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passed to the next generation if the cell harboring the muta- Slobodchikoff 1981; Whitham 1983; Antolin and Strobeck
tion becomes a germ cell. In animals, somatic mutations usu- 1985; Suomela and Ayres 1994; Simberloff and Leppanen
ally have degenerative effects and are associated with disease 2019).
and aging (Zhang and Vijg 2018). Owing to the early segre- By contrast, recent studies have focused more on the pre-
gation of germlines in most animals, the later developed so- cise detection of the plant somatic mutations as well as their
matic mutations have no chance to enter the germline (the potential inheritance (Watson et al. 2016; Schmid-Siegert et
germ-plasm theory [Weismann 1892]). In plants where germ- al. 2017; Plomion et al. 2018; Hanlon et al. 2019; Hofmeister et
line differentiates late, somatic mutations are supposed to act al. 2020; Wang et al. 2019; Orr et al. 2020; Yu et al. 2020).
as an important source of innovation for plant evolution Through measuring fixed somatic mutations in terminal
(Lanfear 2018; Plomion et al. 2018). They are frequently leaves from trees with lifespans of several centuries
used as source of genetic material in artificial breeding pro- (Schmid-Siegert et al. 2017; Plomion et al. 2018; Hanlon et
grams to create bud sport mutants among clonal descend- al. 2019; Hofmeister et al. 2020; Wang et al. 2019; Orr et al.
ants (Benedict 1923; Shamel and Pomeroy 1936; Roest et al. 2020), these studies found that old trees only accumulate very
1981; Foster and Aranzana 2018). Assuming ever-lasting ac- few somatic mutations, which is much lower than what has
cumulation and fixation of somatic mutations in long-lived been conjectured before (Sutherland and Watkinson 1986;
plants, the intraorganismal hypothesis supposes that they are Klekowski Jr and Godfrey 1989; O’Connell and Ritland 2004;
able to maximize the within-plant heterogeneity, allowing Yong 2012; Diwan et al. 2014). The low number of fixed
intraorganismal selection, and providing opportunities for mutations in old trees challenges the assumption of the intra-
plants to outmaneuver enemies or adapt to changing envi- organismal hypothesis, while implying an efficient strategy in
ronments (Whitham and Slobodchikoff 1981; Michel et al. plants to keep fixable mutations in check. Using time-lapse
ß The Author(s) 2021. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Society for Molecular Biology and Evolution.
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5292 Mol. Biol. Evol. 38(12):5292–5308 doi:10.1093/molbev/msab286 Advance Access publication September 25, 2021
Somatic Mutation Analysis in Salix suchowensis . doi:10.1093/molbev/msab286 MBE
imaging and computational modeling, Burian et al. (2016) sequencing (WGS) of multiple parts of a plant. In our prior
showed that this was likely achieved by setting aside the ax- study (Wang et al. 2019), we confirmed the usability of this
illary meristems early and thus reducing the number of stem approach by tracking somatic mutations in the woodland
cell divisions in shoot apical meristem (SAM) during plant strawberry. We found that several mutations were restricted
development (Groot and Laux 2016), a system analogous to to runners and were never been passed to daughter plants
the formation of germline in animals. (Wang et al. 2019), giving further evidence for the segregation
These novel findings emphasized the importance of of stem cell lineages.
timing of segregation for certain stem cell lineages, such Here, we interrogate somatic mutations to test for seg-
as the plant germline. There is a long-lasting debate on regated stem cell lineages in a perennial woody plant, the
whether plants have a segregated germline in determining shrub willow (Salix suchowensis spp.). Shrub willow has
the heritable somatic mutations (see Lanfear’s recent re- strong regeneration ability and is an important crop for
view [Lanfear 2018] on the historical background of re- both bioenergy and environmental engineering (Volk et al.
lated arguments). A late-segregated germline predicts 2004). Like many willows (Carlson 1938; Sennerby-Forsse
possibility of any early-segregated stem cell lineages. Our fixation in samples from both leaves and roots. In contrast,
results will contribute to the understanding of the role of support for model 2 will be found if the fixation of muta-
somatic mutations in plant evolution in a more general tions is mostly independent between leaves and roots.
