MUFON UFO Journal - February 1990
MUFON UFO Journal - February 1990
MUFON UFO Journal - February 1990
N U M B E R 262 F E B R U A R Y 1990
The mockup of an “Aerobraking” vehicle under development by N A S A L.B.J. Space Center, Houston, Texas
(USPS 002-970)
{ISSN 0270-6822)
Last month w e had an overabundance of lengthy, thoughtful pieces on the
103 Oldtowne Rd. phenom enon. This month, if anything, w e h ave a surplus o f UFO reports.
Seguin, Texas 78155-4099 U.S.A. Hopefully, as tim e goes along, w e’ ll be able to strike a better balance between
the two.
In the meantime, Michael R igg’s lead article on finding “ hoaxholes" in a
“ U F O ” report should stand as a salutary exam p le o f h o w to conduct a field
investigation, especially for beginners, who may have a tendency to take would-
be “ witnesses” at face value. W e welcom e and applaud Riggs’ courage in com
International Director and
ing forth in such a straightforward manner, and hope others heed this message
Associate Editor
A s usual, space considerations have prevented us from including all the
Art Director
material available. W e trust you ’ll be patient and bear with us as we continue
to strive to bring you the best U F O journal available, m onthly or otherwise.
Contributing Editor
Contributing Editor
In this issue
PINPOINTING HOAXHOLES................................. Michael J. Rigg 3
FBI SPYING O N UFO RESEARCHERS?......... Larry W. Bryant. 7
Public Relations NEW BRUNSWICK CLOSE EN C O U N T ER ........ Walter N. Webb 9
PAUL C E R N Y THE GREENVILLE SIGHTINGS.........................Forest Crawford 11
Promotion / Publicity GULF BREEZE SIGHTINGS R EVIEW ........................................ 12
M A R G E CH R ISTEN SEN SOVIET MEDIA UFO SIGHTINGS.............................................. 13
Public Education
CURRENT CASE L O G ............................................ Dan Wright 15
Religion and UFO s IN OTHERS’ W O R D S ........................................... Lucius Farish 17
LU C IU S FARISH NEWS’N V IE W S .......................................... Spencer, Schuessler 18
Books & Periodicals LOOKING B A C K ..................................................... Bob Gribbie 19
LO R EN G R O S S THE MARCH NIGHT S K Y ................................ Walter N. Webb 22
DIRECTOR'S MESSAGE......................................... Walt Andrus 24
COVER: Courtesy of James Oberg / NASA
Staff Writers
Copyright 1990 by the Mutual UFO Network, Inc. (M UFON), 103 Old
towne Road, Seguin, Texas 78155-4099 U.S.A.
Landing Trace Cases
N o part of this document may be reproduced in any form by photostat,
Medical Cases microfilm, xerograph, or any other means, without the written permission
LE O N A R D STRINGFIELD o f the Copyright Owners.
U F O Crash/Retrieval
N O R M A E. SH O R T The Mutual UFO Network, (nc. Is exempt from Federal Income Tax under
D W IG H T C O N N ELLY Section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code. MUFON is a publicly sup
D E N N IS H AU CK ported organization of the type described in Section 509(a) (2). Donors may
R ICH ARD H. HALL deduct contributions from their Federal Income Tax. in addition, bequests,
ROBERT V. PRATT legacies, devises, transfers, or gifts are deductible for Federal estate and gift
Editor / Publishers Emeritus tax purposes if they meet the applicable provisions of Sections 2055, 2106,
(Formerly S K Y LO O K ) and 2522 of the code.
R igg is a M U F O N state section UFO investigations really mean, and attempt to see what was going to ex
director, as w ell as founder and I began to extrapolate a kind o f code it the object.
director o f the N.W . Indiana Group from between the lines of the MUFON Suddenly, but expectedly, a small
for U FO Studies. Field Investigator’s Manual, and other being appeared at the top of the
books, which aided me in finding the escalator/gang-plank, slightly hidden
This is the story and basic report of infamous hoaxholes. The fact is this: behind a jutting edge o f the object.
my first major UFO investigation, to think a case you receive is going The “alien,” as Jeffrey called it,
which involved, o f all things, an to turn into a ufological “ best seller” walked stiff-legged down the plank
obscure time frame, an entity sighting, is downright foolish, no matter how and disappeared behind the craft.
landing traces, a possible abduction, huge it sounds when first reported. A short time later the creature reap
possible animal effects, personality That fact became my personal credo. peared on the other side o f the craft
conflicts, and a twelve-year old It’s not pessimism anymore, it’s and began heading toward the
primary witness. called U FO investigation. house’s western edge.
I won’t tell tales: 1really was expect Jeffrey’s heart pounded harder as
ing something tremendous on a scale T h e Story he got a better look at the creature
equal to events chronicled in such standing silhouetted against its bright
notable resources as Incident at Ex Twelve-year old Jeffrey Campbell craft. It stood about 5 '3 " tall, its arms
eter or Intruders. But, I suppose it’s (not his real name) awoke some time were proportionate to its body, but it
fortunate for me that I usually keep during the waning hours o f November seemed to have “double feet,” and
those things packed under a heavy lid 5, 1988 to get a drink o f water. The claws for hands. The double feet
of pessimism. By the time it came stillness o f the house was broken by resembled to Jeffrey the effect o f bot
down to zero hour (interview-the- the creaking floorboards as Jeffrey tomless boots having been pulled
witness-and-investigate-the-site day), made his way through the hallway to halfway up the creature’s leg, the feet
1 was just concerned about all the the kitchen. But when he rounded the left protruding out from under them.
work I would probably end up doing. com er leading into the dining area a N o uniform or clothing o f any kind
Little did I know that I would find bright flash of multi-colored lights could be seen, but Jeffrey distinctly
myself inventing new words to add to caught his attention. recalls symbols or numerals across the
my ufological vocabulary. In the O c Jeffrey turned on the dining room creature’s chest, a belt and buckle, a
tober 1988 issue o f the MUFON UFO lights and moved closer to the dining pronounced nose, a large squared
Journal (Number 246), exactly one room’s large picture window to get a mouth, and huge black or brown
month before the case described better look. The lights struck him fun eyes. The creature’s skin was com
herein, an article I wrote was printed ny because normally there was no posed o f lizard-like green scales and
entitled “ The N eed for Skeptics.” In lighting behind the Campbell house, its face was wrinkled and cracked with
it I presented labels for different types not even security or flood lighting. grotesque features.
o f UFO believers and non-believers, A large diamond-shaped object It m oved in a relatively straight
and I stated that the key to being a was resting quietly on the lawn, path, along the western fence o f the
good UFO investigator may not be perched precariously on its lower Campbell’s yard. As it approached,
book learning, but a good skeptical point. It flashed lights in a random Jeffrey felt frozen and began to get
mind that would examine everything pattern around its edges, up and scared as he tried to m ove his legs.
objectively. “ Hoaxholes” is a term I down its sides and around its outside At this point, the neighbor’s dog
invented for investigators to apply to edge, which was positioned low on began barking wildly at the intruder.
those little incongruities that arise in the diamond giving the object an The creature stopped and turned to
cases and create more problems and almost cone-shaped appearance. The face the dog, gazing at it coldly
questions than they do answers or strobing red, green and blue lights through the chain-link fence. Jeffrey
solutions. In my opinion, it takes a played around the object’s copper or gasped, thinking the creature might
healthy skeptical mind to find hoax bronze colored exterior, casting un hurt the d og which continued bark
holes, which may be so small they dulating patterns of colored light ing wildly. The creature reflexivety
may never be found, and a case may around the yard, the trees behind the snapped its head around to face Jef
slip out with an evaluation reading object, and the houses neighboring frey eye-to-eye.
U N K N O W N when the truth is 180 the Campbell’s house. The next thing the boy rem em
degrees from that. Jeffrey’s mouth dropped open as bered was watching the craft slowly
Maybe it was because it was my first he stood staring at the apparition. An ascend and disappear over the house
solo case that I was so cautious dur escalator-like device slid down from as it accelerated and rocketed o ff in
ing the investigation, but as 1 pro the object’s left rear edge and Jeffrey to the pre-dawn sky. N o dogs were
ceeded I began to get the idea of what craned his neck and squinted in an barking, and apparently no one
stirred, as the night returned to its pression I got, but my conscience measurements, hauling equipment
previous stillness. wouldn’t let this opportunity slip by — and taking photographs.
Jeffrey found that he was now able I made time.
to move his legs, went to the sink and The next day I called Sharon Hoaxhole 1: The Yard
filled a glass with water, drank half of Campbell, Jeffrey’s mother, (not her
it, then returned to bed. real name) and went over the infor Since my contact, Mrs. Campbell,
On his way back down the hall, Jef mation I had received from Ridge on had related to me that the spots in her
frey bumped into his dad, who was the “ Initial Report M UFON Form M backyard resembled traces found in
just getting up and ready for work. (CUFOS form FI-4).” The form read, Intruders, 1was expecting something
Mumbled greetings were exchanged in part, “ Saw a craft & humanoid really solid for Jeffrey’s case. 1 spent
and Jeffrey returned to his bed and (green color). Four very visible spots hours preparing equipment: various
promptly drifted off to sleep. in yard, still. Witness got up to get sample containers, probing rods,
The next day, when Jeffrey came drink o f water.” trowels, forceps, and a special high-
hom e from school, he noticed his AH of this was true, according to intensity chemical thermometer. Two
mother standing in the backyard, talk Mrs. Campbell, w ho proceeded to tell cameras were loaded for both black
ing to a neighbor lady and pointing m e the landing traces were still visi and white and color photos o f the
to the ground. H e went out to the ble and included burnt grass, crushed spots, and extra film and batteries
back to join his mother and overheard brush, broken patches o f dirt and a were kept in my field kit, which by that
her telling the neighbor that she new development. time looked more like a full set o f lug
couldn’t understand how the yard According to Mrs. Campbell, a new gage than a ‘kit.’
becam e marked with a strange spot had “ grown” overnight where the Since the physical traces were com
diamond-shaped pattern o f circles alleged landing plank had extended. pared to those found in Intruders, I
which, Jeffrey noticed, occupied the The grass was discolored and patches took time out to re-read the trace-
same area where the object he saw o f it were already dead, she told me. related segments o f the book and
was sitting. I asked her if she and her son prepared “ hooking” questions that
His mother mentioned seeing would be free that coming Friday for would verify the differences between
similar marks in a photograph from an interview, and if she minded if the the book and this case.
a book she had read, called Intruders. yard were examined, photographed, On the way to Knox I kept my eyes
She told the neighbor that a woman and probed for samples. peeled, glancing around at the area
in the book had apparently been She gave me a date and time, said for any UFO-attracting possibilities
visited by alien creatures who anything I had to do to the yard would such as high-tension power lines,
descended in UFOs. be fine, and thanked me for answer bodies o f water, secluded areas, etc.
