Steal This Survival Pamphlet
Steal This Survival Pamphlet
Steal This Survival Pamphlet
Survival Guide
July 4 2008-Beta 0.15
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budgets to have a portable survival reference based on Steal This Book Today.
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Security Culture
Security Culture is the most powerful tool to keep us in the
fight. The cops have their spies and they are ready to use them
to defame, fracture, jail, and intimidate. Keep all groups small
and intimate, alone is best, three is a the number to never
exceed for actions, group up several threes for very big action
if you must, but don't use these groupings for civil
disobedience. Try to form affinity groups only with those you
have known for many years.
Main points:
• NEVER BRAG about past actions!
• NEVER USE NAMES when planning action!
• Only discuss action with those who NEED TO
• After an action NEVER DISCUSS with
• NEVER ADMIT anything to the authorities even
for a deal when they claim others have ratted out!
• NEVER LIE about being in on an action or your
part in an action!
• Keep involved members to a VERY SMALL
• ONLY work with a TRUSTED affinity GROUP!
• ONLY ALLOW those who would NEVER rat out the group INTO a
• ONLY DISCUSS action in OPEN AREAS with background noise!
• NEVER discuss action in HOMES, KNOWN MEETING AREAS, or CARS!
• If busted use your right to REMAIN SILENT!
• If busted NEVER ARGUE or try to EXPLAIN yourself!
• NEVER! NEVER! NEVER! RAT out another activist!
• NEVER TRUST electronic ENCRYPTION or codes alone to keep your
communication safe!
Free Food
Use your head when choosing food, make a calculation with every piece of food you pick up it's
price nutrient and energy value ratios. Many American packaged foods loose in all but junk energy.
The truly hungry must be careful to get enough calories and basic nutrients every day.
Cheap Chow
This chapter lists tips on how to cook food for yourself, your family, your commune, your protest
team, or your whole neighborhood. Also included are tips on getting ingredients or pre-cooked
foods, as well as tips on living independently of the pre-packaged, super-processed existence that is
the Amerikan food market.
Some of these recipes are designed to easily feed many members of the underground at a low price,
while other ideas here are cheap, portable, and easy to make by a rebel on the move. By avoiding
packaged foods, traceback of labels and cartons is reduced, leaving less of an evidence trail, and
also benefiting your health. Moreover, you reduce unnecessary use of cardboard, petroleum-based
bags, and harmful inks.
Spanish/Latin American
Spanish Beans and Rice
Beans and rice are complete protein food with plenty of carbohydrates and a little fat too, if this is
all you can afford you will do fine, plus it packs well dry for traveling. For road rations if you get
the chance boil up the beans and rice on a stove until soft, drain, and dry at around 200F(100C) for
around an hour spread on an oven pan, it should dry into hard brittle clumps, these will soften
much more quickly than raw beans and rice, then you can add flavorings. A bit of hot sauce makes
the basic recipe interesting, or...
Making Spanish rice gives this complete but boring vegan food a little kick.
• Soak your dry beans overnight, pre-boiling while you prep the rice speeds things up
• Stir fry the rice until you see a little browning on the tips or edges
• Add tomato sauce, beans, salt, and your favorite spices
• Slow cook until beans are soft or pour hot into a Thermos and let the stored heat soften the
Stinger Cooking-- Boil water using your immersion boiler in the same pot as the beans (soak them
overnight if possible) keep adding water, since the stinger will boil some away, until beans are soft.
If possible let the tomato sauce float in the boiling bean water to heat up. Pre-boil water and then
add the same volume of rice (softening is quicker if you use converted or minute-rice). Drain the
beans and add rice, tomato sauce, and spices, if possible pour into a big can floated in your pot and
stinger boil the water to slow cook it, otherwise pour the mixed finished product into a Thermos(or
a container wrapped in a sleeping bag) and let sit for 1/2 hour. Practice on adding ingredients and
timing helps even if your first batch is a dud.
Find out if there is a Latino supermarket or open air market in your area. These types of places will
often sell large amounts of tortillas in various sizes for very little money. They are tough, flexible
and a good source of starch that you can wrap almost anything in. A good idea is to combine
leftover foodstuff into various chili-like recipes or stir-fries and wrap them in tortillas. This also can
cut down on mess (no plates) if your eating on the run, or simply don't have the resources (water) to
clean dishes all the time.
Oppressed natives in Mexico have been making the corn tortilla for generations from dried ground
corn masa:
• 4 cups masa or corn flour
• 1/2 tsp. Salt
• 2.5 cups hot water
Flour Tortillas are enjoyed by the rich Spanish families:
• 3 cups unbleached all-purpose flour
• 1 tsp. Salt
• 1/3 cup vegetable oil, lard, or shortening
• 1 cup warm water
Roll or tortilla-press (available at Mexican food stores) both types into thin discs and stack either
floured or between plastic. Cook on a barely smoking hot, dry fry pan, and flip every 30 sec until it
puffs a little and brown marks start to show.
Stir Fry
Add a few tablespoons of peanut or other high temperature oil to the bottom of a seasoned wok,
heat until a drop of water sizzles. Add hard vegetables which require the most cooking first like
garlic or onion, as these cook you can add vegetables, spices, and meats in order of their required
cooking time. Don't overload the wok to where the heat source doesn't support a sizzle sound. Get
the hottest flame possible and cook quickly; constantly turning the mix. At the end about 30 seconds
before you kill the flame you can add sugar and soy sauce. Serve over noodles or rice. Peanuts and
cayenne peppers are often stir-fried separately before a fancy meal. Be sure to have a powerful
stove or stir frying won't work quite right, air blown charcoal, a powerful gas or electric stove top,
or a mountaineering stove work well but a hot plate is on the weak side. Flat bottom woks are for
electrical stoves and round bottom with a wok ring are used with gas.
Water Fry
A quarter cup of water and a lid are usually enough to quickly thaw and cook medium size frozen
meats in your wok. As the water boils off break up the meat and add oil, spices, and vegetables to
finish the cooking.
A bamboo or metal steamer can be used to steam fish, meat, vegetables and even small breads and
cakes quicker than a traditional oven. Many bamboo steamer levels can be stacked to conserve fuel
when cooking for many. An alternative to staked bamboo is to use a perforated steamer disc and the
wok lid to keep the steam in, tilt the lid or get one with a vent so there is room for steam to escape.
Steamed buns are made by making a sweet bread dough and adding a stir fry to a thick disk of risen
and punched down bread, bunch to the bottom and pinch shut, put the ball on a piece of paper and
let rise again in a warm place for 30 minutes, steam for 15 min. Hom-Bows can be wrapped in
cling-wrap plastic after steaming and frozen, to reheat microwave in the plastic, steam heat, or even
put under your jacket and eat warm.
Pasta is cheap and is used in many easy recipes. Pasta in soup, cakes and traditional noodle and
sauce dishes are all good for stretching your budget. Get vegetable or whole wheat pasta if you can.
It's not much more and a whole lot healthier.
Those cheap little bricks of fried noodles, after having boiling water added (without the flavor
packet) and drained once soft, can be used as a foundation for just about anything.
• Adding leftover chili can make it spaghetti in meat (or chili) sauce.
• After the noodles are drained, add a bit of olive oil, garlic powder and Parmesan cheese for
Ramen Agilo E Olio.
• Let the noodles cool, cut them up, and mix into a salad.
• Use it as a base for what ever main dish you're having (eggplant, vegiburger, etc.).
• Crack an egg into just boiled water and stir(break the yoke) for egg flower ramen, then add
noodles and flavor packet
Beware though, ramen constitutes an incredible amount of sodium. You can pre-boil a cup of
water with your stinger and then add ramen, flavoring, and egg to the hot water.
You can collect wild acorns for free and then turn them into a meal similar to corn meal! Just gather
a decent amount of acorns and shell them with a nutcracker or a stone. Grind the meat inside in a
blender with water until it is a smooth paste, or hand grind it into a similar constancy. Now, you
must place the ground meats into a colander lined with a paper towel and rinse thoroughly several
times. You will notice that the water that runs out is milky. You are draining a bitter substance that
rendered the meal inedible unless it is drained out. Repeat until the water that runs out is clear. Taste
the meal to make sure. After letting it dry, you can use it in a manner similar to cornmeal or flour.
Use it to make pancakes, muffins, biscuits, cookies, etc.
Gathering acorns is a fun activity for younger children, too. It will keep them entertained and active,
outdoors in good weather. You can reward them by "spilling" a little bit of extra sugar into your
meal before baking.
Homeless-Street Savvy
Mulligan Stew
During the Great Depression of the 1930's, many of the hobos who gathered in the camps would
pool together whatever they had for a meal. The food was cut up and put into a pot with some water
and cooked, adding waste bones of any kind and scrap meat or fresh roadkill added fats and protein.
During the days of America's "Wild West", the camp cook sometimes took leftovers, local
vegetation, meat scraps and often the parts of the steer that wasn't normally eaten, and make what
was often called "Sonofabitch Stew" for obvious reasons. If you plan to include dry beans pre-soak
them and expect them to take as long as four hours, other dried grains and corn might also take this
long to soften. Add ingredients to the pot in the order of time it takes to soften, at the last few
minutes add greens that you gathered from areas away from the roadside where weed sprayers
might ruin the food.
Whatever stew you are making you can cook it in an aluminum foil pouch, carefully double fold
three edges fill and fold to seal, cook the stew in campfires, forest fires, engine blocks, Bill
Clinton's shorts, etc.
Creative Cooking
Be creative, your radiator, hair dryer, clothes dryer, iron, car engine, coffee maker, etc can be used
to heat canned or foil covered food. If there is a chance of boiling temperatures be sure the can has a
hole poked in the lid to prevent explosion. Wrapping in foil makes most heat sources a safe way to
heat or cook your food, just be careful to use a careful clean double fold to seal the edges.
If you are afraid people will smell the cooking maybe you can set your heat source on the window
sill or in a bucket hung out the window, don't spill nobody wants to wear boiling stew. A tied up
bucket on a window sill also makes a good freezer/fridge in cold weather.
Hot Water Pot
If the only heat you have is your pot of hot water on a small fire or electrical stinger immersion
heater you can still warm canned foods and even cook and bake. Put a few inches of water in a
larger can or bucket and heat on the coals to a boil or plug in the stinger, be sure that the stinger is
secured so it will stay underwater and wont burn out. Once the water is boiling you can put your
bagged omelet, batter or dough, anything that you can't just stew, boil, or steam directly in the
water. Use a well sealed oven bag or if you can't find these a ziplock, or plastic bag. You can also
heat canned foods by floating them unopened in the water. To make this work better with a stinger
you can wrap the whole works in a blanket for insulation, at a minimum try to cover the top of the
bucket. Your cakes and breads will come out shaped like the plastic sack but will taste just fine,
open and poke with a toothpick to see if it is done since it will not brown anywhere.
Field Corn
When riding the rails or hitchhiking you will often find fields of corn just waiting to feed you
hungry travelers. If you are lucky you will be near sweet corn which is great even if just baby stage
where it can be eaten whole. Field or dent corn(animal feed) while not as sweet is very edible. If
corn is already dried out you can pound or grind into cornmeal. You can eat ripe corn raw but
cooking will make it taste much better. Pull the silk out of the top but don't remove the husk(leaves
covering the corn). Some people will pour a little salty water in to flavor before cooking but it is
optional. Wrap the husk tightly and either wrap in foil and place in the edge of the coals or place on
a grille and cover, turn every few minutes. Add salt spices and butter to your liking, cooking 10-20
Below Edited From Dishes & Beverages Of The Old South Martha McCulloch-Williams (1913)
Ash Cakes
• Make dough as for plain corn bread, but add the least trifle of salt, sweep the hot hearth very
clean, pile the dough on it in a flattish mound, cover with big leaves--cabbage leaves will do
at a pinch, or even thick clean paper, then pile on embers with coals over them and leave for
an hour or more, according to size.
• Take up, brush off ashes, and break away any cindery bits.
• Serve with new butter and fresh buttermilk.
• Aluminum foil or damp corn husk wrapping should work if on the roadside instead of a
fireplace hearth.
Of course check out fields you pass by for other usable crops to feed yourself as you travel through
the countryside.
Stinger Soup
Using a stinger or pocket immersion boiler to make soup Low_Impact_Crashing, Kitchen. Changes
to some recipes here are in bold for stinger cooking. Be careful, if the water or liquid boils away a
commercial stinger will burn out and a home made one might start a fire.
To make a stinger soup boil solid veggies (onions, carrots, potato, beets, etc) in lightly salted tap
water until they are cooked and only then adding a powdered soup base, spices, or bullion cubes
that way your immersion boiler doesn't get too gooped up. Soft veggies like cabbage must be boiled
with caution since small bits might stick to your stinger the same is true with pasta. If you want
pasta in the soup boil the water first then pour it into a thermos if you have one and add the thinnest
regular pasta you can find like angel hair spaghetti or substitute rice noodles since they soften faster.
Coffee Bar
Most offices and waiting rooms feature free coffee with sugar and fake creamer. The fake creamer
is barely food but will fill your stomach if you are hungry enough, half a cup creamer dry or mixed
with sugar and hot water will give you strength to continue the search for food. It goes without
saying that you should stuff your plastic shopping bag with any stale cake, donuts, or popcorn that
is found with the coffee. Remember that a coffee machine is both a hot plate and a source of boiled
water, if you get creative you can prepare rice, poached or boiled eggs, and many other cheap dishes
if you have enough time alone with the machine.
Tough Meat
Roadkill, meat scraps, or cheap meat is often very tough and stringy. If meat is your thing here is a
way to make it edible even if you can only afford junk. From 60-65C (150F) the collagen that
makes tough fibers in meat converts to gelatin soft and tasty, at higher temperatures above 100C
(210F) the cellular sugars and amino acids combine which toughens up forever and is difficult to
chew and digest. Getting over 70C (160F) will kill bacteria. Overnight heating a stew just below
boil or roasting in the oven at the indicated temperatures will both preserve moisture content and
soften the meat. If you are feeling fancy you can torch off or grille the meat to give it a outer crust.
A much quicker but less effective method is to use a "meat tenderizer mallet", which is a small
metal or wooden hammer with a flat face that has lots of little pyramids on it, you can use it to
break up the fibers of tough cuts of meat.
If you grow or buy in bulk, popcorn is a cheap and easy snack. Try mixing in spices, adding dry
whey, and/or using a bit of oil to make the stuff stick.
Carmel corn is made by heating up butter (or oil) and melting in brown sugar. Add a tablespoon of
each until you have the right consistency. It helps to have a friend mix with a spoon while you pour.
Popcorn can also be eaten as a cereal, just like the pilgrims did! Add milk and sugar if you want to
give it a try. Stale popcorn also works as a cereal.
An air popper can be run for a long time by dropping a little corn in every thirty seconds or so. This
is good for large popping operations. Pop a huge trash bag full if you are on a support team and take
out to your activists.
If you have access to a microwave oven, don't bother with those pre-packaged bags. Pour a small
amount into a large glass bowl and put a glass plate on top of it. If there is a "POPCORN" setting in
the oven, use that. If not, put it on HIGH and shut it off three seconds after the last kernel pops.
Those little packets of "Instant Oatmeal" may be nice, but they add up the costs something fierce.
They are also pumped full of empty-calorie sugar. Buy a big box of loose oatmeal, and make your
own by putting 1/3 to 1/2 cup (or if you're really hungry, a full cup) of dry oatmeal into a bowl, then
add an equal amount of hot (but not boiling) water. Cover the bowl with a plate, wait a few minutes,
and remove the plate. Hot oatmeal! If it's too thick, add more water. Want spices, fruits or flavors?
Add them yourself! Get creative!
Quick oats can be cheaply made by running whole oatmeal through a food processor or blade type
electric coffee grinder until it looks like quick oats from the store.
You can pre-boil water with your stinger and add it to your instant quick oats for a hot
breakfast anywhere you can find an outlet
Cake is quicker than bread to prepare, and can be baked in many ways even if you are without an
oven or gas. The recipe below can be modified with less sugar and vegetable chunks and soft corn if
you like to eat it with a regular meal. You can remove the baking soda (bicarbonate of soda) and
vinegar and use baking powder (2 tsp) but remember that baking powder is very moisture sensitive
and can go flat. No rising agents lead to a cake that is heavy and tough. Grated chocolate bar can be
used like cocoa but is not as strong flavored, the other flavors and spices can be added if they are
available. Cut and wrap a sheet cake for a days food on the move.
• 3 cups flour
• 2 cups sugar
• 2 tsp. baking soda
• 1 tsp. salt
• 3/4 cup vegetable oil, shortening, unsalted margarine, or butter
• 2 Tbsp. vinegar
• 2 cup cold water
• You can mix an egg or two into the second cup of water (in the measuring cup) for a softer
• Any or a mix of - vanilla extract, almond extract, sweet spices, unsweetened cocoa,
chocolate chips, chunks, or shavings, dry or chunk fruits and berries, ground or chopped
nuts, citrus peel shavings, freeze dry coffee, peanut butter
Rub oil on your frying pan, folded aluminum foil or clean paper tray, or 9-by-13 inch baking pan
and evenly sprinkle down some flour to coat the bottom (to prevent sticking). Preheat oven to 350F
or prepare coals. Mix dry ingredients together first and then quickly add all of the liquid
ingredients, mix only as long as it takes to get a smooth mixture. Pour batter into your pan and
immediately begin cooking. Bake, steam, or place your pan above a fire or coals or a hot plate on a
low setting with a lid or cover until a toothpick or fork comes out clean when poked into the middle
of the cake, between 20 min to an hour depending on thickness and ingredients. Wait 20 min to cool
then serve, cut up and wrap, or frost. Good sweet spices include cinnamon, ginger, cloves, nutmeg,
allspice, and some also use anise and fennel seed. Freeze dry coffee as much as you need added to
chocolate cake is great for waking up before midnight actions.
With the alternative cooking methods practice is required and don't be surprised if you get a hard
bottom crust if you cook over a fire, you could also try putting the batter into folded foil pockets or
leaf wraps and put at the edges of the cinders, oil the inside of the foil if possible and fill less than
half full since the cake will rise when cooking. An easy glaze frosting like what is on a donut is
made by mixing water or orange juice and powdered sugar, frosting is made with butter or oil and
powdered sugar you can add cocoa if you like. Frosting keeps the cake moist longer.
Biscuit Mix
Taken from Wikibooks' Cookbook, this is a substitute for those "instant baking mixes" you see in
• 2 cups (280g) all-purpose flour
• 2 1/2 teaspoon baking powder
• 1/2 teaspoon salt
• 1/3 cup (80g) shortening
• 1/4 cup (60ml) powdered milk
• 1/3 - 1/2 cup (80ml-120ml) water
Blend together dry ingredients and store if you like, when ready to cook cut in shortening to make
mixture as granular as possible. Use as you would for "Bisquik" style recipes.
A variation for backpacking is as follows:
• 12 cups flour
• 2 tablespoons salt
• 1/4 cup baking powder
• 1 pound shortening or 16 fl/oz vegetable oil
Mix dry components together and divide into 2 or 4 cup portions in baggies or other container for
convenient use, add shortening or oil before using, mark one of your cups to measure the correct
To make biscuits, add 2 cups of mix to 1/2 cup water or mix, knead no more than 5 times (or it will
be too tough), roll flat to about 3/4 inch (2 cm), and cut into biscuit shapes (A clean drinking glass
will do). Bake on a cookie sheet for about 10 minutes at 450 F, or on aluminum foil over hot coals
until brown or steam until firm.
Inexpensive and easy to make even with just a dollar store fry pan and one of the stoves in Low
Impact Crashing. Use the above biscuit mix with an egg or two added to the water before
measuring or try this recipe for on the spot cooking:
• 2 cup self rising flour
• 1/4 cup butter (oil/butter/fat/margarine)
• 1 egg (or 1/4 cup wet mixed egg powder)
• Sugar and/or Salt to desired flavor
• 2-3 cup water to desired thickness
(to make self rising flour take 1 cup of all-purpose flour, add 1 1/2 teaspoons of baking powder and
1/2 teaspoon of salt or just look for it in the store)
Make a huge batch and rewarm when you are hungry or eat cold. You can make syrup by heating
water and adding with brown sugar or even regular sugar, a pinch of corn starch, and some butter,
but why? You can substitute as much oat or whole wheat flour as you like to change the flavor. You
can use these like a tortilla or lauffa and wrap other foods in them vary the sugar and salt t match
the wrapped food. With a thinner batter you can make the thin pancakes used in blintzes.
Fry in a frying pan or wok with a little butter or oil, don't let them sit too long or get the pan too hot,
flip when you start to see bubbles coming through the top, a spatula helps for flipping.
Fry Bread
A quick favorite with many once migratory first nations of occupied North America. An egg sized
piece of dough pressed and stretched thin is fried in a few tablespoons of oil in a pan, flip when you
see bubbles forming on the back, watch that you don't overheat the oil. Good with honey or
cinnamon and sugar. Use punched down bread dough or the following:
• 3 cups flour
• 1 tablespoon baking powder
• 1/2 teaspoon salt
• 1 cup warm water
Bread takes time but is delicious and inexpensive to make. You can make with as little as flour,
sourdough culture or yeast, and water, but salt, sugar, eggs, and oil help add flavor and nutrition. As
you add eggs remove an equivalent amount of water, an easy way to do this is fill the measuring
cup with available eggs then finish with water. Using yeast means that you do not have to air culture
a bowl of flour paste into sourdough, which takes several days. You can jump start a sourdough
culture by begging a pinch of yeast from a bakery and adding it to the flour paste, then keep it alive
warm, damp, and covered with a cloth, mix once or twice a day and keep using and feeding it flour
and water.
Mix sugar, warm water, and yeast into one large bowl and let it proof (reproduce) while working the
other ingredients. Let it proof a long time for a strong yeasty flavor. Once you have a thriving
bubbling yeast bowl, you can mix it into the bread bowl with the eggs, flour, oil, eggs, salt, and
more sugar if you want a sweet bread. Lots of olive oil and herbs makes a tasty foccacia. Of course
if you want to make a granola, fruity, or nutty bread go nuts, ground beans are a great way to
balance the amino acids for full nutrition.
Try this first and then experiment:
• 1 1/2 cups warm water (feels warm to hand, not burning hot)
• 1 Tbs sugar
• 1 tsp salt
• 4 cups flour
• 1 Tbs yeast
Once you have your bread and punched it down you are ready to make a loaf. Let it rise again and
bake it at 350F(180C) until it starts to brown on top. If you make a funky loaf at first, try again, as
you will develop a feel for the consistency of a dough after a few tries.
Steam is also a way to bake whole loafs but it will have a different consistency then regular bread
softer with a delicate white crust. If you find dry stale bread you can revive it by steaming for ten
minutes and then a quick run in a hot oven. Put your stinger in a can of water and start it
boiling, balance or skewer a dough bun and place another can with holes on over the bun to
retain the steam, now you have a neo-hobo bun steamer.
For pizza crust, let rise then roll or throw a flat disc onto a pan and let rise covered for 1/2 hour,
then bake for 10 min at 200F. Remove crust add sauce, cheese, and toppings and bake again until
the toppings are done.
Flip your wok over or find a steel pita dome and place on a hot mound of coals or a gas burner.
Allow flattened bread dough balls to rise for at least 30 minutes, lightly press down your disc of
floured dough (use a dough with a little extra oil in the mix) onto the hot dome, you will need to
practice timing and temperature to make this tasty flat bread, a little burning on the outside is
normal. You will need to re-season the inside of the wok after using this method. You can also try
using a hot plate surface, fry pan, or griddle. If you are using an oven bake at 200C(400F).
Pita is usually dipped in olive oil and humus. Soaked overnight and boiled soft garbanzo beans are
mashed into a paste with spices, herbs, and olive oil (really any bean and oil should work) This adds
healthy lipids and protein to your diet when dipped or spread onto your pita or bread.
See also Hardtack crackers in Backpacking and Camping.
Food Programs
Food not Bombs
Ask around to see if your town has a Food Not Bombs chapter. FNB groups in cities across the US
and several other countries serve healthy, free, vegan food to anyone who wants it. Most chapters
serve at least once a week, some serve everyday. FNB groups usually serve in a public place, such
as a park or town square. Food Not Bombs groups will also often agree to provide food at large
gatherings, such as protest marches, picket lines, disaster areas, activist conferences, etc. provided
they have the resources to do so. Go to for more info, including an
(incomplete) list of active groups.
Dumpster Diving
Many smaller supermarkets still have open-top dumpsters where day-old food can be had for free!
Happy hunting! Some even separate veggie and meat stuff. Rubber rubber boots, gloves, and a LED
headlight make diving much easier.
Be careful with compactor type trash dumpsters, these are usually shielded so yippies can't jump in
and root around when the stock boy hits the compress button. It is possible to bend the guards and
reach in but never try to get in. Some compactors have exposed hydraulic hoses, these use quick
connect connectors which are disconnected when the garbage truck comes, you could disconnect
them when you dive the trash ares to "safe" the compactor, but be sure there is not an electrical
assist or that you have not just removed the return line which would not disable the crushing
direction. Most good stuff is ruined by compactors so the danger is almost never worth the risk
unless you have an accomplice on the inside to load the compactor with good stuff for you and not
hit the smash button.
Marketing Scams
Most packaged, branded food is marked up like crazy. Healthier and no name foods tend to be
cheaper. Good for you, if it turns out you have to pay. Look for these foods on the very bottom and
top shelves. The brand name items the supermarket is pushing will be at the average person's eye
Discount Stores
In some poorer neighborhoods, you can find discount grocery stores that sell odd-lot packages of
food. Often these are over-runs of stuff meant for regional chains with unfamiliar brand names, or
major label items that were meant for export with English-language labels slapped on them (so don't
be surprised if you see Arabic corn flakes or instant oatmeal with Chinese text). Many of the major
odd-lot stores like Big Lots, Dollar General and 99 Cents Only sell this kind of food at a major
discount. If something is in stock and you like it, buy it, since the supply of these bargains is spotty
at best. Bakery Outlet type stores sell breads, crackers, cakes, pies and cereals that are weeks (if not
days) before their freshness dates expire. If you have access to a freezer, stock up!
Sample Surfing
Many large chain supermarket deli's will give you a sample if you ask, enough corpgov fat and
batter to tease but not enough to satisfy. Hit several stores and you might get enough to fill you up,
many stores also have one day a week where vendors give lots of samples in the aisles.
Urban Pigeon
If the soup kitchens are providing nothing but watered broth and the dumpsters are picked clean
there is still an easy source of protein if you are careful and fits your philosophy. First of all realize
that this is both controversial in that some will call it cruelty and secondly it could be an excuse for
the cops to haul you in.
While in China rat is sold in markets and raccoon, cat, rabbit, and squirrel all exist in our urban
zones they are too often diseased or dangerous as they fight back tooth and claw. Other birds
(except the occasional dove or duck) like seagulls are also too smelly because of their diet of
vermin infested dead things and rotten garbage.
The best meat we can get for free is the simple stupid urban pigeon. The easiest way to catch them
is with a little bread trail for bait, a box with a stick holding it propped up, and about twenty feet of
string. Bird follows trail of bread under box, you pull string, stick lets box fall, bird is trapped. You
can use other methods like nets or a loop of string and hope to catch a leg but this seems the easiest
and most humane. Put your hand under the box and grab your bird, he won't bite, be quick so he
won't hurt himself flapping, grip around his body pinning down his wings.
Look him over, are his feathers looking good or is he shedding and scabby, Is he infested with bugs
or weak and sluggish, are his eyes looking filmy or gross, if so let him go and wash your hands he is
probably diseased. If he looks good snap or cut his neck quickly (with a new razor blade) so it will
be over for him. Cut him open from neck to tail and look his insides over, are they glistening
smooth and come out easily or are they all stuck together and spotty, if they look bad or wormy
again chuck him out and let a cat or raccoon have him, he was not long for this world anyway.
Rinse out the gut area before proceeding. You might consider plucking before cutting open(it is too
hard after) to save the skin and fats, but most of us just peel the skin off and cook like a mini
chicken. A pigeon soup would be the safest way to go, let it boil for at least a half hour, but an hour
is better, drink or save the broth.
Anyone who eats meat but is offended by this idea must remember that at least this bird lived a
completely free life and died quickly unlike the factory cage chickens you might be eating from the
Edited content from original book:
That's right, you can eat dead animals that you find on busy roads. As long as you get to the dead
animal fast enough (before it starts rotting), there aren't any reasons that this practice should be
dangerous. Just make sure to cook it properly.
Farm It
Grow Your Own Food
As food prices spiral upwards, the personal and group garden will come back into vogue. This
Victory Garden puts us somewhat above the heavy handed and regularly used strategy of people
control through the selective distribution of food to the "good" people. Try to acquire and seed non
hybrid seeds before times of trouble, as these seeds can be used generation after generation. Don't
kill yourself with poisons; use natural insect repellents and fertilizers. Try to plant some staple
foods, like spinach, cabbage, and squash, which offer more versatility for dishes. Even an urban
dweller is not excused, you have greenspaces, rooftops and even suspended window platforms to
farm from.
Most seed packets cost about a dollar, and can contain hundreds of
seeds. More hardy plants, like squash, can go for about 15 cents a
seed. Almost all packets have growing facts printed right on them,
including best climate, harvest periods, and even how to plant them
in the ground. Most harvest periods for solid, edible crops range
from only 50 days to about 100 days. Be sure to look to see what
seasons are recommended to grow your crops in and where to plant
them. After replanting the hardier plants from your seedlings into the
ground, most just need about a foot or two between each plant. Even
a backyard a few yards across and a few yards deep, if devoted to
your new plants, can yield enough food at harvest time to feed
yourself for a few weeks.
Remember to rotate which crops you plant seasonally. If you only
plant one type of plant in the same row for a few seasons, you risk
severely damaging the soil and depleting it of various minerals. Try
to first add crops that can be brought into operation in a few months so you can start cutting your
food budget rather than for example waiting years for an orchard.
What to grow
Root vegetables are easy to grow and have high food content per acre. The potato fed the Irish until
the blight sent them packing to new shores due in part to lack of crop rotation.
Potatoes are one of the easiest plants to grow without access to a plot of land. The most important
step is to acquire good quality seeds/eyes. You can sometimes even use a potatoes from the
supermarket, unless they have been treated with chemicals to prevent eyes from forming, let them
sit for a few weeks to see if they sprout. Most big box stores with a "garden" section will have one
or two varieties in early spring.
Acquire a large garbage can or other large container and clean it out with a 1:5 ratio of bleach and
water to kill any molds and fungi. When you are finished punch a half dozen holes in the bottom for
drainage. Put about four to six inches/ten to fifteen centimeters of soil in the bottom. If necessary,
cut the seeds up so that there are two to three on each piece. Place the seeds or eye sprouts on top on
the surface of the soil, eyes up. Some suggest soaking the seeds beforehand others say dry them out
to prevent rotting and others yet say don't do anything at all. Look at the package in your hands and
see what it says and then use the gray matter between your ears. If something doesn't work do the
other next year. Cover the seeds and keep the soil watered but not soaked, about an inch a week.