sense than the intraorganismal hypothesis has To test between the models, we investigated somatic
conjectured. mutations in the 22 stem-cuttings (“Cut-122” in fig. 2a)
from eight branches (IVIII in fig. 2a). For 8 of 22 cuttings,
Results each cutting was sequenced for up to three independent
leaves, each from a separate axillary bud, and up to three
Sampling and Sequencing of the Genomes of a Shrub independent adventitious roots, each from a separate adven-
Willow titious bud (figs. 1a–d and 2b), yielding a total of 19 leaves and
Original stem-cuttings were collected from the shrub wil- 22 adventitious roots from those eight cuttings (supplemen-
low (S. suchowensis, individual ID “YAF1”) in 2016 after tary table S1, Supplementary Material online). For each of the
new shoots regenerated from its trunk which was cop- remaining 14 cuttings, a single leaf sample was collected for
piced in 2015 (supplementary fig. S1, Supplementary accurate tracing of the origins of mutations.
Material online). When each cutting was made, new In total, 33 leaves and 22 adventitious roots of the same
shoots/leaves were then generated from preformed axil- shrub willow were whole-genome sequenced (supplementary
lary buds/meristems (fig. 1a and c), whereas adventitious table S1, Supplementary Material online), yielding over 2,000-
roots were regenerated from preformed adventitious fold sequencing depth of a single tree (supplementary table
buds/meristems (fig. 1a, b, and d). The underlying cell S1, Supplementary Material online). Each leaf sample was
lineages forming leaves and roots could either segregate sequenced to an average of 126 million (M) cleaned reads
late upon differentiation, or at an early stage, correspond- (ranging from 92M to 163M), equivalent to around 44-fold
ing to our proposed segregation models #1 and #2, respec- raw depth of the 425 Mb estimated genome size (Dai et al.
tively (fig. 1e). Under model 1 in which no meristem is 2014). Each root sample was sequenced to around 119M
segregated until differentiation, mutations prior to the cleaned reads or approximately 42-fold depth (ranging from
segregation are expected to have the same chance of 92M to 161M).
Somatic Mutation Analysis in Salix suchowensis . doi:10.1093/molbev/msab286 MBE
Somatic Mutations Identified within the Single Shrub Material online); we keep calling them mutations as 1)
Willow they are more likely early mutations (see later for details)
After mapping and variant calling, we searched for candi- and 2) we only use them to track cell lineages so does not
date somatic variant sites across all samples (see Materials matter whether these somatic variants are from mutation
and Methods and supplementary fig. S2, Supplementary or recombination.
Material online, for details). For each candidate variant In total, we identified 199 reliable somatic mutations
site, the ancestral allele was inferred as the common allele across all analyzed samples, including 182 BR-s mutations
presents in samples from most major branches (i.e., >4 of and 17 BR-m mutations (table 1 and supplementary table
branches IVIII here). A mutation is called at the variant S2, Supplementary Material online). The 182 BR-s mutations
site where one major branch carries an allele differed from included 155 single-nucleotide variants (SNVs) and 27 inser-
the ancestral allele (hereafter denoted as BR-s mutations). tion/deletions (INDELs), of which 177 mutations were distrib-
The BR-s mutation therefore represents a somatic muta- uted in assembled chromosomes and five were located in
tion that arose after formation of that major branch. For unanchored scaffolds (fig. 3a). Consistent with their origina-
mutations raised before the formation of each major tion as de novo mutations, nearly all identified BR-s muta-
branch, samples from two or more major branches will tions (180 of 182) were heterozygous, of which 176 were
share the same allele which differs from the ancestral “homozygous->heterozygous” mutations (i.e., the ancestral
alleles (supplementary fig. S3, Supplementary Material on- genotype was homozygous, whereas the genotype of muta-
line, hereafter referred as BR-m mutations). The BR-m tion was heterozygous) and four were “heterozygous-
mutation lineage hence reflects the early stem cell lineages >heterozygous” mutations. The only two exceptions (two
which form multiple major branches. We note that a few “homozygous->homozygous” mutations in two root sam-
BR-m “mutations” may be generated by somatic recombi- ples) were high likely due to sequencing bias that only one
nation (i.e., gene conversion) in early cell lineages but not allele gets sequenced, as regions from which the two muta-
by mutation (supplementary fig. S3, Supplementary tions were called and were associated with low read-depths
Ren et al. . doi:10.1093/molbev/msab286 MBE
Table 1. Number of Mutations Identified in Shrub Willow YAF1.
