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Performance Evaluation and Design Trade-Offs

for Network-on-Chip Interconnect Architectures

Partha Pratim Pande, Student Member, IEEE, Cristian Grecu, Michael Jones,
Andre Ivanov, Senior Member, IEEE, and Resve Saleh, Senior Member, IEEE
AbstractMultiprocessor system-on-chip (MP-SoC) platforms are emerging as an important trend for SoC design. Power and wire
design constraints are forcing the adoption of new design methodologies for system-on-chip (SoC), namely, those that incorporate
modularity and explicit parallelism. To enable these MP-SoC platforms, researchers have recently pursued scaleable communication-
centric interconnect fabrics, such as networks-on-chip (NoC), which possess many features that are particularly attractive for these.
These communication-centric interconnect fabrics are characterized by different trade-offs with regard to latency, throughput, energy
dissipation, and silicon area requirements. In this paper, we develop a consistent and meaningful evaluation methodology to compare
the performance and characteristics of a variety of NoC architectures. We also explore design trade-offs that characterize the NoC
approach and obtain comparative results for a number of common NoC topologies. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first effort
in characterizing different NoC architectures with respect to their performance and design trade-offs. To further illustrate our evaluation
methodology, we map a typical multiprocessing platform to different NoC interconnect architectures and show how the system
performance is affected by these design trade-offs.
Index TermsNetwork-on-chip, MP-SoC, infrastructure IP, interconnect architecture, system-on-chip.


OC design methodologies will undergo revolutionary
changes in the years to come. According to recent
publications [1], [2], [3], the emergence of SoC platforms
consisting of a large set of embedded processors is
imminent. A key component of these multiprocessor SoC
(MP-SoC) platforms [2] is the interconnect topology. Such
SoCs imply the seamless integration of numerous IPs
performing different functions and operating at different
clock frequencies. The integration of several components
into a single system gives rise to new challenges. It is critical
that infrastructure IP (I
P) [4] be developed for a systematic
integration of numerous functional IP blocks to enable the
widespread use of the SoC design methodology.
One of the major problems associated with future SOC
designs arises from nonscalable global wire delays. Global
wires carry signals across a chip, but these wires typically
do not scale in length with technology scaling [5]. Though
gate delays scale down with technology, global wire delays
typically increase exponentially or, at best, linearly by
inserting repeaters. Even after repeater insertion [5], the
delay may exceed the limit of one clock cycle (often,
multiple clock cycles). In ultra-deep submicron processes,
80 percent or more of the delay of critical paths will be due
to interconnects [6], [7]. In fact, many large designs today
use FIFO (first-in, first-out) buffers to synchronously
propagate data over large distances to overcome this
problem. This solution is ad hoc in nature. According to
ITRS (2003 update) [8], Global synchronization becomes
prohibitively costly due to process variability and power
dissipation, and cross-chip signaling can no longer be achieved
in a single clock cycle. Thus, system design must incorporate
networking and distributed computation paradigms with
communication structures designed first and then func-
tional blocks integrated into the communication backbone.
The most frequently used on-chip interconnect architec-
ture is the shared medium arbitrated bus, where all
communication devices share the same transmission med-
ium. The advantages of the shared-bus architecture are
simple topology, low area cost, and extensibility. However,
for a relatively long bus line, the intrinsic parasitic
resistance and capacitance can be quite high. Moreover,
every additional IP block connected to the bus adds to this
parasitic capacitance, in turn causing increased propagation
delay. As the bus length increases and/or the number of
IP blocks increases, the associated delay in bit transfer over
the bus may grow to become arbitrarily large and will
eventually exceed the targeted clock period. This thus
limits, in practice, the number of IP blocks that can be
connected to a bus and thereby limits the system scalability
[9]. One solution for such cases is to split the bus into
multiple segments and introduce a hierarchical architecture
[10], however, this is ad hoc in nature and has the inherent
limitations of the bus-based systems. For SoCs consisting of
tens or hundreds of IP blocks, bus-based interconnect
architectures will lead to serious bottleneck problems as all
attached devices must share the bandwidth of the bus [9].