Jeffrey couldn’t believe his ears, ing her call to MUFON. 1asked if she all o f which were present. In fact, the
and when the neighbor left, he told could cover the spots with a tarp to thought crossed my mind that this
his mother what he had seen the protect them from the weather and to particular place (actually most of
night before. Jeffrey’s mother im keep people from treading on the af Northwest Indiana) is “storybook
mediately went into action: a friend fected area if at all possible. She said perfect” for Close Encounter cases.
o f a friend knew someone in a group the affected area was quite large and The Knox case was looking more and
which studies UFOs, so a few phone her husband didn’t have anything she more like it could be the real thing,
calls were made and, before long, could use to cover it. 1 told her it but I held o ff going to “red alert” un
Francis L. Ridge of M UFON Indiana would be okay, since it would only be til I actually saw the yard.
was contacted. a couple o f days before I would ar The Campbell home occupies the
Shortly thereafter, I was given a call rive to examine the site, but to do the middle o f a one-sided block of homes
by Mr. Ridge who proceeded to best she could about keeping people in Knox. By one-sided I mean that
describe, briefly, some of the occur o ff o f it. there is nothing but farmland or forest
rences which had been reported to I also went quickly over MUFON across the street from the Campbell’s
him. I was given my first major case: Form 1 on the phone with Mrs. and their neighbor’s homes. And,
A possible CE-3 or 4 with landing Campbell, and she was very helpful speaking o f the neighbor’s homes, all
traces in Knox, Indiana, just two in relating her son’s story to me. This the houses on the block sat with
Counties across from my home in would com e in handy, I thought, average spacing for a residential
Griffith. when it came time to interview the neighborhood despite the farm and
boy, as a cross-checking device. forest lands. Behind each home was
Investigation Begins In the day or so that followed a spacious backyard and, beyond
before I was to leave for Knox, I took that, more forest and farmland.
Ridge told me, knowing that 1was some time out to re-read the MUFON With the houses that close together
a full-time student at a local universi F.I. Manual, talk to Mr. Ridge on the I figured the probability should be high
ty, that I could handle the case phone about how to handle “ what for extra witnesses, particularly with
through the mail if I couldn’t make the ifs,” and find a trustworthy friend who the dog barking so wildly.
on-site investigation. That would be had intentions to eventually join I arrived at approximately two
better than nothing was the im M UFON and could help me out with o’clock that Friday afternoon and was
greeted by a slightly shy Sharon mound o f discolored clover and oddly shaped and fairly massive in
Campbell. I told her I wanted to take crabgrass. order to set within the average 8 foot
care of the yard investigation first, par The Strip measured 23.4 by 6.3 diameters o f the four main spots.
ticularly since I was racing against the feet and was composed o f unnaturally And, if the object was that big,
sun and Jeffrey wouldn’t be home high grass, singed at the tips, plus the chances are better than slim that it
from school for another hour or so. golf ball (pressed into the ground) and would have made some kind of
She lead the way to the backyard, some shards o f a broken bottle, label depression. Even so, evidence still-
around the side o f the house, and intact but not burnt. pointed toward uncontrolled leaf
stopped about a third o f the way The East Spot measured about 10 burning as the culprit.
across the weathered lawn. feet in diameter and appeared as
I was admittedly dumbfounded at nothing more than a pile of broken Witness Interrogation:
first and had to ask her to point the and singed twigs. More Hoaxholes
spots out for me. To my surprise, 1was The entire area of the site affected
standing in one. by the alleged object measured 1,551 Jeffrey’s mother dropped a bom b
A quick tour, that included a cou square feet! shell on my investigation once it came
ple “points of interest” Mrs. Campbell We finished with the yard just as the down to interrogating the witness: she
indicated {a golf ball and broken glass, sun was beginning to dip in the west told me Jeffrey had some misgivings
“apparently crushed into the ground and Jeffrey had just arrived home about being interviewed, and was
by the weight o f the UFO,” in her from school. afraid to talk about “ them” for fear
words) followed and then my friend The case, so far, was no longer pro “they might com e back.” But, after a
and 1 were left to go to work. My mising. The witness interrogation friendly little ‘get acquainted’ chat be
friend, incidentally, volunteered to of would have to uncover some really tween Mrs. Campbell, myself, my
fer his services, car and camera as he tremendous facts. For all intents and partner and Jeffrey, the boy agreed
wanted to find out more about purposes, the spots in the yard were to be interviewed if his mother could
M UFON with hopes to join one day. caused by poor lawn grooming and be nearby. Fine: better an interview
If he couldn’t be trusted to keep this nothing more. For instance: the East with mother’s watchful influence than \
case confidential until otherwise in Spot turned out to be an obvious none at all. This case had all the
structed, I wouldn’t have bothered to leaf-burning area, grass and twigs peripheral earmarks o f having
ask him. burnt all around; wind, carrying burn something big hidden within the plot.
We began, first, by simply searching ing debris, would congregate in the Isn’t it possible to undergo an abduc
for items o f interest: burned grass, stretched out area known as the West tion experience and have your mind
broken twigs, rock, etc. and found just Spot; and, small “ heel marks” in the play tricks to such an extent that you
that. Everything in the “picture-perfect areas around the uprooted bushes start embellishing the truth? Maybe
physical case” was there. Next, a string seemed to indicate that the brush was the shoddy backyard was a coin
grid was laid out and measurements uprooted on purpose, as if someone cidence to what actually happened.
were taken. Then, photographs of used the heel o f his/her shoe to Besides, the prime — and so far on
every imaginable angle were taken in “ kick” out the shrubs, undoubtedly to ly — witness in this case is a 12-year
color and B&W, 35 mm and 110 in- be burned. old who loves comic books and
stamatic film. Then, finally, control To add fuel to the fire (no pun in television.
and site samples were taken in four tended), a neighbor was burning My friend and partner on this case
sets each: grass, dirt, twigs and items. leaves while we were performing the was instructed to watch behavioral ac
The “ items” included the golf ball, investigation and the moderate winds tions between family members, all of
some broken glass and some burnt were carrying singed blades o f grass, whom could at least be seen from our
pieces o f paper. The spots were leaves, paper and even small twigs vantage point at the dining room
designated North, South, East, West through and over the Campbell’s table. Jeffrey, Sharon and at times
and Strip (for the “gang-plank” area), chain-link fence and into their yard. Jeffrey’s little sister were in the dining
and appeared as follows (clockwise Further investigation proved that room with me; Jeffrey’s father and
from the rear o f the house): Knox doesn’t have a ban on leaf older brother were in the living room
The South Spot was a rough cir burning and neighbors had been d o watching television. Everyone was in
cular patch o f dead grass measuring ing it for “several days.” earshot o f everyone else.
an average o f 8 feet in diameter. It The only thing that could patch this So, a p erfe ct strategic and
contained a small pit caused by a Hoaxhole is if young Jeffrey could surveillance network had fallen into
burned and uprooted dead bush. give me an accurate size description place. M y friend jotted down notes
The West Spot was a diagonal o f the craft. By my calculations, con regarding attitude and witness reac
oblong measuring a massive 24 feet sidering the size of the yard site and tion, as well as making a few notes
by 8 feet. It contained some small his description o f its “diamond shape” on the decorum o f the house and the
uprooted bushes, singed grass and the craft would have to range between behavior o f the “ uninterested” parties
burned twigs. 50 and 60 feet high and approximate in the other room.
The North Spot, measuring about ly 40 feet at its greatest width. Plus, 1 first asked Jeffrey to tell m e ex
9 feet in diameter, was simply a any “ landing gear” would have to be actly what happened, which he did
shyly at first and then, as he warmed about his experience with friends. H e family.
up to me, proceeded at an increas mentioned that “ The kid down the The reader may recall that I stated
ingly zealous pace, Mrs. Campbell sat street said he saw a UFO.” Jeffrey said for a craft to have made spots cover
nearby, silently watching. To make he was a liar, and when I asked how ing a site area that large it would had
sure everything was accurate and not he knew that, he answered, “His story to have been 50 to 60 feet high and
mqde up or embellished, I had Jef just didn’t sound right” (emphasis at least 40 feet at its base. Well, Jef
frey tell the story again, this time while m ine). frey was asked nearly a dozen dif
“ acting” everything out. H e seemed 8) Jeffrey reported turning on the ferent ways to describe the height of
to have an easier time imitating the dining room light and watching the the object: compared to the trees
“alien” than he had imitating himself craft and entity with the light on all behind it, in feet and inches, com
which was an interesting note. along. Having examined the area, it pared to a telephone pole, etc. The
During the interrogation, the would be safe for me to say Jeffrey best answer came out as: “ It was
following hoaxholes appeared: couldn’t have reported the detail he about as big as two or three cars
X) Jeffrey outright made it clear did with the dining room light glaring stacked on top of each other [not
to me that “This may all have been on the window. Fortunately, the en bumper to bumper, stacked] and
a dream. 1 don’t know.” When I tire on-site investigation and witness about as wide as a pick-up truck is
asked why he thought it could have interrogation lasted until after sun long.” S o these tremendous spots
been a dream he had no definitive down, so I was able to experiment to were made by a lunar module-sized
answer. This could have been to see how well one could see in the craft, approximately 8 to 12 feet high'
cover his tracks, or a trance-like state backyard with the dining room light and about 10 to 12 feet wide. Jeffrey
could have been induced by the en on. I couldn’t see anything but my also told me, “ It was exactly as big as
tity giving him this impression. own reflection. that tree” (emphasis his), pointing to
Nothing is beyond the realm of 9) One could argue that Jeffrey’s a stubby pine at the northernmost tip
possibility, but ‘ I had a dream’ description o f the craft as “ immense o f the yard. Before leaving f measured
response makes for a good “out” if a ly bright” would countermand #8, but the tree as best I could. It was 10 feet
hoax were the case. Jeffrey said, when asked to recount high.
