Mind Power
Mind Power
Mind Power
1. Publisher's Foreword
4. Mentative Induction
7. The Mentative-Poles
9. Mind-Power in Action
10. Personal Magnetism
Publisher's Foreword
And, here let me say that I hold that life and Mind-Power
are always found in company with each otherthere is
some close relationship between the twothey are
probably twin-phases of the same thing, or else twin-
manifestations of the same underlying reality. There is no
life without mind and Mind-Powerand no Mind-Power, or
mind, without life. And, further, I claim that there is
nothing without life in the universenothing lifeless
there, or anywhere.
Yes, I do mean just that! "How can that be?" you ask,
"What has Mind-Power to do with electricity, light, heat,
magnetism, gravitation, etc.?" It has everything to do
with them, in my opinion. I will explain it to you in a few
words, for I cannot go into this subject at length in this
book, but must hasten on to the other parts of my
And that is the question that many of you are asking now,
no doubt. Well, while here I cannot dip into metaphysics
or philosophical speculation, or even into my favorite
occult sources, I will say that each of you is a CENTRE OF
POWER in that Ocean of Dynamic Mind-Power and each
"I" is a master of the power. You have the Whole Thing
back of youand you are free to draw upon it for all that
your channel will carry to you. And you are allowed to
enlarge your channel. That is enough for this timemore
will follow as we proceed.
The Nature of Mind-Power
In the first place, let me say that I do not hold that Mind-
Power is identical with mind. Rather does it seem to me to
be correlated to mind, particularly in the operation of
mind known as desire, will, and imagination.
If you like, we may consider it to be the acting aspect of
mind. Mind has three aspects the aspect of being, or
substance; the aspect of thought, with the subdivisions of
reason, feeling, emotion, desire, will, etc., on both
conscious and subconscious planes; and third, the aspect
of ACTING. And it is in this aspect of action that mind is
known as Mind-Power.
No, I did not mean will in the above sense, but in the
more elementary sense of the termthe original sense,
for the word is derived from the root meaning "to wish; to
desire strongly." And, in this elementary sense, the word
"will" is used to designate that primitive, original,
universal mental principle in life, which manifests in
desire for action, and in the response to that desire. In
this sense will may be considered as Desire-Will, both
being held to be phases of the same thingor rather the
two poles of the same thing.
If you will think for a moment, you will see that the
motions of the atoms are two-fold, viz,
The traveler shot the snake, but upon picking up the bird,
he found it deadkilled either by fear or the power of the
serpent, or perhaps by the violent breaking of the spell.
He measured the distance between the snake and the
bird and found it to be three and one-half feet.
A case is related in one of the early reports of the
Philosophical Society, in which a mouse was put in a cage
with a viper, by way of an experiment. The mouse at first
seemed greatly agitated, which state was followed by a
condition of fascination, the mouse drawing nearer and
nearer to the viper which remained motionless with
distended jaws, and glistening eyes. The mouse, finally,
actually entered the jaws of the viper, and was devoured.
The animals employ the force for two purposes, i.e., the
captivating of mates, and the capture of prey. And how
do men and women use it? Along similar lines! Yes, I
mean this, as startling as it may appear. For is not the
use of fascination, in the direction of attracting the other
sex akin to the sex-charming noticed among the birds and
On the one hand we hear and see it being used for the
curing of the ills to which the flesh is heir, many of which
ills, by-the-way, having been brought on by improper
methods of thinking: by the adverse suggestions of
advertisements describing diseases, urging patent
medicines, etc.; as well as by the ignorance of the masses
of people regarding the effect of negative thoughts and
depressing auto-suggestions.
And so, I felt that I was justified in using the term "Mental
Magic" in considering the various phenomena resulting
from the manifestation of Mind-Power.
And the student who will look under the surface, and read
between the lines, will be able to see the evidence of
"Mental Magic" underlying all the forms of magic,
mystery, and wonder-working miracles of all times and
ages, and peopleof all kinds, character or name. Behind
all the masks he will see the features of this use of the
Mind-Power of manalways the same, in spite of the
fantastic and grotesque masks and trappings.
The secret is this: The power does not come from the
supposed source, but from within the mind of the man
employing it. And, still more startling, to the uninitiated,
is this statement, which is equally true: The power of the
mind of the person affected is the real cause of the effect,
rather than the power of the mind of the supposed
causer, the latter merely calling into operation the power
of the mind of the person affected.
Great things are before the race, and one of the greatest
forces in Nature in the work of the building up of the
Super-Man, will be this force called Mind-Power. By it man
will be enabled to fight off the forces of ignorance and
materialism, and to draw to himself knowledge from the
Universal Mind that will enable him to accomplish the
heretofore impossible.
In this book I shall treat Mind-Power as I would any other
great force or energy of Nature, i.e., in a scientific
manner, stating the principles plainly and without
concealment, and also giving in full what I and other
experimenters along the lines of this subject have learned
of the methods beneficial, and the reverse, concerning
the applications of these principles.
These two poles of the mind are both active and powerful
in their effect. Both may be roused into intense activity,
according to well-known laws, as we shall see. Let us take
a few moments' time and consider the subject of Desire-
Force and Will-Power, before we proceed further.
Desire-Force not only has its effect upon the person, and
others near him, but it may be, and often is, sent for
thousands of miles where it affects and influences others,
in ways. Desire-Force is the mighty force which makes
many of the phases of Mind-Power possible.
