Hydro Static Test Procedure: VD-211-Gen-PCJ-005
Hydro Static Test Procedure: VD-211-Gen-PCJ-005
Hydro Static Test Procedure: VD-211-Gen-PCJ-005
SHIRAZ THIRD AMMONIA & UREA COMPLEX DOC TITLE: Hydro Static Test Procedure Project Document No: VD-211-Gen-PCJ-005 Internal Document No/Rev.: ANS/DOC-038 Rev:D2
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1) SCOPE: This procedure cover the general requirement for hydrostatic test of fix and floating roof storage tanks
2) APPLICATION : This procedure is based on the API 650 and specification to assess leak test for covered welding seam and settlement foundation of storage tanks.
3) REFERENCE : - API 650 -1998 - IPS-G-ME-100 - Project Specification 4) WATER QUALITY : 4-1) - For carbon steel tanks ,the water for hydrostatic test use should be free from salt and have sufficient anti corrosive agent. The temperature of the test water shall not lower than 20 c.
4-2)- The materials used in the construction of stainless steel tanks may be subject to severe pitting, cracking.or rusting if they are exposed to contaminated test water for extended periods of time. The purchaser shall specify a minimum quality of test water that conforms to the following requirements:
4-2-1) Unless otherwise specified by the purchaser ,water used for hydrostatic testing of tanks shall be potable and trcated, containing at least 0.2 parts per million free chlorine. 4-2-2) Water shall be substantially clean and clear. 4-2-3) Water shall have no objectionable odor(that is, no hydrogen sulfide). 4-2-4) Water pH shall be between 6 and 8.3. 4-2-5) Water temperature shall be below 50 C (120 F). 4-2-6) The chloride content of the water shall be below 50 parts per million, unless specified otherwise by the purchaser.
4-3) When testing with potable water, the exposure time shall not exceed 21 days, unless specified other wise by the purchaser. 4-4) When testing with other fresh waters, the exposure time shall not exceed 7 days. 4-4) Upon completion of the hydrostatic test ,water shall be completely drained. Wetted surface shall be washed with potable water when non potable water is used for the test and completely dried. Particular attention shall be given to low spots,crevices,and similar areas.Hot air drying is not permitted.
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5) MARKER : Sufficient points on the wall shell plates (400 mm above the bottom) should be marked. The marked points must be in such away that distance and level between indicator s be same with the bench mark. Quantity of points shall be determined by fabrication standard and tank diameter.
6) BENCH MARK At least 4 points (for tanks up to 25m diameter) or 8 points (for tank with diameter more than 25m) must be set as the bench marks. These points must have the same elevation and in such away that settlement of the foundation has no affect on them. Mean while two other points should be visible from each one as a minimum requirement. Distance of these bench marks from the tank shall be determined by civil engineer.
7) PREPARATION PRIOR TO HYDROSTATIC TEST : a) Check points before water filling test b) All welding work shall be finished. c) All NDT shall be completed. d) Temporary piping for water test shall be completed and tools are completed e) Cleaning inside and outside of the tank and removal of the temporary jigs and tools are completed. f) All shell opening shall closed by appropriate cover plate. g) Level of foundation on under shell plate shall be measured at specified point. h) All inspection including, dimensional check, visual examination shall be completed. i) The hydrostatic test shall be completed before the application of the insulation and final painting. j) The bottom plates shall be tested in any case before water is let into the tank for testing.
8) FILLING WATER RATE: 8-1) While is normal practice to test all tanks by filling with water before commission. This filling should be done under controlled condition to ensure that foundation failure does not occur during filling.
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8-2) At least, All filling tank shall be carried out at 4 days, in such away that first the tank filled with water in height, then after past a day the level at the reference point should be check and plotted on a time scale of follow the pattern of settlement, then water should be added to the tank at about height and checked in the same way. This method for full filling of the tank should be continue until water flow out from the lowest point of spill way. 8-3) Roof manhole or bleeder vent and deck manhole should be open while filling or emptying a fixed roof tank for test purposes, so that the tank is not damaged by excessive vacuum or pressure loading.
9-1) Settlement of the tank foundation must be monitored in case of extraordinary settlement will subcontractor shall report it to inspector as soon as possible. 9-2) Checking leakage of weld seam. 9-3) Checking of function of level gauge and other.
