WR Agenda Items For CTE Seminar 2013

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Western Railways agenda items for CTE seminar Session No.

Item No. 1 Review of TWR criteria. As per Para. 8.16 of USFD manual Through Weld Renewal (TWR) is to be carried out for removal of welds which have served more than 50 % of the life of rails. A study of the weld failure data of 3 previous years and the current year does not support this criterion of TWR. Because there has been a tremendous improvement in the quality of SKV welding as well as in the quality of USFD testing. A sample study of most vulnerable sections of Western Railway indicate that there is no need of TWR of welds after having served 50 % rail life as stipulated. The vulnerability of failures may not reduce even after TWR as the vulnerability of welds to failure is almost same after 50 % of the life of rails as well as of new welds. Therefore, there is a strong case of discontinuation of TWR especially by SKV welding. Western Railway had very large population of DFW welds. WR concentrated on improving its quality standards of welding & USFD in addition to removal of DFWR category of defective welds as per recent guideline and achieved drastic reduction in weld failures. The study of weld failures before and after these measures indicate that we do not need to do TWR as stipulated 1.1 Study of Weld failures : The data of 757 weld failures over Western Railway during previous 3 years and the year 2012-13 up to Feb. 2013 was studied in terms of %age GMT carried i.e. less than 50 % life of rail and more than 50 % life of rail. Further, data was also segregated between non-detected in USFD and the detected in USFD i.e. already declared defective welds (DFW). The data is presented in the following table: Nos. of weld failure before passage of 50% Year GMT NonDFW Total NonDFW Total detected detected 2009-10 121 132 253 62 86 148
2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 (Upto Feb) Total

Nos. of AT weld failure

Nos. of weld failure After passage of 50% GMT NonDFW Total detected 59 46 105 40 11 12 122 108 90 21 265 148 101 26 391 (49.62%)

81 37 49 288

175 144 49 500

256 181 98 788

41 26 37 166

67 54 28 235

108 80 65 401 (50.88%)

The above table indicates the following: i) The number of weld failures are almost equal to the %age before 50 % GMT of rail life and after 50 % GMT of rail life i.e. 50.88 % and 49.62 % respectively.

ii) The data has been further divided into different %age bands of cumulative GMT carried and %age failures. The table as given below indicates that the failures are almost uniform over life of rails.
Failure pattern of 60+52 kg AT welds Nos. of % of failure failure 138 62 59 63 79 94 148 80 43 22 788 17.51 7.87 7.49 7.99 10.03 11.93 18.78 10.15 5.46 2.79 100

Percentage GMT in terms of stipulated rail life 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

Cumm. % of failure 17.51 25.38 32.87 40.86 50.89 62.82 81.60 91.75 97.21 100.00

The above failure data thus does not provide a rational any more for doing TWR after 50 % GMT of rail life. 1.2 Sample study of vulnerable sections : Western Railway was having very high concentration of weld failures in UDN-JL (Udhna-Jalgaon) section and NAD-BPL (Nagda-Bhopal) section because of very high population of defective welds i.e. DFWs especially in NAD-BPL. It was not possible to do required large scale TWR. However, even much before the issue of Correction Slip No. 8 to USFD manual which categorized the vulnerable DFWs (having higher flaw size) into DFWRs, WR started the removal of DFWRs much in advance and as a result all the DFWRs have been removed from both the sections by 31st Oct.2012. With this measure, it has possible to have zero weld failures in both these vulnerable sections as against very high incidence in the previous years, as may be seen from the following table.
Section & DFW population Udhna-Jalgaon ( Km 0 to 306) ( DFW - 2852 Nos.) & Nagda-Bhopal ( km 0 to 238) ( DFW 10552 Nos.) Year Nos. of Fractures of DFW from April to Feb. 29 35 0 Nos. of Fractures of DFW for whole year 76 57 0 After identification of DFWR Remarks

2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 (up to Dec.)