2) Jeffrey’s mother admitted that the story in greater detail, “ I really
she has regrets that he might have couldn’t tell what color they (the en Threat of Regression
made up the story (all this despite her tity and craft] were because it was so
intrigue regarding the UFO books dark” (emphasis mine). 1 reported to Fran Ridge my find
she’s read: Intruders, C om m union). 10) Jeffrey could have been vying ings so far and he agreed that this
3) Jeffrey’s description o f the craft for attention as ‘the middle child.’ His case is more than likely a hoax, or
matches, almost perfectly, the Cash- older brother had just won a high “dream” as Jeffrey put it. The ques
Landrum UFO (Jeffrey admitted see school basketball game, his first time tion now was, how do I know for ab
ing an artist’s rendering o f the Cash- playing; and his younger sister was solute certain, and what about the
Landrum craft). just showered with gifts on her birth next step: hypnosis? Ridge suggested
r 4) Jeffrey admitted watching “ UFO day, the day before the alleged 1send a friendly letter announcing the
C over Up ... Live!” just a short while sighting. His mother also admitted this next logical step in the case which,
before his alleged sighting. In fact, all as a possibility for “ the dream." despite its truth or falsity, would be the
through the interrogation he was ask 11) It was discovered that a loaded only way — regression.
ing me what I knew about “alien bases camera, belonging to Jeffrey’s sister, Having received no answer in two
in Nevada.” I gave him blank answers, was sitting nearby. When this was weeks, I decided to give Mrs. Cam p
but it was interesting how ‘coinciden pointed out Jeffrey said, “ Oh yeah! bell a call. She thanked me for my
tally,’ the Cash-Landrum UFO, and I m ight have taken some pictures!” time and effort, and for the letter, and
several artists’ renderings and witness (emphasis mine). Wouldn’t he have said she had a response written but
reactions during encounters also ap remembered something as important had forgotten to send it. She told me
peared on the show that matched as that from the start? Jeffrey finally admitted the whole
things he’d told me. And, finally: 12) W hy didn’t Jeffrey thing was a dream, and didn’t want
5) Jeffrey admitted overhearing his tell his father what he saw when they to go any further. She told me herself
mother talking about UFOs and land bumped into each other on his way that she didn’t want Jeffrey to go
ing sites with the neighbor woman back to bed? through regressive hypnosis. End o f
before even thinking o f “checking the The case now looked like a Swiss story.
backyard for traces left by the object cheese. My friend, who had remained Ridge suggested I not send the site
he saw.” silent during the interrogation, taking samples to M UFON as it would
6) Jeffrey's description o f the “alien” notes, gave me his report while en evidently be a waste o f time to
as lizard-like is too reminiscent of sci- route back home. He told me Jeffrey analyze, considering the state of the
fi television (i.e. “ V ” ), and not some kept looking toward his mother after yard and the results o f the
thing commonplace among the UFO giving an answer, as if to say ‘did I say interrogation.
abduction phenomenon. it right.’ After all, Sharon Campbell A follow-up report was written and
7) Jeffrey admitted to having talked was the big UFO enthusiast in the sent to M UFON Indiana about four
weeks after the initial alleged sighting. mother’s descriptions, it may have driver, camera man, partner and third
It read, in part, that the area’s first turned out completely differently and eye.
snow fell the day after the on-site in no doubt dangerously inverse of what Francis L. Ridge, for his guidance
vestigation, but didn’t melt in ‘peculiar it actually was. Having gone through and excellent suggestions (no wonder
shaped spots around the landing this experience, I am now the ultimate he’s the State Director),
traces’ as might be expected. Also, the proponent o f the im portance of o n Dan Wright, for his helpful com
Starke County Airport had nothing to site investigations. You can’t find the ments and praise in his evaluation of
report; no power problems occurred hoaxholes without ‘em. th
on the block; and none of the By the way: l kept the golf ball as George and Shirley Coyne, for in
neighbors saw anything, or were even a souvenir. viting m e to Michigan to talk to
awakened by the ‘wildy barking dog M UFON members there about the
next door.’ N o other cases in Starke Acknowledgements importance of investigating hoaxes as
County resulted, or were ever found, well as true sightings. I learned more
that dealt with the same type craft or This grand-scale hoaxhole hunt from their members’ questions and
entity; and Jeffrey hasn’t had any bad couldn’t have been accomplished in comments than I did preparing for this
dreams, medical side-effects, or any amount o f time if it wasn’t for the case.
strange behavioral problems before or help of the following people. Som e Also, everyone involved in putting
since the sighting. o f their names weren’t mentioned in together the M U FO N Field In
So, what it comes down to is this: the article, but they all deserve an vestigator’s Manual. Without it, 1
if I had done the entire case over the equal share o f the credit for busting wouldn’t have even known where to
phone and through the mail, going the case o f the K nox Lizard Man: start.
strictly by the witness’ and his G eorge T. Pencenica, my friend,
Bryant directs the Washington, such UFO researchers as William L. Leonard H. Stringfield, Stan Fried
D C office of C A U S - Citizens Moore and Stanton T. Friedman? man and Larry W. Bryant.
Against U F O Secrecy. The follow Recently, Moore finally gained par In my own case, 1 had an en
ing article is adapted from his tial access to the 61 pages of counter with an F.B.I. agent back in
presentation before the annual con documentation being kept on him by the early Sixties. It came at the height
ference of the International Fortean the Bureau. What he got was six o f my letter-writing campaign aimed
Organization (FORTfest *89), held highly censored pages (dated 1983) at local military and law-enforcement
in Northern Virginia Nov. 11,1989. admitting the Bureau’s interest in, and agencies in the area o f my home
surveillance of, his research motives town, Newport News, Va.
If there are any F.B.I. agents here and activities. (The Bureau, inciden F.B.I. special agent John Castles
on official duty today, would you tally, probably has the world’s largest was sent from his office in Norfolk to
please stand up so we can begin com supply of black Magic Markers.) In his my office at Fort Eustis. (Apparently,
piling a dossier on you? newsletter Focus (for Nov. 1, 1988), the F.B.I. feels more comfortable [or
In the process, perhaps we’ll learn Moore reprints the six released pages, more powerful?] when it can choose
that one of your grandmothers used all bearing the marked-through securi to interview a federal em ployee at his
to keep a scrapbook of clippings about ty classification SEC RE T Because of official job location rather than at his
the Loch Ness Monster; or, that one the F.B.1.-deleted passages, these home.) Castles proceeded to inter
of your daughters is dating a UFO pages are interesting more for what view me as to my motives and
researcher. they don’t say than for what they do methods in daring to write letters of
And you can be sure we’ll share all say. So even the casual reader has no inquiry to various officials about their
this information with the American trouble reading between — literally role in UFO research. W hen, later, 1
public. between — the lines a message that asked F.B.I. director H oover for a
cannot, and should not, be ignored: copy o f Castles’ interview report, I was
National Security ... UFO’s (or at least UFO research) re told that, since such reports are kept
or National Disgrace? main a matter of “ national security.” confidential, l wasn’t entitled to have
If M oore considers it a status sym a copy. That was in pre-Freedom-of-
Now, speaking o f UFO researchers, bol to be featured in secret files of the Information-Act days. Years later,
I’m sure most o f us here today are Federal Bureau o f Investigation, then through an FO IA request, I did ac
curious to know: Why is the Federal he shares this dubious F.B.I. limelight quire a copy. Bill Moore’s research ser
Bureau o f Investigation spying on with such long-time researchers as vice has reproduced the entire Bryant
dossier for sale to the public. to send a kiss-off reply to Friedman’s with some specificity any cited FO IA
letter, which has this poignant closing exemptions-from-dlsclosure.
The Friedman File paragraph:
“ [Justice Department records o f Minor Revelation
By far the most intriguing F.B.I. ficial] Mr. Huff, I am interested in
dossier up to now is the one being doing right for my country and for my Filed on Nov. 13, the Justice
maintained on Stan Friedman. Not planet and for my family. Does there Department’s affidavit included a
because it contains some hot poop on really have to be a court case to get 30-some-page packet of documenta
his research methods, contacts, and to the bottom o f this strange situa tion purportedly from the Friedman
findings {so far as we know on Nov. tion?????” dossier — all dated in 1985. Three
11) — but because no one can find pages were withheld in their entirety,
out any detail as to its content or “Litigious” Bryant while the others contained much o f
reason for being. The entire content the customary blackouts — all made
— even the dates o f its material, its With Friedman’s encouragement, I allegedly to cancel the sources and
number of pages, and its interagen offered to help contest the F.B.I. methods o f intelligence-gathering, to
cy distribution — is being withheld stonewalling. I, too, mounted an ad protect the identity o f confidential
from public view on the grounds of ministrative appeal — to no avail. So, sources, to shield “ intelligence ac
(you guessed it!) “ national security.” on Aug. 28, in U.S. District Court for tivities," and to preserve relations be
Friedman had learned o f his file in the Eastern District o f Virginia (Alex tween foreign governments.
a round-about way. When, months andria Division), I filed Civil Action Along with the affidavit came the
and months ago, he made a pro for No. 89-1271-A - Larry W. Bryant v defendant’s motion for summary
ma request for any F.B.I. records on D ep a rtm ent o f Justice. A s the judgment contending that the govern
him, he was told that there are none. Washington, D.C.-area director for the ment had met its burden o f justifying
S o he shrugged his shoulders and public-interest group Citizens Against the withholding o f the censored
said, “ Well, maybe the Central In UFO Secrecy, I had been involved in material.
telligence Agency has something." a few other UFO-related lawsuits dur I o f course opposed the motion,
Sure enough, his FOIA request to the ing the past 11 years; so I welcomed pointing out that the information
Agen cy did turn up one document. a chance to put some o f that grudgingly released via the affidavit
It was a request for a “ negative name knowledge and experience to work reflected nothing more than what
check” on him, back in 1985, by (you on Friedman’s behalf. Neither o f us Friedman would have expected to be
guessed it!) the Federal Bureau of had enough funds to hire a lawyer, included in the dossier: e.g., the date
Investigation. so I chose to handle the case p ro se and place o f his birth, his schooling,
S o he went back to the Bureau with (i.e., without the services of an his employment and marital history,
the request that they reprocess his attorney). even his passport data and security-
original request. And, this time Shortly after filing the complaint, I clearance record. Where was the
around, they did find his dossier. filed a list of 10 interrogatories and a UFO-related content — especially as
They referred to it as a “ main file,” request for documents as part o f the regards his association with William L.
saying that it’s totally unreleasable. “plaintiffs discovery process.” The in Moore? Nowhere, according to the af
“ National security,” you see. Or is it, terrogatories centered on whatever fidavit, which was produced, mind
in the long run, a matter o f national UFO-related material might be con you, by the same officials who
insecurity? Only historians from, say, tained in the dossier, while the request originally had told Friedman there
the 22nd century will be able to for documents sought a copy of any were no records being maintained on
answer that question. wiretap warrants that the Bureau him by the Bureau.