10-1) Before filling the tank , All marker and bench mark elevation should be check and recorded. When water level reached 1/4 height of the tank, the above mentioned checking must be repeat again. This measuring should be carried out in each step of test until the tank filled completely. 10-2) Minimum interval between each step of filling and measuring the height difference of marker and bench mark is 24 hour. 10-3) Number of point for measuring settlement
10-3-1)Tank settlement shall initially be surveyed with the tank empty using the number of bottom plate projection elevetion measurement point. N,uniformaly distributed around the circumference ,as indicated by the following formula: N= D/10 N= Minimum required number of settlement measurement points,but no less than eight.All fractional value shall be rounded to the next higher whole number.The maximum spacing between settlement measurement points shall be 30 feet. D= Tank diameter ,in feet.
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10-4) Determination of acceptable settlement 10-4-1) If settlement measurement are specified by the purchaser, any diffrential settlement grater than 13 mm per 10 m (1/2 in . Per 32 ft) of circumference or a uniform settlement over 50 mm (2in). Shall be reported to the purchaser for evaluation refer to API 650. filling of the tank shall be stopped until cleared by the purchaser. (see attachment 3)
11-1) SHELL TESTING 11-1-1) The shell of fixed &floating roof tanks shall be tested after completion of the roof. 11-1-2) Test liquid level is equal to hight from the bottom to the top of shell including the top angle. 11-1-3) Continuous inspection shall be maintained for the whole filling period. All leakages found shall be repaired. To do this, the water level should be at least 300 mm below the point being repaired. 11-1-4) All leakage seam after repair shall be tested according to the above mentioned procedure. 11-1-5) Any tank showing evidence of leakage from the bottom during water test should be emptied immediately. The source of such leaks should be determined and rectified. Where there is risk that the leakage may have caused washout of the foundation material. The foundations are to be inspected. The repair of the foundation should be subject to special consideration and approval by the company. 11-1-6) Air pressure of 1.25 time the design pressure shall be applied to the tank filed with water to the design liquid hight.The air pressure shall be reduced to the design pressure and the tank shall be checked for tightness. 11-1-7) If sufficient water to fill the tank is not available, the tank may be tested by: a) Painting all of the joints on the inside with a highly penetrating oil, such as automobile spring oil, and carefully examining the outside of the joints for leakage. b) Applying vacuum to either side of the joints or applying internal air pressure as specified for the roof test in below and carefully examining the joints for leakge. c) Using any combination of the methods stipulated in a & b above.
11-2-1) When the tank shell is tested with water. The roof joint shall be tested by applying an internal air pressure equal to 0.75 Kpa for 15 min.Internal pressure not exceeding the weight of the roof plates. 11-2-2) After past 15 min reduce the pressure to half. Then apply soap solution or other suitable agent to detect any leakage. 11-2-3) Pay attention to the need for careful control and monitoring of pressures during this testing. Climatic change may cause sharp fluctuations in test pressure an so that provision should be made for the sage relief of pressure or vacuum in the event of such fluctuation.
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11-2-4) Pressure and vacuum relief vents shall normally be installed after completion of the tank water test or alternatively shall be blank ed-off during the testing of the roof, after installation or immediately following the roof pressure test all vent's shall be carefully examined to ensure that all packing and blanks have been removed and that all moving parts function normally. 11-2-5) Tank inside ,shall be thoroughly dried after hydrostatic test.
11-3-1) A center deck plate ,pontton plate and rim plate welded joint shall be tested by spraying with a penetrating oil such as gas oil ,on the bottom side and inspecting visually on the top side and inside of rim plates. Either of the methods of test specified in (b) or below ahall be applicable; (b) The fillet welds connecting the bulk heads between pontoon to the inner and outer rim plates and to the pontoon bottom shall be examined for leaks using penetrating oil prior to the installation of the pontoon top plates.When continuously welded ,the weld connecting the pontoon top plates shall be inspected visually for pinholes or defective welding. (c) Alternatively,when the compartments are completely welded,each completely welded compartment of pontoon roof shall be individually tested with an air pressure of 0.75 kPa (7 mbar) gage,a soapy water solution being applied to all welded joint under pressure which have not been previously tested with penetrating oil. 11-3-2) The roof drain of the floating roof storage tanks shall be installed prior to the hydraulic test on the tank and during this test the drain shall be examined to ensure that it is not leaking due to external pressure. 11-3-3) The roof shall be given a floatation test while the tank is being filled with water and emptied.During this test,the upper side of the lower deck and all pontoon compartments shall be examined for leaks.Rainwater shall be prevented from entering the pontoon compartments during this test. 11-3-4) The sealing mechanism shall be checked to ensure proper functioning over the full height of the shell. 11-3-5) Roof drains together with any flexible coupling incorporated with them shall be subjected to a hydrostatic test pressure of 3.5 kPa(3.5 bar) gage.The tank shall be empty during this test.To ensure freedom from internal obstructions.The drain piping should be flushed through before testing.