Here are a few quotations that will tend to fix the matter
firmly in your mind, and create in you a desire to manifest
the determined willthe lever that directs and
concentrates Mind-Power.
But even the West has its men of "Iron Will," whose
influence is felt on all sides, and whose power is openly
acknowledged by the public. In the East these men are
generally hermits and sages, while in the West they are
generally "men of action," leaders, "captains of industry,"
I ask that you read it, in connection with what I have just
told you regarding the offices of the will, desire,
imagination, etc. It will show you, in figurative style, the
operation of the two poles of the Desire-Will.
And it will show you how the emotive pole or phase, if left
unguarded by the protective faculties, will be led into all
sorts of trouble. It will also show you how the protective
faculty may be disarmed and overcome by a diversion of
its attention from its task. There are several important
psychological facts brought out in this little fable, and a
number of important "morals" to be deduced therefrom.
I trust that you will seek for the truth and principles
underlying the trifling words of the fable. Just as
important truths may be conveyed in the fairy tales of the
child, so may just as important facts be taught by the
fairy tale fable of the Mentative Couple intended for the
Each of us, man or woman, has a Mentative Castle, in
which dwells a Mentative CoupleVolos and Emotione.
And Volos often strays away, leaving Emotione
unprotected. And the fascinating stranger often puts in an
appearance. And Emotione often is beguiled by his wiles.
And Volos often is fooled by having his attention and
interest distracted by clever schemes, leaving Emotione
unprotected again.
Well, now, the man was called "Volos" (which is the same
as the English name "Will"), and the woman was called
"Emotione," which in the language of that country meant
something like a combination of emotion, desire and
The water would hold the fire in check, but at the same
time the Fire would heat up the Water and the result
would be the Steam of Action. And, so, you see these two
this Mentative Coupleformed a fine co-partnership,
and prospered mightily.
One day Volos was absent from the castle, being engaged
in some arduous enterprise. And consequently the castle
was unguarded. Volos had provided against this by
instructing Emotione that she was to keep the castle gate
closed tight, when he was away from home, and never to
gaze without in his absence, for there was some
mysterious danger lurking without when he was away.
"No, no," replied Emotione, "I cannot let you in, for Volos
told me not to." "Ah, fair lady," said the Stranger softly,
"Volos means all right, but he is rather old-fogeyish, and
behind the times. He does not 'understand,' as do you
and I. Pray, let me in." And, like Mother Eve, Emotione
took the bait.
But this was but the beginning. Volos did not understand
just what was the matter, and contented himself with
scolding Emotione, whereat she wept bitterly. But the
poison went on with its deadly work. And when Volos
again was absent from home, the habit reasserted itself,
and when the fascinating stranger again called at the
castle, he was admitted.
But, alas! Even once more was poor Volos deceived and
trifled withonce more poor Emotione fascinated by the
stranger. And it came about in this way.
The wise man came, and after hearing the story said: "My
children, yours is a sad case, but matters may be
adjusted without a visit to Sioux Falls, and without the
raising of the question of alimony. The trouble is as
follows: "Volos, without Emotione, has no desire or
incentive to do things. He has no wants to satisfy, and
therefore does nothing.
"And more than this, each, without the other, falls a prey
to the wiles of some fascinating stranger. We have seen
how Emotione was fascinated and controlled by the
stranger who gained access to the castle. But I have also
seen (by my magic art) that when Volos was away from
home on important business, and not having Emotione
along to keep him straight, he fell a victim to the wiles of
the Desire and Imagination of a fair stranger across the
river, and did her bidding, and used his will to perform
her tasks, instead of those desired by his own Emotione.
That is, the weaker will lose twice as much power as the
stronger, and the stronger will lose only half as much as
the weakersupposing that the stronger is of twice the
strength of the weaker.
In this way is accounted for the well-known fact that
places, towns, cities, etc., have their own "personal
atmospheres," which affect persons living in them or
visiting them. These "personal atmospheres" of towns
arise from a combining, neutralizing, etc., of the various
vibrations arising from mentative currents from the minds
of the people living in the town. An average vibration is
struck, which is strongly felt by all within the "field of
induction" of that town.
Each place has its own individuality, which soon makes its
impression on those taking up their abode in it. It is more
than geographical and atmospheric conditions, although,
of course, these play their parts, as we all know.
People often ask: "If it be true that the ether is filled with
mentative currents, why are we not affected more than
we are?" The answer is that they are affected more than
they imagine, but they are still affected much less than
one would suppose at first thought, for the reason that
the currents conflict with each other and rob each other of
their force. And then again, Nature instinctively affords a
safeguard and sets up additional powers of resistance.
The second way is for the will of the sender to force its
way past the will of the other and boldly "make love" to
the desire of the other, and endeavor to "seduce" it by
mere strength and persistency until it accedes to his
You will notice that the phase in which the desire pole of
the mentator does the work is along the lines of feminine
action, the force being of a charming, fascinating,
drawing, coaxing nature; and where the will is employed,
the action is decidedly masculine, the attack being made
boldly, and with a show of strength, the subtlety of the
desire attraction being absent. The giants in the art of
mentative attraction combine poles in their attacks and
work, and thus in the words of "Uncle Remus": "Dey cotch
'em comin', and dey cotch 'em goin'," like "Brer Fox."