In the meantime, Friedman ex might be using to listen-in,on the M y opposition to the government’s
hausted the administrative-appeal home telephones o f Friedman, Moore motion reiterated my plea for what’s
process in trying to overturn the and Bryant. known as an in-camera inspection o f
Bureau’s denial o f access to his But the stone wall got stonier, the withheld material. This provision
dossier. This included a letter to the higher and thicker. For the defendant in the law allows the judge, at his
Justice Department o f Aug. 17,1989, moved for a “ protective order” from discretion, to take a look for himself
in which he noted: “ It has been sug the court -r- by which the government at the entire dossier. Had he so
g e sted that o n e reason fo r could avoid having to respond to any chosen to make that inspection, he
withholding both the contents and the o f my discovery requests. The stated would have been able to resolve my
size o f my file is that various federal reason: to answer them would be tan concern about the underlying motives
agencies may be engaged in illegal tamount to revealing the entire con for F.B.I. surveillance o f UFO re
surveillance o f me and of my family tents o f the dossier. searchers — a concern expressed in
without benefit o f court orders, ap In granting the motion for a protec these words of my opposition brief:
proval by designated authorities, or tive order, the judge did, however, “ If the F.B.I. ‘intelligence activities’
whatever." In its infinite public- allow m e a modified form of discovery referred to in the Vaughn affidavit are
relations wisdom, the Department called the Vaughn affidavit, whereby being employed so as to counter, de
chose to wait more than three months the defendant was required to justify fuse, and disrupt/discredit this (and
future) ‘UFO-coverup whistleblower’ prepared for the lengthy processing he remains high on the list of F.B.I.
testimony, leaks, and leads, then this task ahead o f you in the Court of surveillance. What does this tell us
court has the obligation not to Public Opinion. about the status o f free speech and
countenance such a perversion of the • Tell your boss to be ready for a free inquiry in Am erica today?
intelligence-gathering machinery of number o f congressional inquiries
the U S. government. Accordingly, to about the Bureau’s role in spying F O IA Footnote
determine the extent of any misap upon UFO researchers — since I’m
plied ‘intelligence activities,’ the court asking that all concerned citizens write N ow that this legal milestone in
should perform an in-camera inspec their elected representative with the UFOlogy has been concluded, some
tion ...” request that Congress look into the o f my associates have asked, “What’s
Unfortunately, the judge, on Dec. matter. Don’t be surprised if the con- next, Larry?” Well, based on certain
1, chose not to “second-guess the gressperson sends your boss a copy information being censored from UFO
F.B.I.” He declined to perform an in of this article as background material. researcher Richard H. Hall’s C.I.A.
camera inspection. And he granted * And, finally tell your boss that this dossier, I’ve requested full access to
the government’s motion for sum policy of spying on UFO researchers that portion of the dossier pertaining
mary judgment. Case closed. makes as much sense as the Bureau’s to me.
practice o f compiling dossiers on If the Central Intelligence Agency
Court of Public Opinion famous writers o f the Forties and Fif insists on denying me full access, I
ties: UFO researchers are no more a plan to take the necessary legal ac
If any of you in the audience today threat to the Bureau — or to the na tion. When I do so, it will have added
are F.B.I. agents on official duty, here’s tion — than were Ernest Hemingway, a certain finality to this censored Aug.
what you can report back to your Sinclair Lewis, John Steinbeck, Pearl 14, 1973, passage from the Hall
headquarters: Buck or William Faulkner. Stan Fried dossier: “ [deleted] is not going to pur
* Tell your boss that I’m asking all man shares a special bond with those sue the matter; however, [deleted] in
Forteans and UFO researchers to sub literary giants — in that, even though their telephone conversation, sug
mit FO IA requests for access to their he has yet to be accused o f any gested that we had not heard the last
F.B.I. dossiers; then you’ll all be criminal activitiy or disloyal conduct, from Mr. Bryant.”
Webb, a M U F O N consultant in villages. The interior and western side Although somewhat reluctant and
astronomy, contributes the Jour of the island are covered with spruce embarrassed, she summarized what
nal’s monthly Night Sky column. forest and upland heath and are appeared to be a UFO close en
largely uninhabited. With the excep counter when she was nine and liv
N o te : S in c e the p rim a ry tion o f Dark Harbour, the entire west ing in Seal C ove, the island’s
witness/informant and her m other coast is an inaccessible cliff wall tower southernmost village. A total o f eight
have requested anonymity, 1 have ing some 300 feet high. or nine fa m ily m em bers and
assigned fictitious first and last names On July 6 Mrs. Terence (Roberta) neighbors also witnessed the object.
to all the witnesses along with their W heeler of North Head led my com After carefully determining that I
neighbors in order to prevent any panion and me on a walk along the wasn’t “a reporter for the National En
chance at identification. The street North Head Fisherman’s Wharf. As it quirer,” Roberta agreed to meet me
along which the sighting occurred is happened, we were the only par for a more lengthy interview at a later
n ot identified. ticipants that morning. In referring to time. She said she would try to en
some o f the legends and mysteries of courage one or more o f the others to
Background Grand Manan, Roberta alluded briefly talk with me about the sighting,
to balls of light rising from the ground although she couldn’t guarantee that
In July 1989 I spent a week on som ewhere on the island. She anyone else would be willing. She ex
New Brunswick’s Grand Manan volunteered that she herself had plained that islanders can be quite
Island, which is located in the Bay of sighted som eth in g e ve n more provincial and have a great fear of be
Fundy between Maine and Nova mysterious. Other Grand Mananers ing ostracized by their neighbors for
Scotia. Measuring 15 by 7 miles, the also had reported sightings which they claiming to see such things as UFOs.
scenic island has one main highway didn’t like to talk about. (Sounds familiar!) At my request she
(Route 776) on its eastern side link O f course, 1immediately expressed agreed to show m e where her en
ing half a dozen picturesque fishing my interest in her experience. counter took place. Roberta Wheeler
is the wife o f a fisherman, the mother Seal C ove is a picturesque little ing saucer,” whereupon her mother
o f five children and age 32. village, the center of which is nestled instructed Mrs. McCulloch to go out
Three days later on the 9th Rober in a hollow around a sheltered tidal and see the object. The neighbor’s
ta drove to my inn in North Head creek (Seal C ove Brook) lined with house was west of the pond and in
where we began the interview. wharves and sheds. The outer harbor a good position for someone to
Because o f her time constraints, I had is protected by a seawall. Many of the observe the UFO. "
only about an hour to meet with her island’s lobster and scallop fishermen Six members of the Fenwick fami
and drive the 12 miles to her parents’ make the village their home port, and ly headed for the back door — Rober
home in Seal Cove, where the ex a sardine cannery and smoked her ta, Mrs. Fenwick, Grandmother Fen
perience occurred. Her parents and ring are major industries there. wick, Roberta’s sisters Cynthia, age
family were away at church services. Roberta’s parents still live on the 10, and Shirley, about 5, and her
The principal observer told me she street where the 1966 UFO encounter brother Thomas, 8. Mrs, McCulloch,
spoke with a number o f the other happened. The witness thought she her son Allen, and a toddler Marjorie
witnesses, but all were unwilling to be was nine years old at the time, plac also went outside and observed the
interviewed. Roberta and her mother ing the experience in the year 1966, object. That meant a total o f eight or
(one o f the observers) remained con and she felt that the month was nine witnesses.
cerned that 1might be connected with definitely August. Roberta ran outdoors first and was
an American tabloid and asked to see One evening she recalled sitting in surprised to find that the UFO had
my credentials. They didn’t want the the backyard “ p ou tin g” about moved to a point behind the Robin
family’s name in a newspaper. I something. The sky was clear and sons’ house to the left (southeast) of
reassured Roberta that 1 would not star-filled, and it was completely dark the pond. The object appeared closer
use real names in my report. In outside. She had been outdoors for and lower and was tilted to reveal a
terestingly, her mother-in-law advised perhaps a half hour (uncertain) when wider oval shape. In fact, the UFO
her to go ahead with the interview she spotted high up (elevation hovered so close to the neighbor’s
since the experience had haunted the perhaps 60°) in the (southwest) sky house that, according to Roberta, it
young woman all these years. But a stationary, pulsing, white light. The turned the gray shingles on the side
even Roberta’s mother, Bonnie Fen time: about 9:30 or 10 (Atlantic o f that house pink. She remembered
wick, hinted to her that she might be Daylight Time?). thinking the house was going to catch
willing to write down her own After watching the starlike light for fire from the glowing light.
recollection o f the sighting for me later perhaps 10 to 15 minutes (uncertain), W hen Roberta pointed out the
if 1 proved to be a legitimate Roberta reported that the object sud Robinson house to me, 1 could see
researcher. denly dropped from the sky, ap that it was three houses down the
Unfortunately, I was unprepared proaching her rapidly and within street from her parents’ place and set
for a UFO investigation on my vaca seconds stopping just above a row of farther back than the other houses
tion and therefore didn’t have my field spruces behind their artificial rec toward a meadow that ran from the
equipment or tape recorder. I was tangular pond about 300 feet away. pond southeastward all the way to the
able to photograph and sketch the (The trees are now gone, and the coastline. She said the object hovered
site, however. Soon after I returned pond has been drained.) at or below the roofline o f the Robin
home, 1 wrote Roberta’s mother, The woman described the now son house. (A garage now stands
enclosing a M U FO N sighting form large object as a “ neon pink line,” below where the UFO hovered.) I
and a bio o f myself. I pointed out that bright but not blinding and without judged that the object would have
while her daughter’s observation any detail or discrete lights on it. been about 10 to 20 feet above the
details certainly were important, When asked to draw the UFO, Rober ground, possibly around 200 feet
Roberta was a child of nine when the ta sketched a long thin oval with from Roberta, and perhaps 25 to 30
UFO sighting took place and thus an pointed ends. feet in diameter. (The witness guessed
adult’s recollection of the event would Still alone in the backyard, the that the object was as long as the roof
prove extremely valuable. witness thought the craft might kid o f the house.)
