Neil Adams
Neil Adams
Neil Adams
C#iinu $%&'
T#e Japane"e (artial art Judo )a" fir"t introduced in t#e United *in do( in &+,,, )#en entrepreneur -d)ard .illia( /arton0.ri #t "pon"ored a !i"it fro( a tea( of Japane"e 1udo2a )it# t#e intention of e"ta3li"#in a 1u1ut"u "c#ool in -n land4 T#e introduction )a" not i((ediatel5 "ucce""ful, 3ut "o(e (e(3er" of t#e tea(, includin 6u2io Tani, re(ained in -n land and raduall5 culti!ated pu3lic intere"t in Judo and ot#er t5pe" of 1u1ut"u t#rou # de(on"tration", in"truction, and pri7e fi #tin 4 T#e United *in do(8" fir"t Judo do1o, t#e /udo2)ai, i" t#e olde"t in -urope and )a" founded 35 9un1i *oi7u(i in &,&+ )it# Tani a" it" c#ief in"tructor4 T#ere are currentl5 t)o "tate0)ide Judo a""ociation" in t#e United *in do(: t#e /riti"# Judo A""ociation and t#e /riti"# Judo Council4 T#e /riti"# Judo A""ociation i" t#e United *in do(8" official o!ernin 3od5 for Judo and )a" e"ta3li"#ed in &,'+ under t#e c#air(an"#ip of Tre!or :e ett4 /riti"# citi7en" #a!e )on ei #teen Ol5(pic (edal" in Judo "ince it )a" added to t#e Su((er a(e" in &,;'4 <eil Ada(" i" t#e United *in do(8" (o"t "ucce""ful 1udo2a, )innin "il!er in t#e 0=& 2 cate or5 in &,+%, and in t#e 0=+ 2 cate or5 in &,+'4 T)o (e(3er" of t#e United *in do(8" $%&$ Ol5(pic tea( recei!ed (edal" in Judo: 9e((a 9i33on" )on "il!er in t#e 0=+ 2 cate or5, and *arina /r5ant )on 3ron7e in t#e >=+ 2 cate or54 9i33on"8 popularit5 "ur ed after t#e )in, )it# t#e nu(3er of follo)er" on #er T)itter account 1u(pin fro( ;%% to (ore t#an $$,;%% in $' #our", and t#e nu(3er of 8li2e"8 on #er ?ace3oo2 pa e ro)in 35 @%%% per cent4 A )ee2 later, t#e /riti"# Judo A""ociation announced t#at it" )e3"ite #ad recei!ed t#ou"and" of "earc# reAue"t" for local clu3" "ince 9i33on" and /r5ant8" )in"4 At t#e $%&$ Baral5(pic", /en Cuilter )on 3ron7e in t#e 0;% 2 cate or5, and Sa( In ra( )on "il!er in t#e 0,% 2 cate or54 Journali"t Dar2 :a) )a" na(ed 8/e"t <e) .riter8 in t#e $%%+ /riti"# Sport" /oo2 A)ard" for #i" 3oo2 The Pyjama Game: A Journey into Judo, )#ic# )a" later pu3li"#ed a" Falling Hard: A Journey into the World of Judo in t#e United State"4 T#e 3oo2 i" a #i"tor5 of Judo in Japan, /ritain, and ot#er part" of t#e )orld, fra(ed 35 :a)8" o)n eEperience of 3e innin Judo after #i" fiftiet# 3irt#da5 and )or2in #i" )a5 up to sho dan Ffir"t0de ree 3lac2 3eltG at t#e /udo2)ai4
in t#e Ol5(pic final in Do"co) )it# 9a(3a ed in to a narro) !ictor54 Ada(" re3ounded fro( t#i" defeat 35 producin a "cintillatin perfor(ance at t#e &,+& .orld C#a(pion"#ip" to 3eco(e t#e fir"t (an fro( out"ide Japan to )in t#e (iddle)ei #t title4 /et)een t#e Do"co) and :o" An ele" Ol5(pic 9a(e" Ada(" )on e!er5 c#a(pion"#ip #e conte"ted )it# t#e eEception of t#e &,+@ .orld C#a(pion"#ip", )#ere #e lo"t a contro!er"ial deci"ion in t#e final, and #e arri!ed in California a" a clear old (edal fa!ourite4 Je produced a "erie" of fine !ictorie" to pro re"" to t#e final )#ere, after all t#e clo"e"t ri!al" #ad 3een eli(inated, #e )ould face t#e little02no)n 9er(an ?ran2 .iene2e4 Ada(" appeared to 3e in control of t#e fi #t 3ut a lap"e of concentration )a" eEpertl5 puni"#ed 35 .iene2e and Ada(" )a" t#ro)n for an ippon, t#e fir"t "uc# defeat of #i" entire career, and t#e 9er(an )a" cro)ned Ol5(pic C#a(pion4 Alt#ou # #e )on a fift# -uropean title in &,+H, #e )a" ne!er Auite t#e "a(e fi #ter after #i" Ol5(pic di"appoint(ent and retired after a final Ol5(pic appearance in &,++4 Ada(" 3eca(e a leadin coac# after #i" retire(ent fro( co(petiti!e and #a" 3een #ead coac# to t#e 9reat /ritain and /el ian national tea("4 In addition #e #a" produced fil(" and