April 1998 Newsletter East Bay Trail Council
April 1998 Newsletter East Bay Trail Council
April 1998 Newsletter East Bay Trail Council
April 1998
A few dates for your calendars: State Trails Days is coming up this month on the
weekend of April 25th and 26th. The Dedication Ceremony for Los Vaqueros
Reservoir is May 2nd. The REI Service Project, co-hosted by the Trails Council will be
at Kennedy Grove this year on National Trails Day, June 6th. Also, be sure to
participate in the 5th Annual EBRPD Trails Challenge taking place from now until
June 21st. I am sure there are a lot of other calendar events I could be including for
our various groups, such as the Spring Stampede in Livermore on April 25th and
26th. I can't get them all in here, but there is hope! When our web site is completed
I hope to have a calendar of events for our member organizations so that we can all
find out about events your club or organization is having during the months to come.
Progress is being made, but it will still take a while for all the data to be gathered to
get the site ready for a public unveiling. Stay tuned.
Once again this month, the Los Vaqueros recreational plan will likely take up quite a
bit of time during the meeting. Many of us who are working on this project feel that
the process for developing the preferred alternative is being done too much behind
closed doors within CCWD and there is not nearly enough public input into the
process. The public mailing by the district had a lot of glowing praises for the need to
provide recreation but there was very little substance in the newsletter. There is
even less detail on the web site set up for the plan. There is very little material
available without a great deal of effort for the members of the public to view which
details the various alternatives being considered. We are worried that all the
information provided to the Stakeholders Group in the past will be boiled down to
one recommendation which will be taken to the board of directors for approval.
Rather than public hearings on various aspects of the plan we will likely be faced
with a flawed plan presented in a single package.
One of the opportunities the Trails Council identified early on was the ability for all
trail supporters to come together to help design a new system of trails in this newly
opened area which did not have the problems or conflicts experienced in other parks.
The Trails Council has offered to work with CCWD since the beginning to help design
a trail system which would benefit everyone and be safe and easy to maintain.
Except for having a few of our members appointed to the Stakeholders Group, the
district has not responded to most of our concerns and, in fact, has been abrupt and
rude to our members when we have raised our concerns at board meetings. We
continue to work with local hiking and riding groups, as well as any water based
clubs and organizations we can identify in our attempt to convince the district to
open the process for the recreational plan to a greater level of public scrutiny. Happy
7:15 to 9:30 pm
Meeting called to order by Chair Glenn Kirby at 7:15 P.M. In attendance were:
The minutes of the March meeting were amended to indicate the "Mt Diablo group of
the Sierra Club" and that "Brad went to the meeting that evening and the Native
Plant Society had no complaints about mountain cyclists participating in the trail
a. Los Vaqueros
The Contra Costa Times on March 29 had a piece by Al Donner of the CCWD that
suggests that the district is leaning toward a concessionaire-run recreational
program. This is disturbing to trail advocates, because trail use and operation do not
fit the model of a typical for-profit concession, such as a boat marina with high use
fees. The schedule for the decision process has been revised with July as the new
date for a selection of a preferred alternative by the district board. On April 1 Dave
Walters of the Diablo Hiking Club spoke at the board meeting requesting further
public discussion of the board's feelings on the enhanced multi-use trails proposal.
He was not allowed to finish and was treated rudely by one member of the board. At
the April 8 board meeting, Jack Appleyard spoke in favor of the trails proposal and
requested a technical response from the district on any objections or concerns they
might have on the multi-use trails proposal. The same member of the board
adamantly insisted that no decision was made yet, but refused to comment on how
he feels about trails.
It appears that the focus of the trails community must shift to discussing the
recreation proposal with members of local agencies and organizations to garner
broad public support. The alliance welcomes input and assistance from recreation
enthusiasts. Organizations or individuals who have some relationship with public
figures, particularly within the water district, are urged to contact the Alliance to
facilitate establishing that support. For more information, contact Jack Appleyard at
On May 2 there will be a dedication of the Los Vaqueros facility. EBATC will have a
table at the event. On May 31 Don de Fremery is leading a walk on the Diablo Trail
that passes through the watershed. See announcements on the facing page.
b. Website
Residents on a private road with 19 homes want a gate to restrict vehicles from
coming on road and parking for access to Las Trampas. They were going to allow
pedestrians and equestrians and cyclists to enter (without vehicles). Because of the
narrowness of the road there are limitation for staging, with perhaps only 2 or 3
parking spaces. When the project was originally approved the park district tried to
negotiate a separate trail and a staging area, but only got a trail along road itself.