Mutation Predicted Effects No. of BR-m Mutations No. of BR-s Mutations
Sum Leafa Roota Both Sum Leaf Root Both Uncategorizedc
SNV Total 14 12 1 1 155 36(4 ) 72(12) 2 45(4)
Nonsynonymous 1 1 0 0 14 3 7(1) 0 4
Synonymous 0 0 0 0 7 1 4(1) 0 2
Intron 1 1 0 0 29 9(1) 14(3) 0 6(1)
Intergenic 12 10 1 1 105 23(3) 47(7) 2 33(3)
INDEL Total 3 3 0 0 27 3 14(1) 0 10(3)
Frameshift 1 1 0 0 2 0 1 0 1(1)
In-frame INDEL 0 0 0 0 2 0 1 0 1
Intron 0 0 0 0 6 1 3(1) 0 2
Intergenic 2 2 0 0 17 2 9 0 4(2)
(10 reads). The proportion of “heterozygous- might arise when dealing with BR-m mutations (supplemen-
>heterozygous” BR-s mutations (4/182 ¼ 2.20%) was higher tary fig. S3, Supplementary Material online).
than the estimated heterozygosity (0.394%) of the genome We find more BR-s mutation events in chromosomes
(Fisher’s exact test, P ¼ 0.006521), implying possible muta- with larger size (Spearman’s Rho ¼ 0.5568, P ¼ 0.01328),
genic effects of heterozygosity per se, as has been reported with Chr01, the largest chromosome, having the most
in other studies (Amos 2010; Yang et al. 2015). BR-s mutations (24 events identified). After accounting
The 17 BR-m mutations included 14 SNVs and 3 INDELs, of for chromosome size, the mutations are roughly distrib-
which 16 mutations were distributed in assembled chromo- uted evenly across all chromosomes, with only a few
somes and one was located in an unanchored scaffold (fig. regions (fewer than 9 Mb in size overall) as candidates
3a). Patterns of these 17 BR-m mutations and their implica- to be mutation hotspots (supplementary table S4,
tions are discussed in more detail below. Supplementary Material online, permutation test with
We selected 35 mutations, including all 17 BR-m muta- 10,000 randomizations in 1 Mb windows, P < 0.05).
tions and 18 arbitrarily selected BR-s mutations, for Most of the mutations are found within noncoding
Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) amplification followed by regions, whereas 21 SNVs and 4 INDELs reside in coding
Sanger sequencing (supplementary table S3, Supplementary regions (table 1). The number of mutations in coding and
Material online). A total of 26 of these mutations (15 BR-m noncoding regions are within the expectation from ge-
and 11 BR-s) were confirmed by Sanger sequencing (supple- nomic coding areas (expected ¼ 14.72% based on the
mentary table S3, figs. S4 and S5, Supplementary Material coding regions of the reference genome, observ-
online). The remaining nine nonanalyzable cases included ed ¼ 13.55% for SNVs, Chi-squared with Yates
six that failed PCR amplification (generally due to unavailabil- correction ¼ 0.1682, P ¼ 0.6817; observed ¼ 14.81% for
ity of suitable primers), and three that yielded poor Sanger INDELs, Chi-squared with Yates correction ¼ 0.0002132,
sequencing signals (supplementary table S3 and fig. S4, P ¼ 1), suggesting no apparent selection. Over 60% of
Supplementary Material online). The absence of mutation mutations are transitions dominated by C->T (or
alleles in control samples (e.g., some root samples were sev- G->A) changes and enriched in CpG sites (table 2 and
ered as control when testing BR-m leaf-exclusive mutations) fig. 3b), suggesting a transition bias when compared with
is also confirmed (supplementary table S3, figs. S4 and S5, the genomic expectation (genomic GC con-
Supplementary Material online). Given a likelihood that the tent ¼ 34.4%). This transition bias is frequently ob-
next mutation would fail validation, we estimated a false served for spontaneous mutations in many plant
positive rate (FPR) of no more than (1/27 =) 3.70%. Note species (Yang et al. 2015; Watson et al. 2016; Xie et al.
