ICT in Mining

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Automation is the key to high productivity, production and safety.

The information revolution of the country is gradually getting into mining industry and has a significant impact on mine operations. Information

& Communication Technology (ICT) has become one of the most important tools for enabling increased transparency, process efficiency, improving productivity optimization of operational cost, decision making along with increasing the Employee, Customer and Investor Satisfaction, etc. i.e. in every aspect of business processes.
Thrust Area in XII Five Year Plan Coal Sector Following thrust areas have been identified for Automation & Application of Information Technology in XII Five-year plan as envisaged in the report of Working Group on Coal for XIIth Plan -

i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi.

Infrastructure upto Colliery / Project Level Automation in workshop. GPS Based Truck Dispatch System: CIL has introduced the system in some of large OC mines. The system may be introduced in all big opencast mines. In underground mines, man riding system, or travel of persons through belts as practices in other countries can reduce idle time. Online Weighment and Sampling System Sophisticated Surveying Equipment: Target less total station surveying instrument, terrestrial laser scanner, Slope stability Radars. Sophisticated/modern blasting accessories and Modern vibration meters


ix. Integrated Application Software for Uniform data and file structures, enhancement in Management Information System (MIS) etc. enhanced / enriched by providing support through standard ERP solution so that it could function as Decision Support System for the organization and the implementation of the software at mine / project level as extension of the system from respective areas through redundant data communication system. x. Planning Software: Software MINEX, AUTOCAD etc. at all projects and digitization of all old Feasibility Reports, Mining Plans and other reports for storing in electronic form. xi. Project Monitoring softwares for monitoring of project activities.

xii. Geographic Information System (GIS): Mapping, spatial concepts, and time/space operations technology is absolutely essential to effective mining. GIS technologies create efficiency and productivity opportunities in all aspects of mineral exploration and mining. GIS enables a mineral exploration geologist and mine operator to mine intelligently, efficiently, competitively, safely, and in an environmentally compatible manner. GIS can be introduced in the areas of Mine Planning, Mine Management, Social and Environmental Management. This will provide storage of all mine maps in digitized format making updation of the map easier,

easy location/access of various installations and its shifting, Social Impact Assessment at Coal Mines like Resettlement and Rehabilitation, Provision of basic infrastructure in resettlement villages, General guidance on Environmental monitoring etc. It is proposed to introduce GIS Centre in each area of the subsidiary companies. xiii. Integrated Safety, Production & Environment Monitoring and Control in Under Ground Mines: So far IT application has not been introduced in Underground mines. It has been used for Voice communication only. A computerized system in mines to provide monitoring of Safe level of Hazardous Gases, Water level in Sump and Pumping System, running of Idle Conveyors, level of Coal Stock in the bunker, Health Monitoring of UG equipment, monitoring of SDL/LHD, Long Wall and Continuous miners etc. are required to be introduced in these thrust areas so as
to monitor and control these aspects of safety and production, from the pit head. xiv. Companies on Coal India Domain with a uniform user name identification. All the subsidiary companies will be able to utilize the Mail Server for external as well as internal Mail. xv. Employee Biometric System: A multipurpose Electronic Digital Card (Smart Card) to each employee with Biometric Identification. containing information such as Employee Personnel Details, Contribution towards Social Security, Salary Earnings and Deductions, Leave Details, Health Information etc. and can be utilized for Attendance Recording, Personal Identification, Availing Medical Facility, Settlement of Terminal Dues, identification for CMPF Settlement etc. xvi. E-Governance: Sales and marketing through e-auction, corporate e-banking for all payments, e-procurement, e-tendering Document Management System (for proper storage and quick retrieval of information / data) etc. to enhance the activity towards better and transparent customer/vendor relationship. xvii. Network Initiatives The broad scope of work for the implementation of IT, network infrastructure in XII Five Year Plan would involve setting up of Data Centers and interconnection between the data centres through VPN WAN Connectivity from two different ISPs, wireless network in the last mile, establishment/upgradation of LAN at all the locations, security for the entire network, VPN connectivity from external world, anti-virus, anti-spam, patch management and Enterprise Management System(EMS) and Network Management System(NMS). For all existing and future applications, communication and IT infrastructure to run across the same network. Scalable and high capacity network to carry data, voice and video traffic between different offices and locations. A single point Internet gateway at CIL for all network nodes/office. 100% connectivity of all offices and mines round the clock to be a primary requisite xviii. The Knowledge Hub : The need for an IT based Knowledge Hub would help to connect, collaborate, learn and innovate. The Knowledge Hub shall be an online knowledge network for professionals, cutting across geographical barriers. It will enable people to work together and share experiences. This sharing and learning would improve services and bring in intellectual prosperity. Knowledge Hub can take

