Fortified Pos SO

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UNITED STATES MARINE CORPS Advanced Infantry Training Company School of Infantry Training Command Camp Lejeune, NC 285




Termin ! Le rnin" O#$e%&i'e( $ith the aid of the reference, given an operation% order, &rite a five paragraph order for an attac' on a fortified po%ition, per ()() *!5+ ,"#--+".+-*/ En #!in" Le rnin" O#$e%&i'e)+ ,-/ $ithout the aid of the reference, given a li%t of choice%, %elect the characteri%tic% of a fortified po%ition, per ()() *!5 page 0!-*+ ,"#--+".+-*a/ ,2/ $ithout the aid of the reference, given a li%t of choice%, %elect the role of the %1uad in an attac' on a fortified po%ition, per ()() *!5 page 0!-8+ ,"#--+".+-*2/ ,#/ $ithout the aid of the reference, given a li%t of choice%, %elect the ta%'% to perform &hen attac'ing a fortified po%ition, per ()() *!5 page 0!-*+ ,"#--+".+-*c/ , / $ithout the aid of the reference, given a li%t of choice%, %elect the %1uad leader3% action% during hi% reconnai%%ance, per ()() *!5, page% 0!2" to 0!2-+ ,"#--+".+-*d/ ,5/ $ithout the aid of the reference, given a li%t of choice%, %elect the %1uad leader3% action% in an a%%ault on a 1

fortified po%ition, per ()() *!5 page% 0!2- to 0!22+ ,"#--+".+-*e/ -+ *ENERAL+ A fortified area i% a &ell!prepared, deli2erate defen%ive %y%tem that contain% numerou% %trong point% di%po%ed in depth and &idth in %uch a matter a% to 2e mutually %upporting+ It normally con%i%t% of reinforced po%ition%4 interloc'ing fire%4 an e5ten%ive 2arrier4 and tunnel% and communication trenche%, &hich permit covered movement &ithin the po%ition+ $hile the 2a%ic fundamental% of offen%ive com2at apply to the attac' on a fortified area, the %trength of the po%ition ma'e% %uch an attac' an e5tremely difficult and co%tly underta'ing+ C/ r %&eri)&i%) 01 ,"#--+".+-*a/ 10r&i1ie2 30)i&i0n (S&ren"&/))+

,-/ 6mplacement% and per%onnel %helter% are con%tructed of reinforced concrete, %teel, or heavy tim2er and earth+ The 2ul'head% and overhead may 2e up to -" feet thic'+ Thi% con%truction provide% the defender &ith cover from indirect fire &eapon%, %mall arm%, and limited protection from direct fire &eapon%+ ,2/ The area i% u%ually prepared in advance of ho%tilitie%, &hich permit% the u%e of natural camouflage4 ho&ever, artificial camouflage may 2e u%ed+ ,#/ 6ach emplacement u%ually contain% one or more automatic &eapon%+ , / 6mplacement% are mutually %upporting4 one protect% the other+ To attac' one emplacement, the attac'er mu%t pa%% through the %ector of fire of one or more other emplacement%+ ,5/ 6ach emplacement i% protected 2y infantry occupying field fortification% po%itioned around the emplacement+ The%e field fortification% may have overhead cover+ ,*/ Tunnel% and communication trenche% are normally u%ed to lin' emplacement% &ithin the fortified po%ition+ ,./ 7ar2ed &ire and other o2%tacle% are u%ed e5ten%ively in order to re%trict the attac'er8% movement and to channel him into the %ector% of fire of automatic &eapon%+

,8/ )ine% and 2oo2y trap% are normally employed in fortified po%ition%+ ,0/ Communication &ire i% laid deep underground, thu%, providing a relatively %ecure mean% of communication+

