Final 2007 Fall 202

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MUS 202

music appreciation

FINAL Choose three questions to answer for this exam. Your answer for each of them should be about 2 pages long, double spaced! about " pages total. Your o#erall ob$ecti#e in this exam is to demonstrate to me that %ou ha#e listened to the music examples thoughtfull% and ha#e responded in a personal wa%. &e specific about musical details. 'his exam is not about whether %ou li(e the music or not. You ma% email me %our wor( or hand in hard cop% b% )ecember 200*. +lease do not call an% and e#er% piece of music a ,song.- .nl% songs are songs! more general terms for musical wor(s are ,pieces- or ,compositions./. Jazz Chose '0. of the examples described in the chapter on $a11. &riefl% discuss what each indi#idual recording represents in the histor% of $a11. 2n terms of musical characteristics, what traits does each recording ha#e in common with $a11 from other st%les or periods3 0hat traits does each ha#e that distinguish it from other t%pes of $a113 2. The relevance of form -- &riefl% describe sonata form. Compare %our description with the /st mo#ement of one of the following4 &eetho#en5s S%mphon% 6o. 7, Mo1art5s S%mphon% 6o. 27 or Eine Kleine Nachtmusik, all of which are on the textboo( C)s. &e specific. 89emember that in the textboo( C) recording of Eine Kleine Nachtmusik, the de#elopment section and the recapitulation are repeated, in addition to the usual repeat of the exposition section.: Compare sonata form to a song form, such as the blues, and e#aluate these two claims4 ;/< Consciousl% following the form ma(es listening to a piece more meaningful! in fact, the process of the form is the primar% meaning of the piece. ;2< Consciousl% following the form of a piece is not at all necessar%. Support %our arguments, especiall% with personal obser#ations of %our own listening to the examples. =. Program music and process music >isten carefull% to the ,Moldau- b% Smetana on the textboo( C), following the outline of the >istening ?cti#it%, and read the accompan%ing text. >isten again to the &erlio1 Symphonie Fantastique mo#ement on the textboo( C) and read the accompan%ing text. )oes the stor% 8or the image of a ri#er: ma(e the experience of listening to the music more interesting, en$o%able, or comprehensible3 +lease be specific and mention musical details, particularl% from the Smetana piece. Compare the effect of the stories to knowledge about sonata form or the processes in Steve eich!s music" 89eich is discussed in the textboo(, but this website is a better resource @ %ou can listen to his music. 'he acti#e lin( is on the class website.: A. The performers role in classical music -- 0hat is the performer5s role in classical music3 Compare the opening one minute of the performance of &eetho#enBs Cifth S%mphon% on the textboo( C) with the one minute sample a#ailable on the 2nternet, 8the acti#e lin( is on the class website: conducted b% Dusta#o )udamel, the %oung conductor from Eene1uela. ?lthough the audio qualit% of the streaming audio o#er the 2nternet is not great, there is plent% one can obser#e about the differences in the two performances. 6otice the o#erall tempo, the flexibilit% of the tempo or the amount that the tempo changes, notice the intonation, notices blend of the instruments, notice the different use of d%namics.

&ased on %our listening and examples gi#en in lecture, how important are the performers5 choices in the performance of a piece of classical music3 7. Stravins ! and Tchai ovs ! Compare the music and emotional impact of the Stra#ins(%5s ite of Spring and 'chai(o#s(% 8S%mphon% 6o. A 8)E) on reser#e: or ballet 8textboo( C)::. )escribe the music itself, thoughts and reactions of others as documented in the Keeping Score documentaries, and %our own reactions. ". "ozart 0hat of Mo1artBs #iew of the world, his feelings about the human condition, and his personalit% can we detect in his instrumental music3 9ead the textboo(5s section on Mo1art and listen to the Mo1art selections on the textboo( C) 8S%mphon% 6o 27, first mo#ement! Eine Kleine Nachtmusik, /st and =rd mo#ements! and the #ariations for piano on #$h, vous dirais%&e, 'amanB:. Comment on each piece of music. Fow does each piece rate on the scale from Gperfect reali1ation of the expected pattern5 to challenging the audience, then and now3 Can %ou relate these pieces to information about Mo1art5s life and personalit% 8presented in lecture and in the textboo(:3 .f these four examples, does one stand out as most or least appealing to %ou3 *. language and music 9ead 8or watch: the full con#ersation between )aniel >e#itin and )a#id &%rne. 8'he acti#e lin( is on the class website:. 0hat is their #iew about the relati#e roles of language and music in our brains3 Compare that to %our experiences with language and music as %ou were doing %our song anal%sis pro$ect. 8'he con#ersation is about an hour long.: +lagiarism warning there are se#en questions on this exam and %ou are to choose three. 2f one or more indi#iduals choose the three same questions, those papers will be sub$ect to extra scrutin% for signs of plagiarism. )o %our own wor( exclusi#el%. Your integrit% is integral to who %ou areH +lagiarism will result in an C for the final and the course, and will be reported to the college. 2f %ou use reference materials such as boo(s or the 2nternet, 2 will be impressed and pleased if %ou cite %our sources. 2f %ou do not cite %our sources and 2 detect that %ou ha#e used materials without proper ac(nowledgment, 2 will not be pleased, 2 will thin( less of %our character, and %our grade will suffer. 0i(ipedia is of mixed qualit% when it comes to classical music it is not that the information is necessaril% wrong, but 2 find that it is often inadequate, unbalanced 8gi#ing undue attention to tri#ial details and s(ipping (e% information: and poorl% written. Cross chec( it with the textboo( or other sources.
Iach answer will be e#aluated on its own. =2 == pts J ?K J beautiful, expressi#e writing, interesting ideas =0 =/ pts J ? J clear expression of ideas, good choice of musical details 2" 2L pts J & J some incorrect information, but generall% clear thin(ing and writing 2= 27 pts J C J some incorrect information, but an adequate response! it is clear that %ou actuall% listened to the music M thought about it! lac(ing specific musical details 20 22 pts J ) J writing so unclear that it obscures what %ou are tr%ing to express! significant misunderstanding of the material /7 /L pts J C J an attempt was made! no e#idence that %ou listened to the music 0 pts J plagiarism )ec 200* )a#id Mec(ler

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