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User Training Manual

Type e-CPW System: User Training Manual

Client Qatar Petroleum

Location State of Qatar

Issue date 9th July 2013

Internal Reference RAPUM-UM/QP/1.0

Document created by: Jennifer Tetlow

Document reviewed by: Ciar Baharie / Dan Craggs

Next review: 9th July 2015

Approved By:

Mark Carter

Managing Director

User Training Manual
Revision History

Issue Date Reason for update Next review date

1.0 09.07.13 First issue. 09.07.15

Table of Conte nts

User Training Manual
Table of Contents
Revision History ..................................................................................................................................................... 2

Purpose ................................................................................................................................................................. 8

Qatar Petroleum e-CPW Permit Workflows ........................................................................................................... 9

e-CPW Process Descriptions ................................................................................................................................. 13

New Work Process ..................................................................................................................................... 13
New Work: Authorisation Parties .......................................................................................................... 13
New Work: Roles and Responsibilities ................................................................................................... 14

Permit Extension Process ........................................................................................................................... 17

Permit Extension: Authorisation Parties ................................................................................................ 17
Permit Extension: Roles and Responsibilities ......................................................................................... 18

Permit Closure Process............................................................................................................................... 21

Permit Closure: Authorisation Parties .................................................................................................... 21
Permit Closure: Roles and Responsibilities ............................................................................................. 22

Logging on to e-CPW ............................................................................................................................................ 24

Warning Screen and How to Logout ..................................................................................................................... 26

Locations Screen .................................................................................................................................................. 27

Location Summary Screen .......................................................................................................................... 27

Viewing Map Layers (Overlays) ................................................................................................................. 29

Changing the Map Setup ........................................................................................................................... 29

Filter Buttons – Permits ............................................................................................................................. 30

Filter Buttons – Tasks ................................................................................................................................. 31

Filter Buttons – Clear Pins .......................................................................................................................... 32

Filter Buttons – Search ............................................................................................................................... 33

Accessing a Task or Permit using a Pin....................................................................................................... 34

Job – Task – Permit Relationship.......................................................................................................................... 36

Task Build Screen ................................................................................................................................................. 37

Viewing Jobs, Tasks and Permits .......................................................................................................................... 39

Email Notifications............................................................................................................................................... 40

Reporting a Refused Task .................................................................................................................................... 41

New Work Process ............................................................................................................................................... 42

New Work Process - General...................................................................................................................... 42

User Training Manual
General Requirements ........................................................................................................................... 42
Email Notifications ................................................................................................................................ 43
New Work Signing using an Email Link .................................................................................................. 44

New Work Process – By Role ...................................................................................................................... 47

Operating Authority .............................................................................................................................. 47
New Work – Creating a Job (Operating Authority) .................................................................................. 47
Viewing the Jobs List ........................................................................................................................... 47
Formatting the Layout of a Screen ...................................................................................................... 49
Viewing Archived Jobs ......................................................................................................................... 51
Adding a New Job ................................................................................................................................ 52
Editing a Job ........................................................................................................................................ 53
New Work – Creating a Task – Job Build (Operating Authority) .............................................................. 54
Creating a Task – Job Build.................................................................................................................. 54
Creating a Task – Step 1 ...................................................................................................................... 55
Creating a Task – Step 2 ...................................................................................................................... 56
Edit a Task ........................................................................................................................................... 58
Adding Multiple Tasks to a Job ............................................................................................................ 59
New Work – General Review (Operating Authority) ............................................................................... 60
Performing Authority ............................................................................................................................ 63
New Work – Risk Assessing a Task .......................................................................................................... 63
Task Build ............................................................................................................................................ 63
Task Build Screen Overview ................................................................................................................. 65
Risk Assess the Icons ........................................................................................................................... 68
Icon Suggestions and Icon Messages .................................................................................................. 70
Icon Knowledge Base........................................................................................................................... 71
Complete the Icon Risk Assessment .................................................................................................... 72
Add Icon Related Additional Information ............................................................................................ 73
Non-Icon Related Additional Information ........................................................................................... 74
Task Comments ................................................................................................................................... 75
PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) and Safety Equipment Risk Assessment ................................... 76
Set the Physical Location for the Task ................................................................................................. 78
Required Documents (Attachments) ................................................................................................... 79
Gas Test ............................................................................................................................................... 81
Risk Assessment Changes – PPE button .............................................................................................. 82
View Task History ................................................................................................................................ 83
New Work – Request – Concurring Parties ............................................................................................. 84

User Training Manual
New Work Request using an Email Link .............................................................................................. 84
New Work Request without using an Email Link ................................................................................. 87
New Work – Correcting Refusals ............................................................................................................. 90
New Work – Request – Operating Authority ........................................................................................... 93
Concurring Party.................................................................................................................................... 95
Permit Reviewer .................................................................................................................................... 98
New Work - General Review (Permit Reviewer) ..................................................................................... 98
Permit – Print Permit (Permit Reviewer) ............................................................................................... 101
Initial Printing of a Permit ................................................................................................................. 101
Reprinting or Producing a Duplicate of a Permit ............................................................................... 104
Permit Controller ................................................................................................................................. 106
New Work - General Review (Permit Controller) .................................................................................. 106
Request Routing System Review (Permit Controller) ............................................................................ 109
Routing Request (Permit Controller) ................................................................................................. 109
Routing System Correcting Refusals (Permit Controller) ................................................................... 110
Routing System Completion (Permit Controller) ............................................................................... 111
New Work – Correcting Refusals ........................................................................................................... 112
New Work – Accept ............................................................................................................................... 113
New Work – Issue .................................................................................................................................. 114
Permit – Print Permit (Permit Controller).............................................................................................. 116
Initial Printing of a Permit ................................................................................................................. 116
Reprinting or Producing a Duplicate of a Permit ............................................................................... 119
Routing Recipients – Environmental Engineers, Safety Reviewers and Others ..................................... 121
Safety .................................................................................................................................................. 123
New Work – General Review (Safety) ................................................................................................... 123
Request Routing System Review (Safety) .............................................................................................. 126
Routing Request (Safety) ................................................................................................................... 126
Routing System Correcting Refusals (Safety) .................................................................................... 127
Routing System Completion (Safety) ................................................................................................. 128
Permit Acceptor ................................................................................................................................... 130
Permit– Accept Permit Issue (Permit Acceptor) .................................................................................... 130

Permit Extension Process ................................................................................................................................... 132

Permit Extension Process - General .......................................................................................................... 132
General Requirements ......................................................................................................................... 132
Email Notifications .............................................................................................................................. 133

User Training Manual
Permit Extension Signing using an Email Link ...................................................................................... 134

Permit Extension Process – By Role .......................................................................................................... 137

Performing Authority .......................................................................................................................... 137
Permit Extension – Request – Concurring Parties ................................................................................. 137
Permit Extension Request using an Email Link .................................................................................. 138
Permit Extension Request without using an Email Link ..................................................................... 144
Permit Extension – Correcting Refusals ................................................................................................. 146
Permit Extension – Request – Operating Authority .............................................................................. 148
Concurring Party.................................................................................................................................. 150
Operating Authority ............................................................................................................................ 153
Permit Reviewer .................................................................................................................................. 156
Permit Extension - General Review (Permit Reviewer) ......................................................................... 156
Permit Extension – Print Permit (Permit Reviewer) .............................................................................. 159
Initial Printing of a Permit ................................................................................................................. 159
Reprinting or Producing a Duplicate of a Permit ............................................................................... 161
Permit Controller ................................................................................................................................. 163
Permit Extension - General Review (Permit Controller) ........................................................................ 163
Request Routing System Review (Permit Controller) ............................................................................ 166
Routing Request ................................................................................................................................ 166
Routing System Correcting Refusals .................................................................................................. 166
Routing System Completion .............................................................................................................. 167
Permit Extension – Correcting Refusals ................................................................................................. 168
Permit Extension – Accept ..................................................................................................................... 169
Permit Extension – Issue........................................................................................................................ 170
Permit Extension – Print Permit (Permit Controller) ............................................................................. 171
Initial Printing of a Permit ................................................................................................................. 171
Reprinting or Producing a Duplicate of a Permit ............................................................................... 173
Routing Recipients – Environmental Engineers and Others .................................................................. 175
Safety .................................................................................................................................................. 177
Permit Extension – General Review (Safety) ......................................................................................... 177
Request Routing System Review (Safety) .............................................................................................. 180
Routing Request ................................................................................................................................ 180
Routing System Correcting Refusals .................................................................................................. 180
Routing System Completion .............................................................................................................. 181
Permit Acceptor ................................................................................................................................... 182
Permit Extension – Accept Permit Extension Issue (Permit Acceptor) .................................................. 182

User Training Manual
Permit Closure Process ...................................................................................................................................... 185
Permit Closure Process - General ............................................................................................................. 185
General Requirements ......................................................................................................................... 185
Email Notifications .............................................................................................................................. 186
Permit Closure Signing using an Email Link .......................................................................................... 187

Permit Closure Process – By Role ............................................................................................................. 190

Performing Authority .......................................................................................................................... 190
Permit Closure – Request – Concurring Parties ..................................................................................... 190
Permit Closure Request using an Email Link ...................................................................................... 190
Permit Closure Request without using an Email Link ........................................................................ 194
Permit Closure – Correcting Refusals .................................................................................................... 196
Permit Closure – Request – Operating Authority .................................................................................. 199
Permit Closure – Request – Submit Hard Copy of Permit ..................................................................... 200
Concurring Party.................................................................................................................................. 201
Operating Authority ............................................................................................................................ 203
Permit Reviewer .................................................................................................................................. 205
Permit Closure – Requests from the Operating Authority .................................................................... 205
Permit Closure – Correcting Refusals from the Permit Inspector ......................................................... 208
Permit Inspector .................................................................................................................................. 209
Permit Closure – Requests from the Permit Reviewer .......................................................................... 209
Permit Closure – Corrected Refusals from the Permit Reviewer .......................................................... 211
Permit Controller ................................................................................................................................. 213
Permit Closure – General Review .......................................................................................................... 213
Request Routing System Review ........................................................................................................... 214
Routing Request ................................................................................................................................ 214
Routing System Correcting Refusals .................................................................................................. 216
Routing System Completion .............................................................................................................. 217
Permit Closure – Signing ........................................................................................................................ 219
Routing Recipients – Environmental Engineers and Others .................................................................. 221

Appendix: Icons ................................................................................................................................................. 223

Icon Type: Conditions ............................................................................................................................... 223

Icon Type: Activities ................................................................................................................................. 225

Icon Type: Tools ....................................................................................................................................... 229

User Training Manual

The purpose of this document is to provide a detailed overview of the Qatar Petroleum e-CPW
system. The system contains three main stages: New Work, Permit Extension and Permit Closure.

 New Work Process: allows for the electronic preparation of all new work to the point of the
permit moving into ‘live’ status.
 Permit Extension Process: allows for the electronic extension of ‘live’ or ‘live (expired)’
permits which meet the Qatar Petroleum Permit Extension requirements.
 Permit Closure Process: allows for the electronic closure of ‘live’ or ‘live (expired)’ permits.

The document is presented as a step-by-step guide using a series of screen shots and explanatory
notes. The page sequence reflects the order in which Users would typically use the system.

Each section can be read as a standalone procedure with hyperlinks used to cross reference other
relevant pages via the Table of Contents.

Table of Contents

User Training Manual
Qatar Petroleum e-CPW Permit Workflows

The following pages show the New Work, Permit Extension and Permit Closure workflows.

Table of Contents

New work Qatar Petroleum e-CPW Permit Workflow:
New Work
Revision 2.1

Definition No

Concurring Yes Concurring

Parties? Parties
Definition Definition
No /
Completed Pending Yes
Pending Definition
Operating Performing
Authority Authority

Pending Approved No Approved

No Yes
Accept? Permit Controller Accept?
Refusal Routing
Current Yes
Yes Routing
Permit Reviewer Routing? Recipients:
Routing Engineering
No /
Refusal No
Yes Safety


No Definition

Safety Yes
Permit Controller Accept?
No Routing
Safety Accept? Yes Routing
Routing? Concurring
Routing Recipients
Routing Parties?
No / No/
Yes Routing Completed Correction Completed
Routing? Recipients:
Routing Safety Reviewers No Operating
Accept? Authority
No / Definition
Yes Issued
No Concurring
Approved Parties No
Yes Compliance Definition Definition

Accept? Yes Approved

Apply for
Permit Acceptor
Live No
Live / Live Work
Accepted Live Permit Expired?
(Expired) Permit completed?
Permit Reviewer Live
Yes Yes
(Expired) Request for
Live Closure

Fig. 1 Qatar Petroleum e-CPW Permit Workflow: New Work

Live / Live
(Expired) Permit
Qatar Petroleum e-CPW Permit Workflow:
Live / Live
Permit Extension
Extension Request for
criteria met? Closure
Revision 2.1

Definition No

Concurring Yes Concurring

Parties? Parties
Definition Definition
No /
Pending Yes
Pending Definition
Operating Performing
Authority Authority


No Approved No Approved
Refusal Yes
Permit Controller Accept?
Current Yes
Permit Reviewer

Yes Routing
Routing? Recipients:
Routing Engineering
Accept? No /
Refusal Completed

Yes No
Yes Safety

Safety Compliance
No No Definition

Yes Yes
Safety Accept? Permit Controller Accept?
Routing Routing
Safety Compliance Correction

Yes Routing Operating

Yes Routing
Routing? Recipients: Routing? Authority
Routing Safety Reviewers Recipients
No / No /
Completed Completed No
No No
Accept? Accept? Definition
Approved Definition

Yes Compliance Yes Issued Yes Approved

Apply for
Permit Acceptor
Live No
Live / Live Work
Accepted Live Permit Expired?
(Expired) Permit completed?
Permit Reviewer Live
Yes Yes
(Expired) Request for
Live Closure

Fig. 2 Qatar Petroleum e-CPW Permit Workflow: Permit Extension

Qatar Petroleum e-CPW Permit Workflow:
Live / Live
(Expired) Permit
Permit Closure
Live / Live
(Expired) Revision 2.1

Request for

Performing Live

Closure No

Concurring Yes Concurring

Parties? Closure Parties Closure
(Pending) (Pending)
No /
Closure Yes
(Pending) Live
Operating Performing
Authority Authority


No No
Live Live

Yes Closed Closed
Out No
Out Out
Permit Reviewer Permit Controller Accept?
Out Closed
Live Yes Recipients:
Routing? Environmental
Closing Engineers &
Yes Out Others
No /
Permit Inspector

Closing No
Out Accept?

Accept? Archived
Closing Yes
Yes Closed

Fig. 3 Qatar Petroleum e-CPW Permit Workflow: Permit Closure

User Training Manual
e-CPW Process Descriptions

New Work Process

New Work: Authorisation Parties
The New Work Workflow involves the authorisation by the following parties:

 Qatar Petroleum/End Users/Contractors:

o Operating Authority
o Performing Authority
o Concurring Parties (if applicable)
o Permit Acceptor
 Qatar Petroleum:
o Permit Reviewer
o Permit Controller
o Engineering
o Safety
o Safety Reviewers
 Additional Roles - as defined by the Permit Controller and Safety, and requested via the
Routing Slip process.

Refer to the following tables for the Roles and Responsibilities.

Table of Contents

User Training Manual
New Work: Roles and Responsibilities
Role Who is this? Functions

Operating Person the job  1st Time: Creates the Job and Task
Authority is for  2nd Time:
o Reviews the Task and ensures that it reflects the desired
o Checks the risk assessments, attachments, Personal
Protective Equipment (PPE), Safety Equipment and Gas
Test Requirements
o Approves the Physical Location selection (icon status
indicator turns ‘green’)
o Views the Concurring Parties’ comments, Additional
Information, Task Comments and Refusals
o Approves (selects ‘Complete’) based on these reviews
 3rd Time:
o Reviews any corrections to the task made by the
Performing Authority, on request of the Permit Controller
o Approves/Refuses based on their review
Performing Person doing  Outlines the Task Details:
Authority the job (Qatar o Selects icons and PPE
Petroleum o Selects Physical Location
staff or o Selects Attachments
contractor) o Selects Gas Testing requirements
o Adds Additional Information
o Adds Task Comments
o Selects Concurring Parties
 Resolves any refusals (based on the stage of the workflow from
Concurring Parties, Operating Authority, Permit Reviewer and
Permit Controller)
 Accepts permit, requests permit extensions, requests permit
closure and hands back permit
Concurring Company  Reviews the Task with respect to carrying out other work near the
Party located near task or which could interact with the task
task /  Approves/Refuses based on their review
with task

Table 1 New Work: Roles and Responsibilities (Part A)

Table of Contents

User Training Manual

Role Who is this? Functions

Permit Permit Office  1st Time: Approves the Task

Reviewer Staff o Reviews the Task and ensures that it reflects the desired
o Views the risk assessments, attachments, Personal
Protective Equipment (PPE), Safety Equipment and Gas
Test Requirements
o Views the Physical Location (selection)
o Views the Concurring Parties’ comments, Task Comments
and Refusals
o Approves/Refuses based on their review
 2nd Time (Permit Controller and/or Permit Reviewer):
o Enters: the Number of Workers, Start Time, End Time and
Permit Validity (end time)
o Prints the permit
Permit Permit  1st Time: Approves the Task
Controller Controller o Reviews the Task and ensures that it reflects the desired
o Views the risk assessments, attachments, Personal
Protective Equipment (PPE), Safety Equipment and Gas
Test Requirements
o Views the Physical Location (selection)
o Views the Concurring Parties’ comments, Task Comments
and Refusals
o Uses the Routing Slip System (to Engineering), if required
o Approves/Refuses based on their review
 2nd Time: Issues the permit
 3rd Time (Permit Controller and/or Permit Reviewer):
o Enters: the Number of Workers, Start Time, End Time and
Permit Validity (end time)
o Prints the permit
Engineering Qatar Routing Slip System Recipient:
Petroleum  Reviews the Task and ensures that it reflects the desired work
Engineer  Approves/Refuses based on their review

Table 2 New Work: Roles and Responsibilities (Part B)

Table of Contents

User Training Manual

Role Who is this? Functions

Safety Qatar  Reviews the Task and ensures that it reflects the desired work
Petroleum  Checks the risk assessments, attachments, Personal Protective
Safety Equipment (PPE), Safety Equipment and Gas Test Requirements
 Reviews and approves the risk assessments (icon status indicator
turns ‘green’)
 Reviews and approves the PPE and Safety Equipment (icon status
indicator turns ‘green’)
 Views the Physical Location (selection)
 Uses the Routing Slip System (to Safety Reviewers), if required
 Approves/Refuses based on their review
NB. Approval of the task locks the Risk Assessment and PPE/Safety
Equipment selection.
Safety Qatar Routing Slip System Recipient:
Reviewer Petroleum  Reviews the Task and ensures that it reflects the desired work
Safety  Checks the risk assessments, attachments, Personal Protective
Equipment (PPE), Safety Equipment and Gas Test Requirements
 Views the Physical Location (selection)
 Approves/Refuses based on their review
Permit Person doing  Reviews the permit
Acceptor the job (Qatar  Accepts the permit
staff or

Table 3 New Work: Roles and Responsibilities (Part C)

Table of Contents

User Training Manual
Permit Extension Process
The current Qatar Petroleum requirements allow for application of an extension within the last 30
days of a permit’s validity, or up to 15 days after the permit has expired.

To be eligible for Permit Extension there must be no change in the current permit’s: Performing
Authority Company, assigned Concurring Parties, Risk Assessment, Personal Protective Equipment
(PPE), Safety Equipment, or Location and Gas Test requirements. Additional file attachments,
Additional Information and Task Comments may be added.

Permit Extension: Authorisation Parties

The ‘Request for Extension’ Workflow involves the authorisation to extend a permit by the following

 Qatar Petroleum/End Users/Contractors:

o Performing Authority
o Concurring Parties (if applicable)
o Operating Authority
o Permit Acceptor
 Qatar Petroleum:
o Permit Reviewer
o Permit Controller
o Engineering
o Safety
o Safety Reviewers
 Additional Roles - as defined by the Permit Controller and Safety, and requested via the
Routing Slip process.

The workflow is the same as the general (New Work) e-CPW Permit Workflow, with two exceptions:

1. The Performing Authority makes the initial request for the Permit Extension, instead of the
Operating Authority. This is because the Operating Authority is not the initiating party in the
extension process, as is the case when adding new jobs and tasks.
2. The Performing Authority cannot introduce new Concurring Parties during a correction
phase at the Permit Controller’s request, and there is no requirement for Concurring Parties
to re-authorise during this phase.

Refer to the following tables for the Roles and Responsibilities.