No one who studies this book need ever again fear any
undue influence on the part of others. I purpose to make
mental masters of you, and to teach you to throw off the
bonds and shackles of mental slavery. I intend to make
you strong, positive individuals, instead of weak, negative
But right here, remember, first, last, and all the time, that
it is not a mere matter of thinkingbut a matter of
feeling. Thoughts are cold, but feelings are warm, alive
and vital.
After the sting of defeat has worn off, and the elation of
victory has melted away, it is found that the country is
moving along about as usualnot going to the dogs
because some man is defeated, nor taking great leaps
forward because some other man has been elected Town
Supervisor, or President, as the case may be. The people
play their parts year after yearthat is the majority of
thembeing swayed by emotional excitement rather than
by reason, thought, or intelligence.
I trust that what I have said along these lines will appeal
to the student in the direction of causing him to interpose
a resistance to these currents and suggestions in cases
such as I have mentioned.
The remedy is in his own handssimply the interposition
of the will, in the manner of which I shall speak as we
proceed. Surround yourself with an armor of will-power
which will act as a shield against influences of this sort,
and which will beat them back upon their senders. If
people but understood this law they would cause these
selfish mentative currents to be reflected back upon the
sender until he was swept away in the whirlwind of his
own raising.
This man worked his will on those around him, and forced
his desires upon them, also. He dominated everything and
everybody, and his contemporaries, even his enemies,
testify to this marvelous personal power. He is a very
good example of this extreme positive type.
But the single man wonby his dynamic will. It was not
alone the words, in these casesit was the Mind-Power
behind the words.
Henry was with his suite in Woodstock Park, and sat down
on the ground pretending to be mending his glove when
the bishop approached him. The king took no notice of his
spiritual peer. After a brief pause Hugo, pushing aside an
earl, sat down by the king's side. Watching the royal
proceedings he remarked 'Your Highness reminds me of
your cousins at Falaise.' Falaise was famous for its leather
work, and it was at Falaise that Duke Robert met Arlotta
the tanner's daughter, the mother of William the
Conqueror. This reference to his ancestry was too much
for the king, who was utterly worsted in the discussion
which followed."
There are men who are able to make the crowd around
them do their biddingthey are able to work their will
upon the mass of people. These men are seen to possess
a strange power, but very few understand it. It is entirely
different from the fascinating, alluring, charming,
attractive personality of the "magnetic" man, for it forces,
and compels by sheer force of character and will, instead
of drawing and attracting.
But there are others who have this force manifested most
strongly within them. They are possessed of a craving,
longing, desiring force that impels them to "do things."
That is, it fills them with ardent desires, along mentative
lines of creation, which are ever crying out for
satisfaction. The strong men and women of the world
have this Desire-Force highly developed, and its effort
toward expression is what causes these people to
accomplish things.
But did you ever stop to think that the same degree and
intensity of desire, turned in the right direction, would
accomplish wonders of good works? If you will put into
your plans of proper attainment and aspiration the same
degree of energy that the evil man puts into his schemes
of selfish gratification, you will be able to move mountains
of difficulties.
Shut out from your mental field all other persons, things
or conditions. Imagine yourself as alone in the great
Ocean of Power. You must practice frequently upon this
mental picture until you are able to visualize it distinctly.
This does not mean that you have to actually see it, just
as you do this printed page; but that you should be able
to actually feel it.
All of the strong men of our times, and of all ages, have
had this realization, intuitively or instinctively; that is,
although they may not have known the philosophy or
science of the matter, they have felt this sense of the
power of the Ego in themselves, which gave them the
confidence to do things and the Will-Power and Desire-
Force to carry out their undertakings.
When you realize this dual force within you, it will begin
to express itself automatically. The act of realization
causes the mental machinery to begin to work smoothly
and effectively. Therefore picture to yourself this dual
force within you. See yourself as influencing, and acting
upon the world around you. See yourself as a power in
the land.
And when you say it, or think it, you must picture to
yourself just what you mean by the statement, hence the
importance of knowing just what is meant.
Let the parasites take root in the earth, just as you have
done; let them fasten their roots in the great body of
strength and power instead of in the mental body of
someone else; let them stop their second-hand
nourishment and learn to draw from the first source.
You will readily see, from what has been said, that the
"Personal Atmospheres" of persons depend upon the
character of their mental states, and are the result of the
mental currents emanating from them.
If you will but get this realization firmly fixed in your mind
you will automatically create for yourself a most positive
mental atmosphere that will be felt by all with whom you
come in contact. So first, last and all the time build up
this realization. Say to yourself, "I AM DYNAMIC!"
then think it out; dream it out; act it out. And, of course,
always realize what all this means.
Not only does his will and desire affect other persons
directly by means of mental currents, but mentative
induction is also set up by the mental atmosphere,
without any special effort on his part.
In this place I wish to call your attention to the
importance of always maintaining your positivity as a
means of mental training.
She said that they were always crowding her off the
sidewalk and pushing, bumping and jostling her in a most
annoying manner she asked me for instructions as to
what thought she should use to prevent individuals from
so acting. I answered that I did not think it was necessary
to consider the separate individuals in the case, but that
she should "treat" the crowd as a whole, by means of a
protective mental atmosphere.
