Subconscious Mind
Subconscious Mind
Subconscious Mind
An Interpretation by
Author of the Psychological Year Books, etc. "The Mind is the Master over every kind of fortune A great ind beco es a great fortune." !eneca. "Along the "ay shines the #ight The revealing #ight illu inates advancing Po"er."
To the &./.&.$0 .01A&0 M(&)A$ &ector of !t. #uke2s 'hurch !an %rancisco, 'alifornia "hose guidance of his "0ear People constantly in his thoughts and al"ays in his Prayers," and "hose kind appreciation has been an encourage ent and an inspiration. 3A$.T Y(4$). !an %rancisco, 'alifornia
%(&.1(&0 A"akening the subconscious po"ers releases asterful forces. The subconscious region of the ind is capable of independent action. The 4ni5 verse is governed by #a". The 4niverse of being is sub6ect to #a". The #a"s ust be follo"ed. The sub6ective po"ers respond to suggestion. Man5 kind is divinely endo"ed "ith do inion and &eason ust control. These spiritual po"ers are given to anifest )od on earth and for use. To obtain the highest results, the ob6ective and sub5 6ective inds ust act in har ony and for )ood. %aith in, and the reali7ation that "e have these po"ers and clear thought directed by the "ill po"er persistently aintained de onstrates ideals and proves the revelation.
And )od said, #et us ake an in our i age, after our likeness, and let the have do inion over all the earth. !o )od created an in his o"n i age, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and an beca e a living soul. The Bible8 )enesis. Ask and it shall be given you9 seek and ye shall find9 knock and it shall be opened unto you. %or every one that asketh receiveth, and he that seek5 eth findeth and to hi that knocketh it shall be opened. The Bible8 !t. Matthe". 3esus ans"ered the , Is it not "ritten in your la", I said Ye are gods: The Bible8 !t. 3ohn. The anifestation of the !pirit is given to every an to profit "ithal severally as he "ill. The Bible8 'orinthians. A great and sacred !pirit talks indeed "ithin us, but cleaves to its divine original. !eneca. The Mind is agnetic and dra"s to itself "hat5 ever it ost earnestly deter ines. To distinguish its different aspects, that part of the ind in daily use has been ter ed the ob6ective, and the region that does the deep thinking the sub6ective ind. The sub6ective has been proved to be capable of independent action. The earth is circled "ith in5 visible etheric agnetic currents an inter ediary in trans itting energy proved in "ireless. The .ther is a divine agent for the use of ankind to sustain life and to utili7e its properties for the better ent of life. The ind through intelligent concentration ay connect thought "ith these li 5 itless etheric currents or spiritual forces belting and encircling space. These forces are governed by the #a" that 0e and creates supply. To de onstrate Mind Po"er kno"ledge of the #a" is essential. 1e ust feel our identity "ith 0ivine Po"ers through the ind"elling spirit. %aith ust be ain5 tained. .very thought is a force thought con5
nects "ith these ether vibrations and attracts re5 sults according to the ;uality of the thought sent out. 'oncentration upon ideals reiteration that po"er is inherent only a"aiting recognition understand5 ing that faith controls these forces or Infinite Po"er anifesting in ankind and the higher spiritual la", "ill establish the ans"er according to the intensity and activity of the "ill of the seeker. 1e kno" that these etheric currents per eate all space and all life and substance, and that by eans of these "aves of energy encircling and belting the earth vibrations and i pressions are conveyed to the ind responding to the direction of the thought and "ill intelligently directed. 3esus taught the kno"ledge of these spiritual forces and authori7ed their use. Mind #ight ay co and a continuous field of intelligence and activity. The Po"ers of the sub5 conscious or sub6ective ind or !oul are no" being ore generally understood. Its eans of infor a5 tion ust be of 0ivine (rigin, as it can be accounted for and e<plained in no other "ay. Through its agency 0ivine Po"er is co unicated by enabling the ind faculties to advance in the co prehension of odes of energy deter ined by the nature and di5 rection of the 1ill. )od created an in *is o"n i age i age is a counterpart. The !pirit "as breathed into an by )od *i self "hen "e be5 ca e living souls and "ere given do inion over things so "e have 0ivine Authority for its co 5 and and control and it beco es our privilege to study the la"s and de onstrate the po"ers of the subconscious activities. Practical results are no" de anded and its principles apply to all things for 4se and the better ent of life. Practical results ay be evolved fro our "ever increasing 0ivinely 'reated po"ers "hich our intellect "ill ore and ore enable" us to anifest in acco plish ent for good and the better ent of life for the any. The foundation of all religion is the sa e, "hether
"e consider ankind as a reflection of )od or a partaker of the attributes of 0ivinity, or ankind created in )od2s o"n i age or counterpart. =no"ledge and understanding of the !ubconscious Mind Po"ers bring )od nearer to ankind by de 5 onstrating our )od given po"ers. All #ife is an advance each receptive ind for"arding the thoughts that have been thought before broaden5 ing the ind and proclai ing progress. Illu inat5 ing #ight co es fro the 0ivine spheres of *igher Intelligence. 0ivine (rders of beings e<ist "ho guard, guide and over"atch ankind, respond to en5 treaty and trust and reveal the ysteries of )od by spreading the kno"ledge of *i to all seekers, through thought co union apprehended by the in5 tellect. 'oncentrated thought attracts the assistance of these helpers and forces through the energy of ental action "hich ;ualifies self5reali7ing spiritual Po"er, i parting "isdo and understanding through prayer and de and, that is, clai ing by right of our 0ivine Po"ers the fulfil ent of the Pro ises that if "e ask and seek "e shall &eceive and %ind. The electric ether is a ediu or agent and trans5 its energy, and individuals ay control and use this vibrant force. The ob6ective ind plans, and the sub6ective brings ideas to the surface of thought to evolve the plans into action. The ob6ective ind desires things, and the sub6ective unfolds thoughts to realise the . By these up"ard steps advance is ade along the "ay of ind privileges to "ill and de onstrate ideas, ental i ages and plans. "(ne ay think "hile they act and act "hile they think." Investigation discovers ne" phases of kno"ledge and discerns ore subtle e<pressions of intellectual capacities. To "hatever the ind is ost persist5 ently directed "ill it respond in a refle< action of results corresponding to directed "ill and thought. 0eep feeling arouses the e otions and is a ode of energy. Advancing kno"ledge and understanding discerns ore subtle ele ents of these energies, as the perceptions beco e keener.