Table of Contents

User Training Manual
Permit Extension: Roles and Responsibilities
Role Who is this? Functions

Performing Person doing  Checks that the current permit meets Qatar Petroleum permit
Authority the job (Qatar extension requirements
Petroleum  Checks that there is no change in the current permit’s: Performing
staff or Authority Company, assigned Concurring Parties, Risk Assessment,
contractor) Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), Safety Equipment, Location
or Gas Test requirements
 Selects additional Task Details:
o Selects Attachments
o Adds Additional Information
o Adds Task Comments
 Resolves any refusals (based on the stage of the workflow from
Concurring Parties, Operating Authority, Permit Reviewer and
Permit Controller)
 Requests permit extension
Concurring Company  Reviews the Task with respect to carrying out other work near the
Party located near task or which could interact with the task
task /  Approves/Refuses based on their review
with task
Operating Person the job  1st Time:
Authority is for o Reviews the Task and ensures that it reflects the desired
extension work
o Checks the additional attachments, Additional Comments
and Task Comments
o Views the Concurring Parties comments, Additional
Information, Task Comments and Refusals
o Approves (requests ‘Complete’) based on their review
 2nd Time:
o Reviews any corrections to the task (requested by the
Permit Controller)
o Approves/Refuses based on their review

Table 4 Permit Extension: Roles and Responsibilities (Part A)

Table of Contents

User Training Manual

Role Who is this? Functions

Permit Permit Office  1st Time: Approves the Task (Permit Extension)
Reviewer Staff o Reviews the Task and ensures that it reflects the desired
extension work
o Views the risk assessments, attachments, Personal
Protective Equipment (PPE), Safety Equipment and Gas
Test Requirements
o Views the Physical Location (selection)
o Views the Concurring Parties’ comments, Task Comments
and Refusals
o Approves/Refuses based on their review
 2nd Time (Permit Controller and/or Permit Reviewer):
o Enters: the Number of Workers, Start Time, End Time and
Permit Validity (end time)
o Prints the permit
Permit Permit  1st Time: Approves the Task (Permit Extension)
Controller Controller o Reviews the Task and ensures that it reflects the desired
extension work
o Views the risk assessments, attachments, Personal
Protective Equipment (PPE), Safety Equipment and Gas
Test Requirements
o Views the Physical Location (selection)
o Views the Concurring Parties’ comments, Task Comments
and Refusals
o Uses the Routing Slip System (to Engineering), if required
o Approves/Refuses based on their review
2nd Time: Issues the permit
3rd Time (Permit Controller and/or Permit Reviewer):
o Enters: the Number of Workers, Start Time, End Time and
Permit Validity (end time)
o Prints the permit
Engineering Qatar Routing Slip System Recipient:
Petroleum  Reviews the Task and ensures that it reflects the desired extension
Engineer work
 Approves/Refuses based on their review

Table 5 Permit Extension: Roles and Responsibilities (Part B)

Table of Contents

User Training Manual

Role Who is this? Functions

Safety Qatar  Reviews the Task and ensures that it reflects the desired extension
Petroleum work
Safety  Views the risk assessments, attachments, Personal Protective
Equipment (PPE), Safety Equipment and Gas Test Requirements
 Views the Physical Location (selection)
 Uses the Routing Slip System (to Safety Reviewers), if required
 Approves/Refuses based on their review
Safety Qatar Routing Slip System Recipient:
Reviewer Petroleum  Reviews the Task and ensures that it reflects the desired extension
Safety work
 Views the risk assessments, attachments, Personal Protective
Equipment (PPE), Safety Equipment and Gas Test Requirements
 Views the Physical Location (selection)
 Approves/Refuses based on their review
Permit Person doing  Reviews the permit
Acceptor the job (Qatar  Accepts the permit
staff or

Table 6 Permit Extension: Roles and Responsibilities (Part C)

Table of Contents

User Training Manual
Permit Closure Process
The Permit Closure Process allows for the electronic closure of a ‘live’ or ‘live (expired)’ permits via
the ‘Request for Closure’ Workflow.

Permit Closure: Authorisation Parties

The Request for Closure Workflow involves the authorisation to complete a permit by the following

 Qatar Petroleum /End Users/Contractors:

o Performing Authority
o Concurring Parties (if applicable)
o Operating Authority
 Qatar Petroleum:
o Permit Reviewer
o Permit Inspector
o Permit Controller
o Environment Engineers
 Additional Roles - as defined by the Permit Controller and requested via the Routing Slip

Refer to the following tables for the Roles and Responsibilities.

Table of Contents

User Training Manual
Permit Closure: Roles and Responsibilities
Role Who is this? Functions

Performing Person doing  Verifies the work is complete and the work site meets the Qatar
Authority the job (Qatar Petroleum Permit Closure requirements
Petroleum  Request Closure from Concurring Parties (if applicable) and
staff or Operating Authority
contractor)  Resolves any refusals (based on the stage of the workflow from
Concurring Parties, Operating Authority, Permit Reviewer and
Permit Controller)
 Resolves any refusals (based on the stage of the workflow from
Concurring Parties, Operating Authority, Permit Reviewer and
Permit Controller)
 Submit the original hard copy of the permit to the Permit Office
Concurring Company  Reviews the permit closure request
Party located near  Approves/Refuses based on their review
task /
with task
Operating Person the job  Reviews the permit closure request
Authority is for  Views any corrections to the task (requested by the Operating
Authority, Permit Reviewer, Permit Inspector and Permit
 Approves/Refuses based on their review
Permit Permit Office  Reviews the permit closure request
Reviewer Staff  Views any corrections to the task (requested by the Operating
Authority, Permit Reviewer, Permit Inspector and Permit
 Resolves any refusals from the Permit Inspector
 Approves/Refuses based on their review
Permit Qatar  Reviews the permit closure request
Inspector Petroleum  Views any corrections to the task (requested by the Operating
Inspection Authority, Permit Reviewer, Permit Inspector and Permit
 Approves/Refuses based on their review

Table 7 Permit Closure: Roles and Responsibilities (Part A)

Table of Contents

User Training Manual

Role Who is this? Functions

Permit Permit Reviews the permit closure request

Controller Controller Views any corrections to the task (requested by the Operating
Authority, Permit Reviewer, Permit Inspector and Permit
 Uses the Routing Slip System (to Environmental Engineers and
Others), if required
 Approves/Refuses based on their review
Automatic Archiving of Permit and Task (and their originals if the
permit was an extension), if the permit closure request is accepted
Environmental Qatar Routing Slip System Recipient:
Engineers Petroleum  Reviews the Task and ensures that it reflects the desired
Environmental extension work
Engineer  Approves/Refuses based on their review

Table 8 Permit Closure: Roles and Responsibilities (Part B)

Table of Contents

User Training Manual
Logging on to e-CPW

Fig. 4 Logging on to e-CPW

e-CPW can be accessed from any Qatar Petroleum computer terminal connected to the network.
Entry is via your unique username and confidential password.

Note: Internet Explorer must be selected as your web browser.

Access e-CPW:

1. Click on the Internet Explorer icon.

2. Enter the URL address at the top of the screen.
3. Click on the Go To arrow icon to navigate to the Logon screen.

Enter your Username and password:

1. Read the warning message.

2. Click on the Logon button.


 The screen layout can be optimised after logon by pressing the F11 key on the computer
keyboard. This will remove superfluous menu bars, which can be restored by pressing the F11
key again.
 The F5 key on the computer keyboard can be used to refresh the screen, if required.

Table of Contents

User Training Manual

The e-CPW system should only be accessed by those authorised to do so.

Your Username is supplied by the System Administrator when you are first set up in the e-CPW
system and is unique.

Your Password must be set up before entering the system. The User will be sent a password setup
email advising the user of the password setup process. Resetting your password will extend the
validity period to the maximum available (90 days).

Your password requires to be changed after your first logon to maintain system access security.
Passwords should be more than 8 characters long and meet Qatar Petroleum standard password
requirements. Subsequent resets to the password must be unique.


1. Usernames and passwords are case sensitive. Repeated failed logon attempts will cause you
to be locked out of the e-CPW system.
2. Entry to e-CPW is accomplished via username and password. These are unique identifiers and
your password should be confidential.

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User Training Manual
Warning Screen and How to Logout

Fig. 5 Warning Banner and How to Logout

A User will be presented with a warning message at logon and can logout at any time.

If you are not authorised to use the Qatar Petroleum e-CPW system, you are required to logout. Use
the ‘Your name – Logout’ button which is located at the top right hand corner of the screen.

If a User’s password is due to expire within the next 90 days, a message will also be displayed
providing the User with the number of days remaining.

To enter e-CPW:

1. Read and acknowledge the warning message.

2. Click on the I Understand button to proceed further.

Note: If a User’s account is not used for a period for 6 months, either via logon or signature entry, the
User’s account will be set to Expired.

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User Training Manual
Locations Screen

Location Summary Screen

After successful logon, a User will be presented with their default Location screen according to their
work location, i.e. ‘Ras Laffan’.

As the user moves their mouse over the screen the sub-location areas will be shown e.g. ‘Ras Laffan
> Infrastructure’ etc.

Fig. 6 Main Location Screen

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Fig. 7 Main Location Screen

The on-going and planned tasks and permits are identified by the coloured pins. Pins requiring
attention will flash.

Green Live Permit

Red Expired Permit
Blue Task

At the Main Location screen, the map can be magnified to display detail. The controls on the left-
hand side of the screen allow a user to:

 Navigate to the area of choice

 Zoom in and zoom out
 Grab the map and move
 Select an area to zoom in
 Select an area and zoom out.

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User Training Manual
Viewing Map Layers (Overlays)
Each location has the option to display in different ways with a Base Layer and a choice of Overlays.

Additional overlays are available to view on each map.

To change the Overlays shown:

1. Click on the plus (+) button on the right hand side of any map screen. The options for base
layers and overlays will be seen.
2. Select the required Overlays e.g. Roads etc.
3. Click on the minus (-) button to hide the base layer and overlay menu.

Changing the Map Setup

A User will be presented with a minimised view of the Plot Plan(s) on the Locations screen at first
logon, which then can be scaled according to the User’s preference.

Change the scale of the Plot Plan:

1. Zoom in and out of the Plot Plan by moving the mouse cursor onto the Plot Plan until a hand
icon appears and then use the mouse wheel control, or
2. Click on the (+) or (–) buttons on the Zoom Slider Bar, or
3. Click on the Magnification Selector icon, by selecting either the plus (+) or minus (-)
magnifying glasses. Then click on the area of the map that you wish to centre the
magnification/de-magnification. Continue to click on the map until the correct level of
magnification is achieved, then click on the Selector (Hand) icon to return the mouse click
action to select mode (rather than magnification mode).

Change the position of the Plot Plan:

1. Click on the Directional Pan Arrows to move the position of the Plot Plan on the screen, or
2. Click on the Plot Plan and drag the image to the desired location using the mouse.

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User Training Manual
Filter Buttons – Permits

Fig. 8 Filter Buttons - Permits

A representation of planned and on-going work is indicated by colour coded pins on the Location
screen plot plans. Pins are displayed according to the selected Permits and Tasks filter criteria.

Filter Permit Pins:

1. Click on the Permits filter button. A drop down tick box selection menu will appear which
allows a User to filter the pins according to their type and status. A User may decide to view
only Permits in a certain status on the Locations screen, in which case this default selection
can be saved.
2. Click on the Clear All option if all permits pins are required to be removed from the
Locations screen.
3. Click on the Select All option to make the permit pins reappear.

The pins indicate the approximate location of Permits. Pins requiring attention will flash. The colour
coding of the pins indicates the status of the Permit:

Red Expired Permit

Green Live Permit

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User Training Manual
Filter Buttons – Tasks

Fig. 9 Filter Buttons - Tasks

Filter Task Pins:

1. Click on the Tasks filter button. A drop down tick box selection menu will appear which
allows the User to filter the Task pins according to their type and status. A User may decide
to view only Tasks in a certain status on the Locations screen, in which case this default
selection can be saved.
2. Click on the Clear All option if all Task pins are required to be removed from the Locations
3. Click on the Select All option to make the Task pins reappear.

The pins indicate the approximate location of planned Tasks and are colour coded blue.

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User Training Manual
Filter Buttons – Clear Pins

Fig. 10 Filter Buttons - Clear Pins

Pins can be removed from the Locations screen using the Clear Pins button to clear the map of all
permits and tasks.

Clear all pins:

1. Click on the Clear Pins button. This will remove all the Task and Permit pins from the
Locations screen.
2. To make the pins reappear, click on the Permits button and Tasks button and Select All from
the drop down menus.

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User Training Manual
Filter Buttons – Search

Fig. 11 Filter Buttons - Search

Individual Task or Permit pins can be searched for on the Locations screen using the search button,
once the Physical Location has been set during Task Build.

Note: All searches start from the appropriate main location screen.

Search for a Task or Permit:

1. Click on the Search filter button. A search pop-up window will appear from which the User
can search for a Job, Task or Permit using a number of criteria.
2. Enter the Search Criteria i.e. number, description, start/ end date, Company, Location name,
tag ID (manual entry or from an equipment database), personal involvement (as an
individual or concurring party), competency level or icon details.
3. Click on the Search button to search for the selected criteria. A Physical Location pin will be

If the search button is used to search for a Task or Permit, the search criteria must be cancelled in
order to view the pins for the other Tasks and Permits again.

Cancel the search criteria:

1. Click on the Cancel Search button and the chosen search criteria will be removed and the
previously selected Permit and Task filters reapplied.

Note: The Cancel Search button is only populated during an active search.

User Training Manual
Accessing a Task or Permit using a Pin

Fig. 12 Accessing a Task or Permit using a Pin

Access a Task or Permit from a pin:

1. Move over the Pin (or group of pins) position. Individual pins will populate a pop-up window
containing the Task or Permit details.
2. Click on the Pin or Group of Pins to generate a pop-up window, which allows a User to select
the required Task or Permit.
3. Select any of the following:
 Tasks: Navigate to Task to go to the Task Build screen
 Tasks: View Task Details to view the Task Information screen
 Permits: Navigate to Permit to go to the Permit Board
 Permits: View Permit Details to view the Permit Information screen.

The Task Information Screen and the Permit Information Screen can be used to navigate to task or
permit and sign or refuse the current stage of the workflow.

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User Training Manual

Fig. 13 Task Information Screen Example (linked from email)

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User Training Manual
Job – Task – Permit Relationship

Task 1: Permit 1:
Erect Scaffolding Erect Scaffolding
Task 2: Permit 2:
Paint the Exterior of
Painting Painting
Building A
Task 3: Permit 3:
Dismantle Scaffolding Dismantle Scaffolding

Fig. 14 Job – Task – Permit Relationship

The diagram example above serves to illustrate the relationship between a Job, Task(s) and


Job: A high level description of the work or project.

Task: A breakdown of the Job requiring a permit. A Job may contain any number of different

Permit: The controlled work activity for a single Task.

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User Training Manual
Task Build Screen

Fig. 15 Task Build Screen

The Task Build screen shows the task details and risk assessment.

The screen is split into sections:

 The icons available to e-CPW (shown underneath the ‘Task Build’ heading). Refer to the
Appendix for the full list of icons and their descriptions (Appendix: Icons).
 Task History button to show the historical task events through its workflow.
 Attachments button to show/attach documents onto the task.
 Task information that displays the task issue number, status, the last assessor and the start
and end work dates.
 The selected icons for the task with their risk assessments.
 An information panel with the selected actions, additional information and comments on
the task.
 Buttons to give additional information on personal protective equipment (PPE and Safety
equipment), physical location, gas testing requirements and any concurring parties.

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User Training Manual

Fig. 16 Task History Screen

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User Training Manual
Viewing Jobs, Tasks and Permits

Access to the Jobs List, Task List, Permit Board, Permit Closure and Archived Permits screens is
initiated from the Main Location screen.

Fig. 17 Viewing Jobs Tasks and Permits

To view the required list from the Main Location Screen:

1. Click anywhere in a location with the mouse (not on a pin). A drop down menu will appear.
2. Select the required screen:
 Jobs List
 Task List
 Permit Board
 Permit Closure
 Archived Permits.

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User Training Manual
Email Notifications

The e-CPW communication is managed via the use of e-mail notifications embedded in the system.
The workflow status initiates automatic e-mails to update users on the status and any required
actions as a task or permit moves through the workflow.

E-mails are sent when the task reaches various states in the workflow, from the stage when a Job
and a Task are created. These states include: task with unsigned concurring parties, completion of a
task, accepting a task, routing slip issuing, permit issuing, permit extension and permit closure.

Users in the required sending categories will receive these e-mails with a message that includes
relevant information including: the job number, task number, company, location and the user who
initiated the e-mail. At the bottom of the e-mail message is a link to the task with the e-CPW system.

Users need to select the link and log into e-CPW (if not currently logged on). The user will
automatically be taken to Locations Summary screen (plot plan) with the task/permit displayed in
full detail.

For example, if a concurring party is added to a task, an e-mail is sent with a standard message to all
authorised users in the associated concurring party.

When tasks/permits stages are signed or refused an e-mail will be sent to the required parties
according to the workflow.

General Permit Attention Email


To: All Parties - as directed by Workflow

Subject: Job XXXX, Task YYYY - Task in e-CPW requires attention



Fig. 18 e-CPW Email Example

The link at the bottom of the email will take you directly to the ‘View Task Detail’ screen.

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User Training Manual
Reporting a Refused Task

If a task needs to be refused a report is required to be added.

It is essential that the report is completed in a clear and concise manner with sufficient detail to
allow the recipient to take appropriate actions and report their outcomes.

The relevant role (dependent on the stage of the workflow) will make the necessary adjustments to
correct the reasons for the refusal. The task will then be re-submitted to the workflow for

Table of Contents

User Training Manual
New Work Process

New Work Process - General

General Requirements
The New Work Process allows for the electronic creation of permits, which are initiated when the
Operating Authority creates the job and task.

Refer to the Qatar Petroleum e-CPW Permit Workflows diagrams, for the new work e-CPW Permit

General Task Attention Email


To: All Parties - as directed by Workflow

Subject: Job XXXX, Task YYYY - Task in e-CPW requires attention



Fig. 19 e-CPW Email Example

The link at the bottom of the email will take you directly to the ‘Task Information’ screen.

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User Training Manual
Email Notifications
The e-CPW communication is managed via the use of e-mail notifications embedded in the system.
The workflow status initiates automatic e-mails to update users on the status and any required
actions as a task or permit moves through the workflow.

E-mails are sent when the task reaches various states in the workflow, from the stage when a Job
and a Task are created. These states include: task with unsigned concurring parties, completion of a
task, accepting a task, routing slip issuing, permit issuing, permit extension and permit closure.

Users in the required sending categories will receive these e-mails with a message that includes
relevant information including: the job number, task number, company, location and the user who
initiated the e-mail. At the bottom of the e-mail message is a link to the task with the e-CPW system.

Users need to select the link and log into e-CPW (if not currently logged on). The user will
automatically be taken to Locations Summary screen (plot plan) with the task/permit displayed in
full detail.

For example, if a concurring party is added to a task, an e-mail is sent with a standard message to all
authorised users in the associated concurring party.

When tasks/permits stages are signed or refused an e-mail will be sent to the required parties
according to the workflow.

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User Training Manual
New Work Signing using an Email Link
1. Select the link in the received email.
2. Logon to e-CPW, if required (see section Logging on to e-CPW). The Task Information screen
will be displayed.
3. Scroll down the task to view its details.
4. Either select the Sign or Refuse button.
5. A Sign or a Refuse Task screen will be displayed, as appropriate. Enter relevant comments
(see section Reporting a Refused Task).
6. Concurring Parties: if signing for acceptance, select whether or not a daily sanction of the
permit by the Concurring Party is required.
7. Select either the Sign or Refuse button, as appropriate.
8. The relevant party receives an email to confirm the User has Accepted or Refused the New
Work request.

The following figures show an example of a Concurring Party signing a New Work request.

New Work Concurring Request Email


To: Concurring Party

Subject: Concurrence Required for Job XXXX Task YYYY


Your action is required for the above task.



Fig. 20 Concurring Party: e-CPW Email Example for New Work Concurring Party Request

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User Training Manual

Fig. 21 Concurring Party: Task Information Screen (linked from email)

Fig. 22 Concurring Party: New Work – Accept

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Fig. 23 Concurring Party: New Work – Refuse

New Work Concurring Party Signed Email


To: Performing Authority

Subject: Concurring Party for Job XXXX Task YYYY


Concurring Party for Job XXXX Task YYYY has signed the request for a new work task.


<Concurring Party’s comments.>

Fig. 24 e-CPW Email Example for New Work Concurring Party Signed

User Training Manual
Table of Contents

New Work Process – By Role

Operating Authority
When required, the Operating Authority starts the New Work process by creating a job and a task
(see section Job – Task – Permit Relationship).

The related Performing Authority for the task will be notified by email when the task is created and
will complete the initial Risk Assessment.

New Work – Creating a Job (Operating Authority)

Viewing the Jobs List

Viewing the Jobs list and creating a new Job is initiated from the Location Summary screen. Jobs are
location specific.

Fig. 25 Viewing the Jobs List – Step 1

To view the required list from a Main Location Screen:

1. Click anywhere in a location with the mouse (not on a pin). A drop down menu will appear.
2. Select the Jobs List.

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Fig. 26 Viewing the Jobs List – Step 2

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Formatting the Layout of a Screen

Fig. 27 Formatting the Layout of a Screen

The layout of any screen containing columns may be formatted to the User’s own requirements.

When Job List is selected from the Locations screen drop down menu for a location, a list of all the
Current Jobs is displayed. The location is displayed in the blue banner at the top of the screen. The
columns are labelled as follows:

Job Number : the unique Job number generated by the RAPnet system
Job Order : a system generated number used to define the order in which Jobs
have been created
Work Order : the maintenance management system number
Tag ID : the equipment number
Project Description : the narrative details of the Job entered by the User
Status : the status of the Job
Company : the Operating Authority assigned for the Job

Format the layout of the columns:

1. Click on the Dark Grey Column Header of the column to be formatted e.g. Job No.
2. A drop down menu will appear.

User Training Manual
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The columns can be formatted according to the User's needs, e.g. it may be useful to display the
most recently created Jobs first:

1. Click on the Dark Grey Column Header of the Job No. column, a drop down menu will
2. Click on the Sort Descending option to display the most recently created Jobs first, for
example. A Clear Sorting menu option will appear which allows the User to revert to the
original column layout.