To overcome the above-mentioned problems, several
research groups, including our group, have advocated the
use of a communication-centric approach to integrate IPs in
complex SoCs. This new model allows the decoupling of the
processing elements (i.e., the IPs) from the communication
fabric (i.e., the network). The need for global synchronization
. The authors are with the SOC Research Lab, Department of Electrical and
Computer Engineering, University of British Columbia, 2356 Main Mall,
Vancouver, BC, V6T 1Z4 Canada.
E-mail: {parthap, grecuc, michaelj, ivanov, res}
Manuscript received 28 May 2004; revised 21 Nov. 2004; accepted 8 Mar.
2004; published online 15 June 2005.
For information on obtaining reprints of this article, please send e-mail to:, and reference IEEECS Log Number TC-0183-0504.
0018-9340/05/$20.00 2005 IEEE Published by the IEEE Computer Society
can thereby disappear. This new approach employs explicit
parallelism, exhibits modularitytominimize the use of global
wires, and utilizes locality for power minimization [3].
In a network-centric approach, the communication
between IPs can take place in the form of packets. We
suggest that a network-on-chip (NoC) resemble the inter-
connect architecture of high-performance parallel comput-
ing systems. The common characteristic of these kinds of
architectures is that the functional IP blocks communicate
with each other with the help of intelligent switches. As
such, the switches can be considered as infrastructure IPs
Ps) [3] providing a robust data transfer medium for the
functional IP modules.
A number of different interconnect architectures for MP-
SoC platforms have been proposed. Their origins can be
traced back to the field of parallel computing. However, a
different set of constraints exists when adapting these
architectures to the SoC design paradigm. High throughput
and low latency are the desirable characteristics of a
multiprocessing system. Instead of aiming strictly for
speed, designers increasingly need to consider energy
consumption constraints [3], especially in the SoC domain.
None of the existing works on NoCs has compared the
proposed interconnect architectures relative to throughput,
latency, and energy. The main focus of this paper is the
detailed comparative evaluation of a set of recently
proposed NoC architectures with realistic traffic models.
Our work furthers the body of knowledge associated with
the design and analysis of such complex architectures and
our analysis allows us to identify useful design trade-offs
that are critical for the optimal development of integrated
network-based designs.
Current SoC designs predominantly use shared-medium
bus-based functional interconnects to integrate IP blocks.
There are mainly three types of commercial bus-based SoC
interconnect specifications: ARM AMBA [11] bus, Wish-
bone [12], and IBM CoreConnect [13]. In [10], bus splitting
has been proposed as an efficient solution for energy
savings. A few on-chip micronetwork proposals for SoC
integration can be found in the literature. Sonics Silicon
Backplane [14] is one example. In this architecture, IP blocks
are connected to the communication fabric through specia-
lized interfaces called agents. Each core communicates with
an agent using the Open Core Protocol (OCP) [15]. Agents
communicate with each other using time division-multiple
access (TDMA) bus access schemes. These agents effectively
decouple the IP cores from the communication network.
MIPS Technologies has introduced an on-chip switch
integrating IP blocks in an SoC [16]. The switch, called
SoC-it, is intended to provide a high-performance link
between a MIPS processor and multiple third-party IP cores.
It is a central switch connecting different peripherals, but
only in a point-to-point mode. None of these involves any
specific interconnect architecture. Hence, we omit treating
this approach any further in the remainder of this paper.
In the following, we briefly describe the different NoC
architectures proposed recently. For the purpose of
illustration, the functional IP blocks are denoted by white
squares, while the infrastructure IPs (switches) are
denoted by dark squares.
Guerrier and Greiner [17] have proposed a generic
interconnect template called SPIN (Scalable, Programma-
ble, Integrated Network) for on-chip packet switched
interconnections, where a fat-tree architecture is used to
interconnect IP blocks. In this fat tree, every node has four
children and the parent is replicated four times at any level
of the tree. Fig. 1a shows the basic SPIN architecture with
` 16 nodes, representing the number of functional IP
blocks in the system. The size of the network grows as
`|oq`,8. The functional IP blocks reside at the leaves and
the switches reside at the vertices. In this architecture, the
number of switches converges to o
, where ` is the
system size in terms of number of functional IPs.