A"akened latent energies ay deter ine health and pro ote aterial conditions, and are the a5 gicians "ho shall cause the daily life to blosso into realities. .arly "riters taught that the ind ay condition the ethereal substance of "hich electricity is a constituent, converting an into an apparatus of enor ous po"er and e<plaining the acco plish5 ent of the see ingly i possible. This ad its of no analysis. The unkno"n ;uantity is the #ogos or 1ord. Thoughts "ill offer their services if ideas and plans are pro6ected, that is, pictured in thought and given attention sho"ing "isdo ore than hu an. 1e ust have practical effects and "e have Biblical authority for asserting that the *igher Intelligences, acting under )od, respond to de and. The *oly !pirit or !oul "as breathed into an by )od *i self "hen "e beca e living beings. Along the 1ay shines the #ight. The ore in5 tense the thought the greater the po"er of its vibra5 tive effect to attract "hat "e persistently seek. 1e are active centers for the agnetic ele ent of concentrated thought to anifest the #a" of Attraction. To obtain its help, d"ell constantly upon its reality. 22(pportunities "ill co e as if they "ere ordered," and you "ill see for ing about you the conditions "hich you desire." The sub5 conscious region see s to represent the supply cen5 ter, the ob6ective the de and center of the universe of being. 1e ust for a ental or " ind pic5 ture" of our ideals and hold it continually in thought until it anifests in reality. The electric ether trans its energy and individuals ay use this vi5 brant force. There is a counterpart in the invisible corresponding to ideals, that ay be transfor ed into realities in the visible "orld. The ind ust be prepared to e<pect and receive i pressions. A *ierarchy of 0ivine (rders of Beings co 5 unicate intelligence through thought 'o union of !aints. By their inistry blessings prolific in abundance descend, an ordained bond of union be5 t"een the seen and the unseen. Meditation pre5 ceding concentration ay center the ind upon the nature and direction of the thought. *ar onious
thought ust prevail and preside and all contrary conditions banished and avoided. 3oy is a construc5 tive ele ent and a"aits recognition. 1hatever thought is sent out returns in like ;uality in result, and dra"s in force in proportion to pro6ected pro5 pelling vibrations. "The ether governs organic life and trans its and receives sensory i pressions, di5 rected by the consciousness." It "as kno"n to the ancient philosophers as "ell as odern scientists that the ether is the source of all energy and of the nature of electricity. 4nder the direction of the "ill, "hich is also co posed of subtle and varying aspects, it ay be directed to "onderful results. The ether see s to supply the force through "hich the spiritual anifests in the aterial. !cience has no" de onstrated that "etheric radiations acco 5 pany the e<ercise of the highest faculties of the soul. These etheric radiations entirely pervade all the ele ents of this universe and is the agent in the production of all pheno ena. This etheric force gives energy and po"er to act. This etheric fluid is diffused throughout the universe acting upon the body and penetrating even the nervous syste ." I believe it to be the !pirit or Breath breathed into us by )od *i self "hen "e beca e living souls. "In the hu an body it anifests properties analo5 gous to those of the agnet. There is a continuous e<change of forces going on bet"een the living or5 ganis and its etheric surroundings. Through the activity of this subtle fluidic ele ent intellectual conceptions are trans itted. #ife is directed by the radiation of this force. ".theric groupings peculiar to each living organis have an influence upon the vibrations of the invisible ether." Thus e<plaining the process of vibratory effects and activities and their ethod of action independent of the conscious ind through the subconscious self5reali7ing po"ers. A 0ivine "orld plan to guide the affairs of life. 1e kno" the subconscious or spiritual ind has po"ers of action independent of the conscious ind. The subconscious or spiritual forces i part kno"ledge and "isdo to direct it to the earnest seeker. This superior reason, this self5reali7ing consciousness is )od in ourselves a guide in the affairs of life. *appiness and the beautiful things
of this "orld are intended for use and all right ethods should be studied and adopted to attract the . Thinking creates ideas directing the faculties of the ind at "ill. The vibratory ether trans its the thought, it interpenetrates the plane or sphere corresponding to the idea sent out, and ans"ering perceptions are co unicated. This appears to be the ethod of the ind process. !pecific instruc5 tions given the sub6ective ind that in conscious conte plation does the deep thinking, brings the in5 for ation before the ob6ective ind or that part of the ind in general use. Train and use these sub5 6ective po"ers the 0ivine Mediu through "hich ideas ay be received. The celestial energy of the ind attracts po"er through "hich "e con;uer. &oused into activity by auto5suggestion, "hich is ental conversation "ith the subconscious and con5 veys instructions and re;uests, the subconscious gen5 erates and co unicates ans"ering replies. In5 tense feeling a"akens latent faculties. =no"ledge of the la"s governing the sub6ective po"ers ay control events. Persistency in seeking for opportu5 nities creates the . The Infinite co unicates "ith the finite through the spirit or soul, anifesting in ankind as the subconscious region of the ind. "!piritual gifts given to every an severally as he "ill." (ccupying the ind "ith high ideals attracts perceptions fro higher real s the 0ivine Prin5 ciple reali7ing in ind i agery. %aith i parts po"er. The *oly !pirit is an a ulet al"ays about us the re"ard is anifest. The soul or subcon5 scious is )od in ourselves. *ealth and strength of body and ind ay be aug ented by keeping in ind this thought, "Things are as real as you ake the ." The function of the ind is to guide the "ill. Its la"s ay be astered to guide the daily life. 'onte plation produces a radiation of energy to the consciousness. To ask or de and, clai ing by right of 0ivine Authority through the Pro ises is to receive force and "isdo . Possibilities and iracles are the sa e a eans to de onstrate Po"er. To cultivate repose and cal thought con5 serves energy. The great "orld religions sho" an identity of essence.
!aints ake real the unseen "orld. %orce, po"5 erful as electricity, resides in the individual "ill. As "e advance along the path of self5kno"ledge, the ore the serene ind serves the rightly directed "ill. "The resources and depths of the subconscious are unfatho able and unli ited. It is the do5 inion of free "ill and ust be controlled by &eason." =no"ledge of its governing la"s is essential. Persistency in auto suggestion reiteration of faith and ackno"ledg ent of its po"ers and self5 astery are necessary to control and co and its services. 1ith added perceptions higher radiations are pre5 sented and discerned. =no"ledge follo"s 0e and, that is, by clai ing the fulfil ent of the Pro ises that if "e ask and seek "e shall receive and find thought and "ill establishing Po"er. "The "ord necessities has e<panded." The ob6ective ind observes and reasons upon plans and ideals, then by suggestions to the sub6ec5 tive receives intuitions and ans"ers of illu inating thought. The subconscious co unicates "ith unseen po"ers. By concentration and reiteration of faith continuous po"er ay be reali7ed. "Auto sugges5 tion is the great psychological iracle." "The in5 spiring suggestion blesses hi that gives as "ell as takes." The Infinite 'onsciousness should govern every action of life. 'oncentrate upon its supply. The Infinite 'onsciousness, one of the any aspects or reflections of the Infinite, anifests in ankind as the subconscious ind or soul in the !oul or *oly !pirit anifesting in a ore subtle or spiritual for and anifesting in the ether per eating all things as the all pervading trans itter of energy enabling the ind faculties through its agency to e<ternali7e ideas and deter ine certainties. By keeping in ind that "e have these Po"ers "ith "isdo to direct the , and clai ing of the ( nipotent "ithin the
fulfil ent of the Pro ises, "e shall receive that for "hich "e ask and find that for "hich "e seek. "To the faithful "ill the signs be anifest." "1ith revealing #ight "ill co e acco plishing Po"er," the !earchlight of 0ivine &ays illu inating the ")reat and !acred !pirit "ithin us, "hich co es fro the eternal abodes in eridian splendor and con;uers by its innate force."