She said she would not have minded this so much if other
women were treated likewise, but that while she was
ignored others would receive the greatest attention, the
clerks "falling over themselves" to wait upon them. I told
her that she had gradually built up around her a mental
atmosphere of expectancythat she had fallen into the
habit of expecting such treatment, and consequently she
got what she expected. I think that in the beginning she
had manifested a timid, "humble," meek, "worm-of-the-
dust" state of mind when she entered the big stores,
which somewhat overawed her.
And then, after this drew upon her the neglect of the
clerks, who seem very ready to wipe their feet on human
door-mats, she grew to regularly expect the shabby
treatment. It was not a matter of dress, or anything of
that kind, for she dressed welland, for that matter, I
know women who dress poorly who never get any such
treatment, for they understand the underlying mental
laws too well for that. It was simply a matter of a
negative mental atmosphere.
This talk of the power of mere words, and all the rest of
such talk, has wearied me greatly. I have seen and heard
so much of this nonsense since I have become acquainted
with certain people who consider themselves "in the New
Thought" that I dislike to use the words "statement" or
Each time that you re-read it you will find something new
that you had previously overlooked, and each reading will
discover many hidden meanings now suddenly made
Mental Framework
Not only does this law hold good in the case of the
manner and appearance of success, strength, confidence,
etc., but it also operates along the lines of the appearance
and manner of failure, weakness, and distrust.
Now about this "acting out," I would say that I mean not
only the "playing the part" in your interviews with people,
but I also mean an actual series of rehearsals in private,
just as you would perform if you were preparing to play a
part on the stage, in public.
You must form a mental image of how you would look and
act if you were filled with confidence, and were
approaching people. You will find that practice will
improve you very much in this way, and that you will
soon acquire a manner that will be like second-nature and
will really serve to give the suggestion of your manner to
others with whom you come in contact. And, more than
this, it will actually tend to build up confidence in yourself.
You will not realize how much you may gain by such
practice until you actually try it. I wish that you could
hear the testimony of some people who have acquired
this art.
If you will but think a moment, you will see that much
depends upon the tone. You will see that when you say to
a person, "You can!" the tone in which you say "can!"
goes a long way toward producing the response.
The voice and eye are the two principal outward avenues
of expression of the mental states within, and both
register the subtle changes and degrees of the inner
state. If you will stop to think for a moment and consider
the different voices of the people you know, you will see
that in nearly every case the voice gives one a clue to the
character or prevailing mental states of the speaker.
Not alone the quality of the voice but the tone. Every
reader knows the difference between the tones of the
hesitating, timid, self-doubting person, and that of the
confident, self-reliant individual. In the tone of the latter
there is noticeable that peculiar something that denotes
power and authority, and inspires attention, interest and
respect, without need of vulgar self-assertion or
blustering speech. Let us listen to the tones of our
dynamic individual.
There are two very good reasons for one studying the
voice of the dynamic individual, as follows:
The man of affairs does not know just why he does this,
but his tone is the outward expression of his forceful
mental state. And this is likewise true of the
suggestionist, although he may have deliberately
cultivated the suggestive tone at the beginning of his
The only way that I can point out to you to acquire the
use of suggestive words is to study words themselves.
Listen to the words used by others, and note their effect
on you. Take a small dictionary and run over its pages,
and you will soon have a collection of good, strong,
effective terms for handy use when occasion demands.
In the first place, the eye is one of the most potent and
effective instruments of suggestion, although I have not
included it in that class.
Exercises in Eye-Expression
1. Hold the upper lid in such a position that its edge rests
half-way between the pupil and top of the iris. This gives
an expression of Calmness.
Development Exercises
The better you act this out, the better will your results be.
And now, right here is the best place to instruct you in the
proper use of the eye in what has been called "The
Magnetic Gaze," but which would be more properly styled
"The Dynamic Gaze." There has been much nonsense
written on this subject, and in some of my own earlier
writings I gave directions along these lines which I am
now able to replace with more approved methods, and
later discoveries coming from the study and
experimentation of myself and others along these lines.
The other person will not be aware that you are not
"seeing" him, and are "gazing through" himto him it will
appear that you are giving him a very deep, intense,
steady, earnest glance. He will see your pupils dilate, as
they always do when looking at a distant object, and your
expression will be one of calm, serene power.
To show you why you are able to maintain this gaze such
a long time without tiring your eyes, I would remind you
of the ease with which you may maintain the expression
of being "wrapped in thought," "day-dreaming," "lost in a
brown study," "just thinking about things," etc., with
which you all are familiar. In such a mental state you are
able to "gaze into space" for a long time without the
slightest fatigue, while a few seconds focusing your eyes
upon a nearby object will tire them very much indeed.
And then, again, you know how long you are able to gaze
at an object far out at sea, or far across the desert, or far
down or across the mountain, without tiring your eyes.
The whole secret is that short-range focusing upon an
object tires the eyes much more than does "long-range"
gazing into space. This being the case, it will tire you far
less "seeing through" a person, than gazing at him and
"seeing" him at short range.
But right here I shall give you an antidote for this kind of
influence. In all cases where you are attacked mentally in
this way you may dissolve the force by a positive denial.
