Jamil Wahid: Contact Information

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Jamil Wahid

Contact Information
Room-327, AhsanUlla Hall, Bangladesh University of Engineering & Technology, Dhaka 1000, Bangladesh. Contact No: +8801675633229 Email:jamil.wahid08@gmail.com

B.Sc. in Electrical & Electronic Engg., Bangladesh Univ. of Engineering & Technology. Current CGPA: 3.73/4.00 (Level 4, Term 2) Higher Secondary Certificate Examination, Govt. M.M City College, Khulna, Sept. 2008. GPA obtained: 5.00/5.00 Secondary School Certificate Examination, Khulna Zilla School, June 2006. GPA obtained: 5.00/5.00

Software Skills
Programming Language: Assembly, C, C++, Embedded C (AVR Studio, Arduino), Verilog, MATLAB. Simulation & Design Software: PSpice, Proteus, Quartus, PSAF, PSIM, COMSOL, Operating System: Windows. Others: Adobe Illustrator, Microsoft Office.

National Award
Board General pool scholarship for HSC examinees, Jessore Board,2008 Board Talent pool scholarship for SSC examinees, Jessore Board,2006 Honorable mention, Bangladesh Math Olympiad(National Level),2007 1st Runner Up, Bangladesh Math Olympiad(National Level) 2005 2nd Runner Up, Bangladesh Math Olympiad(National Level) 2004 Was selected for the first ever national math camp for International Math Olympiad

o o o o o Design and implementation of a continuous load monitoring system and overcurrent protection using definite time relaying scheme Design & simulation of 8-bit Microcomputer and Assembler Design & hardware implementation of Automated Loading and Unloading System for Industrial Application Design & hardware implementation of A Solar Tracker having MPPT features Design and prototype development of A Line Following Robot using PID Algorithm.

Synergic Activities Vice Chair (2013session),BUET Energy Club Student Coordinator BUET EEE Career Expo 2014 Organizer of BUET EEE Day 2014 Organizer of BUET Grand Alumni Student Iftaar- 2013 Organizer of BUET EEE Day 2012 Organizer of Dept. of EEE, BUET Annual Picnic,2011 Organizer of Dept. of EEE, BUET Annual Picnic,2012 Captain, Khulna Zilla School debating team which reached the final 8 in National School

Have worked as a teacher for night school that teaches the under privileged canteen boys of different hostels of BUET Volunteered for JAAGO Foundation ,2010 & 2011

Research Interest
o o o o Renewable Energy Power Electronics Engineering Economics Embedded systems, Robotics & Automation

** Reference will be provided on demand.

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