itual or subconscious ind ankind is endo"ed "ith po"er to transfor thought po"er into 'reative Po"er. "'ivili7ation is applied thought." Man adapts all things to his needs. 'onstant e<ercise of the "ill creates ideas and illu ination co es to the "thinker "ho acts." 1ill force or energy finds e<pression in action. .theric Po"er, agnetic and electric "ith energy, illu inates the understanding through forceful thought evolving creative Po"er. An in;uiry is pro6ected, response in thought for ensues, "hich evolves other odes of acco plish5 ent. The function of the ind is to guide the "ill. "A iracle is the "orking of a higher force through the individual." 1e have Biblical au5 thority for affir ing possibilities to be unli ited. Meditation a 3acob2s ladder upon "hich the angels of the )od "ithin us ay anifest bet"een earth and heaven. The Psychic force is electrical. The sub6ective through the electrical thought and "ill anifests effects. $e" spirit has been infused into the accu5 ulated kno"ledge of preceding generations. The recognition of these principles of guidance is i 5 portant in practical life. To affir *ealth, *appi5 ness, *ar ony and Prosperity attracts correspond5 ing ele ents i parting vibrations of strength and Po"er. !uggestion is an agent of !piritual energy. "#aunch your thoughts and the higher self takes control" to attain realities. &eason ust govern all. *igher planes of thought are sub6ect to la"s governing ans"ering intelligence to the intellect. 'reations are transfor ations of thought into action. "%orce in otion is a po"er and transfers energy" and is action9 "%orce at rest sustains," and is repose. After auto suggestion or suggestions or affir ations to self that "hat desired is possible, that the sub5 6ective ind has po"ers of acco plish ent and "ill be a enable to control by suggestion aug5 ented by faith and belief, let the sub6ective ind have e<pression, if instructed and trusted it has been found to faithfully respond to the confidence reposed
in it. "!uccess, a "ord unkno"n a century since, is no" a sovereign ruler in all lives." It is said that one of .ngland2s ost gifted poetic "riters at first sho"ed no arked originality, but affir ing that her thoughts "ere i parted to her through higher po"ers i pressing i ages of illu5 ination and inspiration upon her thoughts she be5 ca e capable of indefinitely sustained creative po"ers. The spirit leads to all good things. Affir Peace and Plenty the !upply "ill co e. Mind force directs thought into action. &eiteration creates &eality. 'ontinually declare for increasing po"er and energy and ans"ers of strength "ill co e. "All that life needs is possible to "ill." The "ill force ay be disciplined to a arvellous e<tent. 1ill po"er has a relation to vitality. .n5 ergy is a vivifying and transfor ing force. 1ill has been affir ed to be a fluid taken up fro the surrounding ethereal substance and transfor ed into energy. Angels are appointed guardians of and essen5 gers to ankind. Man ay reali7e his highest po"ers through the !pirit. "This ethereal sub5 stance is a subtler force than electricity, though of its nature. This ighty agency of po"er can rene" the vital forces under the do inion of the instructed, educated and cultivated "ill." =no"ledge of and understanding of these po"ers and forces opens up ne" vistas of action. All is )od and "e are of )od. Through the illu ination of the spirit ay higher truths be apprehended through inner revela5 tion fro 0ivine !ources, obtained by concentra5 tion and prayer. The true #ight "ill be revealed. The po"er of electricity e anates fro the soul. The spirit soul or subconscious in varied aspects and anifold for s co unicates "ith, and co pels all things to the service of ankind and is a ani5 festation of the Presence of the Infinite, to guard, guide and respond to our entreaty and trust. .lectricity in its continuously reali7ing and deter5 ining for s is one of the ost po"erful anifes5 tations of )od its arvellous revelations "only in
the beginning." The po"er of electricity resides in and e anates fro the soul. Along the length of the 1ay shines the #ight as the #ight illu ines "e advance proclai ing progress and ne" percep5 tions of =no"ledge and 4nderstanding. The spirit co unicates "ith all things and in5 for s and co pels all things to the service of an5 kind through the po"er of thought and "ill. %aith ;uickens the spirit. Auto suggestions given to the sub6ective ind sti ulates it to action by i parting to it intelligent instructions. This once recogni7ed its intelligence and resources ay be co anded. To obtain its help its po"ers ust be reali7ed. As the #ight illu ines one advances on the 1ay. Po"er is trans itted =no"ledge obtained. The ob6ect deter ined and kept constantly in vie". "Mind "ill be the generator, 1ill the energy, and !pirit the current," producing and anifesting effects transfor ing and creating results. By concentrating upon these realities "ith an eager, attentive ind "ill the spirit respond. !elf5confi5 dence evolves energy to acco plish. The sub6ective entity is a potent force. %aith is essential in con5 trolling results. "Meditative Philosophy is a gar5 ent of the hu an race." 'onscious self5confidence sti ulates deter ined effort. 1e are active centers for the etheric agnetic ele ents, connecting thought "ith li itless invisible currents, attracting by the po"er of our "ill "hat "e persistently seek. An ai for the perfection of hu an intelligence. Mind ay aster all things. !piritual truths ay be discerned. Miracles are direct interposition of the po"er of )od in the affairs of an individual through prayer and i portunacy. 'ircu stances are pliant to spiritual Po"er. The etheric ind Po"er attracts the "All .ncircling )ood." The ind in sleep ay attract po"er and kno"ledge. 0ivine Messengers i press 1isdo and Intelli5 gence "(ur thoughts co une "ith beings "ho people i ensity, broadening the ind and bright5 ening the intellect." By e<ercising the faculties of the ind and "ill ore po"er is brought into action.
The spirit in editation ay co une "ith helpers and thus a"aken dor ant forces and po"ers. The sub6ective ind ay be used to aug ent health and strength of body and ind by connecting thought "ith the higher spiritual po"ers. Intuition proves the presence and po"er of the sub6ective ind to anifest the 0ivine Po"ers of the "ill. #atent energies, undeveloped faculties, ay be aroused to establish thought co union "ith inner intelligence inherent in the soul "hich ay thus acco plish "onders the unseen cause of the seen effect. 'onte plation produces a radia5 tions of 0ivine energy to the consciousness. "To call or de and for force and "isdo to direct it, is to attract it." !piritual strength is absorbed. "Possibilities and iracles are the sa e" and a eans to de onstrate Po"er. 'ultivate repose and cal thought. The great "orld religions sho" an identity of essence. !aints ake real the unseen "orld. A force po"erful as electricity resides in the individual "ill. #ife is an educating process. The further one advances along the path of soul, or self5kno"ledge, the ore the serene ind ay co 5 and po"er to serve the rightly directed "ill. The sub6ective ind is a guide trust it, believe in it and thank it. It is a #iving Presence al"ays at our side and co and, given fro the beginning to do our bidding its la"s ay be astered to guide the daily life. "1e cannot fatho the depths nor easure the resources of the subconscious, it has eans for obtaining infor ation not shared by the ob6ective ind. Its po"ers ay be educated, trained and directed into channels of the greatest i portance and service to each individual. The sub> 6ective ind "ill respond ore faithfully "ith each + succeeding success after uch training it "ill act "ith po"er and celerity." "It "ill perfor "ith fidelity the labor entrusted to it. )ive it instructions "ith ob6ective confidence it "ill be found useful if sti ulated by auto suggestion and faithful en5 deavor. Its creative po"ers are beyond our ability