Fig. 1. NoC architectures. (a) SPIN, (b) CLICH

EE, (c) Torus, (d) Folded torus, (e) Octagon, (f) BFT.
Kumar et al. [18] have proposed a mesh-based inter-
connect architecture called CLICH

EE (Chip-Level Integra-
tion of Communicating Heterogeneous Elements). This
architecture consists of an i i mesh of switches inter-
connecting computational resources (IPs) placed along with
the switches, as shown in Fig. 1b in the particular case of
16 functional IP blocks. Every switch, except those at the
edges, is connected to four neighboring switches and one
IP block. In this case, the number of switches is equal to the
number of IPs. The IPs and the switches are connected
through communication channels. A channel consists of
two unidirectional links between two switches or between a
switch and a resource.
Dally and Towles [19] have proposed a 2D torus as an
NoC architecture, shown in Fig. 1c. The Torus architecture
is basically the same as a regular mesh [22]; the only
difference is that the switches at the edges are connected to
the switches at the opposite edge through wrap-around
channels. Every switch has five ports, one connected to the
local resource and the others connected to the closest
neighboring switches. Again, the number of switches is
o `. The long end-around connections can yield ex-
cessive delays. However, this can be avoided by folding the
torus, as shown in Fig. 1d [28]. This renders to a more
suitable VLSI implementation and, consequently, in our
further comparative analysis, we consider the Folded Torus
of Fig. 1d.
Karim et al. [20] have proposed the OCTAGON MP-SoC
architecture. Fig. 1e shows a basic octagon unit consisting of
eight nodes and 12 bidirectional links. Each node is
associated with a processing element and a switch.
Communication between any pair of nodes takes at most
two hops within the basic octagonal unit. For a system
consisting of more than eight nodes, the octagon is
extended to multidimensional space. The scaling strategy
is as follows: Each octagon node is indexed by the 2-tuple
i. ,, i. , 2 0. 7. For each i 1, 1 2 0. 7, an octagon is
constructed using nodes f1. ,. , 2 0. 7g, which results in
eight individual octagon structures. These octagons are then
connected by linking the corresponding i nodes according
to the octagon configuration. Each node 1. J belongs to
two octagons: one consisting of nodes f1. ,, 2 0. 7g and
the other consisting of nodes fi. Ji 2 0. 7g. Of course, this
type of interconnection mechanism may significantly
increase the wiring complexity.
We proposed an interconnect template following a
Butterfly Fat-Tree (BFT) [21] architecture, as shown in
Fig. 1f. In our network, the IPs are placed at the leaves and
switches placed at the vertices. A pair of coordinates is used
to label each node, |. j, where | denotes a nodes level and
j denotes its position within that level. In general, at the
lowest level, there are ` functional IPs with addresses
ranging from 0 to ` 1. The pair 0. ` denotes the
locations of IPs at that lowest level. Each switch, denoted by
o|. j, has four child ports and two parent ports. The IPs
are connected to `,4 switches at the first level. In the
,th level of the tree, there are `,2
switches. The number
of switches in the butterfly fat tree architecture converges to
a constant independent of the number of levels. If we
consider a 4-ary tree, as shown in Fig. 1f, with four down
links corresponding to child ports and two up links
corresponding to parent ports, then the total number of
switches in level , 1 is `,4. At each subsequent level, the
number of required switches reduces by a factor of 2. In this
way, the total number of switches approaches o
, as `
grows arbitrarily large [21].
Switching techniques determine when and how internal
switches connect their inputs to outputs and the time at
which message components may be transferred along these
paths. For uniformity, we apply the same approach for all
NoC architectures. There are different types of switching
techniques, namely, Circuit Switching, Packet Switching, and
Wormhole Switching [22].
In circuit switching, a physical path from source to
destination is reserved prior to the transmission of the
data. The path is held until all the data has been
transmitted. The advantage of this approach is that the
network bandwidth is reserved for the entire duration of
the data. However, valuable resources are also tied up for
the duration of the transmitted data and the set up of an
end-to-end path causes unnecessary delays.