After failing to hear from Mrs. Fen nap her. But she remembered what As the rest of Roberta’s family
wick for more than 1 and V2 months, her mother had told her about getting dashed into the yard, the disc-shaped
I telephoned Roberta August 31. She into cars with strangers. “ I had a object backed up above the meadow
reported that her mother received my choice,” Roberta explained to me. and started moving horizontally
letter, did intend to cooperate, and “ Either f could go aboard that thing southeastward roughly parallel to the
would be reminded “to get on it.” or go tell my mother.” street. Roberta ran down her driveway
Despite those assurances, as of Quickly the child rushed into the and then turned down the street to
Novem ber 1, I heard nothing from house through the back door. Her follow the UFO. She saw it pass
Mrs. Fenwick and therefore decided mother, Bonnie Fenwick, was on the behind other houses, including the
to proceed with this report minus the telephone with Jennifer McCulloch, Sawyers’. As she reached the end of
supporting testimony. a friend around the comer on Church the street, the young witness watched
Street (Route 776). Roberta excited the object advance toward the
The Encounter ly told Mrs. Fenwick about the “ fly- shoreline of the island, tilt up at an
angle as it turned right (southward), ball lightning.) A swampy area known she would have had the longest and
and then go down behind trees at the as “ Dog H ollow” emits balls o f light. closest view o f the UFO; on the debit
shore. Although Roberta thought the (My answer was swamp fire or will- side, she was nine years old when the
UFO had dropped into the water, she o’-the-wisp.) Another time a fisher sighting occurred. It would have been
never saw it actually enter the water. man near C h e n e y Island was extremely helpful if I had had an
It is just as likely that the object con rumored to have had some sort o f ex adult’s recollection of the experience.
tinued southward along the. coast. perience that “ turned his hair white But Roberta’s mother failed to re
The point o f disappearance is not far overn igh t,” accordin g to my spond to my request for her account
south o f the Seal C ove Fisherman’s informant. o f the event.
Wharf. Roberta W h ee ler trusted me Nevertheless, I was greatly im
When the youngster ran back to enough to describe some psychic or pressed by Roberta, who certainly was
her yard, she was aware that the rest paranormal phenomena which she unaware o f my own UFO involve
of her family had observed the UFO. has experienced prior to and after her ment when she first innocently al
But her grandmother and her mother UFO experience. Before the sighting, luded to her experience. Though at
— mindful o f the strangeness o f their she said she had the ability to see first understandably reluctant to trust
sighting and the possibility o f ridicule human auras in different colors. a stranger with her story, she seem
if they reported it — told the young Following the UFO encounter, she ed genuinely interested in unburden
girl that “she never saw it” and should was told not to speak o f the sighting ing herself about this event which had
never tell anyone about what she or about her perception o f the aura. had an obvious emotional impact
witnessed. Roberta said she has been unable to throughout her life. The appearance
As an example o f what can hap see the aura ever since. However, o f the object as a large glowing oval
pen to someone on the island who beginning in her teen years, she said and its behavior (sudden rapid ap
reports a UFO, Roberta told me a she started having out-of-body ex proach and hovering/m oving silent
woman named Rosalie Harvey “ men periences which continue to the pre ly at very low levels in proximity to
tioned her sighting to townspeople sent day. dwellings) clearly place the sighting in
and was ostracized for it.” the UFO category.
Roberta recalled that a couple o f Evaluation Taking into account the limited
nights after her encounter there were nature o f the investigation and other
reports of six or seven sightings in an It is impossible to evaluate this 1966 factors (no supporting testimony, age
area from south of Seal C ove north report fully for a number o f reasons o f the primary witness at the time of
to Grand Harbour. She was unaware — the limited time to properly in the sighting, age o f the sighting itself),
o f specific details. vestigate at the site, the unavailabili I believe the 1966 episode should be
The witnesses claimed that there ty of the other witnesses, the absence classified as a tentative unknown. I
were many sightings, or rumors of of my field equipment (I was vacation also g iv e it a P a ra n e t/ H y n e k
sightings, o f strange phenomena on ing), and the age of the encounter (23 Strangeness/Probability Rating of
the island. She mentioned a ball of years). O f the eight or nine probable S 5 / P 3 (Highly strange suggesting in
fire entering a house in Castalia dur witnesses, 1was able to interview on telligent guidance / Somewhat credi
ing a thunderstorm. (1 explained it as ly Roberta. On the plus side, however, ble or indeterminate).
T h e Greenville Sightings
By Forest Crawford
Illinois Asst. State Director
This follow-up is to report an un viewed the video tape later. The stay in touch. About a week later, I
fortunate set o f events that have led “ Current Affair” program also men was talking to Bob Oechsler and
to a possible significant case. The case tioned M UFON as being the largest asked if he knew if the tape had been
is that of Gina Jones and her husband UFO organization in the world, and sent to Dr. Bruce Maccabee or
from Greenville, South Carolina. The said we were sending a representative himself. H e said that he had seen the
story was first aired on November 17, to review the tape. segment, but knew o f no tape being
1989 by “Current Affair” and involved Upon hearing this, I decided to call sent. At this point, it became a per
video taping five orange lights in the the State Director of South Carolina, sonal obsession to find out what was
night sky on October 31st. During the Richard Coffman, to get the scoop on happening.
video taping, part o f the Jones’ house the case. At this point, I realized I called Richard back, and he still
was visible and something moved past something was wrong. had not found out anything, so we
the bathroom window. The Joneses I gave Richard all the information agreed to keep trying. I then called the
did not even discover this until they from the T V show, and we agreed to radio station W FB C in Greenville.
While awaiting a call back from them, continue growing as a significant con N o te by Walt Andrus, Associate
I called “ Current Affair” Producer, tributor to the UFO enigma, com Editor.
Merle Poliak. munication is vital. This case was assigned to Margaret
Ms. Poliak was very professional By the same token, no one should Pine, State Section Director, who lives
and cooperative, and was very glad be ashamed to call someone to ask about 15 miles south o f Greenville,
to help in any way. She informed me for help or advice in any situation. We S C with a copy to Richard Coffman,
that she had spoken to Gina the day are a team o f professional UFO State Director, in Columbia: Both
before. Gina was wondering why she researchers - not single egos elbow have been in telephone contact with
had not heard from M UFON yet. I ing each other for position. Gina Jones, but due to the work
told her that was why I was calling, Just as it took teams o f profes schedules o f Gina Jon es and
and she explained that they had sionals from secretaries to Margaret Pine, they have had difficul
heard about the story through the aeronautical engineers to put together ty fulfilling appointments to meet. In
radio station and put together the seg the Space Shuttle and launch it into a telephone interview by Walt A n
ment. She called Walt Andrus to in flight, so will it take our combined e f drus, Gina is very anxious to
form him o f the case and segment to forts to understand this most signifi cooperate with M U FO N , but was
be aired, but Walt was out of town. cant phenomena. But I am only disappointed with the delays. She has
Before Walt could.get back to them, reflecting the feelings o f other well agreed to allow M U F O N to make a
they aired the show. This finally ex respected ufologists like M arge copy o f her V H S tape depicting the
plained why the show was aired Christensen, Leonard Stringfield and event. Mrs. Pine will follow through
before we really knew about it. John Schuessler, to name a few. on this assignment.
Ms. Poliak gave me Gina’s phone Remember, if you’re curious or un
number and asked me to keep her in sure - just call.
formed, because they may do a
follow-up after MUFON’s examination
o f the video tape. I promptly called
Gina and apologized for the delay. 1
talked with Gina and her husband
several times over the next few days
Kirkus Reviews Gulf Breezy
and found them both to be intelligent, Walters, Ed & Frances Walters apparently followed — not only by Ed
articulate people. A combination of TH E G U LF BREEZE SIGHTINGS: and his wife, Frances, whose account
caution and objectivity reflected gen The M ost A stou n d in g M u ltip le augments Ed’s here, but by over 100
uineness in their wanting to under Sightings o f UFOs in U S . History other local residents as well — as did
stand what they had experienced. Morrow $21.95, Publication date further Polaroids, and a videotape.
I believe these characteristics were March 19; SBN: 688-09087-7 Maintaining anonymity for months,
reflected on the “ Current Affair” seg Ed went on feeding information to the
ment. She did not jump to conclu The muffin-shaped craft, portholes press and called in UFO experts, in
sions and came across as sincere and dotting its circumference and white cluding the private investigatory body
believable. Any M UFON field in light bursting from its bottom, hovers MUFON and, eventually, Hopkins.
vestigator would have been proud of over a night country road — a UFO? Meanwhile, the visitations continued,
her attitude. 1also feel that the “ Cur Maybe: in any case, that’s one tantaliz culminating by April 1988 in an alleged
rent Affair” staff, and especially Merle ing Polaroid image o f many (five seen probable abduction o f Ed, several ter
Poliak, should be congratulated for by Kirkus) that boost this unassuming, rifying encounters with aliens, and hints
presenting this case in an objective quietly persuasive account o f alleged o f a past series of abductions carried
fashion, with some theatrics and very recent multiple visitations o f UFOs — on throughout Ed’s life.
little laugh factor. Showing the airport and their occupants — to the small Lacking the mystical melodrama of
tower while mentioning M UFON’s town o f Gulf Breeze, Florida. Whitely Strieber’s UFO books, and
world acclaim was a very nice touch. Despite a bombastic preface by top the controlled hysteria of Hopkins’
N o one should be embarrassed by UFOlogist Budd Hopkins (Intruders, and others, this account weighs in as
the breakdown o f communication. An 1987), what gives this outlandish tale the most levelheaded and believable
unfortunate set o f circumstances will the ring of truth is Ed Walters’ solid of first-person UFO tales. That, plus
occasionally cause this to happen. background and modest voice. A pro the startling photos — explored in
Nor should I be patted on the back, minent Florida builder-developer, he detail here by an optical physicist — .
because I was only doing what I feel — or so his story goes — had no in add up to a book that will likely in
is part o f my responsibility. terest in UFOs before November 11, trigue many.
Every M UFON member, and es 1987, when a UFO buzzed his house,
pecially M UFON officers, should ac levitated him with a blue beam, and
Jim K obak’s — Kirkus Reviews
cept the personal responsibility to sped away — but not before Ed took
keep the lines o f communication some Polaroid shots, which he sent
200 Park Avenue South,
open. This is what makes us great and anonymously to the local paper. Over
New York, N Y 10003
can make us greater. If we hope to the next six months, further sightings
Soviet M edia U FO Sig hting s
The following report originally “enthusiasts” and skeptics — to even ground for about 20 minutes, and that
appeared under the auspices of a tually “ penetrate this mystery.” it emitted no sound when it flew away.
