The Valley of Baca
The Valley of Baca
The Valley of Baca
Are you experiencing misery today? Do you have a lot of tears? I think we
can all identify with that. We have all been through times in our lives that
were just miserable.
Let’s take a look at what Psalm 84:5-6 in the Amplified Bible says, “Blessed
(happy, fortunate, to be envied) is the man whose strength is in you, in
whose heart are the highways to Zion. Passing through the valley of Baca…”
Baca? What is Baca?
Every one of us has been there. However, some people can’t take the
pressure of passing through the Valley of Baca, and they just build their
residence there. But the Bible doesn’t say that you have to stay there, it
says you just pass through it. I don’t know what you are going through
today. I don’t know what kind of hard place you may be experiencing. I do
know this, that if you are alive and breathing, then you’ve probably been
through Baca at some time.
In Verse 7, we see what Believers who keep their eyes on Jesus and stand
on the Word do while their going through Baca, “They go from strength to
strength (increasing in victorious power). Every time I pass through the
Valley of Baca, I’ve learned to tell the devil, “Hey devil, I may be in Baca,
but I’m redeemed and I shall return. I’m only passing through, and I’ve got
news for you – when I get on the other side, I’m going to increase in
victorious power.”
If you are going through the Valley of Baca today, begin to tell the devil that
he is just adding to your testimony, that you are coming out of it, and when
you do, you’re going to tell everyone about it. I want to encourage you
today to not live in the Valley of Baca. You are meant to pass through it.
God will increase you in victorious power. You will go from strength to