C/ r %&eri)&i%) 01 ,"#--+".+-*a/

10r&i1ie2 30)i&i0n (4e 5ne))e))+

,-/ Automatic $eapon%+ 9lacing automatic &eapon% in fi5ed emplacement% re%trict% the gunner8% o2%ervation and, generally, prevent% the &eapon from 2eing moved to an alternate or %upplementary po%ition+ ,2/ 6mplacement%+ 6mplacement% depend upon mutually %upporting po%ition% for all!around o2%ervation and field% of fire+ $hen one emplacement i% de%troyed, o2%ervation and mutually %upporting fire% are reduced proportionately+ ,#/ Indirect (ire+ :enerally, the emplacement% can &ith%tand the effect% of artillery and mortar fire+ Artillery and mortar fire are effective again%t the field fortification% around the emplacement%+ If the field fortification% have overhead cover, point detonating and delay fu%ed round% can de%troy or collap%e the fortification%+ If the field fortification% do not have overhead cover, pro5imity fu%ed round% can 2e employed+ In either ca%e, the enemy infantry in the field fortification% &ill 2e forced to %ee' more protected location%, thu%, &ea'ening the enemy defen%ive po%ition+ , / $ea'e%t 9oint%+ The &ea'e%t point% of emplacement% are em2ra%ure%, air vent%, and door&ay%+ They provide the attac'er &ith an opening to employ grenade%, roc'et launcher%, demolition charge%, and %mall arm% fire+ S&62en& N0&e)7

TASK OR*ANI8ATION+ ,"#--+".+-*2/ Normally, a rifle %1uad &ill participate in the attac' on one emplacement a% part of the 3

platoon+ The %1uad can 2e a%%igned the role of, 2a%e of fire or the a%%ault unit+ 7oth the 2a%e of fire and a%%ault unit are reinforced or %upported 2y appropriate com2at po&er+ The cumulative effect of %everal %mall unit% %imultaneou%ly conducting coordinated attac'% again%t a fortified po%ition &ill re%ult in the penetration and de%truction of that po%ition+ Certain ta%'% mu%t 2e accompli%hed in order to %ucce%%fully attac' and de%troy a%%igned o2jective% &ithin a fortified po%ition+ T.E +ASE OF FIRE+ the a%%ault unit+ a+ The 2a%e of fire provide% covering fire for

;<:ANIC $6A9;NS+

,-/ <ifle fire% are directed again%t enemy troop% occupying field fortification% protecting the emplacement+ ,2/ )2 0 SA$+ )2 0 SA$ fire i% directed at troop% in field fortification% at the %u%tained rate+ If a machinegun i% not provided to neutrali=e the enemy automatic fire coming from the emplacement, or if the machine gun 2ecome% inopera2le, the )2 0 SA$ %hould 2e a%%igned to neutrali=e the fire from the emplacement+ In thi% ca%e, fire i% directed at the em2ra%ure at the rapid rate+ $hen fire% from the emplacement are neutrali=ed, )2 0 SA$ fire% are %hifted to troop% in field fortification%, and are fired at the %u%tained rate+ ,#/ )!2"# fire i% directed again%t enemy troop% in field fortification%+ T.E ASSAULT UNIT a+ ;rganic $eapon%+ $eapon% organic to the %1uad are employed 2y the a%%ault unit in the %ame manner a% they are employed in a daylight attac'+ ,-/ The %1uad, &hich i% normally employed a% part of the rifle platoon and i% a%%igned a mi%%ion a% the maneuver element+ Thu%, operating a% part of the platoon, a %1uad a%%igned a% the maneuver element &ill e5ecute fire and movement, not fire and maneuver+