information from everywhere inside the system and many places throughout the web, and enrich people in things that they are engaged and interested in. An openlyaccessible online public library containing good practice material recommended by peers. Common Knowledge would bring together shared understanding and intelligence on common subjects. The Knowledge Hub will also facilitate data transparency, through its facilities for publishing open data and providing common tools for accessing data. CMPDI being the planning and design hub, and an appropriate center for e-knowledge aggregation, would host the Knowledge Hub. CIL has taken initiatives in many of the identified areas : 1. CIL Board has approved implementation of Enterprise Resource Planning System along with Tele Communication Infrastructure at Coal India Limited and its Subsidiaries encompassing all areas, Mines, Stores, Weighbridges, and Hospitals etc. to improve its operational and financial efficiencies. 2. GPS based Operator Independent Truck Dispatch System (OITDS) with high speed data and voice communication along with GUI is in the final stage of commissioning in all eleven high production Opencast Projects to optimize the operation of Heavy Earth Moving Equipment and to enhance the production and productivity of the Mine. 3. An ambitious plan to commission GPS/GPRS based Vehicle Tracking System across all other major Mines of Coal India has been taken up. 4. E-Auction of Coal is in vogue through Service provider of CIL. Also E-Procurement of Goods & Services, E-Filing of grievances and E-Payments to Employees/Vendors are already in operation to embark upon the business processes through IT initiatives. 5. In order to improve Coal dispatch, actions are being taken to connect all weighbridges with Central Server of respective Subsidiaries. Connectivity to weighbridges of BCCL, SECL mines are in place, while at other subsidiaries, viz, ECL,CCL, MCL etc is in different stages of completion. 6. The dedicated web portal of Coal India Limited has already been established in bilingual version with features viz Employees portal, Tender Publication, Online Grievance Registration, Posting, Investor Center, Customer Corner facility. The portal also facilitates online receipt of Career Applications for recruitment and Link to EProcurement/EAuction Service providers. Existing Corporate Mail Messaging System has been programmed to upgrade for 19500 Users i.e. all executives of Coal India & its Subsidiary Companies. 7. Considerable progress has been made in establishing network infrastructure for better Communication facility (Surface & Underground) for faster business process & quick refund of Coal value of unlifted quantities and earnest Money as per directive of MOC using State of Art Convergent Technology.

8. In order to meet the demanding business process, State of the Art IP base EPABX with support of convergent Technology (for voice and data), Radio Communication System and UG Communication System at different locations of Coal India & its Subsidiary companies are being installed

Continuous efforts are being made in updating the Telecommunication & IT Solutions.

In order to increase transparency, Process efficiency, optimization of operational cost along with increasing the Employee, Customer and Investor Satisfaction, the following major initiatives have been taken:1. CIL Board has approved implementation of Enterprise Resource Planning System along with Tele Communication Infrastructure at Coal India Limited and its Subsidiaries encompassing all areas , Mines, Stores, Weighbridges, and Hospitals etc. to improve its operational and financial efficiencies. 2. GPS based Operator Independent Truck Dispatch System (OITDS) with high speed data and voice communication along with GUI is in the final stage of commissioning in all eleven high production Opencast Projects to optimize the operation of Heavy Earth Moving Equipment and to enhance the production and productivity of the Mine. An ambitious plan to commission GPS/GPRS based Vehicle Tracking System across all other major Mines of Coal India has been taken up. After a successful development trial at Viswakarma Mine of BCCL ,formal trial order has been placed for Kusunda Area for commissioning of Vehicle Tracking System. 3. E-Auction of Coal is in vogue through Service provider of CIL. Also E-Procurement of Goods & Services, E-Filing of grievances and E-Payments to Employees/Vendors are already in operation to embark upon the business processes through IT initiatives. In order to improve Coal dispatch, actions are being taken to connect all weighbridges with Central Server of respective Subsidiaries. Connectivity to weighbridges of BCCL , SECL mines are in place, while at other subsidiaries, viz, ECL,CCL, MCL etc is in different stages of completion. 4. The dedicated web portal of Coal India Limited has already been established in bilingual version with features viz Employees portal, Tender Publication, Online Grievance Registration, Posting, Investor Center, Customer Corner facility. The portal also facilitates online receipt of