Hide columns:

1. Click on a Column and select Hide Column from the drop down menu. The column will
2. Click on any Column, scroll down to the Show Column menu option and select the column
using the Tick Box to make the column reappear.

Font Size:

Click on any Column, scroll down to the Font Size menu option and click on the required font
size to select it.

Changing the position of the columns in the table:

Click on a Column that requires to be repositioned in the dark grey column header and drag
the Column Header to its new location.

Changing the width of the columns in the table:

Scroll over a Column in the dark grey header, then click and drag on the Parallel Line Divider
when it appears to change the width of the column.

Any changes made to the layout of the screen are automatically saved to the User’s profile.

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Viewing Archived Jobs

From the Current Jobs screen:

1. Click on View Archived Jobs. The User will be taken to the Archived Jobs screen (not shown).
2. Click on View Current Jobs to return to the Current Jobs screen.

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Adding a New Job

Fig. 28 Adding a New Job

A new Job is created from the Current Jobs screen.

Enter the new Job details:

1. Click on the Add New Job button.

2. Type in the (Job) Description in the pop-up window.
3. Enter the Tag No. (number) or equipment details, which can either be entered manually or
selected from the equipment database using the magnifying glass icon.
4. Enter the Work Order number.
5. Click on the Add button to add the new Job to the Current Jobs (Filtered) List.

Note: The Company will automatically default to the user’s company.

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Editing a Job

Fig. 29 Editing a Job

A new Job can be edited from the Current Jobs screen, to correct the scope of work or a spelling
mistake, for example.

Edit a Job:

1. Click on the Job to be edited on the Current jobs screen.

2. Select Edit Job XXXX from the drop down menu (not shown); this will populate an Edit Job
pop-up window. Amend the Job details, as required (refer to the Adding a New Job section).
3. Click on the Update button to save the changes.

User Training Manual
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New Work – Creating a Task – Job Build (Operating Authority)

Creating a Task – Job Build

Fig. 30 Creating a Task - Job Build

Job Build is RAPnet terminology for creating a Task.

Job Build:

1. Click on the Job XXXX for which a Permit needs to be created on the Current Jobs screen.
2. Select Job Build for Job XXXX from the drop down menu. The Current Tasks screen will be

User Training Manual
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Creating a Task – Step 1

Fig. 31 Creating a Task – Step 1

A Task is added to a Job on the Current Tasks screen.

Observe that the Job details have been populated in the blue header at the top of the screen.

Create a Task:

1. A ‘No Results’ message will be displayed on the Current Tasks screen as no Task details have
been entered yet.
2. Click on the Add Task button to create a Task. An Add Task pop-up window will appear.

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Creating a Task – Step 2

Fig. 32 Creating a Task – Step 2

The Task details are entered on the Current Tasks screen.

Enter the Task Description details:

1. Enter the Task Description details manually as free text, or

2. Click on the Use Job Description shortcut button. If this method is used, the wording of the
Task will need to be edited, as the Task and Job descriptions should not be the same, given
that the Task is a breakdown of the Job.
3. Provide a detailed description of the work to be performed as this is used as the basis for the
risk assessment.

Enter the Tag ID details:

1. Enter the Tag ID details manually as free text, or

2. Click on the Use Job Tag ID shortcut button, or
3. Click on the Magnifying Glass search icon to populate the Maintenance Management
System equipment database look-up table.

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Enter the External Task ID details:

1. Enter the Operations No. details manually as free text, or

2. Click on the External Job ID Look-up icon (beside the text entry box) to populate from the
Job Work Order field.

Check the planned Start Date and End Dates:

1. These dates are used for planning purposes only and cannot be typed in manually. The
default dates are today’s date and tomorrow’s date, respectively.
2. Click on the Start Date field to populate the drop down calendar. Select a Date.
3. Click on the Forward/ Reverse Arrows to change the month.
4. Click on the Current Year and select a Different Year from the drop down year list.

Note: The End Date must be the same date or a date later than the Start Date. When changing the
month or year, be sure to select a new date from the calendar box. If no future date is selected, the
system defaults to the current day’s date. The calendar box will close automatically once the date
has been selected.

Enter the name of the Company (Performing Authority):

1. Click on the Arrow Down icon in the Company Name field.

2. Click on the required Company from the drop down menu (not shown).

Note: Carefully assign the Task to the correct Performing Authority.

Save the Task:

1. Click on the Add button.

Note: The related Performing Authority for the task will be notified by email when the task is created
and will complete the initial Risk Assessment.

User Training Manual
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Edit a Task

Fig. 33 Edit a Task

If the Task details are incorrect, they can be edited. The Edit Task XXXX option can be selected from
the Current Tasks (filtered) screen drop down menu.

Edit the Task:

1. Click on the Task XXXX to be edited on the Current Tasks screen.

2. Select Edit Task XXXX from the drop down menu. The Update Tasks screen will be
3. Make the necessary changes in the relevant Update Task window field(s).
4. Click on the Update button when finished.

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Adding Multiple Tasks to a Job

Fig. 34 Adding Multiple Tasks to a Job

Any number of Tasks may be created for a single Job, which may also be a Project.

In the above example, 3 Tasks that require a Permit and using different Contractors have already
been added to a single Job and a fourth is in the process of being added. The Job details may be
found in the blue header next to the RAP logo. Observe how the Job is broken down into discrete
Tasks, given by the Task Order. Compare this with the Job-Task-Permit relationship example (see Job
– Task – Permit Relationship).

User Training Manual
Table of Contents

New Work – General Review (Operating Authority)

After all associated Concurring Parties have accepted the New Work task; the Operating Authority
will receive an email from the Performing Authority requesting agreement for the New Work task.
The Operating Authority will also receive requests to review New Work task requests which were
refused and have been corrected.

The Operating Authority is required to review and then accept or refuse the New Work task.

1. Select the link in the relevant ‘New Work Request’ or ‘New Work – Corrected’ email.
2. Logon to e-CPW, if required (see section Logging on to e-CPW). The Task Information screen
will be displayed.
3. Scroll down the task to view its details.
4. Select Navigate to Task on the Task Information screen. The Task Build will be displayed.
5. Review all aspects of the task: risk assessment, attachments, PPE and Safety Equipment,
Location, Concurring Parties’ comments, Additional Information, Task Comments and
Refusals. The Physical Location indicator light will change from amber to green, when the
Operating Authority has confirmed the task location.
6. Add ‘Additional Information and ‘Task Comments’ using the relevant tabs, if required.
7. To refuse the task:
a. Click on the Refuse button. The ‘Refuse’ screen will be displayed.
b. Add comments in the Information Box (see section Reporting a Refused Task).
c. Select the Refuse button.
8. To accept the task, select the Accept button.
9. The task status changes from:
 ‘Pending’ to ‘Refusal’ for refused New Work tasks
 ‘Pending’ to ‘Current’ for accepted New Work tasks.
10. If the task has been rejected:
 the Performing Authority receives an email to confirm the Operating Authority has
refused the New Work task request.
 the Performing Authority addresses any issues raised by the other parties.
 the Performing Authority re-submits the New Work task to the Operating Authority.
 the Operating Authority repeats the New Work task review process.
11. If the task has been accepted:
 the Performing Authority receives an email to confirm the Operating Authority has
accepted the New Work task request.
 the Permit Reviewer receives an email to confirm the Operating Authority has accepted
the New Work task request.
 the Permit Reviewer reviews and verifies the task.
 the Operating Authority is only required to review the New Work again if re-submitted
by the Performing Authority due to a refusal by a role further along the workflow (e.g.
Permit Reviewer, Permit Controller etc.).

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General New Work Attention Email


To: All Parties - as directed by Workflow

Subject: Job XXXX, Task YYYY - Task in e-CPW requires attention



Fig. 35 Operating Authority: e-CPW Email Example for General New Work Attention Email

Fig. 36 Operating Authority: Task Information Screen (linked from email)

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Fig. 37 Operating Authority: Task Build Screen – Refusing Request for the New Work Task

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Performing Authority

New Work – Risk Assessing a Task

After the Operating Authority has requested a New Work task, the allocated Performing Authority
will be emailed to notify them to define the task details and complete the initial risk assessment.

Task Build
Task Build is RAPnet terminology for creating the input data to enable the permit to be risk assessed.

General New Work Attention Email


To: All Parties - as directed by Workflow

Subject: Job XXXX, Task YYYY - Task in e-CPW requires attention



Fig. 38 Performing Authority: e-CPW Email Example for General New Work Attention Email

Navigate to the Task Build screen:

1. Select the link in the relevant ‘New Work Request’ email.

2. Logon to e-CPW, if required (see section Logging on to e-CPW). The Task Information screen
will be displayed.
3. Select the Navigate to Task button to view the Task Build screen. Reselect the email link to
populate to the Task Information screen.
4. The task status is ‘Definition’.

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Fig. 39 Access the Task Build Screen

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Task Build Screen Overview

Fig. 40 Task Build Screen Overview

The Task Build screen contains a number of key features, which are described below.

 Full Task details are contained in the blue header next to the main RAP logo and are used as the
basis for the risk assessment.
 Clicking on one of the navigation path short cuts allows a User to navigate back to the desired
location within the e-CPW system, e.g. Locations screen.
 The icon palette provides a pictorial front end for the risk assessment process. Hazards
associated with the Conditions (where the work is being carried out), Activities (what work is
being performed) and Tools (what is being used to perform the work) are all considered. The
icon palette is tailored to Qatar Petroleum requirements by the System Administrator.
 Users can only risk assess icons if they have been assigned the required competency level by the
System Administrator.
 Refer to the Appendix for the full list of icons and their descriptions (Appendix: Icons).
 One of ‘permit class’ (see the Question Mark icon) child icons (hot work, cold work etc.) must be
selected for any task.
 The Issue Number is updated each time the Task is ‘issued’ and provides an indication as to the
number of times the Task has been risk assessed.
 The Task Status of the Task in the workflow is displayed i.e. ‘Definition’.
 The Assessor field displays the name of the last person to have changed the status of the Task.
 The Assessed field provides a time stamp (date and time) of when the Task status was changed.

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Task Build Screen Overview (continued)

Fig. 41 Task Build Screen Overview (continued)

 The planned Start Date and End Date for the work are displayed for information purposes and
are editable provided the Task has not been issued.
 The Task History feature provides a chronological time stamped record, by User, of the status
change and correspondence history for the Task, which can be used for auditing purposes.
 The Attachments feature allows a User to append a number of different format attachments to
the risk assessment e.g. method statement, drawings etc.
 The Selected Actions field is populated with the relevant icon related Actions (control measures)
selected during the risk assessment process.
 The Additional Information tab allows free text icon related Additional Information to be
entered on the permit and provides a rich source of information from which to update the
Knowledge Base. Non-Icon related Additional Information can also be entered and is printed in a
standalone box on the permit.
 The Task Comments tab allows comments to be posted and shows a summary of historic
 The Refusals tab lists the user, date stamp and comments for any refusals of the task.
 The tabs can be used to switch between Selected Actions. Additional Information, Task
Comments and Refusals.

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Task Build Screen Overview (continued)

Fig. 42 Task Build Screen Overview (continued)

 The PPE button is used to populate the PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) and Safety
Equipment risk assessment screen.
 The Physical Location button populates the Plot Plan window from where the exact location of
the work can be pin pointed. Once a Physical Location pin has been associated with a Task, this
allows the Task to be searched for from the Locations screen using this feature.
 The Concurring Parties button populates the ‘Select Concurring Parties’ window to define the
parties who need to provide authorisation for the task.
 The Gas Test button is used to define if a gas test is required.
 The Complete button defines the Task and prevents further changes from being made to the risk
assessment (except by the Performing Authority and Safety) and the Task is moved to the Task
 The Return button saves changes and takes the User back to the previous screen.

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Risk Assess the Icons

Fig. 43 Risk Assess the Icons

Refer to the Appendix for the full list of icons and their descriptions (Appendix: Icons).

Icons are selected for risk assessment on the Task Build screen. Parent icons with hidden child icons
are indicated by a black triangle in the top right hand corner of the parent icon. Each Icon has a
configurable explanatory pop-up e.g. ‘Cold Work’, which can be viewed by scrolling over the icon
with the mouse (not shown).

Risk assess the icons:

1. Read the Task Description located in the header next to the main RAP logo.
2. Click on the Permit Class icon in the Conditions section of the icon palette. Child icons will be
populated at the right hand corner of the screen.

Note: A ‘Permit Class’ (conditions) child icon must always be selected first e.g. ‘Hot Work’,
‘Cold Work’, ‘Spark Potential’ or ‘Radiation’.

3. Select a suitable Child Icon. In this example, the selected Child Icon will be automatically
positioned in the Conditions field of the risk assessment. The red bar at the foot of the
selected icon indicates that it has not been risk assessed yet. Continue to build the risk
assessment in this manner, including the Activities and Tools to be used for the Task.
4. Click on each selected Icon in turn in the Conditions, Activities and Tools section of the risk

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5. Click on each icon in turn and select the Select Controlling Actions option from the drop
down menu. A RAP International Knowledge Base page screen will be displayed for the icon.
Follow the steps in the Complete the Icon Risk Assessment section.

Remove an unrequired icon from the risk assessment:

1. Click on an Icon to deselect it.

2. Click on the ‘Remove this icon?’ option from the drop down menu. The icon will be removed
from the risk assessment.

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Icon Suggestions and Icon Messages

Fig. 44 Icon Suggestions and Icon Messages

Icons can have configurable Icon Messages and Mandatory PPE or other icons associated with them.
When these icons are selected, an Icon Message pop-up window will appear which may contain
safety messages, or may prompt the Risk Assessor to add mandatory PPE, safety equipment (not
shown) or other icons to the permit risk assessment.

The choice of additional icons is hard coded, whereas the type of additional PPE or safety
equipment, as well as the period of validity of the icon safety messages is set by the System
Administrator. In the above example, the Risk Assessor is being prompted to add protective clothing
and safety equipment to the list of PPE for the Task.

Acknowledge an Icon Message:

1. Click on the Adding Icon button to add the icon with all the Icon Suggestions (message, PPE,
safety equipment and other icons) to the Task.
2. Click on the Return button to close the window without adding the icon suggestions.

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User Training Manual
Icon Knowledge Base

Fig. 45 Icon Knowledge Base

The RAPnet Knowledge Base provides a framework in which the Icon Considerations prompt the
User, via a series of questions, to consider the potential hazards associated with each Conditions,
Activities or Tools icon.

1. Click on each Consideration question in turn that is relevant to the Task. The Hazard menu
for that Consideration will be populated.
2. Click in the relevant Hazard, a drop down menu of selectable Actions or Control Measures
that can be used to mitigate risk will be generated.
3. Click on an Action to select it and it will automatically drop down into the Selected and
Mandatory Actions field. Selected Actions appear in black font, whereas Mandatory Actions,
which are hard coded, appear in red font.
4. If the selected Action needs to be removed, click on the Action and select ‘Remove This
Action’ from the drop down menu. The Action will be returned to the main Actions menu.

Mandatory Actions are designed to embed existing Company safety procedures into the risk
assessment process and set a minimum safety standard - they cannot be deleted by a User. They
appear automatically in the Knowledge Base each time a particular icon is added to the risk
assessment and are printed as mandatory control measures on the permit.

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User Training Manual
Complete the Icon Risk Assessment

Fig. 46 Complete the Icon Risk Assessment

The icon risk assessment is a systematic process and the risk assessor is required to acknowledge
that he has either not selected any Actions, or has completed the icon risk assessment, for each icon.

Complete the icon risk assessment:

1. Click on the Return button once the required Selected Actions have been populated for an
Icon. A web page message “Is this risk assessment complete?” will be displayed.
2. Click on either the:
a. OK button if the risk assessment is fully complete. The User will be returned to the Task
Build screen where the chosen control measures can be viewed under the Selected
Actions tab. The icon status indicator bar will also have changed colour, from red to
amber (yellow), indicating that it has been risk assessed.
b. Cancel button if the risk assessment is part complete. The Actions and Control Measures
will be saved. The User will be returned to the Task Build screen where the chosen
control measures can be viewed under the Selected Actions tab. The icon status
indicator bar will remain red, indicating that it requires (further) risk assessment.

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User Training Manual
Add Icon Related Additional Information

Fig. 47 Add Icon Related Additional Information

Provision is made to attach Additional Information to an Icon when there is insufficient information
in the Knowledge Base. These Additional Information entries can provide a rich source of site specific
work practices when the Knowledge Base is periodically reviewed and updated.

Add Icon related Additional Information:

1. Click on an Icon and select Add Additional Information from the drop down menu.
2. Enter the Icon related Additional Information in the free text box.
3. Click on the Add button. The entered information will appear as supplementary information
to the Selected Actions for the particular Icon when the permit is printed, prefixed with a
plus (+) sign.
4. Click on the Selected Actions tab to view the icon-related Additional Information details at
any time.

The entered Additional Information can be viewed on the risk assessment by clicking on the TRA
(Task Risk Assessment) button. Icon related Additional Information appears in the Selected Icons
and Actions area on the permit.

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Non-Icon Related Additional Information

Fig. 48 Non-Icon Related Additional Information

Non-icon related or general Additional Information can also be added to a Task on the Task Build

Enter non-Icon related Additional Information:

1. Click on the Additional Information tab.

2. Enter the non-Icon related Additional information in the free text box.
3. Click on the Add button. Non-icon related Additional Information will appear in a standalone
box on the permit.

The entered Additional Information can be viewed on the risk assessment by clicking on the TRA
(Task Risk Assessment) button. Non-icon related Additional Information appears in the ‘Additional
Requirements’ standalone box on the permit.

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Task Comments

Fig. 49 Non-Icon Related Additional Information

Task Comments information can also be added to a Task on the Task Build screen.

Enter Task Comments:

1. Click on the Task Comments tab.

2. Enter the comments in the free text box.
3. Click on the Post button. Task Comments will appear in a standalone box on the permit.

The entered Task Comments will appear on the task risk assessment.

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User Training Manual
PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) and Safety Equipment Risk Assessment

Fig. 50 PPE Risk Assessment

A systematic assessment of the equipment required to protect the User from the risks to his health
and safety is made from the PPE risk assessment screen. PPE is considered to be the last line of
defence in the risk control hierarchy of elimination – substitution - engineering controls – isolation -
administration controls – PPE and as such should not be selected as a means of controlling risk on its
own, as it fails to danger. The compatibility of various items of PPE and the additional load that it
places on the wearer should also be considered.

Conduct a PPE/Safety Equipment risk assessment:

1. Click on the PPE button on the Task Build screen (not shown).
2. To select a PPE or Safety Equipment item:
a. Click on the individual PPE /Safety Equipment icons in turn. The PPE relate to the body,
hands, ear, foot, respiratory, head and eyes. A list of selectable items will be populated
in the main menu located at the left hand side of the screen.
b. Select the appropriate Personal Protective Equipment, Respiratory Protective
Equipment and/or Safety Equipment from the main menu. Selected PPE/Safety Items
are displayed on the right hand text area are shown in black text and will appear as grey
text in the main menu indicating that they have already been selected.

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3. To deselect an item of PPE or Safety Equipment:

a. Click on the item to be deselected in the Selected PPE or Selected Safety Items fields to
remove it.
b. Select “Remove this PPE?” from the drop down menu. The item will be moved back to
the main menu and will appear as black text indicating that it is available for selection
4. Click on the Return button. A web page message ‘Is the PPE and Safety List correct and
complete for this Task?’ will appear, click OK (not shown). The selected PPE and Safety
Equipment will be added to the task risk assessment and the PPE status indicator button will
change colour from red to amber (yellow) indicating that the PPE risk assessment has been
carried out.


 Mandatory items of PPE/Safety Equipment are highlighted in red. They are configured by the
System Administrator.
 The PPE button will revert to its original red colour if changes are subsequently made to the
icon risk assessment necessitating reassessment of the PPE needs for the Task.

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User Training Manual
Set the Physical Location for the Task

Fig. 51 Set the Physical Location for the Task

The Physical Location of the work is set on the Plot Plan on the Task Build screen using a Task pin,
which, once set, allows the Task to be searched for on the Locations screen via its pin.

The task pin coordinates are saved against the functional locations. Once the physical location of a
task has been set, if the same functional location is selected for new task, the pin location is pre-
selected. If multiple functional locations are selected, users will be advised to choose one as main
location for map pin.

Set the Physical Location for the Task using a pin:

1. Click on the Physical Location button to populate the Plot Plan window.
2. Click on the Zoom Slider Bar and Pan Arrows to change the scale or position of the Plot Plan.
3. Click on the Plot Plan once using the mouse to position the pin at the exact work location.
4. Click on the Plot Plan again once at a different location if the pin needs to be moved.
5. Click on the Save and Close button. The colour of the Physical Locations status indicator
button will change from red to amber (yellow) and the Plot Plan window will close, or
6. Click on the Cancel and Close button if changes are not required to be saved. The window
will close automatically and the pin’s position will not be saved.

Tip: Only use a single click of the mouse to locate or relocate the pin. Double clicking the mouse will
cause the scale of the Plot Plan to change.

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User Training Manual
Required Documents (Attachments)

Add an Attachment

Fig. 52 Add an Attachment

Electronic files can be added to a task as an attachment in a number of different formats e.g. image
files, Microsoft Word files, PDF etc. Examples of permit attachments include method statements,
underground services drawings, photos, sketches, company forms etc.

If the ‘Required’ attachments are not added, warning messages are shown. The User will not be able
to proceed without the required attachments.