,2/ The organi=ation of the rifle %1uad into three fire team% provide% the %1uad leader &ith the a2ility to e5ecute fire and maneuver &ith one or t&o fire team% employed a% the 2a%e of fire and one or t&o fire team% a% the maneuver element+ MUNITIONS A-AILA+LE+ The a%%ault unit in reducing fortified po%ition% employ% the follo&ing munition%> a+ AT! + The a%%ault unit to de%troy enemy field fortification% on the o2jective u%e% aT! %+ AT! % can al%o 2e u%ed to complete the de%truction of the emplacement 2y firing into the em2ra%ure from clo%e range+ 2+ ?emolition%+ ?emolition%, %uch a% %atchel charge%, and TNT, are u%ed e5ten%ively in fortified area% to 2reach o2%tacle% and de%troy emplacement%+ If com2at engineer% are not attached to the %1uad for the attac', %1uad mem2er% &ill 2e re1uired to employ the demolition%+ c+ :renade%+ (ragmentation grenade% are u%ed again%t enemy infantry dug in around the emplacement+ Additionally, fragmentation grenade% can 2e thro&n through the em2ra%ure or do&n ventilation aperture% of the emplacement+ ,-/ Smo'e grenade% and pyrotechnic% are u%ed primarily for %ignaling 2et&een the unit% of the %1uad and from the %1uad to the platoon commander+ They are u%ed to %ignal that the a%%ault i% a2out to 2egin and that the 2a%e of fire %hould %hift or cea%e+ Smo'e grenade% may al%o 2e u%ed to %creen movement% of the a%%ault unit from enemy o2%ervation+ ,2/ $hite pho%phoru% grenade% are normally u%ed to %creen the movement of the a%%ault unit and to neutrali=e enemy per%onnel in field fortification%+ d+ S)A$+ If the S)A$ i% employed &ith the a%%ault unit, the a%%ault unit leader %elect% the S)A$ firing po%ition+ Thi% po%ition mu%t not 2e clo%er than -" meter% from the emplacement 2eing attac'ed+ @e in%truct% the S)A$ gunner to engage and de%troy the emplacement a% %oon a% po%%i2le or, if %urpri%e i% de%ired, to open fire upon %ignal+ Surpri%e in thi% ca%e refer% not only to the enemy in the emplacement 2eing attac'ed, 2ut al%o to other enemy po%ition% around or &hich %upport the emplacement+

e+ ?ragon+ If the S)A$ i% unavaila2le the dragon may 2e u%ed to de%troy emplacement%+ The dragon i% u%ually attached to the a%%aulting unit+ SQUAD ASSI*NED MISSION OF SEI8IN* AN O+,ECTI-E+ The %1uad may 2e a%%igned the mi%%ion of %ei=ing an o2jective &ithin a fortified area 2y it%elf+ a+ If a%%igned thi% mi%%ion, the follo&ing con%ideration% %hould 2e addre%%ed> ,-/ A machinegun team %hould 2e a%%igned to neutrali=e the automatic &eapon in the emplacement+ ,2/ A S)A$ or ?ragon team %hould 2e attached to de%troy the emplacement+

,#/ The %1uad mu%t 2e provided 2angalore torpedoe% and other demolition% to clear mine% and o2%tacle%, and %atchel change% to de%troy the emplacement or other field fortification%+ Com2at engineer% may 2e attached to perform the%e ta%'%4 ho&ever, %1uad mem2er% mu%t 2e proficient in the employment of 2angalore torpedoe%, %atchel charge%, and other demolition%, in the event com2at engineer% are not availa2le+ The %1uad %hould al%o 2e provided the capa2ility to employ artillery and mortar%+ S&62en& N0&e)7

+ASE OF FIRE TASK+ ,"#--+".+-*c/ a+ Neutrali=e the enemy infantry occupying the field fortification% and protecting the emplacement to 2e attac'ed+ Neutrali=ation mean% not only %uppre%%ing the enemy fire 2ut al%o the a2ility to o2%erve avenue% of approach+ Artillery, mortar% and the 2a%e of fire provide neutrali=ation fire%+ 2+ Neutrali=e the enemy automatic &eapon% fire coming from the emplacement 2eing attac'ed and from any other emplacement 6

&ho%e %ector of fire the a%%aulting unit mu%t pa%% through+ do thi%, mutually %upporting emplacement% mu%t 2e attac'ed %imultaneou%ly+


,-/ The actual neutrali=ation of automatic &eapon% i% 2e%t accompli%hed 2y a tripod!mounted machinegun u%ing a traver%ing and elevating mechani%m to deliver a high volume of accurate fire directly into the em2ra%ure of the emplacement+ ;ne machine gun team i% employed for each emplacement+ The team i% 2e%t employed from a covered and concealed %tandoff location &here it cannot 2e %uppre%%ed 2y enemy fire+ ,2/ The machinegun team may not nece%%arily 2e attached to the attac'ing unit, 2ut may 2e a%%igned the mi%%ion to provide direct %upport for the attac'ing unit+ c+ ?e%truction of enemy emplacement on the o2jective i% a critical ta%'+ The emplacement8% field of fire may cover the approach of the a%%ault unit or that of an adjacent attac'ing unit+ In any event, it mu%t 2e de%troyed+ 6mplacement% can 2e de%troyed from range% up to 25" meter% u%ing the S)A$+ If a S)A$ i% not availa2le, a ?ragon antitan' guided mi%%ile may 2e u%ed to de%troy an emplacement+ If no a%%ault &eapon% are availa2le, the emplacement mu%t 2e a%%aulted and de%troyed &ith demolition% or grenade%+ ASSAULT UNIT TASK( ,"#--+".+-*c/

