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Fabrication Tolerances: Api-Rp-2A (December 2000)

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** Given underneath is a gist of the FABRICATION TOLERANCE rules taken from A I R !A and A I !

B CO"E#$ This is for %ui&k referen&e onl'$ lease refer the a&tual rule for the &om(lete (i&ture$


TOLERANCE# ) A I*R *!A +"e&em,er !---.

#e&$ //$/$0 B ) 1a&ket and "e&k se&tion &olumns - In any plane, field assembly tolerance at Top of Jacket & bottom of deck column, for CL (central line) of column to CL of adjacent column : - !" mm - #t all deck le$els, CL to CL of t%o columns : - !& mm - In ot'er jacket planes : - !( mm - )ia*onals of a rectan*ular plan layout + , !( mm - -trai*'tness of jacket columns + !" mm, but, not . & mm in any & m len*t' - Top of all jacket column /le$ation : - !& mm - Locations of ends of 'ea$y %alled 0 jacket cans or deck le* joint cans : - 12 mm - C'an*e in locations due to c'an*e in %all t'ickness in jacket le*s or deck columns : + , 2! mm //$/$0$C ) 1a&ket and "e&k Ere&tion Bra&ing - all braces in a 'ori3ontal plane s'ould be 'eld $ertically %it'in !& mm - location c'an*es due to %all t'ickness c'an*e in brace : - 12 mm - all bracin*s (end point dimensioned) : - !& mm of planned dimension //$/$0$" ) "e&k Beams - on central line of deck beam, bet%een ends : - !& mm - at no point on C4L, beam %ill be out of line more t'an !( mm 'ori3ontally or !& mm $ertically //$/$0$F ) Grating : joint in *ratin* at point of support only4 //$/$0$G ) Fen&ing 2 3and rails : top of rail %ill be strai*'t and le$el to t'e eye //$/$0$3 ) Landing 2 #tairs - location, 'ori3ontally : %it'in 56 mm //$/$0$/ iles - minimum 7ile piece len*t' : ! m or one pipe diameter, %'ic' e$er is less - lon* seam of t%o adjacent piles : min (" de*ree apart (89:C need : !;" de*ree) - ma<imum strai*'tness de$iation : & mm o$er & m len*t' - strai*'tness o$er entire piece len*t' : !" mm in !1 m len*t' ma<, belo% !1 m len*t' : !" mm = (L in m > & ) - C'eck strai*'tness by taut %ire, at minimum & radius points - ?oot face of be$els : not out of s@uare 2 mm per ! m, ma<imum allo%able out of s@uare : 6 mm - Aor total pile make-up, strai*'tness de$iation : - "42 = "4"! = len*t' /!$4$5 : - "e&k elevation tolerance : 56 mm - finis'ed ele$ation of deck : !& mm

/!$0$5 ) Lifting of ile ) Liftin* eyes or support lu*s to be cut 64B mm from pile surface and surface to be *round smoot'4

5$/$5 B ) 1a&ket orientation de$iation after installation : 2 de*ree in eit'er direction


ER A I 6 !B +1anuar' !--!. )

0$7 - ?adial offset of a,utting edges of lon* %eld seam - not more t'an ! >; inc' - lon*itudinal %eld seam of adjacent cans : (" de*ree apart 0$0 Girth 8eld - ?adial offset of abuttin* ed*es of *irt' seam 0 not *reater t'an "41 = %all t'ickness, but ! >B inc' ma<imum4 - Cut if offset is *reater t'an !>; inc', %eld from bot' side4 - #t locali3ed area, it can be up to "4& = t'ickness or &> ; inc' ma<imum, o$er a localised len*t' of "4; = t'ickness - 9o t%o *irt' %elds s'all be located closer t'an one pipe diameter or & ft, %'ic' e$er is less4 - T'ere s'all be no more t'an 1 *irt' %elds in any !" ft inter$al of len*t'4 4$/ i(e Length s'all not $ary more t'an - !42 inc' in any !" ft len*t'4

4$! - Out of roundness (difference bet%een major and minor outside diameter of pipe) : not more t'an ! D of nominal diameter or !> B inc' ma<imum at any point of Len*t', for t'ickness (t) + , 1 inc' - for t . 1 inc', out of roundness > t +, ! : ; ratio - for diameter . B; inc', ma<imum de$iation of "42 inc', pro$ided t'at circumference tolerance is + - E inc' 4$5 Outside &ir&umferen&e %it'in - ! D of nominal circumference at any point of len*t' or - "42 inc', %'ic' e$er is less

4$7 #traighness - ma<imum !>; inc' in any !" ft len*t'4 - #bo$e !" ft len*t', de$iation allo%ed , !>; = (total L in ft > !") inc' Cut, not to e<ceed & >; inc' in any B" ft len*t'4 4$0 i(e End be$ellled to &" de*ree - 142 de*ree (unless specified) root face : ! >!6 inc' - ! >&1 inc', perpendicular to C4L of pipe

9$5 N$"$T : by ?adio*rap'y - !"" D of eac' *irt' %eld - spot testin* : !" D of lon*itudinal %eld (includin* e<treme ends) 9$7 Re(airs of Base metal - Imperfection in finis'ed tube, no deeper t'an 2 D of nominal %all t'ickness (t), mec'anical mark no deeper t'an 2 D of FtG or ! >!6 inc' : need not be remo$ed - ?epair of defects, deeper t'an 1" D of FtG or len*t' > %idt' . 1" D nominal diameter : not permitted in fabrication4

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