that the FPR was even lower for mutations shared by two 2016; Schmid-Siegert et al. 2017; Wang et al. 2019).
or more samples, for which the likelihood was less than 1%, The generation of adventitious root is accompanied by
the square of 3.70%, for a mutation being not validated in two callus formation (fig. 1b and d), which often introduces a
or more independent samples. large number of mutations when cultured in vitro
(Phillips et al. 1994; Jiang et al. 2011; Zhang et al. 2014;
Wang et al. 2019). Is callus-induced mutagenesis also hap-
Genomic Landscape and Profile of Somatic Mutations pening in vivo and so might introduce some uncertainties
in Shrub Willow here? The eight leaf-cutting groups allow us to directly
The identified mutations allow us to depict the somatic ge- assess this possibility. A BR-s mutation identified specific
nomic landscape of this woody plant. We mainly focus on BR- to a single leaf or an adventitious root (denoted as
s mutations here (representing 91% of all identified muta- “sample-specific” mutation hereafter) is most probably
tions) to remove any uncertainty in ancestral inference that only raised during the latest stem cell divisions. If these
Somatic Mutation Analysis in Salix suchowensis . doi:10.1093/molbev/msab286 MBE
sample-specific mutations in adventitious roots have dif- P ¼ 1). Both leaf and root mutations have a bias favoring
ferent profiles compared with those in leaves (Jiang et al. transitions (65%) over transversions (35%), with most
2011; Zhang et al. 2014), the process of callus formation is mutations as C->T or G->A changes (table 2). No signif-
likely to introduce substantial numbers of mutations in icant differences in mutation spectra are observed be-
roots. tween leaf and root mutations (two-sided Fisher’s exact
We find 108 BR-s sample-specific mutations within the test, P ¼ 0.4756). Further investigation of triplet nucleo-
eight leaf-root groups, including 35 leaf mutations and 73 tide context reveals that both leaf and root mutations are
root mutations (table 1 and supplementary table S2, enriched in CpG sites (fig. 3b). There seems to be no sig-
Supplementary Material online). Of the 35 sample- nificant difference with respect to per triplet mutation
specific leaf mutations, four are in coding sequences rate between leaf and root mutations (two-sided Fisher’s
(CDS), whereas 11 of the 73 sample-specific root muta- exact test, P ¼ 0.5477), suggesting similar influences of
tions are in CDS (table 1). These fractions of CDS numbers trinucleotide context on mutations from both organs. A
are not significantly different between two organs (two- caveat here is that we have very limited number of muta-
sided Fisher’s exact test, P ¼ 0.7697). Similarly, the non- tions for each comparison, so more data are demanded
synonymous/synonymous ratios of two organs (excess of for a solid conclusion. Nonetheless, at least we see no
nonsynonymous mutations over synonymous ones in one large difference in mutation profiles between leaf and
organ could indicate strong selection) are also not signif- root, implying no strong evidence for callus-induced mu-
icantly different (table 1, two-sided Fisher’s exact test, tagenesis here.
Ren et al. . doi:10.1093/molbev/msab286 MBE
Table 2. Spectra of BR-s SNV Mutation Identified in Leaves and Adventitious Roots.
Type of Mutation Overall (Fraction) Sample-Specific
Somatic Mutation Analysis in Salix suchowensis . doi:10.1093/molbev/msab286 MBE
independently arise in four branches. The mutation “r” Leaf Might Be Differentiated from Multiple Founder
appears in one leaf and two roots from a single cutting Cells whereas Root Is Differentiated from One
(fig. 2b), and the mutation “s” presents in two nearby Are leaves and adventitious roots differentiated from multiple
cuttings and are found in two leaves of cutting-19 while founder cells or single founder cell? A mutation presents
in one leaf and two roots of cutting-20 (fig. 2b). Given the within a single founder cell will be passed to nearly all cells
fact that the dominate part of mutations favors model 2 whose DNA were sequenced, whereas a mutation from one
over model 1, observation of these three mutations in of multiple founder cells will be passed to only part of the
both leaves and adventitious roots is less likely to suggest sequenced cells, leading to varied allele frequencies (fig. 6a).