In packet switching, data is divided into fixed-length blocks
called packets and, instead of establishing a path before
sendinganydata, whenever the source has apacket tobe sent,
it transmits the data. The need for storing entire packets in a
switch in case of conventional packet switching makes the
buffer requirement high in these cases. In an SoC environ-
ment, the requirement is that switches should not consume a
large fraction of silicon area compared to the IP blocks.
In wormhole switching, the packets are divided into fixed
length flow control units (flits) and the input and output
buffers are expected to store only a few flits. As a result, the
buffer space requirement in the switches can be small
compared to that generally required for packet switching.
Thus, using a wormhole switching technique, the switches
will be small and compact. The first flit, i.e., header flit, of a
packet contains routing information. Header flit decoding
enables the switches to establish the path and subsequent
flits simply follow this path in a pipelined fashion. As a
result, each incoming data flit of a message packet is simply
forwarded along the same output channel as the preceding
data flit and no packet reordering is required at destina-
tions. If a certain flit faces a busy channel, subsequent flits
also have to wait at their current locations.
One drawback of this simple wormhole switching method
is that the transmission of distinct messages cannot be
interleavedor multiplexedover a physical channel. Messages
must cross the channel intheir entiretybefore the channel can
be used by another message. This will decrease channel
utilizationif aflit fromagivenpacket is blockedinabuffer. By
introducing virtual channels [22] in the input and output
ports, we can increase channel utility considerably. If a flit
belonging to a particular packet is blocked in one of the
virtual channels, then flits of alternate packets can use the
other virtual channel buffers and, ultimately, the physical
channel. The canonical architecture of a switch having
virtual channels is shown in Fig. 2.
To compare and contrast different NoC architectures, a
standard set of performance metrics can be used [22], [27].
For example, it is desirable that an MP-SoC interconnect
architecture exhibits high throughput, low latency, energy
efficiency, and low area overhead. In todays power
constrained environments, it is increasingly critical to be
able to identify the most energy efficient architectures and
to be able to quantify the energy-performance trade-offs [3].
Generally, the additional area overhead due to the infra-
structure IPs should be reasonably small. We now describe
these metrics in more detail.
4.1 Message Throughput
Typically, the performance of a digital communication
network is characterized by its bandwidth in bits/sec.
However, we are more concerned here with the rate that
message traffic can be sent across the network and, so,
throughput is a more appropriate metric. Throughput can be
defined in a variety of different ways depending on the
specifics of the implementation. For message passing
systems, we can define message throughput, T1, as follows:
Toto| ic::oqc: coij|ctcd `c::oqc |ciqt/
`ni/ci o) 11 /|oc/: Toto| tiic
where Total messages completed refers to the number of whole
messages that successfully arrive at their destination IPs,
Message length is measured in flits, Number of IP blocks is the
number of functional IP blocks involved in the commu-
nication, and Total time is the time (in clock cycles) that
elapses between the occurrence of the first message
generation and the last message reception. Thus, message
throughput is measured as the fraction of the maximum
load that the network is capable of physically handling. An
overall throughput of T1 1 corresponds to all end nodes
receiving one flit every cycle. Accordingly, throughput is
measured in flits/cycle/IP. Throughput signifies the max-
imum value of the accepted traffic and it is related to the
peak data rate sustainable by the system.
4.2 Transport Latency
Transport latency is defined as the time (in clock cycles) that
elapses from between the occurrence of a message header
injection into the network at the source node and the
occurrence of a tail flit reception at the destination node
[21]. We refer to this simply as latency in the remainder of
this paper. In order to reach the destination node from some
starting source node, flits must travel through a path
consisting of a set of switches and interconnect, called
stages. Depending on the source/destination pair and the
routing algorithm, each message may have a different
latency. There is also some overhead in the source and
destination that also contributes to the overall latency.