There was historic trail use on the dirt road. The trail user attorney has appealed the
gate and won, with the judge specifying no gate. The home owners put up signs, and
users pulled down the signs. The owners brought in a security guard. There is no
compromise at this time, ultimately the lawsuits will resolve the access issue.
At another location, on Camille Lane access is being developed. The park district has
negotiated access with the Ball family and purchased an easement, with staging at
Hat McGee.
Currently there is no crossing for equestrians, horses have to use the nearby bridge
bike lane. Someone was badly hurt on the existing crossing. When the project was
approved, the park district was not notified, and no provisions for equestrians were
made. Glenn is working with Union City, to try and get additional equestrian access
paid for by the developer, at the cost of $80,000. There will be a ride coming up,
equestrians encouraged to participate. Contact Glenn at 510.581-8893.
On May 16 there will be an event in Walnut Creek to mark the opening of this
important boulevard crossing on the Iron Horse Trail. Contact the City of Walnut
Creek or EBRPD for more information.
This winter's storms have left their mark on the landscape. There have been minimal
closings of trails, but significant damage has been catalogued. EBRPD is working
hard to complete the repairs as soon possible. As of March 18, the access to Black
Diamond Mines on the Somerville side is temporarily closed.
A motion was passed unanimously to send a letter in support of a grant proposal for
$125,000 to do repair work on the Diablo Trail and its connectors.
Join Don de Fremery on Sunday , May 31 for the fourth part of a series along the
Diablo Trail. This moderately-paced, seven mile hike is mainly downhill, passing
through Morgan Territory, a one-mile segment along the existing service road in the
Los Vaqueros watershed, and ending in lovely Round Valley. For more information
contact Don de Fremery at 925-837-5646.
Maintenance Volunteer?
East Bay Regional Park District (EBRPD) manages 88,000 acres of land in 53 parks
and close to 1000 miles of trails. Maintenance and rehabilitation of the existing trails
in an ongoing process (similar to repairing potholes on public roadways) due to
public use, annual vegetation growth, and other forces of nature, particularly from
erosion caused by the flow of water over and adjacent to trails. In order to provide
visitor safety and to protect resources, EBRPD staff and volunteers provide a much
needed source of labor to repair and enhance existing trails and construct some new
narrow trails. In turn, the public learns concepts of land stewardship and resource
conservation while giving back to the trails system they enjoy.
If you like to hike, bike, or ride and enjoy recreating on well maintained trails, we
encourage you to think about becoming a trail maintenance volunteer.
For info or to register, call the Park District's recorded line (510) 635-0138, ext.
The website committee is collecting data on trails organizations for inclusion in the
EBATC website. Your organization can have a description of its mission, activities,
address, contact person and other info available to browsers. Use the data entry
form inserted in newsletter or contact Ron Brown at
Richard C. Trudeau, Chair of the California Greenways Board, together with partners
the California Trails Foundation and The Conservation Fund, announce the 1998
California Greenways Creative Grants Program.
In the past seven years, this program has had over 400 applicants and awarded over
$185,000 in grants. Grants range from $500 to $2500.
These grants have been used as seed money by land trusts, trail groups, schools,
public agencies, and community groups to build greenways and trails, increase
volunteerism, and educate the public to the benefits and values of greenways and
trails in their communities. Some grant recipients have been extremely successful in
maximizing their grants up to twenty times the original Greenways Grant amount. In
addition, these greenway projects strengthen and build support for the organizations
involved because of the attention they generate within their communities.
This year the California Greenways Creative Grants Program is shaping up to be the
most successful in its history. With continued support of local foundations, additional
funding from new sources, and its partnerships with The Conservation Fund and the
California Trails Foundation, the Greenways Board hopes to reach out to more
organizations for applicants and increase the number of grants awarded in 1998.
Applications will be mailed beginning March 15, the filing deadline for applicants is
May 15, and awards will be announced by mid-June. For applications or more
information contact: