Bethlehem Newsletter - April 2014
Bethlehem Newsletter - April 2014
Bethlehem Newsletter - April 2014
quickly. Healing them requires us to call them what they are (not who we think caused them) and to ask for Healing Waters of the Holy Spirit to fall upon those wounds. There is a specific area in our communal life that signifies our willingness to grow and to take on new directions. In the past, feelings of loss or hurt had kept much of our focus inward. Now, there is mounting evidence that we are looking to be yet a greater witness of Christ in our neighborhood and in the world. Through the wonderful work of the Outreach Committee and the independent volunteers among us, we are bringing love, food, clothing and housing to those who need our help. Before our meeting in mid-March about human trafficking and the shame of homelessness around us, a few people had begun talking about adding a ministry to offer food to children who are homeless. As the conversation evolved, we learned of a gathering of homeless youth behind a store close to the church. We wondered about the mechanics of helping them, and we examined the judgments that might be hampering our own response. For example, we had to exclude immediately that these children were incorrigible runaways who are just avoiding a return to home. Many, we understand, may have been foster kids or residents of group homes who have been emancipated and cannot yet find their footing to establish themselves in jobs. After that discussion about human trafficking, we learned that housing resources for children under 18 do not exist in Orange County unless the children commit a crime or their parents have relinquished their parental rights. Though we are not now in the position to answer the call to provide shelter for these children, we may be in a very good Spiritual position to gather some resources and provide food and help them access local services. It came to us as well that one of our greatest strengths in our parish is the quality and number of children who gather at Table with us! The benefits and grace available by connecting through such a ministry our faithful children to those who are homeless and hungry nearby cannot be underestimated. Keep all these things in your hearts as you approach Jesus in your daily prayers. They hearken to us to continue the wonderful things we are doing yet with greater fervor. Our Lenten work together promises that a Glorious Easter is waiting for us and perhaps for some children who also await a resurrection experience. Peace to you. Christopher+
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It is the bounden duty and service of the people of this parish, being part of the one, holy, Catholic, and apostolic Church, to worship God as he has revealed himself in Jesus Christ, to become saints, and to make disciples of all people.
Join us each Wednesday of Lent, (except Holy Week) as we gather for a meal of soup, bread, salad and sharing of the Word at 6:30 p.m. in the parish hall. Topics will inspire discussion and deep prayer.
Join us and have fun making Palm Crosses for Palm Sunday
On Saturday, April 12th at 9:30 a.m. in the church fellowship hall, there will be a gathering to make the palm crosses for Palm Sunday. Bring yourself and a pair of scissors! Easy to learn and do!! The more the merrier!! Refreshments will be provided!!
Month April
And God said, Let the earth bring forththe herb yielding seed, and the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind, whose seed is in itself, upon the earth: and it was so. Genesis 1:11 Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be prolonged in the land which the Lord your God gives you. Exodus 20:12
Please help us to assist the Friendly Center, Placentia, in meeting their goal to provide 900 Easter Baskets to needy children in our community. It is suggested that these baskets contain one hygiene item (toothbrush/paste, shampoo, etc.) a small toy or book and a small amount of Easter candy. Please wrap the basket in cellophane or place items in a gift bag. Baskets should be placed at the back of the church before April 7th.
Also, please dont forget to fill in and submit your Volunteer Log cards.
As usual anyone having any questions on these ministries, or even have other suggestions or ideas regarding any of our Outreach Projects may contact us at: Ned Bergert at 714-501-3858--- , or Marion Hetherington at 714-528-9907--- .
Please, also remember, Every Sunday A Can a Week to Feed Gods Sheep.
(Please use the green bags provided by Outreach for transporting your donations. )
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People who are interested in fund-raising People who are good at fixing things (Thursday mornings at 9AM at the shelter) People who would like to help with publicity People who could help mentor residents in basic living skills People who like to work with the public (Charitys Closet)
People who have expertise in merchandise and display (Charitys Closet) If you are one of those people with the desire to be a winner, please join us in this very rewarding and much needed ministry. Maybe you have a talent or expertise that we havent mentioned give us a call. Maybe you can fit into one of the areas of need right now give us a call. The shelter number is (714) 993-5774 and Charitys Closet number is (714) 993-4687. Operators are standing by - well, not really, but we are waiting for you to become a part of our winning team. You may not receive gold or silver or bronze, but the smiles of appreciation from the residents can outshine any medal. Give us a try. You will definitely be a winner! Blessings,
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Our Childrens Learning Center will be taking orders for Sees Candy. If you would like to place an order you may do so after either Sunday Service. There are also extra order forms if you think you might be able to take any outside orders. All prepaid orders and order forms are due no later than Monday, April 7th. The candy will be ready for pickup around April 14th. Simplify your Easter gift giving and support our Childrens Learning Center at the same time! Page 6
Ukulele Club
Join in the fun and participate in the Ukulele Club at the Rectory on Sundays at 12:30 p.m. The newly-formed Ukulele Club, directed by Ashley Romero, has proven so popular with the kids of the congregation that it is now meeting every week! Children as young as four years old have fun making (sometimes very loud!) music, while members in their teens enjoy spending time in community with other youth, improving their musicianship, and practicing songs both familiar and new. It's so encouraging to see such a wide range of ages present and having so much fun! The club is a fantastic way for all the children of the parish, from both services, to get to know each other, build friendships, and praise God. It's also drawing kids from outside the parish. Ashley, who teaches in the Fullerton School District, has been inviting her students to participate as well. Ukulele club isn't just for kids! Anyone with an interest is welcome to join. Talk to Ashley Romero for more information, and look forward to a public performance from the Ukulele Club soon!
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Electronic Giving
A timely reminder that you can now donate electronically to The Blessed Sacrament Church and/or The Childrens Learning Center. You may make a one-time or a recurring donation simply by clicking on the Online Giving link on the menu bar at the top-right of the church website, or you can go directly to this URL: Direct Debit Giving is used to automatically transfer funds from your checking or savings account to the churchs bank account. At this time we do not offer online credit card giving as the processing expense is prohibitive. As you contemplate future contributions, please consider electronic giving. Additional information is available from the church office. If your smart-phone is equipped with a QR code reader application you can set up an online donation plan and/or make a one-time donation by reading the QR code at the right.
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