Neural Lotto-Lottery Drawing Predicting Method

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Welcome | Neural Lotto - Lottery Drawing Predicting Method

Welcome|NeuralLottoLottery DrawingPredictingMethod

NeuralLotto is the ONLY highend neural network in the world applied to lotteries. After 8 years of research and development, we finally created what can be called the most advanced and sophisticated intelligent numeric pattern matching, recognition and AI search & discover neural network engine ever developed. We spared no expense in collecting uptodate historic data from all the major lotteries in the world, refiningourstateoftheartalgorithmsandcustombuildingahugelypowerfulhardwareplatformtocreatea truelyextraordinaryandoneofakindlottopredictingmachine,almostbeyondbelief,unlikeanyother. Back in 2004 we were the first and only ones to create the groundbreaking NeuralAnalyzer i7000 algorithm and apply it to a lottery. Running on custombuilt Windows XP hardware, this multilayered, 3 algorithmic,20,000neuronAIneuralnetworkenginemanagedtosettleandstabilizein3fulldays,offering all 6 numbers on a major 6 out of 47 lottery (MelateMexico). Within just 4 years (now 6 out of 56), we managed to pull in 393 Fourth Prizes, 108 Third Prizes, 41 Second Prizes and 1 Jackpot, totalling overUS$4.9million. Armed with this financial backup, we decided to continue to pursue our dream. We headed back to the drawingboardfirmlyconvincedthereisnosuchthingasblindchance,coincidencesorluck.Weprovedit once,andweweredeterminedtoproveitonceagainthistime,beyondanydoubt.

Today, 8 years later, our dream has materialized. Running on custom built, stateoftheart 256core hardwarewithawhopping4.71TeraFLOPsofrawpeakpower,thenewlyreengineered NeuralLotto has done in less than a month what NeuralAnalyzer i7000 did in over 8 years: 3 Second Prizes and 1 Jackpot, totalling over US$38.6 million with neural network settling times between 15 seconds to 8 minutes . NeuralLottos multilayered NeuralReality AI Engine, with its vastly superior 64 P/SDM*, 24 search & discovery modes, 5algorithmic, 1 million neuron** architecture, is currently up to 400x faster than our previousi7000system,dependingonsystemworkload,historicdata,andparametersemployed.



Welcome | Neural Lotto - Lottery Drawing Predicting Method

At its core, NeuralLotto is an intelligent learning system, which is the basic premise of all neural networks. But make no mistake NeuralLotto is the ultimate search & discover pattern, trend and tendencyseeking artificial intelligence neural network ever conceived applied to lotteries. The more real worlddataitisexposedtoandthemorespecificinputitreceives,thegreaterthelearning,efficiencyand performancefactorsachieved. With its phenomenal results, we could easily ask for well into the thousanddollar price range per run to the general public. But our business is not to obtain your money. We get most of our funding from the resultsNeuralLotto produces for us. Our real business is creating the next generation AI system using the expertise, knowledge and technology acquired from NeuralLotto. But to do that we need realworld dataandinput. Whichiswhywereofferingthisgroundbreakingsecondgenerationsystemtoeveryoneonaperrunbasis forafractionofthecost.Andbecausewefeeleveryoneshouldgetafairchanceofmakingtheirdreams cometrue.Andbecauseweknowlackandlimitationhasnoplaceamongstpeopleortheuniversefor thatmatter.Andbecauseweabsolutelybelieveinprosperityandabundanceandaffirmnooneshouldbe cutshortoftheiraspirationsforlackofmoney. Andsimplybecausewecare. Registernowtogetstarted!RegistrationisFREE!
*PipesperSearch&DiscoveryMode **TheNRAIEnginealsoemploysabout20kperceptrons

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