Add an Attachment:

1. Click on the Attachment button.

2. An Upload File pop-up window will be displayed.
3. Click on the Add button in the pop-up window.
4. Click on the Browse button.
5. Select and double click on the File to be attached (not shown). The file source and the file
Name fields will be populated.
6. Add a Description for the file.
7. Click on the Upload button and acknowledge the web page message, click OK (not shown).
The pop-up window will close, the file will be attached to the risk assessment and the
number of Attachments will be updated on the Attachments button.

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User Training Manual
View or Remove an Attachment

Fig. 53 View or Remove an Attachment

Attachments can be viewed, or removed from the Task Build screen, if required.

View an Attachment:

1. Click on the Attachments button. A list of attachments will be populated.

2. Click on the Attachment to be viewed.
3. Select View Document from the drop down menu. A Document View: File Name pop-up
window will be displayed.
4. Click on Download File.
5. Select Open, Save or Save As options (not shown) to view or save the attachment.
6. Return to RAPnet and click on the Close Window icon.

Remove an Attachment:

1. Click on the Attachments button.

2. Click on the Attachment to be removed.
3. Select Remove Document from the drop down menu and then acknowledge the web page
messages, click OK. The document will be removed from the list of Attachments and the
window will close. The number of Attachments will be automatically updated.

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Gas Test

Fig. 54 Gas Test Requirements

Gas Test requirements:

1. Click on the Gas Tests button.

2. Select either Yes or No to confirm whether a gas test is required. The Gas Test indicator
button will change from Red to Green.

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User Training Manual
Risk Assessment Changes – PPE button

Fig. 55 Risk Assessment Changes – PPE Button

Once the Icons and PPE have been risk assessed, if the icon risk assessment is subsequently changed
at any stage before the Task is issued, the colour of the PPE status indicator buttons will change from
green/amber to red, prompting the User to reassess the PPE requirements for the Task. The Task
cannot be defined until this has been done.

Repeat the PPE risk assessment to proceed further. The colour of the PPE status indicator button will
change from red to green/amber (dependent on the workflow status) once this has been done
allowing the Task to be progressed to the defined stage.

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View Task History

Fig. 56 View Task History

The Task History provides the User details (name and company), as well as a chronological time
stamped record of the Task action history, which can be used for review and auditing purposes.

View the Task History:

1. Click on the Task History button.

2. View the Task History. Click on the Next or Previous (not shown) buttons to view the
different pages for the Task History.
3. Click on the Close button or the Close Window icon to the close the window.

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User Training Manual
New Work – Request – Concurring Parties
The Performing Authority is required to request approval from all associated Concurring Parties, if

New Work Request using an Email Link

1. Select the link in the relevant ‘New Work Request’ email.
2. Logon to e-CPW, if required (see section Logging on to e-CPW). The Task Information screen
will be displayed.
3. Select Navigate to Task on the Task Information screen. The Task Build screen will be
4. Confirm that all aspects of the Task Build have been completed (see section New Work –
Risk Assessing a Task).
5. Click on the Concurring Parties button. The ‘Select Concurring Parties’ screen will appear.
6. View the Concurring Parties list and click on any required Concurring Parties.
7. Select the Save and Close button to confirm the selection.
8. If no Concurring Parties are selected:
a. the Concurring Parties status indicator will change from red to green
b. the Performing Authority can select the Task Build ‘Complete’ button; if all other Task
Build requirements have been met (refer to section New Work – Request – Operating
9. If Concurring Parties are selected:
a. Emails will be sent to the relevant parties
b. the Concurring Parties status indicator will change from red to amber (yellow)
c. the Performing Authority can select the Task Build ‘Complete’ button, when all the
Concurring Parties have reviewed and approved the Task Build (refer to section New
Work – Request – Operating Authority).
10. The permit status is ‘Definition’.
11. Select the Return button to show the Location Summary screen.

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User Training Manual

General New Work Attention Email


To: All Parties - as directed by Workflow

Subject: Job XXXX, Task YYYY - Task in e-CPW requires attention



Fig. 57 Performing Authority: e-CPW Email Example for General New Work Attention Email

Fig. 58 Performing Authority: Task Information Screen (linked from email)

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Fig. 59 Performing Authority: Permit – Task Build Screen – Concurring Parties – Reviewing

Fig. 60 Performing Authority: New Work – Task Build Screen – Concurring Parties - Requested

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User Training Manual
New Work Request without using an Email Link
1. Logon to the e-CPW system (see section Logging on to e-CPW)
2. Navigate to the Main Location screen (see section Location Summary Screen)
3. Click anywhere in a location with the mouse (not on a pin). A drop down menu will appear.
4. Select Job List. The Current Jobs list screen will be populated.
5. Locate the required task by selecting the Search button.
6. Enter the search details and select the Search button. The Current Jobs (Filtered) will be
7. Click on the Job and select Job Build for Job XXXX.
8. Click on the required task and select Task Build for Task XXXX.
9. The Task Build screen will be displayed.
10. Follow the actions from step 4 onwards in the New Work Request using an Email Link

Fig. 61 Performing Authority: Viewing the Jobs List

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Fig. 62 Performing Authority: Searching the Jobs List

Fig. 63 Performing Authority: Selecting the Job Build

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Fig. 64 Performing Authority: Selecting the Task Build

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User Training Manual
New Work – Correcting Refusals
If a New Work task is refused and returned, the Performing Authority will be notified by email. The
refused New Work task may be returned from the Concurring Parties, Operating Authority, Permit
Reviewer or Permit Controller. The Performing Authority is required to:

1. Select the link in the received email e.g. ‘New Work Concurring Refused’.
2. Logon to e-CPW, if required (see section Logging on to e-CPW). The Task Information screen
will be displayed.
3. Scroll down the task to view its details.
4. Select the Navigate To Task button. The Task Build screen will be populated.
5. Click on the View Refusals. The Refusals Details screen will be displayed. Review the
comments and then select Close.
6. Address any issues raised by the other parties. Additional documents can be attached and
notes can be posted in the ‘Task Comments’ area.
7. If additional Concurring Parties are required, follow the steps outlined in New Work –
Request – Concurring Parties.
8. Click on the Correct Refusal button.
9. The task status is:
 For general review requests:
 ‘Refused’ to ‘Definition’ for a Concurring Party refusal.
 ‘Refusal’ to ‘Pending’ for an Operating Authority or Permit Reviewer refusal.
 For task correction following Permit Controller’s task refusal at the issue stage:
 ‘Definition’ to ‘Correction’ for accepted and refused New Work tasks.
10. The relevant parties (Concurring Parties, Operating Authority, Permit Reviewer and/or
Permit Controller etc.) receive an email to inform them of the correction to the New Work
by the Performing Authority.
11. Select the Return button to show the Location Summary screen.

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User Training Manual

New Work Task Refusal Email


To: Performing Authority

Subject: Task Refusal - action required for Job XXXX and Task YYYY


Your action is required for the above task.



<Concurring Party’s comments>

Fig. 65 Performing Authority: e-CPW Email Example for New Work Concurring Refused

Fig. 66 Performing Authority: Task Information Screen (linked from email)

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Fig. 67 Performing Authority: Task Build – View Comments and Refusals

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New Work – Request – Operating Authority
If a New Work task has been accepted by a Concurring Party (if applicable), the Performing Authority
will be notified by email. When all the Concurring Parties (if applicable) have signed the New Work
task request, the Performing Authority can request the authorisation from the Operating Authority.

The Performing Authority is then required to:

1. Select the link in the relevant ‘New Work Concurring Party Signed’ email.
2. Logon to e-CPW, if required (see section Logging on to e-CPW). The Task Information screen
will be displayed.
3. Select Navigate to Task on the Task Information screen. The Task Build will be displayed.
4. Click on the Complete button.
5. The permit status changes from ‘Definition’ to ‘Pending’.

If the Operating Authority refuses the New Work task, the Performing Authority will be notified by
email. The Performing Authority needs to correct the refusal (see section New Work – Correcting

New Work Concurring Party Signed Email


To: Performing Authority

Subject: Concurring Party for Job XXXX Task YYYY


Concurring Party for Job XXXX Task YYYY has signed the request for a New Work


<Concurring Party’s comments.>

Fig. 68 Performing Authority: e-CPW Email Example for New Work Task Concurring Party Signed

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Fig. 69 Performing Authority: Task Build Screen – Complete Task

Fig. 70 Performing Authority: Task Build Screen – Completed Task

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Concurring Party
After the Performing Authority has requested a New Work task, all associated Concurring Parties will
be emailed to notify them to review and then accept or refuse the New Work task. The Concurring
Parties may also receive requests to review New Work requests which were refused and have been

1. Select the link in the relevant ‘New Work Concurring Request’ email.
2. Logon to e-CPW, if required (see section Logging on to e-CPW). The Task Information screen
will be displayed.
3. Scroll down the task to view its details.
4. Select the View Attachments button to individually select and save or view attachments.
When complete, select the View Details to return to the Task Information screen
5. Select the Navigate to Task button to view the information from the Task Build screen, if
required. Reselect the email link to populate to the Task Information screen.
6. Select either the Sign or Refuse button, as appropriate.
7. A Sign or Refuse Task screen will be displayed, as appropriate.
8. Add comments in the Information Box (see section Reporting a Refused Task).
9. If signing for acceptance, select whether or not a daily sanction of the permit by the
Concurring Party is required.
10. Select either the Sign or Refuse button, as appropriate.
11. The task status is:
 For initial Concurring Parties review requests:
o ‘Definition’ for accepted New Work tasks
o ‘Refused’ for refused New Work tasks
 For Concurring Parties review requests following task refusal and correction:
o ‘Definition’ for accepted and refused New Work tasks
12. The Performing Authority receives an email to confirm a Concurring Party has Accepted or
Refused the New Work request.
13. If the task has been rejected:
 the Performing Authority receives an email to confirm the Concurring Party has refused
the New Work task request
 the Performing Authority addresses any issues raised by the other parties
 the Performing Authority re-submits the New Work task to the Concurring Party
 the Concurring Party repeats the New Work review process.
14. If the task has been accepted:
 the Performing Authority receives an email to confirm the Concurring Party has
accepted the New Work task request
 the Concurring Party has no further role in the New Work task process except if the
Permit Controller rejects the task at the point of permit issue. The Concurring Party will
be requested to approve the corrected task by the Performing Authority.

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User Training Manual

New Work Concurring Request Email


To: Concurring Party

Subject: Concurrence Required for Job XXXX Task YYYY


Your action is required for the above task.



Fig. 71 Concurring Party: e-CPW Email Example for New Work Task Concurring Party Request

Fig. 72 Concurring Party: Task Information Screen (linked from email)

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Fig. 73 Concurring Party: New Work Task – Acceptance or Refusal

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Permit Reviewer

New Work - General Review (Permit Reviewer)

After the Operating Authority (and all associated Concurring Parties) has accepted a New Work task;
the Permit Reviewer will be emailed. The email will notify the Permit Reviewer to review, verify and
then accept or refuse the New Work task. The Permit Reviewer may also receive requests to review
New Work requests which were refused and have been corrected.

1. Select the link in the relevant ‘New Work Task Request’ email.
2. Logon to e-CPW, if required (see section Logging on to e-CPW). The Task Information screen
will be displayed.
3. Scroll down the task to view its details.
4. Select Navigate to Task on the Task Information screen. The Task Build screen will be
5. Review all aspects of the task: risk assessment, attachments, PPE and Safety Equipment,
Location, Concurring Parties’ comments, Additional Information, Task Comments and
6. Add ‘Additional Information and ‘Task Comments’ using the relevant tabs, if required.
7. To refuse the task:
a. Click on the Refuse button. The ‘Refuse’ screen will be displayed.
b. Add comments in the Information Box (see section Reporting a Refused Task).
c. Select the Refuse button.
8. To accept the task, select the Accept button.
9. The task status changes from ‘Current’:
 ‘Current’ to ‘Approved’ for accepted New Work tasks.
 ‘Current’ to ‘Refusal’ for refused New Work tasks.
10. If the task has been rejected:
 the Performing Authority receives an email to confirm the Permit Reviewer has refused
the New Work request.
 the Performing Authority addresses any issues raised by the other parties.
 the Performing Authority re-submits the New Work task to the Permit Reviewer (via the
Operating Authority).
11. If the task has been accepted:
 the Permit Controller receives an email to confirm the Permit Reviewer has accepted
the New Work task request.
 the Permit Controller reviews and verifies the task.

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User Training Manual

General New Work Attention Email


To: All Parties - as directed by Workflow

Subject: Job XXXX, Task YYYY - Task in e-CPW requires attention



Fig. 74 Permit Reviewer: e-CPW Email Example for General New Work Attention Email

Fig. 75 Permit Reviewer: Task Information Screen (linked from email)

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Fig. 76 Permit Reviewer: Task Build – Signing Request for New Work Task

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Permit – Print Permit (Permit Reviewer)

Initial Printing of a Permit

If a permit issue is accepted by the Permit Acceptor, the permit can be printed.

The Permit Reviewer (and the Permit Controller) will be notified by email and is required to:

1. Select the link in the relevant ‘Permit Issued’ email.

2. Logon to e-CPW, if required (see section Logging on to e-CPW). The Task Information screen
will be displayed.
3. Select Navigate to Permit on the Task Information screen. The Permit Board will be
4. Click on the permit. Select Print Permit.
5. Enter the Number of Workers.
6. Enter the Start Time and End Time.
7. Enter the Permit Validity (end time).
8. Select the Issue Permit for Print button.
9. If the permit print is cancelled a warning will appear to acknowledge that printing without a
hard copy is requested.
10. The permit status changes from ‘Accepted’ to ‘Live’.
11. All relevant parties receive an email to notify them of live status of the permit.

Permit Issued Email


To: All Parties - as directed by Workflow

Subject: Job XXXX, Task YYYY – Permit Issued

A permit has been issued for the above Job & Task.



Fig. 77 Permit Reviewer or Permit Controller: e-CPW Email Example for Permit Issued Email

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Fig. 78 Permit Reviewer or Permit Controller: Permit Board – Print Permit

Fig. 79 Permit Reviewer or Permit Controller: Print Permit – Adding Permit Requirements

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Fig. 80 Permit Reviewer or Permit Controller: Print Permit – Warning Message for no Hard Copy of
Permit Required

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User Training Manual
Reprinting or Producing a Duplicate of a Permit
A reprint or a duplicate of the permit can be produced by the Permit Controller or Permit Reviewer.

The Permit Controller/Permit Reviewer is required to:

1. Logon to the e-CPW system (see section Logging on to e-CPW)

2. Navigate to the Main Location screen (see section Location Summary Screen)
3. Click anywhere in a location with the mouse (not on a pin). A drop down menu will appear.
4. Select Permit Board. The Permit board screen will be populated.
5. Locate the required permit by selecting the Search button.
6. Enter the search details and select the Search button. The Permit Board (Filtered) will be
7. Click on the permit and select View Permit.
8. Select either the Print Duplicate or Reprint buttons, as required. The action will be recorded
in the Task/Permit History.


The Permit Controller role normally has the competencies related to ‘Print Duplicate’ and ‘Reprint’

The Permit Reviewer role normally has the competency related to ‘Print Duplicate’ permit.

Fig. 81 Permit Reviewer or Permit Controller: Permit Board – View Permit

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Fig. 82 Permit Reviewer or Permit Controller: View Permit – Print Duplicate Copy of Permit or
Reprint Permit

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User Training Manual
Permit Controller
The Permit Controller will be emailed after: the Permit Reviewer has accepted the New Work task or
a refused New Work task has been corrected. The email will notify the Permit Controller to review,
verify and then accept or refuse the New Work task.

New Work - General Review (Permit Controller)

1. Select the link in the relevant ‘New Work Task Request’ email.
2. Logon to e-CPW, if required (see section Logging on to e-CPW). The Task Information screen
will be displayed.
3. Scroll down the permit to view its details.
4. Select Navigate to Task on the Task Information screen. The Task Build screen will be
5. Review all aspects of the task: risk assessment, attachments, PPE and Safety Equipment,
Location, Concurring Parties’ comments, Additional Information, Task Comments and
6. Add ‘Additional Information and ‘Task Comments’ using the relevant tabs, if required.
7. If authorisation is required via the Routing Slip system, refer to section Request Routing
System Review (Permit Controller)
8. To refuse the task:
a. Click on the Refuse button. The ‘Refuse’ screen will be displayed.
b. Add comments in the Information Box (see section Reporting a Refused Task).
c. Select the Refuse button.
9. To accept the task, select the Accept button.
10. The permit status is:
 For general review requests:
 ‘Approved’ to ‘Definition’ for refused New Work tasks.
 ‘Approved’ to ‘Safety’ for accepted New Work tasks.
 For task correction following Permit Controller’s task refusal at the issue stage:
 ‘Compliance’ to ‘Definition’ for refused New Work tasks.
11. If the task has been rejected:
 the Performing Authority receives an email to confirm the Permit Controller has refused
the New Work task request.
 the Performing Authority addresses any issues raised by the other parties.
 the Performing Authority re-submits the New Work.
12. If the task has been accepted, Safety receives an email to confirm the Permit Controller has
approved the New Work task.

Table of Contents

User Training Manual

General New Work Attention Email


To: All Parties - as directed by Workflow

Subject: Job XXXX, Task YYYY - Task in e-CPW requires attention



Fig. 83 Permit Controller: e-CPW Email Example for General New Work Attention Email

Fig. 84 Permit Controller: Task Information Screen (linked from email)

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User Training Manual

Fig. 85 Permit Controller: Task Build – Signing Request for New Work Task

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User Training Manual
Request Routing System Review (Permit Controller)
The Permit Controller may want to send the task for review via the Routing System. All routing slip
recipients will be required to sign in the order of their appearance on the Routing Slip request. The
Permit Controller will be informed if there are any refusals and when all the routing slip recipients
have signed as accepted.

Routing Request (Permit Controller)

Fig. 86 Permit Controller: Task Build – New Work Task – Routing Slip System

1. Navigate to the Task Build screen (refer to section New Work - General Review (Permit
2. Select the Routing Slip button. The Routing Slip screen will be displayed.
3. Add in a user Reference Indicator and select the Add button. Repeat the process for other
users, as required.
4. Select the Start Routing button.
5. The Routing Slip screen closes and the task changes to ‘Routing’ status.
6. All users with the chosen reference indicators will be notified by email.

Table of Contents

User Training Manual
Routing System Correcting Refusals (Permit Controller)
If a routing slip is refused by a Routing Slip recipient, the Permit Controller will be required to:

 Address any issues raised by the other parties.

 Review, verify and then correct the refusal.

1. Select the link in the received email e.g. ‘New Work Task Routing Slip Refused’.
2. Logon to e-CPW, if required (see section Logging on to e-CPW). The Task Information screen
will be displayed.
3. Scroll down the task to view its details.
4. Select the Navigate To Task button. The Task Build screen will be populated.
5. Select the Routing Slip button. The Routing Slip screen will be displayed.
6. Review the Routing Slip status:
 All recipients who have signed as agreed will be highlighted in green with a time and date
 All recipients who have signed as refused will be highlighted in grey with a time and date
7. Click on each of signatures in turn and view the comments. Select OK to close the screen.
8. Select the close screen (X) icon.
9. Select the View Refusals button. The Refusals Details box will be displayed.
10. Review the Refusals details. Select Close to return to the Task Build.
11. Address any issues raised by the other parties.
12. Select Correct Refusal to confirm the refusal issues have been corrected.
13. Select Routing Slip and resend a routing request to all relevant parties (see section Routing
Request (Permit Controller)).

Table of Contents

User Training Manual
Routing System Completion (Permit Controller)
The Permit Controller can complete the routing system process when all routing slip recipients have
signed as accepted. An email will be received to notify the Permit Controller that the last of the
routing system recipients has signed.

1. Select the link in the relevant ‘New Work Task Routing Slip Complete’ email.
2. Logon to e-CPW, if required (see section Logging on to e-CPW). The Task Information screen
will be displayed.
3. Scroll down the task to view its details.
4. Select the Navigate To Task button. The Task Build screen will be populated.
5. Select the Routing Slip button. The Routing Slip screen will be displayed.
6. Review the Routing Slip status. All recipients who have signed as agreed will be highlighted
in green with a time and date stamp.
7. Click on each of signatures in turn and view the comments. Select OK to close the screen.
8. Select the Complete Routing button when all routing slip recipients have signed as accepted.
The Routing Slip screen closes.
9. The permit status changes from ‘Routing’ to ‘Approved’.
10. Continue as detailed in section New Work - General Review (Permit Controller).

Note: If additional recipients are needed for the routing process, they can be added at this point in
the workflow before the Permit Controller approves the New Work task.

New Work Task Routing Slip Complete Email


To: Permit Controller

Subject: Routing Complete for Job XXXX and Task YYYY


Routing for the above task has been completed.



Fig. 87 Permit Controller: e-CPW Email Example for New Work Task Routing Slip Complete

Table of Contents

User Training Manual
New Work – Correcting Refusals
A New Work task can be refused and returned by either:

 Safety
 The Permit Controller (at the point of permit issue) and returned after correction by the
Performing Authority and the Operating Authority.

The Permit Controller will be notified by email and is required to:

1. Select the link in the received email e.g. ‘New Work Task Request Refused’.
2. Logon to e-CPW, if required (see section Logging on to e-CPW). The Task Information screen
will be displayed.
3. Scroll down the task to view its details.
4. Select the Navigate To Task button. The Task Build screen will be populated.
5. Click on the View Refusals. The Refusals Details screen will be displayed. Review the
comments and then select Close.
6. Address any issues raised by the other parties. Additional notes can be posted in the
‘Additional Information and ‘Task Comments’, using the relevant tabs, as required.
7. Click on the Correct Refusal button.
8. The task status changes from ‘Approved’ to ‘Safety’.
9. Safety will receive an email to inform them of the correction to the New Work task by the
Permit Controller.