The positive denial is the powerful force that scatters into
tiny bits the force directed against one. It is a destructive
agent, just as is the positive statement a constructive or
creative one. One who understands the scientific use of
this destructive force may undo the mentative work of
others, to a surprising degree. By a strong, positive
denial, you may scatter and disintegrate any mentative
influence directed against you.
In the degree that you see and feel the thought that you
are expressing in words, will be the degree of impression
made upon, and mentative induction produced in, the
other person. The secret of course lies in the power of
Then, when you draw you hand away, if possible let your
fingers slide over the palm of his hand in a caressing
manner, allowing his first finger to pass between your
thumb and forefinger, close up in the crotch of the thumb.
Practice this well, until you can perform it without
thinking of itthat is, make it your natural way of shaking
hands. You will find that this method of shaking hands will
open up a new interest in people toward you, and in other
ways you will discover its advantage. You never knew a
"fascinating" person who did not have a good hand-clasp.
It is a part of the fascinating personality.
And, still more remarkable is the fact, the person that you
"run into" will be very apt to take up the mental
suggestion of your manner, and will also "feel fighty." It
would not take much to stir up trouble between the two of
But this does not mean that one cannot be "good" and
"dynamic" at the same time. There are plenty of "good"
men who are highly "dynamic"and there are plenty of
"bad" men equally so. And there are plenty both good and
bad, who lack "dynamic-force."
But, note this fact, pleasethat the good men, and the
bad men, who are highly "dynamic," generally manage to
"get there," along their own line of life. And both the good
and bad who lack "dynamic-force" are generally stranded
along the wayside. Dynamic-force is neither good nor bad
it is a natural forceand is used by all. In this respect it
is like any other natural force.
While all who have examined the subject are aware of the
force and effects of mental suggestion, few have found it
possible to correctly define or describe the term, or to
explain it to others.
But this last definition of mental suggestion does not fit all
the phases of the subject. It fits admirably into the phase
known as Passive Suggestion, which operates by direct,
forceful command, statement, etc.
The word "idea" comes from the Greek word, meaning "to
see." In its general use it means a mental image, or a
general notion or conception held in the mind." An idea is
"symbolic image held in the mind." It is a symbol of
something thought or felt.
1. Obedience
2. Imitation;
3. Association;
4. Repetition.
And this is true not only when the person speaking has
really a right to speak authoritatively, by virtue of his
knowledge, experience, wisdom, etc., but also when some
pretender sets up an appearance of authority, and
speaking in a positive style, assuming the "Thus saith the
Lord" manner, impresses his hearers with the idea he
wishes to suggest to them. And then, the good folk
meekly acquiesce without question and allow their
feelings to be aroused accordingly, for the feelings are
generally followed by actions in accord therewith.
This fact is well known to the classes that prey upon the
public. The "confidence men" in and out of the criminal
class, assume this air of authority, and their suggestions
are accepted by the people.
Let the old bellwether jump over a rail, and every sheep
in the flock will do likewiseand they will keep on
jumping over the same place, at the same height, even if
the rail be removed before the whole flock gets over. We
are constantly doing things simply because other people
do them. We are constantly aping after others. In our
fashions, styles, forms, etc., we are servile imitators.
Larry Hehr shows a vest button hung by a thread and all
the young apes in the land follow suit. Funny, isn't it?
You will find that the feeling induced in the one person
will be that of love of parents; in another love of children;
in another love of husband or wife; in another love of
God; in another an exalted affection for some person of
the opposite sex; in another the low animal passion for
one of the other sex; and so on, each experiencing a
feeling occasioned by his or her association of the word
with some feeling previously entertained.
You know the story of the man who told his favorite lie so
often that he believed it himself? Well this is a
psychological fact. People have started in to make a
certain appearance of truth, in words, or manner, by
assuming something to be true that was not so.
The second time you meet a man, you may have trouble
in remembering him; but the third time it is easier; and
so on, until at last you forget that he never was a
stranger. And so it is with these suggested ideasyou
grow familiar with them through repetition; they lose
their strangeness to you; and at last you cease to concern
yourself about them.
Involuntary Suggestion
Voluntary Suggestion
Well, if you did, and will let your mind run backward over
the proceeding, you will see how the above rule works in
practice. (1) Attention, (2) Interest, (3) Desire, (4) Sale
these are the steps of salesmanship by suggestion; and
advertising sales as well. Great is suggestion in business!
How do they act if you ask? How! Well, this wayjust you
read these words: "A nice, big juicy lemontart and
strong I can taste it now!" Just imagine these words
accompanied by a picture of a man squeezing the juice of
a lemon into his mouth, and where are you? I'll tell you
whereyour mouth is filled with saliva, from the imagined
taste of the tart lemon juice!
Now, isn't it? Tell this to some of your friends and see
how it works. I once heard a story of a bad little boy, who
would stand in front of a "German band," with a lemon to
his mouth, sucking away vigorously. Result: The mouths
of the musicians became filled with so much saliva that
they could not play on. Exit boy, with Professor Umpah,
the bass-horn player, in full pursuit, the air being filled
with "Dunner und Blitzen!" and worse. Just suggestion!
I have known of dealers in Spring goods to force the
season by filling their windows with the advance stock. I
have seen hat dealers start up the straw hat season by
putting on a straw themselves, their clerks ditto, and then
a few friends. The sprinkling of "straws" gave the
suggestion to the street, and the straw hat season was
opened. Business men understand suggestion. Even the
newsboys understand it.