a+ The a%%ault unit advance% under covering fire from the 2a%e of fire and %upporting arm% fire+ The a%%ault unit mu%t po%%e%% %ufficient com2at po&er to accompli%h the follo&ing ta%'%> ,-/ ?e%troy, neutrali=e, or overcome 2ar2ed &ire and other o2%tacle% encountered &hile moving for&ard+ ,2/ Aill or capture enemy %entinel% or %ecurity po%t% covering avenue% of approach+ ,#/ A%%ault the enemy po%ition, and 'ill or capture the enemy per%onnel in or around the de%troyed emplacement and in the %urrounding field fortification%+ , / 6%ta2li%h a ha%ty defen%e to repel any enemy counterattac'+

2+ ;nce the a%%ault unit ha% %ei=ed the o2jective, the remainder of the attac'ing unit move% onto the o2jective and con%olidate% the po%ition+ S&62en& N0&e)7

P! nnin" n2 C00r2in &i0n( The %1uad leader receive% the attac' order from hi% platoon commander+ @i% %1uad, &ith the additional com2at po&er provided, i% a%%igned the mi%%ion of %ei=ing or de%troying a certain emplacement+ The other %1uad% are a%%igned to attac' other emplacement% %imultaneou%ly+ Attac'% are u%ually conducted on a narro& frontage in an attempt to effect a penetration+ P! nnin" &/e A&& %5+ ,"#--+".+-*d/ ,-/ ?uring hi% reconnai%%ance, the %1uad leader o2%erve% and plan% the follo&ing> ,a/ Location of the emplacement on the %1uad8% o2jective+ ,2/ 9o%ition of the em2ra%ure% and enemy field% of fire+ ,c/ Surrounding field fortification% and o2%tacle%+ ,d/ Location of other enemy emplacement% %upporting hi% a%%igned o2jective+ ,e/ A tentative a%%ault po%ition and final coordination line+ ,f/ A route to the a%%ault po%ition+ ,g/ A po%ition for the 2a%e of fire+ ,h/ A firing po%ition for AT! 8% and S)A$%+ ,2/ 7a%ed upon hi% reconnai%%ance, hi% mi%%ion, and the mi%%ion of the platoon, the %1uad leader plan% hi% attac'+

,#/ The %1uad leader determine% &hether he &ill remain &ith the 2a%e of fire or move for&ard &ith the a%%ault unit+ If he i% going to lead the a%%ault unit, ,&hich i% the preferred method/, he de%ignate% the 2a%e of fire leader, &ho i% normally the fire team leader a%%igned to the 2a%e of fire+ If for %ome rea%on he mu%t remain &ith the 2a%e of fire, he &ill de%ignate the %enior fire team leader a% the a%%ault unit leader+ , / Bpon completing hi% plan, the %1uad leader conduct% a rehear%al, if fea%i2le+ ?uring the rehear%al, he chec'% hi% plan and en%ure% that all %1uad mem2er% and attachment% 'no& their dutie%+ S&62en& N0&e)7

Pre3 r &i0n Fire)+ ,-/ 7om2ardment of the area 2y air, mortar%, artillery, and naval gunfire may precede the attac'+ ,2/ The %1uad leader &ill po%ition the 2a%e of fire and any &eapon% attached to the 2a%e of fire under cover of the preparatory fire%+ The 2a%e of fire po%ition i% a% far for&ard a% po%%i2le+ ,#/ The fire team and attached &eapon%, compri%ing the a%%ault unit, remain in the a%%em2ly area or are moved for&ard to the attac' po%ition+ , / The %1uad leader attempt% to de%troy the emplacement u%ing the S)A$ from the 2a%e of fire po%ition and other %upporting fire%+ If thi% fail%, he %end% the a%%ault unit for&ard &ith the S)A$ team attached to attac' and de%troy the emplacement+ M0'emen& &0 &/e A)) 6!& 30)i&i0n+ The 2a%e of fire neutrali=e% the enemy in the emplacement 2y firing into the em2ra%ure+ Additionally, the enemy in the %urrounding field fortification% i% ta'en under fire+ $hen fire% from the emplacement and the %urrounding field fortification% are neutrali=ed, the a%%ault unit move% for&ard to the a%%ault