Table of Contents

User Training Manual
New Work – Accept
1. Select the link in the relevant ‘New Work Request’ email.
2. Logon to e-CPW, if required (see section Logging on to e-CPW). The Task Information screen
will be displayed.
3. Scroll down the task to view its details.
4. Select Navigate to Task on the Task Information screen. The Task Build screen will be
5. Review all aspects of the task: risk assessment, attachments, PPE and Safety Equipment,
Location, Concurring Parties, Additional Information, Task Comments and Refusals.
6. Add ‘Additional Information and ‘Task Comments’ using the relevant tabs, if required.
7. To refuse the task:
a. Click on the Refuse button. The ‘Refuse’ screen will be displayed.
b. Add comments in the Information Box (see section Reporting a Refused Task).
c. Select the Refuse button.
8. To accept the task, select the Accept button.
9. The task status changes from:
 ‘Approved’ to ‘Safety’ for accepted New Work tasks.
 ‘Approved’ to ‘Definition’ for refused New Work tasks.
10. If the task has been rejected:
 the Performing Authority receives an email to confirm the Permit Controller has refused
the New Work task request.
 the Performing Authority addresses any issues raised by the other parties.
 the Performing Authority re-submits the New Work task.
11. If the task has been accepted, Safety receives an email to confirm the Permit Controller has
approved the New Work task.

Table of Contents

User Training Manual
New Work – Issue
If a New Work task is approved by the Permit Controller and Safety, the task is now in ‘Compliance’
status and can be issued by the Permit Controller.

The Permit Controller will be notified by email and is required to:

1. Select the link in the relevant ‘New Work task Request’ email.
2. Logon to e-CPW, if required (see section Logging on to e-CPW). The Task Information screen
will be displayed.
3. Scroll down the task to view its details.
4. Select Navigate to Task on the Task Information screen. The Task Build screen will be
5. Complete a final review of the task.
6. Select the Issue Permit button. The Permit Board (filtered) will be displayed with the Permit
in its issued status.
7. The task status changes from ‘Compliance’ to ‘Issued’.
8. The Performing Authority receives an email to notify them of issue of the permit. The permit
can now be accepted by the Performing Authority.

Fig. 88 Permit Controller: Task Build – Issuing New Work Task

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User Training Manual

Fig. 89 Permit Controller: Task Build – Issued Permit

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User Training Manual
Permit – Print Permit (Permit Controller)

Initial Printing of a Permit

If a permit issue is accepted by the Permit Acceptor, the permit can be printed.

The Permit Reviewer (and the Permit Controller) will be notified by email and is required to:

1. Select the link in the relevant ‘Permit Issued’ email.

2. Logon to e-CPW, if required (see section Logging on to e-CPW). The Task Information screen
will be displayed.
3. Select Navigate to Permit on the Task Information screen. The Permit Board will be
4. Click on the permit. Select Print Permit.
5. Enter the Number of Workers.
6. Enter the Start Time and End Time.
7. Enter the Permit Validity (end time).
8. Select the Issue Permit for Print button.
9. If the permit print is cancelled a warning will appear to acknowledge that printing without a
hard copy is requested.
10. The permit status changes from ‘Accepted’ to ‘Live’.
11. All relevant parties receive an email to notify them of live status of the permit.

Permit Issued Email


To: All Parties - as directed by Workflow

Subject: Job XXXX, Task YYYY – Permit Issued

A permit has been issued for the above Job & Task.



Fig. 90 Permit Reviewer or Permit Controller: e-CPW Email Example for Permit Issued Email

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User Training Manual

Fig. 91 Permit Reviewer or Permit Controller: Permit Board – Print Permit

Fig. 92 Permit Reviewer or Permit Controller: Print Permit – Adding Permit Requirements

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User Training Manual

Fig. 93 Permit Reviewer or Permit Controller: Print Permit – Warning Message for no Hard Copy of
Permit Required

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User Training Manual
Reprinting or Producing a Duplicate of a Permit
A reprint or a duplicate of the permit can be produced by the Permit Controller or Permit Reviewer.

The Permit Controller/Permit Reviewer is required to:

1. Logon to the e-CPW system (see section Logging on to e-CPW)

2. Navigate to the Main Location screen (see section Location Summary Screen)
3. Click anywhere in a location with the mouse (not on a pin). A drop down menu will appear.
4. Select Permit Board. The Permit board screen will be populated.
5. Locate the required permit by selecting the Search button.
6. Enter the search details and select the Search button. The Permit Board (Filtered) will be
7. Click on the permit and select View Permit.
8. Select either the Print Duplicate or Reprint buttons, as required. The action will be recorded
in the Task/Permit History.


 The Permit Controller role normally has the ‘Print Duplicate’ and ‘Reprint’ permit
 The Permit Reviewer role normally has the ‘Print Duplicate’ permit competency.

Fig. 94 Permit Reviewer or Permit Controller: Permit Board – View Permit

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User Training Manual

Fig. 95 Permit Reviewer or Permit Controller: View Permit – Print Duplicate Copy of Permit or
Reprint Permit

Table of Contents

User Training Manual
Routing Recipients – Environmental Engineers, Safety Reviewers and Others
The Permit Controller or Safety may want to send the task for review via the Routing System to
Environmental Engineers, Safety Reviewers and others. The Routing Slip recipients will be emailed.
The email will notify the routing recipients to review, verify and then accept or refuse the New Work

1. Select the link in the relevant ‘Routing Slip Sign’ email.

2. Logon to e-CPW, if required (see section Logging on to e-CPW). The Task Information screen
will be displayed.
3. Scroll down the task to view its details.
4. Select the View Attachments button to individually select and save or view attachments.
When complete, select the View Details to return to the Task Information screen
5. Select the Navigate to Task button to view the information from the Task Build screen, if
6. Review all aspects of the task: risk assessment, attachments, PPE and Safety Equipment,
Location, Concurring Parties’ comments, Additional Information, Task Comments and
7. Reselect the email link to populate to the Task Information screen.
8. Select either the Sign or Refuse button, as appropriate.
9. To reject the New Work task:
a. Click on the Refuse button. The ‘Refuse Task’ screen will be displayed.
b. Add comments in the Information Box (see section Reporting a Refused Task).
c. Select the Refuse button.
10. To accept the New Work task:
a. Click on the Sign button. The ‘Sign’ screen will be displayed.
b. Add comments in the Information Box.
c. Select the Sign button.
11. The task status changes from:
 ‘Routing’ to ‘Routing’ (no change) for accepted routing slips.
 ‘Routing’ to either ‘Approved’, ‘Safety’ or ‘Compliance’ dependent on the stage of the
work flow.
12. If the permit has been rejected:
 the Permit Controller receives an email to confirm a Routing Process Recipient has
refused the New Work task request.
 the Permit Controller addresses any issues raised by the other parties.
 the Permit Controller re-submits the New Work task to the Routing Process Reviewer
(via the Routing System).

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User Training Manual

13. If the permit has been accepted:

 the Permit Controller or Safety receives an email to confirm the Routing Process
Recipient has accepted the New Work task request.
 the Permit Controller or Safety reviews and verifies the task and completes the Routing
 the Routing System Recipient is only required to review the task by the Routing Process
again if requested by the Permit Controller or Safety, for example, due to a refusal by
one of the other Routing System recipients.

New Work Routing Slip Sign Email


To: Routing Slip Recipients

Subject: A new task request requires your signature.


Your action is required for the above task.



Fig. 96 Routing Slip Recipient: e-CPW Email Example for Routing Slip Sign Request

Table of Contents

User Training Manual

New Work – General Review (Safety)

Safety will be emailed after: the Permit Controller has accepted the New Work or a refused New
Work task has been corrected. The email will notify Safety to review, verify and then accept or
refuse the New Work task.

1. Select the link in the relevant ‘New Work Task Request’ email.
2. Logon to e-CPW, if required (see section Logging on to e-CPW). The Task Information screen
will be displayed.
3. Scroll down the task to view its details.
4. Select the Navigate to Task button to view the information from the Task Build screen, if
5. Review all aspects of the task: risk assessment, attachments, PPE and Safety Equipment,
Location, Concurring Parties, Additional Information, Task Comments, Refusals and Routing
Slip comments.
6. Add ‘Additional Information and ‘Task Comments’ using the relevant tabs, if required.
7. If authorisation is required via the Routing Slip system, refer to section Request Routing
System Review (Safety).
8. To refuse the task:
a. Click on the Refuse button. The ‘Refuse’ screen will be displayed.
b. Add comments in the Information Box (see section Reporting a Refused Task).
c. Select the Refuse button.
9. To accept the task, select the Accept button.
10. The task status changes from:
 ‘Safety’ to ‘Compliance’ for accepted New Work tasks.
 ‘Safety’ to ‘Approved’ for refused New Work tasks.
11. If the task has been rejected:
 the Permit Controller receives an email to confirm Safety has refused the New Work task
 the Permit Controller addresses any issues raised by the other parties.
 the Permit Controller re-submits the New Work task to Safety.
12. If the task has been accepted:
 the Permit Controller receives an email to confirm that Safety has accepted the New
Work task request.
 the Permit Controller reviews and verifies the task.

Table of Contents

User Training Manual

General New Work Attention Email


To: All Parties - as directed by Workflow

Subject: Job XXXX, Task YYYY - Task in e-CPW requires attention



Fig. 97 Safety: e-CPW Email Example for General New Work Attention Email

Fig. 98 Safety: Task Information Screen (linked from email)

Table of Contents

User Training Manual

Fig. 99 Safety: Task Build – Signing Request for New Work

Fig. 100 Safety: Task Build – Icon Risk Assessment and PPE Selection Completed

Table of Contents

User Training Manual
Request Routing System Review (Safety)
Safety may want to send the task for review via the Routing System. All routing slip recipients will be
required to sign in the order of their appearance on the Routing Slip request. Safety will be informed
if there are any refusals and when all the routing slip recipients have signed as accepted.

Routing Request (Safety)

Fig. 101 Safety: Task Build – New Work Task – Routing Slip System

1. Navigate to the Task Build screen (refer to section New Work - General Review (Safety)).
2. Select the Routing Slip button. The Routing Slip screen will be displayed.
3. Add in a user Reference Indicator and select the Add button. Repeat the process for other
users, as required.
4. Select the Start Routing button.
5. The Routing Slip screen closes and the task changes to ‘Routing’ status.
6. All users with the chosen reference indicators will be notified by email.

Table of Contents

User Training Manual
Routing System Correcting Refusals (Safety)
If a routing slip is refused by a Routing Slip recipient, the Safety will be required to:

 Address any issues raised by the other parties.

 Review, verify and then correct the refusal.

1. Select the link in the received email e.g. ‘New Work Task Routing Slip Refused’.
2. Logon to e-CPW, if required (see section Logging on to e-CPW). The Task Information screen
will be displayed.
3. Scroll down the task to view its details.
4. Select the Navigate To Task button. The Task Build screen will be populated.
5. Select the Routing Slip button. The Routing Slip screen will be displayed.
6. Review the Routing Slip status:
 All recipients who have signed as agreed will be highlighted in green with a time and date
 All recipients who have signed as refused will be highlighted in grey with a time and date
7. Click on each of signatures in turn and view the comments. Select OK to close the screen.
8. Select the close screen (X) icon.
9. Select the View Refusals button. The Refusals Details box will be displayed.
10. Review the Refusals details. Select Close to return to the Task Build.
11. Address any issues raised by the other parties.
12. Select Correct Refusal to confirm the refusal issues have been corrected.
13. Select Routing Slip and resend a routing request to all relevant parties (see section Routing
Request (Safety)).

Table of Contents

User Training Manual
Routing System Completion (Safety)
Safety can complete the routing system process when all routing slip recipients have signed as
accepted. An email will be received to notify Safety that the last of the routing system recipients has

1. Select the link in the relevant ‘New Work Routing Slip Complete’ email.
2. Logon to e-CPW, if required (see section Logging on to e-CPW). The Task Information screen
will be displayed.
3. Scroll down the task to view its details.
4. Select the Navigate To Task button. The Task Build screen will be populated.
5. Select the Routing Slip button. The Routing Slip screen will be displayed.
6. Review the Routing Slip status. All recipients who have signed as agreed will be highlighted
in green with a time and date stamp.
7. Click on each of signatures in turn and view the comments. Select OK to close the screen.
8. Select the Complete Routing button when all routing slip recipients have signed as accepted.
The Routing Slip screen closes.
9. The permit status changes from ‘Routing’ to ‘Safety’.
10. Continue as detailed in section New Work – General Review (Safety).

Note: If additional recipients are needed for the routing process, they can be added at this point in
the workflow before Safety approves the New Work task.

New Work Task Routing Slip Complete Email


To: Safety

Subject: Routing Complete for Job XXXX and Task YYYY


Routing for the above task has been completed.



Fig. 102 Safety: e-CPW Email Example for New Work Task Routing Slip Complete

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User Training Manual

Fig. 103 Safety: Task Build – New Work Task – Routing Slip System – View Comments

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User Training Manual
Permit Acceptor

Permit– Accept Permit Issue (Permit Acceptor)

If a permit has been issued by the Permit Controller, the Performing Authority will be notified by
email. The Permit Acceptor is required to accept the permit:

1. Select the link in the relevant ‘Permit Issued’ email.

2. Logon to e-CPW, if required (see section Logging on to e-CPW). The Task Information screen
will be displayed.
3. Select Navigate to Permit on the Task Information screen. The Permit Board will be
4. Click on the permit. Select Sign as Acceptor.
5. Enter your username and password.
6. Select the Sign button.
7. The permit status changes from ‘Issued’ to ‘Accepted’.

Permit Issued Email


To: All Parties - as directed by Workflow

Subject: Job XXXX, Task YYYY – Permit Issued

A permit has been issued for the above Job & Task.



Fig. 104 Permit Acceptor: e-CPW Email Example for Permit Issued Email

Table of Contents

User Training Manual

Fig. 105 Permit Acceptor: Permit Board – Sign as Acceptor

Fig. 106 Permit Acceptor: Permit Board – Sign as Acceptor

Table of Contents

User Training Manual
Permit Extension Process

Permit Extension Process - General

General Requirements
The Permit Extension Process allows for the electronic extension of ‘live’ or ‘live (expired)’ permits
which meet the Qatar Petroleum Permit Extension requirements.

The current Qatar Petroleum requirements allow for application of an extension up to 30 days
before the expiry date and 15 days after a permit has expired.

To be eligible for Permit Extension there must be no change in the current permits: Performing
Authority Company, assigned Concurring Parties, Risk Assessment, Personal Protective Equipment
(PPE), Safety Equipment, Location and Gas Test requirements. Additional file attachments,
Additional Information and Task Comments may be added.

The workflow is the same as the New Work e-CPW Permit Workflow, with the exceptions that:

 The Performing Authority makes the initial request for the Permit Extension (the Operating
Authority is not the initiating party in the process i.e. as required for adding new jobs and
 Concurring Parties must remain the same as the original permit. These parties must give
their approval for the extension at the time of the extension request by the Performing
Authority. They are neither modifiable, nor re-requested for approval, following the Permit
Controller’s task refusal at the permit issue stage.

Refer to the Qatar Petroleum e-CPW Permit Workflows diagrams.

Table of Contents

User Training Manual
Email Notifications
The e-CPW communication is managed via the use of e-mail notifications embedded in the system.
The workflow status initiates automatic e-mails to update users on the status and any required
actions as a permit moves through the workflow.

E-mails are sent when the task reaches various states in the workflow, from the stage when a Job
and a Task are created. These states include: task with unsigned concurring parties, completion of a
task, accepting a task, routing slip issuing, permit issuing, permit extension and permit closure.

Users in the required sending categories will receive these e-mails with a message that includes
relevant information including: the job number, task number, company, location and the user who
initiated the e-mail. At the bottom of the e-mail message is a link to the task with the e-CPW system.

Users need to select the link and log into e-CPW (if not currently logged on). The user will
automatically be taken to Locations Summary screen (plot plan) with the task/permit displayed in
full detail.

When tasks/permits stages are signed or refused an e-mail will be sent to the required parties
according to the workflow.

General Task Attention Email


To: All Parties - as directed by Workflow

Subject: Job XXXX, Task YYYY - Task in e-CPW requires attention



Fig. 107 e-CPW Email Example

The link at the bottom of the email will take you directly to the ‘View Task Detail’ or ‘Task
Information’ screens.

Table of Contents

User Training Manual
Permit Extension Signing using an Email Link
1. Select the link in the received email.
2. Logon to e-CPW, if required (see section Logging on to e-CPW). The Task Information screen
will be displayed.
3. Scroll down the task to view its details.
4. Either select the Sign or Refuse button.
5. A Sign or a Refuse Task screen will be displayed, as appropriate. Enter relevant comments
(see section Reporting a Refused Task).
6. Concurring Parties: if signing for acceptance, select whether or not a daily sanction of the
permit by the Concurring Party is required.
7. Select either the Sign or Refuse button, as appropriate.
8. The relevant party receives an email to confirm the User has Accepted or Refused the permit
extension request.

The following figures show an example of a Concurring Party signing a Permit Extension request.

Permit Extension Concurring Request Email


To: Concurring Party

Subject: Concurrence Required for Job XXXX Task YYYY


Your action is required for the above task.



Fig. 108 Concurring Party: e-CPW Email Example for Permit Extension Concurring Party Request

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User Training Manual

Fig. 109 Concurring Party: Task Information Screen (linked from email)

Fig. 110 Concurring Party: Permit Extension – Accept

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User Training Manual

Fig. 111 Concurring Party: Permit Extension – Refuse

Permit Extension Concurring Party Signed Email


To: Performing Authority

Subject: Concurring Party for Job XXXX Task YYYY


Concurring Party for Job XXXX Task YYYY has signed the request for a permit


<Concurring Party’s comments.>

Fig. 112 e-CPW Email Example for Permit Extension Concurring Party Signed

User Training Manual
Table of Contents

Permit Extension Process – By Role

Performing Authority

Permit Extension – Request – Concurring Parties

The current Qatar Petroleum requirements allow for application of an extension up to 30 days
before the expiry date and 15 days after a permit has expired.

To be eligible for Permit Extension there must be no change in the current permit’s: Performing
Authority Company, assigned Concurring Parties, Risk Assessment, Personal Protective Equipment
(PPE), Safety Equipment, Location or Gas Test requirements. Additional file attachments, Additional
Information and Task Comments may be added.

When required, the Performing Authority starts the Permit Extension process.

The Performing Authority is required to logon to the e-CPW system and request extension from:

 Qatar Petroleum/End Users/Contractors:

o Concurring Parties (if applicable)
o Operating Authority
o Permit Acceptor
 Qatar Petroleum:
o Permit Reviewer
o Permit Controller
o Engineering
o Safety
o Safety Reviewers
 Additional Roles - as defined by the Permit Controller and Safety, and requested via the
Routing Slip process.

This can be completed by either:

 Using the link within the Permit Issue email

 Searching for the permit directly for the permit in the e-CPW System.

User Training Manual
Table of Contents

Permit Extension Request using an Email Link

1. Select the link in the relevant ‘Permit Issue’ email.
2. Logon to e-CPW, if required (see section Logging on to e-CPW). The Task Information screen
will be displayed.
3. Select Navigate to Permit on the Task Information screen. The Permit Board (Filtered) will
be displayed.
4. Click on the permit and select Apply for Extension.
5. Read and acknowledge the webpage message to confirm an extension is required. Select OK
to confirm.
6. The Task List (Filtered) will be displayed with the new task shown.

 New task number
 New task description, which includes “<Extension of Permit No. XXXX>” before the
original task/permit description.

7. Click on the permit and select Task Build for Task XXXX. The Task Build screen will be


All activities are locked except:

 Adding Attachments
 Requesting Approval from Concurring Parties (if required for original task)

8. Click on the Attachments button and add required attachments (as per the normal adding
documents procedure).
9. Click on the Concurring Parties button. View the selected Concurring Parties and click on the
Save and Close button. Emails will be sent to the relevant parties.
10. Select the Return button to show the Task List screen. The ‘Concurring Parties’ status light
indicates that their signatures for approval are required.
11. The permit status is ‘Definition’.

User Training Manual
Table of Contents

Permit Issue Email


To: Performing Authority

Subject: A Permit has been issued for Job XXXX and Task YYYY


A permit has been issued for the above Job & Task.