Career Applications for recruitment and Link to E-Procurement/EAuction Service providers. Existing Corporate Mail Messaging System has been programmed to upgrade for 19500 Users i.e. all executives of Coal India & its Subsidiary Companies. 5. Considerable progress has been made in establishing network infrastructure for better Communication facility (Surface & Underground) for faster business process & quick refund of Coal value of unlifted quantities and earnest Money as per directive of MOC using State of Art Convergent Technology. 6. In order to meet the demanding business process, State of the Art IP base EPABX with support of convergent Technology (for voice and data), Radio Communication System and UG Communication System at different locations of Coal India & its Subsidiary companies are being installed

Enterprise Resource Planning system along with communication infrastructure at Coal India Ltd and all its subsidiaries encompassing all areas, mines, stores, weigh bridges and hospitals etc. GPS based operator independent truck despatch system with high speed data and voice communication along with GUI in eleven different high production opencast projects. e-auction of coal is made operational through service provider by CIL, e -procurement of goods and services, e -filing of grievances and e -payments to employees/suppliers are already in operation. The dedicated web portal of Coal India Ltd has already been established in bilingual version with employee portal, Tender publications, online grievance registration, posting, investor center and customer corner facility. Centralised Mail Messaging System of 20000 users for all the executives of CIL and its subsidiary companies. Network infrastructure for better communication facility for quick refund of coal value of unlifted quantities and Earnest Money as per directive of MoC using state of the art convergent technology.

information, communication, mobile and cloud computing is revolutionising business. The outlook of the mining sector has radically changed due to global instabilities in metal prices and currency fluctuations. CIOs and IT heads are looking improved tools and systems for data management, cyber security, communication in remote locations, and wireless tecnologies for operational benefits which can impact the bottom-line and deal with global changes.

JOURNAL OF COAL SCIENCE & ENGINEERING (CHINA) DOI 10.1007/s12404-010-03116 pp 277283 Vol.16 No.3 Sep. 2010 Emerging trends in information and communication technology in mine safety and disaster management DHEERAJ Kumar ( Department of Mining Engineering, I. S. M University, Dhanbad-826004, India) The Editorial Office of Journal of Coal Science and Engineering (China) and Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2010 Abstract There is tremendous growth in the use of Geographic Information Systems (GIS), Global Positioning Systems (GPS), Remote Sensing, Satellite Communication, and Modeling & Simulation techniques. These tools and techniques helps significantly in char- acterizing infrastructure, risk area and disaster zones, planning and implementation of hazards reduction measures etc. Communication satellites becomes vital for providing emergency communication and timely relief measures. Integration of space technology inputs into natural disaster monitoring and mitigation mechanisms is critical for hazard re- duction. This paper mainly focused on all the issues described above. Major emphasis had been given to the recent developments in information & communication technology en- abled tools and their applications in mining industries for safe mining operations with in- creased productivity. Keywords information and communication, mine safety, disaster management Received: 6 May 2010 Email: dheeraj@dkumar.org Introduction Use of information technology (IT) is becoming more and more common in all imbedded application and mining industry is not lagging behind, and it is not over, rather it is just a noble beginning. Information technology in the mining industry has entered half a century back. It was first introduced in 1960s in staff function, specially in clerical activities like preparation of pay rolls, listing of store items, manpower control etc. In 1970s it encompassed designing of civil engi- neering constructions, laying of tracks, roads, etc. Whereas in 1980s it was widely used in management information system (MIS), mine planning system (MPS) and in truck dispatch system (TDS). In 1990s it came to global positioning system (GPS) and geo- graphical information system (GIS), a visualizing technology that captures, stores, checks, integrates, manipulates and displays data using digital mapping. It further spreads in areas like preventive maintenance, quality control and other areas of technology and business related to mining industry directly and indi- rectly. Development and use of automated equipments, use of robotics in hazardous environment in mines, better communications and tracking technologies, self rescue devices, and refuge alternatives are some of the areas which have drawn attentions worldwide. The paper describes some recent advancement in informa- tion and communication technology enabled tools and techniques which have been proved to be very effec- tive in mine safety and disaster management. 1 Mine safety technology One of the most important factors leading to mine disasters is ground failure mainly roof collapse in underground mines. The prevention of fatalities and inju- ries from failures of the roof, pillars or floor has been a priority area of research, development, demonstra- tion, and research to practice activities worldwide for