Once the plants have grown about six to eight inches/fifteen to twenty centimeters cover the bottom
third with soil. Continue adding soil whenever you get some new growth until the plants begin to
flower. It is essential to keep the "seeds" and/or tubers covered with soil as exposure to the sun will
cause them to turn green. Never eat any green part of a potato or potato plant, they are poisonous.
You can harvest these as new potatoes or wait. Your choice. Once the flowering is over and the
plants start to yellow stop watering. Wait a few weeks for the potatoes to settle and dig them up.
You could also use sawdust (non-pressure treated wood) and feed with liquid kelp or compost tea
whenever you add a layer.
Most types of squash are good for filler food in typical meat dishes, such as chili. Cut up gourds and
pumpkins are good in soups or as a filler for pie. Corn is starch and sugar rich and can be eaten
fresh cooked or dried and ground up for cornbread in the winter. See cheap chow for some recipes.
Beans are high in protein and usually easy to grow, eat whole or shell out the inner seeds and dry in
the sun for storage. Combined with rice you have a complete if boring diet. Grow the vines in your
greenhouse. If you have a large field at least an acre you might try growing wheat, oats or barley.
Once you harvest the wheat you need to be able to cut down, de-hull, and thresh away the chaff. See
also Caching and Cheap Chow. Bamboo is of the grass family but the wood can be used in place of
trees. The stalks are quick growing, strong, and lightweight. Bamboo can be grown from a cutting
placed in water and once roots sprout potted. Bamboo will take over a yard if allowed so caution
must be used in planting especially near a water source. Untreated bamboo rots quickly if allowed
to remain damp or in contact with the ground. Bamboo could also possibly be used to build a
greenhouse. Blackberry briar's not only provide supplemental food for pies or juices but it is also
an excellent barrier plant. Blackberries grow quickly and care must be take to prevent overgrowth
especially in wet climates or near water. If you harvest hay during the fall and keep it dry you can
feed your livestock during the winter, store feed or grains are expensive. Many public fields can be
freely harvested as long as they have not been sprayed. Be sure the hay is well protected and dry.
Hay that is harvested green or gets damp will compost generating temperatures high enough to start
a fire, this is a serious danger for hay kept in a barn or near an animal pen.
The trick to watering a garden is to water it around dawn or dusk, when the plants are still warm, or
about to get warmer, and to water until it starts to flood. Too little water, and you're only hurting the
plant by teasing it. Too much will erode the soil, but this takes a lot of water. If you're in an area
where it gets below freezing at night, water your plants before it gets there, then cover them with a
blanket or tarp. Ice makes a surprisingly good insulator, and the blankets do too.
One of the best sources of free water is your roof gutters, it is best to store this in a rain barrel or
cistern since the rain is already watering your garden that day, use the stored water on a dry
evening. Also look for ways to catch the runoff from parking lots and driveways, an artificial pond
is one way to save this water.
Tire Farming
A stack of tires filled with soil is the start of a vertical farm. Plant between the tires and wedge
small openings for your plants. The tires help conserve water and space and are especially good for
growing root vegetables.
PVC pipe and UV Plastic sheet are almost all you need to start a greenhouse, saving you water and
increasing crops. It is important that the clear plastic you use will resist degradation, ask at a garden
or hardware shop. Choose a site with well drained soil. If you will be growing only in summer
build under the shade of a tree to reduce overheating, but place in direct sun if you plan to grow full
lifecycle plantings, shade cloth or white plastic can substitute for natural shade if overheating is a
problem. Use environmentally friendly ground contact pressure treated wood like CCA, untreated
wood will rot quickly. When leveling the frame on uneven ground dig a trench on the upper side
which will be easier to seal. The large 4x4 posts are to keep the greenhouse anchored in wind. Use
Schedule 80 Pipe if possible, other pipe will be weaker. The mid rib PVC pipe is cut into about 22
½ in long pieces and rejoined with the cross joints. EMT tubing in the mid-rib (number 14) or spine
strengthens the rejoined tube. Use two or more people when bending and anchoring the PVC ribs
into the EMT strap loops(number 4) to prevent damage to the joints and ribs. Stapling down the
plastic cover is the best way to attach it, allow some extra plastic to extend and be covered with dirt
to help make a seal. Find some old garden hoses and punch drip holes or use drip irrigation tube, it
will stay under the ground sheet for drip irrigation. Lay down ground sheet plastic and punch holes
for your baby plants, or a few inches of sand or gravel, these limit mud and weed problems. Bury
the edges of the greenhouse plastic with soil or sand, it is important that the edges be sealed to keep
rainwater and moles out. Even in the coldest weather be careful that a small heater or heat lamp
doesn't overheat the greenhouse, in summer open the door if overheating. This greenhouse design
will support four inches of snow, if there is more snow add additional prop supports Connect twine
hanging from the ribs for vine and soft plants. As the plants grow help them twist around the twine
for easier vertical growth. This works great for cucumbers, beans, and tomatoes. Flowers and food
for sale can be grown year round in most areas. If you need more room extend the length of the
greenhouse following this design, a wider frame will be weak in wind and snow. If you need to
save money leave out the door but not the wood door frame and use overlapping plastic flaps.
Illustrations and design courtesy of North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service, modified for
Steal This Book Today
Bill of Materials
Item Qty. Description
1 16 ¾ in. PVC Schedule 80 Pipe, 10 ft long
2 6 ¾ in. PVC Cross Joints, Schedule 80
3 2 ¾ in. PVC Tee Joints, Schedule 80
4 32 ¾ in. Galvanized electrical metallic tubing (EMT) Straps
5 2 2”x6”x14” Outdoor Treated No. 2 Pine Boards
6 2 2”x6”x12” Outdoor Treated No. 2 Pine Boards
7 4 2”x4”x7” Outdoor Treated No. 2 Pine Boards
8 4 2”x4”x6” Outdoor Treated No. 2 Pine Boards
9 4 4”x4”x2” Outdoor Treated No. 2 Pine Boards
10 2 2”x4”x3” Outdoor Treated No. 2 Pine Boards
11 2 1”x4”x12” Outdoor Treated No. 2 Pine Boards (to cut up for door parts)
12 1 Set of door Hinges
13 1 Sheet of Plastic 24 ft x 20 ft, 4 mil thickness
14 1 ½ in.x 10ft. Galvanized Electrical Metallic Tubing
15 1 PVC cleaner
16 1 Fresh PVC cement
17 misc nails, screws, and staples
Plastic Sheet
Bury old perforated hose or drip irrigation tube under black UV plastic sheet along the planned
rows of crops, open small holes for your plants or seeds, it will reduce the need for herbicides and
weeding in an open field.
Guerrilla Farming
Our revolutionary warriors need never use violence to feed the people. By building an arsenal of
seed bombs even the ignorant sheeple can be equipped for the coming changes, plus this is fun to do
even if you are mobile and have no garden of your own. Just mix one part clay, three parts compost,
and edible vegetable seeds, soften with water, and roll into small balls. Deploy in any open areas.
Easy to grow crops include onions, peas, beans, beets, rutabaga, potato, and zucchini. Aim your
bombs for areas that have the right sun/shade ratio and moisture, avoid mowed areas where the
crops will be killed.
• Mild soap solution sprayed onto plants will ofter repel pests, a mild salt solution often works
• Most plants with strong odors or sharp flavor have these attributes to repel insects, try alone
or in combination to eliminate insect problems.
Organic Fertilizers
Organic farmers use animal manure, manufactured seed meal, home and garden compost, and
mulching as well as several natural mineral powders like rock phosphate and greensand, a naturally
occurring form of potash. Used tea leaves are very good for restoring nutrients to the soil. What else
would you do with them anyway? Straw can also be used super effectively as an organic mulch.
Composting is the natural breakdown and return to soil of organic wastes such as garden and
kitchen wastes. It is best to keep your home composting to the waste of vegetarian animals and
vegetable matter, meat and dairy require higher composting temperatures, consider burying this
waste instead. Once the composting is under way, start a new bin or pile and use the older heaps for
garden fertilizer.
If you are involved in a food co-op or something similar, such as a commune, or even a group of
like-minded individuals living on your street, you should designate someone as the official
composter. Sending all of your organic waste to the compost cuts down on your waste output as
well as that of the whole world. Once the compost batch is done, distribute it out to those growing
Soil Nitration
Some crops like wheat will remove nitrogen and nutrients from the soil, while others actually
increase available nutrients. It is important to remember that one crop crown continually will burn
out a field and will attract pest infestation. Some examples of good rotations to improve overall soil
nutrition are alternating rice then cotton, or soybeans then maize, old Europe farmers planted rye
the first year, oats or barley the next year and nothing the third year. The Irish potato famine could
possibly have been prevented had crop rotation been used. Sweet-clover is a great fallow cover
crop with very high nitrogen fixation but be careful as it can cause bloat in some animals if they get
into it. Use all available compost and green manure to improve soil nutrition. Chemical herbicides
and pesticides can kill the nitrate fixing bacteria in the roots of your plants.
Nitrogen fixation in legumes grown under irrigation of 8 inches of water per year
Crop Nitrogen Fixed Symbiotically (lb N/ac)
Sweet-Clover 223
Fababean 267 (Must have proper irrigation or nitrogen fixation drops greatly)
Field Pea 178
Lentil 134
Soybean 134
Chickpea 108 (good in dry soil)
Dry bean 62
Farm Animals
If the bee hive colony collapse disorder turns around, a fun way to commune with nature and help
out your own crops is to start and run a bee hive. Try to be organic in you bee farm by not using
weird chemicals. Some claim the bee mite problem is caused by over sized artificial bee
honeycombs, making over-sized bees. which can have their windpipe infected by mites. Others
claim it is due to the constant movement of bees. Bees like to stay in one place. Don't bother them
by constantly moving their hive or smoking them. Leave them part of their honey for food. Don't
completely substitute corn syrup.
Even if you only have a small available run area, raising chickens will help eliminate some bugs
and provide you with eggs. Use a bright light after laying to find the unfertilized eggs. These will
rot if not harvested. Let your chickens run wild if possible, as they will usually stay near the feed,
they also need a nesting box with hay. Ducks, quail, pheasants, and peacock are also fun to raise for
eggs. These birds can live off of kitchen scraps cracked grains and corn. It is easy and cheap to
mail order live poultry chicks if you don't have a farm store nearby.
Goats will start giving milk after having their first litter of kids. As with chickens they need place to
be free they will eat almost anything including non-food be careful, if there is no grass make sure
they have hay. Some goats can be trimmed for wool.
If you have a pond where you live or if you can lay down a plastic liner in a depression in the
ground you can start raising fish and aquatic plants. You can start by stocking fast growing fish
which you either catch or buy and then introduce them into your pond and feed them. You will
need to watch water temperature and aeration (oxygen) as well as PH so you fish will survive.
Adding aquatic plants both helps feed and oxygenate the tank the plants are also fed by the fish.
Chicken wire fence will help keep robber animals like raccoons from stealing the fish.
Insulated Coat
If you already have a thin insulated coat you can boost the insulating power by carefully cutting
stuff holes in the liner where you can insert crumpled balls of newspaper as an insulating layer, be
careful that your cuts are not destroying your coat. If you plan to use paper balls as removable
insulation on a regular basis you might consider sewing long pockets into the inside you your jacket
for this purpose. Something like this
Most hardware stores sell plastic sheet by the meter or yard, we often use this for shelter and
greenhouse building projects. Another use is to create a somewhat durable rain poncho for a few
cents. Open a head hole and form a hood from extra plastic sheet. You can join everything using
packing tape. This should get you by for around a week which we hope will be time to find
something better. Rainwear worn as a top layer will also increase the insulating power of a jacket
even if it is not raining but don't seal yourself up so much that condensation and sweat destroys the
insulating power.
You can turn regular shoes into winter boots by putting a wool or warm sock onto your foot
followed by a sealed plastic bag and then finished with a cheap sport sock to protect your plastic
bag. Don't expect the plastic bag to last for long hikes but it will let you travel outside without fear
of immediate soaking in cold slush. We have found that one or two layers of bread bags work well.
It is important to change to dry inner socks at least twice a day or when they feel damp.
For those who have been abandoned on the streets and forced
to make terrible choices
Just because you might have sold your body for sex to survive does not make you a prostitute
Just because you begged for money to survive does not make you a beggar,
Just because you stole to survive does not make you a thief
Just because you sold drugs to survive does not make you a drug dealer
Just because you did drugs to survive the hurt does not make you a addict
You ARE an important, stand up to right the wrongs of society
Physical Abuse
If you are in a situation where you fear for your personal safety or have already been assaulted you
should do two things first of all file a police complaint and open a file with family services
documenting the problem. It will probably save the whole family from the physical abuse of the
type you have been suffering. Unfortunately abused parties like drug addicts suffer from
withdrawal, you may be in more hot water for removing the abuser from the home by those who
remain. If these actions cause no change and you have tried every other place to hide it might be
worth risking a flight away even to the dangerous cold streets to escape worse violence at home.
Sexual Abuse
At the first sign of sexual abuse leave your house and open a file at welfare services and the police
as well as demanding a temporary restraining order be placed that day. You must do this to protect
not only yourself but any other vulnerable family members. If the police, court, or social worker
takes no action attempt to find a friend or relative to hide with. Sometimes this separation is all that
is needed. Especially in second or third abusive relationships you might not be able to expect even
your mother to believe your claims of abuse, unfortunately this may be the end of your relationship
with your sick family. Only as a last ditch emergency action should a girl go onto the streets to
avoid rape or sexual abuse since a teen girl is also a prime target for street predators.
Reasons not to Leave Home
Annoyance with your parents or siblings, discipline, or school related problems are probably best
dealt with in your own home, you have no idea how bad the streets can be especially for a girl, a
sexist world it is, most every perv wants to take a piece of a teenage girl. We are not worried that
you will remain homeless for more than a few days, our concern is that your leaky roof and stained
bed will be owned by a brutal pimp and your rent will be paid in depraved sex acts with diseased
Most decisions to hit the streets happen in a fearful rage after an attack. Hopefully you got out with
at least a warm jacket shoes and clothes. Unless you managed to grab a wallet or purse you have no
money, ID, or phone. In this case you must find the first police station or hospital and report the
crime, but be wary of giving identifying information, you don't want your abuser to convince the
cops to send you home. Many people make the mistake of wandering the streets for hours or days as
the evidence quickly looses its potency. Get help but be cautious if the help includes a lock down
type facility.
As an aside if you managed to grab your mobile phone, think hard who pays the bill and who
controls the account. Your abusers can easily file a missing person report or even a stolen phone
report and track you down that way, you might just pull the battery out to be safe for a few days.
Credit or debit cards also leave a trace where they were used, if you really need cash have a friend
with a car withdraw cash from an ATM on the other side of town.
Evil Helpers
There are those men (and occasionally women) who prey sexually on the freshly homeless. Be wary
of a single man of any age who offers you a place to stay with no strings attached in his own home.
Never accept room and board for any kind of sexual favor. Never accept any drinks or drugs from
strangers or those you have recently met. NO MATTER HOW DEPRESSED YOU ARE DON'T
Even churches cannot always be considered a safe place, the same is true with homeless youth
shelters, unfortunately these low pay positions are an easy place for men who want to abuse young
women to meet their prey.
Be on very high alert and avoid places where prostitution is common, pimps may recruit by
coercion or they may just kidnap rape and begin to sell the body of a young woman. Many pimps
use the introduction to hard drug addiction and controlled supply method to enslave women. Again
do no drugs when you are on the streets!
Personal Needs
Until you can find what is a safe place to stay the temptation is there to shoplift for your needs, this
might indirectly solve your shelter problem with a night in jail but it could also dump you back in
you abusive and now wary former home.
Most shelters require a sign up some time in the early afternoon, stop by a few of them and see
which ones are clean and which ones will try to turn the underage back over to their abusers.
Homeless shelters are one of the first places the police check during a man hunt. Expect to have
your stuff pawed through as you sleep unless you are literally on top of it, stash valuables
someplace safe before hitting the shelter for the night.
If you knock on doors you would be surprised how most people will give you either part of a warm
dinner or at least a can of creamed mushroom soup that was in back of the cupboard if you ask
nicely. See Free Food for more ideas.
Before identifying yourself be sure that the service you are checking into will not inform your
abusive family of your location.
Foster Home
Most often a state welfare agency will send you to a foster family who will assume full parental
power over you for at least a limited time. These people are often unsung heroes but like some
teachers may have become burned out and now do the service for the stipend. Keep your eyes open
for potential abuse which sometimes occurs and keep in good contact with your social worker. It is
a good idea to set up escape plans now while things are cool in case the freaks at state welfare
decide you are a liar and send you back to your abusers. Stashing escape gear, making deals with
friends or relatives for emergency shelter is vitally important. Take counseling seriously and if you
feel that the worker is getting nowhere with you ask if another social worker could be assigned.
In some times and places you may be forced to shoplift to survive although if you look around there
is usually an alternative. But Never steal from those who take you in to help you! You are first of all
hurting yourself as you seriously risk being turned back out back to the cold street, you also burn
the people they might have helped survive in the future. If you have a need for some survival item
or cash ask them, or get it in some other way.
One of the difficulties with getting social services when homeless is that you have no proper
mailbox to use when applying for aid. In 1994, the Postal Service issued a ruling that the homeless
are eligible for a PO Box if they can provide a piece of official identification, a way to be reached,
or proof that the postmaster knows them. The rule also declared that homeless people are entitled to
general delivery service indefinitely, not for just 30 days. Unfortunately in some locations the US
Postal Service has done everything it can to deny postal service to the homeless person.
You could try applying at the post office for a PO Box with your pre-eviction address before you get
kicked out, use the address of a homeless advocacy agency with their permission, or the address of
a friend. Once you have the PO Box you don't really need to worry about the street address unless
the they ask for updated information. An added benefit to having a real PO BOX is that in some
offices you receive an after hours code to the heated mailbox room, which is of course locked so the
homeless won't sleep there.
General Delivery is a great choice for you if carrier service or a PO Box is not an option. Your mail
will be held at a Main Post Office for up to 30 days and can be picked up at any retail window. This
is the easiest starter option if you don’t have a permanent address. The zip+4 code 9999 means
general delivery. The only real pain is if you have a long schlep to a main (full size) post office.
Here is an example of how to address general delivery in the US:
Abby Hoffman
General Delivery
Washington DC 20090-9999
Health Clubs
Would you ever expect us radical Yippie types to suggest you go for one of the biggest CorpGov
ripoffs of all, the gym? Yup. Athletic clubs basically subsidize the price of membership because
ninety percent of the overweight slaves who sign up never show up for the first week, but they are
stuck in some crazy year contract. If possible beg the ID from a person who resembles you or
modify the ID and use his key card to get in. Once the employees get to know your face they will
check your ID less, don't get to friendly though since the homeless are really not welcome at these
clubs. Women may want to find a women's only club so they don't have to put up with guys
harassing or oggling them. Even if you have to pay it is often worth the money if you are without a
proper home for the following services:
• Clean Showers-you have no idea how nice a private clean shower stall is when you are in a
filthy squat or shelter hopping.
• Therapy Pool(warm pool)-the streets are cold in the winter, it is amazing what an hour in a
therapy pool will do for your back and muscles cramped from nights on the ground
• Sauna-If we manage to find an abandoned room the chances of it having proper heating are
pretty low, often we can find a dank damp moldy building to squat somewhere. An hour or
so sweating it out in this dry air and cleaning the fungus and mold out of your lungs can
make such a difference in your health and energy level. This is also an opportunity to dry
our your feet and treat immersion foot.
• Exercise Equipment-not that we really need it so much, we are on our bicycles or walking
all day but it is a good idea to work your abs and back groups to prevent back injury. Use the
stretching stations to limber up and prevent injury.
• Locker, try to rent a big one, this may be your only safe storage space.
If you want this plan to work you need to visit a public restroom and pre-clean yourself, at least
your visible areas, before hitting the club, also put on some bagged clean cyclist or workout
clothing. The employees must NEVER know that you are homeless or they will surely try to
terminate your membership!
Mental Illness
A reality is that a percentage of those seeking or living in alternative housing are not there as a form
of protest against a broken CorpGov system but because they have untreated and sometimes
dangerous mental illness, do what you can to see them get proper treatment, at arms length if you
must, but don't make them your problem as well, choose your friends and roommates wisely.
The idea is to somehow get inside and warm and safe. Homeless shelters, squats, and alternative
shelter can all provide some of what you need if you can get inside, anyone who has been out
knows that emergency bed space for both men and women is a precious and limited commodity
often denied for dubious reasons, especially considering the crazy rules and waiting lists that can be
Sympathy Psych
If you can dress and clean up nicely and act the non-destitute, normally successful part people will
actually have more sympathy for you as they see a small reflection of themselves and their life in
your situation. This might get you into shelters, peoples homes, and other options where a "gross"
homeless guy would be turned away in disgust, play to your audience for success in sheltering.
Women should not overplay abuse or fragility, no matter how hard it is acting as "normal" as
possible will pay off in protecting and sheltering yourself and any children with you.
Destitute Sheltering
If all else fails and you are stuck overnight outside we would hope you have some wilderness
camping gear and can get to a park. Most homeless forced to sleep outdoors are not so well
equipped due to theft, dire poverty, or breakage. Even a cardboard box and a plastic trash sack is
better than nothing at all, try to insulate with cardboard and crumpled newspaper, this could save
your life. Keep your torso, groin, neck and head insulated at all costs. Hide under anything that will
give some protection from the elements.
Alcohol and Cold
It may make you feel warmer but alcohol will speed the progression of hypothermia(getting too
cold) by letting all of you heat out of your core areas to your arms, legs, head, and face,
hypothermia is the leading cause of overnight death in the homeless population. Don't drink
alcohol to stay warm!
Hot Water
No matter how you do it, acquire a thermos and keep it filled with hot water, you should be drinking
this hot water by the gallon every day and night. It is usually not to hard to walk right in to a
restaurant, convenience-market, or gas station, you can be filled up before the staff can even begin
to complain or kick you out. The other good source for hot water is to use a pocket stinger heater,
see Pack Your Bag, Immersion Boiler, just plug in wherever you can find power, many outdoor
signs have a place to plug in just keep your eyes open, power plugs are everywhere even outside.
Most hot water faucets you will encounter just don't put out water warm enough to keep usable heat
even if stored in a thermos. Even if you are not getting enough calories in you diet drinking the hot
water will save the caloric energy you would have used to keep you warm in cool or damp weather
meaning you can get by on less.
Other Tips
See Free Clothing for tips on increasing the warmth of your clothing.
Other Help
Call 911 if you think the cops can help you or get to a pay phone and dial these free numbers
National Domestic Violence Hotline: 800 799 SAFE
Rape, Abuse and Incest National Network (RAINN) Hotline: 800 656 HOPE
National Teen Dating Abuse Helpline: 866 331 9474
See Free High School for information on how to get emancipated, becoming a legal adult before 18
See Low Impact Crashing and Squatting for more homelessness tips
Portable Electrical Cooking
You will likely have access to electricity once indoors. If that's the case it is better to use this for
cooking than risk fire and waste expensive fuel using your fuel stove. See Cheap Chow for some
pocket immersion cooker (stinger) recipes. If you are in a location where you will be staying for a
while a hot plate, or coffee cup warmer and Sierra cup for minimalists might even be smarter to
cook with than a stinger since there is no fear of gooping up your heater.
If there is no refrigerator, get ice from the local convenience store or fast food joint and put it in a
plastic bag with your food. If you buy a large bag of ice, keep it closed. When it melts, you will
have clean drinking or washing water. If you can score a cheap Styrofoam cooler, do so and use it!
Some of the pharmaceutical cartel cold transport boxes even come with an ice-gel pack that if you
collect enough can be refrozen by sympathizers with freezers, water filled frozen soft drink bottles
work good too and you can drink the thawed contents. Often just asking nicely will get the drug
dealers (pharmacist) to save these cold boxes for you. Since it was free you won't be too sorry
leaving it behind if the cops or security sweep and clear your squat.
Make friends with the staff of a nearby convenience store, most have microwaves for heating up the
junk they sell. If you ask nicely, you may be able to use these to heat food you've acquired
elsewhere as well as the expired one day foods the employees let you "rescue".
If the electricity or gas is out, a Sterno-style camp stove that folds flat can be worth its weight in
gold. While canned gel fuel burns for two hours on average, the metal "candle" types with liquid
fuel used for buffet warming pans (often called "chafing fuel") can burn for as long as six. Just
remember to burn them in a well-ventilated area.
Drink Can Stove
An inexpensive spirit(alcohol) stove can be made from 2 soft drink cans. Both cans are cut about
4cm above the bottom and the center flat/dome are of the bottom is
removed from one, force the cut out center piece into the uncut half.
Stretching one cut can with an unopened full soft drink can makes this
easier, a few drops of water in the can to be stretched can be heated with a
stove or lighter so it will pop off of the full can from steam. Make an inner
wall up to the cut edge from left over can top and insert into the center hole
of the stove. Punch small holes every 4mm. This stove can only safely burn
methanol, ethanol alcohol(paint store), brake fluid antifreeze, chafing dish
fuel, and rubbing alcohol, although isopropyl or rubbing alcohol will
produce some soot. The stove is very cheap and light but over time the
fuel is expensive when compared to gasoline, diesel fuel, or kerosene and
produces less heat per ml.
CAUTION!! This basic model soft drink can stove has been field tested by
us and it works well with care, but be careful as the fire that is caused by
the Alcohol cannot be put out with water. One of our writers bumped his
stove and almost had a room fire on his hands. Fortunately though he had
an extinguisher close by to put it out with. But water didn't work. So be
extremely careful with all of these open top alcohol stoves both
manufactured and home made.
A different possibly safer closed top spirit stove which will not spill is
described here
Other Stoves
More detail on stoves in Backpacking and Camping#Food Preparation.
Petrol and kerosene stoves can only safely be used out of doors on stone or mineral earth, or in a
fireplace, that said some are able to generate amazing heat, the best are designed to quickly melt
and boil snow for mountaineering teams, they are best for extended stays where fuel cost is an
important consideration.
Triangia of Sweden makes an ultra light cook set which includes an alcohol burner, It's not as fast to
boil as cartridge gas but it's cheaper and MUCH safer than petrol/kerosene stoves indoors. It can be
difficult to find spirit/alcohol fuels in some countries.
Esbit butterfly type fuel pill burning stoves are a good emergency stove and don't take up much
room. The Hexamine fuel pills look like large sugar cubes, are legal to mail in most countries, burn
hot and give off no smoke. The bad side is that they often give a strong smell and noxious fumes (so
never cook food directly over them outside of a pot or pan), can leave a heavy residue on your
cookware, and are expensive compared to other fuel sources.
Small kettle type or Pyromid brand folding charcoal grilles are good for secluded squats.
REMEMBER! Never use any charcoal burning devices or barbecue (BBQ) grills indoors in a well
sealed room, since the carbon monoxide can kill you! Always make sure that you are in a burn
resistant area like on strictly sand or concrete or in a fireplace with a working chimney. The smell
and heat of your stove, charcoal, campfire smoke, or cooking food may alert security or the police
to your squat or activate fire suppression systems.
Keep a pail of water and a box of baking soda, mineral earth, or salt handy should a fire break out.
Baking soda and salt snuff out grease fires, while water causes them to spread. Dry mineral soil,
such as sand or clay but not dry organic duff or mulch, works as a good extinguishing agent.
Chimney Stoves
You can get a much better ventilated fire using the
chimney concept to accelerate the intake and output gas
of a wood fire increasing the heat and greatly reducing
smoke and smell. Find a piece of steel (other metals may
melt) or cement pipe at least three or four inches wide. If
all you have is a straight piece at least a eighteen inches
tall cut or break a feed hole and light the fire, a cinder
block or two can be broken into shape to make a stand to
keep the chimney from falling over, cut several one inch
wide half circle holes on top so the hot gas can escape
around your pot. Even better is 18 inches of pipe for a
chimney a 90 degree elbow and about a foot of
horizontal feed pipe, this all increases the draft and
makes for a hotter flame, you can partly block the intake
side on the bottom to slow the flame, feed the fire with
wood or charcoal pushed in with a stick. An ash hole at
the back of the elbow will let you clean the stove while
it is burning.
You can also build a chimney stove with clay mud if you can find it where you are camped, dig out
the fire area and just form a chimney, the heat will help fuse it into a usable stove, most cultures use
a tapering cone shaped like a beehive.
Cardboard and newspaper balls in the horizontal feed pipe help get the draft jet started and blow the
coals or wood to blazing life quickly. Be careful as this stove can make lots of sparks with some
kinds of wood and almost always with paper and grass, some screen over the top of the chimney
will stop almost all sparks.
Hobo Stove
During the Great Depression of the 1930's, many of the destitute cooked their meals with Hobo
Stoves. These were often made from large metal #10 cans (like one ones used for coffee), with
holes cut along the sides near the top and bottom for ventilation, and a small covered opening at the
bottom to put your fuel source (Cut a door, but leave enough for a hinge). Canned fuel works great
for this, but put it on a heat-proof base like a cinder block, stone floor tile, or some bricks. If you
use it outdoors, you can burn small scraps of wood, paper, or just about anything that will burn.
Buddy Burner
Often a buddy burner was used with the hobo stove, this was a tuna can with a strip of cardboard
that is the same width as the height of the can, roll up tight like a snail shell to fit the can. Fueling
with melted wax is best but food oil or kerosene can also be used although these are both a bit more
dangerous and more difficult to carry, a powerful flame is produced. Be careful melting wax on
anything but a double boiler, stove top melting can cause it to catch fire, liquid it is like a kerosene
fire. The flame can get pretty big so you will need a way to control it, to regulate the flame use the
can lid and cover part of the flaming surface to reduce heat, smother with a larger can or lid to kill
the flames. To re-fuel the burner when cooking feed small chunks of wax onto the burning
cardboard or spoonfuls of fuel. One fuel that is easy to find for free is used fryer oil, look behind
Washing Clothing
A plastic bucket and laundry detergent or liquid dish soap (NOT!
dishwasher machine soap) works great for washing clothing. Regular
laundry detergent powder works good but can stink up your pack and
clothes if it is perfumed. Some soaps claim to be concentrated, look for
the one that needs the least soap per load. In some stores you might find
bars of washing soap. This can be used to pre-treat stains (Wet the soap,
wet the stain, rub). Remember that some washing soaps like Fels-Naptha
are strictly for clothing and not for personal use (but some swear by it for
treatment for rashes caused by poison ivy and other skin-irritant plans).
You can also grate up bars of ordinary bathroom soap.
There are metal agitators that can be bought through catalogs that
specialize in non-electric households. Lacking that, you can use a rubber toilet plunger (preferably
one that HASN'T been used in a toilet) and a large bucket. A metal washboard can come in handy if
you will be staying for awhile, but might be hard to find in some areas. Try a store that caters to
migrant laborers. Remember to use your camp stove to boil some water to add if you need a awrm
water wash, or use your stinger immersion boiler directly in the bucket.
A public restroom is also good to wash you clothes, especially socks and underwear.