Fig. 113 Performing Authority: e-CPW Email Example for Permit Issue

Fig. 114 Performing Authority: Task Information Screen (linked from email)

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Fig. 115 Performing Authority: Permit Board - Permit Extension Application

Fig. 116 Performing Authority: Task List – Opening Task Build Screen

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Fig. 117 Performing Authority: Task Build Screen

Fig. 118 Performing Authority: Permit – Task Build Screen – Adding Attachments

User Training Manual
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Fig. 119 Performing Authority: Permit – Task Build Screen – Concurring Parties – Reviewing

Fig. 120 Performing Authority: Permit – Task Build Screen – Concurring Parties - Requested

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Fig. 121 Performing Authority: Permit – Task Build Screen – Concurring Parties – Requested

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Permit Extension Request without using an Email Link

1. Logon to the e-CPW system (see section Logging on to e-CPW)
2. Navigate to the Main Location screen (see section Location Summary Screen)
3. Click anywhere in a location with the mouse (not on a pin). A drop down menu will appear.
4. Select Permit Board. The Permit board screen will be populated.
5. Locate the required permit by selecting the Search button.
6. Enter the search details and select the Search button. The Permit Board (Filtered) will be
7. Click on the permit and select Apply for Extension.
8. Read and acknowledge the webpage message to confirm an extension is required. Select OK
to confirm.
9. The Task List (Filtered) will be displayed with the new task shown.
10. Follow the actions from step 6 onwards in the Permit Extension Request using an Email Link

Fig. 122 Performing Authority: Viewing the Permit Board

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Fig. 123 Performing Authority: Searching the Permit Board

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Permit Extension – Correcting Refusals

If a permit extension is refused and returned, the Performing Authority will be notified by email. The
refused permit extension may be returned from the Concurring Parties, Operating Authority, Permit
Reviewer or Permit Controller. The Performing Authority is required to:

1. Select the link in the received email e.g. ‘Permit Extension Concurring Refused’.
2. Logon to e-CPW, if required (see section Logging on to e-CPW). The Task Information screen
will be displayed.
3. Scroll down the task to view its details.
4. Select the Navigate To Task button. The Task Build screen will be populated.
5. Click on the View Refusals. The Refusals Details screen will be displayed. Review the
comments and then select Close.
6. Address any issues raised by the other parties. Additional documents can be attached and
notes can be posted in the ‘Task Comments’ area.
7. Click on the Correct Refusal button.
8. The task status is:
 For general review requests:
 ‘Refused’ to ‘Definition’ for a Concurring Party refusal
 ‘Refusal’ to ‘Pending’ for an Operating Authority or Permit Reviewer refusal
 For task correction following Permit Controller’s task refusal at the issue stage:
 ‘Definition’ for accepted and refused extensions
9. The relevant parties (Concurring Parties, Operating Authority and/or Permit Controller etc.)
receive an email to inform them of the correction to the permit extension by the Performing

Task Refusal Email


To: Performing Authority

Subject: Task Refusal - action required for Job XXXX and Task YYYY


Your action is required for the above task.



<Concurring Party’s comments>


User Training Manual
Fig. 124 Performing Authority: e-CPW Email Example for Permit Extension Concurring Refused

Table of Contents

Fig. 125 Performing Authority: Task Information Screen (linked from email)

User Training Manual
Fig. 126 Performing Authority: Task Build – View Comments & Refusals

Table of Contents

Permit Extension – Request – Operating Authority

If a permit extension has been accepted by a Concurring Party, the Performing Authority will be
notified by email. When all the Concurring Parties have signed the permit extension request, the
Performing Authority can request the authorisation from the Operating Authority.

The Performing Authority is then required to:

1. Select the link in the relevant ‘Permit Extension Concurring Party Signed’ email.
2. Logon to e-CPW, if required (see section Logging on to e-CPW). The Task Information screen
will be displayed.
3. Select Navigate to Task on the Task Information screen. The Task Build will be displayed.
4. Click on the Complete button.
5. The permit status changes from ‘Definition’ to ‘Pending’.

If the Operating Authority refuses the permit extension, the Performing Authority will be notified by
email. The Performing Authority needs to correct the refusal (see section Permit Extension –
Correcting Refusals).

Permit Extension Concurring Party Signed Email


To: Performing Authority

Subject: Concurring Party for Job XXXX Task YYYY


Concurring Party for Job XXXX Task YYYY has signed the request for a permit


<Concurring Party’s comments.>

Fig. 127 e-CPW Email Example for Permit Extension Concurring Party Signed

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Fig. 128 Performing Authority: Task Build Screen – Complete Task

Fig. 129 Performing Authority: Task Build Screen – Completed Task

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Concurring Party
After the Performing Authority has requested Permit Extension, all associated Concurring Parties will
be emailed to notify them to review and then accept or refuse the permit extension.

1. Select the link in the relevant ‘Permit Extension Concurring Request’ email.
2. Logon to e-CPW, if required (see section Logging on to e-CPW). The Task Information screen
will be displayed.
3. Scroll down the task to view its details.
4. Select the View Attachments button to individually select and save or view attachments.
When complete, select the View Details to return to the Task Information screen
5. Select the Navigate to Task button to view the information from the Task Build screen, if
required. Reselect the email link to populate to the Task Information screen.
6. Select either the Sign or Refuse button, as appropriate.
7. A Sign or Refuse Task screen will be displayed, as appropriate.
8. Add comments in the Information Box (see section Reporting a Refused Task).
9. If signing for acceptance, select whether or not a daily sanction of the permit by the
Concurring Party is required.
10. Select either the Sign or Refuse button, as appropriate.
11. The task status for initial Concurring Parties review requests is:
 ‘Definition’ for accepted extensions
 ‘Refused’ for refused extensions
12. The Performing Authority receives an email to confirm a Concurring Party has Accepted or
Refused the permit extension request.
13. If the task has been rejected:
 the Performing Authority receives an email to confirm the Concurring Party has refused
the permit extension request.
 the Performing Authority addresses any issues raised by the other parties
 the Performing Authority re-submits the permit extension to the Concurring Party
 the Concurring Party repeats the permit extension review process.
14. If the permit has been accepted:
 the Performing Authority receives an email to confirm the Concurring Party has
accepted the permit extension request.
 the Concurring Party has no further role in the permit extension process.

User Training Manual
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Permit Extension Concurring Request Email


To: Concurring Party

Subject: Concurrence Required for Job XXXX Task YYYY


Your action is required for the above task.



Fig. 130 Concurring Party: e-CPW Email Example for Permit Extension Concurring Party Request

Fig. 131 Concurring Party: Task Information Screen (linked from email)

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Fig. 132 Concurring Party: Permit Extension – Acceptance or Refusal

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Operating Authority
After all associated Concurring Parties have accepted the permit extension; the Operating Authority
will receive an email from the Performing Authority requesting agreement for the permit extension.
The Operating Authority will also receive requests to review Permit Extension requests which were
refused and have been corrected.

The Operating Authority is required to review and then accept or refuse the permit extension.

1. Select the link in the relevant ‘Permit Extension Request’ or ‘Permit Extension – Corrected’
2. Logon to e-CPW, if required (see section Logging on to e-CPW). The Task Information screen
will be displayed.
3. Scroll down the task to view its details.
4. Select Navigate to Task on the Task Information screen. The Task Build will be displayed.
5. Review all aspects of the task: risk assessment, attachments, PPE and Safety Equipment,
Location, Concurring Parties’ comments, Additional Information, Task Comments and
6. Add ‘Additional Information and ‘Task Comments’ using the relevant tabs, if required.
7. To refuse the task:
a. Click on the Refuse button. The ‘Refuse’ screen will be displayed.
b. Add comments in the Information Box (see section Reporting a Refused Task).
c. Select the Refuse button.
8. To accept the task, select the Accept button.
9. The task status changes from:
 ‘Pending’ to ‘Refusal’ for refused extensions
 ‘Pending’ to ‘Current’ for accepted extensions.
10. If the task has been rejected:
 the Performing Authority receives an email to confirm the Operating Authority has
refused the permit extension request.
 the Performing Authority addresses any issues raised by the other parties.
 the Performing Authority re-submits the permit extension to the Operating Authority.
 the Operating Authority repeats the permit extension review process.
11. If the task has been accepted:
 the Performing Authority receives an email to confirm the Operating Authority has
accepted the permit extension request.
 the Permit Reviewer receives an email to confirm the Operating Authority has accepted
the permit extension request.
 the Permit Reviewer reviews and verifies the task.
 the Operating Authority is only required to review the permit extension again if re-
submitted by the Performing Authority due to a refusal by a role further along the
workflow (e.g. Permit Reviewer, Permit Controller etc.)

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Permit Extension Request Email


To: All Parties - as directed by Workflow

Subject: Job XXXX, Task YYYY - Task in e-CPW requires attention


The above task requires your attention.

Workflow email


Fig. 133 Operating Authority: e-CPW Email Example for Permit Extension Request

Fig. 134 Operating Authority: Task Information Screen (linked from email)

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Fig. 135 Operating Authority: Task Build Screen – Refusing Request for Extension

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Table of Contents

Permit Reviewer

Permit Extension - General Review (Permit Reviewer)

After the Operating Authority (and all associated Concurring Parties) has accepted a permit
extension; the Permit Reviewer will be emailed. The email will notify the Permit Reviewer to review,
verify and then accept or refuse the permit extension.

1. Select the link in the relevant ‘Permit Extension Request’ email.

2. Logon to e-CPW, if required (see section Logging on to e-CPW). The Task Information screen
will be displayed.
3. Scroll down the task to view its details.
4. Select Navigate to Task on the Task Information screen. The Task Build screen will be
5. Review all aspects of the task: risk assessment, attachments, PPE and Safety Equipment,
Location, Concurring Parties’ comments, Additional Information, Task Comments and
6. Add ‘Additional Information and ‘Task Comments’ using the relevant tabs, if required.
7. To refuse the task:
a. Click on the Refuse button. The ‘Refuse’ screen will be displayed.
b. Add comments in the Information Box (see section Reporting a Refused Task).
c. Select the Refuse button.
8. To accept the task, select the Accept button.
9. The task status changes from ‘Current’:
 ‘Current’ to ‘Approved’ for accepted extensions.
 ‘Current’ to ‘Refusal’ for refused extensions.
10. If the task has been rejected:
 the Performing Authority receives an email to confirm the Permit Reviewer has refused
the permit extension request.
 the Performing Authority addresses any issues raised by the other parties.
 the Performing Authority re-submits the permit extension to the Permit Reviewer (via
the Operating Authority).
11. If the task has been accepted:
 the Permit Controller receives an email to confirm the Permit Reviewer has accepted
the permit extension request.
 the Permit Controller reviews and verifies the task.

User Training Manual
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Permit Extension Request Email


To: All Parties - as directed by Workflow

Subject: Job XXXX, Task YYYY - Task in e-CPW requires attention


The above task requires your attention.

Workflow email


Fig. 136 Permit Reviewer: e-CPW Email Example for Permit Extension Request

Fig. 137 Permit Reviewer: Task Information Screen (linked from email)

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Fig. 138 Permit Reviewer: Task Build – Signing Request for Extension

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Permit Extension – Print Permit (Permit Reviewer)

Initial Printing of a Permit

If a permit extension issue is accepted by the Permit Acceptor, the permit can be printed.

The Permit Reviewer (and the Permit Controller) will be notified by email and is required to:

1. Select the link in the relevant ‘Permit Print Request’ email.

2. Logon to e-CPW, if required (see section Logging on to e-CPW). The Task Information screen
will be displayed.
3. Select Navigate to Permit on the Task Information screen. The Permit Board will be
4. Click on the permit. Select Print Permit.
5. Enter the Number of Workers.
6. Enter the Start Time and End Time.
7. Enter the Permit Validity (end time).
8. Select the Issue Permit for Print button.
 If the permit print is cancelled a warning will appear to acknowledge that printing
without a hard copy is requested.
 The permit status changes from ‘Accepted’ to ‘Live’.
 All relevant parties receive an email to notify them of live status of the permit extension.

Fig. 139 Permit Reviewer or Permit Controller: Permit Board – Print Permit

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Fig. 140 Permit Reviewer or Permit Controller: Print Permit – Adding Permit Requirements

Fig. 141 Permit Reviewer or Permit Controller: Print Permit – Warning Message for no Hard Copy of
Permit Required

User Training Manual
Table of Contents

Reprinting or Producing a Duplicate of a Permit

A reprint or a duplicate of the permit can be produced by the Permit Controller or Permit Reviewer.

The Permit Controller/Permit Reviewer is required to:

1. Logon to the e-CPW system (see section Logging on to e-CPW).

2. Navigate to the Main Location screen (see section Location Summary Screen).
3. Click anywhere in a location with the mouse (not on a pin). A drop down menu will appear.
4. Select Permit Board. The Permit board screen will be populated.
5. Locate the required permit by selecting the Search button.
6. Enter the search details and select the Search button. The Permit Board (Filtered) will be
7. Click on the permit and select View Permit.
8. Select either the Print Duplicate or Reprint buttons, as required. The action will be recorded
in the Task/Permit History.

Fig. 142 Permit Reviewer or Permit Controller: Permit Board – View Permit

User Training Manual
Table of Contents

Fig. 143 Permit Reviewer or Permit Controller: View Permit – Print Duplicate Copy of Permit or
Reprint Permit

User Training Manual
Table of Contents

Permit Controller
The Permit Controller will be emailed after: the Permit Reviewer has accepted the permit extension
or a refused permit extension has been corrected. The email will notify the Permit Controller to
review, verify and then accept or refuse the permit extension.

Permit Extension - General Review (Permit Controller)

1. Select the link in the relevant ‘Permit Extension Request’ email.
2. Logon to e-CPW, if required (see section Logging on to e-CPW). The Task Information screen
will be displayed.
3. Scroll down the permit to view its details.
4. Select Navigate to Task on the Task Information screen. The Task Build screen will be
5. Review all aspects of the task: risk assessment, attachments, PPE and Safety Equipment,
Location, Concurring Parties’ comments, Additional Information, Task Comments and
6. Add ‘Additional Information and ‘Task Comments’ using the relevant tabs, if required.
7. If authorisation is required via the Routing Slip system, refer to section Request Routing
System Review (Permit Controller).
8. To refuse the task:
a. Click on the Refuse button. The ‘Refuse’ screen will be displayed.
b. Add comments in the Information Box (see section Reporting a Refused Task).
c. Select the Refuse button.
9. To accept the task, select the Accept button.
10. The permit status changes from’:
 ‘Approved’ to ‘Definition’ for refused extensions
 ‘Approved’ to ‘Safety’ for accepted extensions.
11. If the task has been rejected:
 the Performing Authority receives an email to confirm the Permit Controller has refused
the permit extension request.
 the Performing Authority addresses any issues raised by the other parties.
 the Performing Authority re-submits the permit extension.
12. If the task has been accepted, Safety receives an email to confirm the Permit Controller has
approved the permit extension.

User Training Manual
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Permit Extension Request Email


To: All Parties - as directed by Workflow

Subject: A permit extension request requires your signature.


Your action is required for the extension of the permit linked.



Fig. 144 Permit Controller: e-CPW Email Example for Permit Extension Request

Fig. 145 Permit Controller: Task Information Screen (linked from email)

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Fig. 146 Permit Controller: Task Build – Signing Request for Extension

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Request Routing System Review (Permit Controller)

The Permit Controller may want to send the task for review via the Routing System.

Routing Request
1. Navigate to the Task Build screen (refer to section Permit Extension - General Review
(Permit Controller)).
2. Select the Routing Slip button. The Routing Slip screen will be displayed.
3. Add in a user Reference Indicator and select the Add button. Repeat the process for other
users, as required.
4. Select the Start Routing button.
5. The Routing Slip screen closes and the task changes to ‘Routing’ status.
6. All users with the chosen reference indicators will be notified by email.

Routing System Correcting Refusals

If a routing slip is refused by a Routing Slip recipient, the Permit Controller will be required to:

 Address any issues raised by the other parties.

 Review, verify and then correct the refusal.

1. Select the link in the received email e.g. ‘Permit Extension Request Refused’.
2. Logon to e-CPW, if required (see section Logging on to e-CPW). The Task Information screen
will be displayed.
3. Scroll down the task to view its details.
4. Select the Navigate To Task button. The Task Build screen will be populated.
5. Select the Routing Slip button. The Routing Slip screen will be displayed.
6. Review the Routing Slip status:
 All recipients who have signed as agreed will be highlighted in green with a time and date
 All recipients who have signed as refused will be highlighted in grey with a time and date
7. Click on each of signatures in turn and view the comments. Select OK to close the screen.
8. Select the close screen (X) icon.
9. Select the View Refusals button. The Refusals Details box will be displayed.
10. Review the Refusals details. Select Close to return to the Task Build.
11. Address any issues raised by the other parties.
12. Select Routing Slip and resend a routing request to all relevant parties (see section Routing

User Training Manual
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Routing System Completion

The Permit Controller can complete the routing system process when all routing slip recipients have
signed as accepted. An email will be received to notify the Permit Controller that the last of the
routing system recipients has signed.

1. Select the link in the relevant ‘Permit Extension Routing Slip Complete’ email.
2. Logon to e-CPW, if required (see section Logging on to e-CPW). The Task Information screen
will be displayed.
3. Scroll down the task to view its details.
4. Select the Navigate To Task button. The Task Build screen will be populated.
5. Select the Routing Slip button. The Routing Slip screen will be displayed.
6. Review the Routing Slip status. All recipients who have signed as agreed will be highlighted
in green with a time and date stamp.
7. Click on each of signatures in turn and view the comments. Select OK to close the screen.
8. Select the Complete Routing button when all routing slip recipients have signed as accepted.
The Routing Slip screen closes.
9. The permit status changes from ‘Routing’ to ‘Approved’.

Note: If additional recipients are needed for the routing process, they can be added at this point in
the workflow before the Permit Controller approves the permit extension.

Permit Extension Routing Slip Complete Email


To: Permit Controller

Subject: Routing Complete for Job XXXX and Task YYYY


Routing for the above task has been completed.



Fig. 147 Permit Controller: e-CPW Email Example for Permit Extension Routing Slip Complete

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Table of Contents

Permit Extension – Correcting Refusals

If a permit extension is refused and returned by Safety, the Permit Controller will be notified by
email. The Permit Controller is required to:

1. Select the link in the received email e.g. ‘Permit Extension Request Refused’.
2. Logon to e-CPW, if required (see section Logging on to e-CPW). The Task Information screen
will be displayed.
3. Scroll down the task to view its details.
4. Select the Navigate To Task button. The Task Build screen will be populated.
5. Click on the View Refusals. The Refusals Details screen will be displayed. Review the
comments and then select Close.
6. Address any issues raised by the other parties. Additional notes can be posted in the
‘Additional Information and ‘Task Comments’, using the relevant tabs, as required.
7. Click on the Correct Refusal button.
8. The task status changes from ‘Approved’ to ‘Safety’ (for a Safety refusal)
9. Safety will receive an email to inform them of the correction to the permit extension by the
Permit Controller.

User Training Manual
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Permit Extension – Accept

1. Select the link in the relevant ‘Permit Extension Request’ email.
2. Logon to e-CPW, if required (see section Logging on to e-CPW). The Task Information screen
will be displayed.
3. Scroll down the task to view its details.
4. Select Navigate to Task on the Task Information screen. The Task Build screen will be
5. Review all aspects of the task: risk assessment, attachments, PPE and Safety Equipment,
Location, Concurring Parties, Additional Information, Task Comments and Refusals.
6. Add ‘Additional Information and ‘Task Comments’ using the relevant tabs, if required.
7. To refuse the task:
a. Click on the Refuse button. The ‘Refuse’ screen will be displayed.
b. Add comments in the Information Box (see section Reporting a Refused Task).
c. Select the Refuse button.
8. To accept the task, select the Accept button.
9. The task status changes from:
 ‘Approved’ to ‘Safety’ for accepted extensions.
 ‘Approved’ to ‘Definition’ for refused extensions.
10. If the task has been rejected:
 the Performing Authority receives an email to confirm the Permit Controller has refused
the permit extension request.
 the Performing Authority addresses any issues raised by the other parties.
 the Performing Authority re-submits the permit extension.
11. If the task has been accepted, Safety receives an email to confirm the Permit Controller has
approved the permit extension.

User Training Manual
Table of Contents

Permit Extension – Issue

If a permit extension is approved by the Permit Controller and Safety, the task is now in ‘Compliance
status and can be issued by the Permit Controller.

The Permit Controller will be notified by email and is required to:

1. Select the link in the relevant ‘Permit Extension Request’ email.

2. Logon to e-CPW, if required (see section Logging on to e-CPW). The Task Information screen
will be displayed.
3. Scroll down the task to view its details.
4. Select Navigate to Task on the Task Information screen. The Task Build screen will be
5. Complete a final review of the task.
6. Select the Issue Permit button. The Permit Board (filtered) will be displayed with the Permit
in its issued status.
7. The task status changes from ‘Compliance’ to ‘Issued’.
8. The Performing Authority receives an email to notify them of issue of the permit extension.
The permit can now be accepted by the Performing Authority.

User Training Manual
Table of Contents

Permit Extension – Print Permit (Permit Controller)

Initial Printing of a Permit

If a permit extension issue is accepted by the Permit Acceptor, the permit can be printed.

The Permit Reviewer (and the Permit Controller) will be notified by email and is required to:

1. Select the link in the relevant ‘Permit Print Request’ email.

2. Logon to e-CPW, if required (see section Logging on to e-CPW). The Task Information screen
will be displayed.
3. Select Navigate to Permit on the Task Information screen. The Permit Board will be
4. Click on the permit. Select Print Permit.
5. Enter the Number of Workers.
6. Enter the Start Time and End Time.
7. Enter the Permit Validity (end time).
8. Select the Issue Permit for Print button.
9. If the permit print is cancelled a warning will appear to acknowledge that printing without a
hard copy is requested.
10. The permit status changes from ‘Accepted’ to ‘Live’.
11. All relevant parties receive an email to notify them of live status of the permit extension.

Fig. 148 Permit Reviewer or Permit Controller: Permit Board – Print Permit

Table of Contents

User Training Manual

Fig. 149 Permit Reviewer or Permit Controller: Print Permit – Adding Permit Requirements

Fig. 150 Permit Reviewer or Permit Controller: Print Permit – Warning Message for no Hard Copy
of Permit Required

User Training Manual
Table of Contents

Reprinting or Producing a Duplicate of a Permit

A reprint or a duplicate of the permit can be produced by the Permit Controller or Permit Reviewer.