to easure or even li it. Its po"ers, activity and creative results "ill be increased by e<ercise, faith and belief. Make the sub6ective ind believe it can do a thing and you ."ill find the results "ill be re5 arkable indeed. The sub6ective raises the infor5 ation up to the threshold of the ob6ective con5 sciousness any infor ation it desires to i part." The t"o inds or the t"o parts of one ind the aterial or ob6ective, the ind in daily use, and the spiritual or sub6ective or subconscious, "hich does the deep thinking interpenetrate. 1hen instruc5 tion or suggestion is given the ob6ective or aterial ind is in co and. Then the subconscious or spiritual or sub6ective ind takes the lead, obtains the infor ation and i parts it to the ob6ective ind through thought i pressions. 0ivine Messengers reveal 'elestial Intelligence through these ind Po"ers and establish 'reative Thought. The ind beco es responsive to energy capable of indefinitely sustained creative po"er, "ith added perceptions higher radiations are presented and discerned. Thus by thought and "ill po"er ay ideals be transfor ed into 'reations. =no"ledge follo"s 0e and. "The "ord necessi5 ties has e<panded." 'reations are Transfor ations through the "Magic of the Mind." Transfor ation of thought into action is 'reation. The sub6ective ind or soul does the real thinking the ob6ective ind observes and reasons upon plans or ideals of acco plish ent, then by suggestions to the sub6ec5 tive ind receives ideas or infor ation or ans"ers of responsive thought. The sub6ective ind i 5 parts kno"ledge and "isdo "hich proceeds fro the 0ivine helpers "ho inister to ankind thus are ideals transfor ed into 'reations. The sub6ective or spiritual ind co unicates "ith unseen po"ers of the 4niverse the ob6ective ind supplying the ideals or ob6ects sought. .du5 cate the sub6ective Po"ers by concentration, in5 struction and reiteration and ackno"ledge its po"ers by faith and belief it i personates and reali7es individual creative po"er, partaking of the
attributes of )od po"er. The ore instruction given it and the ore faith in its po"ers, the ore "onderful the results. "!ub6ective Psychology fur5 nishes a =ey to Progress." The unseen "orld is peopled by helpers diffusing thought to receptive inds. "%inding the eaning of things, discerns the soul of things." /ibrations of truth are passed on fro !eraphi to 'herubi through *eavenly Po"ers, Archangels and Angels and on to highly illu ined thinkers in the "orld and on in innu 5 erable "ays to ankind. Thought is a ode of otion diffused through vibrations of the agnetic ether presenting ideas to the intellect and under5 standing in various "ays, to encourage and en5 lighten the "orld of ind. (ne of )od2s "ays of speaking to ankind, through *is essengers "ho in a degree i part *is po"er to receptive inds. The invisible "orld of ideas has a counterpart corresponding to ideals, that ay be transfor ed into 'reations in the visible "orld to serve the cal , "ell5balanced ind. The ind ust be prepared to e<pect and receive i pressions and all good thought heeded. An organi7ed *ierarchy of 0ivine (rders of Beings co unicate "ith ankind through thought and hand do"n the 0ivine #ight to ankind, thus constituting the bond of union be5 t"een the seen and the unseen. The early 'hurch %athers, the !eers, Philosophers and Mystics e<pounding and e<plaining the Bible, prepared the "orld for this kno"ledge. 1hen i 5 pressions are received they co e fro *igher !ources, fro )od2s appointed, ordained fro the beginning to instruct the "orld and co unicate through the ind Po"ers, =no"ledge and 1isdo and 4nderstanding to be transfor ed into 'reative Po"er. The electric ether trans its force to an5 kind vibrant "ith energy. The individual controls and uses this force, attracting and asse bling Po"er "discovering the soul of things." Master5 ing the la"s governing these po"ers leads to higher "isdo and the kno"ledge that 'reations are but Transfor ations. Illu ination is ind uplifted to spheres transcendently intelligent, the abiding place
of ideas and source of all thought "trans itted by thought." This "isdo has been i parted as the "orld has been prepared to receive it. All helpful kno"ledge should be studied so as to be applied practically to better individual and "orld conditions. Mind Po"ers and privileges are forces to direct active and practical results to the effecting of all things pos5 sible through self5confidence and kno"ledge trans5 for ed into po"er of acco plish ent. These higher planes e<ist responsive to the action of pro5 6ected conscious thought transfor ed by )od given soul po"er into 'reations. "$e" Thought" is old thought adapted to odern ethods. The advance5 ent of the "orld is for"arded by conscious reali7a5 tion that 'reations are but Transfor ations. Man ay apprehend the Infinite, not only in religion, but in all things a very real po"er "hich has held its o"n fro the very beginning of the "orld. Ma< Mutter. #earn ho" to ake your life valuable. Arabian $ights2 stories "ere only sy bols of the ele ents an ight control if he but rubbed the la p of his intelligence s artly enough. .very fairy tale has a eaning, every legend a lesson. Marie 'orelli. Possibilities and iracles ean the sa e thing. As you recogni7e your relationship to the !upre e Po"er you "ill co e to kno" that yours is the right to de and as uch as possible of this !upre e or 0ivine Po"er to be e<pressed through you. 1hen you desire or de and anything, you pray for that thing or in other "ords you set at "ork the force attracting that thing to you. As your po"er increases to bring results, you beco e con5 tinually a ne"er being through the action and "ork5 ing of thought and ind. The Infinite is ever sending thoughts to this planet "hich change it and the people on it into ne"er and happier beings. They are the co ands of the Infinite saying to us "You ust kno" ore of Me." 1e "ill through such de and have ore and ore of the !upre e
"1ord !poken to 4nlock the 0oor of !uccess" *u an beings are electrical otors. The Mind is an electrical, agical, agnetic %orce. The 1ill is a driving po"er and the !pirit an electrical cur5 rent connecting ankind "ith 0ivine po"er. 0ivine spiritual po"er anifests in ankind as the spiritual or electric sub6ective ind and ay be su oned, instructed and co anded to do his bidding. Mind, 1ill and !pirit generate elec5 tric current, the otor po"er of spiritual energy and activity. By the 0ivine5given right of do inion and free "ill ankind is e po"ered and entitled to co and this spiritual and conte plative part of the ind "hich does the deep thinking. This is an age of applied ind5po"er. The acco plish ent of practical results is de anded. "To deter ine on acco plish ent is al ost acco plish ent itself." The conscious ind controls electrical forces. The spirit is the potential, direct current converting this electrical energy into echanical energy. .lectricity, an ether ove ent, su oned, con5 trolled and co anded, serves ankind. Thought precedes effort. &esident electrical forces ay assu e attributes of intelligence e anating fro the 0ivine real s, attracting unseen agencies "ho under )od attend ankind and i part "isdo and po"er in ans"er to insistent de and. To su on, co and and use these forces intelligently is an (pen !esa e, "ord spoken to unlock the door of !uccess. The electrical resident spirit connects thought "ith these invisible friends reflecting perceptions and vital po"er. 0iscovering and astering the la"s of at5 traction governing these real s inspires po"er to originate and create. These electrical agical privileges are intended to be an (pen !esa e lead5 ing to a supply for every de and. The "orld of ind, "hen conscious of its po"ers, is illu ined through the reflecting electrical !pirit, the ediu
of union bet"een the ( nipotent, ( nipresent, anifesting Principle and ankind. By "hatever nation, individual or under "hatever for "or5 shipped for good, the Infinite, !upre e )od is the sa e ani ating, infor ing, all5encircling !pirit governing in all things. The ind advances to higher planes of consciousness, according as the directed thought ascends in understanding and is continually unfolding still higher real s of =no"l5 edge. 1onderful orders of intelligences and regions of ideas e<ist. *eavenly beings !eraphi , 'heru5 bi , Archangels, Angels, inistering spirits and helpers e<tending to every service rendered, and in every "ay in "hich ankind advances, progresses and is benefited *ierarchs of 0ivine (rders "ho hand do"n the 0ivine #ight and guard, guide and attend ankind an (pen !esa e and eans of anifestation for all nations and individuals. The !piritual or sub6ective ind is a eans of co 5 unication "ith these 0ivine (rders of 'elestial Po"ers. Ideas are invisible e<istences of e<ternal realities. Mind action i parts otion and anifests radiant electrical energy the ore ind action the greater the results. *o" to achieve practical results has been a proble of all ti es. The Pro ises and $e" Testa ent teachings of our #ord and !avior 3esus 'hrist bring )od nearer to ankind. !pecial intervention ay be evoked to produce aterial things fro the unseen 4niverse. )od intends ankind to aster the secrets of the "orld, the riches of the ind attracting the riches of the universe. The 0ivine gift of the spiritual and sub6ective ind proves the vision. #a" governs individual affairs of life and "orld syste s, and agical ind po"ers attract unseen helpers ready to serve the enlightened "ill. Persistence creates de ands and unfolds opportunities. The Arabian $ights2 stories sy boli7e and por5 tray the po"ers and possibilities of the sub6ective
