Act. 2: Vocabulary Assignment
Act. 2: Vocabulary Assignment
Act. 2: Vocabulary Assignment
2 : Vocabulary Assignment
Puntos: 1
Unit 1 : Describing the place where we live Select the correct word after reading the definition:
Puntos: 1
Unit 1 :
Puntos: 1
Unit " :
repositions and
hrasal Verbs
We usually do this action when we are so tired and we don't want to listen any noise.
Puntos: 1
Unit %:&'pressions to tal( about car)brea( downs* accidents* and insurance #ead the description and choose the correct word:
b. Correspondance c. ox d. !nvelope
Puntos: 1
Unit " :
hrasal Verbs
Puntos: 1
Unit % : After a car accident or brea()down Select the correct word after reading the definition:
Puntos: 1
Unit $ : Use lac( , lac(ing , enough Select the correct word after reading the definition:
QuestionPuntos: 1
Unit " :
hrasal Verbs
Puntos: 1
Unit 1 :
Puntos: 1
Unit 1 : Describing the place where we live #ead the description and choose the correct sentence:
People usually sleep at night and ta'e a nap after lunch there.
viernes, * de abril de +,-*, ,,.*/ viernes, * de abril de +,-*, ,-.0* *1 minutos + segundos 23-, 16 de un m4ximo de +, 58067 &elicitaciones8 9u aprehensi)n de las tem4ticas es excelente.
Puntos: 1
Unit 1 : Describing the place where we live Select the correct word after reading the definition:
Unit 1 :
Unit " :
repositions and
hrasal Verbs
We usually do this action when we are so tired and we don't want to listen any noise.
Unit %:&'pressions to tal( about car)brea( downs* accidents* and insurance #ead the description and choose the correct word:
Unit " :
hrasal Verbs
Unit % : After a car accident or brea()down Select the correct word after reading the definition:
Unit $ : Use lac( , lac(ing , enough Select the correct word after reading the definition:
Puntos: 1
Unit " :
hrasal Verbs
Seleccione una respuesta. a. Turn off b. Turn up c. Turn on d. Turn down Correcto
Unit 1 :
Unit 1 : Describing the place where we live #ead the description and choose the correct sentence:
People usually sleep at night and ta'e a nap after lunch there.