Power Plant Equipment
Power Plant Equipment
Power Plant Equipment
Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable. The figures in the margin indicate full marks. Attempt all the questions. 1' a' (ith the help o) a simple *iagram+ e,plain the #orking o) a h-*ropo#er plant' .e*uce an e,pression )or the po#er availa/le )rom the plant in terms o) hea* 012 an* *ischarge 032' /' 4 5aplan tur/ine has the outer *iameter o) 6m an* the inner *iameter o) & m' %he tur/ine *evelops a po#er o) 27 00 k( at 60 rpm un*er a hea* o) 12 m' %he *ischarge through the runner is &00m&8sec' 9) the h-*raulic e))icienc- o) the tur/ine is 7!:+ *etermine i2 the inlet an* outlet /la*e angles+ ii2 the mechanical e))icienc- o) the tur/ine an* iii2 the overall e))icienc- o) the tur/ine' a' (hat is meant /- <(ater 1ammer<= .e*uce an e,pression )or the rise o) pressure in a pipe #hen the #ater )lo#ing in the pipe is /rought to rest /- gra*uall- closing the valve )itte* at the en* o) the pipe' 4ssume that the pipe is rigi*' /' 4 *iesel engine has a compression ratio o) 1!:1 an* the )uel is cut>o)) at one>tenth o) the stroke' 9) the calori)ic value o) the )uel is &&+ 7?k@8kg+ calculate the amount o) )uel re$uire* in kg8k(h' %ake =1' )or /oth+ air an* gas' a' (ith the help o) a simple *iagram+ e,plain the #orking o) a com/ine* c-cle plant emplo-ing steam an* gas tur/ines' 1o# *oes the com/ine* c-cle plant improve the thermal e))icienc- o) the plant= /' 4 gas tur/ine po#er plant takes in air at 1! 0"+ the pressure ratio is :1 an* the ma,imum temperature in the c-cle is !?0 0"' 4ssuming e))iciencies o) 0'6? an* 0'6& )or the tur/ine an* compressor respectivel-+ *etermine the overall e))icienc- o) the plant )or the )ollo#ing cases' i' (ithout using heat e,changer
ii' '
(ith heat e,changer making the use o) ;!: o) the heat availa/le' ; 6
a' (hat is meant /- <Auclear "hain Beaction<= E,plain ho# is the nuclear reaction controlle* in a reactor= /' %he steam leaves the noCCles o) an impulse tur/ine #ith a velocit- o) &;! m8sec an* the noCCle angle is 20 0' %he /la*e spee* is 1?! m8sec' Fin* suita/le inlet an* outlet angles )or the /la*es in or*er that the a,ial thrust is Cero' %he relative velocito) steam as it )lo#s over the /la*es is re*uce* /- 1!: /)riction' .etermine the po#er *evelope* /- the tur/ine+ i) the steam )lo# rate is 10kg8sec' a' .iscuss the metho*s o) increasing the thermal e))icienc- o) a simple Bankine c-cle' /' Estimate the electric energ- that coul* theoreticall- /e pro*uce* /- )issioning o) 1 gm o) D2&! per *a-' a' Ela/orate the importance o) earthing s-stem in a po#er plant' (hat are the )actors to /e taken into consi*eration #hile *esigning an earthing s-stem= /' Aame the *i))erent t-pes o) /us>/ar schemes usuall- a*opte* in out*oor s#itch-ar*s' E,plain the ring /us>/ar arrangement in *etail' (rite short notes on any two: a' "ooling o) .iesel po#er plant /' Starting o) gas tur/ine po#er plant c' Dse s-nchronous machine as s-nchronous con*enser
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