electrical ind and are for the "orld. They are of varied origin .gyptians, )recians, Persians, and (rientals, all contributing to their e<istence. .ven the educated classes of the Arabs do not regard the ost e<travagant relations in the stories incredible. )enii are still believed to e<ist. The stories are considered to be founded upon still earlier stories and traditions, re odelled so as to picture re ote periods of history. The religious and superstitious incident of the stories, and their fascination and supernatural ro ance have secured a hold on readers "hich has never rela<ed. (n one collection is inscribed8 ".<tolled be the perfection of *i "ho has thus ordained the history of for er genera5 tions to be a lesson to those "ho follo"." The #a p ay sy boli7e the illu inating !pirit, the 1ill, the Mind, the &eason, the Po"ers of Man5 kind, of %aith and Belief, a #ight to guide the 1ay and the Path of all Truth, Po"er and !uccess9 an (pen !esa e for all. Aladdin i plored 0ivine protection and thanked )od for deliverance and said 8 "There is no po"er or strength but in the )reat and *igh )od." All countries have their belief in folk5lore, fairies and supernal beings. The Bible chronicles supernatural and angelic inistrations. The early 'hurch %athers advocated the intercession of *ierarchs of higher orders of beings "ho hand do"n the 0ivine #ight to the faithful believers and act as inter5 ediaries bet"een )od and ankind. 1e kno" the 4niverse to be governed by a 0ivine Principle. These 0ivine beings are a bond of union an (pen !esa e bet"een the Infinite and the finite anifesting the i inence and accessibility of )od. There is a correspondence bet"een the revelations of the Bible !eers the accounts of the holy celes5 tial visions of the !aints of the 'hurch the absorp5 tion of the ystics and the sy bolic agic "ords (pen !esa e of the Arabian stories representing and e<pressing a continuous, conscious reali7ing po"er of ankind, through co anding the
spiritual or sub6ective ind5 forces an (pen !esa e to po"er and successful achieve ent. The sub6ective ind po"er is of 0ivine origin and its co and and use "as authori7ed "hen an "as given do inion. The 'hristian !cientists affir an (pen !esa e "hen teaching ".verything "e "ish is in the 2!ilence2 or the All5)ood a"aiting our recognition to beco e anifest." The "!ilence" is the "0ayti e of the !oul" of the Mystics "ho ain5 tain that in editation and cal and holy conte 5 plation they have direct co union and co uni5 cation "ith the 0ivine !pirit and ac;uire kno"ledge of 0ivine things and receive i pressions of true =no"ledge. In this practical age all are seekers, and the nu ber continually beco ing ore nu erous. The "hole "orld is electric "ith energy. The agical ind, "ill and spirit intelligently su oned and instructed, co anding arvelous results. The Arabian stories counsel the "orship of )od and on the agic carpet of vivid description reveal the po"ers and possibilities of ankind, and ay be one of the digits of the hand of )od pointing to progress. %ro the da"n of the history of the "orld e<istences of "onder "orkers and influences above the ordinary or kno"n have been believed. All iracle "orkers believe in the nearness of the unseen. The Arabian stories ay portray the !pirit that inspired 'olu bus, the A erican !pirit of Independence as "ell as the agical "ord of (pen !esa e. To our "heroic, enthusiastic, earnest and 7ealous ancestors "e are indebted for the foundation of our glory." !olo on obtained "isdo by prayer. The .gyptians believed hu an beings to be co posed of the body, the 0ivine !park and that "hich con5 nected the body and the 0ivine !park, and prayed for sacred blessings. 1onders have already been acco plished and only in the beginning. Mind attention su ons ind forces and dra"s con5 structive po"er in actuality corresponding to the ;uality of the thought sent out. This, at one ti e kno"n to but fe", is no", co paratively speaking,
shared by any. &ecogni7ing the )od5given do5 inion and po"ers of free "ill, blessings nu ber5 less as the stars, and "onders surpassing i aginings ay be revealed and reali7ed. Bible state ents and early philosophy are no" being scientifically proved. That the electrical energy of the Mind, 1ill and !pirit is sub6ect to la" has been de onstrated. The sub6ective ind is the spiritual estate of ankind. In this vibratory do ain the electrical spirit trans5 its and receives essages. The ind is inter5 penetrated by i pressions fro the higher planes of intelligence and e<istences of helpers to "hich the thought is directed by fi<ity of purpose. The sub5 6ective ind is the vehicle of the spirit, and ain5 tained and intense thought sti ulates ental activity. Pursuing ideas leads to being pursued by i pressions of ans"ers to ideas. &ecognition of, and training of ind po"er is of practical i 5 portance. Thought creates an ether ove ent of infor ing and reflecting vibrations. Auto5sugges5 tion is a ental conversation "ith the sub6ective ind conveying instructions and re;uests and generating and co anding po"er to receive re5 plies. I can and I "ill serve as an (pen !esa e. The =no"ledge and Po"ers of the sub6ective ind are being ore generally understood its po"ers and eans of infor ation ust be of 0ivine origin, as they can be accounted for and e<plained in no other "ay. In proportion as the sub6ective ind is trained and trusted "ill it respond by in5 spiring thoughts of confidence and i pressions of practical ideas. &eiteration is the na e given to persistent auto5suggestion or instructions to the sub6ective ind po"ers, and is a la" of the con5 structive and creative process of thought5building and a eans or plan for continually e<panding progress. Ac;uired energy ani ates effort to obtain ob6ects sought for. .lectricity is revealing "onders. .arly philoso5 phers traced all things to the ani ating infor ing ether. Modern philosophers and scientists reiterate this and prove its vibratory po"ers. The agical "ireless telegraphy de onstrates the ele ents su 5 oned, co anded and serving ankind.
The !pirit of the individual is identical "ith the !pirit of )od, affir ed the early philosophers. Modern ind students proclai the arvelous po"ers of the sub6ective ind and agree that it has eans of infor ation and resources "hich de on5 strate its 0ivine !ource. The early philosophers affir ed that the 0eity stands in the relation of a )iver to ankind granting "hat is asked and that those "ho displayed ore aptitude than others sought for and obtained ore of the infor ing spirit. The Arabian stories tell of the "onder5"orking #a p and of its attending servers and of the agical "ord of (pen !esa e. In our era "e are rubbing the #a p of the electrical agical Mind and &eason, and our thinkers are proving that the Infinite and !upre e &uler of the 4niverse "ill honor the de ands of ankind. The Mystic as5 sures in holy conte plation direct co union "ith the !pirit of )od. !tudents of Mind !cience have proved that "hen the conscious ind is centered upon a purpose the sub6ective po"ers "ill faithfully perfor instructions given to it and that "ith train5 ing and practice it "ill act ore intelligently "ith each e<perience. Belief and faith are re;uisite and sti ulate and encourage its po"ers. Instructions pro ote and produce perceptions. Intense feeling evolves ideas these auto5suggestions put the sub5 6ective ind at "ork anifesting the 0ivine plan in self5reali7ing ideals. In the sub6ective ind, po"ers, "ill and persistent effort secures an in5 valuable ally and helper for all endeavor concen5 tration upon plans desired directs the "ill and ind to"ard infor ation to obtain results. These po"ers ust be felt and reiteration trains feeling. Magical forces are in every individual eager and ready to serve the enlightened "ill. =no"ledge and 1isdo are first revealed in"ardly d"elling on possible attain ent, disclosing spirit i pelling energy. Practical =no"ledge ay be obtained by observation and e<perience. Those "ho do "onders "ork "ith )od by partaking in part of 0ivine po"er one of )od2s gifts to ankind. 1onder5
"orking angels acco plishing all things for an5 kind forces of intelligence energi7ing the resident electrical ind po"ers. Mines of gold, precious ge s and etals and all valuable discoveries have yielded to de and and energy. The !pirit, the Breath, 0o inion, %ree5 "ill all besto"ed by )od, are electric "ith *is po"er, inspiring ankind to go forth and find. *ierarchs preside over the 0ivine (rders of the 4niverse "ho illu inate the intellect "ith intelli5 gence and are an (pen !esa e to ankind. The Arabian stories counsel the "orship of )od and are studies in 'heerfulness, )ratitude, *ope and 1orship and depict the re"ard of those "ho by agreeable and entertaining endeavor ake the 5 selves valuable, all effort for good creating oppor5 tunities by the agic of the electrical ind po"er. These stories portray individuals guarded by helpers "ho ay be su oned and co anded to protect and assist ankind. These surrounding influences ay picture the arvelous sub6ective forces co 5 unicating and trans itting po"er to the seeker through identity "ith the ani ating 4niversal %orces. .arnest and intense desire attract these po"ers of refle< forces. May not (pen !esa e sy boli7e auto5suggestion: May not (pen !esa e sy boli7e the potency of I can and I "ill: May not (pen !esa e sy boli7e all effort : The story of the voyager "ho overheard the appeal to )od of his carrier, saying, "Al ighty )od, "hat has he done to obtain fro Thee a lot so agreeable:" describes the voyager ans"ering by giving the carrier a perpetual invitation to his feasts, honoring hi by placing hi at his right hand at his table, and besto"ing upon hi gifts and riches thus illustrating the efficiency of prayer. These stories spur ental activity. They picture
