Entry To Bmus: Your Ucas Form and Personal Statement

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ln Lhe flrsL lnsLance sLudenLs are admlLLed Lo Lhe 8Mus programme. SLudenLs
lnLendlng Lo Lake Lhe 8Mus ln muslc educaLlon Lo quallfy as muslc Leachers wlll be
lnLervlewed durlng Lhe course of Lhe second year, and wlll have Lo demonsLraLe LhaL
Lhey possess Lhe keyboard skllls necessary for a Leachlng career ln Muslc: muslc
educaLlon sLudenLs should alm Lo be aL leasL Crade 6 sLandard aL plano by Lhe end of
Lhelr second year. All muslc educaLlon sLudenLs musL have obLalned a Plgher ln
Lngllsh aL grade C or above by Lhe end of Lhelr second year of undergraduaLe sLudy,
or an equlvalenL quallflcaLlon such as LhaL offered by Lhe unlverslLy of Aberdeen's
Summer School for Access. lL ls lmporLanL Lo noLe LhaL enLry Lo Lhe flrsL year of Lhe
degree programme does noL auLomaLlcally enLlLle a sLudenL Lo progress Lo an
honours programme ln years Lhree and four, and LhaL Lhere are exlL rouLes aL Lhe
end of flrsL year (CerLlflcaLe), second year (ulploma) and Lhlrd year (ueslgnaLed

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Cnce you have applled Lhrough uCAS Lo Lhe unlverslLy of Aberdeen for a place Lo
sLudy muslc on Lhe 8Mus programme, your appllcaLlon ls assessed by sLaff ln Lhe
ueparLmenL of Muslc.

We wlll be looklng aL your quallflcaLlons, your referee's reporL and your personal
sLaLemenL Lo deLermlne wheLher we can offer you an uncondlLlonal place, a
condlLlonal place or an audlLlon and lnLervlew.

?our personal sLaLemenL ls your opporLunlLy Lo sell yourself Lo Lhe selecLors. lease
remember LhaL mosL appllcanLs lnclude gushlng prose abouL how much muslc means
Lo Lhem. WhaL we are lnLeresLed ln ls:

WhaL lnsLrumenL do you play?
Pave you passed any grade exams? AL whaL level are you performlng?
Are you a member of any ensembles (cholrs, orchesLras, bands)?
Are you a composer? lf so, whaL do you compose? ls lL ever performed?
WhaL are your muslcal lnLeresLs? Pow much do you know abouL Lhe hlsLory
of muslc?

Cf course, lL ls also worLh menLlonlng oLher accompllshmenLs aL Lhe end - wheLher
you have been Pead 8oy or Clrl, a refecL eLc. lease remember Lo Lell us whaL your
maln lnsLrumenL ls: lL ls amazlng how ofLen appllcanLs leave ouL Lhls vlLally lmporLanL
plece of lnformaLlon.

1he nexL sLage of Lhe admlsslons process usually lnvolves an audlLlon and lnLervlew.
lf you recelve an uncondlLlonal or condlLlonal offer, you are sLlll welcome Lo come Lo
vlslL Lhe deparLmenL and see whaL we do.

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LnLry Lo Lhe programme ls usually by performance aL audlLlon and lnLervlew,
lnformed by your referee's reporL and academlc record. All 8Mus sLudenLs musL be
proflclenL on one lnsLrumenL or volce, and be able Lo demonsLraLe compeLence ln
keyboard skllls aL Lhe plano.

lL ls worLh rememberlng LhaL Lhe lnLervlewlng process ls a Lwo-way one: your vlslL Lo
Aberdeen ls an opporLunlLy for you Lo flnd ouL abouL our faclllLles, sLaff and Lo geL a
feel for Lhe place. We are an expandlng, dynamlc deparLmenL operaLlng ln a frlendly
aLmosphere. We lnvlLe appllcanLs, Lhelr accompanlsLs (lf appllcable) and one guesL
for a sandwlch lunch, whlch ls also an opporLunlLy Lo meeL currenL sLaff and

?ou should arrlve aL klng's College campus by 10:00 a.m. on Lhe daLe of your
lnLervlew. Cn your arrlval, please reporL Lo 1he Cld 1ownhouse, Plgh SLreeL, Cld
Aberdeen. CandldaLes brlnglng large lnsLrumenLs wlLh Lhem may wlsh Lo conLacL Mrs
Anne Waugh (01224 274779, a.waugh[abdn.ac.uk) Lo arrange Lo brlng Lhem Lo
Mac8oberL 8ulldlng before reglsLraLlon.

lease brlng phoLocoples of Lhe followlng documenLaLlon wlLh you:

SLandard grade/CCSL (or equlvalenL) cerLlflcaLes
Plgher/advanced hlgher/'A' level (or equlvalenL) cerLlflcaLes
CerLlflcaLes for AssoclaLed 8oard (or equlvalenL) muslc examlnaLlons

?ou wlll be glven a gulded Lour of Lhe campus before golng Lo Lhe Muslc ueparLmenL
where some of our currenL sLudenLs wlll show you round. ?ou wlll be glven an
audlLlon Llme once you have arrlved aL Lhe deparLmenL. AudlLlons begln aL 13:00.
Lach audlLlon lasLs around LwenLy mlnuLes. AfLer your audlLlon, you are free Lo leave
aL any Llme.

1. erform one plece (or movemenL of a plece) of no more Lhan flve mlnuLes
duraLlon on your chosen lnsLrumenL or volce. 1he work should be of Crade vll
sLandard or above. We wlll be looklng for

Lechnlcal compeLency
evldence of poLenLlal for fuLure developmen

2. Answer quesLlons abouL a muslcal score. 1wenLy mlnuLes before your audlLlon
Llme, you wlll be asked Lo prepare answers Lo a serles of quesLlons on Lhe muslcal
score (for example, an exLracL from a sLrlng quarLeL, a song by SchuberL or
Schumann, or elghLeenLh-cenLury keyboard plece). 1he quesLlons wlll progress ln
dlfflculLy, so do noL worry lf you are unable Lo answer all of Lhem. ?ou may be asked

ldenLlflcaLlon of plLch ln Lreble and bass clef
keys, key slgnaLures, key relaLlonshlps, modulaLlon
ldenLlflcaLlon of chords
muslcal forms
hlsLorlcal conLexL

3. SlghL-readlng LesL aL Lhe plano. ?ou wlll be asked Lo slghL read a shorL passage of
muslc aL Lhe plano whlch wlll be of approxlmaLely Lhe sLandard expecLed of grade 3
slghL-readlng. We wlll be looklng for

evldence of baslc keyboard Lechnlque

1he followlng book may be useful ln preparlng for Lhls LesL: aul Parrls, lmprove your
slghLreadlng! Crade 3 (laber Muslc, 1991).

4. 8aslc aural LesL: e.g., recognlLlon of lnLervals, cadences, ma[or/mlnor Lrlads.

3. Ceneral dlscusslon. We wlll be looklng for

engagemenL wlLh Lhe sub[ecL
an ablllLy Lo communlcaLe effecLlvely

?ou may brlng your own accompanlsL. 1hls ensures LhaL you are comforLable playlng
wlLh Lhe accompanlsL, and may help seL you aL your ease. AlLernaLlvely, by prlor
arrangemenL, one may be provlded: please remember LhaL our accompanlsLs wlll
usually be slghL-readlng Lhelr parLs.

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