“Foreign Press Note” compiled by In studying the site, scientist A. The August 1989 issue of the
John Haley of the Foreign Broad Makeyev reported finding gold, silver, Soviet journal Nauka I Zhizn included
cast Information Service, Produc nickel, alpha-titanium, molybdenum, a nine-page article which, after sum
tion Group. Our collective thanks and compounds of beryllium. One of marizing the history o f UFO sightings
to Larry Bryant, Bruce Maccabee the “skeptical” physicists from Tomsk in general, contrasted some o f the
and Robert Bletchman for making has hypothesized that the so-called views o f the “skeptics” with some of
it available to Journal readers. sphere could have been some kind of the opinions of the “enthusiasts” on
a “ plasmoid,” formed by the “ interac the numerous reported UFO sightings
Leading Soviet newspapers and tion of geophysical force fields,” which in the USSR, including incidents in
jo u rn a ls have re ce n tly begun captured the elements found by Serpukhov, Petrozavodsk and Rud-
publishing an increasing number o f Makeyev from the atmosphere on its nya. According to the “enthusiasts,”
articles and new reports on sightings trajectory toward disintegration on the UFOs have left evidence of their visits
o f unidentified flying objects (UFOs) hilltop. Other researchers have on many occasions, including the Ser
in various areas o f the Soviet Union. generally rejected this explanation pukhov incident in which, they claim,
A “perm anent center” fo r the study since the amounts of various types of a UFO left a circular depression in the
o f UFOs has been established in metals found at the site would imply, grass with a diameter o f four meters.
Moscow to conduct research and sup according to this “ plasmoid” theory, The skeptics maintain that most o f this
p ort the investigation o f reported that “ the concentration o f metals in so-called “evidence” can be explained
sightings. the atmosphere should exceed the as having no connection with extrater
Setting the tone for this media present level by a factor o f 4,000.” restrial intelligence. Many o f the
coverage was an article in the July 9, Som e o f the scientists have con sightings could be attributed to rocket
1989 Sotsialisticheskaya Industriya, cluded that the object that crashed in testing, for example. Academician
which referred to many recent reports to Hill 611 was an “extraterrestrial” Vladimir Vasilyevich Migulin, director
of UFO sightings in the USSR. Inter space vehicle constructed by highly o f the Terrestrial M agnetism ,
viewed by the paper, P. Prokopenko, intelligent beings. Doctor of Chemical Ionosphere, and Radio W ave Pro
director o f a laboratory for the study Sciences V. Vysotskiy stated that pagation Institute in Troitsk, which has
o f “anomalous phenomena,” stated “ without doubt, this is evidence o f a a section for the investigation of
that a “ permanent center” for the high technology, and it is not anything anomalous phenomena in the at
study of UFOs is being established in o f a natural or terrestrial origin.” He mosphere, maintains that over 90
the Soviet Union. In addition to con cited the fact that the remnants o f fine percent o f UFO sightings can be
ducting research and presenting lec mesh included bits of thin threads with nullified by such mundane expla
tures on UFOs, the center will support a diameter of only 17 microns and nations.
the investigation of reported sightings. that these threads, in turn, were com Stroitelnaya Gazeta o f September
In referring to an issue of the paper posed of even thinner strands twisted 16, 1989 reported that in August a
published in July 1988 that included into braids. Extremely thin gold wires group o f observers including physical
a report on “an amazing event that were discovered intertwined in the scientist Elvir Kurchenko began in
took place on Hill 611 near the village finest threads — evidence o f an in vestigating another circular depressed
of Dalnegorsk in Primorskiy Kray,” the tricate technology beyond the present area in a forest near Surgut after a
article noted that the event is still capabilities of terrestrial science, ac worker claimed that a UFO had
under investigation. Many observers cording to Vysotskiy. visited the site.
saw a flying sphere crash into one of Sotsialisticheskaya Industriya of
the hill’s twin peaks, and physicists More Reports September 30, 1989 noted that
and other scientists from the Siberian media all over the Soviet Union were
Division o f the USSR Academy of Sotsialisticheskaya Industriya o f Ju receiving reports of UFO sightings on
Sciences are still studying the “fine ly 25, 1989 reported that a UFO the ground and in the air, adding that
mesh,” “small spherical objects,” and sighting had been claim ed by the paper’s editorial office was review
“ pieces o f glass” that are considered engineer Yuriy Ponomarenko and a ing hundreds of reports related to
to be small remnants left behind by group o f workers at a collective farm UFO incidents. In response to this
the sphere. According to the article, in the Dnepropetrovsk region. The deluge o f reports, the paper inter
the alleged spacecraft was nearly object was described as a disk with viewed Anatoliy Listratov, chairman
obliterated in the crash, but there ap two beams of light emanating from its o f the section of the All-Union
pears to be enough material at the site sides. The witnesses maintained that Astronomical and Geodesic Society
for the scientists — a mixture of UFO they had observed the object on the assigned to the study o f anomalous
landed in that area and had left
The copilot was forced to leave his jo b due to a sudden behind a circular impression measur
deterioration in his health, including the onset o f sudden ing 62 meters in diameter.
Krasnaya Zvezda of October 13
prolonged periods o f “toss o f consciousness” The aircraft suggested that mass hysteria may be
com m ander died within a few months. an important factor contributing to the
recent outburst of widespread claims
o f encounters with UFOs in the
phenomena, w ho said that although sudden prolonged periods o f “ loss of USSR. According to the paper, many
his group is “still wandering around consciousness.” The aircraft com elements of the Soviet media were
in the darkness,” some important mander died within a few months. fanning this phenomenon, which it
developments in the investigations The cause o f death was listed as compared to the hysteria resulting
had recently occurred. He stated that “cancer," and “injury to the organism from Orson Welles’ radio broadcast in
“at the sites o f the landings ... the as a result of radiation from an 1938 about an invasion of the United
operating frequency o f a crystal- unidentified flying object” was listed States by extraterrestrials.
controlled oscillator changes. Simply as a contributing factor on the official The October 19-25 issue o f Poisk
speaking, electronic timepieces run at medical record in the hospital where carried an article contrasting the view
rates that are either too fast or too the commander died, according to points o f scientists from the two main
slow.” Listratov. Soviet institutes presently engaged in
Listratov told Sotsialisticheskaya investigating UFO reports — the new
Light Beam s Industriya that about 95 percent of ly established center for UFO studies
UFO sightings could be explained, in the Palace of Culture o f Power
Listratov noted that Soviet military and investigations have often revealed Engineers in Moscow and the Ter
officers and pilots had recently started them to be burned-out rocket stages restrial Magnetism, Ionosphere, and
providing some documentation on or the remnants of unsuccessful rocket Radio Wave Propagation Institute,
UFO sightings. As an example, he launches. It is the 5 percent that can which has branches in Troitsk, Len
stated that he had documentary in not be explained that is causing all the ingrad and Irkutsk. Physicist Yuriy
formation regarding an encounter be commotion among Soviet scientists Platov o f the Terrestrial Magnetism In
tween Soviet aircraft and a UFO over and military personnel. Instead of the stitute does not believe the claims of
the city of Borisov. The crews of two widespread skepticism that he had ex scientists who maintain they have
Soviet aircraft reported seeing a large pected when he first began to inter found remnants in Dalnegorsk o f a
flying disk in their vicinity with five view military personnel, he noted that UFO constructed by extraterrestrials,
beams o f light emanating from it: officers and soldiers had told him and he is convinced that the materials
three beams were directed toward the about their own encounters with found at that site are really only the
ground and two were projected up UFOs, and they had even shown him remnants o f the unsuccessful launch
ward when the object was first sighted. reports that had been completely o f a Soviet rocket in that region. H e
The ground controller instructed one filled out on official forms. believes that many of the other reports
o f the planes to alter its course and o f UFOs can be explained by the in
approach the object, at which point U F O Center ability o f the observers to recognize
the disk flew to the same level and the phenomenon known as “ ball
aimed one o f its beams at the ap Komsomolskaya Pravda of October lightning.”
proaching Soviet plane, illuminating 7 reported that the Soviet Union had
the cockpit. Listratov cited the pilot’s just opened an official center for the Roswell
log as stating: “At this time, the copilot study of UFOs in Moscow. Physicists,
was at the controls. He observed the geologists, astronomers, and psychol The Poisk article contrasted Platov’s
maneuver that the object had just car ogists are teaching courses on the view with that o f another physical
ried out and was able to raise his hand various characteristics of the UFOs scientist, Vladimir Azhazha, who
to shield himself from the unbearable that have been reported and the types as recently elected chairman o f the
light. The aircraft commander was of equipment necessary to investigate new All-Union Commission for the
resting in the adjoining seat, and a U FO sightings. Study o f Unidentified Flying Objects
bright ray o f light, projecting a spot On October 9 the Soviet news o f the Union o f Scientific and
with a diameter o f 20 centimeters, agency TAS S reported that a UFO Engineering Societies. Azhazha com
passed across his body. Both pilots felt had landed in a park in the city of pared reports o f a UFO crash in the
heat.” Voronezh. TASS reported that the ob USSR with a claim by UFO en
According to Listratov, the aircraft ject had been observed by many thusiasts in the United States that a
commander and his copilot both witnesses before it left. UFO had crashed in the desert near
became “ invalids” shortly after the in Komsomolskaya Pravda of October Roswell, New Mexico, in 1947. H e
cident. The copilot was forced to leave 12 reported that a group o f scientists believes there is sufficient evidence to
his job due to a sudden deterioration had visited a field in Perm Oblast to support the claims of UFO crashes in
in his health, including the onset of investigate claims that a UFO had both cases — in Dalnegorsk and in
Roswell. In the latter case, he cited the the field of vision for about five
testimony of eyewitnesses who main minutes ... hovering ... over the civil
Platov believes that the o b
tained that they had seen the bodies airport before descending a little.
o f four extraterrestrials lying near the Then the projectors were turned off ject that crashed was a
smashed spacecraft. According to and a whirling plume trail instan U S A F experimental rocket
Platov, however, the eyewitnesses in taneously appeared around this shin
with four Rhesus monkeys
the Roswell case were mistaken. He ing sphere. T h e object began to
believes that the object that crashed recede rapidly in a direction from the aboard and that the acci
was a USAF experimental rocket with northwest to the east at the same time dent was the result o f an un
four Rhesus monkeys aboard and that that flights were being carried out from
successful launch attempt at
the accident was the result o f an un a neighboring airport. Pilots were able
successful launch attempt at the dawn to observe it visually, but they could the dawn o f the space era.
o f the space era. not detect it on their radar screens ...
Sotsialisticheskaya Industriya of Oc Radar signals could not be reflected Soviet scientists representing the
tober 21 noted that hundreds of from it. This object was immediately “ various branches o f science and
residents had reported observing a reported up the chain-of-command, technology.” The main topic o f discus
UFO in Omsk and that many of these and our colleagues in the Altay Kray, sion was the multitude o f claims of re
eyewitnesses had reported the in the area toward which the object cent UFO sightings in the USSR. A c
sighting directly to the paper’s office flew, reported back to us within five cording to Sovetskaya Kultura, more
in Omsk. The article included a report minutes that they had it under visual questions about UFOs were raised at
by an “authoritative" military officer, observation. That meant that it had this conference than were answered.