Before identification of DFWR

The above sample study indicates that after removal of DFWRs, the failures can be almost arrested totally. Therefore, if we can continue to remove DFWRs like IMR in a reasonable time as specified and there is no need to do TWR. 1.3 USFD Frequency of DFWs : As per recent guide lines issued vide Correction Slip No. 8 USFD manual, the frequency of defective welds has been doubled which will also minimize the probability of undetected weld failures as all the welds vulnerable to failures shall get categorized into DFWRs which are to be removed 1.4 Practice Abroad : It is also understood that in any Foreign Railway , SKV welds, as adopted on Indian Railways ,are not renewed in the midlife of rails or any time before the weld serves full life of the rails (which is also much more than our standard of life because of the various rail maintenance techniques such as rail grinding etc.) This indicates that SKV welds presently being used on Indian Railways from last several years can certainly serve up to full GMT prescribed by Indian Railways for various rail sections as the metallurgy of welds is elastic enough to fully serve till life of the rail is over. 1.5 Sample study of TWR sanctioned works: In the recent past, a decision was taken by Indian Railways to execute TWR works by Mobile Flash Butt Weld plant. As these works are required to be done during traffic blocks which are hardly available in the sections, due for such renewals, there has been no response from the prospective tenderers. As a result, works of TWR continued to be in arrears. A sample study of these sections sanctioned for TWRs indicates that there has been hardly any weld failures especially after removal of DFWRs as may be seen from the following table. Pattern of weld failure in section where TWR is due Section Line Length in KM Rail GMT GMT in percent Nos. of weld failure in section carried of stipulated life 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 of rail (up to Feb.) 52 Kg 52 Kg 60 Kg 60 Kg 60 Kg 368 290 539 800 665 70 55 67 100 83


(km 97 to 135)

8 4 0 3 3

6 6 0 4 3

0 0 0 0 0

( Km 97 to 155)

(Km 400 to 429)

( km 463 to 483)

(km 463 to 483)

1.6 Through Rail Renewal V/S. TWR: Further, as per recent Correction Slip no. 129 to IRPWM, it has been stipulated that Through Rail Renewal may be done in case there are more than 30 defective welds per Track Km. which is indicative of the fact that it will be better to do Through Rail Renewal than to go for TWR as the cost of TWR is very high and in case , we have to do through SKV welding, the vulnerability to weld failures does not reduce as vulnerability of new SKV welds as well as 50 % old SKV welds is almost same. 1.7 DISCUSSION :In view of above analysis, it is considered that in future instead of doing TWR, there is a need to concentrate on the initial quality of welds for by improved technology and also on the quality of USFD by digitalization etc. to take care of baggage of the older welds which were executed with lesser standards of quality. In any case, if there is high concentration of defective welds either on account of quality of welds / older welds or due to any other reasons, it would always be better to do Through Rail Renewal as this will bring in lesser no. of SKV welds. 1.8 CONCLUSION & SUGGESTION To improve the reliability of the welds, it is suggested that the existing instructions of TWR at 50 % GMT of rail life may be withdrawn to save massive effort and in future we may focus on the quality of welding of new welds and on quality of USFD testing for the older welds by replacing the older equipments of welding as well as USFD and take other measures to improve technology. In no case TWR by SKV welding should be done.

Item No. 2

In-situ fabrication of Glued Joints:-

At present practice Glued joints are being fabricated in workshops (Departmental/by Agency). The process of fabrication of Glued joints in workshop has some of its merits and demerits. Like the quality control can be achieved better in case of workshop fabrication, but on the same time it is a time consuming process and having certain other limitations such as necessity of introducing of 2 SKV welds, wastage of rails cost etc as brought out in subsequent Paras.. As an alternative to workshop fabrication, the in-situ fabrication of glued joints has been tried on Western Railway during 2001-02. A work of in-situ fabrication of Glued Joints was executed in CCG-VR section for 80 Nos. of 60 Kg and 20 Nos. of 52kg Glued joints amounting total Rs. 6,22,000/-. The performance of these in Situ G/joints was encouraging. Later on one more work was executed on quotation basis in 2011 for in situ fabrication of 6 Nos. of Glued joints and results are satisfactory. Similarly in Central Railway suburban section also in-situ G/joints are being executed.

