Council Highlights March 25

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March 25, 2014

Aviator Hotel
Following public opportunities to speak, Council approved a Development Variance Permit for the new 36-room Aviator Hotel. A Development Permit will be issued once certain legal requirements are met. Project Comeback will be forming a working group over the next few weeks to take the feedback received from the workshop and design a project that responds to these issues.

New 14 Lot Single Family Subdivision & Cul-De-Sac Extension

Following a public hearing, Council adopted OCP Amendment Bylaw No. 2204 and Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 2205 to allow for the development of a 14-lot subdivision on Centennial Drive, including new park land and trail connections.

2nd Annual Ride Dont Hide Event

Council received a letter from the Cariboo Branch of the Canadian Mental Health Association regarding the 2nd Annual Ride Dont Hide Event on the River Valley Trail on June 22, 2014. The ride is designed for cyclists of all ages and abilities. The funds raised during the event will be used in Williams Lake to provide services and programs which strengthen womens and family mental health.

Project Comeback Update

Council received a report from Manager of Social Development Anne Burrill concerning Project Comeback, a partnership with the Fraser Basin Council and BC Rural Network to better understand issues and provide support related to attracting and retaining young people to communities. A survey was conducted in December 2013 to gather input from young people under age 35 who had been in the community less than five years. On February 24, staff hosted a workshop to share the results of the survey with the community and to engage in a discussion about a project that would address the needs of this particular demographic of our community. Thirty-three people participated in the workshop discussions and provided some very useful input with regard to next steps. We were pleased to have a range of long term residents along with new residents, some of whom have only been in the community a few months. One of the primary focuses for discussion was that this particular demographic (under age 35) are very active online, and this is where they go to get information. The feedback from the survey and the workshop is that Williams Lake needs to work hard at improving our online presence and functionality of online connections. There is a lot going on in Williams Lake, but it is hard work to find information about it online.

Bowl for Kids Sake

Council received a letter from Big Brothers and Big Sisters regarding the annual Bowl for Kids Sake fundraising event on April 12 and 13, 2014. This years theme is Heroes and Villains. The event raises funds for the agency to provide friendship and guidance to children who would benefit by a positive role model and additional emotional support.

Important Dates
Earth Hour - 8:30-9:30 p.m. March 29, 2014 Daffodil Month - April 2014 Nutrition Fun Walk and Run - April 6, 2014 Williams Lake Indoor Rodeo - April 18-20, 2014 Earth Day - April 22, 2014 Day of Mourning - April 28, 2014 World Ovarian Cancer Day - May 8, 2014 Next Committee of the Whole Meeting Tuesday, April 1, 2014 Next Regular Council Meeting Tuesday, April 8, 2014
For detailed information on Council meetings, please visit www.williamslake. ca, and click the Council Agenda link. Please direct inquiries to Communications Coordinator Ken MacInnis at 250-392-8488.

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