Page 2 Journal of Coal Science & Engineering (China) 278 many years. Significant safety improvements have been achieved in these areas. Coal bumps, bounces, and outbursts have been a longstanding safety hazard in some mines worldwide. A coal bump is the sudden and violent failure of highly stressed coal or sur- rounding strata. National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) has developed several computer pro- grams to help mine planners design coal pillars. For longwall mining, there is the Analysis of Longwall Pillar Stability (ALPS). For room-and-pillar and re- treat mines, there is the Analysis of Retreat Mining Pillar Stability (ARMPS). Both of the programs are widely used throughout the U.S. These programs, along with others developed by industry or academia, provide an excellent methodology for properly de- signing coal mine pillars for a wide range of mining conditions (Kohler, 2007). CSIRO has produced commercial-standard auto- matic face-alignment systems, which ensure the cut- ting drums follow the coal seam accurately in longwall mines. Pre-commercial prototypes are now being used at Xstratas Beltana and BMAs Broadmeadow long- wall mines. CSIRO has also created prototypes for automatic horizon control and longwall information management systems, which are ready for commercial production (Hill-Douglas, 2007). An automation technology has been designed to locate and guide coal-cutting equipment in longwall mines (Fig.1). Xstratas Beltana longwall mine uses this technology. Automation has made this form of mining more productive, and safety has been greatly improved. Fig.1 New automation technology designed to locate and guide coal-cutting equipment in longwall mines (Hill-Douglas, 2007) The application of seismic monitoring has emerged as a potential technology for predicting ground movements and coal bumps. Today, seismic monitoring is used more in hard rock mining, as part of a risk management program. However it is very infrequently used in coal mining. Despite advances in technologies, such as geophones, signal processing equipment and computers, many of the barriers that existed 30 years ago remain today. Notwithstanding, there is advantage of applying seismic monitoring at mines with a history of bumps, as part of a larger risk management program, as is done in Australian and many European coal mines. 2 Automated mining system The implementation of novel systems and adop- tion of automated mining systems help mining com- panies in two important ways: enhanced mine produc- tivity and improved worker safety. Safety is one of the key factors driving the trend to automation. Efficiency is imperative if a mine is to survive and automation can play a large role in this. By developing and com- mercializing automated mining technologies back- boned with information technology for continuous mining equipment, the productivity of each mining machine improves and the operators can run the machine from a safe distance, which reduces associated costs for worker exposure, health benefits, and liability. The section below describes some innovative mining systems backboned with automations. 2.1 Mine robotics Mine robot is defined as a self-propelled mining machine with a flexible control for multifunctional use of the working head during mining. Robots are being developed for hazardous duty and for performing 3D mapping and remote sensing in environments such as coal mines at greater depths. Robotic mining technology offers a number of unique challenges benefits as listed below: (1) On-line information like geology (geophysical, geotechnical, geochemical), production rates, quality help in production planning etc. (2) Robotic mining will allow operation of a mine with faster removal rates of ore and with less risk. (3) Robotic mining also allows narrower open- ings and deeper mining operations to remain profit- able. (4) Increased safety: with no humans present, there will be no need for sophisticated air circulatory systems. (5) Increased productivity: faster removal rates of ore as compared to