all classes of people and individuals, and depict "hat ay be su oned and co anded by deter5 ined "ill. To reach the heights has al"ays been attended by industry. Alladin, re oving the stone, discovered a palace and three great halls. The palace of the ind po"ers reveals the halls of 1isdo , =no"ledge and 4nderstanding leading to all Truth and Po"er. &ubbing the #a p of Belief and %aith illu ines po"erful agencies, su oned by the "ill and electric )od5given spirit to e<ercise and co and the . In these Arabian stories the recipients of gifts and favors and privileges thanked and blessed )od and e<pressed gratitude for health blessings and benefits. 'aution is e<tolled, "hich ay also sy boli7e reason. They counsel the "or5 ship of )od, honoring the 0ivine Principle of the 4niverse ani ating all substance and accessible to all. *appiness, the good things and lu<uries of the "orld ac;uired by right ethods and "ith reason, are for all to en6oy. The po"ers and re5 sources of the Mind, 1ill and !pirit are an (pen !esa e to unlock the door of !uccess. The spirit of the ele ents has inspired genius in all ages of the "orld. !pecial responsive influences e anating fro 0ivine sources ans"er and eagerly serve the faithful. The forceful have un5 li ited po"ers at their co and. The vigilant observer a"akens effective electrical forces. In5 trospection affords vie"s of constantly e<panding, serving, helpful agencies energi7ing vibrations of inspiration and po"er. There are any "ays of acco plishing the sa e result. )od is over all. A sage said, "!eek, persist and ask the ( nipotent "ithin re ind it of its pro ises and keep it a"ake, and "e shall receive that for "hich "e ask and find that for "hich "e seek." )od2s po"er is shared in part by those "ho by "ill and faith seek and use these channels of forces "hich respond to effort. !upply a"aits de and and energy of thought and action. These Arabian stories por5 tray the value of prayer and thanksgiving to )od. Their "orship and attitude to"ards )od "as ost inti ate, asking for "hat "as "ished in a con5 fident and e<pectant anner. These stories are
for the "orld and ".<tol the perfection of *i "ho has thus ordained the history of for er gen5 erations to be a lesson to those "ho follo"." The virtues of the past should be e ulated, the errors avoided. The stories co end the good and picture the a"akening of the higher po"ers, re5 vealing the hidden treasures and possibilities of ankind. (pen !esa e, "ord used to unlock the door of !uccess, is for all. The 4niverse is ine<5 haustible in its sources of supply. The services of the ele ents, the earth and all nature a"ait recognition and action. )od reproduces *is po"er in ankind through the electrical, all5encircling !pirit. Mind i ages and i pressions vary "ith the ;uality and direction of thought consciousness. !oul po"er supplies the otor action for practical acco plish ent. The plan and ob6ect desired kept constantly in vie" and before the ind attracts the services of electrical spiritual forces fro the abiding place of ideas. 0ivine (rders of Beings preside over the Intelli5 gences and influences "ho hand do"n the 0ivine #ight to ankind the !eraphi higher than the 'herubi , Archangels, Angels 0ivine (rders of 1isdo and understanding all "ho help and serve ankind or in any "ay confer benefits and po"er on hu anity. *ealth, Prosperity, *appiness all things sought for good a"ait the seeker the in5 dustry of the ind an (pen !esa e to achieve5 ent. Thinking creates ideas directing the faculties of the ind at "ill and has been co pared to be si ilar in action to the telephone trans itting thoughts in certain desired directions and receiving ideas and inspirations in response. The vibratory ether trans its the thought it interpenetrates the plane corresponding to the idea sent out and co 5 unicates ans"ering perceptions of creative intelli5 gence. This appears to be the ethod of the ind process. !pecific instructions given the spiritual sub6ective ind that in conscious conte plation does the deep thinking brings the infor ation before the ob6ective ind or the part of the ind in general use, and presupposes that the ind is served by illu ination conveying, infor ing, ans"ering in5
telligence corresponding to re;uests. Train and use these sub6ective ind po"ers the 0ivine ediu through "hich ideas ay be received and trans5 for ed into electric action. By this po"er one con;uers. &oused into activity by auto5sugges5 tion, intense feeling a"akens latent faculties and =no"ledge of the la"s governing the sub6ec5 tive po"ers ay aster and control events persistent reiteration proves and reveals the vision. *u an beings have celestial energy attracting po"er. #ike reproduces itself and creates by the vibratory process, reflecting ideas in ans"er to continuous particular insistency. Persistency in seeking for (pportunities creates the spiri5 tual gifts anifesting to every one as he "ill. The Infinite co unicates "ith the finite through the spirit. The ind ay be instructed and trained to be on the alert for practical ideas, thus sti ulat5 ing the innate capacities of inventive genius. These principles practically applied discover ne" e<peri5 ences and advance ental and physical activity ac;uired through follo"ing the la"s governing the sub6ective or spiritual ind po"er. (ccupying the ind "ith high ideals attracts thought fro higher real s. "Thought ay beco e an art," ans"ering any of life2s in;uiries the 0ivine principle in ankind reali7ing ind i agery. !elf5reali7ing po"ers are constantly in process of unfold ent each advance verifying a vision of progress, dis5 closing still further possibilities. &eiteration holds the ind on the purpose steady conte plation keeps the sub6ect before the ind belief strengthens the faith that the ob6ect and ideals are attainable. To think hard enough i ages realities and effects results the sub6ective po"ers are i pelling. .very a bition, aspiration, unusual idea, plan or endeavor for better ent is possible and co es fro the sub5 6ective ind and should be heeded. The ob6ective e<ercises free "ill and the reasoning po"ers and the t"o inds or t"o parts of one ind in har5 onious action effects the results. Artistic inspira5 tions, genius, i pulses, e otional involuntary ac5 tion of e ory are all creative gifts and attributes of the spiritual or sub6ective ind region and ay act in har ony "ith the 0ivine agents and all5
encircling Po"er. &eason ust control. "&esults effected are not chance." Ascending thought at5 tracts descending po"er and assistance of superior intelligences invisible to vision, but visible in results. These )od5given sub6ective po"ers can be ac5 counted for in no other "ay but by ackno"ledging their 0ivine origin. The real of the sub6ective ind po"ers and its faithful and guiding service by "hich special intervention is evoked is "holy ground." The ele ents respond the e<pectant, attentive ind receives i pressions auto5sugges5 tion instructs and trains, and belief and faith pro5 otes and proves the la"s governing the activity and po"ers of this spiritual or sub6ective ind. Ideas have counterparts in the real s of intelligence ready to be attracted. !oul contact "ith soul dis5 closes and de onstrates soul po"er and secrets radiating fro these 0ivine real s. *idden ys5 teries and visions of superhu an splendor have been revealed by prayer and ystic conte plation. 'hristian !cientists affir that their presentation of Truth enhances the ental and physical po"ers and gives ability to e<ceed the ordinary capacities, and that the hu an ind i bued "ith spiritual under5 standing has greater endurance, e<tending the influ5 ence of thought, giving ortals access to broader and higher real s. 'hristian !cience is "orthy of and erits ad iration and respect. It is a practical presentation and application of the Bible. )od gave ankind free "ill and do inion and reason should govern all. *ierarchs preside over (rders of 0ivine Beings e<tending over every service rendered to ankind. 1e are spiritual beings having access to and partaking in a degree of 0ivine Po"er these 0ivine influences and helpers ay be attracted by thought and su oned and co anded to serve ankind, through thought co union illu inating thought perceptions and activities. 0eep feeling, vivifying ind5i agery to be anifested in effects. Persistency is otor. "(ne ay think to order." The ore perfect the belief and faith in the sub5 6ective po"ers, the ore i provable by instruction and the greater the co and of its activities and po"ers. *ar ony is essential. %aith is dyna ic in effect.