• Pre-treat any stains with stain spray or stick
• Plug the drain, packing a flat universal drain plug with you is a good idea here
• Half fill sink with warm water and some detergent or hand soap in a pinch
• Soak for a few minutes and squeeze occasionally
• Drain dirty water and squeeze water from clothes
• Add clean water agitate and drain, repeat if dirt or soap remain in the clothes
• Dry small stuff with with the electrical hand dryer, wear the rest to dry it
Drying Clothing
A narrow bungie type cord makes a great dry line, but don't leave it outside when not drying
clothes, sun and weather will make it rot. Make sure there is air circulation in the place you hang
your clothes to dry or you might end up with a unhealthy mold problem in that room. If you need to
wash and wear, you can carefully roll one or two pieces of clothing in a large dry cotton towel, then
twist and hold for about a minute removing most of the moisture. Hold damp socks and thin gloves
over the opening of a hand or hair dryer, be careful not to burn synthetics with a hair dryer. If you
have no other option spend the money and go to the laundromat, this is often the safest and easiest
way to dry a sleeping bag in winter.
Improvised Clothing
see Free Clothing for ways to increase the insulating power of your clothing
Clean Water
Irrigation systems can be tapped for water, this may be your easiest source if you are camped under
a bridge, although it may not be safe to drink. Double check on that water since some irrigation
systems, especially those in desert areas, often use "greywater" or "sullage" that is treated waste
water (Yuck!) and is not safe for washing or drinking. If the nearby fire hydrants or junction boxes
are painted purple, then that is the most likely case. Irrigation systems usually run on a timer and
flow during the late evening so you will have to store the water you need for the day.
Garden Hose
If you have a friend in the forest or fire service they can likely get you the flat nylon jacketed
garden hose that is thrown away after forest fires, you can also get this flat hose on a reel in garden
stores, this packs small and light and is useful if you need to get water to your squat from a hose
faucet or to wash up behind nearby bushes. Don't forget to get a light hose nozzle and valve.
The knob on most public water faucets is removed so the homeless can't get a drink or wash, but
most are standard square and are available at hardware stores, most useful to us is the key or tee
shaped faucet knobs made to be carried in your pocket.
For all but assured clean drinking water use your backpackers water filter or boil. Allow the hose to
run for a few minutes or be careful to drain after every use to eliminate the problems of stagnant
water. The FDA has standards for drinking water hose, so look for certification on the package if
buying a new hose (The ones certified for drinking water use are often made of white plastic).
If you need a water filter and can't afford a proper backpacking model
maybe you want to make the terracotta/organic water filter which
removes most harmful bacteria. This design is by a team in Manatuto
in East Timor including ANU materials scientist Mr Tony Flynn.
You will need:
• straw and cow manure for fuel
• terracotta clay
• used tea leaves or coffee grounds or rice hulls
• 1- Take a handful of dry, crushed high clay mud.
• 2- Mix the clay with a handful of your organic material.
• 3- Add enough water to make a stiff biscuit-like mixture.
• 4- Form a cylindrical pot that has one end closed.
• 5- Dry the pot in the sun.
• 6- Surround the dried filters with straw.
• 7- Place in a mound of dried cow manure.
• 8- Light the straw and then top up the burning manure as
In less than an hour the filters will be finished. Fill the filter and let the
water slowly drip through the bottom into another container. As far as
effectiveness against bacterial pathogens and larger Giardia this filter
removes 96.4 to 99.8 of E-coli bacteria, well within safe levels.
When all that is available is questionable water but you do have a good fuel supply most parasites
and other microscopic troublemakers can be eliminated with this method.
• Filter water with a coffee filter, paper towel, or several inches of cloth stuffed tightly into a
cut off bottle.
• Bring water to a boil and shut down, it is pasteurized.
• Collect and store water in a clean container free of contamination.
Why just to a boil? And what is with the city always saying 20-30 min with additional instructions
water temperatures? The reality is that above 160° F (70° C) all pathogens become inactive within
30 minutes and above 185° F (85° C) within a few minutes, so in the time to reach 212° F (100° C)
all the bad microbes will become inactive. The first filtration is to remove larger microbes and cysts
like Giardia which are a bit stronger.
Unscented bleach can be used to purify water it you can't get it straight from a known safe faucet.
This is the cheap Clorox type without any additives to improve colors or smell. Try to filter your
water before treating.
• Filter water with a coffee filter, paper towel, or several inches of cloth stuffed tightly into a
cut off bottle
• 2 drops of bleach per quart of water
• 8 drops of bleach per gallon of water
• 1/2 teaspoon bleach per five gallons of water
• If water is still cloudy, double the dose of bleach.
The treated water should be allowed to stand covered for 30 minutes, it should have a slight
chlorine odor, if it doesn't give it another dose and let the water to stand for another 15 minutes. If
the treated water has too strong a chlorine taste let it stand exposed to the air for a few hours. Be
careful concentrated bleach will leave holes in your clothes if it spills or splashes, rinse out quickly.
Fire Sprinklers
Don't try to tap a fire sprinkler system for water! You will set off the alarm and your squat will
be discovered. Once you drain even a few PSI from the system it will fill with water and alarm, if it
is an air pressurized system. Water filed systems are often filled with an antifreeze mix, these
systems also alarm and call the fire department if any water flow is detected.
Several layers of corrugated cardboard on two or three wood freight pallets make a passable
mattress getting you off of a cold or damp cement floor. A hammock suspended from pipes, ceiling
supports, or eye-bolts anchored into a cement wall is a comfortable way to sleep dry. Of course your
sleeping bag and pad will work almost everywhere.
Failure to properly wash hands, face, and food especially after going to the bathroom has been
shown to be a larger cause and vector of hepatitis, beaver fever, E-coli cholera, and typhoid and
other potentially deadly bacteria and viruses than even polluted water both in urban and wilderness
environments. Wear sandals in any shower or communal bath area where foot fungus is possible;
foot rot can ruin your best mode of transport.
Going to a hotel in around noon and asking maids with their cleaning carts for a few bars of soap is
one way to stock up. Asking a doorman at a nice hotel, just walk up as direct and nice as you can,
and say, "I am homeless, may I please have one bar of soap?" will work more times than not. Bring
a plastic grocery bag into a fast food restaurant and squirt out a good five or ten pumps of liquid
hand soap. Store it wisely, or else the stuff in your
pockets or backpack will be wet with sticky
cleansing goop. A bottle of liquid soap with a neck
cord is great for quick commando showers, and
won't fall down to a disgusting bathroom floor.
Indoor Bathing
You can buy a special hose with a large rubber
gasket-type stretch over connection that fits
loosely over about half of the faucets you will
find, turning the faucet into a long-hose shower
head. It's available for a few bucks in the
plumbing section of most of the big-box "Mart"
stores, some pet stores, and hardware stores, it can turn a secluded public
restroom with a floor drain into a private spa. Slowly turn on the water
and keep the pressure down so the adapter doesn't pop off the faucet.
These shower kits are reasonably lightweight and you can easily remove
the rubber faucet adapter and get a proper threaded plumbing adapter for
your regular faucet in most cases or for a garden hose, this will prevent
wasted water and a wet mess, even with a good slip on fit the universal
rubber adapter spurt lots of water at the faucet connection.
For more privacy while washing off you might use a door jamb lock available at luggage stores, or
a door stop to lock the bathroom, only use this option during off hours and at a location where there
is another bathroom available for people to use. Leaving a hardware store lock hasp might work, but
leaving that kind of obvious evidence of your activity might get that convenient bathroom closed.
Shower Bottle
Grab a milk jug cap and/or a soft drink bottle cap and either drill or melt with a hot nail a dozen or
so 2mm holes. Since they are so light make one or two for different bottles in your area, they will be
in your pack ready to screw onto what you find. A black plastic bag will let your bottle warm up in
the sun even in late spring and early fall. Pre-mix heated water with cold, boiling water will deform
most plastic drink bottles. Some bottle caps also match drinking system bladders which will also
work for showering.
If you heat a large nail or bolt you can melt a hole to join two bottles so a cut off bottle can be used
as a filler funnel (this also works for the cut off bottle sand filter) watch out for damage to the cap
threads and seal edge.
Frugal Bathing
If you are overloading a squat or house and need to conserve hot water, are at a public restroom
with a very small water heater, or you are dipper bathing from a bucket of warmed water here is a
way to not waste your limited supply.
• 1-Wet yourself down
• 2-Turn off water
• 3-Soap up head, groin, armpits, and any places with tough dirt
• 4-Rinse
If you are limited to a bucket you should use a large cup to wet and rinse yourself, dumping the
bucket over your head is a good way to accidentally run out of water while you still have soap on
your body.
Even more frugal is to remain dressed and wet your hands or washcloth with water (warm if
available) and wash first your hands, then your face, breasts(especially when nursing), armpits and
abdomen, groin and butt crack, finally your feet. Be sure to then cleanse your hands and washcloth
well so you do not contract or spread disease. This would be a good time to change and wash your
socks, underwear, and washcloth. Be wary of antibacterial soaps found in many restrooms which
can strip your skin of natural oils and protective bacterial leaving you open to harmful bacterial
Hot Water
Your electric stinger immersion water heater can be put into your wash bucket and used to warm
around three or four gallons of water, enough for a dipper shower or a washcloth bath.
In summer a dark colored garden hose full of water laid out on the roof or pavement will collect
solar heat and around noon you can take a nice hot shower by turning on the water.
Outdoor Bathing
One editor used to wash up in back of a church with a garden hose and a bar of hotel soap, drying
himself off with his own shirt or pants, whichever was cleaner at the time. The clothes dry off in
minutes, even faster if you first wipe the water off you with your hands and flick it away, and it's a
great feeling knowing you can keep clean and healthy under your own power under nasty life
conditions. A trick used by a number of hobos and rail-riders is to carry a large squirt bottle with
diluted baby shampoo. The idea is to wet yourself down, squirt yourself with the diluted shampoo,
lather yourself from head to toe, rinse yourself and then dry off. You'd be able to clean yourself in
about 3 minutes.
You can use your bucket and adapter shower hose to make a siphon shower. Submerge the whole
shower hose set into the bucket and let the bubbles go out. Hang the bucket from a tree branch,
pipe, or other hanger, now quickly bring the shower head down to a level below the bucket allowing
the siphon to begin sucking water from the bucket (it might help to tie the other end of the hose to
the bucket handle). Be sure the adapter end is as close to the bottom of the bucket as possible, if you
have two feet of hose drop below the bucket it produces a nice spray. If you break the siphon just
suck on the shower head (use the side of your mouth to suck and your cheek to seal most of the
spray holes) until it starts flowing again. If this is too complicated you can hang a flower sprinkler
and tip it with a rope to shower.
If you are camped out or can't find a bucket use your sleeping bag stuff sack and a plastic shopping
or garbage bag liner to hold the shower water. Don't use the draw string on the sack as this will
likely rip out when you hang it up. Instead insert your hose and make several wraps of cord around
the neck of the bag now hang up the bag, to start a siphon shower squeeze the sack.
If you can't use your electrical immersion water boiler you can boil some water in a cook pot and
add it to your bucket of cold water to warm it up.
It is a good idea to hang up a privacy sheet using your hostel sack and clothing line or at least wear
a light swimsuit while you wash down since straight neighbors might call the police for public
nudity, that and the pervs who might get the wrong idea.
Baby Wipes
Baby wipes give you a refreshing clean feeling when you are away from normal bathrooms,
especially if you are on the road but are expensive, heavy, and wasteful.
It is also easy to make your own wipes. Flannel, terry cloth and plain cotton t-shirts can be cut into
squares and make great cheap washcloths. Put a little diluted bathroom soap in a plastic baggie and
you can get clean wherever you are. If they dry out for some reason, just add a little more water.
Note: stay away from anti-bacterial soap for this as it can irritate your skin terribly if not completely
rinsed off. Think rash.
A chamber pot or pee bottle is a good idea if you want your trips into and out of your toiletless
urban squat minimal to avoid detection. Women need to find bottles with a large opening or a urine
stream funnel which can be bought or made from a diagonally-cut 1 liter bottle. If there is no toilet,
or it doesn't work, use a 5 gallon bucket (check the dumpsters outside the local fast food joints) and
improvise a toilet seat (Anything flat that can hold your weight and with a hole big enough will do).
Get some chlorine bleach, dry earth, sawdust, or cat litter to pour into the bucket after each use to
kill the smell. If you can get the lid to the bucket, keep it and use it. Also, line the bucket with
disposable garbage bags. Double bag it because you do NOT want it to leak when you're taking it
If the toilet in your squat is not clogged but doesn't flush when you push the lever or you have no
water pressure to refill the flush tank, a bucket of water dumped into the toilet will cause a flush
Toilet paper can be expensive or hard on the sewer or pipe system in some parts of the world. While
it may seem disgusting to some readers here is the post toilet cleaning method we saw while in
Jordan. The left hand is wet with the bathroom sink or a bottle of water if outside, now the wet hand
is used to wipe your butt repeat until clean, then wash your hands really well.
Electricity is a big part of the magic of the modern world. With electrical power we can heat our
squats and tents, charge batteries, and run full size computers. Without electricity we are back in the
19th century either freezing our asses off or burning expensive and often unsafe fuels.
Working with electricity is a very useful skill to our movement but if you are not taking
proper precautions can also easily be deadly. If possible find a free vocational electricians course
or even take a electrical apprentice position for a few months.
Power Jacks
Power jacks are found in almost every room around the First World. If the jacks are turned off there
are in-line light fixture adapters that screw in and still allow the light bulb. If there is only
fluorescent fixtures a a few wire nuts and a chopped off extension cord or heavy speaker wire with a
power receptacle on the end will let you tap into the power, be sure that the
power or breaker is off when you are doing your work, tape over the
switches so nobody surprises you with a ZOT of electricity when they enter
the room. Sometimes there will be a blank panel of the right size where
you might expect a switch or wall jack, open it up and test the wires to see
if they are live. Many institutions use a weird screw head pattern to open
up electrical panels, a few minutes of work with an old screwdriver and a
file should make the right tool.
Alternative Voltages
Think about 110/220v flexible gadgets when buying travel items - you
never know where you will be globe hopping.
If you can score a fully charged vehicle or better a deep cycle battery,
consider investing in a DC to AC power converter/charger with battery
clips, be sure not to let the battery drop below 10 volts or it will cause wear
on the battery plates. Some highway signs have a big 12 volt solar panel
that will charge car batteries. Small 12v to 110 or 220 converters are now
cheaply found especially in truck stops and gas stations. see Cars
If you can find a working car alternator it is possible to charge storage batteries using homemade
windmills, exercise bicycles, water wheels or whatever creative way you can get some mechanical
energy. This is much easier to find or build than solar panels. The batteries must have some charge
for the alternator to create a charging field.
A very small glow bulb AC power tester can be purchased in most hardware stores, these are safe,
easy to use, and don't burn out. Use this tester to determine if there is power in the wiring of a
building and if the grounds are connected on a plug. You can also use this to test where the
electrical company has cut off power (sometimes it is right at the meter). On 220 volt systems both
"hot" wires will give you a glow when connected to ground, on 110 only one "hot" wire will give a
glow when connected to ground. The ground is the bottom round pin in Amerikan 110 volt plugs,
the ground diverts power away from you if an appliance short out inside, this is important in metal
cased appliances and tools especially when using them on wet concrete.
Free Electricity
Contact your electrical company and relief agencies to see if there is a fund or discount for the
indigent, some programs are for the elderly or homes with children. These programs are often part
of the contract that the power company has with the community public utilities commission. Power
to the People!!
A small, cheap desk lamp shining upwards can illuminate a whole room. A compact florescent lamp
that screws into a regular light bulb socket will give lots of light (and very little heat) and be a very
minor electrical drain; this is good if you are tapping the light socket power for other uses.
Small oil lamps and the oil used to burn in them can be had at the big box stores and hardware
stores. Just remember that those things get VERY HOT after a
while. If you use candles, never leave them burning unattended.
You can increase the light by putting a mirror or aluminum foil
behind the candle and reflect the flame. You can make an
improvised oil lamp using a glass jar and any vegetable oil
(NEVER use motor oil!). Place a cotton wick like a shoestring.
Heat up the bottom of the candle until it's soft, press it into the
bottom of the inside of the jar, and when it cools, pour vegetable oil
up to where the wick is exposed, then light the wick. The oil will
burn with the candle. Some oils will be sooty and will smoke, so
keep a window open. Keep it away from foot traffic, because if it spills, the spilled oil will spread
flame VERY quickly! These type of open flames cause most of the deaths and property damage
attributed to squatting.
Many grocery stores sell a seven day candle often with religious images on it, look in the Mexican
foods section. These are great for night lights and the tall walls and splashing wax usually puts the
fire out if there is a tip over.
If you are in an underground squat, something like an old abandoned subway or utility tunnel a
Coleman type lantern using pressurized liquid fuel which gives the best large area coverage might
be a good idea, the propane type lantern might also be considered if you can get a big propane tank
like is used for a barbecue grill, look at camping shops or online for a long adapter hose. Above all
be careful with fire safety.
If you plan to spend hours or days exploring underground tunnels a carbide type lamp which is
fueled with water and calcium carbide. The cheapest way to find a carbide lamp is in an antique
shop but be sure that it is in good shape and the drip valves still work.
Stealth Light
If you are concerned with being noticed in your squat as you fumble about at night you should not
use a full power flashlight or even a standard white LED light. Some flashlights like the one used
by the army come with color filters, red to preserve night vision and sometimes blue which is
harder to notice on a dark night. In any case if you really want stealth it might be smart to go a step
further and poke a pinhole in some foil and blue filter the light too. Avoid swinging the light it is
better that it not move as this attracts less attention. Blinking the light on and off as needed is what
distress beacons do to get attention, bad idea for stealthy squatters. Do a light survey with a partner
outside and assess the visibility, consider paper or cardboard over the lower windows to stealth your
squat if they are too visible.
If you can get a fan, all the better. We like the small cheap clamp-on models. You can make an
improvised "swamp cooler" by putting a bowl of ice in front of the fan, and let the air blow across
the ice. If you can find a rack to hang a towel or damp clothes in front of the fan (but not over it),
wet the towel with water. As the water evaporates, it will cool the air. If you can get a hold of a
small sprayer or ultrasonic fogger that generates a constant mist, you can spray the air in front of the
fan. Just remember to keep the water away from the fan itself. Water and electricity don't mix.
During the real dog days of summer a cool bucket of water for your feet can really make a
difference, add a well ventilated chaise lounge and you are ready for a nice siesta.
The heat of the day is the ideal time to bathe and wash your clothes and wear them wet, you will
feel clean and your damp clothes should keep you cool for a while. This works best in dry areas, but
even in a humid place sitting in front of a fan with damp clothes will cool you down.
If you have made a squat inside a building with HVAC there might be a thermostat for you to
manipulate. Most won't allow you to set desired temperature but a hot pack in summer or ice pack
or snowball in winter should get you closer to that desired temperature.
Pest Control
• Keep your squat very clean, you might even consider eating and storing food in a different
location than you sleep. Leaving your food in your pack is an invitation to have a mouse or
rat chew a hole.
• Shake out and wash if possible all clothing and sleeping bags as bedbugs like to collect here.
• Vinegar can sometimes get rid of ants and roaches, if this fails try boric acid from the
pharmacist/chemist or the hardware store.
• Bay leaves, mint, and other aromatic herbs will help keep insects out of your gear.
• Citronella candles are expensive; try to find pure citronella oil sold for cleaning, this is the
extract from citrus peels, it can be burned with a wick to drive off flying insects but also
gives away your position from its strong citrus smell.
• A buzz haircut helps avoid lice but if you have long hair a drop or two of olive oil on you
comb every the morning is healthy for you hair and skin but also prevents the lice from
finding a dry spot for gluing their eggs to your hair near the root.
• Eating raw garlic will repel many insects including mosquitoes, it is no substitute for a net in
areas infested with malaria or other flying insect carried illnesses.
• In malaria country remember to tuck the mosquito net under your mattress at night after you
have inspected for holes and mosquitoes, fold up and store during the day.
• Don't forget to take your malaria prevention meds every day in an afflicted area.
Contrary to what the magazines and gear shoppes would like you to think you don't need to have
the most expensive equipment money can buy to take to the hills. There is sometimes a trade off in
comfort, weight, and function with the expensive gear, but never let price keep you from choosing
this option, we hope some of our ideas can get you out without breaking your budget. Remember
often the price difference in the ultra$$ brands is because of expensive advertising.
Don't forget to visit mom and pop army-navy surplus stores for lots of weird junk mixed with some
useful and sometimes very high quality camping gear, unless you swiped it from a base a bit of the
money from surplus supports some generals slush fund, but the deep discounts are worth it, just
watch out for obsolete, worn out, heavy, or low quality gear. Unfortunately unless you move fast
most of the best deals are quickly grabbed and sold at online auctions.
A quality pack is very important, fit is very personal, you need to try on the loaded pack (take 30-50
lbs of well sacked sand bags or call ahead and see if the store has some) before you buy and walk
around for at least an hour.
Quality frame packs while not in vogue are often cheaper and let you carry lots of heavy gear, the
internal frame packs hug tight to your body giving you more stability. Be sure the straps are
comfortable on your shoulders and chest and that the sternum strap can be moved to a comfortable
place Women especially need to find a pack with shoulder straps contoured to not rub their armpits
or breasts when cinched tight.
The old US Army ALICE frame pack is an excellent buy if you can find one in good shape on the
surplus market.
Care must be exercised since a high priced pack might have bad stitching or components and a
really good pack might be sold for very cheap if it is a brand unknown in the US.
Things to look for: well ventilated back pad, anti-damp shoulder straps and belt pad, useful outside
pockets, drinking system compatibility, gear attachment loops, modularity, quality zippers, and
durability especially at the shoulder straps and seams.
A pack cover with a draw string protects your pack from rain and also makes it difficult for
pickpockets to quickly find the zippers. A pack cover could be reversed to cover straps during air
When traveling find a good daypack that is comfortable when either attached to the main pack
straps or looped forward on your arms as well as when you wear it on your back. Keep your
valuables in the front day pack where you have control of it an leave you bulky stuff in the main
Small light-duty packs good for a windbreaker and sandwich lunch are available which fit into a
key chain or wallet and weigh almost nothing.
A tent serves several jobs; insect protection, privacy, sun shade, and weather protection; the tent
construction will affect the performance in all of these areas.
• For insect protection be sure that there are full closing zippers, some inexpensive tents leave
the bottoms of windows and doors open, durable screens and zipper seams are less likely to
rip out quickly.
• Privacy is the easiest to get, even the cheapest tent is usually opaque, a luggage padlock on
your zipper will keep the honest drunk and stoner from crashing out in your tent while you
are away.
• Sun protection is best achieved by buying a polyester tent with UV resistant coating or
aluminum impregnated into the tent giving the fabric a silver color. Even a good tent should
be kept in the shade if possible to reduce degradation.
• Weather resistance and is what makes the difference between a $20 tent and a $800 one.
High quality tents are season rated, a one season tent is made for use in summer only
resisting rain, two also includes late spring and early fall meaning it has better ventilation,
three season is for early spring and late fall meaning it can take light snow, a four season is
reinforced to withstand heavy snow and still not collapse.
• Construction quality varies widely between tents look for the following. Bathtub bottom
construction means that the waterproof ground cover extends up a few inches to resist light
flooding. Proper multilayer urethane coating on the tent fly will resist the strongest rain and
not rot quickly. Quality Easton aluminum is lighter and stronger for pole construction than
fiberglass. Taffeta inner walls that reach to near the bottom of the walls will help prevent
condensation, be sure the fly is well separated from the inner wall to give good ventilation.
YKK zippers are the industry standard and much better than the ones on inexpensive tents,
glow zipper pull add-ons are nice at night. A mesh gear loft is handy to place a light, watch,
glasses, phone, or keys. A large tent fly that extends from the tent can be used in rain or
snow for stashing water resistant gear and careful cooking.
Without all of these fancy features we have successfully tested $20 tents for whole summers in dry
locations with occasional rain. If the weather is clear don't use the fly at night on a cheap tent, the
small "skylight" screen will release enough moisture that condensation will not be too bad. On
every tent buy quality seam seal and reseal all of the seams with three light coats to prevent leakage
through the stitches. If your tent becomes wet and you have to move on set it up as soon as possible
to dry out and prevent rot.
Tarp Tent
For ultra light weight camping a UV treated nylon tarp and your walking staff makes a tent,
• 1- shorten your walking staff and stick into the ground
• 2- Connect one corner to the top of your staff
• 3- stake the corner opposite the staff to the ground
• 4- spread the other two side corners with five foot cords
• 5- stake side cords to the ground.
This gives good protection from sun and if placed mindful of terrain or a angled gutter is dug to
divert runoff it will also protect you from rain. Suspend a light bug screen for insect protection.
Army Poncho
The US army type poncho is multi-purpose item and works good as rain
rear and makes a quick shelter. Two can be snapped together to form a pup
tent or one as a tarp tent. Recent surplus ponchos are not only woodland
camouflage but are designed to match the infrared background in a forest
which is good if you are a fugitive but bad if you are lost in the woods. If
you look in books like the army ranger handbook you will find ideas for
using ponchos as rafts emergency stretchers and other useful things.
Sleeping Gear
Sleeping Bags
The price difference in sleeping bags is mostly a factor of name brand style, weight, and packed
size versus warmth. The difference is in the construction, fill material, the shell, and in the lining.
The shell is usually nylon and is thin or thick depending on if durability or weight are desired, for
any shell the weave should be tight to prevent snags. Fill material available is constantly changing,
600 goose down is the gold standard for insulation but is worthless if wet, we don't recommend it
for most wilderness use. Synthetics claim many qualities, but good fluff is what you really need;
claims of new 3D fibers and such pop up every few years, be skeptical of amazing powers
contained in the new expensive fiber. Lining is usually nylon, coolmax, or a nylon-cotton mix, the
cotton and coolmax synthetics make the liner more comfortable in hot weather, while nylon is
lighter. Construction is very important, some features mentioned only apply to a mummy style or
rectangle bag, look for the following: neck and face draw-strings, quality (YKK is good) zippers,
full length zippers, compatibility to zip two bags together, hang loops, mesh gear pocket, foot
contour, thicker insulation on bottom, and box baffling of insulation.
A low temperature and a medium temperature mummy bag give you a modular extreme cold
system, nest the smaller bag inside the larger for very cold nights, and in warmer weather if the
zippers match you have room for two.
Many inexpensive sleeping bags can now be found to include many of the features needed to keep
warm even in cooler temperatures, while not performing badly in terms of weight and packing. An
army poncho liner blanket is very light and can be stuffed into any place in your bag where you feel
If you're really down and out, one or more of the "lint" blankets given away by homeless shelters
inside of a taped or melted-shut piece of visqueen plastic sheeting will keep you warm and block
the wind, but the blankets and bag need to be separated and dried out every day.
Sleeping Pads
The best choice for a sleeping pad is a well made self inflating pad, it is both light and durable.
However, if you are on a budget, stick with the old indestructible closed-cell foam roll-up mat, it
will keep you warm and dry, but packs big. Cardboard or newspaper can be used to insulate
yourself from the ground. Be sure to avoid sleeping with little-to-no insulation, especially if in the
woods, as temperature changes and dampness can make you uncomfortable and even sick.
Bivvy Sack
A quality Gore-tex bivvy sack will set you back about US$300 in 2007 unless you can find a
military surplus one. These manufactured bags are of high quality, tough, and waterproof. A bivvy
sack is almost weightless when compared with a tent and greatly increases the cold rating of a
sleeping bag. Quality bivvy sacks usually load from the top only because it is very difficult to have
a leak proof zipper. They usually also have a zip-shut bug screen for the face and a draw string to
close the opening.
Gore-tex type waterproof but water vapor passable fabric can be found at some large fabric stores.
You might mix a few unmatched remnants to save money, remembering that every seam is a
potential leak point (so be sure to seal them well!), the bottom can be ordinary waterproof fabric if
you need to save money.
Your hammock is a good way to stay cool and comfortable in hot weather, you also don't need to
worry about how rocky or steep the terrain is. If you are properly tied in with a harness (if you don't
tie into an anchor and your harness it is an easy way to die in your sleep) you can even hammock up
on a rock face, building sit in, or tree sit using tree or rock anchor points or bolts.
If you hang a tarp tented above your hammock you will protect yourself from rain and gain a bit of
privacy, it is a good to stake down the corners with cord if you want to have better weather
protection. A steel ring, clip, or drip line will prevent rain running down both the hammock and
cover tarp lines. Use a bivvy sack if it looks like a real storm is coming. It is now possible to
purchase one piece tented-over netted hammocks which are both bug and rain protection although
most do not separate for other uses.
Like in stealth tenting look for a little bit of brush between you and the public areas sticking to dull
colors for gear.
Food Preparation
Liquid Fuel
For international back country travel these tend to be the best as gasoline, jet fuel, kerosene, furnace
fuel, or diesel fuel is available nearly everywhere. Liquid fuel stoves also generally put out the
most heat, some enough for melting snow in large volumes. We like the MSR Whisperlite
International and XGK although they are both expensive new they burn anything and are hot, the
Whisperlite simmers better, XGK is tough and burns like an afterburner, they are still running years
later with only the tools that they came with and are great used too. Give the newer MSR stoves a
shake and a weighted jet pricker will clean your clogged jet orifice. Most of the pressure stoves on
the market will work well for you if only burning expensive Coleman fuel or gasoline Used gear
from a yard sale or junk shop can be fixed by cleaning the tube and jet tip on better stoves or
replacing the disposable generator tube on the more common Coleman small stoves. Be very
careful to know what fuels your stove is rated to burn before buying. Most multifuel stoves have
one jet for light fuels like gasoline and a second for kerosene and diesel. Liquid kerosene or diesel
fuel is usually the cheapest and lightest fuel option except for wood burners.
Compressed Gas
Compressed gas stoves are lighter, easier to control, and can be cheaper. Compressed gas stoves,
with due caution, can even be used inside your tent fly vestibule to cook during rain and snow.
Some gas stoves include an electrical igniter.
Open Fuel
This category covers pellet, alcohol, and wood stoves as well as many other improvised stoves.
Alcohol and Sterno stoves are discussed in Low Impact Crashing, Kitchen and work well in warm
weather. Pellet stoves like the Esbit fold small and light but are usually only used for emergencies.
There are a few fan blown wood scrap burners which fill this commercial niche.
An interesting improvised stove is one made from an old oil filter and some welded steel break line,
a feed hole is cut near the bottom and ash holes on the bottom a steel tube several inches long is
attached a few inches up and it looks like a pipe with a giant bowl. Plastic or rubber tube is attached
and a small bellows is connected made to blow the flame, good heat and easy lighting make this a
real winner even in damp areas especially since it uses wood and bark bits as fuel.
Stainless steel seems to be the way to go for durability although aluminum does win in a weight
comparison. Non-stick is easy to clean until the non-stick scrapes or burns. A mesh stuff sack
doubles as both a scrub and a strainer for food. Sand will help scrape out most gunk in a steel pan,
some ashes act like soap. A small kettle is good for easy boiling and pouring especially in the cold.
