illinois State Director. David has had ten Exam designed around the M U F O N Field
years of field investigating experience in Illinois and Investigator's Manual (Fourth Edition). It will be in-
Missouri. Richard D. Moss, B.S. (Long Prairie), troduced on Jan. 1,2000.
former Minnesota State Director, has promoted Will- Kathleen Marden will continue to accept the current
examination indefinitely; however, we encourage those
iam I. McNeff, B.S. (Bumsville) to State Director.
who have not submitted their exam answer sheets to do
Mr. Moss will serve as the Assistant State Director for so in the near future. Both Kathleen and I screened the
Minnesota. Bruce A. Widaman (St. Charles) ap- new test and made appropriate revisions for clarification
pointed his chief investigator, David A. Rapp, B.S. purposes. The format still consists of multiple choice,
(St. Peters), to the position of Assistant State Director true-false, and "fill in the blanks" type questions.
for Missouri. Indiana State Director Jerry L. Sievers
(Vincennes) promoted Roger J. Sugden, B.F.A. (Ft. UFO Sighting Reports
Wayne) to Assistant State Director for Northern Indi-
ana. After the State and Provincial Directors evaluate the
Carman E. Wiese, Ph.D. (Del Rio. TX) has be- UFO sighting reports received in their respective states
come the State Section Director for Val Verde and or provinces, the original with pertinent attachments
McKinney Counties. Mark Nielipinski (Butte, MT) should be mailed directly to Dan Wright, Deputy Di-
was appointed a State Section Director for three coun- rector, Investigations, at 3628 Aragon Drive, Lansing,
ties in Montana. Thomas W. McFall, J.D. (Whittier, MI 48906. A copy should be retained by the State/Pro-
CA) volunteered as a Consultant in Law. vincial Director for his/her file, and a copy sent to the
Regional Director. This procedure has been more ef-
New Field Investigators fective in getting reports into the MUFON database
more promptly.
Eight new trainees passed the Field Investigator Since our members are anxious to read about cur-
Exam this past month. They are: Chris L. Altman rent UFO sighting reports that have been investigated
(Boise, ID); Gary P. Hart (Bloomington, IL); John by MUFON Field Investigators, please mail a narra-
C. Serrette (Russellville, AR); Steven J. Mclntyre tive report in article format to Walter Andrus for pub-
(Miami Lakes, FL); Jacqueline T. Palmer and lication in the MUFON UFO Journal. This also ap-
Charles Palmer (Abilene, TX); J o A n n e D. plies to older cases of a significant nature that were
Scarpellini (High Ridge, MO); and Richard L. King, recently investigated. Please include drawings of the
(Tucson, AZ). Congratulations to the largest monthly object for the article.
group of people passing the exam. In recognition, each
person passing the exam will receive a MUFON lapel St Louis UFO Symposium
A message from Kathleen Marden, Director of Bruce A. Widaman, Missouri State Director, is
Field Investigator Training regarding exam results: proud to announce that the new millennium will be
celebrated with MUFON's 2000 International UFO
Mrs. Marden cannot divulge the correct answers to Symposium on July 14-16, 2000, at the Sheraton West
the questions that a person answered incorrectly, be- Port Inn, Lakeside Chalet, 191 West Port Plaza, St.
cause this would obviously make it possible for a per- Louis, MO 63146, located at 1-270 and Page Ave. in
son to share the correct answers with a friend. If the Northwestern St. Louis. The symposium theme is
examinee wants his or her test score promptly, please "UFOs in the New Millennium."
enclose a self-addressed, stamped envelope or an
e-mail. Address. (Continued on Page 23)