any possibility of model 1. Rather, these three mutations Assuming a low chance of somatic recombination, all somatic
are more likely to imply putative cell lineages, which could mutations are expected to remain in a heterozygous state
replenish both leaf and root cell lineages after their early during propagation (i.e., allele frequency ¼50%). We consider
segregation (fig. 5). the variant allele frequency (VAF, estimated as “read-depth of
In summary, the majority of shared BR-m (16 of 17) and the mutation allele”/“overall read-depth at this site” for a
BR-s (17 of 19) mutations that propagated separately be- certain mutation of each sample) as a surrogate of the allele
tween leaves and adventitious roots gives clear evidence frequency of mutation in terminal cell population of different
that there exist different cell lineages between two organs organs (Yu et al. 2020). In real sequencing, the VAF is
segregated prior to the formation of all branches. The con- expected to follow a binomial distribution (fig. 6a) deter-
structed ontogenetic tree using somatic mutations (fig. 4) mined by both allele frequency and the read-depth at a given
matches well with the expectation of model 2. Beyond the locus (Yu et al. 2020). The distribution of VAF for mutations
segregation, the three mutations shared between leaves and from single founder cell is predicted to be similar to that
roots also imply the existence of shared replenishing cell derived from the intrinsic heterozygous sites (i.e., pre-
lineages for both organs (fig. 5). existing heterozygous variants) in the genome, whereas
Ren et al. . doi:10.1093/molbev/msab286 MBE
mutations from multiple founder cells tend to have VAFs easily fixed in root than in leaf owing to the cell population
50% (fig. 6b). “bottleneck.” Therefore, we expect higher observable muta-
We found most leaf mutations have VAFs <30% (figs. 4 tion rate in root than in leaf. The prior-mentioned 108 BR-s
and 6b), apparently deviating from the distribution of VAF for mutations specific to each leaf or adventitious root allowed us
pre-existing heterozygous variants (unequal variances t-test, to test this prediction. The sample-specific mutations share
P < 2.2e-16). It’s noteworthy that the leaf-exclusive BR-m the same timespan between leaf and root during differentia-
mutations generally have lowest VAFs (mean ¼10.6%, tion from their latest progenitor cells. Based on these sample-
SD ¼ 6.42%, fig. 6b), as validated by PCR-Sanger results specific mutations, we estimated a normalized per site per
(mean ¼ 11.2%, SD ¼ 8.39%, supplementary figs. S4 and S5, sample (see Discussion on interpretation of the unit) rate of
Supplementary Material online), suggesting these mutations 4.32 109 (60.786 109 SEM) for leaf SNV mutations,
only present in a limited portion of cells within each leaf. and 8.15 109 (61.42 109 SEM) for root SNV muta-
Contrary to leaf, the distribution of VAF for root mutations tions. The INDEL mutation rate is 4.05 1010
matches well with the distribution of pre-existing heterozy- (62.21 1010 SEM) per site per sample for leaf and
gous variants (unequal variances t-test, P ¼ 0.056) with a peak 1.76 109 (60.501 109 SEM) per site per sample for
around 50% (figs. 4 and 6b). The distinct distributions be- root. The observed somatic mutation rate in root is around
tween leaf mutations and root mutations suggest that leaf 2-fold of that in leaf (two-sided Brunner–Munzel [BM] test,
samples are more likely derived from multiple founder cells P ¼ 0.033 for SNV mutations and P ¼ 0.008 for INDEL muta-
(fig. 6a and b), whereas an adventitious root may be differ- tions), confirming the prediction.