A few plastic containers are good for leftovers and mixing bowls. If you are part of a good sized
group a wok might be worth the weight. see Cheap Chow
A Thermos type insulated container saves fuel by holding a near boiling cooking level heat in for
many minutes after you shut off your stove, for example bring your pasta or beans and rice to a nice
boil in a minute or two and then shutdown and pour into your thermos it will finish cooking in
there. On a long campout or trip a thermos might easily be worth its weight in fuel.
Mess Kit
A lexan bowl, some quality bamboo chopsticks, and a good set of stainless steel nesting utensils
will work to serve most food you will be able to make in the wilderness.
Camping-store-bought freeze-dried food is too expensive to be of any use for sustenance. With a
little thought and ingenuity, you can buy and make great light-weight camp food from a regular
grocery store's stock. Use the calorie information available in diet books or container labels to plan
a meal; you need to be sure to have enough protein, fiber, and vitamins every day. Have a written
meal plan that will meet your daily needs; marking and packing all of the ingredients for a meal in a
heavy duty Ziploc or vacuum pack/seal bag makes it easier to prep a quick meal. Your goal when on
the move or working is to consume 3000-4000 Calories per day in summer and up to 6000 in high
mountain/winter. Our experience with most backpackpacker and cycle camping newbies is that they
underestimate their hunger when planning sometimes as badly as a factor of three or four, it is OK
to pack a little too much food especially stuff for fatty recipes that contain oil, butter, or margarine
which are full of calories and make you feel full.
It is amazing what kinds of fun dishes you can whip up in the woods, when you are stopped for a
few days, when you have the time and energy. Just but be sure that you have something bonehead
easy and fast to prepare or better yet ready to eat, for when you set up camp after a hard day of
hiking. Vegans need to pay special attention to their diet planning especially to their fat and protein
intake when on the move, most of their meals are naturally much less rich than the average
Keep all food and dirty pans and utensils away from the tent and out of your pack; a hang bag cache
thrown over a tree limb will keep most animals out of the food. Bear-safes are required in some
places but are heavy. Even if bears are not a problem, smaller animals can wreck your gear trying to
get the food. Wash dishes away from camp.
Hardtack is little more than a large cracker that, if kept dry, could stay edible for months, perhaps
years. It's broken and mixed with some liquid (hot water, broth, etc.) to make a porridge, or to
thicken soups or stews. If you make enough in advance, it can be eaten on the march or at camp. A
recipe from the WikiMedia Cookbook follows:
• 2 cups of flour
• 1/2 to 1/4 cup water
• 6 pinches of salt
• 1 tablespoon of shortening (optional, feels more filling and adds calories)
1. Mix all the ingredients into a batter and press onto a cookie sheet to a thickness of 1/2 inch.
2. Bake in a preheated oven at 400°F (205°C) for one hour.
3. Remove from oven, cut dough into 3-inch squares, and punch four rows of holes, four holes
per row into the dough (a fork works nicely).
4. Flip the crackers and return to the oven for another half hour.
Hardtack has been known as "sheet metal" or "molar breakers" because it is very hard and dense, so
don't try to eat it like a regular saltine.
Forest Forage
If you somehow are stuck in the woods for a long time drink pine needle tea for the vitamin C to
avoid scurvy. Some soft (unripe) pine cones have food value cooked or raw.
The inner bark of many trees if boiled can be eaten for minimal food value but killing the tree.
Young plant shoots, soft inner stalks, and soft or bulbous roots can often be safely cooked or eaten
raw, learn what is poisonous and edible along your travel route and local area. Always find a guide
who is actually eating the foods to be sure failing that become very skilled in using a plant food
guidebook for emergencies, pay special attention to the danger plants in your camping area.
Steel wire snares or baited fish hooks are a cruel and illegal way to survive by trapping animals and
birds but it might save your life if you are starving, check your traps regularly.
Cut and cook or smoke to thin brittle jerky all meat as soon as possible to avoid waste, for a large
kill where you are short on time in hot weather, skin and open fire roast or boil the meat first to
short term preserve before smoking and salting.
A good rule is to never eat any plant foods that are bitter or burning unless it is a known food like
peppers, although even rotted meat can be safely eaten in most cases if very well cooked or boiled
for several hours. Always cook or smoke and then hang meat since bears, mice and raccoons are
still interested in your food.
Don't expect to be able to survive on gathering, fishing, hunting, or trapping, indigenous peoples in
what is now known as North America were very few in number and the wildlife was not as stressed,
many first nations people also practiced agriculture.
Most foods can either be stewed in a pot which is boiled on coals of at least an hour preserving
most nutrients, if this is impossible then cook chopped meats and fish on a skewer over the coals of
a fire. Fishing as a food source is a useful skill in some parts of the world. If you know what you are
doing you might be able to supplement your protein intake with some lightweight gear. Forget about
fancy gear like fly fishing, that is for the rich guys who tear up a fish's mouth and throw him back,
we want the food and don't want to wait forever. A telescoping pole and spinning reel will do the
trick without breaking your bank or back but a stick and floss will work in a pinch.
Some six pound test monofilament line will bag most small river fish. Ask locals their favorites but
in general worms, corn, insects, and dough balls all work good, it won't hurt to carry some flashy,
rattly, and spinny lures with your gear. Get a big assortment pack of fish hooks, they weigh and cost
very little and are useful for a hobo on the move even if you just use a stick pole and dental floss. A
bobber hangs your bait off of the bottom in still water, moving water requires casting out and
recovering as it floats downstream, you can use a dry stick as bobbber if needed.
If you catch a fish it should have firm and elastic flesh, clear and full eyes, bright red gills, a clean
pleasant order, and an absence of reddish discoloration on the ventral side of the backbone, that is,
the side of the backbone that’s on the inside of the fish. Cloudy, sunken eyes, and gray colored gills
are the first recognizable signs of old, decaying fish. When the head, gills, and backbone are gone,
rely on your sense of smell and touch. Worn out or dying fish have much less nutritional value but
cooking them will remove danger of illness.
In over fished areas forget about wasting your time. Sport
fishers, hunters and gatherers are often out in huge numbers
during hard times and will often cause many years of damage
from taking too much from the ecosystem.
To clean a fish smash the brain area to kill it, then cut from the
anus to the throat, remove guts(these are good fish bait), use a
dull knife to scrape off the scales, some fish are best filleted
from the ribs but small ones are easier to leave in and remove
when you eat it. Pan fry most fish with a little oil and spices or
wrap in foil or wet leaves with spices and lemon and grille. You can also stew the fish along with
safe sea creatures you can find as the tide goes out or are able to net.
A small net at the end of a large triangle of rocks laid in the river to guide the fish in will make a
good trap as will a series of baited hooks in the water strung to trees above, check your fish traps
regularly, spear fish in the shallows with a frog spear tip on a stick.
Bombing fish in a pond with chlorine bleach is clueless destruction, it will bring them to the surface
but will kill the whole ecosystem. Instead use rotenone or crush green husks from butternuts or
black walnuts. Throw the husks into the water, it will do the trick just stunning the fish without
killing the other animals, collect and eat or salt and smoke all fish you stun.
If near the beach walk the tidal pols and collect seaweed and sea creatures. Only eat known safe
animals, most fish, crabs, shrimp, and lobsters are safe to boil up in soup and eat.
Watch out for fish and game cops they can take all of your gear, car, or boat as a punishment
leaving you destitute if you are accused of poaching. In most cases if you hunt, trap, or fish
regularly buying a license to take “The Kings” animals is worth the avoided trouble.
Water purification pills, boiling, and unscented bleach will kill bacteria. but take around half an
hour to work. Most backpackers who don't have access to plumbing want the convenience of a
filter. We teach the construction of a drip filter in Low Impact Crashing or even this clay and cloth
filter, but hand pumped models work faster and can remove pathogens from large volumes in a
shorter time. DIY drip filters like in Low Impact Crashing are another means of purification like
boiling is a very good idea if possible since while they stop large giardia cysts they might let
bacteria through although a less common problem in the wilderness. Good filters have a scrub
clean ceramic filter and are designed for easy field maintenance. Be careful that you pump out all
water in and keep inside your coat in freezing temperatures as ice can crack the filter element.
MSR, PUR, and Sweetwater make good filters. If you are near an open, natural water source or
even damp soil or green vegative matter during a sunny day with moderate heat, you can use what
is called a solar still to generate fresh water. Foam in the water is bad, it means pollution or
something else wrong, pure water does not foam. Solar stills are either inflatable buoys that consist
of a flattened black base connected to a parasol with a collection tube attached to the bottom of this
or are made by placing clear plastic with a small stone weight in the middle over a pit with a
collector can in the middle. It works by collecting bad water, green vegetation, damp soil, or
anything containing water onto the bottom part and then using the sun to evaporate it. This leaves
behind dissolved substances (like salt). The vapor is then collected inside the top of the cone and
condenses. There is usually a thin fishing-line type cord that spirals down the inside of the top and
empties into the tube. You can lead this end into a bottle or pouch to fill with clean water. It usually
takes a while to get a lot, but additional stills will make this better. These are good for use if you are
camped for a somewhat extended period of time in a desert area, or if you are out at sea. It is still a
good idea to bring this distilled water to a boil to sterilize any bacteria. The manufactured stills are
being phased out on liferafts in favor of hand pumped reverse osmosis desalinators.
Drinking Systems
A backpack tube type drinking system makes sipping easier and increases water intake preventing
dehydration in all weather conditions, adding a shutoff valve will prevent leakage if the bite valve is
accidentally compressed, blowing air into the tube will keep that next gulp of water cool in the
pouch especially if you have ice. You need to clean the tube and bladder well and store with a paper
towel puffing out the bladder to prevent mold and slime. Many drinking systems have a large
opening which is threaded and compatible with water filter pumps.
Flagyl aka Metronozole is used to treat intestinal parasites like giardia which causes beaver fever
the most common waterborne illness in the US. Filtering or boiling will make the water safe from
these parasites but remember to also use clean water to wash your face and dishes. Giardia cyst are
large and caught by most forms of filtration.
Be sure you are getting enough water to drink, plan minimum two liters a day if camped in cool
weather, more if moving or the day is hot. Your urine should be a clear when in the field, dark or
cloudy urine is a sign of dehydration, most Americans are chronically dehydrated. Even if the
weather is cool insufficient hydration and urine output could lead to bladder and even kidney
infection especially in women.
Footwear for backpacking depends on your ankles. If you have steel ankles and arches you might be
able to get by with trail runner shoes or light hiker boots. For the rest of us non-bionic humans the
weight on our feet is paid off by the superior support of a mountaineering boot. The price of these
giant boots is offset by the vibrant resale market where a slightly stinky used pair of $400 boots can
be had for around $50.
If you will be establishing a longer term wilderness base camp, trail runner type shoes might be
worth the pack weight for short trips from camp. River sandals are also an option for short trips
especially if you will be walking through water. For the most part waterproof footwear is a problem
either because about 30% of people perspire too much and the inside gets damp or because they
step in water over their ankle and it takes forever to dry the shoe out since there is a waterproof
If tramping through swamps and rivers the old Vietnam jungle boot is a good workhorse although it
gives less support than a big mountaineering boot.
Big woolly socks help prevent blisters, even in hot summer go for the big fluffy socks, we know
some who wear an inner silk or synthetic stocking but watch for folds that can cause blisters.
It is vital important that you get a good fit and do not jam your toes into the end, jammed toes lead
to ingrown nails and blisters which can become infected leading to a potential of major damage or
immobility. When at the store do heel and toe kicks at the ground, walk around for a few minutes
and if possible walk or in-place-step up and down on an incline to see if your foot stays tight
without jamming your toes or making any rub spots.
Synthetic zip off trousers/shorts are easily available at the writing of this book, these are good for
durability, ease of washing and drying quickly but some do hold body odors. Camping and ski
stores often carry synthetic button shirts and t-shirts although for the money discount 100% silk
Hawaii print or colored dress shirts work just as well, look for a durable tight weave.
In most locations, if you already own one, a light mountaineering type parka shell combined with
one or two liner layers is a lightweight way to protect from rain and cold. The army surplus camo
gore-tex jacket fits the bill, we have heard of some people successfully coloring them black without
ruining the gore-tex.
If you are in a very rainy location think about roll up Gore-tex rainpants. Mountaineering gaitors are
waterproof and keep your legs dry if you need to move along in wet brush or grass after a storm or
heavy dew.
Under your shell layer lies the main insulation layer (fleece jacket and trousers although a fleece
vest is fine in summer), sometimes your tighter vest and looser jacket are combined to add
insulation in serious cold. Long underwear finishes up your three layer system. Remove layers to
keep you from sweating.
Wide brimmed boonie type hats are great for hot, sunny, or wet weather but a good insulated
military helmet under hat or wool cap will keep you warm in the cold.
Spandex sport bras and underwear works well for preventing chafing and providing support, bike
shorts also work well and prevent most thigh chafing when walking. Another option for women is
to wear a one piece competition bathing suit on the trail for support and at your destination you are
ready for the water.
Long underwear of the real polypro and not a cotton mix is a super lightweight bit of gear that
really helps keep you warm, don't forget both tops and bottoms.
You are limited in the amount of batteries you can carry into the wilderness and by what to do with
them after they are used up, see our thoughts in Low Impact Crashing on batteries, solar and wind
up gadgets with extra emphasis on solar since it provides electricity without requiring you to
expend extra effort.
A headlamp is a must when camping, a dual beam headlamp will give you a powerful halogen beam
for long range and an LED bulb for reading and camp chores while keeping your hands free.
Pressurized fuel and candle lanterns, fluorescent lamps, and light sticks all have their place but a
LED light usually wins because of battery life and weight.
If you have a propane or liquid fuel pressure lantern for light, seriously consider replacing the glass
globe (that glass thing that surrounds the mantle) with one made of steel mesh. Glass breaks too
easily when you're roughing it. Steel mesh globes are available on-line and at better sporting goods
stores or can be made from steel window screen.
Walking Sticks
A pair of lightweight telescoping ski type poles have become popular with the backpacking crowd.
Essentially they make you into a four legged animal giving you more strength while climbing and
better stability while descending or crossing water. In the tents section above there is a description
on how to use a tarp and telescoping hiking pole to make a ultra-lightweight tent.
Carry a plastic spade for burying poop, make sure it is buried
at least six inches down. Don't defecate near the water; it is
not just rude, it spreads disease. Hand roll TP or learn to use
a squirt bottle and leaves.
Most people really believe in the GPS, we like it too but we
really don't trust Uncle Sam and his boys at the Air Force to
leave it working right for us citizens if they really start
cracking down. We like the army lensatic compass with the
perma-lit tritium elements so the important parts will glow
for about 25 years. You sight this compass like a gun while
viewing the degrees dial so you can easily choose a landmark
to walk towards. This is around $120 new or $10 if you can
find a soldier a week before payday. For a big quality drop
there is a functional copy of the army compass sold at
camping stores for $15 but you must be very careful to check that the needle points true and doesn't
stick. Silva and Brunton also make excellent compasses for navigation but are not as tough as the
army ones.
There is a niche of us who after years of being weighted down decided to try the ultralight way. The
benefits are that you can make much of your own gear, you wont be tired from a big load at the end
of the day, and all of your gear will can easily fit in a small pack, bike pannier, or on you lap when
hitchhiking. The downside is most of the gear has a shorter wear life and if purchased from a store
can be very expensive. Ultralight can become an obsessive lifestyle and sometimes confers (often
rightly) the superiority complex also seen with ex-smokers, vegans, and the fervently religious. If
you like go the slow route and trim your gear down to minimum. Testing is very important to be
sure that your gear is good enough for the job you are planning it to do, don't go so light that you
cannot handle changes in weather. We strongly support going the DIY route so take our advice and
borrow a sewing machine. You can often have fuel and food sent ahead to post offices via general
• Tent-Military surplus parachute panels are a great material to sew your tent from. Once you
sew your tent you might consider spraying it with a water repellent, but this is optional. Test
your new design by staking down and spraying gently with a hose. Many designs assume
you will be using telescoping walking sticks and incorporate them as poles. Three or four
quality aluminum stakes should be enough to keep the tent tacked down even in moderate
wind. Look above for the tarp tent design, alternatives are using a bivvy sack or survival
plastic tube tent.
• Sleeping Bag-Your sleeping bag can be the heaviest component in your pack. Goose down is
a great way to save weight but it gets damp easily and then looses it's warmth. One option is
to sew a top only sleeping quilt stuffed with a light insulator from parachute cloth and let
your ground pad keep your bottom warm. You can also increase your warmth by wearing
loose long underwear and clothing to sleep.
• Ground Pad-From cut down yoga pads to sheets of tyvek house wrap, you need to keep
ground moisture from stealing your precious body heat, this is a place to save lots of money
and weight if you are creative. Alternatives include using a camping hammock to get you
away from the cold damp ground.
• Pack-A simple thin backpack should be enough, since the load will be light a frame is not
needed. If traveling it might be smart to have a bit tougher pack due to questionable surfaces
like boxcars or barns as well as unexpected abuse.
• Shoes-Since you are not overloaded many people are able to get by with lightweight trail
hiker sport shoes.
• Clothing-A layering system and adequate head and neck cover can save quite a bit of weight.
A base of long polypropylene underwear followed by soccer shorts, a fleece fest, a wool or
fleece hat possibly with wrap around ear flaps, and a fleece scarf. A packable anorak wind
jacket and thin warm up pants will form an outer layer. Some choose to use a lightweight
umbrella instead of a waterproof jacket for rain protection on the trail.
• Cooking-Some swear by DIY alcohol soft drink can stoves, others use Esbit tablet solid fuel.
Depending on the fire and environmental conditions a natural wood fire might be what saves
you the most weight, making a Dakota fire hole can intensify the heat and save fuel,
punching holes in a steel can and making a mini hobo stove is also an option.
• Pots-Some people like to carry a single aluminum kettle for heating water to pour into their
bag or bowl raamen, couscous, or converted rice. Others carry a sierra cup, cut off aluminum
can, large tuna can, or a super cheap non stick pot from a dollar store. Often chopsticks and
slurping straight from the bowl is enough.
• Water-Soft drink bottles have been popular for years, lately there have been warnings that
sunlight can break the plastic into undesirable chemicals. Many filters are large although we
describe making a drip filter element in Low Impact Crashing, or just use a small filter from
the store. Many ultra-lighters choose to use iodine tablets and put up with the bad flavor.
• Food-Lightweight carbs like rice, potato flakes, and couscous, protein like beans, egg
powder, or oven dried meat, and oil to add fat to your diet, a favorite spice or mix adds
flavor. Energy bars, peanut butter, and cookies are great for ready to eat food.
• First Aid-BandAid plasterer's, butterfly bandages, antibiotic ointment packets, iodine swabs,
Imodium and aspirin tablets, thin maxi-pad, flattened roll of tape, aloe packet.
• Other-LED keychain or headlight, TP, small multitool, compass, sewing needle, thread,
parachute silk patch, whistle, signal mirror, two butane lighters, space blanket, sunglasses,
wide brim hat, pixie QRP radio, tea light candles
• Urban-You can apply your ultralight skills even when you are not going to the wilderness.
The freedom when visiting, traveling by air, cycling, and hitchhiking is because your
simplified bag can go in almost any locker, corner, or carry-on luggage bin. A stinger
electrical immersion boiler means you can plug in instead of searching or paying for fuel. A
thin rubber sink stopper is good for washing clothes, a synthetic towel is pocket sized so you
can stealth wash yourself in a sink and dry off. For news an earplug size FM radio keeps you
informed. Several folded plastic shopping bags are a good way to stow trash or carry a bit
extra gear or food.
Where to Camp
Established state and national parks are the easiest choice and there is sometimes a discount for
walkers and bikers who need no parking spot. We prefer to find a nice spot off of the road and just
set up camp far enough away from town that the cops won't bother us. If getting away from town is
not practical at least camp near or inside a park treeline a hill between you and town helps. Be
careful if you find a beautiful green field in the middle of summer you may be surprised by pop-up
water sprinklers at two in the morning. As long as the place you camp is not marked "No
Trespassing" you can not be busted until you are asked to leave and refuse, don't assume that small
town cops understand the law, keep most of your stuff packed and ready to go. Look at the terrain
you are in for signs of water flow, this means avoiding both dry river beds which can drown you in
your sleeping bag during a surprise flash flood or just paths or erosion indicating a water flow that
could soak you and your gear in a storm.
Always get dull colored gear if possible, a big part of the stealth camping we do is not being
noticed, this is especially important as you near urban areas. Going into the brush and trees even a
little bit breaks up the outline of your tent, dull colored (non-damaging)dye art on your rain fly will
help break up the outline but will also make you easy to identify as you travel. You will develop an
eye for using terrain and foliage to conceal your camp. Look behind buildings with parking large
lots, train tracks, and near large factories for a field to camp in, industrial areas may not have
services but they also often have a much lower competition for viable camping spots.
Deep Wilderness
Serious planning is required before taking to the deep wilderness such as northern Canada and
Alaska, the skills and gear required is beyond the scope of this book which mostly covers near to
civilization escapes. If you plan to do an ultra deep wilderness retreat pre-position enough food for
your whole stay, even if it takes a few trips. Plant caches along the return path in waterproof and
animal proof bucket or tree caches. Fats like canned Crisco, lard, or olive oil carry the most calories
for their size and preserve well for emergencies. Carry powerful antibiotics for the most common
infections and illnesses, Diphenhydramine (AKA Benedryl), and epinephrine (inhaler or injectable)
for severe allergic reactions. If you cross any creeks, riverbeds, or rivers find out about the times
and conditions when they go to flood stage, also learn about the dangers of and plan for being
trapped by an early winter blizzard. Learn how to cross obstacles like rivers using rope that you
bring. Don't cross obstacles that could cut you off for a long period of time unless you have
substantial extra supplies and the right emergency crossing equipment and training. For extended
stays either carry an aircraft band 121.5 MHz AM aircraft radio transceiver or a satellite beacon for
dire emergencies. Your best plan is to bring a buddy or two who can get help if needed and keep
you company if everything is OK. See the movie Into The Wild(2007) for a worst case scenario of
an Alaska wilderness stay.
If you are looking for a more permanent home in one location, or prefer something closer to the
comforts of home camping could be your solution. Camping is also easier if you have children and
they are unable to carry their own gear. See also Alternative Shelter
Larger tents can be rented or purchased from a place
specializing in their sales. Army surplus tents are
very durable and can last several years in the
elements, be careful for intentionally damaged tents
and shoddy repairs. Insist that the dealer erect and
allow inspection of any tent, don't forget the poles,
stakes, and ropes. Lighter family tents can be
expensive and usually are intended for only a few
setups, left erected they can last for months if in a
shaded area. You should buy a tent with plenty of room to stand up, roll out several large sleeping
bags with foam mattresses, and stow your gear.
A trailer or motorized camper can be very expensive if purchased new, like most yuppie retirement
toys the value drops like a rock once it looks used inside. Be sure the appliances work since repairs
can be expensive. Inspect the wheels and tires of a trailer, make sure lights and brakes work
correctly and that the tow vehicle is able to connect. Pop up campers must be inspected carefully for
mechanical function and rot especially in canvas panels, ask to leak test the camper with a garden
hose. Never overload a vehicle with a large trailer, this can be very dangerous!
If you are using a trailer most have LP gas stove installed cooking is like at home. For tent campers
the old Coleman pressure stove is a good option. For longer trips out you might want to invest in a
gas powered stove and use a distribution pole and gas hose to run it from a five gallon or larger LP
gas tank, these poles have a connection on top for a propane lantern and extra valves for other
propane gadgets.
The army tents used to have an option for a diesel/wood fueled stove but supply of these are drying
up. A person good with welding or rivets, a metal drum, and some stove pipe could build a stove for
heat and cooking surface. Be careful to inspect the stove pipe hole on these tents for burning or
Dutch Ovens
Cast iron pots often with a lip to hold coals on the tight fitting lid and short legs to stand above hot
coals is a very useful cooking tool if you will be camping for a longer time. It is possible to stack
several dutch ovens if required for a large group or for multiple dishes. The cast iron lid can be
flipped over and the inside used as a skillet if you don't have a fry pan, you will need to oil and cure
the whole pot and lid before using. This was standard pioneer equipment that can also be used
inside modern ovens as a casserole dish or to cook a roast. A common dish was a stew or beans with
cake batter or corn bread floated on top, after an hour or so there will be a nice cake on top of the
stew. It is also possible to bake bread inside the dutch oven. The most important use was to leave
the dutch oven in a pile of coals to slow cook a dinner.
If you are unable to get a proper dutch oven you can make something similar from clay. Clay is not
as good as iron but is still very useful. To see if the clay in your area is suitable for pottery, roll a
small ball into a stick about 18 mm in diameter, then bend the stick into a ring about 5 cm in
diameter. If you have good clay, it will not split and the ring will be firm enough to set on an edge
without sagging. Form a pot with a mouth formed around a can or pot for roundness, allow to dry,
add stub legs and verify the roundness and evenness of the pot lip. Once everything is even and dry
a minimum of 24 hours in hot summer sun or a few feet from a fire if you are careful to turn it
regularly then you can fire it. Fire your pot in a hot campfire for three to four hours, it has to get red
hot. Once the fire goes out and cools it is time to make the lid. Now make the lid, a dome is a bit
stronger but a lip on the edge to hold coals, also add a thick ring on top to use as a handle Finally
pres the still soft lid onto your pot, use some ash so the lid doesn't stick, this ensures a tight fit. Fire
the lid as you did your pot and enjoy. Ideal thickness for any clay part is about 1/2 inch (13mm). For
a more waterproof inside and outside you can use a smooth tool like a spoon to rub the clay shiny
once the pot is partly dry (leather dry) or apply a ceramic glaze before firing.
Unless you really need lots of power like for some sort of pirate radio gig a generator is noisy and a
real invasion of the solitude of the wilderness. Running your car or RV engine to charge the
batteries feeding your inverter is also a huge waste of fuel. Try to minimize power and if possible
stick to solar for charging your deep cycle batteries. see also Cars
Many people plan on using chemical toilets since they are not constrained by weight and these seem
cleaner, these are usually not warranted if you are able to dig a small toilet hole, the exception is in
stressed wilderness environments where overuse is taxing the area. If you have a plumbed trailer or
camper only dump your waste into a sewage system and not into a body of water.
If you are downhill or beside flowing water and plan to stay for awhile a piece of blue tarp can be
sewn into a cone shape and clamped to a garden hose fitting, this is tied in the flowing water, a
length of hose can be attached with a valve at the end to deliver water to your camp, let the hose
flow to remove stagnant water before using.
A small electrical pump can be attached to a length of hose, drop into a lake or creek and fill up,
remember to add chlorine or install a filter in your water system that will remove Giardia.
Remember to filter or treat any water you get from the wild. River water may look pure and fresh,
but it might be flowing over a dead animal upstream. Avoid drinking water dripping off of melting
ice from rock formations. It may contain pulverized stone.
If you poke around country stores or ranger stations at night you will surely find a water spout, use
your handy faucet knob and plug in.
If you camp near a river or stream, consider the US Army's priority of where activity is to be done
concerning the river's flow. Furthest upstream is where you get your drinking water. Further down is
where you wash your clothes and cookware. Last down is where you bathe.
Before you start a campfire, make certain that you're not in a drought stricken area. If a ranger sees
the smoke from your fire, you're up for a fine or maybe even arrest, at the least the forest cops will
will run your ID.
Stick to the old fashioned Boy Scout methods. Check to see that nothing flammable is within a six
foot radius of the fire. Dig a small pit and circle it with rocks, then build a small compact fire that
generates more heat than smoke.
When cooking food over a fire, don't use fresh evergreen wood if possible. The wood releases resins
and tars that can harm the flavor of the food. If there's a lot of warm grease in your pots and pans,
throw a handful of white ashes into it and stir. This will turn the grease into a weak soap that will
help in cleaning.
To put out the fire completely, pour water over the embers, stir the ashes, douse it again, and then
carefully feel the muck.
Always try to pack a full sized axe (a purloined forest service Pulaski tool is even better) a shovel,
and a bucket when driving into or base camping in the wilderness and know how to use them and
mineral dirt to extinguish a fire.
Always scrape away the organic duff and only burn on mineral earth. If there is no moisture in the
ground even down to a half meter, and if when you split logs they are dry as a bone be very careful,
fuel moisture is very low and a fire will be hard to fight.
Large fires almost always throw off firebrands which can light the forest on fire, even if there is no
forest fire since everything is green firebrands will burn holes in your cotton and nylon tents and
gear, save wood and keep the fire small.
Other Options
Fire Lookout
Many US and Canadian Forest Service lookout towers are no longer occupied at all times in the
summer. A maintained shelter often with a wood stove awaits. These are always unoccupied after
fire season unless the area has a camper rental program. You may need to pick the lock.
Log Cabin
If you have the knowledge and time, like if you are on the run
from the man and can't get out of the country, a small log cabin
can be made with an axe and your hands and trees. It is a good
idea to spike your logs to prevent collapse if possible or use an
auger to bore a hole and force a peg through. Build a small
short shelter just large enough for your bed and pack. Use the
largest stones you can find as corner stones. Dig out a entry
tunnel instead of a difficult door unless you have lots of tools
and construction supplies, continue digging a depression to
make more headroom. Jam moss and leaves between the logs
to make the cabin more wind proof, once the logs are seasoned
you can use mud to parge the inner walls for a better seal.
Make a single slope shed type roof and cover with bark, leaf, or wood shingles or a thick cover of
pine boughs, if you had plastic or a survival blanket consider using it as a roof liner. If there is high
clay soil you might be able to make a fireplace and chimney but watch for heat damage to your
logs, otherwise make a small campfire in the center of your floor and have a smoke hole in the roof.
If a USFS trail or fire crew notices any unauthorized construction expect to see it demolished so
stay away from lakes, ponds, and hiking trails.
Urban Living
We all have seen campers under bridges. Bridges offer protection from sun and rain and, if located
in a nonresidential area, there are often longer times between camp breakups by cops compared to
more exposed camping spots. A careful electrician could tap the street or sign lighting to power
their electrically powered gear, hotplates, etc. If trash starts to visibly build up the city will often
kick everyone out and come in with a prison work crew to throw everything away.
Many urban parks have overgrown areas large enough to allow real camping. Try to find a place
hidden by thorns and briers that will discourage city workers. A regularly used trail will lead other
homeless or even park services to your hideout. To avoid making a trail use rocks as stepping stones
if possible. Steep hillsides are great to hang a hammock for a few days.
In most cities and also near many adventure tourist destinations worldwide inexpensive hostels,
inns, or motels can be found. Research the rules and clientèle that hostel is aimed at. Some
hotel/hostels are for college age travelers, others are long term housing for low income people, and
even others are populated by migrant workers. It is a good idea to get an idea of the social scene and
find out how much a stay is. Many hostels are dorm type arrangements where you may be rooming
with a dozen or more people. Also don't be surprised by people engaging in sex hidden only by their
sheets, loud snoring, and questionable hygiene. Keep a close eye on your gear and never let anyone
see anything of value. Before taking a room at a hostel check for hotel discounts and coupons
especially in the off season that may actually be cheaper than a hostel dorm room, you might use
this as bargaining leverage if you really want to stay at the hostel.