Therefore, for a given message i, the latency 1
:cidci tioi:joit |otcicy
We use the average latency as a performance metric in
our evaluation methodology. Let 1 be the total number of
messages reaching their destination IPs and let 1
be the
latency of each message i, where i ranges from 1 to 1. The
average latency, 1
, is then calculated according to the

. 2
4.3 Energy
When flits travel on the interconnection network, both the
interswitch wires and the logic gates in the switches toggle
and this will result in energy dissipation. Here, we are
concerned with the dynamic energy dissipation caused by
the communication process in the network. The flits from
the source nodes need to traverse multiple hops consisting
of switches and wires to reach destinations. Consequently,
we determine the energy dissipated by the flits in each
interconnect and switch hop. The energy per flit per hop is
given by
. 3
where 1
and 1
depend on the total capaci-
tances and signal activity of the switch and each section of
interconnect wire, respectively. They are determined as
. 4
. 5
. c
and C
. C
are the signal
activities and the total capacitances of the switches and
wire segments, respectively. The energy dissipated in
transporting a packet consisting of i flits over / hops can
be calculated as
. 6
Let 1 be the total number of packets transported, and let
be the energy dissipated by the ith packet, where i
ranges from 1 to 1. The average energy per packet, 1
is then calculated according to the following equation:



. 7
The parameters c
and c
are those that capture
the fact that the signal activities in the switches and the
interconnect segments will be data-dependent, e.g., there
may be long sequences of 1s or 0s that will not cause any
transitions. Any of the different low-power coding techni-
ques [29] aimed at minimizing the number of transitions can
be applied to any of the topologies described here. For the
sake of simplicity and without loss of generality, we do not
consider any specialized coding techniques in our analysis.
4.4 Area Requirements
To evaluate the feasibility of these interconnect schemes, we
consider their respective silicon area requirements. As the
switches form an integral part of the active components, the
Fig. 2. Virtual-channel switch.
infrastructure, it is important to determine the amount of
relative silicon area they consume. The switches have two
main components: the storage buffer and logic to imple-
ment routing and flow control. The storage buffers are the
FIFOs at the inputs and outputs of the switch. Another
source of silicon area overhead arises from the interswitch
wires, which, depending on their lengths, may have to be
buffered through repeater insertion to keep the interswitch
delay within one clock cycle [9]. Consequently, this
additional buffer area should also be taken into account.
Another important factor that needs to be considered when
analyzing the area overhead is the wiring layout. One of the
main advantages of the NoC design methodology is the
division of long global wires into smaller segments,
characterized by propagation times that are compatible
with the clock cycle budget [30]. All the NoC architectures
considered here achieve this as a result of their inherent
interconnect structure. But, the segmented wire lengths will
vary from one topology to another. Consequently, for each
architecture, the layout of interswitch wire segments
presents different degrees of complexity. Architectures that
possess longer interswitch wires will generally create more
routing challenges, compared to those possessing only
shorter wire segments. Long wires can block wiring
channels, forcing the use of additional metal layers and
causing other wires to become longer. The determination of
the distribution of interswitch wire lengths can give a first-
order indication of the overall wiring complexity.
4.5 Evaluation Methodology
In order to carry out a consistent comparison, we developed
a simulator employing flit-level event-driven wormhole
routing to study the characteristics of the communication-
centric parameters of the interconnect infrastructures. In
our experiments, the traffic injected by the functional
IP blocks followed Poisson [31] and self-similar distribu-
tions [31]. In the past, a Poisson distributed injection rate
was frequently used when characterizing performance of
multiprocessor platforms [32]. However, the self-similar
distribution was found to be a better match to real-world
SoC scenarios [33]. Each simulation was initially run for
1,000 cycles to allow transient effects to stabilize and,
subsequently, it was executed for 20,000 cycles. Using a flit
counter at the destinations, we obtain the throughput as the
number of flits reaching each destination per unit time. To
calculate average latencyandenergy, weassociate anordered
pair, 1
. 1
, with each switch and an ordered pair,
. 1
, with each interconnect segment,
where 1
. 1
and 1
. 1
denote the
delays and energy dissipated in the switch and intercon-
nect, respectively. The average latency and energy dissipa-
tion are calculated according to (2) and (7).
To estimate the silicon area consumed by the switches, we
developedtheir VHDLmodels andsynthesizedthemusing a
fullystatic, standardcell-basedapproachfor a 0.13jmCMOS
technology library. Starting from this initial estimation, by
using an ITRS (International Technology Roadmap for
Semiconductors) suggested scaling factor of 0.7, we can
project the area overhead in future technology nodes.