The best ones are above, asking as the novices do, "Want
a paper, mister?" or worse still, "You don't want a paper,
mister, do you?" The good ones say, instead, boldly and
confidently, "Here's your paper, mister!" sticking it under
your noseand you take it. Let me tell you a tale about a
"barker" at a pleasure resort in Chicago, several years
ago. He was the best I ever heard. Here is the storyit's
a true one:
Such a one will say, "You did so and so," or "You said so
and so, didn't you?" etc., the direct statement made in an
authoritative a manner, causing the suggestible witness
to acquiesce. Look out for this confident, authoritative
manner, in a lawyer or anyone else. It is calculated to
lead one into acquiescence, for man is "an obedient
animal," and it is "so much easier to say Yes! than No!
when you see that Yes! is expected."
And, just one word more. If you feel that you are
harboring any future suggestions made on you in the
past, but upon which the alarm has not yet gone off, you
may kill them by direct self-suggestion, or auto-
suggestions to the contrary. That is, you may say "I shall
not act upon any adverse suggestions that may have
been made to meI will them out of my mindI kill them
this moment by the power of my will."
The next act was the placing of some mango seeds in the
sand, building a tiny hillock around them. The magician
then began his chant and waved his hands over the
hillock. In a moment a tiny shoot was seen to appear, and
then a little bush which gradually grew up until a mature
mango tree was seen, bearing leaves.
The rope rapidly uncoiled itself, and the knot was seen
away up in the air, and still ascending. "When the rope
was completely uncoiled, and the end left dangling on the
ground as if supported by some hook holding the knotted
end hundreds of feet up in the, air, one of the assistants
approached the rope and took hold of it. At a shout from
the magician he began climbing rapidly up the rope, and
in a short time disappeared from view, after appearing as
a tiny speck in the air.
The mother burst into frantic cries and shrieks and gazed
upward; and as she gazed she saw a fleecy cloud appear,
which gradually took the shape of the nurse girl, who
grew larger and larger as she descended, until she finally
reached the deck again and handed the babe to the
rejoiced mother. The mother, after clasping her babe
close to her bosom, cried out, "How dare you take my
child away I" when to her surprise the girl answered,
"Why, ma'am, the baby has been asleep all the time and I
have not touched him." And then the fakir smiled and
said, "Mem Sahib has only been dreaming strange
things." It was merely an instance of induced imagination
of a remarkable degree of power, produced by the Mental
Imagery of the fakir; and his previous feats were also so
But this was only the beginning. The fakir then untied his
red bundle, and, extracting therefrom a cocoanut he
exhibited it to the passengers, passing it around for
inspection. Then, placing the nut on the end of a bamboo
stick, and, balancing it there, he commanded it in Hindi to
spout as a fountain, and immediately a great jet of water
sprang from it, falling over the deck in great showers.
The people of the west will not devote the time and
attention to the cultivation of such faculties, while the
oriental will willingly give up half of his life for the
But, on the other hand, the western man will devote his
time to the acquirement of Will-Power and concentration
in the direction of becoming a ruler of men and a general
of finance. Each to his taste and temperamentand
neither would "trade" places nor power with the other.
They are both dealing with the same force, however, as
little as they realize it.
The Ocean Of Mind-Power
Terms are "pegs" upon which you may hang thoughts and
ideas, so that you may find them when you need them.
Otherwise they are scattered around in confusion.
They know this fully, but they seem to think that the heat
and light are substances that actually "travel" in waves
over the distance. But this is not the teaching of Science,
which, on the contrary, holds that light and heat do not so
travel, but that the original heat and light vibrations set
up "waves in the ether."
And yet you know that the rope itself has not traveled,
but has merely moved up and down. It is not a matter of
travel, but of communicated and induced motion. All
waves are alike in this respectlight-waves, heat-waves,
electrical-waves, magnetic-waves and mind-waves. All
communicate vibrations, which move on in a wave
But these heat and light waves are "waves in the ether,"
which ether is a material thing. Do I hold that Mind-Power
waves are the same? Not exactly. I hold that Mind-Power
is higher even than the finest ethereal substance, and
that it pervades the latter.
And now, I will set the machinery into operation and show
you your mental picture of this Mind-Power Ocean and its
centers of energy in full motion and activity. Kindly give
me your full attention while I describe the moving scenes
to you!
A Glimpse Of The Occult World
The first thing that you will see in our Mind-Power Picture,
is the presence of great clouds of vapory substance,
somewhat resembling the fleecy clouds of a summer day,
although some of the clouds are much heavier and darker
Our positive man has gone on his way, and soon he spies
another man whom he wishes to influence in certain
As the action grows more spirited, you may see the Will-
Power of the positive man darting out in straight, sharp
flashes, like great sparks from an electric battery, and
you may see the process by which he beats down, and
neutralizes the Will-Power of the weaker man, until he
seems to exhaust it and take it captive, and the man
acquiesces in the statements and demands of the
stronger willed man.
You will notice also the waves and currents arising from
the congregation, which establishes the "atmosphere" of
the church, and which will be immediately felt by a
stranger entering its doors.
You will see how the will of the hypnotist supplants the
will of the subject, and dominates him absolutely.
