Huawei HG8245 Two Version GE / FE
Huawei HG8245 Two Version GE / FE
Huawei HG8245 Two Version GE / FE
en" home atewa# in H$awei %TTH sol$tion& '# $sin the G(ON technolo #, $ltra!)roa")an" access is pro*i"e" for home an" +OHO $sers& The HG8245 feat$res hi h!performance forwar"in capa)ilities to ens$re e,cellent e,perience with -o.(, .nternet an" H/ *i"eo ser*ices& Therefore, the HG8245 pro*i"es a perfect terminal sol$tion an" f$t$re!oriente" ser*ice s$pportin capa)ilities for %TTH "eplo#ment& The two *ersion of 2(OT+14%E12+'13i%i& H$awei HG82450 2(OT+14GE12+'13i%i an"
The difference between the two version: 4 GE: Gigabit Ethernet port, with the optical fi)erport an" electrical port& FE: fast Ethernet port The GE is faster than the %E "$rin transmission, of co$rse the GE is more e,pensi*e than %E& The s$pplier h$anetwork&com wholesale H$awei EchoLife G(ON terminal HG8245, ori inal new H$awei HG8245 at competiti*e price, 2+/ 85& 3e will sale the %E HG8245 follow!$p,the pro"$ct n$m)er is the same& 2 The "ifference )etween the G(ON port0 The )l$e port is +56(5 port, the reen port is +567(5& !": ph#sica$ contact, a t#pical han" polishe" connector will meas$re at 89:"'& %!": super !h#sica$ "ontact, in"$str# stan"ar" is a minim$m of 84:"' for +(5 )ack reflection meas$rement& .f e*en less )ack reflection is re;$ire", an 7(5, or 7n le" (h#sical 5ontact polish, mi ht )e necessar#& 7n 7(5 connector has an 8< an le c$t into the ferr$le& These connectors are i"entifia)le )# their reen color& 7n 7(5 polishe" connector has an .n"$str# +tan"ar" =inim$m f 8>:"' O?L meas$rement& 7(5 fi)er en"s ha*e low )ack reflection e*en when "isconnecte"& &ut the difference between the G!'( port wou$d not affect to use 7n" if #o$ want to )$# the patch cord, the s$pplier h$anetwork&com can also offer&
!$ug)and)p$a# *!n!+: .nternet, .(T- an" -o.( ser*ices can )e "eplo#e" )# one click on the N=+ an" on!site confi $ration is not re;$ire"& ,e-ote diagnosis: ?emote fa$lt locatin is implemente" )# the loop!line test of (OT+ ports, call em$lation an" (((oE "ial$p em$lation initiate" )# the N=+& .in/ -onitoring: E2E link "etection is achie*e" $sin 8:2&4a Ethernet O7=& High speed forwarding: GE line rate forwar"in in the )ri" in scenario an" @:: =)it6s forwar"in in the N7T scenario& Green energ#)saving: 25A power cons$mption is sa*e" with hi hl# inte rate" s#stem on chipset (+O5) sol$tion, in which, a sin le chip inte rates with (ON, *oice, atewa# an" L+3 mo"$les&
Table 1 Descriptions of the ports on the rear panel of the HG8245 Port and Button OPTI !" Function Indicates the optical port# The optical port is e$uipped %ith a rubber plu& and is connected to an optical fiber for upstrea' trans'ission# The t(pe of the optical connector connected to the OPTI !" port is ) *!P # Indicate auto,sensin& 1-*1--*1---. Base,T /thernet ports 012,4534 used for connectin& to P s or IP )TBs# Indicate 5oIP telephone ports 012,1134 used for connectin& to the ports on telephone sets# Indicates the po%er,on*po%er,off button4 used for po%erin& on or po%erin& off the de6ice# Indicates the po%er port4 used for connectin& to the po%er adapter or bac8up batter(#
T/"1,T/"2 O+*OFF
Table 2 Descriptions of the ports on the side panel of the HG8245 Port and Button BB9 Function Indicates the e:ternal bac8up batter( 'onitorin& port4 used for connectin& to the bac8up batter( for 'onitorin& the batter(# Indicates the 9)B host port4 used for connectin& to a 9)B stora&e de6ice# Indicates the 7"!+ button4 used for enablin& or disablin& the 7"!+ function# Indicates the 7"!+ data encr(ption s%itch# Indicates the reset button# Press the button for a short ti'e to reset the de6ice; press the button for a lon& ti'e 0lon&er than 1-s3 to restore the de6ice to the default settin&s and reset the de6ice#
The de6ice is po%ered b( the bac8up batter(# The po%er suppl( is cut off#
!uthentication "/D
The de6ice is po%ered b( the bac8up batter(# The po%er suppl( is cut off#
onnection "/D /thernet port !l%a(s on "/D Blin8s The /thernet connection is in the nor'al state# Data is bein& trans'itted on the /thernet port# The /thernet connection is not set up# The connection to the 6oice ser6er is set up#
"!+1, "!+4
T/"1, T/"2
!l%a(s on
Blin8s $uic8l( The connection to the 0t%ice per 6oice ser6er is set up and second3 the telephone is in the off,hoo8 or rin&in& state# Blin8s slo%l( 0once t%o seconds3
The de6ice is po%ered b( the bac8up batter(# The po%er suppl( is cut off# The connection to the 6oice ser6er is not set up# The 9)B port is connected and is %or8in& in the host 'ode4 but no data is bein& trans'itted#
Blin8s $uic8l( Data is bein& trans'itted 0t%ice per on the 9)B port# second3 Off The s(ste' is not po%ered on or the 9)B port is not connected# The 7"!+ function is enabled# Data is bein& trans'itted on the 7"!+ port# The 7"!+ function is
!l%a(s on
The de6ice is po%ered b( the bac8up batter(# The po%er suppl( is cut off# disabled#
!l%a(s on
The 7P) function is enabled# ! 7i,Fi ter'inal is accessin& the s(ste'# The 7P) function is disabled#
The O+T is disabled b( the O"T# The O+T is atte'ptin& to set up a connection to
The de6ice is po%ered b( the bac8up batter(# The po%er suppl( is cut off# the O"T#
The connection bet%een the O+T and the O"T is set up# The 1: optical po%er of the O+T is lo%er than the optical recei6er sensiti6it(#
Blin8s $uic8l( The O"T detects that the 0t%ice per O+T is a ro&ue O+T# second3
More related: H$awei Echolife HG82450 port 8: not open G(ON -+ E(ON0 a cost comparision G(ON -+ E(ON0 a performance comparision 0ore Huawei products and ,eviews #ou can visit: htt !""###.h$anet#o%&.co'"blo(
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