12) TEST RECORD All of the result about settlement and hydro test shall be record. See attached form.
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Attachment 3: API 650 Welded Steel. Tanks for Oil Storage Filling may continue while Elevation measurements are being mode as long as the change in water elevation for a set of readings docs not exceed 300 nun (12 in.). Unless waived on the Data Sheet, die Manufacturer shall make shell elevation measurements in accordance with the following: 1. Shell elevation measurements shall be made at equally-spaced intervals around the tank circumference not exceeding 0.8 m (32 ft). The minimum number of shell measurement points shall be eight. 2. Observed elevations shall be referred to a permanent benchmark. The level instrument shall be set up at least 1 away from the tank when tank elevation readings arc taken. Six sew of settlement readings arc required: a. Before start of the hydrostatic test b. With tank filled to test height (600 mm [2 ftl]) c. With tank filled to test height (600 mm [2 ft]) d. With tank filled to test height (600 mm [2 ft]) e. Al least 24 hours after the lank has been filled to the maximum lest height. This 24-hour period may be increased to duration Specified on the data sheet if the Purchaser so requires for conditions such as:
i. The tank is the first one in the area. ii. The tank has a larger capacity than any other existing tank in the area. iii. The tank has a higher unit bearing load than any other existing tank in the area. iv. There is a question regarding the rate or magnitude of settlement that will take place.
07 If settlement measurements are specified by die Purchaser, any differential settlement greater than 13 mm per 10 m ( in. per 32 ft) of circumference or a uniform settlement over 50 nun (2 in.) shall be reported to the Purchaser for evaluation. Filling of the tank shall lie stopped until cleared by die Purchaser. For floating-roof tanks, the maximum and minimum annular space between the shell and the roof rim plate prior to initial
flotation and at the maximum test fill height shall be measured and recorded. Internal* bottom elevation measurements shall be made before and after hydrostatic testing. Measurements shall be made at
maximum intervals of 3 m (10 ft) measured on diametrical lines across the tank. The diametrical lines shall be spaced at equal angles, With a maximum separation measured at the tank circumference of 10 in (32 ft). A minimum of four diametrical lines shall he used All elevation measurements shall be included in the Manufacturer's Post-Construction Document Package (sec W. 1.5).
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7.3.7 Testing of the Roof completion, the roof of a tank designed to be gas-tight (except for roofs designed under, F.4.4. and F.7.6) shall be tested by one of die following methods: a. Applying internal air pressure not exceeding the weight of the roof plates and applying to the weld joints a bubble solution or other material suitable fur the detection of leaks. b. Vacuum testing the weld joints in accordance with 8.6 to detect any leaks. completion, the roof of a tank not designed to be gas-tight, such as a tank with peripheral circulation vents or a tank with free or open vents, shall receive only visual inspection of its weld joints, unless otherwise specified by the Purchaser. 7 .4 REPAIRS TO WELDS 7.4.1 All defects found in welds shall be called to the attention of die Purchaser's inspector, and die inspector's approval shall be obtained before die defects are repaired. All completed repairs shall be subject to the approval or the Purchaser's inspector. Acceptance criteria are specified in 8.2,8.4, and 8.5, as applicable. 7.4.2 Pinhole leaks or porosity in a tank bottom joint may be repaired by applying an additional weld bead over the defective area. Other defects or cracks in tank bottom or lank roof (including floating roofs in Appendix C) joints shall be repaired us required by 8.1.7. Mechanical caulking is not permitted