tec#nical (anual" a3out t#e "port4 Ji" elder 3rot#er, C#ri" Ada(", narro)l5 (i""ed "election for t#e &,=; Ol5(pic" 3ut later left t#e "port for a career a" a profe""ional )re"tler in A(erica4 C#ri" Ada(" )a" 2illed in a "#ootin incident in a Dia(i 3arroo( in $%%&4 Ada( i" al"o #a!in a 3ac2 round of i(portant coac#in #a!in for(erl5 #eld t#e po"ition of Jead Coac# of -lite De!elop(ent in /el iu( K <ational Coac# for .ale", )it# pa"t po"ition" )it#in Ol5(pic Coac# in for t#e &,,; Atlanta Ol5(pic 9a(e" )it#in /riti"# Judo4 Ada(" run" a coac# education 3u"ine"" called <eil Ada(" -ffecti!e ?i #tin a" )ell a" teac#in Judo around t#e )orld4 In Darc# $%%, #e re"i ned a" #ead coac# of t#e .el"# Judo A""ociation, a po"ition #e too2 on after 3ein a"2ed to ta2e up t#e role 35 clo"e friend and c#air(an of t#e a""ociation, *e!en .illia("4 Ada(" )a" pre!iou"l5 t#e national coac# VJ? 1udo in /el iu(4 A" a teena er, Ada(" )ent to D5ton Sc#ool in .ar)ic24 Je i" (arried to <i2i Ada(" FnLe Jen2in"G a for(er Canadian Ol5(pian in 1udo, #a!in 3een pre!iou"l5 en a ed, in t#e &,+%", to /riti"# Ol5(pic ")i((in "tar S#arron Da!ie"4 Ada("8 3rot#er )a" t#e late profe""ional )re"tlin "tar C#ri" Ada(", )#o #i("elf #ad a "ucce""ful career in 1udo 3efore turnin to pro )re"tlin in &,=+4Ada(" )a" "o fondl5 re arded in Japan t#at #e )a" i!en t#e nic2na(e Happo Bigin FEveryone s friendG4 Ada(" #a" "pent (ore t#an $H 5ear" )or2in in tec#nical trainin role" alon )it# a 3oo(in career in (edia propa ation after retirin fro( t#e co(petiti!e "ide of "port"4 /efore ta2in t#e po"ition of 9/ Ol5(pic Judo Tea( Coac# for Atlanta Ol5(pic 9a(e" in &,,;, #i" coac#in career co((enced )it# t#e /riti"# Sc#ool" Judo A""ociation,4 After "pendin H 5ear" in t#e re"pecti!e po"t, #e t#en too2 on t#e re"pon"i3ilit5 of <ational Coac# K <ational Tec#nical Ad!i"or for Coac# -ducation for /riti"# Judo4 At pre"ent people )ill 3e fa(iliar )it# #i" role a" 3roadca"ter for Judo at :ondon $%&$, i!in co((entar5, !ie)" of eEpert, and anal5"i" all t#rou # t#e "e!en da5 occa"ion at :ondon -ECel4 Ta2in po"ition )it# in"tant effect, Ada(" a""u(e" re"pon"i3ilit5 for all 3e"t tec#nical 1udo (atter" and )ill )or2 to de!elop a )orld0leadin , 3a"ed on e!idence, tec#nical, unified, "trate ic and <e(e"5"co "ecured fra(e)or2 )#ic# )ill eEplain t#e )a5 for t#e de!elop(ent for t#e 3e"t pla5er" of /riti"# Judo4 Ada( )a" t#e fir"t /riti"# (ale to )in a .orld title, and "i(ultaneou"l5 #old" a -uropean title4 Ot#er acco(pli"#(ent co!er" "il!er (edal" in t#e &,+%, old (edal in &,+&, .orld Judo C#a(pion"#ip" in Daa"tric#t, t#e <et#erland", &,+@ Judo .orld C#a(pion"#ip" K
&,+' Su((er Ol5(pic 9a(e"4 Je )a" al"o fi!e0ti(e -uropean C#a(pion4 At t#e a e of ', #e )a" pro(oted to +t# Dan dated Septe(3er $%, $%%+4
Born: 9/27/58
84 "$)mpi* +ames (78kg) Los ngeles, C , !S 83 #or$% Championships (78kg) - Moscow, #ussia 80 "$)mpi* +ames (71kg) Moscow, #ussia 78 ri!ish "pen (78kg) - London, England
85 #or$% Championships (78kg) - Seoul$ %orea 82 European Championships (78kg) - #ostoc&, 'ermany 79 #or$% Championships (71kg) - Paris, France 78 ,ano Cup (71kg) - (o&yo, Ja)an 78 European Championships (71kg) - Helsin&i, Finland 7- .r/ #or$% Championships (71kg) - Madrid, S)ain
F&,+;G MOl5(pic Judo: T#ro)in Tec#niAue"M Bel#a( F)it# C5ril CarterG F&,+;G MOl5(pic Judo: Variation" on 9round)or2M Bel#a( F)it# C5ril CarterG F&,++G MOl5(pic Judo: Breparation and Trainin M Bel#a( F)it# C5ril CarterG F&,,&G MTai0oto"#iM Judo !aster"lass Te"hni#ues Ippon /oo2" F&,,&G MAr( :oc2"M Judo !aster"lass Te"hni#ues Ippon /oo2" F&,,&G M9rip"M Judo !aster"lass Te"hni#ues Ippon /oo2"