Suburban Living
Garden Shed
In older neighborhoods with large lots adjoining park or
wetland areas there are sometimes disused sheds or old garages.
Look for unkempt yards or long grass without foot trample
around the out building this may indicate an elderly homeowner
or uninterested renter who has no use for the building. Choose
and use a path of approach that does not leave a trail visible
from the house or easily noticed from other homes.
Squat a House
At the edge of the suburban rural boundary and near run down parks there are often pockets of older
neighborhoods where a house may sit for years unoccupied waiting for inheritors to sue each others
asses off until the lawyers take the house and divide the spoils amongst themselves. Look near large
construction projects for houses slated for destruction. An old weathered for sale sign might be a
house open to squat, but could also mean somewhat regular visitors depending on the market. Even
better finding an incomplete subdivision with some nearly finished homes.
Deciding to squat a house takes some good detective work. Find a place where it is apparent that the
yard work is not being taken care of. Peek in the windows, has anyone been home in a few months?
Does it appear that the house has been squatted or burglarized without cleanup? All of these are
good cause to stake the place out. Put a padlock on the front door and see if it is removed, camp out
in the back yard if you can do so discreetly just to be sure. Try before you pry, an open door or
window might remove the charges of breaking and entering if you get busted.
Squat the place. While you are squatting light up your devices you use and go outside to see what is
visible at night, pull the shades and check again, light and motion will give you away most easily.
Keep your travel in and out infrequent, at night only if possible, no music or noise. Cooking fires
and grilling might be noticed from the smoke and smell. If you kept clean you will be hard to spot.
To the average WASP the homeless are dirty and distant, the suburban and rural townies and cops
won't tolerate filthy bums, but will they notice a clean one?
Always make your living space as near as possible to the back door on the ground floor, clean that
room up first for occupation. Since this is not your house be ready to run if you hear someone trying
to enter through the front, legit owners drive up and enter through the front door 99% of the time
without doing a walk around, pile up junk in front of the front door to make noise and slow them
down. Always have your bags packed for a quick escape, if confronted be apologetic but be sure to
get away before anyone gets violent. It might help if you tell a story of your dead grandfathers
house in this town that you thought you were squatting in, this is just a distraction to get out the
door and prevent violence, be quick, stay cool, smile, grab your pack, don't let anyone get their
hands on you, know your escape routes, have at least two. Expect the cops in the area soon so get
away from the property and into a store or movie theater, stash your bike and pack safely nearby,
the pack really gives you away.
Rural Living
If you are able to obtain permission or not be noticed, almost any type of shelter could be used.
Many rural communities are very insular and everyone knows everyone else. Strangers are viewed
with suspicion and often due to boredom snooping and gossip are the only entertainment.
Straw Bale
Straw bale is one of the easiest, simplest, cheapest ways to build a house.
All you really do is create walls out of hay bales, sometimes coating the
outsides with concrete, mud, leaves, or wood to keep the walls dry. This is
not necessary. With properly placed support beams, the house will stay safe
through wet times and rain. Straw also acts as an insulator. In you will be
living in a cold area with an abundance of hay, I would suggest doubling up
walls. If you plan to use it as a home or barn you will have to address
ventilation issues otherwise you will face condensation problems. For a super inexpensive hut build
bale walls and use freight pallets or recycled wood to support more bales as a roof, cover and secure
tarps for wind and waterproofing.
PVC tubing arches and plastic sheet make for an acceptable shelter and an excellent source of food
for under $100. These are most effective in low wind areas which have mild winters but can
become unbearable to live in in summer. See Farm It
Note:The contents of this page are based on the graphic novel "Survival
Without Rent." Survival Without Rent was originally published in 1986. It
was revised and expanded in 1989. Not being all text, it included fantastic
illustrations, some of which can be viewed at a site that contains images by
squatter, activist and artist Seth Tobocman.
Leak Management
If your squat place has a leaky roof buckets and pans might be enough until you can do some
repairs. For major damage that threatens to rot or mold your place you need to set up a system of
tarp pools and chutes. Large tarps and sheet plastic can be used, we found good instructions in an
old firefighters training manual.
For a pool the tarp is under-rolled from four sides with the under-rolling forming walls, then the
corners are folded under to keep the rolls tight. If a spillway is needed one corner can be left
without an underfold. The pool can be emptied with a garden hose siphon, don't let the spoiled
water touch your mouth, coil the hose up in the full pool forcing out the air and plug the end, when
you are downstairs unplug the hose and the siphon will run.
A tarp water chute is made by under-rolling the sides of a tarp and running it downhill or stairway
to the outside.
It might be possible to make a large cone from a tarp or plastic and clamp drain pipe or hose to run
water out from a large building, it is best to drain this into a storm sewer.
If the pipes are ripped out of your squat start by replumbing with scrap pipe, garden hose, splices,
and hose clamps an improvised reinstall will not look too nice but will work just as well as real pipe
in the short term when there is a question of how long your stay will be.
Shower Enclosure
If you are not fortunate to have a plumbed squat building or access to a lockable public restroom but
can access an unused room with a floor drain you are still in luck. Plastic sheeting is an inexpensive
way to make a temporary shower enclosure in a room and still be able to live in it without soaking
your gear while also providing some privacy. Hang your siphon shower directly above the floor
drain, then hang the plastic sheeting from a hula hoop or PVC pipe frame, it might also work to tape
it directly to the ceiling, wrap the curtain sheet around with an entry slit and attach a second piece
that acts as a collection tub on the bottom, cut a hole for the drain and tape down around the floor
drain, an extra flap of plastic over the opening slit will help prevent splash out. A kids inflatable
pool is another good way to catch water, be careful especially with the larger pools as they can end
up being quite a heavy load on a rotten upper floor, siphon the waste water out the window with a
piece of hose if you have no nearby drain, remember the hose must extend outside to below the
water level of the pool.
Getting In
Now, you're ready to move in. If the area you're in is run-down, it's possible that no one will bother
you while you smash out the concrete blocks. With a twelve-pound sledge hammer, a door sized
opening can take as few as seven-and-a-half minutes to create. Quickly get all the broken blocks off
the sidewalk and into the building; sweep up to remove signs of your work. You may want to keep a
low profile and do this while look-outs watch for the cops, or bring along lots of friends and
supporters, and dare the cops to intervene. It is also possible, and it may be preferable, to work from
the inside out, to chisel the blocks out discreetly, one by one.
You should have a door and frame prepared to set into the new opening. Measure and mark the hole
you've opened with your new door in mind. In any case, work quickly and as quietly as possible.
Once inside, unless there is a usable door in place, either set up a barricade or install a door. Steel
door frames and doors are easily scavenged from demolition or rehab sites. Unless you're pretty
strong, it will take two people to carry a steel door or a cart to roll it on.
To install the front door, set the frame in the opening and fill in around the edges with pieces of
broken blocks and some mortar (a couple of bags of mortar mix should be enough). Make certain
that the bottom of the door frame is exactly as wide as the top when it is set in place. Otherwise the
door won't work. Use a board that has been cut to exactly the right width to keep the correct space
at the bottom of the frame while it is being installed. Make sure the frame is straight up and down
and not crooked, bent or twisted out of line in the opening. If the frame you have is bent, you can
straighten it with a hammer, laying it on the pavement and using a block of wood to protect it from
getting dented up too much.
Install the frame so that the door will open into the building. There are steel tabs on the inside of the
door frame that are meant to be bent out so that they will anchor the frame into the mortar joints in
the block wall. As you fill in the opening around the door frame with mortar and block, be sure that
the inside of the frame itself is filled with mortar and block pieces, because the frame is not solid by
itself. If you're not able to afford or install a heavy duty bolt lock on the door, a heavy chain and a
padlock will do the trick. Pass the chain through a hole in the door and around the door frame.
Paint the name of your group and your address on the door. For the example: "The 537 East Fifth
Street Homestead Association and Neighborhood Improvement Committee." Do all the work that
you can in advance so that on your opening day you can simply set your door, lock and door frame
in place all in one go.
If this is more than you can manage right away, you'll need to rig up some sort of barricade for the
doorway and have someone inside at all times to let others in and out. You should not leave your
building unattended in any case, especially right after you move in. It is good to have someone on
hand to watch the place when most people are out during the day. The risk from police and other
evildoers is high right after the building is occupied. Don't let anyone in that you're not sure about;
don't let any cops or city officials in under any circumstances unless they have a warrant. (See the
legal section for what to do if the police do have a warrant.) Keep the door closed and locked at all
times, don't sit out on your stoop with the door unlocked or open. Needless to say, you're in the
building illegally, and so there is no need to make your front door an open invitation to cops and
Nothing is worse than coming home to find that your tools, sleeping bags and heaters have been
ripped off -- except maybe walking upstairs to your apartment and meeting a junk-sick thief running
downstairs with your radio in one hand and a knife in the other.
Your security depends on making it so difficult to enter your building that most thieves will pass it
up. If your building looks funky and people on the street can see that only poor people live there,
you won't need as much security. You should keep your ground floor windows barred or sealed with
concrete block or even plywood. Eliminate hand and footholds by knocking them off or by setting
nails or broken glass in masonry cement or roofing cement. More of the same or coiled barbed wire
around the base of the fire escape and continuing across the face of the building at the second floor
level will help to deter climbers. Grates on windows facing the fire escape are good, but it will take
a lot of them to do your whole building. It might be good enough to bolt full sheets of plywood to
the outside of the fire escape railing on the second floor. This will make a wall around the fire
escape too high to climb over. You can top it off with a coil of barbed wire or nails. The roof is
another point of entry, so be sure that the penthouse door is secured.
Note well that having a front door with a lock, beds and other basics such as a kitchen is good for
your own well-being, but it is also important in establishing that you are a resident and not a
trespasser. It may seem like a small point, but it is actually quite important. It can make the
difference between getting run out of the building by the cops if they feel like doing it and getting
them to back down so that they will have to wait until HPD manages to go through the lengthy
proceedings necessary to legally evict you.
Emergency Repairs
In most cases, the most important repair that abandoned buildings need is work on the roof, which
will almost certainly leak. The roof will typically have a large hole or two in it caused by a fire, fire
fighters or vandals from the city government. For your own comfort, it may only be necessary to
locate a room into which there is no leakage. However, a building in which the roof leaks will have
lots of spaces in which no one will be able to live. You want to avoid squatting in a building such as
this, because the more people you have living in your building, the better your chances of resisting
eviction and protecting yourself against hassles from the city and from thieves and drug dealers.
The more people you have, the more comfortable and secure you can make your place.
The long-term maintenance of a building depends more on the roof than on any other single thing.
If the roof is not maintained, it will eventually rot until it collapses. The floors will go and, sooner
or later, the exterior walls will collapse. Then what you got is a pile of useless, rotten timber and
broken masonry -- which will cost the city a lot of money to clear out and turn into a vacant lot.
Unfortunately, letting abandoned buildings rot until they collapse is just what HPD is doing with the
buildings it owns. Don't let the city get away with it!
Clear the roof of any debris and sweep it clean. Patch the holes. You can lay 5/8-inch-thick plywood
boards over them. Try using mineralized felt paper and roofing tar as a way of patching holes. If
your roof is so far gone that you have to cover it entirely, get someone who works as a roofer to
help you out. To do this kind of work, you should be able to get the materials you donated by
groups or organizations such as the Riverside Church, the Church of Saint John the Divine, or the
Listener's Auction radio station WBAI-FM.
[Note: if you have some work to get done, its helpful to write your plans down on paper, step by
step, and keep track of any changes you make in the plans as you work. Make drawings or diagrams
that describe and show how to do the jobs that are hard to explain in words; they will make it easier
to organize and help get people involved in the project. Books such as the Reader's Digest Complete
Do-it-Yourself Manual or Carpentry and Construction are handy for dealing with construction
problems and can be found in the public libraries. We've found that books dealing specifically with
roofing, electrical work, plumbing and other "specialized" trades are also easily obtained.]
If repairing the roof is too big a project to take on right away, you can use polyethylene plastic
sheeting to protect the roof temporarily. Get a hundred-foot roll of 4 mil plastic that is twenty feet
wide, and a couple of buckets of flashing cement. (Be sure to get flashing cement, because other
kinds of roofing tar won't do the trick.) Begin by clearing and sweeping the surface of the roof
clean. Fill or cover up all the holes. Make sure that the roof drain is clear and unclogged at all times.
Unroll the plastic so that the entire roof is covered. If you have to cut the plastic to cover the entire
roof evenly, make sure the lap joints where the edges of the plastic meet each other are perfectly
sealed with flashing cement, leaving not even the smallest gap. Drape the ends of the plastic over
the parapet walls on all four sides. Lay bricks or boards on top of the plastic so that the wind doesn't
blow it around. Fasten the ends to the walls with the flashing cement or with boards that have nails
driven in to the mortar joints between the brick in the parapets.
This is a somewhat temporary protection, but if you do a good job, it should make it through the
winter. But summer heat will certainly cook the plastic until it breaks apart. To make your plastic
roof a bit more permanent, spread flashing cement over the entire surface of the roof before laying
the plastic down. Make sure that there are no bubbles in the plastic and that all of the plastic is stuck
to the cement below.
If you have leftover plastic, you can use it to seal the places where window are missing. Use lath,
which is the thin slat with which plaster walls used to be made, to nail the plastic to the window
frame or staple it up using strips of cardboard as reinforcement. You can also use leftover plastic to
make tents for your living areas: these can be really handy in the cold winter months in NYC.
Shore the place up. Close off any areas of the building where the floor or the roof is unsafe. Then if
you can't replace, repair or reinforce the damaged timbers, you can brace them with four-by-fours or
pairs of two-by-fours that have been nailed together. Be sure to brace the damaged timber against
something solid or otherwise you're just making the problem worse. The brace must ultimately be
supported by a bearing wall or footing. You can brace down to a joist if its near a load-bearing wall.
You can generally assume that brick, block, or stone exterior walls are load-bearing walls and that
interior walls (studs with lath and plaster) are probably not. However, just because a wall is not a
load bearing wall doesn't mean you can take it out safely. Even if it is only a partition wall it can't
be safely removed if there are walls in the corresponding places on the floors above it. Even if there
is no wall above the one you're thinking of removing, you have to make certain that the floor joists
above are not being supported by or, as a result of settling, come to rest upon it.
Missing stair steps can be temporarily replaced with wooden ones. If there's no other way to secure
them in place, drive nails through the top and then go underneath and bend the nails' tips over so
that they will hook on to the steel part of the stairway. Cover holes in the floor with plywood until
you can get around to replacing the missing flooring.
Holes in sewage pipes can be patched by a variety of methods, including fiber glass, auto body filler
with window screen, and even roofing cement. The waste pipes have already been discussed: they
should be tested to see if they will drain but not leak. Until you've got the pipes working, you'll
have to dump your piss and other waste waters in the storm sewer in the street. Do not dump your
waste waters out the window!
To remove debris, start at the top of your building and work down. Don't throw stuff out of upper
story windows, because you may draw justified complaints and hassles from your neighbors. Since
you may not be able to get the kind of tube that contractors use to get stuff down from the upper
floors to the street, you may have to take up the flooring in the same corner on each floor and throw
the unwanted stuff down through the holes. Once at the ground floor, the debris can be chucked out
the back of the building or bagged and taken out for bulk refuse collection by the Sanitation
Department. (It might take quite a few tries to get a response from Sanitation; it depends on who
you talk to. When you find someone who is helpful, get their name and only deal with them in the
future.) If you use the through-the-floor method, hang a curtain of plastic that stretches from floor
to ceiling on each of the affected floors, so that dust or asbestos particles won't spread all over the
Asbestos causes cancer and other serious diseases. There is no safe level of exposure to asbestos
fibers. Studies of exposure to asbestos suggest that as little as one day can result in significant
damage to the respiratory system and disease. But the health risks of asbestos come into play only if
the fibers are released from the material and enter the air. If the material is in excellent condition
and not in a living area, left it alone. A greater hazard can be created than originally existed if the
asbestos is removed by inexperienced people. Only trained asbestos abatement professionals should
remove materials containing asbestos, which is typically found in boiler and pipe insulation. It may
also be found in radiator covers, fire-proof doors and certain kinds of light-weight construction
If you see insulation that is not fiberglass, that is ripped, split, ragged or powdery looking (don't
touch it!), you should get the material tested for asbestos. Contact the White Lung Association (at
718 389 5546) and arrange to have a sample tested. The WLA also gives courses in asbestos
If for some reason you must handle asbestos, be sure to wear disposable gloves and a respirator that
has been approved for use with asbestos. A half-face respirator equipped with a High Efficiency
Particulate Absolute filter will be sufficient. Keep the asbestos wet. The weight of the water will
keep the asbestos particles from becoming air-borne.
Note: it's a good idea to take photographs or shoot videotape of the work you have done on the
building, even if it seems as if you are documenting crimes you have committed. You're not! Save
your receipts for any materials you buy. Keep records of the jobs you did and the hours (or weeks or
months) it took you and your group to do them. All of this is documentation that you are a
homesteader and not a trespasser, a vagrant or a drifter (common stereotypes for squatters).
Free Transportation
Rainbow Family
If you'd like to travel with a group, consider joining up with the Rainbow Family. You might find a
caravan by attending your local Gathering and asking around. For more information, try or
For travelers and the like an invaluable resource is You can search
for couches (sometimes even your own room!) to crash on by city/region and you can work out the
number of nights and whatnot individually with each host. It is always free and the host should
never ask you for money. You end up meeting a lot of really chill, radical types and you get an in
with some locals wherever you are. Just remember, if you ever have a place of your own, try to host
other travelers and give back to the community.
Don't pack too much clothing. One or two sets of lightweight, versatile walking clothes and
possibly one set of upscale clothes in a big Ziploc to stay clean will get you by in almost all
situations. Be aware of the culture of the area and try to fit in. Even sub-culture dress may vary; be
sure of the local cop situation and what they look for before letting your freak flag fly too loudly.
Your upscale clothes will be like an access card to many locations that punk, or just ratty dress
would disallow.
Look for clothes that pack small, dry quickly, and don't take stains. Cotton, wool, and, sadly, hemp
are often bulky, and cotton dries slowly. Petrochem synthetics, even more sadly, fit these
requirements nicely if you can stand them on your body. On the other hand, natural fibers tend to
retain odors less, and so will require washing less often.
Quality socks in quantity are just as important as good shoes. Only wear them for one day before
putting them in the wash bag, and be sure to wash your feet every morning. You can usually borrow
a tie if you need one for a more formal outing, but one is small and light. A sarong works as a scarf,
towel, skirt and shawl. You never know when you might need one, so bring one or two light ones.
Boonie style hats are available both in cotton and synthetic, they protect your eyes and neck better
than a baseball cap and the chin string keeps it from blowing away. A packable jacket and fleece
vest is also a very good idea even in summer. Hospital scrubs and a tee-shirt make good pajamas,
and they can also be worn on the street or if you need to look at home in a hospital.
Your shoes, above all, must be comfortable to walk in over long distances. Never take brand new
shoes on the road, as broken-in shoes will put less stress on your feet and toes. Sandals are great if
you are not on the move, except at demonstrations where a jackboot or horse-hoof will make mush
of your toes. Doc Martens used to be an affordable comfortable shoe/boot, but fashion trends have
caused prices to rise and quality has dropped. Mail carrier shoes are made to look dressy but survive
daily hours of outdoor walking. Cheap army boots will last for a few months but are heavy, hot, and
might slow you down. Discount stores sometimes have surprising quality light hiking boots, work
boots, trail runners, or walking shoes.
Check out Sandals for some tips on DIY footwear.
Like your bicycle, your pack is one of the most personal things you will own. You really don't have
to go crazy on a hyper-expensive German pack, but if you skimp out too much on quality, you could
end up uncomfortable or face it wearing out quickly. A frame pack will help distribute your load. An
external frame is cheaper, but internal frame packs are now the more popular choice and move well
with you. A roll of nylon fiber tape like is used to secure packages will make a break-in or break-
open of your pack less likely if you have to check, stow, or throw the bag. It also helps to identify
your bag in a luggage collection area. You might also want to carry a second comfortable day pack
for short excursions when you can lock up your main pack. See more about packs and wilderness
specific gear in Backpacking and Camping
Stash a Pack
You will have many times that you want to stash you pack but have no idea where to safely hide it.
Wearing a backpack pegs you as different and possibly a traveler or drifter, many places will
assume you are using your pack to steal, many stores won't even let you enter Try to get the store to
hold it in the office or something while you shop, little luggage locks should keep prying employees
out of your stuff. Of course the safest place for you pack is on you.
If you carry a piece of tubular webbing tied into a circle, a carabineer or pulley and some cord or
rope you can use the tree stash. Carefully climb a tree and hang your loop and carabineer, don't
forget to stick a bit of cord into the carabineer. Hoist your pack and tie off to a branch. Discretion is
of course the rule unless you want your pack stolen, do a walk-around and look for people watching
first don't do this in the commons, be in the brush a bit. Tree caching works best with a dull colored
pack and cord. Don't talk about using this technique except with your true affinity group lest your
new "friends" follow you and clean out your pack. This setup could be made with cheaper hardware
so you could abandon it in the tree if you had to move fast, a half inch eye bolt with wood screw tip
would hold tight in most trees but leaving a potential damage to the tree. If you have another twelve
foot piece of tubular webbing with you tied in a loop you can throw this around the lowest branch to
give you that first step into the tree.
Pack Lockup
There is an expensive product called pack-safe which is really just stainless steel cable crimper
joined every 3-4 inches so it looks like tube of cyclone fence mesh and gathered at the bottom and
lockable at the top. If you had the time and parts you could make your own, but this will still not
stop a determined thief who can still slice and grab what she can, additionally the mesh is heavy to
carry around.
You could try to cable lock your pack with a cheap bike lock slowing down the grab and run thief.
Wrap your pack in ratty blue tarp and lock it next to your bike or near the entrance to the store you
are in and it might frighten off the less bold or squeamish thief.
We have seen many packs equipped with wheels and a T-handle and zip panels to cover over the
straps. Other people carry a folding luggage dolly for their standard packs or luggage. In well paved
areas it might just make sense to go the wheels route if your feet are the way you get around, letting
the wheels do the heavy lifting. The downside is weight, comfort when worn on your back, and
often higher price. We have never seen a true back country pack which also had attached wheels.
If you like to support the underground economy with stolen electronics, then join the millions of
dumb western "flash-packers" who can't live without their Power Book, Ipod, and Iphone while on
the road. A better plan is to limit what you can keep in your pockets. Sparkly gadgets are the bait
that can get your whole pack stolen by street thieves or corrupt cops who want more toys for
themselves. CD's or DVD's are fragile and heavy in large numbers, digitize the content and save on
portable hard disk or even better avoid the CorpGov programming from their media entirely. If you
look hard most items, even guitars, keyboards, and amps can be found, either in a lightweight form
or can be borrowed.
Rechargeable batteries and a small charger are great ideas for your gear, we like Nickel-Metal-
Hydride for power and environmental reasons, look for a 110/220 charger or one with USB power
option for low voltage flexibility including solar, hand, and bicycle generators. If you stick a ribbon
in between the contacts and battery you will have an extra safety to keep the gadget from switching
on in your pack and draining the batteries, plus with a yank the ribbon comes out quickly on most
gadgets without even opening them up. A package of real alkaline batteries will store much better
than rechargeables and are good for emergencies, don't leave any battery in a gadget during storage,
old batteries often leak especially if the device is left switched on.
Splashed Electronics
You are poor and on the move, expect your valuable electronics to go into the water at some point.
All is not lost,
• snatch your gadget from the water
• get the batteries out now!!
• open every door and opening or take it apart
• shake the water out and dab internals with cloth
If you dropped in salt water you are probably out of luck, but still as quickly as possibly
• rinse off with bottled water or fresh water to get the salt out
• take the gadget apart as far as you safely can
• get your gadget somewhere warm and breezy if possible. The top of a radiator with a fan
blowing is great, behind a refrigerator where the warm air blows is good too.
If you can find electronic cleaning 'air in a can' blast the inside of the gadget to blow the water out
your gadget, it will help a lot, be careful using a regular air hose these sometimes have water or oil
in them. Let dry for 24 to 48 hours inspecting for dampness blowing or dabbing what you can get
at, if there is none evident after that time period try powering up the gadget, good luck.
We hesitate to mention the oven dry method because too many people freaked out over ruining their
gadget get excited and mess it up, they end up with plastic slag dripping in the oven, we have
inserted an oven temperature verification to help you boneheads out.
• Remove battery and open all other covers
• shake out as much liquid as possible
• Rinse gadget with bottled water if necessary to wash out liquids other than fresh water
• Preheat the oven or toaster oven and a plate to 120 F or 55C for 15 minutes
• Remove all knobs so nobody can adjust the heat
• Put a big sign on the oven explaining what you are doing, and what you will do to anyone
who melts your gadget
• After 15 minutes carefully feel the plate, does it burn or just feel hot
• Let your gadget dry in the oven for an hour or more
• If you melt the gadget don't call us!
A nice electronic convergence device is an old used PDA that has a WiFi card for web browsing,
and can act as a MP3 player. These two uses are the main uses of electronics for travelers. A large
capacity SD/MMC or Compact Flash card will give you room for lots of tunes. We like the SD-to-
CF card adapters for using a SD/USB combo card for large file storage and a small USB drive.
Sticker and tape the PDA up so nobody will want to steal it. Many free programs are out like ebook
readers or translators for travelers. Some PDA's have a battery booster available which charge from
four AA cells.
USB Key/Disc
A traveler often still wants his or her programs, or even his or her whole OS. We
describe in Computers#USB Key how to load and use a USB key for booting a M$
Windows machine to Linux as well as bringing your favorite apps along.
Wake Up
A digital countdown timer from a kitchen store will let you grab both quick naps or a full night of
sleep without worry of oversleeping; set it according to your watch. Your cell phone alarm clock
can now be turned off for privacy, to save batteries, or allow you to leave it at home.
If you can't live without music, follow these tips. However, the more you open yourself up to the
local culture on your travels, the more enjoyable and rewarding your trip will become. Remember
that MP3 players take batteries— an expensive and hard-to-recycle commodity, but we hear the
maker of the wind-up radio is coming out with a wind up MP3/video player soon.
One way to go is to carry a small instrument and make your own music to share (see Making
Music) as opposed to being antisocial and listen to MP3's or the radio all of the time.
If you like to stay informed, a small hand-crank or solar powered radio can be useful for not only
weather reports and news breaks, but also for listening to NPR. NPR is a great radio resource that
offers good, eclectic music, international news, and comedy shows. Even though some say it is
white liberal biased, it at least treats you, the listener, as an intelligent person They also offer live
broadcasts of the BBC World News on a near-nightly basis. Most foreign countries have state-run
radio stations which offer something similar. You will also be able to use your radio to pick up
pirate stations and college channels. See Radio.
A small, cheap MP3 player is a good choice if your choose the MP3 route. Use rechargeable
batteries if possible and try the recharging ideas in Low Impact Crashing or carry a small recharger.
An external speaker can either share your tunes or pollute the room with constant noise, so be nice
and think of your mates before playing your music out loud.
In the cleaning section of grocery and hardware stores you will likely see synthetic or microfiber
cleanup towels. The larger ones make great cheap towels which pack light and dry quickly, this is
the same thing as expensive backpacker pack towels.
One packing trick we have found useful came from a fancy soap liberated in a German hotel. The
soap bar was first inserted into a soft cotton bag with a small hanging loop, it dried out quickly
when we put our wet soap into it. When we had to travel there was a second tough vinyl bag big
enough the soap in the cotton sack and a folding over to seal it. This kept our pack contents from
getting gooped up even if the soap bar had not yet dried out. We found this or something homemade
from a small sock and plastic bag works better than a leaky soap box.
Nail Clipper
For we who move on our feet more often than drive or ride need our transportation in top shape.
Clipping our toe nails regularly prevents infection from ingrown nails as well as lengthening the life
of our socks and shoes. Always clip straight across with scissors or clippers and leave the corners of
the toe nail sticking out, trimming off these corners lets the skin around the nails grow in and when
the nail grows it will cut or rub this flesh leaving you open to infection.
Warm Water
Warm up your bath water with your stinger in a bucket or plastic sack inside a nylon stuff sack, for
small volumes be careful not to overheat the water, or you can also use your camp stove to boil
water to heat up a bucket of cold water.
Wash up with your damp washcloth or sponge to save water. If rinsing is not an option because of
limited water or drainage rub on a few drops of baby shampoo in your armpits and groin then wash
away as you wash the rest of your body with your washcloth.
If you are really cold soaking your feet in warm water is a delight, pull out and dry off before the
water gets too cold or spills.
A small LED headlight covers almost everything a person needs light for
out to about 4 meters, a good idea is to wear the headband around your
neck until needed, leave your light easy to get to in the top of you pack.
Since LED gadgets are cheap and run forever on a battery why not pack a
few of these gadgets.
If the room you are in has no electrical or natural light many
camping and mart stores sell a cheap four cell AA powered
fluorescent and incandescent combo pocket flashlight. The light bulb
can be replaced with a LED making a long lasting night light with
the fluorescent tube for when you general coverage.
When the power goes out you can never have too many light sources,
glow tape or tritium markers will help you find your lights or gear in
the dark.
A twin sheet folded and sewn on the bottom makes a cheap hostel
sheet, this is good if you must crash on a gross couch or mattress in
summer or if you are staying at a hostel that charges for sheets, if
you are cold use your sleeping bag as your blanket. Your hostel sheet
is much easier to wash and dry than your sleeping bag so use it as a liner to keep your bag clean.
Of course your wilderness sleeping bag is what you will spend the night in the most, often with
your camping pad underneath if there is not an extra bed. Regularly check for bedbugs in your
sleeping bag and sheet especially if you stay at hostels or cheap hotels. Stuff some clothes into a
pants leg or stuff sack for a pillow.
Hair Dryer
A hair dryer can be your best friend in cold, rainy, and/or unheated locations where power is
available. Go for a travel dryer designed to switch from 110V to 220V, and choose something high
quality, portable, quiet, and maybe foldable. Just be sure it is small, or else you would be better
carrying a small heater, which is usually much quieter, although both often put out the same amount
of heat. Use your dryer to:
• Dry clothes, socks, and shoes (be careful not to melt synthetics or the glue holding shoes
• Warm up your sleeping bag, or dry it out
• Heat up a small room or tent (find a dryer that can stay on for at least a half hour)
• Removing adhesive stickers and signs
• Make cars slow down (pretend it's a radar gun)
• Thaw a car window or preheat the interior without wasting fuel
If no small room is available and you are in a warehouse or outside but with access to electricity,
pop your tent, tarp tepee, or cardboard box up right there and you have a much smaller space to
Clean the lint and dust out of the screen on the back so your dryer won't overheat. Never run the
hair dryer if you are very sleepy or going out; these things can lock up and overheat even though
there is supposed to be a thermostat safety shutoff circuit and a circuit breaker you must be on guard
for fire. Like with all electrical stuff, water or wet concrete is big danger.
