Postharvest Biology and Technology
Postharvest Biology and Technology
Postharvest Biology and Technology
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: The final shape and size of the flower is genetically and developmentally controlled by tight regula-
Received 29 March 2010 tion of cell number and cell size with cell expansion playing an important role The gladiolus expansin
Accepted 16 May 2010 gene, GgEXPA1, was expressed prominently during phases of active tepal expansion and cell elongation
in stamen filaments, gynoecium styles and expanding leaves but not in tissues where expansion had
Keywords: ceased and senescence had been initiated. Within tepals, differential expression between the proximal
and distal portions that differ in cell elongation was observed. The expression of the gene was responsive
to GA and inhibited by the GA biosynthesis inhibitor, paclobutrazol. The promoter of GgEXPA1 showed
Cell expansion
strong expansion-responsive GUS expression in young agro-infiltrated gladiolus tepals and in etiolated
Promoter hypocotyls and light grown expanding cotyledonary leaves of transgenic Arabidopsis seedlings. Inhibi-
GUS tion of hypocotyl elongation by paclobutrazol blocked the expression of the promoter-driven reporter
gene indicating GA responsiveness of the promoter. GgEXPA1 provides an interesting example of a single
expansin gene being involved in expansion processes in different plant tissues such as tepals, stamens,
pistils and leaves that are both spatially as well as temporally distinct in their development. The studies
provide a basis for GA mediated expansion of floral organs via expansins prior to anthesis.
© 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
0925-5214/$ – see front matter © 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
A. Azeez et al. / Postharvest Biology and Technology 58 (2010) 48–56 49
mulation of GA in the petals (Murakami, 1973, 1975; Koning, 1984). 2.5. Cloning of expansin cDNA
GA is also known to affect stamen filament length and pistil length
in flowers (Murakami, 1973, 1975; Pharis and King, 1985). We are DNA free RNA from 0 stage flower was reverse tran-
interested in studying genes that are actively involved in floral scribed using MuMLV Revertaid reverse transcriptase (MBI
organ growth and expansion and the role of hormones like GA Fermentas) and primed with the 3 RACE adapter primer (5 -
in their regulation during expansion. In this paper, we describe GGCCACGCGTCGACTAGTACTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT-3 ) from Invitro-
the characterization of a new expansin gene from gladiolus that gen. This was used as cDNA template for further amplifica-
is closely associated not only with tepal growth and expansion tions of expansin. To amplify the expansin gene fragment,
but also with stamen, pistil and leaf elongation and functions in degenerate primers for expansin (forward primer ExpF1 5 -
a GA-responsive manner thus providing a basis for GA mediated GCHTCDGGMACHATGGDTGGDGCDTGTGG-3 and reverse primers,
expansion of floral organs via expansins prior to anthesis. ExpR1 5 -CCRTTKAYBGTRAAYCKDATHCCTCC-3 and ExpR2 5 -
AAGTGNKKNHGDGGDGGRTTRCACC-3 ) were designed from con-
2. Materials and methods served regions as described by Sane et al. (2005). The F1R1 pair
was used to amplify a product of 374 nt while the F1AP pair was
2.1. Plant material used to amplify a 979 nucleotide fragment which was subsequently
cloned in pBluescript IISK (Stratagene, USA). Amplified fragments
Flowers of gladiolus (Gladiolus grandiflorus cv Snow Princess) were sequenced on an automated DNA sequencer (ABI 373A from
grown in the field were chosen for study. The spikes, containing Applied Biosystems Inc., USA) using the thermosequenase dye ter-
