a#!rinth $ Contains organ of hearing and #alance. Q. %ortic pressure highest in which phase $ Rapid e&ection. Q. 'ndorphins in increased concentration are present in H!pothalamus. Q. (u#stance with negative)inhi#itor! response on gastric acid secretions (omatostatin. Q. Contri#ute to the defecation $%norectal Refle . Q. %thlete is una#le to rotate his foot mediall! #t turns easil! laterall! cause is damage to$ Ta#ialis anterior and ta#ialis posterior. Q. *ifference #)w septic and h!povolumic shoc+ Temperature. Q. Coupling of actin m!osin filament is inhi#ited #! Tropom!osin. Q. %vidin has greatest affinit! to one of following vitamin #iotin. Q. *rug used as antianginal #ut does not cause vasodilation $ ,erampamil. Q. %n elderl! pt- on some antih!pertensive- comes with uncon&. #iliru#in raised.Which drug is #eing used "eth!ldopa. Q. Common #ias of all inherited diseases occur through$ .ucleotide. Q. %ppropriate related with etiolog! of congenital diaphragmatic hernia$/ncomplee pleuriperioneal mem#rane. Q. % dia#etic patient has difficult! while she goes down from the stairs- her head is tilted towards rt and her left e!e is deviated upward and outward- which muscle is affected$ 0eft superior o#li1ue. Q. % +nown h!pertensive patient ta+ing medication comes to 'R in collapsed state- her serum 2 is 3.4mmol)l...what is the cause of her collapse $*iuretic inta+e. Q. (u#arachnoid space in adults ends at$ (5$(6. Q. (tructure #uried #ehind lateral sulcus /nsula. Q. 0eu+oc!te al+aline phosphatase activit! decreased in$ C"0. Q. Which hormone does not release in stress$ /nsulin. (tress hormones are 7H8epinephrine8glucagon8cortisol. Q. Which nerve cross cavernous sinus$%#ducent. Q. Child with peripheral oedema- enlarged liver- "C, 49:-dec H# decreased and (. al#umin decreased- which nutritional deficienc! is the chid suffering$Pernicious anaemia. Q. % man #efore heart surger!- is e posed at 54 degree C and ;9< humidit!- he is losing heat #! (weating. Q.Prostas!clin is released from Platelets. Q. *ecreased calcium and increased phosphate and serum parath!roid hormone occurs in$H!poparath!roidisam. Q. Child has histor! of passing worms and itching so which t!pe of cells would #e found$ 'osinophill. Q. =oot drop and loss of sensation on the dorsum of the foot occur #! which nerve paral!sis$Common peronial nerve.. Q. (pecificit! represents $ True negative. Q. %nterior fontanelle closes $45 to 4; month. Q. % pt comes with gl!cosuria- having plasma concentration of glucose as 499mg)dl what is the cause $0ow renal threshold for glucose. Q. Regarding circadian rh!thm and #ronchiole tone$. /ncreases in the morning.
Q. Patient on %TT c)o pain in &oint uric acid 49 which drug must # stop$ P!ri>inamide. Q. *eh!dration $ 'C= is shrin+ed. Q. What is most appropriate a#out th!roid gland $'pithelium change acc to function. Q. Highest caloric content containing food$ fats. Q. (oldier returning from siachin after 3 months- presents with #lue discoloration of tips of fingers and #lood shows hct 39- what diagnosis$(econdar! pol!c!thema. Q. 5: !r pt clim#ing stairs- #ecame d!spnoeic and complained of chest pain- which one is affected$ ,)Q mismatch. Q. Which one is precancerous lesion0eu+opla+ia. Q. Research conducted on s1 cell carcinoma of penis- precursor identified$0ichen simple chronicus. Q. Cells in atheroma with fat ?fat laden cells@- are derived from$ monoc!tes. Q. /nsulin secretion is decreased #!$somatostatin release. Q. Which of the following autoimmune disease involves onl! single organ$R%. Q. "ost common congenital heart disease$ ,(*. Q. % patient has pituitar! tumor- in addition to #lindness from compression of optic chiasma- it has also eroded lower part of h!po thalamus. Which of the following will result from h!pothalamus lesion$ Q. ' ternal carotid arte! is differentiated from internal carotid arter!$#ranches in nec+. Q. /n which of the following vein venous PaO5 n PaCO5 is appropriate with arterial #lood$veins on dorsum of a warm hand. Q. Respirator! center in #rain is sensitive to changes in$H ion concentration. Q. % patient has #one sarcoma- radiations were given-- after some da!s patient developed s+in ulcer at site of radiation- which is not healing. This is most li+el! due to$endartritus o#literans. Q. patient wth BT prolong -normal CT -normal %ptt with clott retriction pro#lem$ thrompoc!topenia. Q. Pacema+er for cere#ral corte which show changes on ''7 A.reticular formation. Q. Primordial germ cells deriveted from.. wall of !ol+ sac. Q.osmotic diuretic effects on which part of nephron$ PTC. Q.!ou are allowed to #reech patientBs confidentialit!$if pt authori>es !ou. Q./n mucosal changes in chronic rhinitis which cell increase$ go#let cells. Q. %)P radiograph of chest which structure forms right #order of heart$ Q. which vitamin used as coen>!me in fat! acid s!nthesis$ #iotin. Q.The #est inde of platelet function isclot retraction time. Q C Blood suppl! of littles area are %)'C 7reater palatine arter!.
Ra#ia ali 5nd edition 'ratta... .oteChuman error is possi#le..+indl! let us +now if u find sum mista+e.. /st chapterC3*- 44%- 5:C- 5DB- 5EB
Thora CF*- 46%- 4F*- E3C- 495*- 45:B- 465%- :D right middle lo#e... Gpperlim#C;4*- 59C 0owerlim#CFC- 44B- :6%- 39B- 35%- 3FB- 69B %#domenC3#- 55%- ;3C Pelvis perineumC4d- E'- 46%- F;B- 36%- EEB- F3 all wrong .euroanatom!CDF%- 44F% Histolog!CEF% 'm#r!olog!C49F*- :4B- 3;B- 493C Ph!siolog! cellC6D* .erve and muscleC6FB- 6:%- 63*- 6EB- F4B BloodC6'- 55C- :4*- F9* CvsC46%- 6DC- ;4*- 4DE'- 4;D%- 464* .europh!siolog!C:DC- DE*- ;:%- 469 all wrong- 46:*- 4F;*- 43F% 'ndocrinolog!CDC- F;%- :5C- 3DC- 49:*- ;:%- 46:B- 5:B ReproductionC:'- 5:C 7/TC4F*- 43B- D:%- 4:C RespirationC5DC- FFB 2idne! and #od! fluidsC6DB- 6E%- D4%- E4*- 449C Patholog! cell in&ur!C6:'- 63%- F4%- D4C- ;6B 'nviornment and nutritionC5DC .eoplasiaC64C- DD%- 6D% (pecial patho 7/TC3FC- 3DB- 36%- D9C- 33% RenalCFEC- 4F*- 4DB- 44% 'ndocrinolog! and reproductionC36B- :3B- 65B "icro#iolog!C5*- FC- :%- D6C- 499%- 49E%- 443B- 4D3%- 4;F% Pharmacolog!CF'- 44*- F3*- 3E*- D4*- E;B-- 496%- 4:;B- 4EFB- 4:DC- 5FD%- 535C Biochemistr!C5F*- 5:*- 53C- 6:* BiostatisticsC:B- ;*- FC- 5B...