Maj. V. Loginov, who stated: "I must covered a distance of approximately Literaturnaya Gazeta o f November
tell you straight off that radar did not 600 kilometers at a speed o f about 1 reported that Voronezh, where some
detect this object, and so 1am report 7,000 kilometers per hour.” observers had claimed to have
ing visual observations. The object According to Loginov, alt observa witnessed the landing and take-off of
was passing over at an altitude of tions indicated that the object was a a UFO has become the place for a
several kilometers. The visible shining UFO being controlled by some kind “pilgrimage" by correspondents seek
sphere appeared to be about one and o f intelligence and that it was not ing sensational news for their
a half times as large as the moon’s merely some kind of anomalous at newspapers, regardless o f the con
shape in the night sky. Four projec mospheric phenomenon. troversial nature o f the so-called
tors — some parallel and some at Sovetskaya Kultura o f October 28 “weighty evidence” being presented as
angles to the Earth — were casting reported on the results of a con proof that extraterrestrials had visited
very bright beams. The object was in ference in Petrozavodsk of about 100 Voronezh.
Wright is MUFON*s deputy direc duration, 3-4 seconds; lead in unknown (possible time lapse); lead
tor of investigations. vestigator Francis Ridge. A missile investigator W alter Webb. Th e
shaped vehicle 25 feet long, light grey witness, then 8 years old, went hik
Log # 890301. (received 3/9/89); in color, with a slightly tumed-up ing into a nearby woods that lie near
event 12/1/86, 5 PM; duration 10 nose, stabilizing wings at the rear, and multiple military installations. H e
seconds; lead investigator Michael a reddish ring at the middle, cruised entered a circular clearing, on the
Rigg, A man was looking out a win 50-100 feet above the ground at perimeter of which tree bark was
dow when a shiny metallic “ball-type” “ tremendous speed” a few hundred scraped and hanging. A t some point,
object moved into view, then dipped, feet from the witness. One possible from overhead a shadow became ap
slowed, sped up, circled and left in a explanation, a Tomahawk cruise parent, and the boy discovered a
controlled fashion. Light rain was fall missile (strikingly similar in ap 60-foot disc 300 feet overhead with
ing at the time (an uncommon occur pearance), brought forward by Fran. a high-pitched humming. The object
rence). At an estimated 500 feet, the This would postulate that a test firing descended while the witness felt an
object seemed to be about 10 feet (from an unknown point) had gone electrical tingling, then a blank. When
above the ground at its lowest point awry. An FOIA request for additional he returned home, he could not ac
and the size of a standard car in information \is being pursued. count for six hours.
diameter. Log # 890303. (received 3/28/89); Log # 890402. (received 4/14/89);
Log # 890302. (received 3/9/89); event mid-June 1959, midday, event 2/11/89, 11:15 PM, San A n
event 5/10/88, New Haven, Illinois; W hiting, N e w Jersey; duration tonio, Texas; duration 5 minutes; lead
investigator Robert M organ. A The following summarizes case verted “V.” Seconds later the five burst
woman entered her kitchen and reports received in October and apart and seemed to vanish (i.e. other
heard a humming. Hovering at a November which are well prepared than moving out of view). Duration
distance o verh ead was a flat- and represent recent events of o f the event was 1-2 minutes.
bottomed disc. The object emitted a significance to ufology. Unless other Log # 891006. (8/18/89 or
beam which apparently extinguished wise-noted, all incidents occurred at 8/19/89 event in Cantonment,
a nearby streetlight and seemingly af night, and no sound, vibration or odor Florida); investigators Carol and Rex
fected the witness in a noticeable was detected. Salisberry. From her front door, a
manner. After a few minutes the ob Log # 891002. (9/3/89 event woman encountered a 40-foot silvery
ject moved out o f view. Immediately near Ebensburg, Pennsylvania); in disc resembling inverted paper plates
after, the streetlight came back on and vestigator Paul Kessler. A high school and hovering immediately over the
a firetruck soon appeared on the boy confronted an arrowhead-shaped house across the street. A row of large
sc@n€. object at close range while driving. At steady white lights together with a row
Log # 890405. (received 4/28/89); first moving very slowly at utility line of steady red lights below formed a
event 2/8/89, 3:40 AM, Gulf Breeze, height, it accelerated while simulta belt around the otherwise smooth sur
Florida; duration 12 minutes; lead in neously rotating counter-clockwise face: The object began to move slowly
vestiga to r C harles Flannigan. until lost from view. The vehicle was away. She then ran inside for a
Awakened by his dog’s stirrings out described as larger than an auto with camera, but upon returning there was
side, a man discovered a small object an undercarriage surface o f grey- nothing in view. Duration of the
descending low over a nearby lot. The white transected by a broad black observation was 2-3 minutes.
object was described as two con stripe. A set of red lights were at the Log # 891006. (9/14/89 event in
nected discs, the lower one larger and lead apex, a set of whitish-green lights Cantonment, Florida); investigators
about 3 feet in diameter. A white light at one rear apex, and a set o f bluish Carol and Rex Salisberry. From his
shone at the top, while numerous lights at the other. The youth’s auto bedroom, an adolescent son of the
others blinked in reddish orange and did not malfunction during the 10-15 woman in the above account ob
two shades o f green. As the man ap second encounter. served an object, shaped like inverted
proached (intending to bring the thing Log # 891004. (8/26/89 event cones, approach and hover low over
back inside), the object disappeared near Mineral Point, Pennsylvania); in a house on the next street. H e ran out
in a flash o f light. vestigator Paul Kessler. At 5 PM, four onto the rear deck, his mother follow
Log #890406. (received 4/28/89); teenage boys resting from a game of ing. The object was described as at
event 11/24/87; 7:30 PM, Gulf touch football spotted a shiny object in least 20 feet wide at the center and
Breeze, Florida; duration 5 minutes; the sky. It proceeded closer at moder displaying 30-40 randomly spaced
lead investigator Boots Eckert. A ate speed, then twice reversed direc lights o f blue, green and white. A low
woman and her son noticed a lighted tion, halting momentarily each time. humming sound was detected. After
object while driving. A few moments Fifteen minutes into the sighting, one a long moment, they heard a rum
later, it hovered over trees along the of the boys ran home to beckon his bling and saw a long-nosed aircraft
road, and they stopped to observe. parents outside. They were joined by approaching. When directly over
The object was described as a disc several adult neighbors and watched head, it reversed direction (without
with a light at the top and a row of for half an hour until the object left. banking) and left the area. The
lights or windows emanating alternate It was described as a metallic sphere, witnesses returned their gaze to the
red and green light. A red ball of light at times displaying an orange-like col spot where the first object was seen,
d ro p p e d from the bottom , oration and appearing to rotate about but it was gone. The duration was
maneuvered out and up, then shot a vertical axis. At its closest point, the estimated as three minutes. [Notes:
out o f sight. Unnerved, the woman object had an apparent size o f a During the event, the family’s three
drove away. quarter held at arm’s length. Actual dogs, usually aggressive, hid under
Log # 890407. (received 4/28/89); size was estimated as larger than the the deck. A work acquaintance subse
event 11/10-20/87 (exact date jetliner which at one point passed quently related having seen a long
undetermined), dusk, Pensacola, below the anomaly. nosed aircraft zig-zagging very low
Florida; duration 3 minutes; lead in Log # 891005. (9/9/89 event in and several miles away in the same
vestigator Vicki Lyons. A couple Gulf Breeze, Florida); investigators general time frame. The man sur
noticed a disc-shaped object hover Carol and Rex Salisberry. A young mised the pilot was searching the
ing near treetop level while driving. woman and two teenage girls were surroundings.]
Slowing but not stopping, they kept driving when they noticed an oval or Log # 891007. (10/5/88 event in
it in view for over two miles. Later, disc o f undetermined size hovering in Gulf Breeze, Florida); investigators
having become aware o f the original the distance. The object had a dull Carol and Rex Salisberry. Driving
G u lf B reeze photos, the man surface. A bright, steady red light on home from work, a woman observed
declared, “ There’s no doubt in my the side facing the witnesses was a disc-shaped or ovular object m ov
mind then or now that what we saw centered among four dimmer white ing back and forth over the trees two
was exactly what was photographed lights. As they watched, four identical blocks away. A radiant gold light
on Novem ber 11 in Gulf Breeze.” vehicles joined the first, forming an in shone on the side facing her. She
slowed and stopped the car and was out o f view). It was described as of sight at a fast rate. The total dura
exiting when the light and object boomerang-shaped by the woman tion was estimated as 15 minutes.
“ blinked out.” The vehicle was and as conical by the man. L o g # 891103. (10/30/89 event
described as about the size o f a stan Log # 891101. (9/11/89 event in Ft. Walton Beach, Florida); in
dard auto. The duration was one near Pickeral Lake in Kalamazoo vestigator Donald Ware. Two women
minute or less. County, Michigan); investigators were viewing stars through binoculars
Log # 891011. (10/9/89 event in Shirley and George Coyne. Two men when they noticed two rows o f white
Pensacola, Florida); investigator C. were packing their gear after fishing lights forming a cross in the distance.
Joseph Barron. While driving near an when they heard the sudden barking A reddish, non-steady light was at the
airport, a woman, her adult daughter of numerous dogs. They noticed center, while an undefined outline
and three granddaughters (oldest, 12 aerial lights approaching low and blocked out the surrounding stars. Il
years) were driving when they ob slowly, then discerned an object in the luminated somewhat by the white
served a disc 200 feet away, wobbling shape of a cross. Four rows o f red lights, the object’s surface appeared
and rising above the surrounding lights along with many tubes and “ grey and slick.” After moving in an
trees. The object was described as pipes lined the underside. Its length arc, the object halted and hovered
silver, with one white and two blue was roughly 250 feet, with broad momentarily, then proceeded slowly
blinking lights as well as a geometric stubby wings near the front. As it out o f sight.
design of brown coloration. The dura neared the witnesses at treetop level, L o g # 891107. (7/2/89 event in
tion was ten seconds before the ter , the vehicle halted and hovered, a low Bellingham, Massachusetts); inves
rain blocked their view. hum-whistle detected. One of the tigator Morton Schafer. A woman was
Log # 891012. (10/9/89 event men ran into the road and stood letting her d og outside when she
near Gulf Breeze, Florida); in directly under it, sensing warmth for noticed basketball-sized orange balls
vestigator C. Joseph Barron. A the approximate 4 0 seconds it of light amid the typical fireflies in a
woman along with two neighbors hovered over him. The object glided w ooded area bordering her back
(man and adolescent boy) were target away, following the road. Seconds lawn. Five balls emerged and floated
shooting with a BB gun when they later, a truck with a spotlight flashing in formation to within 70 feet of
noticed a glowing object approaching raced by. The witnesses proceeded to the witness, turned to white, then
300-500 feet overhead. As it passed follow, keeping the object in sight. changed direction in unison and
slowly by, they heard a humming After a few miles, the object reversed glided four feet above the grass, il
sound. They followed the object in the its direction and again approached. luminating it as they went. She
woman’s auto, spotting it once more. They then stopped their truck and retreated inside and did not attempt
As they continued to observe, the ob began flashing their headlights. It then to observe the lights further.
ject disappeared (i.e. without moving made a smooth turn and headed out
In Others Words
By Lucius Farish
UFO sightings in Mississippi and of FATE. The opinions o f various in booklets in the series, you should cer
Arkansas are the focus of an article vestigators are given, along with a tainly attempt to get them. All are
in the November 28 issue o f N A summary of the events since 1987. priced at $6.00 each.