The in-situ fabrication is having following advantages:2.1 In case of situ fabrication execution of two Nos. of AT welds is avoided. As we know AT welds are major threat of rail failure and costly affair. At least two Nos. of rail cut (one at either end for creating space corresponding to G/Joint length) and 32 Nos. of holes drilling (8 Nos. for Fish plating, 8 nos. for copper bonds in two joints and 16 Nos. for making S&T cable connections) are avoided in this method. With this method the manpower required for Rail/Glued joint renewal, cutting of rails and drilling of holes is saved, approximately 10/5 Nos. of men are required to perform these activities per G/joint depending upon availability of scope for one/two glued joint renewal on same day in vicinity. Transportation of Glued joints from divisional material depot to insertion site is avoided. Since existing rail is converted in to Glued joint hence wastage of rail pieces approximately 3.25m + 3.25m on each side is avoided. In this method only one block is required, but in case of pre fabricated method two to three blocks are required (One for G/joint insertion and 1 to 2 for AT welding) hence saving of traffic blocks is there. Right from indenting to dispatch at site is a very long procedure in case of pre fabricated G/Joints, hence many times PWIs are not getting G/joints in time and forced to continue with ordinary fish plated IB joints which are prone to failure and need frequent maintenance. In case of P&C zone where 6.5 m long Glued joint cannot be inserted (like If SRJ to SRJ distance is less than 13m or both SRJ are butting, distance of SRJ from heel joint of another T/out is less, Diamonds & scissor crossovers) in situ fabricated G/Joints are only option to eliminate free ( IB) joint. Due to ease and ready availability of in situ fabrication of G/joints we can eliminate large population of free IB joints in SWR, P&C zone etc by this method, which will ensure reduction in failure of track circuit, less maintenance efforts hence less manpower, durability of rails/sleepers/fittings, elimination of frequent packing of free joints and riding quality In addition to above reduction in deterioration of track parameters is ensured.










2.11 There is a financial saving in this method as its cost is less than cost of pre fabricated method, it can be seen from cost comparision as shown in table below: Cost of Pre fabricated G/joints Sr. No. items description
Cost of pre fabricated 60 Kg Glued joint vide WR P.O. No.88059 dated 25.08.2010. (This include cost of transportation up to divisional P-way depot & CST 4%) Escalation for one year i.e. 6% to bring cost at the level of Aug.20011 Transportation from Divisional depot to Site of insertion @ Rs. 4.00 per KM/MT for 100 km Average lead. =(6.5X60/1000)X4X100 Cost of execution of Two Nos. of AT Welds = 2x 2912 Cost of Two Nos. of rail cut = 2X115 Cost of 32 Nos. of holes in rail = 32x88 Cost of 5 Nos. of gangmen (assuming that team of 10 men including staff on machines will get scope of two G/Joints in a day)= (25000/30)x5 Total cost per G/joint

Cost in RS.

Cost of In-situ fabricated G/joints Sr. Cost No. items description in RS.
1 In situ fabrication of G/joint by Agency including transportation taxes etc. (Rates are as on Aug. 2011.) 9000

557.28 156

4 5 6

5824 230 2816 4166.67


Total cost per G/joint


Since there is no separate specification/guidelines available for in-situ fabrication of G/joints , therefore the specifications of Glued joint manual were used for this fabrication, except some conditions which cannot be meet at site like fixing in Jig ( for alignment) at the time of fabrication, curing for 24 hrs at room temperature, pullout test and subsequent immersion in water (for 48 hrs) to check resistance in wet condition. in spite of above limitation results were satisfactory. In view of above mentioned benefits, site specific suitability and satisfactory trials of in-situ fabricated G/joints, it is suggested to examine the adoptability of in-situ fabrication of G/joints and separate specification should be made to make this as an approved alternative.

Item No.3

Special PRC sleeper with provision of cable duct.

In order to ensure thorough packing of all sleepers by TTM and to eliminate chances of breaking/damaging of S&T cables during tamping specially in automatic signaling territory it was felt from long time that an arrangement should be made by which the passing of cables though space between sleepers specially near rail seat ( i.e. tamping zone) can be avoided. As an effort in this direction a modified special sleeper has been cast on Western Railway having provision of duct for passage of cables, in such a way that cable will enter from ends of sleepers and will come out on top of sleeper near rail seat as shown in photo/figures enclosed. The Test results for SBT after 15 days are as under: Sleeper No. 40A 40B 40C Date of casting 06.03.2013 07.03.2013 11.03.2013 Centre top (60 KN) 90 85 80 Rail seat R1 (230 KN) 225 230 230 R2 (230 KN 225 230 230 Fail at rail seat Pass Pass 50mm dia through PVC pipes with three outlets at top Result Remark

The above strength test shows that out of 3 only one sleeper failed marginally at rail seat, which can be avoided if iron pipe is used instead of PVC pipe. In this connection it is suggested that the design aspect should be examined for further improvements.