po%ition+ Smo'e %hould 2e u%ed to %creen movement to the a%%ault po%ition and during o2%tacle 2reaching+ ,-/ The a%%ault unit 2reache% any o2%tacle it encounter% and de%troy% enemy per%onnel &ho cannot 2e 2ypa%%ed+ ,2/ The a%%ault po%ition %hould 2e to the flan' of the emplacement to ta'e advantage of the defender8% re%tricted o2%ervation and limited field of fire+ A)) 6!& 01 &/e Em3! %emen&+ ,"#--+".+-*e/ The a%%ault i% conducted in the follo&ing %e1uence> ,-/ The a%%ault unit leader %ignal% the a%%ault+ The 2a%e of fire i% %hifted or lifted on thi% %ignal+ Smo'e %hould 2e u%ed to cover the a%%ault+ ,2/ If the emplacement ha% not already 2een de%troyed, the S)A$, &ith the a%%ault unit, i% employed to de%troy it+ ,#/ The a%%ault unit a%%ault% the o2jective a% %oon a% %upporting fire% are %hifted or cea%ed+ ,a/ <emaining enemy are de%troyed &ith %mall arm% fire, )!2"# fire, and hand grenade%+ ,2/ The emplacement i% %earched for intelligence material, tunnel%, or other entrance%+ , / After the o2jective i% %ei=ed, the %1uad leader move% hi% 2a%e of fire for&ard+ The %1uad then con%olidate% the o2jective and prepare% for any counterattac'+ The %1uad may 2e directed to %upport 2y fire another %1uad8% attac', or it may 2e directed to continue it% attac' on another o2jective+ SUPPORTIN* 4EAPONS+ ,-/ If availa2le, the )A!-0 and +5" cali2er machinegun% can 2e employed in conjunction &ith the 2a%e of fire+ If employed, the%e &eapon% &ill 2e u%ed to neutrali=e the enemy infantry in field fortification%+ Normally, the%e &eapon% &ill 2e employed from a %tandoff di%tance and &ill directly %upport the attac', rather than 2eing attached to the attac'ing unit+


,2/ $hite pho%phoru% ,$9/ round%, delivered from the company8% *")) mortar%, can 2e u%ed to %creen the a%%ault unit from enemy o2%ervation+ ,#/ Artillery and mortar %upport i% provided to neutrali=e the enemy occupying the field fortification% around the emplacement%+ STUDENT NOTES7

STUDENT C.ECK ON LEARNIN* QUESTIONS7 -+ (rom the Li%t 2elo& identify the characteri%tic% of a fortified po%itionC a+ 2+ c+ d+ 6mplacement% and %helter% are prepared in advance Con%tructed of heavy tim2er%, concrete and %teel 6mplacement% contain one or more )achinegun% )utually %upported and protected 2y infantry

2+ The %1uad leader &ill po%ition the 2a%e of fire and any &eapon% that are attached to the 2a%e of fire+ The %1uad leader attempt% to de%troy the emplacement% u%ing S)A$% from the 2a%e of fire po%ition+ If thi% fail% the %1uad leader %end% the a%%ault unit for&ard &ith S)A$ team attached, to de%troy the emplacement+ Thi% %tatement 2e%t de%cri2e%> a+ 2+ c+ d+ e+ The 2a%e of fire action% during the a%%ault A%%ault unit action% during the a%%ault S1uad leader% action% during the a%%ault <econnai%%ance element action% during the a%%ault None of the a2ove

#+ ;2%erve location of emplacement% and po%ition% of em2ra%ure% and field of fire locating the %urrounding field fortification% and o2%tacle%+ Location of other enemy emplacement%, location of tentative a%%ault po%ition and location for the 2a%e of fire+ Thi% %tatement 2e%t de%cri2e%> a+ Action% of the reconnai%%ance element 2+ S1uad leader% action during hi% reconnai%%ance 11

c+ Leader% recon of the o2jective d+ Leader% recon of the TA9 e+ None of the a2ove REFERENCE> ()() *! , )arine <ifle Company ()() *!5 )arine <ifle S1uad


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