T IO N A L ENQUIRER. Police officers, Loren Gross’ latest entry in the For those interested in video/ audio
pilots and others have reported UFOs: A HISTORY series o f booklets tapes, Backcountry Productions (1117
various UFOs in the area during late is 1953: March-July. This one has 119 6th Avenue, Longmont, C O 80501;
October 1989. pages o f text, plus several pages telephone 303-772-8358) can supply
Another look at cattle mutilations devoted to footnotes and an index. taped material from the 10th Rocky
and the seeming UFO connection is There are also numerous reproduc Mountain Conference on UFO In
featured in the “Anti-Matter/UFO tions of sighting report forms, official vestigation (speakers include Vicki
Update” column o f December O M docum ents and news clippings Cooper, Linda M. Howe, Dr. Chet
NI. Colorado writer Peggy Noonan relating to 1953 events. Sales of all Snow, Lou Terry and Dr. Edith Fiore),
cites Linda M. H ow e’s research and the Gross booklets will apparently be as well as the talks given at the 1989
her book, A N A LIE N HARVEST, as handled through Arcturus Book Ser Close Encounters o f the Fourth Kind
well as the opinions o f skeptics. vice (P. O. Box 831383, Stone Moun Conference which was held in Aspen,
The Gulf Breeze, Florida UFO ac tain, G A 30083-0023) in the future, Colorado. You may write to them or
tivity and controversy receives so inquiries should be directed to
another airing in the February issue them. If you don’t have all the Continued on p age 21
London Congress Abduction Panel
The abduction panel was set up at 3) A n om a lou s E ffect on the puncture marks, burns, rashes or
the 5th London UFO Congress in Ju Physical Environment: (Which must scars: ear, eye or nose disorders of
ly 1989 with a view to summarizing, be remarked upon by the witness unexplained origin, first noted im
and to some degree standardizing, the without it being pointed out by the in mediately after the, events and
a p p ro a ch es to the abduction vestigator — can include sudden, recognized as anomalous by the
phenomena being made throughout unexpected and unexplained switch witness.)
the world. The panel is grateful to in physical location before, during or 9) Anom alous Phobia o r Irrational
Jenny Randles for her efforts in co immediately after the event, inex Em otional Responses: (These can in
ordinating the work o f the panel. plicable marks on vehicles, etc.) clude sudden new fears o f specific
It is stressed that the following 4) Change in World View Reported locations, people or types of event
symptoms should em erge spon by Witness: (e.g. sudden interest and circumstances, as noted by the
taneously from the witness and not be taken in ecology, dramatic increase in witness in the wake of the events.)
coerced out of them during investiga scientific knowledge, unexpected 10) O z Factor States o f C on
tion. In other words, the witness spiritual outlook on life, etc.) sciousness: (An ‘OZ Factor’ state be
should be aware of their apparent 5) Enhanced Psychic Abilities ing defined as ‘a significant alteration
significance from the subjective point Reported by Witness: (e.g. anomalous in the sensory perception of a witness
o f view and not need to have this ESP states, sounds, sensations, feel during an anomalous experience.’
significance pointed out. ings, etc., after the events.) These to be spontaneously reported
Naturally, cases vary and it is not 6) N on-H um an Entities Seen: {As and deary unusual; e.g. distortion of
proposed that a claim be termed a evaluated by the witness) time passage, alterations to ambient
‘potential abduction’ only if all twelve 7) Anomalous E>reams Post the En sounds, and peculiarities of vision —
o f the following symptoms occur. cou n ter but Pre A n y Hypnosis: e.g. traffic inexplicably vanishing.)
However, it is considered by the panel (These ought to be o f special 11) Extreme Levels o f Witness A p
that the higher the reported ‘score’ (i.e. significance to the witness and of prehension Concerning Disclosure o f
the more of these twelve points in questionable reality status — i.e. on the Events (a n d/or desire to protect
cluded) then the more significant dream/reality threshold. They may the details o f a case.)
should the case be considered in in involve UFOs or entities, be related to 12) Inexplicable Compulsive Desire
vestigation and research). the subject by the witness, be fo r an Explanation to be Given to
1) U FO Seen: (A UFO being a characterized by anomalous levels of them — (as evidenced by the witness
stimulus considered unexplained by emotion, obsessiveness or force u p on firs t a p p roa ch to the
the witness). fulness or involve major unexpected investigation.)
2) Missing T im e: (Which must be changes in the subject’s dreaming
reported directly by the witness to the patterns.) — John L, Spencer
investigator or another verified source 8) Anom alous Physical Injury:
and be independently corroborated). (Can include aborted pregnancy, England
W O R D S , Continued
The Calendar of UFO Conferences Houran (Decatur) for Macon, Dewitt ference on abduction research was
for 1990 was updated in the January and Piatt Counties and Barry organized and hosted by Rima E.
1990 issue of the Journal. And Dameron (Fairbury) for Livingston, Laibow, M.D. (Dobbs Ferry, N Y ).
speaking o f conferences, the theme Iroquis and McLean Counties. Shir Your Director accepted the invitation
for the M UFON 1990 International ley A . Coyne, Michigan State Direc to attend, representing the Mutual
U FO Symposium in Pensacola, tor, reassigned Rex W. Schrader, Jr. UFO Network.
Florida is “ UFOs: The Impact o f E.T. (Lansing) to Ingham, Eaton and Clin
Contact Upon Society.” It will con ton Counties. Stan Gordon, Penn Astronaut Survey .
vene on the weekend o f July 6, 7 and sylvania State Director, approved the
8 at the beautiful Pensacola Hilton, appointment o f David N . Blaker An ambitious public relations pro- .?
only a few miles from the Gulf Breeze (Wilkes-Barre) for Luzerne County, ject was spearheaded by Robert H. ■!
sightings that have continued for over Burtus “Jeff’ Ballard, State Director Bletchman, in January, seeking the :
two years. Speakers already sche for Alabama promoted Paul L. support of both past and present
du led are John L . S p en ce r Grube, M.S. to State Section Direc astronauts for recommendations
(Harpenden, England), E dw ard tor for B aldw in , M ob ile and made by former astronaut Dr. Brian
Walters (Gulf Breeze, F L ), the Washington Counties. O ’Leary in his press conference
Reverend Barry H. Downing, Ph.D. New Consultants volunteering their release for a “Congressional Investiga
(Endwell, N Y ), Robert L. Hall, Ph D. specialized education and experience tion o f UFOs” at the Penta Hotel in .
(St. Michaels, MD), Rima E. Laibow, this past month are Paul McCarthy, New York City on October 6, 1989.
_M.D., (Dobbs Ferry, N Y ), Budd Ph.D. (Honolulu, HI). Jn Political M U F O N mailed copies o f Dr. '
Hopkins (New York, N Y ), David Science and Joyce McDavid, Ph.D. O ’Leary’s news release, “A Brief
Gotlib, M.D. (Toronto, Canada), (San Antonio, TX ) in Psychology. Dr. History o f UFOs and Congress,”
John Brandenburg, Ph.D. (Alexan McCarthy received his doctorate in a p repared by Dennis Stacy, a
dria, V A ), Brian O'Leary, PhD , UFO related field, having given his M UFON Resume, and a check-off
former astronaut, (Phoenix, AZ ), and dissertation on the late James Mac and signature form to be returned to
C a re y H. Baker, publisher Donald, P h .D N ew Research S pe M UFON by each of the 134 recipients
(Rainsville, A L ). There are a few cialists this month are Jack L. expressing their opinion pro or con.
others who have been invited, but Callahan, M.A. (San Antonio, TX) We fully recognize that the present
have not confirmed due to their film in Education; John R. Seybold, M.A. astronaut’s future in the space pro
scheduling. The host and sponsoring (Newburyport, M A ) in Near East gram hinges upon Congressional
committees feel that this is an out Languages; PaulG arson, M.A. (Los allocation of funds, however former
standing slate of speakers and invite Angeles, C A ) in Literature/Writing; astronauts, now in civilian life, may be
you to plan your summer vacation and Gerald Hug, M.S. (Florissant, inclined to speak more freely. Yes, we
around the symposium by visiting MO) in Engineering Management. admit it is an ambitious undertaking,
many of Florida’s family attractions. however, the responses may be
TREAT II favorable and enlightening. On the
New Officers other hand, we would be negligent if
MUFON donated $1000 to Virginia we didn’t capitalize upon this oppor
The substantial and healthy growth Polytechnic Institute and State Univer tunity. The results of this astronaut
o f M UFO N was reflected in the 2425 sity in Blacksburg, Virginia to finan survey will be published in a future
copies o f the January 1990 issue that cially support TREAT II (Second Con issue o f the Journal.
were published. In order to stay ference on Treatment and Research
abreast of the expanding respon on Experienced Anomalous Trauma), Sun Radio Network
sibilities, the following new officers that was held January 31 - February
volunteered their services and exper 4,1990. MUFON members who were Chuck Harder, an enthusiastic
tise: Francis L. Ridge, Indiana State speakers are John F. Schuessler, m em ber, has been p rom otin g
Director, appointed Michael J. Rigg Donald A. Johnson, Bruce S. Mac- M UFON and UFO orientated radio
(Griffith) to become Asst. State Direc cabee, Stanton T. Friedman, Eddie programs on his satellite syndicated
tor, replacing Jerry L. Sievers Bullard, Kenneth Ring and Joe program, “ For The People,” via the
(Vincennes), both continuingas State Nyman. C.B. Scott Jones was a Sun Radio Network, to radio stations
Section Directors. Thomas P. Stults, moderator and Illobrand von Lud- nationwide. Letters responding to the
Illinois State Director, selected two wiger (Germany) participated via a
new State Section Directors: Jim video tape presentation. This con- Continued on page 23