One common characteristic of the communication-centric
architectures described in this paper is that the functional
IP blocks communicate with each other with the help of
intelligent switches. The switches provide a robust data
transport medium for the functional IP modules. To ensure
the consistency of the comparisons we later make in this
paper, we assume that similar types of switching and
routing circuits are used in all cases. These designs are now
described in more detail.
5.1 Switch Architecture
The different components of the switch port are shown in
Fig. 3. It mainly consists of input/output FIFO buffers,
input/output arbiters, one-of-four MUX and DEMUX units,
and a routing block. In order to have a considerably high
throughput, we use a virtual channel switch, where each
port of the switch has multiple parallel buffers [22].
Each physical input port has more than one virtual
channel, uniquely identified by its virtual channel identifier
(VCID). Flits may simultaneously arrive at more than one
virtual channel. As a result, an arbitration mechanism is
necessary to allow only one virtual channel to access a single
physical port. Let there be i virtual channels corresponding
to each input port; we need an i : 1 arbiter at the input.
Similarly, flits from more than one input port may simulta-
neously try to access a particular output port. If / is the
number of ports in a switch, then we need a / 1 : 1 arbiter
at each output port. The routing logic block determines the
output port to be taken by an incoming flit.
The operation of the switch consists of one or more
processes, depending on the nature of the flit. In the case of
a header flit, the processing sequence is: 1) input arbitration,
2) routing, and 3) output arbitration. In the case of body flits,
switch traversal replaces the routing process since the
routing decision based on the header information is
maintained for the subsequent body flits. The basic
functionality of the input/output arbitration blocks does
not vary from one architecture to another. The design of the
routing hardware depends on the specific topology and
routing algorithm adopted. In order to make the routing
logic simple, fast, and compact, we follow different forms of
deterministic routing [22]. In our routing schemes, we use
distributed source routing, i.e., the source node determines
only its neighboring nodes that are involved in message
delivery. For the tree-based architectures (SPIN and BFT),
the routing algorithm applied is the least common ancestor
(LCA) and, for CLICH

EE and Folded Torus, we apply the

e-Cube (dimensional) routing [21]. In the case of Octagon,
we adopt the hierarchical address-based routing as pro-
posed in [19]. The corresponding routing blocks have been
implemented for all the above-mentioned cases.
The arbiter circuit essentially consists of a priority
matrix, which stores the priorities [23] of the requesters,
and grant generation circuits used to grant resources to
requesters. The matrix arbiter stores priorities between
i requesters in a binary n-by-n matrix. Each matrix element
i. , records the binary priority between each pair of inputs.
For example, suppose requester i has a higher priority than
requester ,, then the matrix element i. , will be set to 1,
while the corresponding matrix element ,. i will be 0. A
requester will be granted the resource if no other higher
priority requester is bidding for the same resource. Once a
requester succeeds in being granted a resource, its priority
is updated and set to be the lowest among all requesters. A
block diagram of the arbiter and one element of the priority
matrix circuit is shown in Fig. 4.
The FIFO buffers are also critical components of the
switch. Their operating speed should be high enough not to
become a bottleneck in a high-speed network. More
specifically, the switches at level one need to be interfaced
with the SoCs constituent IP blocks. Hence, the switches
should be able to receive and transmit data at the rated
speed of the corresponding IPs. Furthermore, the FIFOs
should be able to operate with different read and write
clocks as the SoCs constituents IPs are expected to
generally operate at different frequencies. Instead of using
separate counters to implement read and write pointers,
two tokens are circulated among the FIFO cells to
implement read and write operations [24]. A FIFO cell can
be read from or written into only if it holds the correspond-
ing token. After a token is used in a given cell, it is
subsequently passed on to the adjacent cell.
5.2 Virtual Channel Allocation
The virtual channel allocation determines which output
virtual channel is taken by a message at each of the
intermediate switch nodes. Each switch input port has a
separate queue buffer corresponding to the virtual chan-
nels. When a flit first arrives at an input port, its type is
decoded. If it is a header flit, then, according to its VCID
field, it is stored in the corresponding virtual channel
buffer. The routing logic determines the output port to be
taken by this flit and assigns the incoming flit to an
available output virtual channel. The VCID of the flit is
modified accordingly. When the subsequent body flits
arrive, they are queued into the buffer of the input virtual
channel and subsequently inherit the particular output
virtual channel reserved by the header. Instead of reserving
output ports for the entire duration of a packet, the switch
allocates output ports on a flit-by-flit basis.