about 12–14 flowers in different stages of growth and senescence, minator cycle sequencing kit from Amersham-Pharmacia. The 5
were cut with a sharp blade and immediately placed in water. Flow- end of the gene was obtained from a Gladiolus genome walker
ers on the spike were marked as previously described (Azeez et al., library created using the genome walker kit (Clontech, Palo Alto,
2007). The fully open flowers were designated as 0 stage. Flowers USA). Gene specific reverse primers Gex-R1 (5 -CAG TAA CGA CAA
above this stage in different stages of opening were marked as −1, TTG AAC CCG AAA GAC-3 ) and Gex-R2 (5 -GGT CGT CGT TGC ACT
−2 and −3 in an ascending order with −3 indicating the bud stage. TCA TCT CAT AG-3 ) were used in combination with the genome
Flowers below the 0 stage were marked progressively as +1, +2 and walker adapter primers GWAP1 (5 -GTA ATA CGA CTC ACT ATA GGG
+3 in a descending order and represented flowers in different stages C-3 ) and GWAP2 (5 -ACT ATA GGG CAC GCG TGG T-3 ) as described
of senescence with +3 indicating completely wilted flowers. in the genome walker manual. A fragment of approximately 1.8 kb,
containing 474 nucleotides of the gene (inclusive of a 200 nt intron)
towards the 5 end and 1.3 kb sequence upstream of the initiation
2.2. Estimation of tepal area and stamen/pistil length
codon, was cloned and sequenced. Based on the sequence, a for-
ward primer containing the initiation codon, GExpOEF 5 -GGA TCC
For estimation of tepal area, at least five complete flowers of
ATG TAT TCC CTT TCC AAA ATC-3 was synthesized and used in
each stage were chosen. Individual tepals were spread on a graph
combination with the 3 AP primer to obtain the cDNA sequence
paper and area of each tepal was measured and summed up to
containing the complete open reading frame of 762 nt besides a 3
obtain the entire tepal area. Stamens and pistils of the same flow-
UTR of 329 nt (Accession number FJ042664).
ers were chosen for study of expansion in length. For stamens, the
length of the filament was measured while for pistils, the length of
2.6. Northern analyses
the style was measured. All data were expressed as mean length
(in cm) ± SD for stamen filaments and pistil styles or mean area (in
Total RNA (30 g) was resolved on a 1.2% denaturing
mm2 ) ± SD for tepal.
formaldehyde-agarose gel as described (Sambrook et al., 1989)
and modified in the Qiagen Oligotex handbook, 2002. RNA was
2.3. Treatment of flowers with GA and paclobutrazol transferred to nylon membranes (Hybond N, Amersham-Pharmacia
Biotech, Uppsala, Sweden) by vacuum transfer using a vacu-
To study hormonal regulation of expansin expression, flowers gene apparatus (Pharmacia) and crosslinked by baking for 2 h.
from three stages viz. −2, 0 and +2 were cut, and placed individ- Radio-labeling of probes for northern blots was performed by
ually in beakers containing either water (as control), GA3 (10 M, random priming using ␣-32 PdCTP and the 3 variable region
Duchefa, Netherlands) or the GA biosynthesis inhibitor, paclobu- (213–762 nt + the 329 nt 3 UTR) of the expansin gene. Hybridiza-
trazol (20 M, Duchefa, Netherlands) for 24 h. Flower tepals were tion and washings of blots were performed as described by
ground in liquid nitrogen and RNA extracted for reverse transcrip- Sambrook et al. (1989). Signals obtained on the blots were quanti-
tion and semi-quantitative RT-PCR. To study the effect of GA3 and fied on a phosphorimager (Molecular Imager FX, BioRad) using the
paclobutrazol on flower growth, buds at −3 stage were placed in software QuantityOne-4.2.3 version.
a beaker containing either water, GA or paclobutrazol for 4 days.