The Permit Controller/Permit Reviewer is required to:

1. Logon to the e-CPW system (see section Logging on to e-CPW)

2. Navigate to the Main Location screen (see section Location Summary Screen)
3. Click anywhere in a location with the mouse (not on a pin). A drop down menu will appear.
4. Select Permit Board. The Permit board screen will be populated.
5. Locate the required permit by selecting the Search button.
6. Enter the search details and select the Search button. The Permit Board (Filtered) will be
7. Click on the permit and select View Permit.
8. Select either the Print Duplicate or Reprint buttons, as required. The action will be recorded
in the Task/Permit History.

Fig. 151 Permit Reviewer or Permit Controller: Permit Board – View Permit

User Training Manual
Table of Contents

Fig. 152 Permit Reviewer or Permit Controller: View Permit – Print Duplicate Copy of Permit or
Reprint Permit

User Training Manual
Table of Contents

Routing Recipients – Environmental Engineers and Others

The Permit Controller may want to send the permit for review via the Routing System to
Environmental Engineers and others. The Routing Slip recipients will be emailed. The email will
notify the routing recipients to review, verify and then accept or refuse the permit extension.

1. Select the link in the relevant ‘Routing Slip Sign’ email.

2. Logon to e-CPW, if required (see section Logging on to e-CPW). The Task Information screen
will be displayed.
3. Scroll down the task to view its details.
4. Select the View Attachments button to individually select and save or view attachments.
When complete, select the View Details to return to the Task Information screen
5. Select the Navigate to Task button to view the information from the Task Build screen, if
6. Review all aspects of the task: risk assessment, attachments, PPE and Safety Equipment,
Location, Concurring Parties’ comments, Additional Information, Task Comments and
7. Reselect the email link to populate to the Task Information screen.
8. Select either the Sign or Refuse button, as appropriate.
9. To reject the permit extension:
a. Click on the Refuse button. The ‘Refuse Task’ screen will be displayed.
b. Add comments in the Information Box (see section Reporting a Refused Task).
c. Select the Refuse button.
10. To accept the permit extension:
a. Click on the Sign button. The ‘Sign’ screen will be displayed.
b. Add comments in the Information Box.
c. Select the Sign button.
11. If the permit has been rejected:
 the Permit Controller receives an email to confirm a Routing Process Recipient has
refused the permit extension request.
 the Permit Controller addresses any issues raised by the other parties.
 the Permit Controller re-submits the permit extension to the Routing Process Reviewer
(via the Routing System).
12. If the permit has been accepted:
 the Permit Controller receives an email to confirm the Routing Process Recipient has
accepted the permit extension request.
 the Permit Controller reviews and verifies the task and completes the Routing Process
(see section Routing System Completion).
 the Routing System Recipient is only required to review the task by the Routing Process
again if requested by the Permit Controller, due to a refusal by one of the other Routing
System recipients.

User Training Manual
Table of Contents

Permit Extension Routing Slip Sign Email


To: Routing Slip Recipients

Subject: A permit extension request requires your signature.


Your action is required for the above task.



Fig. 153 Routing Slip Recipient: e-CPW Email Example for Routing Slip Sign Request

User Training Manual
Table of Contents


Permit Extension – General Review (Safety)

Safety will be emailed after: the Permit Controller has accepted the permit extension or a refused
permit extension has been corrected. The email will notify Safety to review, verify and then accept
or refuse the permit extension.

1. Select the link in the relevant ‘Permit Extension Request’ email.

2. Logon to e-CPW, if required (see section Logging on to e-CPW). The Task Information screen
will be displayed.
3. Scroll down the task to view its details.
4. Select the Navigate to Task button to view the information from the Task Build screen, if
5. Review all aspects of the task: risk assessment, attachments, PPE and Safety Equipment,
Location, Concurring Parties, Additional Information, Task Comments, Refusals and Routing
Slip comments.
6. Add ‘Additional Information and ‘Task Comments’ using the relevant tabs, if required.
7. If authorisation is required via the Routing Slip system, refer to section Request Routing
System Review (Safety).
8. To refuse the task:
a. Click on the Refuse button. The ‘Refuse’ screen will be displayed.
b. Add comments in the Information Box (see section Reporting a Refused Task).
c. Select the Refuse button.
9. To accept the task, select the Accept button.
10. The task status changes from:
 ‘Safety’ to ‘Compliance’ for accepted extensions.
 ‘Safety’ to ‘Approved’ for refused extensions.
11. If the task has been rejected:
 the Permit Controller receives an email to confirm Safety has refused the permit
extension request.
 the Permit Controller addresses any issues raised by the other parties.
 the Permit Controller re-submits the permit extension to Safety.
12. If the task has been accepted:
 the Permit Controller receives an email to confirm that Safety has accepted the permit
extension request.
 the Permit Controller reviews and verifies the task.

User Training Manual
Table of Contents

Permit Extension Request Email


To: All Parties - as directed by Workflow

Subject: Job XXXX, Task YYYY - Task in e-CPW requires attention


The above task requires your attention.

Workflow email


Fig. 154 Safety: e-CPW Email Example for Permit Extension Request

Fig. 155 Safety: Task Information Screen (linked from email)

User Training Manual
Table of Contents

Fig. 156 Safety: Task Build – Signing Request for Extension

User Training Manual
Table of Contents

Request Routing System Review (Safety)

Safety may want to send the task for review via the Routing System.

Routing Request
1. Navigate to the Task Build screen (refer to section Permit Extension – General Review
2. Select the Routing Slip button. The Routing Slip screen will be displayed.
3. Add in a user Reference Indicator and select the Add button. Repeat the process for other
users, as required.
4. Select the Start Routing button.
5. The Routing Slip screen closes and the task changes to ‘Routing’ status.
6. All users with the chosen reference indicators will be notified by email.

Routing System Correcting Refusals

If a routing slip is refused by a Routing Slip recipient, the Safety will be required to:

 Address any issues raised by the other parties.

 Review, verify and then correct the refusal.

1. Select the link in the received email e.g. ‘Permit Extension Request Refused’.
2. Logon to e-CPW, if required (see section Logging on to e-CPW). The Task Information screen
will be displayed.
3. Scroll down the task to view its details.
4. Select the Navigate To Task button. The Task Build screen will be populated.
5. Select the Routing Slip button. The Routing Slip screen will be displayed.
6. Review the Routing Slip status:
 All recipients who have signed as agreed will be highlighted in green with a time and date
 All recipients who have signed as refused will be highlighted in grey with a time and date
7. Click on each of signatures in turn and view the comments. Select OK to close the screen.
8. Select the close screen (X) icon.
9. Select the View Refusals button. The Refusals Details box will be displayed.
10. Review the Refusals details. Select Close to return to the Task Build.
11. Address any issues raised by the other parties.
12. Select Routing Slip and resend a routing request to all relevant parties (see section Routing

User Training Manual
Table of Contents

Routing System Completion

Safety can complete the routing system process when all routing slip recipients have signed as
accepted. An email will be received to notify Safety that the last of the routing system recipients has

1. Select the link in the relevant ‘Permit Extension Routing Slip Complete’ email.
2. Logon to e-CPW, if required (see section Logging on to e-CPW). The Task Information screen
will be displayed.
3. Scroll down the task to view its details.
4. Select the Navigate To Task button. The Task Build screen will be populated.
5. Select the Routing Slip button. The Routing Slip screen will be displayed.
6. Review the Routing Slip status. All recipients who have signed as agreed will be highlighted
in green with a time and date stamp.
7. Click on each of signatures in turn and view the comments. Select OK to close the screen.
8. Select the Complete Routing button when all routing slip recipients have signed as accepted.
The Routing Slip screen closes.
9. The permit status changes from ‘Routing’ to ‘Safety’.

Note: If additional recipients are needed for the routing process, they can be added at this point in
the workflow before Safety approves the permit extension.

Permit Extension Routing Slip Complete Email


To: Safety

Subject: Routing Complete for Job XXXX and Task YYYY


Routing for the above task has been completed.



Fig. 157 Safety: e-CPW Email Example for Permit Extension Routing Slip Complete

User Training Manual
Table of Contents

Permit Acceptor

Permit Extension – Accept Permit Extension Issue (Permit Acceptor)

If a permit extension has been issued by the Permit Controller, the Performing Authority will be
notified by email. The Permit Acceptor is required to accept the permit:

1. Select the link in the relevant ‘Permit Extension Issued’ email.

2. Logon to e-CPW, if required (see section Logging on to e-CPW). The Task Information screen
will be displayed.
3. Select Navigate to Permit on the Task Information screen. The Permit Board will be
4. Click on the permit. Select Sign as Acceptor.
5. Enter your username and password.
6. Select the Sign button.
7. The permit status changes from ‘Issued’ to ‘Accepted’.

Fig. 158 Permit Acceptor: Permit Board – Sign as Acceptor

User Training Manual
Table of Contents

Fig. 159 Permit Acceptor: Permit Board – Sign as Acceptor

User Training Manual
Table of Contents

User Training Manual
Permit Closure Process

Permit Closure Process - General

General Requirements
The Permit Closure Process allows for the electronic closure of ‘live’ or ‘live (expired)’ permits and is
initiated by the Performing Authority from the Permit Board.

Refer to the Qatar Petroleum e-CPW Permit Workflows diagrams.

Table of Contents

User Training Manual
Email Notifications
The e-CPW communication is managed via the use of e-mail notifications embedded in the system.
The workflow status initiates automatic e-mails to update users on the status and any required
actions as a permit moves through the workflow.

E-mails are sent when the task reaches various states in the work flow, from the stage when a Job
and a Task are created. These states include: task with unsigned concurring parties, completion of a
task, accepting a task, routing slip issuing, permit issuing, permit extension and permit closure.

Users in the required sending categories will receive these e-mails with a message that includes
relevant information including: the job number, task number, company, location and the user who
initiated the e-mail. At the bottom of the e-mail message is a link to the task with the e-CPW system.

Users need to select the link and log into e-CPW (if not currently logged on). The user will
automatically be taken to Locations Summary screen (plot plan) with the task/permit displayed in
full detail.

When task/permit stages are signed or refused an e-mail will be sent to the required roles according
to the workflow.

General Permit Attention Email


To: All Parties - as directed by Workflow

Subject: Job XXXX, Task YYYY - Task in e-CPW requires attention



Fig. 160 e-CPW Email Example

The link at the bottom of the email will take you directly to the ‘Task Information’ screen.

Table of Contents

User Training Manual
Permit Closure Signing using an Email Link
1. Select the link in the received email.
2. Logon to e-CPW, if required (see section Logging on to e-CPW). The Task Information screen
will be displayed.
3. Scroll down the permit to view its details.
4. Select the Closure Feedback button to review the closure comments made by other parties
in the workflow.
5. Either select the ‘Closure – Accept’ or ‘Closure – Reject’ button.
6. A ‘Closure – Accept’ or a ‘Closure – Reject’ screen will be displayed, as appropriate. Enter
relevant comments (see section Reporting a Refused Task).
7. Select either the Sign or Refuse button, as appropriate.
8. The relevant party receives an email to confirm the User has Accepted or Refused the permit
closure request.

The following figures show an example of a Concurring Party signing a Permit Closure request.

Permit Closure Concurring Request Email


To: Concurring Party

Subject: PA requests your signature for permit closure.


The Performing Authority requests your signature for the closure of a permit.


Fig. 161 Concurring Party: e-CPW Email Example for Permit Closure Concurring Party Request

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User Training Manual

Fig. 162 Concurring Party: Email Link to Task Information Screen

Fig. 163 Concurring Party: Permit Closure – Accept

Table of Contents

User Training Manual

Fig. 164 Concurring Party: Permit Closure – Refuse

Permit Closure Concurring Party Signed Email


To: Performing Authority

Subject: A Concurring Party has signed the request for a permit closure.


A Concurring Party has signed the request for a permit closure.



Fig. 165 e-CPW Email Example for Permit Closure Concurring Party Signed

Table of Contents

User Training Manual
Permit Closure Process – By Role
Performing Authority

Permit Closure – Request – Concurring Parties

When the permit work is complete, the Performing Authority starts the Permit Closure process.

The Permit Authority is required to logon to the e-CPW system and request closure from:

a. any Concurring Parties (if applicable)

b. Operating Authority.

This can be completed by either:

 Using the link within the Permit Issue email

 Searching for the permit directly for the permit in the e-CPW System.

Permit Closure Request using an Email Link

1. Select the link in the relevant ‘Permit Issue’ email.
2. Logon to e-CPW, if required (see section Logging on to e-CPW). The Task Information screen
will be displayed.
3. Select Navigate to Permit on the Task Information screen. The Permit Board (Filtered) will
be displayed.
4. Click on the permit and select either Request for Closure or Request for Closure –
Concurring (if Concurring Parties are associated with the permit).
5. The Request for Closure or Request for Closure – Concurring screens will display.
6. Add comments in the Information Box.
7. Read and acknowledge the declaration by entering Username and Password.
8. Select the Sign button.
9. The permit status changes from ‘Live’ or ‘Live (Expired)’ to ‘Closure (Pending)’.

Table of Contents

User Training Manual

Permit Issue Email


To: Performing Authority

Subject: A Permit has been issued for Job XXXX and Task YYYY


A permit has been issued for the above Job & Task.

Fig. 166 Performing Authority: e-CPW Email Example for Permit Issue

Fig. 167 Performing Authority: Email Link to Task Information Screen

Table of Contents

User Training Manual

Fig. 168 Performing Authority: Permit Board - Permit Closure Request

Fig. 169 Performing Authority: Permit – Request for Closure – Concurring Parties

Table of Contents

User Training Manual

Fig. 170 Performing Authority: Permit – Request for Closure – Concurring Parties - Requested

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User Training Manual
Permit Closure Request without using an Email Link
1. Logon to the e-CPW system (see section Logging on to e-CPW)
2. Navigate to the Main Location screen (see section Location Summary Screen)
3. Click anywhere in a location with the mouse (not on a pin). A drop down menu will appear.
4. Select Permit Board. The Permit board screen will be populated.
5. Locate the required permit by selecting the Search button.
6. Enter the search details and select the Search button. The Permit Board (Filtered) will be
7. Click on the permit and select either Request for Closure or Request for Closure –
Concurring (if Concurring Parties are associated with the permit).
8. The Request for Closure or Request for Closure – Concurring screens will display.
9. Add comments in the Information Box.
10. Read and acknowledge the declaration by entering Username and Password.
11. Select the Sign button.
12. The permit status changes from ‘Live’ or ‘Live (Expired)’ to ‘Closure (Pending)’.

Fig. 171 Performing Authority: Viewing the Permit Board

Table of Contents

User Training Manual

Fig. 172 Performing Authority: Searching the Permit Board

Table of Contents

User Training Manual
Permit Closure – Correcting Refusals
If a permit closure is refused and returned, the Performing Authority will be notified by email. The
Performing Authority is required to:

1. Select the link in the received email e.g. ‘Permit Closure Concurring Refused’.
2. Logon to e-CPW, if required (see section Logging on to e-CPW). The Task Information screen
will be displayed.
3. Scroll down the permit to view its details.
4. Select the Navigate To Permit button. The Permit Board (Filtered) screen will be populated.
5. Click on the permit and select View Comments & Refusals. The Comments screen will be
displayed. Review the comments and then select OK to close the screen.
6. Address any issues raised by the other parties.
7. Click on the permit and select Correct Closure Refusal. The Comments Closure Refusal
screen will be displayed.
8. Add comments in the Information Box. Ensure all issues raised in the refusal report are
9. Read and acknowledge the declaration by entering Username and Password.
10. Select the Sign button.
11. The permit status changes from ‘Live’ to ‘Closure (Pending)’.
12. The relevant parties (e.g. the Concurring Parties) receive emails to inform them of the
correction to the permit closure by the Performing Authority.

Permit Closure Concurring Refused Email


To: Performing Authority

Subject: A Concurring Party has refused the request for a permit closure.


A Concurring Party has refused the request for a permit closure. Your action is


Fig. 173 Performing Authority: e-CPW Email Example for Permit Closure Concurring Refused

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User Training Manual

Fig. 174 Performing Authority: Permit Board – View Comments & Refusals – Step 1

Fig. 175 Performing Authority: Permit Board – View Comments & Refusals – Step 2

Table of Contents

User Training Manual

Fig. 176 Performing Authority: Permit Board – Correct Closure Refusal

Fig. 177 Performing Authority: Permit Board – Correct Closure Refusal

Table of Contents

User Training Manual
Permit Closure – Request – Operating Authority
If a permit closure has been accepted by a Concurring Party, the Performing Authority will be
notified by email. When all Concurring Parties have accepted the permit closure, the Performing
Authority is required to:

1. Select the link in the relevant ‘Permit Closure Concurring Party Signed’ email.
2. Logon to e-CPW, if required (see section Logging on to e-CPW). The Task Information screen
will be displayed.
3. Select Navigate to Permit on the Task Information screen. The Permit Board (Filtered) will
be displayed.
4. Click on the permit and select Submit Closure Request.
5. The Request for Closure screen will display.
6. Add comments in the Information Box.
7. Read and acknowledge the declaration by entering Username and Password.
8. Select the Sign button.
9. The permit status changes from ‘Live’ to ‘Closure (Pending)’.

Permit Closure Concurring Party Signed Email


To: Performing Authority

Subject: A Concurring Party has signed the request for a permit closure.


A Concurring Party has signed the request for a permit closure.



Fig. 178 e-CPW Email Example for Permit Closure Concurring Party Signed

If the Operating Authority refuses the permit closure, the Performing Authority will be notified by
email. The Performing Authority needs to correct the refusal (see section Permit Closure –
Correcting Refusals).

Table of Contents

User Training Manual
Permit Closure – Request – Submit Hard Copy of Permit
If a permit closure has been accepted by the Operating Authority, the Performing Authority will be
notified by an email with a reminder to submit the original hard copy of the permit to the permit
office. The hard copy is required for the next stage of permit closure by the Permit Reviewer.

Permit Closure Submit Original Permit Email


To: Performing Authority

Subject: Reminder to submit the original permit to office.


Please ensure you have returned the original hard-copy of the permit to the office.


Fig. 179 Performing Authority: e-CPW Email Example for a Permit Closure Submit Original Permit
Request from the Operating Authority

Table of Contents

User Training Manual
Concurring Party
After the Performing Authority has requested Permit Closure, all associated Concurring Parties will
be emailed to notify them to review and then accept or refuse the permit closure.

1. Select the link in the relevant ‘Permit Closure Concurring Request’ email.
2. Logon to e-CPW, if required (see section Logging on to e-CPW). The Task Information screen
will be displayed.
3. Scroll down the permit to view its details.
4. Select the Closure Feedback button to review the closure comments made by other parties
in the workflow.
5. Either select the ‘Closure – Accept’ or ‘Closure – Reject’ button.
6. A ‘Closure – Accept’ or a ‘Closure – Reject’ screen will be displayed, as appropriate.
7. Add comments in the Information Box (see section Reporting a Refused Task).
8. Select either the Sign or Refuse button, as appropriate.
9. The permit status changes from ‘Closure (Pending)’ to ‘Live’ for accepted and refused
10. The Performing Authority receives an email to confirm a Concurring Party has Accepted or
Refused the permit closure request.
11. If the permit has been rejected:
 the Performing Authority receives an email to confirm the Concurring Party has refused
the permit closure request.
 the Performing Authority addresses any issues raised by the other parties
 the Performing Authority re-submits the permit closure to the Concurring Party
 the Concurring Party repeats the permit closure review process.
12. If the permit has been accepted:
 the Performing Authority receives an email to confirm the Concurring Party has
accepted the permit closure request
 the Concurring Party has no further role in the permit closure process.

Table of Contents

User Training Manual

Permit Closure Concurring Request Email


To: Concurring Party

Subject: PA requests your signature for permit closure.


The Performing Authority requests your signature for the closure of a permit.


Fig. 180 Concurring Party: e-CPW Email Example for Permit Closure Concurring Request

Table of Contents

User Training Manual
Operating Authority
After all associated Concurring Parties have accepted closure, the Operating Authority will be
emailed by the Performing Authority to notify them to review and then accept or refuse the permit

1. Select the link in the relevant ‘Permit Closure Request’ email.

2. Logon to e-CPW, if required (see section Logging on to e-CPW). The Task Information screen
will be displayed.
3. Scroll down the permit to view its details.
4. Select Navigate to Permit on the Task Information screen. The Permit Board (Filtered) will
be displayed.
5. Click on the permit and select View Comments & Refusals. The Comments screen will be
displayed. Review the comments and then select OK to close the screen.
6. Address any issues raised by the other parties.
7. Click on the permit and select either Sign Request for Closure or Reject Request for Closure.
The ‘Request for Closure’ or ‘Request for Closure – Reject’ screens will be displayed.
8. Add comments in the Information Box (see section Reporting a Refused Task).
9. Read and acknowledge the declaration by entering Username and Password.
10. Select the Sign or Refuse button, as appropriate.
11. The permit status changes from:
 ‘Closure (Pending)’ to ‘Closing Out’ for accepted closures.
 ‘Closure (Pending)’ to ‘Live’ for refused closures.
12. If the permit has been rejected:
 the Performing Authority receives an email to confirm the Operating Authority has
refused the permit closure request.
 the Performing Authority addresses any issues raised by the other parties.
 the Performing Authority re-submits the permit closure to the Operating Authority.
 the Operating Authority repeats the permit closure review process.
13. If the permit has been accepted:
 the Performing Authority receives an email to confirm the Operating Authority has
accepted the permit closure request and a reminder to return the hard copy of the
permit to the office.
 the Permit Reviewer receives an email to confirm the Operating Authority has accepted
the permit closure request.
 the Permit Reviewer reviews and verifies the permit.
 the Operating Authority is only required to review the permit closure again if re-
submitted by the Performing Authority due to a refusal by a role further along the

Table of Contents

User Training Manual

Permit Closure Request Email


To: All Parties - as directed by Workflow

Subject: A permit closure request requires your signature.