Thought is interpenetrating and interchangeable, its ;uality directing the plane or sphere of intelli5 gence it enters, assu ing that conditions have an e<istence and an abode. By fi<ity of thought vibrations are co unicated and sent out by the thinker and ans"ering co prehensive thought re5 ceived and established. The ore intense the per5 sonality, the ore conscious the thought i pres5 sions. The ore the Infinite plan is grasped, the greater the ind astery and supre acy attained and ankind2s do inion asserted. .ducating the subli inal sub6ective ind or soul5po"er sets one free. The ob6ective is the consciousness of other things9 the sub6ective is self5consciousness, said a philosopher early in the last century. Intense con5 centration is co anding the attention of certain thoughts to the e<clusion of others. This po"er at hand and at co and thought "ill follo" the leading of the thinker. It is the table and feast spread before ankind and )od2s presence is felt to be i inent and real. Prayers and fre;uent thoughts of po"er through access to )od attract indefinitely sustained creative inspirations of all intelligence. !oul forces send forth flash5lights of celestial illu ination. 'ountless nu bers of helpers respond to the seeker. The "ill is untra eled. )od created ankind !piritual beings and in pro5 portion as the spiritual or sub6ective ind po"ers are cultivated and )od2s help asked, "ill ans"ers and re"ards be received. )od intended ankind to con;uer by a"akening the innate 0ivine po"ers. These do inant electric forces of the "orld serve ankind in the affairs of life. In all countries and individuals has this all5enco passing po"er been anifested. #ife is "hat one akes of it. Those "ho seek for blessings and happiness every day "ill have blessings and happiness every day, said a thinker. (pen !esa e, "ord spoken to unlock the door of success, sy boli7es the agic in the ind, anifesting the ethod of ateriali7ed thought "hen believed, lived and practiced. These thoughts taught and e<pressed in all ti es ust be reiterated the vision is seen, it can be
proved the spiritual or sub6ective ind po"ers vivifying results and proving the agic in the ind. The sub6ective po"er "ould see to be a distinct or separate being, yet controlled by the one being. If to think of hu an beings having t"o separate inds, each under certain conditions capable of distinct po"ers or one ind possessing certain at5 tributes and po"ers under so e conditions and certain attributes and po"ers under other condi5 tions, it see s as though the sa e philosophy ight apply to the "hole being the spiritual being in5 spiring and co anding po"ers and forces for the aterial being to anifest and constantly attracting higher thought, and the services of the higher po"ers and *ierarchs of the 0ivine (rders of Be5 ings "ho hand do"n the 0ivine #ight to ankind to inspire the intelligence and energi7e the activities of the aterial body. These reflections and edita5 tions unfold the po"ers and possibilities of ind5 co and. All are anifestations of the one great 4niversal %orce, the origin and cause of all things constantly in process of reali7ation. (pen !esa e is a aster "ord for all ankind to transfor the ore of =no"ledge into secrets of gold. (pen !esa e, a "ord spoken to sy boli7e and su on and co and the po"er in the ind a key to unlock the door of !uccess. Intuition teaches that the earnest longings of the soul "ill be heard and ans"ered proving the e<5 istence of the bond of union bet"een the individual and the responsive principle of the 4niverse. The electric otor po"er of the spiritual sub6ective ind i parts action to conscious thought to reflect and reproduce constructive, creative Po"er and %orces. An (pen !esa e for every de and fro the all5encircling source of all supply.
An organi7ed *ierarchy of 0ivine (rders of Beings fro !eraphi and 'herubi to Archangels and Angels hand do"n the 0ivine #ight to ankind and 'elestial Intelligences co unicate "ith an5 kind through thought a bond of union bet"een the visible and the invisible, bet"een )od and an5 kind. Ma< Muller in "Psychology of &eligion." Angels signify essengers co unicate the gifts of )od to an spread the kno"ledge of the *oly !pirit and the profound ysteries of )od so as to bring all to *i . Angels are appointed guardians and essengers to ankind through inner revelation fro 0ivine !ources. Through the !pirit the highest truths ay be revealed. The Archangels announce essages of special i 5 portance and sacredness. &ising fro )od these *igher (rders like irrors reflect the 0ivine &ays. This &adiant #ight gives forth !piritual =no"ledge to those "ho are ready to receive it. The Angels have been likened to busy bees in )od2s service, flying bet"een the flo"ers of heaven and earth, s"eetly disposing all things, bearing vo"s and bringing gifts. "!tudy in 0ante?2 "Ten *eavens," )ardiner. The 'entral 'al is a condition of Peace. "Peace is not necessarily passivity." The ind ay be active and yet in a condition of Peace that has (verco e. Peace is a state of *ar ony. Peace is a state of confidence and trust and %aith the individual in har ony "ith the attributes of the 4niversal 1ill or the 0ivine Principle of the 4niverse or )od anifested in ourselves. 0ivine (rders of Beings e<ist "ho over"atch, guide and guard ankind respond to entreaty and2 trust reveal the hidden ysteries of )od by spread5 ing the kno"ledge of *i to all seekers of *igher 1isdo through thought co union apprehended by the intellect. 'oncentrated thought attracts the
assistance of these spiritual helpers and forces through the energy of ental action "hich ;ualifies self5reali7ation so as to apprehend spiritual po"er. To find the 'entral 'al is to seek the )od "ithin. !elf5confidence and a sense of superiority follo"s cal ness. %irst cal ness, then ore cal ness, dis5 covers the 'entral 'al the source of Peace, )od in ourselves and helps solve so e of the ysteries and proble s of life. "Mysticis is the #ove of )od a vision of the 0ivine ani ating substance of the universe in all things." ")od in *i self is an eternal "ill to all goodness." The !pirit is in everything and is all in all. The ore acco plish5 ent for good the ore spirit anifested. The union of the 0ivine and hu an life akes an a partaker of the 0ivine nature and is possible by conte plation. To seek and to find is to reali7e the reality of the 'entral 'al . May these 0ivine Po"ers descend and influence our thoughts so that "e ay receive that for "hich "e ask and find that for "hich "e seek. The early "isdo seekers, seers, prophets and teachers kne" that they co 5 unicated "ith unseen Po"ers "hereby kno"ledge and understanding "as i parted to those "ho "ere to be guides to hu anity. The (riental philoso5 phers have "ell5defined na es for ind conditions in their endeavor to attain to the blissful tran;uillity of the 'entral 'al . These concise ter s ;ualify to serve and teach a syste so as to conserve and sustain energy the (rientals are ac;uiring our ethods of activity and progress an interchange of values as it "ere. Yogi is a "ise an Yoga is his philosophy, Yoga being intense concentration. Prana is the infinite, o nipresent anifesting po"er of the 4niverse. The Breath being the ost obvious anifestation of the Prana. The con5 trol of this vital force enables one to anifest action and intelligence and energi7e health and strength.> 'o ands fro the ind are capable of giving strength and health, and develop physical and spiritual po"er obtained fro the universal ind principle of action and energy and of banishing all undesirable conditions or ele ents. Maya, sense "orld, or illusions, disturbing thought, or anything allo"ed to disturb cal ness.
At a is the inseparable ray of the (ne self the )od above. Thought in all its varying aspects ever striving up"ard, beco es per eated by the 2At a #ight. Mana is thought in all its infinite states. &eali7ation co es by co pelling "ill. All are parts or anifestations of the )reat or 4niversal !elf, pulsing in innu erable for s. (ne Breath breathing in all things. $irvana self control in all things Peace and *ar ony in all the faculties. The one "ho has overco e Maya is no longer acted upon by his surroundings but acts upon the and is able to ake his o"n environ ent or surrounding aura "trari;uili7ing the heart "ith thought> con5 trolled," to"nicn he allo"s no disturbing ele ents or conditions in his efforts to"ards $irvana or Peace, the 'entral 'al of the (riental Philosopher. The *igher Manas or Thoughts has overco e the lo"er anas. Ignoring all undesirable thought or lo"er anas, nothing can penetrate the aura or at5 osphere or ind conditions "hich anifest in the physical conditions. The individual "ho has thus astered and con5 trolled !elf and attained *ar ony has (verco e and is no longer acted upon by his surroundings but creates his o"n philosophy of life by recog5 ni7ing his po"ers and privileges. &epose and cal thought conserves energy. 1e ay "direct the course of our ideas by the application of our no5 tice." The 3apanese nation assert their 0ivine (ri5 gin, incorporating the principles of their belief into their religion and daily life. The conscious ental and physical po"ers, ani5 fest, according to the degree sought, clai ed and appropriated fro the subconscious, the resident in5 d"elling region given to ankind by the !upre e Intelligence the %irst 'ause to be utilised for happiness in this life. The )od given po"ers of free "ill and do inion anifest the Infinite on earth bringing )od nearer to an and are given for use for the better ent of ankind.