For packable food, see Backpacking and Camping, Food and Cheap Chow for some easy on the
road improvised recipes. It is important to have enough filling ready to eat food and a liter or two of
drinking water since you never know how long you might be stuck out somewhere when forced to
run, hitching, riding, waiting, or arriving late at night. It might be smart to keep a separate hangable
bag so the smell of food stays out of your pack as this might attract pests and rodents.
Immersion Boiler
A stinger or immersion boiler is useful for boiling water for
cooking, are cheap, and are super light to carry. see Cheap Chow
for stinger specific recipes. You can also heat larger containers of
water to warm for bathing or washing. A commercial coil stinger is
usually so cheap and light that getting and carrying a spare or two
only makes sense, especially considering that they burn out after a
The coil stinger you buy in stores will burn out if the water boils
away or it falls out so it won't start a fire, if you make a prison
stinger from a power cord with tips stripped of insulation and dipped in salted or hard water, don't
let the ends touch or you will blow the breakers, oh and if you knock the prison stinger and soup
over it can electrocute you!!.
Cheese/Vegetable Grater
A very small grater, about two by six inches, will add very little weight but can be very useful for
shredding food, which greatly reduces cooking time in soups, and for shredding and grinding soft
and hard cheeses. You can also turn bar soap into washing soap, just shred a pile of soap and dump
it in a bucket of warm water to wash your clothes if you are out of laundry detergent.
It is a good idea to carry big sturdy permanent marker or paint pen with a good cap for hitchhiking
or panhandling signs, marking food in group pantries or refrigerators, hobo marks Wall Painting,
and tagging with intelligent quotes or philosophical quandaries in appropriate places. Store pens
and markers in a plastic bag wrapped in toilet paper near the top of your pack in case of leakage,
especially in hot weather or during air or mountain travel. Street chalk can also be useful for the
above purposes and less permanent especially if you are concerned about ink leaks, a clipboard with
the back painted in special chalkboard paint is great for hitchhiking or temporary signs.
Some of us won't leave home without a bicycle and can be seen all
over the world with a big pack and little folding bike or even a
recumbent touring cycle. It is possible to hitch while making a bike
trip, but it is more difficult to find a ride, since your hitch needs either
a pickup truck or have an empty bike rack. Most commercial
transportation will either forbid a standard bicycle or charge up to a
double fare.
Remember that carrying a bike is a trade off towards self mobility
versus the delights of traveling light and hitching. If you are not too
personal about your bike, try to call ahead and arrange a bike from
friends, a listserve, or We mention lots of options in Cycling.
Remember the spares and tools that you will need if you bring a bicycle, at a minimum a mini-
pump, patch kit with levers, and a folding bicycle multitool, but an extra innertube or two is smart,
these tools are useful for more than just bicycle repair.
Free maps
Most states offer free maps which you can either order from the official state website, the state
tourism website, or from welcome/info/tourist buildings as you enter the state. Always have a
highway map and good compass so you can keep yourself on the right road and headed in the right
Your best bet is to ask around at a truck stop, many truckers like to have a rider to talk to. Women
should watch out at truck stops since these places are also frequent workplaces for prostitutes or lot
lizards in CB lingo, partnering up is a good idea in this sexist world. Even if a trucker is not
interested in giving a ride ask if he will CB for someone heading your way. Talk to your ride first
and especially at a truck stop and make sure they are cool, there is no reason to ride with a creep. If
you were not carrying enough already a CB handheld radio can be used as a long range hitching
thumb, call out to truckers in truckstops or even on the highway, talk directly to trucks you see by
color and description, wave and ask them for a ride. Of course when roadside hitching a big sign
always helps, be sure you are on the side of the highway heading where you want to go. Never put
you bag in the back, snuggle it to yourself so you will have it if you decide to bail out.
The bicycle is the most popular vehicle in the world, and for good reason: bicycles are beautiful
things. They are cheap, reliable, faster and easier than walking (and driving in the city), and
downright sexy. They can take you almost anywhere, they don't rely on fuel, a license or insurance,
a most liberating way to get around these days.
Getting a Bike
Always acquire your cycle through honest means, a less than affluent person can be greatly
damaged by stealing or stripping their cycle. Don't assume that a nice bike belongs to the CorpGov
rich and is thus free to steal, many of us put every penny and a bit of our heart and soul into making
one of our few material treasures into a work of fast functional art.
Find a bike of quality good enough to not require constant replacement of parts. If the quality is too
low you will likely learn to hate cycling and stay a petrol hog.
Never buy junk from department stores that rely on crude slave labor: these are designed as gifts to
kids who will likely ride them for a few weeks, these garage rusters tend to be good for only about
500km and maintenance is almost impossible.
When buying, stick to a friendly local bicycle shoppe or, even better, a local bike co-op who will
sell you a tuned and sized bicycle designed for long service life.
In the USA, quality barely used bikes are discarded to "thrift" shoppes which may sell for as little as
$10. Garage sales are also a good source of cheap bikes, beware the used department store type
cycles unless you need a disposable with poor performance. A proper 1970's vintage quality bicycle
and a little tuning is a much better choice for your money than a brand new discount-mart special.
Watch out for dents in the frame of the bike, this is a sign that the bike has been crashed, and may
be hazardous to ride especially if it is of aluminum or exotic construction. Also look out for hairline
cracks in the paint, especially near the tubing joints. These can be an early warning of frame
A good way to get a bike is to put up ads on bulletin boards. Something like "looking for reasonable
bicycle for reasonable price" is good. This only works if you (or your buddy) has a phone or email.
Get your local bike shoppe to check out a bike you are about to buy and estimate repairs and tune
Carrying things
You can increase the usefulness of your bike by making it easier for you to carry loads with it.
Racks, front and back, can be added. You can get bags (called 'panniers') which attach to the sides
of the racks; these will allow you to carry a lot of stuff without encumbering your hands, allowing
you to ride safer. For day to day use a small backpack or fanny pack will do.
Baskets are also effective for carrying stuff. You can get baskets that attach to the front or back of
the bike. Milk carton crates make good tough baskets when cable tied to your handlebars or tail
For carrying larger stuff (like children and furniture), you might want to consider a trailer. These
can be expensive, but you can also make one yourself. A trailer can be pieced together with plastic
piping or electrical conduit, a pair of spare wheels, and a basket or plastic tote. For a trailer hitch, go
to your local hardware store and get a quick-release garden hose or air hose connection and a bit of
hose. Rig up the connections to be used as a trailer hitch. For added safety, paint the trailer a bright
color and put LOTS of reflective tape and a small red flashing light on the back. One company in
Eugene Oregon makes a hard shell suitcase for folding bicycles that when unloaded and wheels are
attached becomes a bicycle trailer.
An extra wide two wheel standup shopping cart of the type used by retirees to take their groceries
home is perfect for the cycle commuter. An extra handle is clamped or welded to the frame, this
handle will end in a pneumatic hose fitting, the counterpart will be mounted to the frame of your
bicycle for trailering. It will extend the life of your wheels to add greased brass or copper tube
bushings to the plastic wheels or ball bearings. When you get to the store lock up your bike, unsnap
your cart and take it in for shopping. When you get home your trailer/cart comes inside with you,
easier than car shopping!
You can also make large panniers from square food buckets and attaching hooks to grab your tail
rack, properly caulked these will survive even the worst rain storms dry.
Your bicycle becomes a push wagon and you have to walk. Try to balance the load as best as
possible since it will be difficult if a very heavily laden bicycle were to fall over.
Watch for bags or containers that might rub against your
tires or spokes destroying your wheel and cargo.. Several
hundred pounds could potentially be carried, nearly every
adult bicycle is designed at a minimum to support over
three hundred pounds of human rider. Attach a pole tightly
across the handle bars to help steer, keep the brake
handles reachable if you are in hilly terrain. Two pushers
are better than one for balance. With loads over two
hundred pounds be careful when using a bicycle with
shock absorbers so they don't overload, be sure to have
the tires at full inflation to prevent damage, and that the spokes are tight and aligned.
A good lock is a wise investment if you can afford it. A 3 feet long hardened steel chain and high
security lock gives you many options when securing your bike, and they're a lot more affordable
than a D lock, wear it across your chest or in a pannier or basket. A D lock should be run through
the frame and high security cable through the wheels for good general security. Remember your D
lock and to a lesser extent security chain is a self defense weapon if you are under attack.
Taking corporate logos from a new cycle and adding stickers and tape will quickly make it look
used and reduce the perceived value and risk of theft.
One method people have used is to "uglify" the bicycle by painting it a hideous color combination
(such as mismatched florescent colors) with added flecks or using a simulated rust finish available
in craft stores. If the thief thinks your bike isn't worth stealing, he probably won't steal it and instead
make his way to the Shimano further down the rack. Replacing the bolts on your seat with Torx
head bolts will show down, or even deter, a would-be thief. Grinding off the logos from the gears; a
worn, fugly looking seat; mismatched pedals, tires and handlebar grips; all of these can make your
bike look like an ugly duckling while keeping it riding like a swan. Remember, don't think "art
bike" here, think "camouflage".
Don't leave all of your lights, pumps, seat bags, and other gadgets clipped to your bike when you
are parked. They are quick release for a reason, and not to make theft easy, keep this stuff ready to
go in your bike messenger bag. Just in case attach an extra red flasher to the back of your helmet
where it won't be easily stolen keeping you legal.
If your bike has multiple gears, use them! Pedaling shouldn't be a huge chore. It's better to lightly
"spin" your cranks at a moderately fast cadence rather than push really hard one leg at a time, which
is inefficient. It is possible to spin too fast: experiment with your gears to find what works best.
Most people find their favorite cadence between 1 and 2 revolutions per second.
If you travel frequently a folding or take-apart model of bicycle may be for you. Some can even be
disassembled or folded to fit a suitcase or duffel-bag. This may save you a double fare or extra
charge on airplane, bus, and train trips as well as hitchhiking a ride. If disassembling a bicycle for
travel be sure to take off the dérailleur as this is very easily broken when unprotected by the wheel.
Remember that small folding bikes have a low center of gravity and short wheelbase and take a
while to get used to.
Keeping it Working
Once you have a bike, you'll want to keep it working well. One of the most important aspects of
bike maintenance is the lubrication of the chain. Almost any cheap oil will work in a pinch to keep
the chain moving freely and free of rust: just get the chain nice and wet, then wipe it dry, to reduce
dirt buildup. Try to keep the oil off the wheels where it can hurt your ability to brake. If you have
the choice buy a proper bicycle chain oil and grease to lube the bearings and chain, only use WD40
to unstick rust jammed parts then clean it off and oil the chain, WD40 draws moisture and
encourages rust. Replace a chain that becomes "stretched" this means that the link pins have
become partly worn-through, this link to gear tooth size mismatch will eat up the sprockets of your
drive train causing skipping and eventual failure.
If you have a problem repairing your bike, Sheldon Brown's Website is probably a good place to
look for guidance.
Portable Tools
It never hurts to always carry the kit for changing a flat tire. At a minimum carry a small quality
puncture kit and mini pump, but also carry a spare inner tube. Repair the flat tube in the comfort of
your own home later, but don't forget to put it back in your pack for spare. Folding combo bike tools
will provide spoke tighteners, chain breakers, hex and screw drivers, sometimes even sockets or
wrenches. A small toolkit can make the difference between being mobile in a few minutes or a long
walk home.
If you will be away from support for a long time you might even go so far as to carry extra tubes, a
spare chain, brake pads, a few spokes, folding tire, and extra patch kits.
Road Crud
Beyond tools, it's important to do simple things to keep your bike in working order. Grit from the
road sticks to your bike and its parts, even if you've got full fenders. Once a week, or after every
ride in the wet, clean off the gears and the chain. Every time you come home in the rain spray the
bike off and bounce the drops off. An old toothbrush (clean it off first if you've used it before) and
a rag will do wonders. The main place to focus on is in the actual teeth of the gears, most especially
in between. Getting rid of all this destructive crud will increase the life of your gears and chain, and
subsequently save you money and hassle. This takes all of ten minutes to do and is completely
worth it.
Stopping rust also helps: if there's any exposed unpainted or unfinished metal on the frame of your
bike, you can touch it up with a little hobby paint. This isn't for cosmetic purposes so much as
preventing rusting. Rust eats away at your bike and can compromise the structural integrity of the
frame, so watch out: the last thing you want is for your frame to break while you're in traffic.
Wheels and Tires
Bike tires lose pressure over time. Pump your tires up to the maximum PSI rating marked on your
tires once a week and you'll never have to worry about it. Keeping your tires inflated properly
reduces rolling resistance, which means less work for you when you're pedaling. It also means that
your wheels and tires are going to stand less a chance of being damaged due to extra stress on them.
If you have the money invest in the best tires, Kevlar and good rubber will prevent blowouts and
tread failures while lasting for several seasons. Check your spokes regularly for tightness and
tighten with a spoke tool, this will keep you wheels from warping or riping out other spokes.
Friction dynamos/generators will rub a groove onto the side of your tire and eventually cause it to
fail if used regularly, a rubber dynamo pickup wheel and cleaning dirt from the rubber contact
surfaces will prolong the life of your tire.
Stay hydrated and fed while cycling, don't waste your time with lo-cal foods; you need fuel, around
7000 Calories is reasonable. If it does not cause you indigestion try to eat lots of fats. A banana can
help prevent cramping from long rides. Backpack drinking systems are available now for low prices
if you prefer using these to water bottles. Many sport drinks come in a decent reusable squirt bottle
that fits standard bottle cages. See Backpacking and Camping and Cheap Chow for food and drink
suggestions. If you will be going through towns be sure to do some dumpster diving and begging at
pizza bakery and donut places, stock up on free fuel.
Just like most "free" methods of travel talked about in STB, train-hopping is more difficult due to
the Bush Empire's restrictions on transportation. Train-hopping is still do-able, but since the
government has gotten word of potential "terrorists" hitching a ride on a freight train, you hold a
much better chance of being fined or arrested by railroad cops or the local pigs for trespass. This
security is also due to taggers who paint the sides of railroad cars and the liability from injured and
killed hobos, a hobo leaves nothing but maybe some garbage and only endangers himself, a tagger
causes lasting unwanted evidence which managers can't ignore, they have to assume all trespassers
are there to tag. With the price of fuel rising expect more trains running more places as trucks are
priced off of the road.
To start, leave with someone who knows what they're doing. It will help with being safe, save you
from a lot of headaches, and keep you from being unnecessarily paranoid. If you do leave by
yourself, don't try to hop any moving trains until you know what you're doing.
Types of Rides
There are two types of trains, Inter Modal (IM) and General Manifest (GM). Slang terms for these
are Hotshots and Junk, respectively. There are separate yards for IMs, but they will still work in GM
yards. Both of these categories can be broken down further into types of cars.
Hotshots are the quickest ride you can catch (hence the name). When two trains are going down the
same length of track, one train will have to side for the other at a 2 mile, a length of track where it
splits into 2 tracks than goes back, or one will side in a yard. Hotshots only have to side for
Amtracks and specialty trains (like the Florida Juice train). They also seem to go a lot faster.
Hotshots are made up of shipping containers and semi trailers for people like UPS and chain stores.
They have tighter security than junk trains because people like to jack shit from the containers.
• Wells- Well cars are 5 foot tall or so buckets that shipping containers get dropped in to.
Wells come in different lengths, as do the containers. You want to try for a 48 container
dropped into a 52 (53?) well. You can ride in the space in the leftover space between the
container and the front of the well. The problem with this is it's harder to find wells with
floors these days. Wells without floors are called suicides. They either have a pattern of
triangles cut out of the floor, or just steel diagonal beams running the length. A suicide can
be ridden on the 1 foot or so that runs the perimeter with your feet resting on a crossbeam
but you can't really sleep unless you sleep on the upper porch (where you're visible).
• Pigs- pig is slang for a semi trailer. you will have either trailers on flat cars (TOFC) or pigs
in buckets. A pig in a bucket is a trailer set into a Container well. Riding a TOFC, you can
hide in between the wheels reasonably well, but a bucket is better. One advantage of the Pig
is you have shade.
General Manifest
Junk trains are the trains everyone pictures when they think of freight trains. There's a lot of
different types of cars, but only some are rideable.
• The romanticized boxcar- Boxcars are really nice to ride; shade, well hidden, usually
something comfortable to sleep on. They are alot harder to hop in and out of because there
isn't a ladder, so it's 5 feet instead of 2 and you have to pull your self up with upper body
strength. A boxcar with two open doors is best. boxcar doors can't be opened from the inside.
before you get in, grab a rail spike and jam it into the track of the door, or whatever else you
can find.
• Grainer- a Grainer is sort of shaped like an upside down trapezoid, with "porches" on either
end, and metal walk ways across the tops. they carry things like sand and laundry detergent.
When riding a grainer, you ride the porch. You want to get on the side without the brake
equipment on it, and it's nicer to be on the back. Riding on the front is alot colder (so nice in
the summer) and you get whatever shit is on the porch in front of you in your mouth in eyes.
riding on the front is called riding dirty faced, for obvious reasons. Some grainers have little
short walls running the perimeter of the porch. these are called Cadillacs and they're straight
pimpin'. Grainers have holes cut into the sides, so when you need to hide you can crawl
• flat cars- terrible. Completely visible, and there's no shade.
• tankers- Unrideable.
• Gondolas- Gondolas are big buckets. They get filled with all kinds of things, like scrap
metal, wire spools, etc. You shouldn't ever ride a loaded Gondola; use your best judgment.
The shorter ones are the only ones worth riding.
A sleeping bag, jacket, or blanket keeps the wind off even in summer; these open cars are breezy
once they get moving fast, goggles or Sun glasses keep the bugs and wind out of your eyes. A
stadium pad or sleeping mat to sit on is smart, the floors are usually hard, cold, and filthy, tie your
pad and loose gear so it won't blow away. Remember that freight cars are filthy and jumping
freights is a good way to beat both yourself and clothing up. Gloves, sturdy shoes, a tough jacket,
and rip resistant trousers are a good idea. Everything that can will fall out of your pockets or get left
in the car. If you smoke, taping your lighter to a string and tying or clipping it on to your pants is
Bring plenty of water. The wind dehydrates you. If you ride a car without shade you are baking in
the sun all day. It sucks to have to get off early in some random town because you ran out of water.
You can choose between carrying a gallon jug in your hand or even better packing several reused 2
liter soft drink bottles in your pack. Be prepared for a jug to get punctured. It's generally good to
bring an extra bottle for drinking while you wait for your train, and the walk to the yard. A Nalgene
bottle or camelback type system is good because you can keep track of how much you drink and
they are tough. Keep it clipped to your waist in case you lose your jug or pack. Drink small sips
constantly, even when you aren't thirsty. If you try to stop yourself from drinking till you are really
thirsty you tend to drink more. and you're dehydrated and feel like shit. Watch your piss, and and
watch your spit.
For train food, tuna fish, sardines, cereal, pop tarts, trail mix, cake, and granola are all good. Peanut
butter is an excellent thing to bring. It's good to keep your sugar intake in check. Jacking condiment
packets before hand will make your train eating experience much more enjoyable. A lot of folks
take a metal spoon and bend the end of the handle over a key ring and keep it on a caribiner.
Even more than normal be sure to pack light and be ready to ditch your pack if something goes
wrong while jumping aboard. Don't ever carry glass bottles or jars, it is almost impossible to board
or unload without breaking them. Bag anything that can leak or get all over the place in ziplocs.
Ziplocs are a good idea anyway for keeping your gear organized and waterproof.
You can use the train to flatten coins and other metal objects by leaving them on an active rail and
waiting, be careful a fast moving train can really fling this stuff hard, we have sold necklaces and
belly button ring charms made from flattened coins. Look for rail spikes which work as heavy tent
pegs and chopped off bits of rail near a repair, the rail chunks are heavy but work great as anvils.
Trains use air brakes. Every car has a little compressor on it, and hoses run the length of the train.
When a train is about to start, you here the brakes. When a train is built, a worker has to go the
length and connect all the hoses. If your train breaks (which can be bad) they close a valve before
and after the break than disconnect the hose. you can hear that if you're close enough. When a train
breaks the extra worker in the unit walks the length of the train to break it, than either rides on a car
or gets picked up in a work truck. After a while all the sounds are recognizable and it's helpful.
A train breaks to leave a string of cars at a destination, or pick up more cars. It's easier to break in
the middle instead of backing the entire train in. that's because it's a pain in the ass to back a huge
train into a yard, or the FRED (light on the end) is a pain in the ass to attach or something like that.
because of that, the back is preferable so you don't have to go into the yard when strings get picked
up, and you are one of the last cars to get dropped off.
Crew Change is a term for when the conductor and company finishes their shift and a new crew gets
on. A crew can only legally work somewhere between 8 and 10 hours before switching.
BE CAREFUL. Never move under cars or over the coupling. When moving between cars use the
ladders. Workers are much more likely to give you shit if you're acting a fool, and less likely to care
if you are being as safe as them. Watch out for hump yards. Hump yards are areas of the yard where
there is a big hill with track going down it. A car is taken to the hill, and released to slam into
another car and join the couplings. This is one method of building trains. They can sometimes move
upwards of 20mph and are dark and quiet, don't let one sneak up and run you over. Steer clear. Also,
some yards have remote controlled yard engines, which is a scary thought. that means there isn't
anyone to see you before they run you over. If you enter the yard from a normal entrance they have
big neon signs telling you it uses remote controlled engines.
Sometimes a car will have one uneven wheel. The train will rock and make the worst racket you've
ever heard, and it's ten times worse in a boxcar. Trains are loud as hell anyway, so bring ear plugs if
you think you'll need them.
Haynes and Chilton publish a wide line of owner-friendly repair manuals
available at both book stores and auto parts stores. These books give much
more detailed information than in the manufacturer-supplied owner's
manuals. See if they have a copy at the library
If your headlights start to dim as you are driving this is usually caused by a
dead or dying alternator. On older model cars these are easy to replace
yourself most of the time. Don't stop the car as it will likely die. Your
spark and fuel injection are running on that battery. Only think about
killing the headlights.
If your car sputters after holding the gas down for a few seconds it might be a clogged or old fuel
filter. These can be super easy to replace inline filters or almost impossible to replace inside the fuel
tank units.
Letting your battery die over 4-5 times will seriously weaken or destroy a car battery.
If the car overheats try changing or topping off the radiator, as it might be clogged with calcium or
rust. It could also be that the oil is low or the oil filter is clogged increasing the heat and wear. The
radiator is easily damaged, note the location of leaks when the engine is hot. When you are in a safe
place and the engine is cool you can try first adding a radiator stop leak, if this fails find the
damaged tubes and brush clean then solder with lead solder and a torch. if this fails bend the tubes
over and add stop leak again hopefully plugging them for good.
If you see a car similar to yours at a junkyard or rusting away see if they will sell/give you the
plates. At a U-pull-it junkyard buy a car seat or something like that and stuff the plates under the
vinyl or under the flap of you cardboard parts box. These can be very handy in radical action. You
would be surprised how many police cases are solved by seeing a license plate on security cameras.
Many highways have license plate scanners for tolling trucks but they likely also record passing
Hide a key wired under your vehicle, behind the license plates, or anywhere else that works, check
for it every few months.
Car Cover
You can park overnight in many communities at the curb if you cover your car with a nice clean car
cover. You might even be able to stay in one place between the huge lot lines for several nights
before any homeowner notices. With the car cover on your car the rent-a-thug/ethnic cleanser has
no idea you are camping out in a rust bucket or which house you (don't) belong to.
When you get your cover walk right out to your car open the package and try it on, you need to be
able to open a door (front and back door if possible) and enter with the cover on, if this doesn't work
walk back and return it for a cover that will work. The car cover should be near the top of your
yippie drop out kit shopping list if you plan to keep your car.
The fastest way to get in trouble when parked overnight is to urinate or defecate right next to your
vehicle. When the heat of the day comes it leaves a very nasty smell both for you and the neighbors
even after you leave. This creates the impression that the homeless are filthy or disgusting, and is a
good way to get car camping outlawed where you are staying, don't screw over your brothers and
sisters like this! Try to park next to a sewer grate where you can dump all of your toilet
waste(unless it is marked as a untreated drain to a water body) and pour out your washing water
(gray water) bucket at the same time to rinse it down. If a sewer grate is not possible at least have
enough water to wash away urine from the gutter. Plan ahead and use a public restroom whenever
possible but keep a bucket and trash sack for dire toilet emergencies.
Vinegar is a Miracle Drug, and it is one of the cheapest things in the grocery store. Rubbed into
your underarms and pubes it slows the growth of bacteria that make you smell all funky -- you can
use it to have at least a cleanish day if you're not carrying any deodorant. Rubbed on your face it is
very effective against acne. It can also be used to treat all sorts of skin infections, from crotch rot to
athletes' foot. Warm vinegar water is a good soak for skin infections, but if your skin is tender from
an advanced infection, it will sting like fire, so fold a bandanna or washcloth, wet it good with
water, and put a small sprinkle of vinegar on it, and gently pat yourself down if your skin is red and
tender. Sluice down your feet with it and rub the vinegar in hard between your toes if you have, or
even might get, Athletes' Foot. It works in about three good applications over a couple of days, on
even advanced infections, much faster than drugstore creams. If your skin is cracked and bleeding,
though, you're screwed and you need the drugstore creams or even medical assistance. Vinegar is a
powerful food acid, and will sting the living shit out of raw, tender skin, so test out a goodly dab on
you first to see how bad off you are before your screams echo in the bathroom, or behind the
church, or wherever....
Baking Soda
Baking soda, also known as sodium bicarbonate, is a good wet or dry deodorant for the crotch and
armpits it is also easy on the skin. Baking soda is also a toothpaste powder, a quick effective
antacid, add to your wash bucket with the soap to deodorize your clothes and bedding. Just don't try
to combine baking soda with vinegar. They produce a great deal of foamy bubbles when mixed.
Rubbing Alcohol
Rubbing alcohol can be used for cleaning out wounds and cuts if you don't have iodine solution but
it burns like hell and is not as effective. It can bring relief from a cold or fever when rubbed down
after a bath. Just remember that it is a combustible liquid, and has been denatured to keep people
from drinking it (You WILL get violently sick if you do!) and you can use it as fuel if you make a
soft drink can stove.
Witch Hazel
Witch Hazel is an excellent (and cheap!) astringent, and is good for stopping up shaving cuts and
reducing hemorrhoids.
Zinc Oxide
Zinc Oxide can be used to make a sunblock cream like old school lifeguards would wear on their
nose. Oil of cloves is good to numb a sore tooth. Mix oil of clove and zinc oxide into a clay, stuff it
into a dry lost filling cavity, then bite down on a cotton ball for a half hour to make a well fitted
temporary filling good for up to six months.
We are not talking about the commercial nuggets you buy in stores, most charcoal in stores has
chemicals added to it to help it burn. We are talking about burning a slice of bread to cinders on a
stove top (wait until there are no more orange flames coming from it). Both can either be
chewed(when cool) and swallowed or crushed and mixed into a glass of water and drunk(gritty but
quick). The charcoal absorbs the toxins from an intestinal infection giving your bowel a rest.
Taking charcoal when you have diarrhea is the answer in addition, to drinking clean or purified
water and light soup, for returning to health. Be careful not to take anti-diarrhea medications unless
you have a very mild case. The idea is to let your body eliminate the bad stuff inside you instead of
hardening it up and leaving it in you to keep you sick.
If you have a fungal infection on any part of your body give acidophilus a shot before seeing a
doctor. It works wonders by displacing the fungal organisms and then staying to defend their new
territory. Acidophilus is either available from health stores as a powder in a capsule which is either
eaten or broken open and applied wet or in active culture yogurt which can be rubbed onto to
unbroken skin.
Natures Pharmacy
If you are out in the country or even near a park or woodlot you can access the bounty of nature to
heal your body.
• Diarrhea. Drink tea made from the roots of blackberries and their relatives to stop diarrhea.
White oak bark and other barks containing tannin are also effective. However, use them with
caution when nothing else is available because of possible negative effects on the kidneys.
You can also stop diarrhea by eating white clay or campfire ashes. Tea made from cowberry
or cranberry or hazel leaves works too.
• Antihemorrhagics. Make medications to stop bleeding from a poultice of the puffball
mushroom, from plantain leaves, or most effectively from the leaves of the common yarrow
or woundwort (Achillea millefolium).
• Antiseptics. Use to cleanse wounds, sores, or rashes. You can make them from the expressed
juice from wild onion or garlic, or expressed juice from chickweed leaves or the crushed
leaves of dock. You can also make antiseptics from a decoction of burdock root, mallow
leaves or roots, or white oak bark. All these medications are for external use only.
• Fevers. Treat a fever with a tea made from willow bark, an infusion of elder flowers or fruit,
linden flower tea, or elm bark decoction.
• Colds and sore throats. Treat these illnesses with a decoction made from either plantain
leaves or willow bark. You can also use a tea made from burdock roots, mallow or mullein
flowers or roots, or mint leaves.
• Aches, pains, and sprains. Treat with externally applied poultices of dock, plantain,
chickweed, willow bark, garlic, or sorrel. You can also use salves made by mixing the
expressed juices of these plants in animal fat or vegetable oils.
• Itching. Relieve the itch from insect bites, sunburn, or plant poisoning rashes by applying a
poultice of jewelweed (Impatiens biflora) or witch hazel leaves (Hamamelis virginiana). The
jewelweed juice will help when applied to poison ivy rashes or insect stings. It works on
sunburn as well as aloe vera.
• Sedatives. Get help in falling asleep by brewing a tea made from mint leaves or
passionflower leaves.
• Hemorrhoids. Treat them with external washes from elm bark or oak bark tea, from the
expressed juice of plantain leaves, or from a Solomon's seal root decoction.
• Constipation. Relieve constipation by drinking decoctions from dandelion leaves, rose hips,
or walnut bark. Eating raw daylily flowers will also help.
• Worms or intestinal parasites. Using moderation, treat with tea made from tansy (Tanacetum
vulgare) or from wild carrot leaves.
• Gas and cramps. Use a tea made from carrot seeds as an antiflatulent; use tea made from
mint leaves to settle the stomach.
• Antifungal washes. Make a decoction of walnut leaves or oak bark or acorns to treat
ringworm and athlete's foot. Apply frequently to the site, alternating with exposure to direct
If the infection is making you feel sick go to a clinic or emergency room! If there is a red streak
going up your arm or leg or the lymph nodes swell up when you have an infected wound this is a
sign of an advanced infection again get help! Some infections require intravenous antibiotics pills
are not enough and to not get them may kill you once the infection gets systemic in your blood.
Treat all infections immediately with antiseptics, vinegar, hot salt soaks, or antibiotic ointments
while they are small; pimples, ingrown hairs, scrapes and cuts, ingrown toenails, etc. these can all
get serious nasty and take you out of action.