Item No.4 Necessity of using 37 probe for bolt hole testing

It has been observed that while doing normal USFD of rail some of the bolt holes cracks are being left uncovered by 0 and 70 (F/B) probes. Such possibility can be eliminated with use of 37 (F/B) probe. But as per Para 7.1(iv) of USFD manual For detection of bolt hole cracks, 37 probes are ideal. This is because the cracks emanating from bolt holes are generally oblique and propagate in the zig-zag manner. However, the present SRT/DRT machines have not been provided with 37 probes due to limitation of number of channels and detection of bolt hole cracks is accomplished by normal probe. These cracks are detectable by 0 probe since they obstruct the path of sound waves and lead to drop/loss of back wall echo. If the cracks are so located that they are unable to

be scanned by 0 probes due to smaller size or orientation, such cracks may not be detected in initial stages of their development. Keeping in view the above, it is suggested that necessary modification in design and specification of digital machines should be made for accommodating 37 probe. In case if it is not feasible then at least one round of testing before winter (as and when due) should be arranged with 37 probe by replacing 70 NG face side probe ( which is not as vital as 37 probe) in digital DRT/SRT. This has already been started on WR.

Item No.5

Clarification of applicability of Gauge tolerance limits of IRPWM Para 224(2)(e) (v) in case of P &C

As per IRPWM Para 237 (1) (g) gauge just ahead of toe of switch is defined as under:(g) The gauge and cross level measurements shall be done at the nominated stations as
indicated in the proforma. The track geometry at the turnout should not be inferior to that applicable to the route. However, gauge just ahead of actual toe of switch shall be as follows: (i) All BG turnouts of 1:12 BG 60 kg with 10125 mm O.R. curved switches (on wooden, steel or PSC sleepers), 1:12 BG 52 Kg with 10125 mm O.R. curved switches on PSC sleepers and all thick web switches (52 kg/ 60 kg) on wooden/PSC sleepers i.e. all turnouts with switches having switch entry angle < 02000" = Nominal gauge. [Type a quote from the document or the summary of an interesting point. You can position the text box anywhere in the document. Use the Text Box Tools tab to change the formatting of the pull quote text box.]

(ii) All other turnouts excluding those (i) above i.e. turnouts with switches having switch entry angle > 02000"=Nominal gauge + 6mm.

But the provision of IRPWM para 224(2)(e)(i) & (v) specifies the tolerance limits for gauge as under:(i) Preservation of gauge is an important part of track maintenance especially through points and crossings. For good riding, the basic requirement is uniform gauge over a continuous stretch of track and such gauge should be allowed to continue so long as it is within the permissible limits of tightness or slackness. (v) While it is desirable to maintain correct gauge, where due to age and condition of the sleepers, it is not possible to maintain correct gauge, it is good practice to work within the following tolerances of gauge, provided generally uniform gauge can be maintained over long lengths: Broad Gauge a) On straight -6mm to +6mm

b) On curves with radius 350 m or more c) On curves with radius less than 350 m

-6mm to +15mm upto +20mm

Note : These tolerances are with respect to nominal gauge of 1676 mm.

With the above mentioned two different provisions of IRPWM Paras (i.e. Para 237

(1) (g) & Para 224(2)(e)(i) & (v) ), it is not clear that provision of gauge tolerances of later para 224(2)(e)(i) & (v) is applicable for gauge in case of P&C particularly at toe of switch or not, If not then it needs to be modified as it is practically not possible to maintain nominal gauge without any tolerance. Secondly it is also needed to be clarified that what is the nominal gauge in case of turnouts on PRC sleeper, i.e. 1676 mm or 1673mm.

Special PRC sleeper with provision of cable duct

Special PRC sleeper with provision of cable duct

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