You will notice that both the desire-pole and the will-pole
of the subject seem to show no energy of their own, but
are moved entirely by the personality and mind of the
operator. This is an extreme case, of course, but it better
illustrates the phenomenon. And, by its effect upon the
audience, you may determine just how far advanced
mentally they are, the color giving you the cue.
But, you may ask, why do these clouds persist after the
person has sent them forth? The answer is that force once
set into motion persists for a greater or lesser time,
depending upon the intensity of the original impulse.
The physician bade him return the next day, and in the
meantime visited the blacksmith, and asked him what he
did between the hours of ten and twelve at night,
accompanying the question with a glance of a strong will
and power. The blacksmith, now somewhat frightened,
replied. "I hammer a bar of iron every night at that time,
and all the while I think intently of a bad enemy of mine,
who once cheated me out of some money; and I will at
the same time that the noise shall disturb his rest."
Now, all this is very plain to the student of this book, for
the principles employed are familiar to its readers. The
result of a practice like the above would undoubtedly tend
to clear a "mentative path," in the other person's mind,
and make easier the effect of a subsequent interview. For
the other person would be thus accustomed to the idea,
thought or feeling, and the work of clearing away the
mental underbrush would be done in advance. But,
fortunately for us all, we have the antidote for this bane,
if we have acquainted ourselves with the underlying
principles of the subject.
And all that Sir Francis Galton has said above is equally
true of the cultivation of the art of visualization in
connection with telementation. The trouble with the
majority of people is that they do not know just what
they do want.
Then, you may add little by little to your matrix, and build
up your mental image a little larger and in greater detail.
And here is an important thing. You must mentally see
the thing as actually existing, right now, and not as
"going to exist" later on. You must realize that the mental
image exists right now, else it will lack clearness and
Things will come your way; people will appear who are
necessary to your plans; information will come to you
from strange sources, and in unexpected times and
places; opportunities will open themselves up to you. But
remember this, that you must be prepared to act upon
these openings, and opportunities. You must be alert and
watchful, and expectant. You will have to do the work,
remember, yourself, although the forces you have started
into operation will supply you with the material.
(3) then you must use your will in the direction of action
tending to bring it about.
But first of all, as I have said, you must know just what
you do want, and then proceed to create the mental
matrix or mould by visualizationthat is, you most
proceed to mentally see it as already existing.
Not so, the book was placed here, and moved there, by
people, and these people have minds capable of being
moved by vibratory waves and so when once the thing
was set into operation, all things worked together toward
the given end. Even the present book reached you under
the law of attraction. There is no chance in these matters
there are laws in operation everywhere, and always
and over all there is the Great Law.
You may ask me the question "Well, but what about all
the various metaphysical, religious, and semi-religious
theories advanced to account for the cares performed by
the various cults and sects of the 'New Thought' and
similar movements?"
And I can see why others still, would rebel against either
of the above mentioned forms, and would be better
reached by a plain, scientific presentation of the subject.
Every man to his tastein mental healing as in
everything else. In this respect I am like the Irishman
who said he was glad that all men did not have the same
taste, for if they did every mother's son of them would be
wanting to steal his wife away from him.
One very good healer has told me that she always can
see, mentally, the patient being "bathed in a perfect
stream of her Mind-Power." I feel that this lady is right,
and that by adding this feature to the mental image very
good results may be obtained. The student of these
lessons will find this last image easy to produce if he will
remember what we have said about thought-forms.
But if you have not seen him personally, you can form a
mental image of "a man," or "a woman," without filling in
the details of personal appearance, and the result will be
similar. You will find the following method will help you in
the treatment. Sit down in your chair, after drawing up
another chair right before you, but about two or three
yards distant. Then picture your patient as sitting in this
other chair, and use your imagination to the fullest in this
Now, then, how may one treat the cells and organs of
another person, in this way? The process is very simple,
when you once learn it. All that is necessary is for you to
"treat" the organ, or part, just as you did the patient, in
several forms of general treatment, as stated a little while
You must learn to "talk to" the organ or part affected, and
to give it suggestions and mental treatment just as you
did your personal patient. In short, the nearer you can
come to considering, and treating the cells or organs as if
they actually were "personalities" or "entities," the better
will be your success in this form of treatment. This is no
mere trick, or bit of superstitionit is based upon good
psychological principles, and has its reason in well defined
occult laws.
There is mind in the organ and cell, and you are reaching
out to it. The way to reach the mind in the cells; cell-
groups; ganglia; organs; nerves; parts, etc., of the body,
is to address yourself directly to it, just as you would to a
person. You must think of the mind in the affected parts,
as a "person" who is misbehaving. You must remonstrate
with, argue with, coax, order or drive the '' person"
residing in the organ, just as you would different
individuals. Sometimes coaxing is much better than
driving, and sometimes the forceful method is necessary,
as we shall see. You may either talk; aloud to the mind in
the organ, or else (and this is the better way in treating
others) you may do your talking mentally.
And, also remember, that the virtue lies not in the mere
sound of the words that happen to reach the organ or
cellsthey do not understand words as but they do
understand the meaning behind the wordsthey
recognize the mental state of which the word is the
outward symbol. But without words it is very hard for you
to think, or clearly express the feelingand so by all
means use the words just as if the organ-minds
understood their actual meaning, for by so doing, you can
drive in the meaning of the wordand induce the mental
state conditions necessary to work the cure.