Whole tepal area was measured after 4 days when flowers opened. 2.7. Semi-quantitative RT-PCR
Studies were carried out on three independent flowers for each
treatment. Equal amounts of DNA free RNA (5 g) from the basal and distal
portions of the tepals were reverse transcribed using the MuMLV
2.4. Isolation of RNA Revertaid reverse transcriptase (MBI Fermentas). The primer GEx-
pOEF was used in combination with the reverse primer GExpSM-R
Floral parts (tepals, stamens and pistils) from flowers belonging 5 -TGC TGC AGT GTT GGT TCC ATA CCC TT-3 to amplify a fragment
to different stages of growth and senescence were ground in liq- of 210 nt. Actin was used an internal control using the primers F1
uid nitrogen to a fine powder. RNA was isolated from these tissues 5 -ATG ACA TGG AGA AGA TCT GGC ATCA-3 and R1 5 -AGC CTG GAT
as described by Asif et al. (2000). RNA was also isolated from the GGC AAC ATA CAT AGC-3 to amplify a fragment of 179 nt. Reactions
basal and distal portions of the tepals of fully open flower (stage were run on a PerkinElmer 9700 PCR machine at an initial denatura-
0) and from five different stages of leaves starting with the very tion of 94 ◦ C (2 min) followed by 32 cycles of 94 ◦ C (10 s), 55 ◦ C (10 s)
young (Y ∼ 12 cm), growing (G1 ∼ 25 cm and G2 ∼ 35 cm), mature and 72 ◦ C (20 s) and a final extension at 72 ◦ C for 5 min. The glad-
(M ∼50 cm) to senescing (S ∼ 58 cm) leaves. iolus GgDAD1 (DEFENDER AGAINST APOPTOTIC DEATH1), a marker
50 A. Azeez et al. / Postharvest Biology and Technology 58 (2010) 48–56
gene for senescence in gladiolus tepals (Yamada et al., 2004), was 3. Results
also amplified using the primers GgDAD1OEF – 5 -GGA TCC ATG
GCA AAA TCA ACT GCT AAT G-3 and GgDAD1OR – 5 -GGA TCC TCC 3.1. Isolation of expansin gene
AAG GAA GTT CAT GAT CAC A-3 to obtain a fragment of 357 nt.
Semi-quantitative RT-PCR was also performed on cDNA from differ- The expansin gene was isolated using a combination of 3 RACE
ent stages of developing leaves and from GA/paclobutrazol treated and genome walking using cDNA from fully open flowers (stage
flowers using the same primers as described above with actin as an 0). The complete cDNA had a sequence of 1091 bp that contained
internal control. At least three independent reactions were carried an open reading frame of 762 bp and a 3 UTR of 329 bp. The gene
out. was designated as GgEXPA1 (Accession No. FJ042664) and encoded a
putative protein of 253 amino acids. Essential features of expansins
2.8. Isolation of the expansin promoter and preparation of the such as eight conserved cysteine residues overall, four conserved
promoter-GUS fusion construct tryptophan residues at the C-terminus and a conserved HFD sig-
nature, related to the cellulase catalytic domain were conserved in
Based on the sequence of the expansin gene, a reverse primer GgEXPA1 (Fig. 1A). The predicted protein had an N-terminal signal
GEproBam 5 -GGA TCC ATT GAT GGT ACT TCC ATT G-3 that peptide of 26 amino acids. Phylogenetic analyses of the predicted
included the initiation codon (underlined) was designed with a protein by CLUSTAL W showed that it was closest to MaEXP1 from
BamHI site introduced at the 3 end of the initiation codon. This the monocot fruit banana. Similarity to other expansins that are
primer was used in combination with the GWAP1/GWAP2 primers unrelated in their site of action was also obvious. It appeared to
to amplify the 1.3 kb region upstream of the initiation codon from a be closer to the alpha-expansins from petals of Mirabilis jalapa,
genome walker library of gladiolus (Accesion No. HM208309). The Rosa bourboniana and PhEXPA3 from Petunia hybrida but was dis-
amplified fragment was cloned in pBI101.2 in translational fusion tinct from the expansion related expansins of rice and other petal
with the GUS gene. expansins of P. hybrida such as PhEXP1 and PhEXP2 (Fig. 1B).