miners. (6) Increased equipment utilization. (7) Time-efficient operations. (8) Reduced need for maintenance of mine sys- tems. (9) Faster reaction to engineering and mainte- nance issues. Page 3 DHEERAJ Kumar. Emerging trends in information and communication technology in 279 (10) Improved mine cash-flows. Mine Robots will be doing jobs like laying ex- plosives, going underground after blasting to stabilize a mine roof or mining in areas where it is impossible for humans to work or even survive. Rescue robots are proved to be one of the most important tools in dealing with mine disasters. An autonomous, four-wheeled robot with heavy-duty tires, called Groundhog (Fig.2), was sent into an abandoned coal mine near Pittsburgh in May 2003, and was able to create accu- rate 3D maps of its surroundings. Fig.2 An autonomous, four-wheeled robot with heavy-duty tires (Morris et al., 2005) Some of the examples of robotics based mine equipments are mentioned below: (1) Tele-operated and automated load-haul-dump trucks that self-navigate through tunnels, clearing the walls by centimeters. (2) The worlds largest robot, a 3 500 t coal dragline featuring automated loading and unloading. (3) A robot device for drilling and bolting mine roofs to stabilize them after blasting (4) A pilotless burrowing machine for mining in flooded gravels and sands underground, where human operators cannot go. (5) A robotic drilling and blasting device for in- ducing controlled caving. 2.1.1 Case studies related to robotics based mining (1) Worlds largest industrial robot The system is being tested on a dragline (weight 3 500 t, boom length 100 m) located at Tarong Coals Meandu Mine, near Kingaroy, in Queensland. Robot is designed to install a computer brain in a dragline, add a radar sensor to the boom to help the computer locate its targets. This dragline is used to scoop up blasted rock in open-cut coal mines. It picks up from 100 to 300 t of fragmented rock with every scoop, then swings it round and delivers it to the spoil pile, then swings back again (CSIRO, 1998). Use of this robotic based dragline has resulted into increasing the produc- tivity of a dragline by around 4 per cent along with a saving of approx $3 million a year for an Australian coal mines and approx $280 million for Australia as a whole. (2) Groundhog (Morris et al., 2005) Towards achieving the mine mapping goal, a 700 kg custom-built ATV-type robotic platform known as Groundhog (Fig.2) has been constructed that is physically tailored for operation in the harsh condi- tions of abandoned mines. Groundhog has been used extensively in both test and abandoned mine environ- ments, accruing hundreds of hours of mine navigation with 8 successful portal entry experiments in the abandoned Mathies mine outside of Pittsburgh, PA. From these experiments, log data has generated glob- ally consistent large-scale maps using offline tech- niques, over the course of its lifetime, groundhog has evolved into a system that is highly proficient at autonomously traversing and mapping isolated mine corridors, successfully navigating over 2 km of aban- doned mine. (3) Ferret The existence of subterranean void spaces, such as the cavities created by mining, is a hazard to active mining operations and a constant threat to surface de- velopments. When abandoned, these underground spaces can accumulate tremendous quantities of water and threaten to flood encroaching active mines. To address the existence of subterranean void space belowground, a robotic tool has been developed that is capable of reaching a domeout via borehole access, acquiring the measurements necessary for void analy- sis, and relaying this information to the surface. To reach the mine cavity, deployment and sensing schemes were required to descend the borehole, iden- tify the mine breach, and maintain a sense of orienta- tion throughout the process. The robotic tool for remote subterranean void analysis has several opera- tional advantages over past techniques. Nicknamed Ferret (Fig.3), it establishes a physical presence in a mine cavity enabling a first