I think that the facts and principles above stated are self-
evident and need little or no backing up by authorities.
But I think I will give you a quotation or two to help
fasten the idea in your minds. Prof. Halleck says: "By
restraining the expression of an emotion we can
frequently throttle it; by inducing an expression we can
often cause its allied emotion." I wish that every one of
you would commit the above words to memorythey are
golden. By expression Prof. Halleck, of course, means the
physical manifestation or expressionthe physical action
which springs from the emotion.
Prof. William James has this to say along the same line:
"Refuse to express a passion and it dies. Count ten before
venting your anger and its occasion seems ridiculous.
One may charge his mind with the task of waking him up
at a certain time in the morningand wakes up. Or he
may charge his mind to remember a certain thingand
he remembers it.
While the "I am," etc., plan is good as a bracer, and when
going into action, still this last mentioned plan of mine
operates far better when it conies down to steady
"treatment" of oneself for mental failings; weaknesses
and character-building. Just try both plans yourself and
see if I am not rightbut practice my plan a little until
you acquire the "knack" before finally deciding the
matter. Here is how it works in practice.
You will find that by this plan you will be able to fairly
pour in the positive suggestions to "the John Smith part
of you," and the latter will take them with the same effect
as if there were two persons instead of one. And there
are two persons, according to the occult teachingsthe
individual and the personality.
When once you have found out just what this method will
do for you you will wonder that you had never thought of
it before. You will cultivate a sense of individuality which
will recognize the personality is a plastic something that
can be molded and shaped at your will by this
"treatment." And, best of all, you will learn to know that
the individual is you, and you are the individual and that
the personality is merely something that "belongs to you."
"When you have reached this stage you will have called to
your hand the forces of the great Mind-Power and will
indeed have a right to call yourself "positive" and an
"active center of power" in the great Ocean of Mind-
And all this will have been brought about by this new plan
of '' Says I to myself, says I. Is it not worthwhile?" Then
start in to "make yourself over as you will!"
Making Over Oneself
But, after all, each and every man or woman who studies
these chapters has a very good idea of his or her
particular strong or weak points of character. Each one
knows just about what qualities need to be strengthened
and built up, and just which ones need to be restrained.
Every person knows his short comings in the lines of
personal qualities or character, for he or she has been
forced to this knowledge by coming in contact with the
I have told you how the will is always set into operation
by the urge of desire. When you develop and cultivate
desire you are doing much to cultivate Will-Power. So I
need not repeat this part of the process I have just told
it to you under the head of desire.
While acquiring will in this way you will find that it often
takes even more will to turn away from these outside
objects than to follow your main object. You must learn to
master these temptations even if in so doing you find it
necessary to act like Ulysses who made his companions
stop up their ears with wax lest they be fascinated by the
song of the Sirens.
Rule 6. "Look before you leap," and "Be sure you're right,
then go ahead." Always take a good look at a thing before
plunging in. Give it the benefit of your judgment and do
not be carried away by the judgment of others. Use your
reason and judgmentthat's why you have them.
Therefore, the more she sees what she wants the more
she asksand the more she asks the more eager does he
become to please her. The apple was shown Eve, then
she told Adam it was good and asked him to take a bite,
and then Adam ate and the mischief was done. But this
rule works for good as well as for bad"it's a poor rule
that won't work both ways." But the principle is the same
in both good and evil cases.
The successful men are those who know what they want
and never forget it. It may take them some time to find
out just what they do want, but when once they find it
out they hold firmly to it to the end with an invincible
determination and unswerving purposeand these
qualities always win in the long run, if for no other reason
than because so few possess them and the majority of
men get tired of the struggle and drop out of the race.
(2) those who have inherited money of which they did not
know the labor, excitement, or satisfaction of making for
themselves, and who, therefore, grow righteously
disgusted at the money which they did not have to use
their heads or hands to acquire.
These people are like those who take no exercise, and get
indigestion at the sight of a good dinner; while those who
have worked well come to the dinner with s good
appetite, and cannot understand the "sick-feeling" of the
others. It is a law of Nature that makes both of these
classes of people "sick" at the sight of that for which they
have not worked; or
Learn to live your own life, and stand upon your own feet.
Other people would like to even "breathe" for you if you
would let thembut say "scat" to them, and shake them
off when they bother you. You've got to live your own life,
and why bother with the people who are always telling
you "you mustn't do it this waydo it as I say," when
their own lives are glaring examples of the folly of "their
You have heard it said that "God helps those who help
themselves"and He does, unquestionably. But this is
also trueGod believes in those who believe in
themselves. And so does the world, because God has
made it so! So start in now, and say, early and often, "I
believe in Myself!"
This is the faculty that keeps the will to the task, like the
chisel to the metal, until the work is done. Be firm as a
rock against which heat the storms, but which yields not
an inch, nor is it hurl a particle. Have a mind of your own,
and hold to what you believe is right. See your object,
and march straight to it, firm in your determination and
purpose. By all means develop the faculty of firmness.
The symbol will spring from the inner reality. And. they
will also manifest in the shape of currents of Desire-Force
and Will-Power, which will sweep far and wide, as well as
near and close, influencing and affecting those within
their field of induction.
And that reaching into your heart of desire, it may fill you
with the very spirit of individuality, conscious ego-hood,
perception of reality, and realization of the "I"