Fig. 1. (A) Deduced amino acid sequence of the GgEXPA1 gene in gladiolus. The putative signal peptide has been underlined. The conserved C and W residues and the putative
cellulose binding site HFD are shown in bold. (B) Phylogenetic tree of the alignment of GgEXPA1 deduced amino acid sequence with other alpha-expansins. Full-length protein
sequences were aligned using CLUSTAL, and a phylogenetic tree was constructed using PHYLIP with the PROTPARS program. Numbers above the branches indicate bootstrap
values. A Phleum pratense pollen allergen (Phlp1), identified as beta-expansin, was used as outgroup. Sequences are GenBank accession numbers: At (Arabidopsis thaliana) EXPB
beta-expansin (AAD20920), EXPA10 (AAF61713), Fa (Fragaria ananassa), EXPA2 (AF159563); Le (Lycopersicon esculentum), EXPA1 (U82123), Ma (Musa acuminata), EXPA1
(AY083168), EXPA2 (AAN16378); Md (Malus domestica), EXPA1 (AY083166); Pa (Prunus armeniaca), EXPA1 (U93167); Phlp1 (Phleum pratense) pollen allergen (X78813);
Mja (Mirabilis jalapa) EXPB2 (AAN86683), EXPA1 (AAL87025), EXPA2 (AAL87021), EXPA3 (AAL87022), EXPA4 (AAL87023), EXPA7 (AAN86682); Ph (Petunia hybrida) EXPA1
(AAR82849), EXPA2 (AAR82850), EXPA3 (AAR82851); Pce (Prunus cerasus) EXPA3 (AAK48847); Sni (Sambucus nigra) EXPA2 (AAP48989), EXPA4 (AAP48991); Gh (Gossypium
hirsutum) EXPA1 (AAY59532); Fa (Fragaria ananassa) EXPA2 (AAF21101); Pa (Prunus armeniaca) EXPA1 (AAC33529); Pco (Pyrus communis) EXPA3(BAC67190) and Rb (Rosa
bourboniana) EXPA1 (DQ320657).
in the distal portions where the petals are thin and expanded. This portion of the tepal (attached to the tube) but low in the distal
results in appearance of the first symptoms of wilting/senescence expanded portion of the tepals indicating the onset of senescence
at the edges of the fully open tepals in stage 1. We confirmed this by in the distal portion (Fig. 3A). Interestingly, within the same tepal,
studying the expression of GgDAD1 (DEFENDER AGAINST APOPTOTIC expression of GgEXPA1 gene was also higher in the basal portion but
DEATH1), a gene known to be repressed during tepal senescence lower in the distal portions of the petal. We measured the number
(Yamada et al., 2004). Expression of GgDAD1 was high in the basal of cells in the basal and distal portions of the tepal in a fixed area
52 A. Azeez et al. / Postharvest Biology and Technology 58 (2010) 48–56
Fig. 2. (A) Correlation of transcript accumulation of GgEXPA1 during tepal growth and senescence with tepal area. Top panel: flowers of gladiolus in different stages of
development and senescence. Numbers indicate the stages of flowers on the spike that were chosen for study. Middle panel: progressive changes in whole tepal area in
different flowers of a spike during growth. Lower panel: transcript accumulation of GgEXPA1 during tepal growth and senescence in the same stages on a northern blot (30 g
total RNA/lane). (B) Correlation of transcript accumulation of GgEXPA1 during stamen growth and senescence with stamen filament length. Top panel: stamens of gladiolus in
different stages of development and senescence. Numbers indicate the stages of flowers on the spike chosen for study. Middle panel: progressive changes in stamen filament
length in different flowers of a spike during growth. Lower panel: transcript accumulation of GgEXPA1 during stamen growth and senescence in the same stages on a northern
blot (30 g total RNA/lane). (C) Correlation of transcript accumulation of GgEXPA1 during pistil growth and senescence with pistil length. Top panel: pistils of gladiolus in
different stages of development and senescence. Numbers indicate the stages of flowers on the spike chosen for study. Middle panel: progressive changes in pistil length
in different flowers of a spike during growth. Lower panel: transcript accumulation of GgEXPA1 during pistil growth and senescence in the same stages on a northern blot
(30 g total RNA/lane).