hand perspective of the void (unlike non-intrusive methods that require infor- mation to be inferred) (Morris et al., 2003). Fig.3 Views of Ferret (Morris et al., 2003) Page 4 Journal of Coal Science & Engineering (China) 280 2.2 Armchair mining Armchair mining is a technology to drive miners out of the mine and into the control room. Remotecon- trolled mining, known as teleoperation, could help drive down injury further by removing miners from hazard- ous areas and, at the same time, could significantly in- crease productivity, according to some experts. With an ore body 4 km long, 80 m thick and reaching a depth of 2 km, LKABs Kiruna iron ore mine, Sweden is the worlds largest, most modern un- derground iron ore . Since mining began here over 100 years ago, LKAB has produced over 950 Mt of ore. Very few people work underground. The seams are drilled by remote operated drills (Fig.4). Huge Finnish-built driverless wheel loaders follow com- puter-controlled routes and only stop at piles of broken rock to collect the ore. At this point an operator sitting in front of a TV screen on the surface loads the ore and carries it to shaft where it is dropped to the 1 045 m level. The ore is crushed here and then hoisted to the surface to be processed. Electric-powered, remotecontrolled drilling and ore handling equipment supplied by Atlas Copco and Tamrock is widely used here. Af- ter blasting, load-haul-dump machines (some of which are fully automated) carry the run-of-mine ore to the nearest ore pass, from which it is loaded automatically on to one of the trains operating on the 1 045 m level (Mining-technology.com, 2008). Fig.4 A load-haul-dump vehicle in LKAB's iron ore mine in Sweden scoops rock with the help of a teleoperator working off-site; the vehicle does hauling and dumping automatically (DeGaspari, 2003) The backbones of armchair mining are robust communication system in the mine, capable of han- dling data, voice, and video signals and Smart min- ing equipment, outfitted with on-board computers and a host of sensor. 3 Information & communication tracking technology In a crisis, any information, particularly, accurate information is fleeting and difficult to capture and to confirm. Meanwhile, the demand for information by families, the public and the media incrementally increases with each passing minute and approaching news deadline. There is an imperative need to not only manage communications but to fiercely guard the quality of the information communicated. Some of the recent applications of information & communication technology in mines are described in this section. 3.1 Mine multimedia rescue communication Mine multimedia rescue communication system adopts an integration of MPEG4, VOIP, TCP/IP and self-organizing technology etc. It can be carried by the rescue workers. The system adopts a cooperation method of wireless communication and wire commu- nication to transmit information. The distance of transmission is 10 to 20 km. The facilities have the following function: Display, save and replay the au- dio-visual data of the entire rescue process; Achieve multi-user talk; Collect surroundings parameter of the mine including temperature, oxygen, CO and CH4. All of the information could be provided for analyzing the cause of the disaster. In addition, the facilities can give an alarm when the parameters go beyond limited (Wang et al., 2006). 3.2 Internet and information superhighway Quick and accurate information is vital to any decision-making process where numerous technical parameters need to be synthesized and evaluated. A number of important internet websites are now re- ceiving global attention from the mining industries. These websites offer update and relevant information on coal and mineral exploration and exploitation. In- formation superhighway is the remote PC-based instrumentation system for continuous monitoring of a mining system/subsystem. It is like a highway where all the expertise is readily available for solving all kinds of mining related problems. This could be a fo- rum through which many countries can exchange their views on

the aspects of mine accidents. One could gather the data for the past 25 years and use the very best of data mining tools to take us to a world of acci- dent free mining 3.3 Global environmental disaster information system (GEDIS) GEDIS, the Global Environment Disaster Infor- mation System (Fig.5) is a new integrated system for confidential, reliable emergency communication and coherent disaster management information support. This system will aim to overcome existing information access and communication deficiencies by using ad- vanced user-friendly, internet based, multilingual and Page 5 DHEERAJ Kumar. Emerging trends in information and communication technology in 281 multimedia telematic technologies (including tele/ video conferencing and remote interpretation). GEDIS is a distributed client-server system. The internal and external communication flows are confidential and ensured through the use of the best-available and/or most appropriate broad band telecommunication tech- nique (fixed, mobile, satellite based etc.). Fig.5 Global environmental disaster information system (Konrad, 1998) 3.4 GPS-based systems These systems require all mobile equipment to have a GPS receiver, thus allowing having absolute real time position information of the equipment. This position information is then exchanged using wireless radio to evaluate relative position e.g. between a truck and a light vehicle and issue an alarm if necessary. Full GPS coverage is absolutely necessary for such systems to operate successfully. Nevertheless multi- path issues and satellite shadowing may occur e.g. when a person is close to a truck. Fatalities among equipment operators in open pit mines can be reduced if GPS technology is incorporated in their machines. With differential GPS equipment, one can quickly de- termine exact coordinates of a given truck with accu- racy of less than a meter and evaluate whether a given truck is dangerously close to the dumping edge of a waste dump (Fig.6). Fig.6 Improving safety of off-highway trucks through GPS 3.4.1 Dynamine: online truck dispatch system (OITDS): a case study (CMC Ltd.) A global positioning system (GPS)-based, opera- tor-independent truck dispatch system (OITDS) suit- able for open cast mines has been installed and in op- eration at the Jayant Opencast mine , NCL, India. The mine handles 30 million m3 of mine overburden (the waste product generated during mining operations) and around 10 million tonnes of coal in a year. It has a fleet of 15 excavators with a capacity ranging from eight to 14 m3, 50 trucks of 85 t capacity and 30 trucks of 120 t capacity. The OITDS system covers the entire fleet of excavators and trucks. This system was con- ceptualized in 1999 and was implemented in Septem- ber 2002. Fig.7 shows the basic layout of OITDS. Fig.7 Layout of OTDS system dynamine (CMC Ltd., 2007) The features is follows: (1) Global positioning system (GPS)-based on- board equipment with voice and data communication facilities and vital signs monitoring devices (VSMDs) is mounted on the excavators and trucks. (2) Three communication masts with repeaters are installed at strategic locations to ensure reliable radio communications over an area of around 20 km2, covering the entire mine. (3) Fibre-optic cables are laid over a length of 18 km for LAN connectivity between the main control room and various user locations. (4) Around 25 clients are connected to the host application and database server for online monitoring. (5) The system is integrated with the attendance recording system for the operating staff based on card swiping, and manages an automatic crew-mining equipmentallocation facility. These allocations are automatically announced through a public address system as well as displayed on a large screen in

