Just in Time Management - US Vs Japan
Just in Time Management - US Vs Japan
Just in Time Management - US Vs Japan
JIT means producing goods and services exactly when they are needed, like for example.
A new company opens that is producing steering shaft for automobiles. The company,
under the JIT system, will set up the machines to produce the jobs in a row from those
who collect the metals at one end, all of the way to those who ship the product at the
other end of the factory. The people at each station, as they receive the product, take the
job order, perform their duties on the product, and then transfer the product out to the
next station after their work is completed. Along the way, the product is screened for
infirmities, and if they exist, the line is stopped until the defect is repaired. In the end, the
shipping agent will receive the product and ship it to the customer. All along the way,
the production never began until the order came in and then the goods were produced
from that point on out, and not sitting in inventory waiting on the already finished good.
L’Oreal, the world’s largest toiletries and cosmetics group, initiated was to reduce the
set-up times on the line which produces hair colorant from 2.5 hours to only 8 minutes.
These new change-over times mean that the company can now justify even prior to
change in set-up times, batch sizes was 30,000 Units; now batches as small as 2000 to
3000 units can be produced cost effectively (Slack and Chambers, Harland and Harrison,
and Johnston , 1998).
The underlying principle of JIT is one of continuous waste elimination and hence it is
universally applicable. Obviously, the manner in which JIT principles are applied across
different industries will vary. For example, in process industries, potential applications of
JIT philosophy would include implementation vendor development and JIT purchasing.
Furthermore the fundamental concept behind JIT manufacturing is getting the right
product to the right place at the right time. This is achieved by correctly timing the
supply chain so that as soon as a batch is processed, there is a new batch waiting to be
processed. A steady flow of unfinished goods through the various production levels
eliminates the need for extra materials to be kept in storage. In addition, JIT also
eliminates waste associated with labor and time. JIT is key element in leading to lean
production or lean system, which meant to turn higher productivity in an organization.
Lean systems utilize the pull, push or combination of both method of workflow. The push
method is applicable when the production of the item begins in advance of customer
needs. In push system, the emphasis shifts to using the information about customers,
suppliers and production to mange materials flows. Batches of raw materials are planned
to arrive at a factory about when needed to make batches or parts and sub-assemblies.
These assemblies are made and delivered to final assembly about when needed and
finished products are assembled and shipped about when needed by customers.
"Catch up with America in three years, otherwise the automobile industry of Japan will
not survive”. After 2nd world war, Toyota Motor Company’s Chief Engineer, Taiichi
Ohno began to examine the American industry and found that American manufacturers
made great use of economic order quantities, the concept of lot and batch, before
switching to another job, Ohno decided that waste that happened in America would have
to be decreased if he were to develop a technique for Japan, as what he describe as “war
on waste” so he proposed decreasing waste by making it were items only move through
production when they are demanded, “Jidoka” which is the Japanese concept or quality
program where inspection for problems would occur and stop the process until they were
repaired, thereby reducing waste. Jidoka was a great system in order to prevent cost of
quality by stopping at early stage of defects, and not only that, the system is also educates
the entire employees from top to down in production line in identifying the cause and
solutions. (Ettlie, 1990)
3M, manufacturing planners work with customer planners to develop strategies for each
customer segment. Changes in the manufacturing flow process lead to shorter cycle
times, meaning improved responsiveness to customers. (Lambert and Cooper, 2000).
IBM uses continuous flow manufacture; Hewlett-Packard Company uses stockless
production at one plant and repetitive manufacturing system at another, while many other
companies use lean production. Synchronized material flow is still another term used.
(Schonberger, 1998). JIT system improves the quality of the responsibility of every
worker and not just quality control inspectors, reduce scrap and rework, reduce cycle
times, lower setup times, smoothen production flow, decrease inventory of raw materials,
work-in-progress and finished goods, incur cost savings, force higher productivity,
increase worker participation, attracts a more skilled workforce, makes organization and
employees able and wiling to switch roles, reduces space requirements, and improves
relationships with suppliers. Since its introduction in Japan, and later introduced in the
United States.Operations-based JIT concepts were correlated with both the product and
process focused quality initiatives, these two constructs interacted. Inventory-based JIT
concepts also interacted with product focused quality initiatives, suggesting that JIT
practices, implemented to manage inventory, also enhanced quality. Reducing lot sizes,
setup times and the supplier base, buying from JIT suppliers, and engaging in preventive
maintenance are all well-documented operations practices for improving quality levels
Therefore, the managerial implication here is that manufacturing firms should not ignore
JIT practices and concepts. Thus the strengths of JIT system is that it does reduce
overproduction, time spent waiting, transportation and movement of products, processing
time, inventory levels, and/or defects that are produced in a plant. These processes
thereby increase the profitability of an organization and make it leaner.
of activities at each station, so as not to create any bottle-necks. In this direction Rainford
Group can see clear benefits and opportunity to be productive. However, issues in JIT
system can be its streamlines processes and reduces any risky last minute changes, which
might be profitable. It is clearly understood that risk and profitability are inversely
proportional to each other, in that the less risk (which JIT virtually eliminates because of
the lack of uncertainty and that element of surprise and change), the less return the
organization can potentially receive. It makes an organization less able to maneuver and
change as it may be deemed profitable. What hampers successful JIT implementation is
the lack of clarity and priority leading to confusion and wasteful expenditure of
organizational energy. (Galloway and Azhashemi and Rowbotham, 2000)
Lambert, D.M and Cooper, M, C (2000), ‘Issues in Supply Chain Management’, Viewed
at 05/1/2006, < http://hermanland.com:8080/blog/blog1/files/doc/issues_in_SCM.pdf>