(225 m × 225 m) in three different stages (−2, 0 and +2) to get an Table 1
Number of cells in the tepal per unit area (225 m × 225 m) (number of cells in
indication of the cell area and observed that the cell number/area
three tepals of each stage were counted).
differed between the basal and distal portions (Table 1). As evident
from the table, the number of cells in the basal portion of the flower Stage of flower Basal portion Distal end (periphery)
decreased from 48 ± 3 in the bud stage to 26 in stage 0 and further Bud (−2) 48 ± 3 43 ± 5
to 18 ± 1 in the +2 stage. This corresponded to an increase in area of Fully open (0) 26 ± 0 26 ± 2
1.85-fold from the bud stage to the fully open stage and further by Senescent (+2) 18 ± 1 23 ± 1
1.44-fold from fully open stage to the senescent stage. On the other
hand, cell number in the distal portion decreased from 43 ± 5 at the
a marked decrease in expression after treatment with paclobutra-
bud stage to 26 ± 2 in stage 0 and further to 23 ± 1 in stage +2. This
zol (Fig. 4A). In samples at the senescent stage (+2), transcripts of
corresponded to a 1.65-fold increase in cell size from the bud stage
GgEXPA1 were barely detectable and no change in transcript lev-
to the fully open stage but only 1.1-fold from stage 0 to stage 3.
els was observed in GA or paclobutrazol treated samples (data not
Thus, there was a total increase of 2.66-fold in cell size in the basal
portion but only 1.87-fold in the distal portion of the cell from the
bud stage to the senescent stage. Importantly, the increase in cell
size in the basal portion continued substantially beyond the fully 3.5. Effect of GA and paclobutrazol on flower growth
open stage indicating that it was still in a growing phase unlike the
distal portion. Since paclobutrazol exhibited no effect at stage −2 we tested
the effect of GA and paclobutrazol on flower expansion at stage −3.
3.3. Expression in leaves Buds at −3 stage were placed in beakers containing GA or paclobu-
trazol for 4 days. After 4 days, flowers placed in GA showed a 10%
Considering that GgEXPA1 was expressed in all expanding tis- increase in total tepal area as compared to the control. On the other
sues of the flower, expression was also tested in five different hand, flowers treated with paclobutrazol were about 10% smaller
stages of leaves starting with the young (Y), expanding (G1 and than water-treated flowers (Fig. 4B).
G2), mature (M) to senescing (S) leaves. Semi-quantitative RT-PCR
of RNA from these tissues revealed maximum expression in the 3.6. Isolation of the expansin promoter and study of expansion
growing phase of the leaf. As leaves turned mature there was a related activity
decrease in expression and no expression could be detected after
the onset of developmental senescence in leaves (Fig. 3B). In view of the specific expansion related expression of
the gene, we isolated a 1.3 kb region upstream of the trans-
3.4. GA induced expression of GgEXPA1 lational initiation codon, containing the putative promoter
of the expansin gene, by genome walking. Sequence and
Since the increase in GA levels overlapped with the phase of analysis of the promoter by PlantCARE (http://bioinformatics.
tepal expansion, we tested if GgEXPA1 expression was responsive to revealed the rice P-box ele-
GA mediated expansion. Flowers from three stages viz. −2, 0 and +2 ment CCTTTTG which is a GA-responsive element at position −293
were treated independently with water (control), GA and paclobu- with respect to the start codon. The promoter was introduced
trazol for 24 h. Semi-quantitative RT-PCR of GgEXPA1 using tepal as a translational promoter-GUS fusion construct (that included
cDNA from these samples revealed no change in expression at the the first ATG codon of GgEXPA1 in frame with the GUS gene)
−2 stage when treated with either GA or paclobutrazol. However, into gladiolus (for transient expression) and Arabidopsis (for sta-
samples of the 0 stage showed a substantial increase in expression ble expression) so as to study its ability to drive GUS expression.
after GA treatment when compared to water-treated samples and In gladiolus, agroinfiltration of the promoter at different stages
A. Azeez et al. / Postharvest Biology and Technology 58 (2010) 48–56 53
Fig. 5. Histochemical analysis of ß-glucuronidase driven by the 1.3 kb GgEXPA1 promoter. (A) Transient expression in agro-infiltrated gladiolus tepals from three stages viz.