Whats the next step for mining automation?

September 26, 2013 by Editor

After driverless trucks or loading vehicles roaming underground tunnels operating by themselves within a laser defined area, whats next in the mining automation field? According to Diego Areces, vice-president of mining solutions, minerals and metals at the company Schneider Electric, the next step is to change the reality of mining, trying to evolve and implement these technologies. Areces bets on the full integration of Informational Technology and Operational Technology, more simple plug and play process and, most remarkably, augmented reality, reports the website Mining Australia. The expert says that the current predictions of a downturn in the mining industry arent exactly right. The concept of a mining slowdown isnt 100 percent correct, and in reality it is the way that companies are investing in mining that has changed, and as they are investing in a different way the levels of investment have changed which is forcing miners to invest in optimisation. In the past miners focused simply on being the biggest of the lot, but now this has changed; they are focusing on being the best, the most efficient, the most optimised. We dont need to pull back now; we need to invest more into optimisation.

Diego Areces points out seven factors that must be the new focus for miners in this technological age.

1. IT/OT convergence

The combination between information technology (IT) operations and operational technology (OT) will make automation technology and hardware easier to use and implement in existing processes.
2. Process optimisation

Along with the improvement of the automations role, this point is certainly going to ensure the general accuracy of the processes.

3. Workforce management

Its essential to understand how automation is going to change almost every job role, as well as create new ones while reducing the need of certain types of professional.
4. Information and Communications Technology

A field of major importance for the mining industry, intimately linked with the IT/OT convergence and the plug-and-play model for miners.

5. Remote control

A great part of these new technologies imply some or total remote control of machines and trucks. However, this technique will open new possibilities and increase the mobility in mining.
6. Energy management

One of the most crucial aspects of mining has always been energy management and now that field gets even more important, with more machines operating.

7. Social license

Social license (SLO) is the acceptance of a mining company and its project within local communities. In order to obtain an SLO, the developers of a project must have good relations with all stakeholders, especially the local communities. But its important to introduce automation in this equation from now on. How will people react to driverless trucks, for instance? Of these seven points, Areces says that mobility is the biggest game changer, allowing for remote control operation miners to access their site, modify or fix issues without having to be physically on the site. The machines will also provide a better opportunity to analyse data. That being said, the vice president of Schneider Electric leaves a forecast about the mining industry: It will be more pragmatic, as it moves to a more sustainable mining model and miners use sustainability as a yard stick to measure their operations. We can expect more remote operations and greater mobility and this is even likely to spawn augmented reality in mining where operators are replicating, remotely, the environment of the site for remote control operators so that they can get a better understanding of the conditions they are operating in, not just watching through a screen, but getting more layers on information (potentially through using something such as Google Glass) such as the humidity and temperature of the area, hardness of rocks, GPS, and other aspects that are currently not recorded or provided but directly affect operations. People will no longer be in the mine as more processes become automated or tele-operated, and augmented reality will change the way we operate as tele-remote operators will be able to feel everything, with that additional layer of information, but without the safety risks of actually being in the mine.