If you need antibiotics for an infection or illness and you really know what you are doing there is
currently(2007) an exemption for veterinary fish antibiotics. These are available both at pet stores
and online, do research and find about the brand before buying, some just divert regular meds from
the human antibiotic supply chain, you can run the numbers found on the pills to find out more. If
the antibiotics are expired it is usually not a problem it will just be less effective two or more years
after the printed expiration date, the exception is tetracyclene which becomes somewhat toxic.
Obtain a few bottles or packs of these meds before you or a friend needs them, this is better than
being unable to find a free clinic or depending on unresearched stuff from the neighborhood pet
Urinary Tract and Bladder Infections
If you have cloudy urine, pain in urination and frequent need to urinate you likely have a urinary
tract infection. The most likely cause is you have become dehydrated, even in cool weather, you
need to drink more clean water. If these are the only symptoms try chugging water and pure
(unsweetened) cranberry juice or crushed cranberries, if you can't get unsweetened cranberry juice
you can add lemon juice or vinegar to your water to make it very tart, this will acidify your urine
and help fight the infection, sugar in you food or drinks will just feed the infection.
If you begin to feel abdominal or lower back pain, blood in the urine, fever or chills, or worse yet
swelling of the feet or face you are in trouble, the infection has gotten to the bladder and possibly
the kidneys, you need antibiotics NOW!
Skin Afflictions
• For afflictions and infections which are hot and painful treat with hot moist towel (Hot
Compresses) elevate and treat if infected.
• If the area itches, stings, or oozes treat it with ice water soaked(cold compresses), if scabs
form add 2tablespons of vinegar per liter of water, once it begins to heal salv with a talcum
powder/water paste, as it begins to thicken or flake you can soften the skin with vegetable
oil. For bad itching an oatmeal paste or dyphenhydramine (Beandryl) might help.
• If a rash or redness appears where it is regularly exposed to sunlight cover it until it heals
• If a rash appears in an area which is normally covered from sun, let it sun for 20 minutes
two to three times a day
Tooth Abscesses
If you get a cavity that becomes a tooth abscess and no dentist will see you try to at least get on
antibiotics, the tooth will probably have to come out before it destroys your jaw, spreads to your
other teeth, infects your skull bones, or gives you blood poisoning. If the old string pull method
doesn't work look for a strong friend and filed down dull horizontal side cutter wire snips that will
grip around the base of a molar. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, brush your teeth
and floss.
Cold Injury
People forced out into the streets are at high risk to cold injury, many hospitals will illegally turn
away the homeless and there are few other places that will allow them to even remove their shoes to
rewarm and dry their feet. Alcohol and many drugs contribute to cold injury as does malnutrition,
diabetes, dehydration, and low calorie diets.
Trench Foot
Affected feet become numb and then turn red or blue. As the condition worsens, they may swell.
Advanced immersion foot often involves blisters and open sores, which lead to fungal infections;
this is sometimes called jungle rot. If left untreated, immersion foot usually results in gangrene,
which can require amputation. If immersion foot is treated properly, complete recovery is normal,
though it is marked by severe short-term pain when feeling is returning. Like other cold injuries,
immersion foot leaves sufferers more susceptible to it and frostbite in the future due to damaged
capillaries in the extremity. Immersion foot is easily prevented by keeping the feet warm and dry,
and changing socks three to four times a day when the feet cannot be kept dry. As quickly as
possible get to a warm dry place where you can keep the feet elevated.
Frost Bite
Frost bite is the result of freezing fluids in the body. Most at risk are the fingers toes and ears
followed by other parts of the extremities. DO NOT RUB OR SLAP FROZEN EXTREMITIES
this will greatly reduce the chance of successful recovery. Get to a hospital for treatment. If there is
no possibility of proper hospital care thaw the frozen areas in lukewarm water only if there is no
chance of refreezing, this will be very painful. There is a danger of gangrene and some damage
might need to be amputated. There has been some recent clinical success in using leaches to draw
blood through damaged capillaries to the finger and toe tips.
Winter Blues
Unless you are in a tropical location winter is the hardest time to survive any of our alternative or
low income housing strategies. Besides freezing our asses off and dealing with moisture, mold, and
illness there is another problem that often leads to many depression, drug use, and even suicide.
SAD, SDD, or Seasonal Affective Disorder strikes in the months of the year when clouds, short
days, and staying indoors reduces our sunlight exposure. Even worse is when we are often forced to
cover over our windows to prevent detection of our squats or to replace broken windows.
Alternatively the cheapest apartment rooms often have little natural lighting denying needed
SAD may set in so slowly you don't notice your sluggishness until you find yourself almost
confined to bed or badly depressed. Here are some non corpgov drug treatments, if these don't work
see a competent doctor or natural healer.
• Spicy food is thought to increase endorphins giving a temporary break from the depression
• Full spectrum lighting, find light bulbs that produce full spectrum lighting known to help
reduce SAD.
• Light box, for the worst sufferers a prescription to spend half an hour or more every morning
in front of a light box to stimulate the somatic centers of the brain.
• Exercise, we have found this to be the best answer, force yourself out every day for a run or
long bike drive up several steep hills(whatever drives up your pulse), exposure to the sun
and aerobic activity are both good treatments for SAD.
• The English and Cascadians are famous for their rainy winters and their tea and coffee,
caffeine runs up the metabolism and helps you wake up.
Watch out if you are working on quitting a drug habit, this will be the hardest time of the year for
most drugs even if you have been successful so far, plan ahead coping strategies.
In modern Amerika childbirth is treated as a major medical and surgical emergency. A c-section is
often recommended to give both the doctor and healthy mothers a way to avoid a painful and messy
birth that might happen at an inconvenient time. Women are forced to push a baby up into the air so
the doctor can easily catch the baby and the glory. Few mention the lasting pain and damage that
even the most modern c-section does to a woman.
Home birth is the natural alternative, good medical care through the whole pregnancy is essential,
but giving birth to a baby in comfortable and familiar setting is much better for many women in
most cases than having a baby in a super-germ infested hospital. Unless you are certain that there is
a problem and need to have surgery, giving birth in town near a hospital will have you as close to
emergency surgery as someone actually in the hospital.
Find a competent midwife and begin working with her as soon as possible in the pregnancy. Make
sure you are getting enough protein and green leafy vegetables. Keep track of your urine output and
baby motion. It is a big problem if you start getting high blood pressure, puffy face, or seizures you
might have eclampsia. It is nice to have your own quality stethoscope to monitor babies heartbeat.
When the big day comes be sure you have at least one competent helper preferably with pediatric
advanced life support training. Have plastic sheet or tarp and be ready for a mess. Most women like
to give birth on their bed but many first time mothers need a gravity assist like pushing while sitting
on a stool or toilet. Don't worry about breathing or timing, your body almost always knows what to
do especially if you are in good shape. Again it is a good idea to have an experienced midwife and
probably a good friend and a apprentice midwife.
It is a good idea to have oxygen and intubation equipment if there is someone skilled in their use (if
you are unskilled don't attempt to use a laryngoscope or airway equipment) , airway problems are
the most common problem at birth. If baby comes out purple before you panic try rubbing the baby
with a towel or blowing at their face forcing them to take a deep breath. In a rare worst case you can
start CPR and consider epinephrine IV and a endotrachial tube.
Get baby nursing as soon as possible, this will help the uterus contract and slow bleeding. There are
herbs and medications that the midwife may give to assist in this contraction as does massaging
abdomen over the uterus. Piece together the placenta and look for any missing pieces, if these
remain inside they can cause very serious problems.
This information is in no way a substitute to a good midwife or doctor who will walk you through
your pregnancy and birth. After you experience your bright eyed natural home birth you become an
excellent candidate to begin learning the important skills of midwifing and birth coaching.
If the baby doesn't want to nurse for up to 36 to 48 hours don't get too stressed, especially in larger
babies they have lots of stored food and water, being born is tiring for them. First time mothers
might need to manually pop out inverted nipples or use nursing shields at first if baby has trouble
latching on. If all fails and formula is needed try to avoid bovine or soy based mixes, we have used
a mix of brown rice syrup, goat milk, vitamin drops, flax seed oil, ask your midwife what she
recommends. Don't fall for the WASP slave propaganda, it is OK to nurse for two or three years if
you and baby like, many women are without their period during this time and enjoy natural birth
control for around a year and a half, it is good for bonding and great nutrition for baby.
Ignorance is no excuse in the eyes of medicine. Download and print these books from the Hesperian
Where There Is No Doctor:
Where There Is No Dentist:
Where Women Have No Doctor:
A Book For Midwives:
You can buy paperback copies of these books as well.
Crystal Radio
If you get bored or cut off from news outside make a simple crystal radio set, all you need is some
wire aluminum foil, a telephone handset, antenna and coil wire and a diode (or pencil and razor
blade), no battery needed! If you find a wall wart transformer or almost any electronic gadget you
are almost set except for the telephone handset speaker (a Piezo speaker disk might work but sound
will be crap). Take a diode and put it in parallel to your
earphone, run one wire to a ground like a water pipe or ground
and the other should be strung out as long as you can make the
antenna, if a ground is impossible string both ends as long as
possible, making a dipole antenna. At the center between the
antennas or antenna/ground wire you will place your stacked
foil capacitor and a coil of wire around a straw or
bottle(anything non-conductive even air). Play with number
wraps and alignment layers of foil(with plastic or paper between) this is your tuner/variable
capacitor. If you need to join copper wire strands for a longer more effective antenna knot and crush
together with a piece of metal if you are unable to solder them.
Making Music
In a world where we boycott the industrial evil or when copyright is no more we must make our
own music. Our limited budgets need a way to still make our art and distribute it. Music is a
medium to convey a message that might not be received from print or public speeches.
The harmonica is the hobo's friend. Easily stashed in your pocket a harmonica played on a street
corner with a cup out will often pay your expenses for the day. Look for a quality instrument and
carry a spare in case you break a reed.
Flute music gives a high pich that carries for a long distance, useful for rallying the troops at a
demonstration along with drums. Drum and flute hearkens back to revolutionary war days which is
part of our vision.
Make a PVC Flute
(Thanks Mark Shepard for un-
copyrighting his design so we
could edit it for this book) See
Marks website for lots of
smart advice on working with
PVC safely, avoiding glue
fumes, inhalation of PVC
dust, and Gandhi.
The plastic we’re talking
about is PVC (polyvinyl
chloride), used for cold water
supply, and its close cousin
CPVC (chloro-polyvinyl
chloride), for hot water. DO NOT use ABS pipe for flutes or gray PVC electrical conduit. Since
there are no restrictions on the toxicity of the chemicals added to it avoid the conduit also because
of its greater wall thickness, which will hurt octave tuning..
Following is the plan for a flute I designed in the summer of 1988. I call it the “Plumber’s Pipe.”
It’s in the key of G and plays two full octaves. Of course, you might have to modify the design,
depending on materials available to you. (For basic principles of designing and tuning flutes, see
my book Simple Flutes.)
The flute is made from 3/4 inch CPVC pipe, plus a standard end cap. The actual exact dimensions
of the pipe are 7/8 inch outside diameter, 11/16 inch inside diameter, 3/32 inch wall thickness. The
tube length, with the end cap off, is 15-9/16 inches. The wall thickness of the end cap too is 3/32
inch, for a total mouthhole depth of 3/16 inch.
The chart shows the size of each hole and the distance from its center to the top of the flute tube—
again, measured with the flute cap off. You can mark these distances on a piece of paper, a ruler, a
dowel, or a length of pipe, then use this pattern to help place the holes on your pipe. Two holes are
slightly offset as shown, for easier fingering.
A good trick is to use a plumbing pipe end cap—a standard part—as a combination stopper and lip
plate. Glue it on with plastic pipe cement, then drill the mouthhole through it. Apply the cement to
the pipe surface only—not inside the cap—to avoid pushing the excess into the flute, where fumes
can persist much longer. (also get the pipe flute players guide a free PDF )
There is no copyright or patent on this design. Feel free to make as many as you like, and to sell
them too!
Free Telephones
Need to make a call, but lack a phone? Short on cash? These tips will help you make your phone
calls for free.
One way to get free anonymous telephone calls is to head into a store selling VoIP services. For
instance, CompUSA sells Packet8, Vonage, etc. Usually each of these providers has a demonstration
kiosk set up with one of their phones to try. These are working phones and will dial out to anywhere
in the continental United States. You may even find some that will make international calls.
If you have an Internet connection do some research and you should be able to find a free VOIP
package to fit your needs. There is even VOIP software for some mobile phones and PDA's! You
will either need a headset or headphones and a microphone to use with your computer unless you
are using a dedicated VOIP appliance. There are now VOIP phones that look like a mobile but run
off of WiFi instead of commercial carriers, you just need to find an open WiFi node.
Phone Taps
A small cheap one piece telephone and some alligator
clips can help get you a phone call. We have even seen
tiny phones as small as a pager with a belt clip and a
hands free ear-piece, now chop off one of snap in tips
and add alligator clips to the center two wires, perfect!
This cheapo lineman's handset will clip into most phone
boxes worldwide, you just need to try the wires until you
get a dial tone. It might be that the location you are trying to use has a digital phone box this will
likely fry your test-set, that is why you make this gadget from a real cheapie. Look for a phone plug
in the room you are using or outside houses and businesses. You can get in legal trouble for this of
course but if you keep your calls to 800 numbers and use a calling card you will not increase a
home phone bill for your host, we at war with corpgov not Amerikan Sheeple. (Remember to pay
for your calling card in cash to help prevent tracing and never use the same card from two
locations.) The center white/blue or red green on older cables will be the pair you want to attach
clips to on your handset as these are the live pair on single line phones. Now that you have a dial
tone you can connect your laptop or PDA modem. In addition to your clip on cable a regular RJ-11
plug cable is useful for punch down boards and phone boxes which have a test jack, many of these
boxes are not locked. It might be smart to have a spool of narrow gauge speaker wire in your pack,
connect your phone set and lay out wire to behind a shed or into a ditch, you will be free to operate
out of sight for a longer time hiding from nosy neighbors. If you are doing some investigations and
want to tap the phone line instead of making calls install a switch to disable the microphone on your
handset. If you are really paranoid tape a fingernail clipper to your long wire, if a pig shows up clip
the line and pretend you are on a cell phone call.... Walk away!!
Internet Communications
Pretty much all Internet communication is or can be monitored by the authorities. Certainly, once
you're identified as a dissenter, everything you do will be watched.
This section lays out ways to work within this environment and ways to, in some cases, get around
the overseeing eyes of Big Brother.
Blog Sites
There are many free blog sites which have many options. Blogger/Blogspot even has an option to
post via SMS and email. If you want a regular readership, be sure to post on a regular basis (at least
once a week).
in your photo directory and date and camera information for all of the .jpeg and .jpg files will be
stripped. If you are a Windows or Mac user just select and copy the part of the pic you want to the
clipboard, then paste into a paint program and save.
Your cameras pixels also leave a fingerprint, there has been some work eliminating the background
uniform pixel noise from cameras by adding a random pixel shading to pictures. If you plan to
photograph for radical causes it is wise to use a different camera than the one you use to post family
photos on flickr.
Wi-Fi network
Many neighbors have open wifi networks that were left in their default unlocked mode. This is
either by accident or the owners wanted to give free access. Often times, the owner will not change
the default password from "admin" to a better password, so you may be able to gain access to the
network by using the "admin" password. Many of these "admin" passwords can also be found
online. Be a good nerd, and at most open ports or DMZ your machine, if you will be around for
awhile. Don't rudely lock someone out of their AP or change the SSID to 10053r, p0wn3d, or 1d10t.
Something like that will likely make them secure the node, ruining a good open node.
Cheap Wi-Finders, keychain wifi detectors will help you quickly survey an
area to see if you have a Wi-Fi node nearby, that way you can leave your
lappy in the pack. A good idea is to waterproof and tape one to your bicycle
handlebars or stick it under the sun shade of your bike helmet so you can
see the LED's.
Most hipper local coffe shops offer free WiFi, the signal leaks out onto the area around, if you are
buying your coffee there regularly thank them so they keep it running. If you need Internet for a
long stretch go in after taking a bath and wearing clean clothes that way they won't kick you out,
plug in and buy a coffee or cake at least every hour and a half, avoid squatting at high traffic times,
leave a tip.
Cyber-Hobo Code
Where there is open wireless let people know, take a tip from Wall Painting and use our hobo
code, )( the opposing half circles means open wireless node, while a closed circle means a closed
network, chalk it on the curb. If you manage to crack the encryption on a closed network and get
online leave the pass-phrase on the corner of the building near the ground.
Where to Sit
When out using free public wireless Internet, there is often a dearth of chairs. Many camping stores
sell a light, inexpensive mini tripod stool which folds up into a 2/3 meter long bundle. You can strap
this to your bike frame or pack for portability.
Cantenna or Antenna
If you are able to detect a wireless access point but not connect, often a directional high gain
antenna will get you a strong enough signal for full connectivity. You can build or buy these
If you can buy them, it is advisable, for durability sake, to spend the money for a 14dB or higher
patch (flat) antenna and a quality tough antenna pigtail. Since these pigtails are fragile, a spare is
advisable. Even if your laptop has built-in wireless, a high power removable wifi card that you can
attach your antenna to will get you online in many densely populated environments where the built
in antenna would normally fail.
WEP is an old encryption used on 802.11b wireless networks. It is easily cracked, and some
business and government offices may have an older personal wifi access point installed in big exec
offices so they can play on their mahogany paneled laptops. Any reasonable IT department would
have implemented better security.
Our hacks use a computer running Linux but there are also windows and Mac programs for this.
Airsnort and Aircrack can help you bust the WEP/WMA encryption: this software package comes
as an downloadable option with most Linux distros. Sample some net traffic, then let Aircrack look
for weak packets, unlocking the encryption key. If your are a MS-Windows user, booting up with
Knoppix STD will give you most of the security hacking tools you will need.
Pirate Wireless
An interesting spin on community wireless is if at work you find a live network cable and power
port you can just plug in an old access point and make a pirate wireless hotspot, of course it would
have to make the signal available somewhere useful to justify the expense, maybe a directional
antenna to extend the range and some disguise is in order to keep it safe. Alternatively drill holes
high on the wall to the outside for your wires and install a plastic waterproof electrical box outside
where there would be no suspicion. Make everything look professional and seal all holes for
moisture and it might last for years.
Wired Ethernet
Often, you can quietly plug a patch cable into the library network when nobody is looking, Know
how to get past the often minimal security, and don't abuse the sneak on. The library is our friend,
not a thing to be abused.
Subnet Sniffing
Use of Linux "tcpdump" and watching the traffic will help you establish what subnet you are
plugged into, even if there is no DHCP server to hand you an IP address. The "ifconfig" command
will be used to set your IP address and subnet, "route" will be used to set your Internet gateway.
Windows users can use the GUI to add network a address and default gateway settings.
If you have to sneak onto a network without a DHCP server to give you an IP address, you may
need to plug in your own DNS servers found in 'network settings'. There are a few stable ones in
locations all over the world. Either edit /etc/resolv.conf and add these addresses in Unix/Linux or
change the Windows DNS settings in your network TCP/IP settings.
Free Dialup Services
When a corporation "gives" you Internet, beware, as you will likely be forced to stare at ads on part
of your screen. Worst-case-scenario, they have full access to your data.
• New England
• New York
• Western Washington
• USA Netzero lets you have ten hours of dialup Internet for free.
This is an ad-supported service, which only works on either MS Windows or Linspire-Linux
platforms, look around the site for the free account.
• Denver, Co Nonprofit Unix shell and dialup access co-op, lots of
options for connect.
If you are on the run and need to get online using dialup, see Free_Telephones for tips on covertly
connecting to phone lines.
The -D means you want to have SSH make a Socks5 type proxy the number (1420 or whatever you
like) is the port you want to connect it to. User is your username on a remote server and after the @
sign is the web address of your server, you will be asked for your password after connecting.
If you want to keep your browsing free of the IT department entirely also route your DNS requests
through the Socks proxy, in Firefox type
in the address bar and hit enter, you will be dropped into the manual config editing page of Firefox,
scroll down to
and toggle it to true (default is false) now got to Edit>Preferences>Connection Settings and click
the Manual Proxy Configuration button, In the SOCKS Host add the address and the port
will be whatever you set after the -D (our example used 1420, choose something over 1000) be sure
that SOCKS-5 is selected. Once TOR is set up and working install Torbutton in Firefox and add
your port settings to make your switch quick as a mouse click.
If your boss blocks port 22 (normal SSH port) you can be a sneak too and route through the almost
always open SSL port (443). So set up a second SSH port on 443 or an HTTPS web proxy on your
server to free your surfing.
Anonymous Surfing
There are services that allow web surfing by-proxy which leave behind no trail of your visited
websites on the computer. Great for sneaking past work or school snoops, but the Feds might be
able to watch these networks. These proxies slow down your connection speed a bit, and may
interfere with downloading, but for security, it's worth it. However, the fact that you've been on a
proxy site for two hours may attract suspicion.
• Anonymouse -
• Guardster - (Free low-level service, but won't work on encrypted
SSL sites)
• Shadowsurf -
• Proxify -
Off By One
A simple and free Non-Java web browser for Windows that fits on a CD or flash drive, but doesn't
require installation onto the hard drive for use. It's only 1.2 MB and can be compressed down to
about 460KB for distribution. When the disc is removed, all browser information goes with it. The
page and image caches are memory-resident and utilize no disk storage, so after each session, any
"cookies" simply vanish. The drawbacks to its small size is that it doesn't support JavaScript,
applets, plug-ins or Flash.
Mozilla Firefox - Portable Edition
A 25 MB version of the web-browser that can travel with you on your clip flash drive (along with
your bookmarks and cookies that won't be on the computer you're using). Runs on Windows or
Wine on Linux/UNIX.
Torpark is a useful free software that allows you to surf the Internet anonymously. It can be used to
help confuse the government or police from easily finding your location, and, when installed onto a
flash drive, it can be used on public computers to bypass any filters. It can be found at this location: Torpark now includes red underline spell check plugin
A car is not a bad idea for a shelter, a sun shade can help keep the ice from getting too thick on the
inside of the windshield. Don't be stupid and run the engine for heat, also don't use the car battery
for light or music the cold will make starting hard already without draining the battery. Hot water
poured on windows to de-ice can cause big cracks. An extension cord and hair dryer or small heater
to warm the interior is ideal. Move the car every other day and hop resorts so that security and staff
don't suspect the car is abandoned, staying in the town nearby may be an option see Cars for tips on
living in a car.
Cross Country
Whether you are sneaking across the northern border in winter or seeking solitude in the
unpopulated mountains, with the proper gear a snowy landscape can be easier than tramping a
wilderness trail for travel. Cross country, randone, telemark skis, and split boards will get you
across the land and even up hills on your trek.
Snow shoes are mostly for those who can't ski or for walking
around a camp after fresh snow, skis on the other hand are
like a one speed bike that makes travel over the landscape so
much quicker and with downhill slopes as free rides. Always
look for used gear on auction sites, thrift stores, or military
surplus sales. If you go to a resort shop you could easily
spend thousands of dollars on back country or if you are
thrifty and willing to give up some performance or durability
around $100. Look at a few current books on the subject to
stay up to date.
Types of Skis
The cheapest solution we have found is either using regular used cross country skis from a thrift
store, or buying long resort skis, pulling off the binding and adding a military cable binding and
skins of uphill travel. We have heard of people making the wide back country skis from wood, and
bending making a double chamber shape for use with kick wax, bindings are made from cable and
old school leather ski boots, mountaineering boots, or Norwegen welt boots are used, older cross
country skis must be stored with tips and tails bound and a wooden block holding the shape in the
All of these types of ski and board can use a one way climbing skin to keep from sliding down hill,
almost all climbing skins are synthetic now. keep the skin waxed to prevent ice-up.
Most cross country and a few kinds of randone skis can use kick wax that sticks to the snow this is
also for getting up hills. You need a snow thermometer and several temperatures of wax to use
during different parts of the day and from shade to sunlight areas. Be sure your speed wax is in
good shape and this way of sticking to the snow lets you take downhills much faster than with skins
Haul Sled
If you will be regularly moving large amounts of gear a ski sled might be wise to buy but we
usually suggest getting a large toy plastic sled adding two PVC leads about two meters long and
attaching this to a belt so you can control the sled downhill, speed wax the bottom of the sled for
better sliding, two full length aluminum strips for runners can be pop-riveted on and fine sanded to
give you better control. Towing your camping gear sure beats shouldering the load.
Snowmobile Towing
If you are traveling with a group and a snowmobile is available many riders can be moved quickly
riding behind using water ski tow ropes. Snowmobiles are very loud with two stroke motors which
require special mix gas, most waste fuel if used alone.
Winter Nutrition
Stay hydrated, you will not feel very thirsty in the cold,
dehydration is a real danger. Don't let yourself get sweaty or
exhausted when working or traveling outside in the cold; many
have died from hypothermia this way. Have a powerful stove
designed for melting snow and a stainless steel kettle
(aluminum might melt in the hot spots), add a little liquid
water to kick start the melting, a small propane blow torch or
alcohol burning gel may be needed to start your liquid fuel
stove in extreme cold weather.
Eat around 6000 calories if you will be working or moving
hard or 4000 if sedentary, fats and protein should be prominent
in the diet, don't forget fiber. Protect your head, armpits and
groin to keep your whole body warm. Keep you hydration
system or water bottles under your coat so they don't freeze
and break.
Field Repairs
Be sure to carry a spare emergency ski tip for your group and
binding repair parts and screws.
Snow Caving
If the snow will handle it dig out a snow cave with your mountaineering shovel. Be sure to stake out
the top of your shelter and don't make the interior too large. A snow cave is built by excavating
snow such that the entrance tunnel enters below the main space to retain warm air. Construction is
simplified by building it on a steep slope and digging slightly upwards and horizontally into the
slope. The roof is domed to prevent dripping on the occupants. Adequate snow depth, free of rocks
and ice, is needed. Generally at 4 or 5 feet is sufficient. The snow must be consolidated, so it retains
its structure. The walls and roof should be at least 12 inches/30,48 cm thick. A small pit may be dug
deeper into one part of the cave floor to provide a place for the coldest air to gather, away from the
occupant(s), and the entrance may be partially blocked with chunks of snow to block wind and
retain heat, although it is vital to prevent drifting snow from completely plugging the rest of the
entrance in order to maintain a constant air supply. A narrow entrance tunnel, a little wider than a
human leads into the main chamber which consists of a flat area, perhaps with elevated sleeping
platform(s), also excavated from snow. Most sources agree that using tools such as a shovel and ice
axe are vital; digging by hand is for emergencies only.
If the terrain or snow will not permit a snow cave you might need to make an igloo. An igloo is
blocks of snow laid in a spiral upwards fashion with the final block cut to fit the top hole.
Most of us are too poor, or too infrequent, of welders to go out and buy an arc welding machine so
here is how to make one.
• three 12 volt automobile batteries
• a set of jumper cables
• arc welding glass or goggles
• a length of #8 fence wire and vice grips (for variable resistor)
• Two jumper cable pigtails (to join batteries)
• welding rods
Most auto stores sell the heavy
wire and big clips for making
jumper cable pigtails. The #8 fence
wire resistor is shortened or
lengthened to allow use of smaller
diameter welding rod. This wire
gets very hot, check that it is not
drooping, it might droop so far that
it touches and melts the side of your battery.
Before welding remove all screws and bolts from your project and use a wire brush to remove paint
at ground and where you are welding. As is standard, we suggest a positive ground (your bike
frame) and negative rod. If you go below 36 volts (you have less than three batteries) it will be
difficult to keep an arc going. ALWAYS use goggles, if you can't find welding goggles make a mask
from your welding glass taped into a homemade cardboard welding mask If you don't protect your
eyes you will be in a lot of pain and may loose vision, you can't even see the UV light that
damages your eyes, so use proper eye protection.
Practice with junk metal before welding on your precious bicycle frame. Between welds check your
battery voltages, if any of them drop below ten volts it is time to stop and recharge.
Precision cutting
If you are out on the road and need to replace a custom part like a gear sprocket or derailleur cage
on a bicycle or you just have no money for a custom part the easy way to precision cut some sheet
metal or tubing to make a replacement is electrolytically. All you need is:
• a DC power supply(a car battery charger is perfect but even a little wall wart transformer
will work)
• a non-conductive basin
• paint
• a tracing of your part
• a sharp tool or knife
• a piece of scrap metal
Here is what to do:
• 1-make a to scale outline of your part on paper
• 2-find a piece of sheet or tube metal the right thickness for your part
• 3-paint the whole surface of the part that will be submerged (leave a little bit bare for your
positive (+) electrode)
• 4-Tape drawing to the painted metal
• 5-using a sharp point carefully scratch the outline where the metal must be cut
• 6-Attach the positive (+) wire to the bare spot on your metal
• 7-Attach the negative (-) end to a piece of clean metal scrap
• 8-fill your non-conductive basin with water and add salt until the water is very salty tasting
• 9-Place both your part into the water so all etches are submerged but the wire and bare spot
are above water
• 10-Put the Negative scrap into the water, try to keep the wire above water
• 11-bubbles should form, you might smell chlorine, the process is working
• 12-watch the water turn weird colors, you can turn off the power and pull the metal out to
look at if you like to see if everything is cut
• 13-once everything is cut you should be able to easily pop the finished parts out of the paint
note: if the etch on a larger circle finishes before a square inside the circle the inner shape etch will
stop etching as there is no circuit there anymore. If you are using a small wall wart type transformer
keep the scrap electrode just close enough to your sheet metal to cause only small bubbles, don't
ever let the two electrodes touch. BTW you can also use this mask and etch method using strips of
tape or paint for a mask to etch the excess copper from a printed circuit board.
If you can't make your part with sheet metal or tubing maybe casting aluminum is your answer. This
is a great way to make parts for equipment you need or even jewelery to give as gifts or sell while
on the move.
Scrap metal
For the best quality aluminum try to harvest an overhead cam aluminum cylinder head that doesn't
use separate cam bushings, ask a mechanic to find such an engine model, then scrounge the
junkyards. It is fine if the engine is ruined, we just want the metal. Get this large part near melting
point and break it up with a hammer, now put the chunks back on the charcoal fire inside a steel pot
you might need to use a blower to get enough heat, a shop-vac in blower mode might be too much a
hair dryer on low should do the trick, attaching a steel pipe or tube gives the standoff to prevent a
melted blower. Zinc can also be melted on a kitchen stove in a pot, silver needs more heat like
Lots of bong heads and boarders do the US Forest Service fire fighter, ski lift operator cycle year
after year. They build up just enough hours at these slacker jobs to ride out spring and fall living off
of the man while faking their job search records. Remember always apply for jobs making very
high salaries during unemployment "job search" the worst case is you are not hired best case you
are a brain surgeon or rocket scientist for two weeks until they discover you are an idiot and give
you a $50k severance package. Play the unemployment out for as long as they will let you.
Get a Job
Contrary to what the corpgov slaves say we are not above working as long as it doesn't involve
slavery, we do follow the hobo code and will work before we beg, but we will live from the salvage
of what the masters and their slaves throw away first. Here are some ideas beyond what is
mentioned elsewhere in this book.