−2, 0 and +2. (B) Transgenic Arabidopsis seedlings. Expression is shown in elongated etiolated hypocotyls, in light grown expanded cotyledonary leaves, after treatment with
paclobutrazol (20 M) and in Arabidopsis flowers and stamens.
al., 2004; Yamada et al., 2009b) and none in monocot flowers that GgEXPA1 was observed not only in floral organs but also in
include a large number of ornamentals. young growing/expanding leaves but not in mature leaves where
In this paper, we show that expansion of petal lobes that occurs senescence had started indicating general expansion associated
primarily from the stages −3 to 0 is strongly correlated with expres- expression.
sion of an alpha-expansin gene, GgEXPA1, in these tissues. This is Previous studies have reported GA accumulation in the petals
similar to the increase in expression observed in expansin genes during expansion (Murakami, 1973, 1975; Koning, 1984). GA also
MjEXP1, MjEXP3 and MjEXP4 of M. jalapa during the increase in affects expansion in stamen filaments and pistils (Murakami, 1973,
length of the flower tube (Gookin et al., 2003). However, unlike 1975; Pharis and King, 1985) and the GA mutant gai-1 shows abnor-
in Mirabilis, expression of GgEXPA1 is also seen during expansion of malities in filament length due to reduced cell elongation (Cheng
the limb (stages −1 and 0) as has also been reported for PhEXPA1 et al., 2004). When we estimated GA levels in flowers during the
in mesophyll cells of Petunia petal limbs (Zenoni et al., 2004) and expansion phase we observed an increase in its levels at the −2
for RhEXPA1 in the rose petal expansion (Yamada et al., 2009b). We stage followed by a decrease to basal levels by stage 0 (data not
have extended our studies to include other elongating floral tissues shown). This was substantiated experimentally by treatment of
such as stamen filaments and pistil styles as well, and shown that flowers with exogenous GA3 and the GA biosynthesis inhibitor,
GgEXPA1 expresses during those stages that mark the maximum paclobutrazol. In the 0 stage flowers, when endogenous GA lev-
increase in length of these organs. The increase in length in both els were at their lowest, the addition of exogenous GA was able
stamen filaments and pistil styles was a consequence of increased to stimulate GgEXPA1 expression considerably. Treatment with
cell expansion as determined by light microscopy (data not shown) paclobutrazol at this stage inhibited GA biosynthesis bringing down
like in the case of tepals (Table 1). Surprisingly, very low expression levels of already limiting GA and causing a marked decrease in
of GgEXPA1 was observed at the −2 stage of pistils in spite of the 2- expansin expression. When endogenous GA levels were at their
fold increase in its length. Since expansins belong to a multi-gene highest in stage −2, very little effect of additional exogenous GA
family, it is possible that expansion at this stage may be brought was seen since GgEXPA1 was already at its peak expression. Because
about by some other as yet unidentified expansin. No expression of these high GA levels, paclobutrazol was also not able to exert
was observed in any of the flower parts in the later stages of +2 its inhibitory effect. At the +2 stage, flowers are at an advanced
and +3 once expansion had ceased and senescence was in progress. stage of senescence with barely detectable expansin expression. At
In this respect, GgEXPA1 differs from MjEXP2 and MjEXP6 which this stage, neither GA nor paclobutrazol have any effect on expres-
are expressed prominently during senescence of petals (Gookin sion, most likely because the transcription factor(s) responsible for
et al., 2003). This indicates that GgEXPA1 is not involved in cell GgEXPA1 expression are probably lacking. These results show that
wall modification that occurs during senescence unlike in Mirabilis. GgEXPA1 is responsive to GA during tepal growth and probably
Interestingly, within tepals, GgEXPA1 expression was higher in the mediates its action on expansion through GA. Indeed, when GA and
developmentally ‘younger’ growing basal cells than in the senesc- paclobutrazol were applied earlier at the −3 stage when expansin
ing distal cells. The expression of GgDAD1, which is down-regulated expression was very low, significant changes in flower size were
upon the onset of senescence in tepals (Yamada et al., 2004) was observed.
used to confirm the earlier occurrence of senescence in the distal Sequence analysis of the 1.3 kb region of the GgEXPA1 promoter
portion of the tepal as against the basal portion (Fig. 3A). revealed the presence of the GA-responsive P element CCTTTTG
A. Azeez et al. / Postharvest Biology and Technology 58 (2010) 48–56 55
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