details of Programme /Project/Initiative: Brief Description: (n)Code Solutions A Division of GNFC Ltd. has developed and offered integrated software and portal application modules such as e-payment, e-Royalty pass, e-return, Demand Register and other related modules integrated into single portal to stakeholders of Geology & Mining in Gujarat State. The project offers real time services to mining/quarry leaseholders in Gujarat. The project has largely covered and implemented Information & Communication Technology (ICT) and has tremendous administrative potential. The project has radically transformed the way of working of Mining/Quarry Industry in Gujarat. ICT has created a structure for service delivery, efficiency, effectiveness, transparency, accountability and has paved a way for better governance in mineral administration functions. Mining business processes are converted into electronic mode for ease of access to stakeholders and thus reducing the human interaction between Govt. and stake holders on daily / weekly/ monthly basis. Objective: The objective of the project was to reduce the human intervention and conversion of old manual processes to electronic process to enhance service delivery such as payment collection, royalty pass issuance, return submission, demand register etc for various stakeholders of Geology and Mining. The project also aimed at better governance, transparency and hassle free administration. Target Group: Mining / Quarry Lease owners, Mineral stockist, Weigh bridge owners, Flying squad & State / Central Govt. officials Geographical Reach within India: Gujarat State Geographical Reach outside India: N.A. Date From which the Project became Operational: 6-10-2009 Is the Project still operational?: Yes List 5 key achievements of the programme/project: 1. The project has covered >4689 Quarry Leaseholders, >485 Mining Leaseholders using ATR, >1000 Quarry Permit holders using ATR, 3256 Mineral Stockists, 1157 Notified Weighbridge Owners. 2. The no of online transactions are >206,535, Passes generated are >23,883,396 and >135,000 Returns submitted. 3. Central administration of mining activities effectively made possible. 4. 247 efficiency in operations achieved & cost of operations reduced to lease holders.

5. Several testimonials / appreciation received from Quarry / Mining lease owners such as Larsen and Tubro Ltd, Tata Chemicals Ltd, Gujarat Heavy Chemicals, Dolomite Lease Owners, Banaskantha Quarry Association etc. List 5 key challenges faced while implementing the programme/project/initiative and how they were overcome: 1. Limited Internet connectivity in remote mines location. 2. Non tech savvy leaseholders (n)Code, in conjunction with CGM drew a systematic plan for making leaseholders tech savvy. To educate the leaseholders about the benefits of e-System, various training sessions were organized at micro level, operational manuals were designed, and demo cases were prepared and presented to stakeholders. 3. Irregular power supply in remote areas especially in mining location from where lessee has to generate the e-Royalty pass as per Mining laws. The leaseholders have an option of portable battery operated Hand Held Terminal (HHT) device to generate royalty pass. 4. Process re-engineering was a challenge Stakeholders were using traditional manual processes and migrating them from existing to value added process was a challenge. 5. Capacity building of existing Govt. Staff /stakeholders to familiarize them with the new system.
Information technology is an essential part of modern mining activity The Roadmap documents identify innovative ICT approaches that can significantly decrease costs and improve productivity, supply chain management, occupational health and safety, data collection and management, environmental management and global competitiveness

CIL has taken initiatives for technology development and modernization of CIL mines through hiring International Consultancy firms for making an exercise for CIL. The scope the exercise is to assess the 1) status existing technology for safety, production and productivity, 2) Gaps in technology up gradation, 3) Requirements of technology and infrastructure development for mine planning, design and construction till XVIth plan, 4) The indigenous capabilities in meeting the technology up-gradation requirements vis-vis import dependence 5) The systems development for meeting the projected technology up gradation and the barriers 6) The application of IT and automation in technology development. Information and communication technologies Enterprise Resource Planning systems, e-auction of coal, e -procurement of goods and services, e -filing of grievances and e -payments to employees/suppliers.

Advanced planning software.

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