Your action is required for the closure of the permit linked.



Fig. 181 Operating Authority: e-CPW Email Example for Permit Closure Request

Table of Contents

User Training Manual
Permit Reviewer

Permit Closure – Requests from the Operating Authority

After the Operating Authority (and all associated Concurring Parties) has accepted closure; the
Permit Reviewer will be emailed. The email will notify the Permit Reviewer to review, verify and then
accept or refuse the permit closure.

Note: The Permit Reviewer must have a hard copy of the permit from the Performing Authority to
accept the permit closure.

1. Select the link in the relevant ‘Permit Closure Request’ email.

2. Logon to e-CPW, if required (see section Logging on to e-CPW). The Task Information screen
will be displayed.
3. Scroll down the permit to view its details.
4. Select Navigate to Permit on the Task Information screen. The Permit Board (Filtered) will
be displayed.
5. Click on the permit and select View Comments & Refusals. The Comments screen will be
displayed. Review the comments and then select OK to close the screen.
6. Address any issues raised by the other parties. Check that the hard copy of the permit has
been received.
7. To reject the permit closure:
a. Click on the permit and select Reject Request for Closure. The ‘Request for Closure –
Reject’ screen will be displayed.
b. Add comments in the Information Box (see section Reporting a Refused Task).
c. Read and acknowledge the declaration by entering Username and Password.
d. Select the Refuse button.
8. To accept the permit closure:
a. Click on the permit and select Sign Request for Closure. The ‘Confirm Return of Original
Permit’ screen will be displayed.
b. If a copy of the original permit has been received:
i. Select Yes to confirm receipt of the hard copy of the permit.
ii. The ‘Request for Closure’ screen will be displayed.
iii. Add comments in the Information Box.
iv. Read and acknowledge the declaration by entering Username and Password.
v. Select the Sign button.
c. If a copy of the original permit has not been received:
i. Select No to confirm no receipt of the hard copy of the permit.
ii. The ‘Request for Closure – Reject’ screen will be displayed.
iii. Add comments in the Information Box (see section Reporting a Refused Task).
iv. Read and acknowledge the declaration by entering Username and Password.
v. Select the Refuse button.

Table of Contents

User Training Manual

9. The permit status changes from:

 ‘Closing Out’ to ‘Closing Out’ (no change) for accepted closures.
 ‘Closing Out’ to ‘Live’ for refused closures.
10. If the permit has been rejected:
 the Performing Authority receives an email to confirm the Permit Reviewer has refused
the permit closure request.
 the Performing Authority addresses any issues raised by the other parties.
 the Performing Authority re-submits the permit closure to the Permit Reviewer (via the
Operating Authority).
11. If the permit has been accepted:
 the Permit Inspector receives an email to confirm the Permit Reviewer has accepted the
permit closure request.
 the Permit Inspector reviews and verifies the permit.
 the Permit Reviewer is only required to review the permit closure again if re-submitted
by the Performing Authority due to a refusal by a role further along the workflow.

Permit Closure Request Email


To: All Parties - as directed by Workflow

Subject: A permit closure request requires your signature.


Your action is required for the closure of the permit linked.



Fig. 182 Permit Reviewer: e-CPW Email Example for Permit Closure Request

Table of Contents

User Training Manual

Fig. 183 Permit Reviewer: Permit Board – Signing Request for Closure

Fig. 184 Permit Reviewer: Permit Board – Confirming Return of Original Permit

Table of Contents

User Training Manual
Permit Closure – Correcting Refusals from the Permit Inspector
If a permit closure is refused and returned from the Permit Inspector, the Permit Reviewer will be
notified by email. The email will notify the Permit Reviewer to:

 Address any issues raised by the other parties. Check that the hard copy of the permit has
been received.
 Review, verify and then correct the closure refusal.

1. Select the link in the received email e.g. ‘Permit Closure Request Refused’.
2. Logon to e-CPW, if required (see section Logging on to e-CPW). The Task Information screen
will be displayed.
3. Scroll down the permit to view its details.
4. Select the Navigate To Permit button. The Permit Board (Filtered) screen will be populated.
5. Click on the permit and select View Comments & Refusals. The Comments screen will be
displayed. Review the comments and then select OK to close the screen.
6. Address any issues raised by the other parties.
7. Click on the permit and select Correct Closure Refusal. The Comments Closure Refusal
screen will be displayed.
8. Add comments in the Information Box.
9. Read and acknowledge the declaration by entering Username and Password.
10. Select the Sign button.
11. The permit status remains as ‘Closing Out’.
12. The Permit Inspector receives an email to inform them of the correction to the permit
closure by the Permit Reviewer.

Permit Closure Request Refused Email


To: Permit Reviewer

Subject: Permit closure request as been refused.


Permit closure request has been refused and requires your action.


Fig. 185 Permit Reviewer: e-CPW Email Example for Permit Closure Request Refused

Table of Contents

User Training Manual
Permit Inspector

Permit Closure – Requests from the Permit Reviewer

After the Permit Reviewer has accepted closure, the Permit Inspector will be emailed. The email will
notify the Permit Inspector to review, verify and then accept or refuse the permit closure.

1. Select the link in the relevant ‘Permit Closure Request’ email.

2. Logon to e-CPW, if required (see section Logging on to e-CPW). The Task Information screen
will be displayed.
3. Scroll down the permit to view its details.
4. Select Navigate to Permit on the Task Information screen. The Permit Board (Filtered) will
be displayed.
5. Click on the permit and select View Comments & Refusals. The Comments screen will be
displayed. Review the comments and then select OK to close the screen.
6. Address any issues raised by the other parties.
7. To reject the permit closure:
a. Click on the permit and select Reject Request for Closure. The ‘Request for Closure –
Reject’ screen will be displayed.
b. Add comments in the Information Box (see section Reporting a Refused Task).
c. Read and acknowledge the declaration by entering Username and Password.
d. Select the Refuse button.
8. To accept the permit closure:
a. Click on the permit and select Sign Request for Closure. The ‘Request for Closure’
screen will be displayed.
b. Add comments in the Information Box.
c. Read and acknowledge the declaration by entering Username and Password.
d. Select the Sign button.
9. The permit status changes from:
 ‘Closing Out’ to ‘Closed Out’ for accepted closures.
 ‘Closing Out’ to ‘Closing Out’ (no change) for refused closures.
10. If the permit has been rejected:
 the Permit Reviewer receives an email to confirm the Permit Inspector has refused the
permit closure request.
 the Permit Reviewer addresses any issues raised by the other parties.
 the Permit Reviewer re-submits the permit closure to the Permit Inspector.
11. If the permit has been accepted:
 the Permit Controller receives an email to confirm the Permit Inspector has accepted the
permit closure request.
 the Permit Controller reviews and verifies the permit.
 the Permit Inspector is only required to review the permit closure again if re-submitted
by the Performing Authority due to a refusal by a role further along the workflow (via
the Permit Reviewer).

Table of Contents

User Training Manual

Permit Closure Request Email


To: All Parties - as directed by Workflow

Subject: A permit closure request requires your signature.


Your action is required for the closure of the permit linked.



Fig. 186 Permit Inspector: e-CPW Email Example for Permit Closure Request

Table of Contents

User Training Manual
Permit Closure – Corrected Refusals from the Permit Reviewer
If a permit closure was refused by the Permit Inspector, the Permit Reviewer will be notified by
email. The email will notify the Permit Reviewer to:

 Address any issues raised by the other parties.

 Review, verify and then accept the permit closure.

The Permit Inspector will be notified by email. The email will notify the Permit Inspector to review,
verify and then accept or refuse the permit closure.

1. Select the link in the received email e.g. ‘Permit Closure Correct Refusal’.
2. Logon to e-CPW, if required (see section Logging on to e-CPW). The Task Information screen
will be displayed.
3. Scroll down the permit to view its details.
4. Select the Navigate To Permit button. The Permit Board (Filtered) screen will be populated.
5. Click on the permit and select View Comments & Refusals. The Comments screen will be
displayed. Review the comments and then select OK to close the screen.
6. Address any issues raised by the other parties.
7. Click on the permit and select either Sign Request for Closure or Reject Request for Closure.
The ‘Request for Closure’ or ‘Request for Closure – Reject’ screens will be displayed.
8. Add comments in the Information Box (see section Reporting a Refused Task).
9. Read and acknowledge the declaration by entering Username and Password.
10. Select the Sign or Refuse button, as appropriate.
11. The permit status changes from:
 ‘Closing Out’ to ‘Closed Out’ for accepted closures.
 ‘Closing Out’ to ‘Closing Out’ (no change) for refused closures.
12. The Permit Controller receives an email to confirm the Permit Inspector has accepted the
permit closure request.
13. The Permit Controller reviews and verifies the permit.
14. The Permit Inspector is only required to review the permit closure again if re-submitted by
the Performing Authority due to a refusal by a role further along the workflow (via the
Permit Reviewer).

Table of Contents

User Training Manual

Permit Closure Correct Refusal Email


To: Permit Inspector

Subject: Permit closure request has been corrected.


Permit closure request has been corrected and requires your action.


Fig. 187 Permit Inspector: e-CPW Email Example for Permit Closure Correct Refusal

Table of Contents

User Training Manual
Permit Controller
After the Permit Inspector has accepted closure, the Permit Controller will be emailed. The email will
notify the Permit Controller to review, verify and then accept or refuse the permit closure.

Permit Closure – General Review

1. Select the link in the relevant ‘Permit Closure Request’ email.
2. Logon to e-CPW, if required (see section Logging on to e-CPW). The Task Information screen
will be displayed.
3. Scroll down the permit to view its details.
4. Select Navigate to Permit on the Task Information screen. The Permit Board (Filtered) will
be displayed.
5. Click on the permit and select View Comments & Refusals. The Comments screen will be
displayed. Review the comments and then select OK to close the screen.
6. Address any issues raised by the other parties.
7. If authorisation is required via the Routing Slip system, refer to section Request Routing
System Review, else go to section Permit Closure – Signing.

Permit Closure Request Email


To: All Parties - as directed by Workflow

Subject: A permit closure request requires your signature.


Your action is required for the closure of the permit linked.



Fig. 188 Permit Controller: e-CPW Email Example for Permit Closure Request

Table of Contents

User Training Manual
Request Routing System Review
The Permit Controller may want to send the permit for review via the Routing System.

Routing Request
1. Click on the permit and select Routing Slip. The Routing Slip screen will be displayed.
2. Add in a user Reference Indicator and select the Add button. Repeat the process for other
users, as required.
3. Select the Start Routing button.
4. The Routing Slip screen closes and the permit status changes from ‘Closed Out’ to ‘Routing’.
5. All users with the chosen reference indicators will be notified by email.

Fig. 189 Permit Controller: Permit Board – Routing Slip Process

Table of Contents

User Training Manual

Fig. 190 Permit Controller: Permit Board – Routing Slip Process - Adding Routing Slip Recipients

Permit Closure Routing Slip Sign Email


To: Permit Controller

Subject: Permit routing slip has been signed.


The following permit has had its routing slip has been signed.

Fig. 191 Permit Controller: e-CPW Email Example for Routing Slip Sign

Table of Contents

User Training Manual
Routing System Correcting Refusals
If a routing slip is refused by a Routing Slip recipient, the Permit Controller will be required to:

 Address any issues raised by the other parties.

 Review, verify and then correct the closure refusal.

1. Select the link in the received email e.g. ‘Permit Closure Request Refused’.
2. Logon to e-CPW, if required (see section Logging on to e-CPW). The Task Information screen
will be displayed.
3. Scroll down the permit to view its details.
4. Select the Navigate To Permit button. The Permit Board (Filtered) screen will be populated.
5. Click on the permit and select Routing Slip. The Routing Slip screen will be displayed.
6. Review the Routing Slip status:
 All recipients who have signed as agreed will be highlighted in green with a time and date
 All recipients who have signed as refused will be highlighted in grey with a time and date
7. Select the close screen (X) icon.
8. Click on the permit and select View Comments & Refusals. The Comments screen will be
displayed. Review the comments and then select OK to close the screen.
9. Address any issues raised by the other parties.
10. Click on the permit and resend a routing request to all relevant parties (see section Routing

Permit Closure Routing Slip Refuse Email


To: Permit Controller

Subject: Permit routing slip has been refused.


Permit routing slip has been refused and requires your action.


Fig. 192 Permit Reviewer: e-CPW Email Example for Permit Closure Routing Slip Refused

Table of Contents

User Training Manual
Routing System Completion
The Permit Controller can complete the routing system process when all routing slip recipients have
signed as accepted. An email will be received to notify the Permit Controller that the last of the
routing system recipients has signed.

1. Select the link in the relevant ‘Permit Closure Routing Slip Complete’ email.
2. Logon to e-CPW, if required (see section Logging on to e-CPW). The Task Information screen
will be displayed.
3. Scroll down the permit to view its details.
4. Select Navigate to Permit on the Task Information screen. The Permit Board (Filtered) will
be displayed.
5. Click on the permit and select Routing Slip. The Routing Slip screen will be displayed.
6. Review the Routing Slip status. All recipients who have signed as agreed will be highlighted
in green with a time and date stamp.
7. Select the Complete Routing button when all routing slip recipients have signed. The
Routing Slip screen closes.
8. The permit status changes from ‘Routing’ to ‘Closed Out’.

Note: If additional recipients are needed for the routing process, they can be added at this point in
the workflow before the Permit Controller approves the permit closure.

Permit Closure Routing Slip Complete Email


To: Permit Controller

Subject: The last person on the routing slip has signed.


Permit routing completed. You can now continue the closure process.


Fig. 193 Permit Controller: e-CPW Email Example for Permit Closure Routing Slip Complete

Table of Contents

User Training Manual

Fig. 194 Permit Controller: Permit Board – Routing Slip Process – Reviewing and Completing Routing
Slip Process

Fig. 195 Permit Controller: Permit Board – Routing Slip Process – Closed Out

Table of Contents

User Training Manual
Permit Closure – Signing
1. Select the link in the relevant ‘Permit Closure Request’ email.
2. Logon to e-CPW, if required (see section Logging on to e-CPW). The Task Information screen
will be displayed.
3. Scroll down the permit to view its details.
4. Select Navigate to Permit on the Task Information screen. The Permit Board (Filtered) will
be displayed.
5. Click on the permit and select View Comments & Refusals. The Comments screen will be
displayed. Review the comments and then select OK to close the screen.
6. Address any issues raised by the other parties.
7. To reject the permit closure:
a. Click on the permit and select Reject Request for Closure. The ‘Request for Closure –
Reject’ screen will be displayed.
b. Add comments in the Information Box (see section Reporting a Refused Task).
c. Read and acknowledge the declaration by entering Username and Password.
d. Select the Refuse button.
8. To accept the permit closure:
a. Click on the permit and select Sign Request for Closure. The ‘Request for Closure’
screen will be displayed.
b. Add comments in the Information Box.
c. Read and acknowledge the declaration by entering Username and Password.
d. Select the Sign button.
9. The permit status changes from:
 ‘Closed Out’ to ‘Archived’ for accepted closures.
 ‘Closed Out’ to ‘Live’ for refused closures.
10. If the permit has been rejected:
 the Performing Authority receives an email to confirm the Permit Controller has refused
the permit closure request.
 the Performing Authority addresses any issues raised by the other parties.
 the Performing Authority re-submits the permit closure to the Permit Controller (via the
Operating Authority).
11. If the permit has been accepted:
 the following parties receive an email to confirm the Permit Controller has accepted the
permit closure and the permit is archived:
o Performing Authority
o Concurring Parties
o Operating Authority
o Permit Reviewer
 the permit and task are archived. If the permit being completed was a permit extension;
the original permit/task (and all subsequent permit/task extensions in between the
original and the current permit) will be archived.

Table of Contents

User Training Manual

 The original hard copy of the permit is archived according to Qatar Petroleum
 No further action is required.

Permit Closure Request Email


To: All Parties - as directed by Workflow

Subject: A permit closure request requires your signature.


Your action is required for the closure of the permit linked.



Fig. 196 Permit Controller: e-CPW Email Example for Permit Closure Request

Permit Closure Controller Email


To: All Parties - as directed by Workflow

Subject: Permit has been archived.


Permit has been archived. This is for your information and no action is required.


Fig. 197 Permit Controller: e-CPW Email Example for Permit Closure Complete and Archived

Table of Contents

User Training Manual
Routing Recipients – Environmental Engineers and Others
The Permit Controller may want to send the permit for review via the Routing System to
Environmental Engineers and others. The Routing Slip recipients will be emailed. The email will
notify the routing recipients to review, verify and then accept or refuse the permit closure.

1. Select the link in the relevant ‘Routing Slip Sign’ email.

2. Logon to e-CPW, if required (see section Logging on to e-CPW). The Task Information screen
will be displayed.
3. Scroll down the permit to view its details.
4. Select the Navigate to Permit button on the Task Information screen. The Permit Board
(Filtered) will be displayed.
5. Click on the permit. Select View Comments and Refusals. Select OK to close the screen.
6. Reselect the email link to populate to the Task Information screen.
7. To reject the permit closure:
a. Click on the Refuse button. The ‘Refuse Task’ screen will be displayed.
b. Add comments in the Information Box (see section Reporting a Refused Task).
c. Select the Refuse button.
8. To accept the permit closure:
a. Click on the Sign button. The ‘Sign’ screen will be displayed.
b. Add comments in the Information Box.
c. Select the Sign button.
9. If the permit has been rejected:
 the Permit Controller receives an email to confirm a Routing Process Recipient has
refused the permit closure request.
 the Permit Controller addresses any issues raised by the other parties.
 the Permit Controller re-submits the permit closure to the Routing Process Reviewer
(via the Routing System).
10. If the permit has been accepted:
 the Permit Controller receives an email to confirm the Routing Process Recipient has
accepted the permit closure request.
 the Permit Controller reviews and verifies the permit and completes the Routing
 the Routing System Recipient is only required to review the permit by the Routing
Process again if requested by the Permit Controller, due to a refusal by one of the other
Routing System recipients.

Table of Contents

User Training Manual

Permit Closure Routing Slip Sign Email


To: Routing Slip Recipients

Subject: Permit routing slip has been signed.


The following permit has had its routing slip signed.



Fig. 198 Routing Slip Recipient: e-CPW Email Example for Routing Slip Sign Request

Table of Contents

User Training Manual
Appendix: Icons

The icon palette comprises three groups of icons which allow the risks associated with Conditions
(where the work is being performed), Activities (what is being done) and Tools (what is being used to
carry out the work) to be assessed.

Note: The icons selection is being revised and the updates will appear in the next document revision.

Icon Type: Conditions

Parent Child

Roof Work

Below Ground

Confined Space

Unconventional Access

Working at Height

Normal Plant Conditions

Off Road


Road Closure

Plant Release



Working over water


Table of Contents

User Training Manual
Icon Type: Conditions (continued)

Parent Child

Tanks and Bunds

Hot Areas and Surfaces

Hazardous Materials

Working in Flare Area

Working on Live Equipment

Fixed Firefighting equipment

Cooling Tower

Ceiling / Floor Voids

Working near power lines

Current Conditions

Directional Drilling

Other Conditions

Hot Work

Cold Work

Spark Potential


Table of Contents

User Training Manual
Icon Type: Activities
Parent Child


Vehicle Entry


Building / Constructing



Filter Change

Jetty Work

Electrical Work

Temporary Lighting

Work on or near live conductors

Mechanical Job

Mechanical Job (simple)

Hot Tap

Plug Welding

Flare System


Table of Contents

User Training Manual
Icon Type: Activities (continued)

Parent Child

Mechanical Job

hot bolting

leak sealing


Relief Valve testing



Other Insulation

Lifting Gear

Level 1 lift

Instrument Jobs

Normal Instrument Jobs/Alarms

Trips and Supervisory Control

Instrument (DCS)

Breaking Containment

Breaking Containment – water

Breaking Containment-hydrocarbon

Breaking Containment – corrosive

Table of Contents

User Training Manual
Icon Type: Activities (continued)

Parent Child

Breaking Containment

Breaking Containment – toxic

Breaking Containment – steam

Breaking Containment – Air

Breaking Containment – Inerts

Breaking Containment – Solids

Breaking Containment – Pyrophoric

Breaking Containment - Oil


Non-radiographic inspection

Pressure Testing

standard pressure test

special leak test

Burning and Welding

burning, cutting

electro and arc welding

Road Works

Table of Contents

User Training Manual
Icon Type: Activities (continued)

Parent Child


Crane Assembly

Pneumatic Test

Critical Lift

NDT Works

Radiography and Nucleonics

Ultrasonic Testing

Magnetic Equipment

Dye Penetrant Testing

Table of Contents

User Training Manual
Icon Type: Tools
Parent Child

Grit Blasting



Drills and Saws


Water Jetting


Tar Boiler and Propane/Butane Burners


Mobile Equipment

Mobile Compressor/ Blower


Mobile Pumps


Dumper truck

ladder lift


Table of Contents

User Training Manual
Icon Type: Tools (continued)

Parent Child

Mobile Equipment

Cherry Picker

Transit Mixer

Lifting Gear (motorised)

Lifting Gear (hand)



heavy transport

other vehicles

Scissors Lift

Vacuum truck

Power Tools


Live Plant Needle Gun

Air Tools

Electric Tools

Petrol Driven Equipment

Table of Contents

User Training Manual
Icon Type: Tools (continued)

Parent Child

Power Tools

Battery Tools

Special Tools and Equipment

Table of Contents


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