!uggestions of confidence in our ability to succeed create action and e<plain the ethod of ateriali7ed thought possibilities beco ing realities. 'onte 5 plation brings )od nearer to anifest *i to all. Intuition is inner kno"ledge. The subconscious ind is a faithful e issary and agent and trans5 for s longings into enablings by faith in its po"ers. 1ith clear perceptions established ore subtle as5 pects of forces are discovered. The !oul deter ines ore distinctively spiritual phases the subcon5 scious for ing an envelope as it "ere for the soul, or, as the insight beco es clearer, ne" tracts of understanding are discerned. The .astern Philoso5 phers designate the different ind faculties and soul po"ers, ental and physical conditions and anifestations each e anation enveloping ore subtle ele ents and phases each particular region and aspect regulated, and anifesting, according to the nature and direction of the thought and "ill acting as inter ediaries upon the physical body and also bet"een the thought "orld and the physical i"orld the unseen causes of the seen effects. The !oul disclosing divine rays and e anations and ore spiritual consciousness than the subconscious. The subconscious region disclosing ore subtle ele5 ents than the ob6ective each recogni7ing and anifesting conditions according to the nature and direction of the thought and "ill intelligence, in5 sight and faith pro6ected. These po"ers and forces are )od anifesting in ourselves, "A ladder of the heaven of the ind," "here angels descend. "The gods or i ortals "ere an allegory to sy boli7e soul po"ers (ly pus a sy bol of the spiritual "orld the gods the intelligences bet"een the in5 visible and the visible ready to serve ortals. The *ierarchs of 0ivine (rders of 'elestial Beings and Angelic *osts are the bond of union, the con5 necting link bet"een the spiritual "orlds. There is al"ays a ediator or vehicle of co union inter5 penetrating and co unicating bet"een the planes .or spheres of action corresponding to the ;uality of the thought conditions. The *oly !pirit is an a ulet al"ays at hand and about us the *oly of *olies the 'o forter pro 5
ised fro the beginning to abide "ith us forever. The re"ard is anifest, the subconscious is )od in ourselves. To recogni7e this is to be born again. A sense of the Presence of the *oly !pirit is 1is5 do and 4nderstanding and intellectual po"er 2the 0ivine union through the Breath of #ife breathed into us by )od *i self "hen an beca e a living soul. "1ho thus kno"s beco es united and erged in it. 1ho sees Me every"here and all in Me hi "ill I lose not nor "ill he lose Me. )reat is the thinking self greater is the principle of 6udg ent, and greater than the principle of 6udg ent is *e." Perceiving this !elf illu ines ental i ages. )od "orking through us ans"ering our prayers and as5 pirations by inspirations. "Angels are appointed guardians and essengers to ankind. The high5 est truths ay be revealed through the !pirit. )ood thoughts strengthen and invigorate. 'heerful and har onious thoughts are active centers and attract and induce helpful influences. Music is *ar ony. Acco plished good is !pirit de onstrated by self5 preparedness. (ur de onstrations sti ulate and prove our %aith, for ing and creating a agnetic center "hich constantly "idens as ideals are at5 tained. In the Pastorals and the )eorgics the agricul5 turists "ere believed to have been supernaturally in5 structed "Pri eval &evelation concerning the crops, orchards and vineyards. The early attain5 ent of kno"ledge "as through the a"akened con5 sciousness of the higher or spiritual forces and activities. 'elestial Intelligences handing do"n the 0ivine #ight to ankind through concentrated editation and illu ined thought and perceptions. This &adiant, 0ivine #ight gives spiritual kno"ledge to the seeker to be for"arded to benefit hu anity. "Angels signify essengers and co 5 unicate the gifts of )od to an by spreading the kno"ledge of the *oly !pirit and the profound ys5 teries of )od to all 'reation so as to bring all to *i ." In free "ill an "as ade in )od2s o>"l i age to partake of his attributes. "The ha er
can not produce "ork "ithout the crafts an." "The 'elestial Intelligences carry out the 0ivine Plan, influencing ideas in the aterial "orld by i 5 parting 0ivine Truth fro the !upre e &eal s." The hu an soul is ade in )od2s i age and like5 ness. "%ro the consideration of the grades of perfection in things there ust be !upre e Intelli5 gence by "hich all aterial things are ordained and this !upre e Intelligence is )od." Intuition is the certain and anifest kno"ledge of invisible things. "The angels are likened to busy bees in )od2s ser5 vice flying bet"een the flo"ers of heaven and earth s"eetly disposing all things, bearing vo"s and bringing gifts. 4niting intellectual vision to the 0ivine .ssence it beco es the intelligible for of the intellect. The archangels announce essages of special i portance and sacredness." 'onte 5 plation anifests )od to ankind. "This &adiant #ight gives forth spiritual kno"ledge to all creation." "Thoughts co une "ith beings "ho people i 5 ensity broadening the ind and brightening the intellect responding to invocation and revealing "isdo to the seeker. The kno"ing self guided by the "ill influences the affairs of #ife. The Psychic electric po"er of the spirit is the bond of union bet"een the angelic hosts and ankind. "&ising fro )od these *igher (rders co uni5 cate this 0ivine #ight this #ight and #ove like irrors reflecting the 0ivine &ays to ankind." .very good and perfect gift co es fro the %ather of #ight. "Man ascends fro things of sense to things apprehended by the intellect through visible things to the kno"ledge of invisible things." "The *u an !oul has three lofty prerogatives I ortality, %reedo of the 1ill, and #ikeness to )od." 0i5 vine #ight co es fro the 0ivine .ssence to the individual fro the soul. In conte plation thoughts are lifted up and receive understanding *eavenly Influences diffusing kno"ledge of 0ivine Truths.
Individuals are co unicating centers for the re5 fle< action of thought and "ill to anifest 0ivine attributes. .ven as the 4niverse is governed by la", so the individual universe of being and the "hole syste of created things, is governed by la" and given for 4se. Ask and ye shall receive seek and ye shall find knock and it shall be opened, are instructions and privileges intended to be relied upon and de on5 strated. @In the degree that "e apprehend, perceive and e<ercise this kno"ledge of the subconscious po"ers "ill "e discover and discern ne" phases of these po"ers. The po"er of the ind over the body strengthens the ental and physical energies. &e5 ceptivity, recognition, belief and faith actuali7es and vitali7es its supre acy. The inspiring sugges5 tion blesses hi that gives as "ell as takes." "The soul rises to spiritual e<altation, intellectual insight and co and. 1e have "ithin us an entirely inde5 pendent i aterial principle. It represents an e<5 altation above the te poral." Po"er responds to appeal and i portunacy. 'heerful and har onious thoughts attract helpful influences, reveal celestial secrets and assist in all endeavor. 'al thought illu ines superior intelligence. "The a"akening of the inner sense see s to de and ;uiescence of the body "and the !pirit of )od." The ission of the *oly !pirit is to vivify the soul or spirit it re5 sponds to invocation and is the bond of union be5 t"een )od and ankind "constituting the Psychic #ife of Mankind" The 'entral 'al .
P&AY.& 'orelli In Prayer such science there is That by its Po"er the .ther parts asunder, The *ighest )olden )ate"ays are unbarr2d And the connecting link 2t"i<t )od and Man !tretches itself through space, 0efying any force to break The current of its essages.
I$/('ATI($ Benson Infinite #ord of #ife, !hine on Me The full kno"ledge of the (ne !pirit That oves the "orld. Pour Thy #ight upon e #et the #ight Illu ine, And in that #ight #et us go %or"ard.