Bicycle, appliance, electrical, small engine, and auto repair can be offered as available especially
offer to change blown tires for a small sum when hitching to those who can afford, put a sign in
your yard or hold one near an auto parts store.
Gold panning, shell collecting, shed antler collecting, etc; be careful what you are collecting is not
ruining an ecosystem.
Many small businesses only want a computer or other consultant for a few days or weeks, many
small businesses will be happy to pay under the table, take your pay every day or week so they cant
burn you at the end of the job. Many jobs are available near a business fiscal year end.
Seasonal Work
Jobs like ski lift operator, lifeguard, camp counselor, or forest fire crews fall under this heading. An
under the table pay job is usually not what you want since you want to play the unemployment
game in spring and fall.
After a bit of practice try hiring yourself out for making things like window bars or iron gates from
rebar or fabricating needed parts for old machines. see Means of Production
Micro Farming
If you can project a good earthy hippie vibe and are committed to organic principles many people
will buy their organic eggs and produce even without certification. A good idea is to get monthly or
yearly subscribers to an egg or greenhouse produce club. see Farm It
Online Sales
Web auction sites are an easy way to make money either selling stuff you find or fix from your
dumpster expeditions or even better sell software, multimedia, or support services online, no
shipping required! You can collect by either taking checks or e-payments although be careful that
you withdraw payments quickly keeping your account balance low, some online payment systems
will seize some or all of your money if the customer commits fraud or complains. Some e-payment
companies even give you a debit card to spend your earnings. Be careful about taxes since amerikan
e-payment systems report to the IRS.
If you know a small business that needs things hand delivered offer to be their courier. You will
either get to cycle sprint around town with a important document or even better jet around the
country or world with their documents or prototypes. Law offices, jewelery dealers, and small high
tech or aerospace manufacturers are good places to start. Of course most of these businesses will
not send valuable things with some hippie stranger, start with people you know or work through an
agency. A benefit to working with an agency is you often have to work only the days you want to.
Food Service
A van or bicycle trailer full of food can set you up to serve small to medium business in suburban
and industrial areas. Stealth is important as unlicensed food service is investigated by the health
department. Think about home baking delivery pizza with a partner or ice cream trucking with a
bike trailer loaded up with cold snacks and dry ice. A fryer and propane grille set up in a van can
feed dozens of customers at a job site, it is smart to get permission so the management won't turn
you in. Precook as much food as possible and use steamer trays and boxes to keep food warm. An
easy job is taking written orders and cash up front for coffee, deli, or fast food delivery in big
offices, this might even avoid the health department jurisdiction.
Everyone hates the wasteful windshield spam in parking lots but is is a lame way to get enough for
a few meals in a pinch, you can also offer to dress up in a costume and shake a sign in front of used
car lots.
Advertise Yourself
For the occasional labor jobs especially if you plan to be in town for a long time advertise with
business cards or refrigerator magnets, going door to door at businesses is a good way to hand them
out, but only to those who seem really interested. Give out your SMS and e-mail addresses so you
will be easy to contact especially in time sensitive jobs like delivery or food orders.
Be sure the size of the job is large enough to justify your time and travel. Depending on the job
market you might be forced to do heavy physical labor, that's OK as long as you are able to walk
away when you want to. Get to know the workers compensation laws in case you are injured on the
job, in some places you might even be eligible if you were working under the table but you will
have to narc on your employer.
Always consider a trade over corpgov paper, cash and checks have no real value other than what
society places on it. You can always eat food and ride a repaired bicycle even if nobody values it.
Original Panhandling
The practice of going up to folks and bumming money is a basic hustling art. If you are successful
at panhandling, you'll be able to master all the skills in the book and then some. To be good at it
requires a complete knowledge of what motivates people. Even if we don't need the bread, we
panhandle on the streets in the same way doctors go back to medical school. It helps us stay in
shape. Panhandling is illegal throughout Pig Empire, but it's one of those laws that is rarely
enforced unless they want to "clean the area" of hippies. If you're in a strange locale, ask a fellow
panhandler what the best places to work are without risking a bust. Do it in front of supermarkets,
theaters, sporting events, hip dress shops and restaurants. College cafeterias are very good hunting
When you're hustling, be assertive. Don't lean against the wall with your palm out mumbling "Spare
some change?" Go up to people and stand directly in front of them so they have to look you in the
eye and say no. Bum from guys with dates. Bum from motherly looking types. After a while you'll
get a sense of the type of people you get results with.
Jellygraph copiers
The jellygraph (also known as a "hectograph" or "gelatin duplicator") is a type of mimeograph that
is simple to make and can print around 50 prints from one master application to the gel bed. If you
are feeling enterprising a drum type print bed could be devised to speed the production of the prints.
This makes a low quality copy but is cheaper than a computer and printer or copier and can be made
with common materials. These printers have been used by partisans for the last century when
regular printing was impossible.
You will need:
• 1 aluminum pan (larger than the size of your paper)
• quality paper for masters
• cheap paper for posters
• Mimeograph carbon papers (Ordinary carbon paper will not work)
• Impact typewriter, dot matrix or impact printer, or Mimeograph Pen
• Gelatin, clear unflavored (Check the supermarket Dessert section)
• Water
• Sugar
• Glycerol, AKA Glycerin (Drug stores will have this)
• 1-Place T-Shirt, newsprint, butcher paper, or poster paper under your screen
• 2-using a roller or squeegee spread your ink or paint onto the screen, it will only transfer
through the open areas where the stickers were removed.(Don't use too much ink onto the
roller, clean cardboard or newspaper under the first t-shirt layer will prevent bleed through)
• 3-allow media to dry, a fan or hair dryer might help
• 4-rinse off print screen before the ink dries when you are finished with your printing run
Cheap water based paints and newsprint will fall apart with the first rain, they also can't be applied
using flour paste or powder milk paste without running them, butcher paper, poster paper and water
resistant inks will last much longer but will cost more. Be very careful to keep multiple color
screens perfectly aligned in a multi color poster. The screen can be mounted onto a piece of
plywood frame making alignment and printing much easier and quicker. Large block text and
simple graphics are best. Practice makes perfect when making the stencil screens and when rolling
ink. Test the ink with the stencil paint to be sure that it will not dissolve the stencil paint.
If you need a graphic cutout larger than your printer can produce you can either print in sections and
tape together or you can suspend a smaller graphic on glass or screen in front of a light, then trace
the shadow. The shadow method can also be used to hand paint a screen, this can be used to make
higher quality graphics from slides or overhead projections.
Of course you could always just buy the supplies from the art store, this article is how to survive
without expensive specialized photo emulsions and paints.
Paperback Binding Books
Super easy and as tough as a regular paperback book
• 1- Print and carefully align pages
• 3- Clamp pages tight if possible, leave the clamps on for at least two hours after gluing
• 4- Use a paintbrush to lightly wet the spine with water
• 5- Paint the spine with a thick coat of regular gorilla glue or similar multipurpose
polyurethane adhesive
• 6- Wait 24 hours for the glue to fully cure but it will be 80% cured in 2 hours
• 7- If you want a wrap around cover you can use a thin coat of glue to attach it to the spine
Wheatpasting is an effective way to stick up posters in a way that is difficult to remove by hand,
quick, and inexpensive. Again collect your poster holder, lookout, and glue painter although you
could get away doing this as a one person job. Of course vampire hours are best since there will be
few pedestrians to witness and call in your activities. Print your poster or flier like we show in
Starting a Printing Workshop, attempting to find the most water resistant print style possible since
this will be outdoors, butcher paper is usually the strongest and cheapest media. On a nice dry week
with little rain in the forecast move out to do your deed, summer nights are best. Cement and metal
walls and poles are best for adhesion, plastic and wood walls don't stick too well. Bridge supports
on highways are great, think about combining four or more posters for a big well seen billboard
You will first need to make you paste:
• add one cup white flour (half cup of sugar might help too)
• to two cups of water (add rock salt if deep in winter to slow freezing)
• bring to a boil (boiling can be skipped in a pinch but makes weaker glue)
• reduce to a simmer for half hour (converts the starch to better glue)
• stir and break up lumps while you simmer
• let cool and place in your bucket
• Refrigerate for up to a week or just use the paste right away before it rots
(in a pinch you can use potato flake, corn starch, watered wood glue, sour milk, and many other
ingredients instead of wheat to make your paste)
Now lets paste!
• Liberally paint your paste on to the surface with a soft broom, big sponge, wide paintbrush,
roller, or mop
• Apply your poster
• Smooth past over either the edges or if possible the whole poster to both secure the edges,
seal the ink, and remove bubbles
• Once stuck down well a few razor slashes will make removal more difficult when dry
• Move along in a random direction down streets and alleys while posting to prevent leaving a
trail for the cops to follow
Experience will teach you if making a paste seal over the whole front of the poster will cause
excessive ink running. Sealing the whole poster preserves it for much longer so you might adjust
your ink to match the paste.
Hobo Code
This is an 19th and early 20th century form of wall painting updated for our modern needs and can
be done in any sort of paint or medium of drawing ranging from chalk to charcoal to paint to spray
paint to scratches in the dirt or tree bark. It is a system of simple characters and pictures that each
mean something pertaining to the immediate surroundings/building(s), like a Caduceus symbol
means a doctor or someone of medical knowledge lives within, or an upside down triangle means
that people are burned out on bums.
These symbols may be used one at a
time or in sequence to form a sort of
sentence. The best time to leave these
symbols is when you move on so
others can benefit from your
discoveries. Use chalk or charcoal for
temporary discoveries so the rain and
wind will wash it away, paint or
scratch marking is good for long term
discoveries. The side of the curb, the
bottom corner of a building, or lower
side of large rocks or sign posts are
good places to leave the marks. There
is nothing secret about these marks,
just like the cops know better than any
stoner where to stash a joint, they will
figure out the what and where of these
marks again. Use your head when
marking something hidden and
remember we will still have more
time to notice these marks on foot
than a cop in a squad car.
Good stuff for your pack if you plan
to take up hobo marking: thick kids
sidewalk chalk, a large paint marking pen, and a quality black indelible marker.
Here is a simple code of many of the Hobo Code symbols. Look for them when you're in a bind and
you can get by without too much trouble. These are in little use a the time of the printing of this
book but we expect you to help fix this. Many of these signs are new for our generation, a good idea
is to print and distribute this graphic and key on the back page of your publications for underground
users so the new symbols get disseminated. Realize that this is not the 1930's and people are not as
generous, but as times get tougher more "normal" people will be displaced or unemployed and
sympathy may improve. Interestingly enough while it was not that widely used even in the 1930's
the paranoia of that time gave it a solid place in our historical memory.
Food Caching
The Mormons, besides being a little square, have one radical idea; storing food for a rainy day. A
storm is brewing and we want to eat too, so here are some things that pack and store well, some of
them even come from our own victory gardens.
• MRE Meals (medium-long life)
• Canned Foods (short-medium life)
• Coffee (short-medium life)
• Dried Beans and Corn (medium-long life)
• Dry Fruit and Raisins (short-medium life)
• Dry Milk (medium life)
• Flour - Preferably Whole Wheat (short life)
• Honey (long life, will keep indefinitely if kept sealed and cool)
• Hot Chocolate Mix (short-medium life)
• Instant Mash Potatoes (short-medium life)
• Oatmeal (medium life)
• Olive Oil in bottles or jugs (medium life)
• Oven Dried Meat Jerky (short life)
• Pasta (medium-long life)
• Rice (medium-long life)
• Salt & Spices (medium-long life)
• Sugar (long life)
• Tea (medium-long life)
• Vegetable Shortening in cans (long life)
• Vinegar (long life)
• Whole Kernel Wheat (long life)
• Roasted Whole Nuts (medium life)
All shelf life estimates assume a cool dry and sealed environment short life=1-2 years, medium
life=2-5 years, long life=10 or more years
Most of these foods can either be grown or bought in large containers, the bulk foods section can
often order 50lb sacks or 5gal buckets of these foods. Get some clean buckets made from food-
grade plastic with good undamaged seals. Drop a block of dry ice into the bucket and then fill with
your food, loosely place the lid, after 30 minutes seal the bucket. This eliminates almost all of the
nutrient damaging oxygen and safely kills any bugs without poisoning the food.
If a can is bulging at the top and/or bottom, there is a very good chance the food inside is not safe to
Only use long life foods for buried storage. Rotate through storage foods using oldest first in your
normal diet, try not to store foods you would not normally eat. (Helpful mnemonic: "Eat what you
store, and store what you eat.") Try to store some treats like chocolate or hard candy in your stash;
If times are rough, unpalatable foods might not be eaten bypicky eaters and people have been
known to starve this way.
If you know of a military surplus store, a good Army quartermaster, or if you're simply eBay savvy,
try to grab some MRE's (Military abbreviation for "Meals, Ready to Eat"). One MRE contains
around 2-3,000 calories, which is about what you need for a light walking stroll all day. If you're
doing hill/mountain climbing, 1 1/2 to 2 should suffice, MRE's are known to cause constipation and
and stomach upset in some so drink lots of water, eat enough fiber, and carry baking soda to stop
the gut burn. A few MRE's make a great caches to pre-stash along a possible evacuation route.
Marking a cache
If you are caching your things outside you will need a way to find the treasure, be careful to bury in
a place that they are unlikely to excavate, plow, or build on or you will loose your cache. A piece of
aluminum can with hints impressed onto it and nailed to the upper side of a branch on a prominent
tree or landmark is hard to see from the ground and will last for years, painting the badge black or
green makes it harder for a hiker to find it by chance but also for you to find. To help you find your
cache lay a medium sized rock over the final burial site in case the area gets overgrown. Don't place
all of your trust that GPS will help you find a cache, in the future it may be switched to another
system. Be cautious that you are not observed while placing your cache or you may find it missing
when you need it.
Home Made Firearms
With some strict safety precautions a firearm can be built using common hardware, these are not
meant to be used for years on end but rather to protect yourself in dire emergencies.
Pipe Pistol
In a serious time when you have access to no other firearm, a zip gun might make the difference to
your survival. A simple pipe gun is made from heavy steel pipe nipple, a threaded pipe joiner, and a
pipe plug. The pipe is reamed to bullet diameter with a drill bit and chamber cut in the same way, a
cartridge is loaded and the threaded joiner is threaded tight to the pipe nipple. A pipe plug with a
hole drilled in the center is threaded tightly on, a nail is inserted into the plug hole and taped on. A
"hammer" made from steel strap and screwed into the grip is propelled by rubber bands or springs
to strike the nail firing this zip gun. Test fire several times remotely before firing with your hands.
This is a risky dangerous weapon.
Drill a hole in the pipe plug and loosely tape down the nail/firing pin file the point off of the
nail. Thread the coupling onto the pipe, ream the barrel to allow a 12 gauge shell to fit.
Friction tape the barrel to the rough sawed stock. Make the strap/hammer and bend into a U
shape attach with screws and put under spring or rubber tension. Insert the shell and plug,
only insert the firing pin before firing. Test fire with a string several times for safety. If you
are creative you might be able to make this into a double barrel gun. Only use shot not slugs
in this weapon. Since you only get one shot with this crude zip gun do as they did before
repeating firearms, attach a bayonet, weld a steel rod or blade to a pipe coupling and thread
that onto the end of the barrel. A ramrod may be needed to eject the spent shell.
If you need simple explosives for engineering or demolition purposes here are some basic
information if you are unable to get the 31-210 manual. There are two basic types of common
improvised explosives, nitrated chemicals and fuel/oxidizer mixes. Most nitrated chemicals like
nitroglycerin, TNT, RDX, and nitrocellulose are produced by introducing glycerin, toluene,
hexamine, and cellulose to concentrated nitric acid while monitoring the acid temperature so the
reaction doesn't get out of control. Fuel/oxidizer mixes are well known as things like black powder
(6pts potassium nitrate, 4pts charcoal, and a 1pt sulfur), ANFO-16pts ammonium nitrate,finely
ground(High AN fertilizer, instant cold packs)/1p diesel fuel, Sugar-Shock 1pt sugar/2pt pool
chlorine shock treatment. All of these work best using a blasting cap, to jump start the explosive
reaction but commercial caps can be difficult to obtain. You can either make a good sized
firecracker initiator or make a real detonator. Below are the two easiest to obtain formulas from the
improvised munitions book for an initiating and booster explosive. Most explosives work best if
covered with mud or confined inside a container to increase the amount of energy delivered to the
If several detonators are needed for a job make one batch as shown at a time and load into
detonators, do not store this explosive!!
You will need:
• Hexamine(crushed Esbit stove tablets)
• Hydrogen Peroxide (hair bleach 6% minimum)
• Citric Acid (sour salt, spice section at grocery store)
• 1-Measure 9 Tablespoons of Hydrogen Peroxide into a metal cup (place this cup into a bowl
of iced water to keep the reaction cool).
• 2-In 3 portions dissolve 2 1/2 teaspoons of crushed hexamine into the peroxide and let cool
for 30 min.
• 3-In 5 portions dissolve 4 1/2 teaspoons crushed citric acid
• 4-Remove cup form cold water and allow to sit for 8-24 hours when crystals collect at the
bottom of the cup
!!This is now a sensitive HIGH EXPLOSIVE!!
• 5-Pour contents through a filter or paper towel and save the crystals
• 6-Pour 6 teaspoons of water over the collected crystals and then allow to dry
• 7-Use the press shown in the manual to compress 0.75 gram of crystals into a metal tube or
fired bullet case followed by 2 grams of picric acid booster charge, be sure that you are
wearing goggles and have the guards in place.
Picric acid
You need a real high explosive to use as a booster charge in detonators especially of use with
questionable improvised explosives. This explosive is safe to store.
You will need
• Aspirin tablets
• Alcohol 95% strength (190 proof)
• sulphuric acid (concentrated car battery acid)
• ammonium nitrite (instant cold packs, fertilizer)
• 1-crush 20 aspirin tablets and 1 teaspoon water
• 2- add 1/3 to 1/2 (100ml) alcohol and mix for several minutes
• 3-filter solution and discard the solids keep the liquid
• 4-evaporate the alcohol mix by heating in a bowl sitting in a pan of hot water 160-180 F (not
boiling)on a hotplate collect dry powder
• 5-Pour 1/3(80ml) cup concentrated sulphuric acid into a glass jar and add powder from
• 6-Place jar in pan of simmering water for 15 min, it will turn yellow-orange color
• 7-Add 3 level teaspoons (15grams) of potassium nitrate in three portions to the yellow-
orange solution, it will turn red and then back to C.
• 8-Allow solution to cool to room temperature stirring occasionally with a plastic or glass
• 9-slowly pour the solution into a container of 1 1/4 cup(300ml) cold water while stirring and
allow to cool
• 10-Pour the yellow-orange solution through a coffee filter over a glass container
• 11-Wash the light yellow crystals in the filter with 2 Tbs (25ml) water and save the crystals
in the filter discard the liquid
• 12-dry the crystals on a plate in a bath of hot(not boiling) water
Parkour is the art of moving from one area to another as quickly as possible, using only the human
body and one's surroundings. A training traceur (or traceus, if female) can practice in urban and
rural areas - even in their own home, or garden. This sport requires equal amounts of speed, strength
and balance, but makes any freedom fighter ten times more annoying to the pigs. Much of this
article is edited wikipedia content.
It is considered by many practitioners as more of an art and discipline. According to parkour sport
founder David Belle, "the physical aspect of parkour is getting over all the obstacles in your path as
you would in an emergency. You want to move in such a way, with any movement, as to help you
gain the most ground on someone or something, whether escaping from it or chasing toward it.
There are fewer predefined movements in parkour than gymnastics, as it does not have a list of
appropriate "moves". Each obstacle a traceur faces presents a unique challenge on how they can
overcome it effectively, which depends on their body type, speed and angle of approach, the
physical make-up of the obstacle, etc. Parkour is about training the bodymind to react to those
obstacles appropriately with a technique that works. Often that technique cannot and need not be
classified and given a name. In many cases effective parkour techniques depend on fast
redistribution of body weight and the use of momentum to perform seemingly impossible or
difficult body maneuvers at speed. Absorption and redistribution of energy is also an important
factor, such as body rolls when landing which reduce impact forces on the legs and spine, allowing
a traceur to jump from greater heights than those often considered sensible in other forms of
acrobatics and gymnastics.
According to David Belle, you want to move in such a way that will help you gain the most ground
as if escaping or chasing something. Also, wherever you go, you must be able to get back, if you go
from A to B, you need to be able to get back from B to A, but not necessarily with the same
movements or passements.
Despite this, there are many basic techniques that are emphasized to beginners for their versatility
and effectiveness. Most important are good jumping and landing techniques. The roll, used to limit
impact after a drop and to carry one's momentum onward, is often stressed as the most important
technique to learn. Many traceurs develop joint problems from too many large drops and rolling
incorrectly. Due to large drops parkour has sometimes received concerns for its health issues. There
is yet no careful study about the health issues of large drops, and traceurs stress gradual progression
to avoid any problems. American traceur Mark Toorock and Lanier Johnson, executive director of
the American Sports Medicine Institute say that injuries are rare because parkour is based on the
control of movements not on what cannot be controlled.
Basic movements
The basic movements defined in parkour are:
• Landing - Bending the knees when toes make contact with ground (never land flat footed;
always land on toes and ball of your foot).
• Balance - Walking along the crest of an obstacle; literally "balance."
• Cat balance - Quadrupedal crawling movement along the crest of an obstacle.
• Underbar, jump through - Jumping or swinging through a gap between obstacles
• Dismount, swinging jump - Hanging drop; lacher literally meaning "to let go." To hang or
swing (on a bar, on a wall, on a branch) and let go, dropping to the ground or to hang from
another object.
• Pop vault, wall hop - Overcoming a wall, usually by use of a kick off the wall to transform
forward momentum into upward momentum. A passe muraille with two hand touches, for
instance one touch on the top of a wall and another grabbing the top of the railing of the
wall, is called a "Dyno".
• Vault - To move over an object with one's hand(s) on an object to ease the movement.
• Turn vault - A vault involving a 180° turn; literally "half turn." This move is often used to
place yourself hanging from the other side of an object in order to shorten a drop or prepare
for a jump.
• Speed vault - To overcome an obstacle by jumping side-wise first, then using one hand,
while in the air, to push your body forwards.
• Thief vault, Lazy vault, switch hands - To overcome an obstacle by using a one-handed
vault, then using the other hand at the end of the vault to push oneself forwards in order to
finish the move.
• Cat pass/jump or (king) kong vault - The saut de chat involves diving forward over an
obstacle so that the body becomes horizontal, pushing off with the hands and tucking the
legs, such that the body is brought back to a vertical position, ready to land.
• Dash vault - This vault, similar to the lazy vault, involves using the hands to move oneself
forwards at the end of the vault. Unlike the lazy vault, one uses both hands to overcome an
obstacle by jumping feet first over the obstacle and pushing off with the hands at the end.
Visually, this might seem similar to the saut de chat, but reversed. David Belle has officially
rebuked this vault however, and thus its inclusion as a parkour movement is debatable.
• Reverse vault - A vault involving a 360° rotation such that the traceur's back faces forward
as they pass the obstacle. The purpose of the rotation is ease of technique in the case of
otherwise awkward body position or loss of momentum prior to the vault.
• Pull-up or climb-up - To get from a hanging position (wall, rail, branch, arm jump, etc) into
a position where your upper body is above the obstacle, supported by the arms. This then
allows for you to climb up onto the obstacle and continue.
• Roll - A forward roll where the hands, arms and diagonal of the back contact the ground.
Used primarily to transfer the momentum/energy from jumps and to minimise impact
preventing a painful landing. Identical to the basic Kaiten of martial arts such as Judo,
Ninjutsu, Jujitsu, and Aikido.
• Armjump, cat leap - To land on the side of an obstacle in a hanging/crouched position, the
hands gripping the top edge, holding the body, ready to perform a muscle up.
• Drop - Literally 'jump to the ground' / 'jump to the floor'. To jump down, or drop down from
• Gap jump - To jump from one place/object to another, over a gap/distance. This technique is
most often followed with a roll.
• Precision jump - Static jump from one object to a precise spot on another object.
• Tic tac - To kick off a wall in order to overcome another obstacle or gain height to grab
There is no equipment required, although practitioners normally train wearing light casual clothing:
• Light upper body garment - such as T-shirt, sleeveless shirt or crop top.
• Light lower body garment - such as light pants/trousers or light shorts.
• Comfortable underwear.
The actual gear in itself, only consisting of:
• Comfortable athletic shoes that are generally light, with good grip.
• Sometimes, sweat-bands for forearm protection.
• Rarely, thin athletic gloves (with rubber grips exhibiting only a mild adhesion), for
protection in much the same ways shoes protect feet, due to the fact practitioners grab hold
of abrasive objects (brick walls, fences, etc).
However, since parkour is closely related to méthode naturelle, sometimes practitioners train
barefooted to be able to move efficiently without depending on their gear. David Belle has said:
"bare feet are the best shoes!"
Emergency Use
When it becomes time to move quickly know how and where to ditch your pack or gear if you are
carrying any. A toss onto a roof or into dumpster as you begin your evasion gives you some chance
of retrieval at a later time. Carrying gear while attempting parkour is difficult and slows you down
when you need to get away
Trample Survival
In a large crowd a panic or greed reaction can turn regular movement into a trample. We have
experienced dangerous out of control mobs mostly at concerts and at street protests. For
experienced protesters teaching activist classes it is important to stress the importance of NEVER
RUNNING AT A PROTEST. If the leadership is out in large enough numbers they can both
marshal a slowdown and give the inexperienced protester a feeling of calm that will reduce the
panicky desire to run for their life. The main causes of death and injury are either underfoot trample
injuries or asphyxiation against walls or objects from the pressure of the crowd.
It is important to keep an eye on the mood of both the crowd and any potential catalyst like police
lining up to charge, loading weapons, or just someone offering free concert swag. Just like in an
avalanche it is important to have several locations nearby where there are obstacles to slow or stop a
mob from running you over. If the crowd starts moving in one direction get to the edge where there
is less pressure. Any kind of tanglefoot is potentially deadly in a push situation, if possible scout out
the protest site for low obstacles and remove them. Use natural clues that a tripping hazard is
coming such as parked cars or unbroken street signs to indicate a curb. Wear boots in any situation
where a crowd is expected, many feet may step the back of your shoes or sandals removing them,
this makes it difficult to stay standing in a moving crowd. It takes very strong legs and body weight
to force your feet forward for every step, larger rebels must keep an eye out for smaller people and
children to keep them up. Your pack is dangerous to you on your back making you less stable and
giving a place for panicked people to grab at you, but ditching it during a push may cause a tripping
chain reaction injuring or killing many if you ditch it once a trample starts, don't carry big packs to
The important thing is to stay with your protective group if possible and moving together get to an
open area. If this is not possible just try to stay up and away from walls. If you fall down you are in
trouble, try to force yourself back upright if possible, hope someone tries to pull you up as you
should do. If others begin to pile up on you try to go into a survival position, into a fetal position
with your knees spread so you will have room to breathe, use your arms to protect your head, stay
calm. If that is impossible try to find a position that will protect your chest, face, and neck best so
you can breathe.
Cyclone fence should not be too hard to climb even though it is often topped by barbed or razor
wire. Throw a blanket, thick coat, or something else over the sharp parts that you can afford to have
destroyed. It is not safe to hang from the top wires as they may not be well attached to the main
fence. If you were planning ahead and were able to obtain one, you can cut the stout wires on a
cyclone fence with a compound action wire cutter; a mini bolt cutter.
Water Crossing
Take your pack off and be ready to ditch it if it sinks, float down stream for up to fifteen minutes if
the cops know you are in the water but before a boat or dive team can be called in, exit in what
looks like a safe area preferably not near a road. Warm up, dry off, change your clothing if you need
Escape Below the Road
If you are in an urban area and have the tools to do the job go really underground, the piggies will
take forever to try looking there. A piece of 5mm cord with two short pieces of rebar tied at the ends
to make little drop in T's, if you are strong enough you can lift the lid into a underworld of escape.
• If you can get a hold of or buy a cuff key,attach the key to the inside of your pant's
waistband or belt, a loop of heavy carpet thread is a good lanyard in case you drop the key
during unlocking. When the cop is not watching you can get the key and unlock yourself or
a friend. Remember to watch the cop and see if he pin locks the cuffs, use the pin on the top
of the key to unlock the key hole, this pin hole is often on the opposite side or at the bottom
of the cuff. A scissors type multi-tool with a thread loop in your back pocket or hidden
behind your belt can cut flex cuffs with a little effort and time, help a friend then let her free
A shaving kit full of small expensive items like computer memory, large capacity flash memory
cards, and even processors carry a high value if new. It may be difficult to find a buyer who will
give a fair price, but offer at several computer shoppes. Hurry to liquidate your stash after arrival
before the stuff becomes obsolete.
In most places refugee status is difficult to get especially if you are a fugitive for normal criminal
charges, you risk being deported in cuffs with a US marshal on both sides if you go this route. Some
nations will give refugee status if you face a possible death sentence, but part of a extradition deal
may be a promise from the US government not to seek the death penalty.
Student Visa
If the man is after you a student visa in your legal name might not be issued, the new country may
also share their student visa data with US law enforcement.
Tourist Visa
A tourist visa usually has a short expiration date. Sometimes this is all you have time to get and if so
you need to use your time well in finding a way to integrate and get a better visa or go illegal inside
your host country.
Your ultimate goal is likely permanent residency, there are several ways to get it which vary from
nation to nation.
If you have family members who are citizens, or a special skill that is in demand in your new
country you might be able to get sponsored for residency by a that relative or a company in that job
field, having a friend with an established business will be a big help.
Get Married
A real or sham marriage is a well known way to get permanent residency, in some countries a bribe
is also required to get this to work, but in many places nothing happens without a bribe.
There are several ways to get instant citizenship, although it will require a bit of paperwork and
research. Contact the embassies of all nations that you would consider living in. Especially
concentrate on nations that your parents or grandparents may have immigrated from, some nations
even accept your ethnicity as a way to claim (almost) instant citizenship.
Be sure you invest in a passport once you get your identity, but before you do inform the embassy
that you would like to file for a name change so you will not have such an outlandish American
sounding name once you move back to your ancestral homeland.
International Communications
It is important that if you find someone who speaks some English to use only clear statements. For
example "restroom" might be interpreted as a "resting room", a room for sleeping. Always be
simple and clear using the least amount of words possible. Never use slang, your pop slang words
just don't translate into anything useful and might cause trouble. If you change your mind during a
conversation be sure the other party understands clearly that you have changed your intent. Get your
guide to repeat back what you said at the end of a conversation to ensure he has the right idea. It is a
good idea to use drawings or write out what you are saying if this improves understanding. Don't
worry too much if you confuse the gender of a word, people will almost always understand unless
you are speaking about people, when in doubt just use masculine form.
Survival Phrase Book
Mi XX se siente mal (Spanish) Mon XX sent le mauvais
My XX feels bad (French)
Babelfish can provide quick translation for many common languages
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Sit Down,
but above all