entiated from a single founder cell. Both findings are consis- Given the same read-depth cutoff for mutation calling and
tent with the previous chimera studies (Marcotrigiano and both organs are sequenced at 40-fold, an issue here is that
Stewart 1984; Broertjes and van Harten 1985; Poethig 1987; more leaf mutations will be below the read-depth threshold
Furner and Pumfrey 1992; Irish and Sussex 1992). (and become undetectable) if the leaf is initiated from mul-
Secondly, the different number of founder cells in initiating tiple founder cells although root is only from a single founder
leaf and adventitious root predicts that mutations are more cell (fig. 6a). This offers another validation of whether the
Somatic Mutation Analysis in Salix suchowensis . doi:10.1093/molbev/msab286 MBE
higher mutation rate observed in adventitious root is due to a SEM) per site per sample for SNV and INDEL mutations,
higher fixation rate (i.e., because root is from a single founder respectively, which is similar to that of the leaf’s (two-sided
cell, whereas leaf is from multiple founder cells) or a more BM Test, P ¼ 0.4104 for SNVs and P ¼ 0.6639 for INDELs). The
mutagenic process (e.g., more mutations are induced in roots similar mutation rate of two organs at more comparable
through callus formation). Once we use a fairly depth cutoff depth cutoff confirms that the fixation chance is the major
for two organs, that is, lower cutoff in leaf than in root, we factor leading to the observed higher mutation rate in adven-
expect to see similar mutation rates if the fixation chance is titious root, and further confirms that root forms from fewer
the main factor, whereas persistent higher mutation rate in founder cells than leaf.
root, if any mutagenic process, is the main factor. Therefore,
we require 10 supporting reads for root mutations although
keeps requiring only 5 supporting reads for leaf mutations Discussion
(2-fold requirement for root mutations compared with leaf The canonical plant development model posits that SAM
mutations considering leaf is from at least two founder cells). contains a self-replenishing population constituted by a few
The re-estimated root mutation rate is 3.53 109 slowly diving initial cells whereas some of their descendants
(61.08 109 SEM) and 2.72 1010 (61.87 1010 divide actively when differentiating into leaves (Evans and
Ren et al. . doi:10.1093/molbev/msab286 MBE
Barton 1997). The initial cells only divide when forming new newly arisen mutations (Whitham and Slobodchikoff 1981;
axillary meristems upon iterative branching (Burian et al. Simberloff and Leppanen 2019), which in principal requires
2016). It is less clear however whether a leaf in a high-order that 1) the new mutation is directly selection-favored within
branch also contains cells from the descendants of the earliest the meristem to ensure its fixation in later development and
SAM or is solely derived from the descendants of the latest 2) the new mutation is advantageous in the heterozygous
axillary meristems. Our results suggest that both the descend- state and provides phenotypic effects at both moderate-
ants from earliest SAM (rapidly dividing “somatic” cell lineage and low allele frequency. However, these assumptions are
propagate mutations “AO”) and the replenishing cell line- poorly supported by our results, as we found that the chance
ages (slowly dividing stem cell lineages propagate mutations for a somatic mutation to be fully fixed in branch is generally
“Q,” “r,” and “s”) contribute to the formation of the leaf (fig. very low as supposed previously (Burian et al. 2016). This is
5). Considering that adventitious meristems/buds mostly evidenced by: 1) no BR-s mutations were detected in either all
form from cambial cell divisions (Steffens and Rasmussen leaves or all roots within a major branch in this study, suggest-
2016), which are also derived from SAM (Nieminen et al. ing later mutations can rarely fully fix within a whole branch;
Ren et al. . doi:10.1093/molbev/msab286 MBE
Heterozygosity of the genome was estimated as Hf/Gi, mutations, Pmax =(1 – 0.2)21 ¼ 9.22 103. The chance we
where Hf is the number of fully heterozygous variants (i.e., see over ten such mutation sites is essentially near zero
variants with heterozygous genotype across all called samples, [(9.22 103)10 ¼ 4.46 1021]. This again suggested that
given as heterozygous genomic differences in supplementary these mutations cannot be explained by imbalance of
fig. S2, Supplementary Material online) and Gi is the overall mutation-detection power. The chances of other mutations
size of informative genomic regions used for variants calling, could be derived using the same approach with different n
which is equivalent to the size of the analyzed genomic and m numbers.
regions covered by no fewer than five reads (supplementary
table S1, Supplementary Material online). Supplementary Material
To assess whether somatic mutations are evenly distrib- Supplementary data are available at Molecular Biology and
uted along the genome, we divided the whole genome in Evolution online.
nonoverlapping 1 Mb windows and counted the mutation
events for each window (observations). All windows were Acknowledgments
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