5.3 Network Interfacing
The success of the NoC design paradigm relies greatly on
the standardization of the interfaces between IP cores and
the interconnection fabric. The Open Core Protocol (OCP)
[15] is an interface standard receiving wide industrial and
academic acceptance. Using a standard interface should not
impact the methodologies for IP core development. In fact,
IP cores wrapped with a standard interface like the
OCP interface will exhibit a higher reusability and greatly
simplify the task of system integration. The network
interface will have two functions:
1. injecting/absorbing the flits leaving/arriving at the
functional IP blocks;
2. packetizing/depacketizing the signals coming
from/reaching to OCP compatible cores in form of
As shown in Fig. 5, for a core having both master and slave
interfaces, the OCP compliant signals coming out of the
Fig. 3. Block diagram of a switch port.
Fig. 4. (a) Block diagram of an arbiter; (b) one element of the priority matrix.
Fig. 5. Interfacing of IP cores with the network fabric.
functional IP blocks are packetized by a second interface,
which sits between the OCP instances and the communica-
tion fabric.
We applied our evaluation methodology to all the proposed
NoC architectures described earlier in this paper. The
wormhole routing simulator was used to compare and
contrast the NoC topologies in terms of throughput and
latency. In this simulator, the user may choose between
uniform and localized traffic patterns for the packets. There
are options of using both Poisson and self-similar message
injection distributions. Self-similar traffic has been observed
in the bursty traffic between on-chip modules in typical
MPEG-2 video applications [33] andnetworkingapplications
[32]. It has beenshownthat modelingof self-similar traffic can
be obtained by aggregating a large number of ON-OFF
message sources [32]. The lengthof time eachmessage spends
ineither the ONor the OFF state shouldbe selectedaccording
to a distribution which exhibits long-range dependence. The
Pareto distribution (Fx 1 x
, with 1 < c < 2) has
been found to fit well to this kind of traffic. A packet train
remains in the ON state for t
1 i
and in the OFF
state for t
1 i
, where i is a random number
uniformly distributed between 0 and 1, c
1.9, and
1.25 [31]. The destination IP selection depends on
the traffic pattern adopted. The simulator is capable of
handling variable message length. Message lengths may
vary depending on the application. On the other hand,
message length and buffer depth are strongly correlated. In
an SoC environment, buffer depth is of extreme importance
as it adds to the silicon area overhead due to the switches.
In addition, switch parameters can also be specified. These
include input/output port buffer depths (in flits), number
of ports, and the number of virtual channels per switch
port. Messages arriving at destinations are immediately
consumed at the rate of one flit per time step, i.e., no
blocking is encountered at the destinations. All resource
contention is handled without bias in the sense that
granting of resources to packets is done on a first come,
first-serve basis.
The energy dissipation of NoC fabrics arise from two
different sources: 1) the switch blocks, which include the
buffers, and 2) interswitch wire segments. To study the
energy efficiency of the interconnect architectures, we
determine the energy dissipated in each switch, 1
, by
running Synopsys Prime Power on the gate-level netlist of
the switch blocks, including the FIFO buffers. Our energy
estimation methodology involved feeding a large set of data
patterns to the switch blocks. Through functional simula-
tion using Synopsys Prime Power, the average values for
the activity factors were determined. The experimental data
set included long sequences of 1s and 0s to account for the
possible cases where low transition activity data were to be
transported. To determine interconnect energy, 1
Simulation Parameters
The average message latency decreases when buffer size increases [22]. According to [22], the effect of buffer size on performance is small.
Consequently, to avoid excessive silicon area consumption in our switch design, here we considered the buffer depths to be equal to two flits.
The bridge nodes connecting two adjacent OCTAGONS have six ports.
Fig. 6. Variation of throughput under spatially uniform traffic distribution. Fig. 7. Variation of latency with virtual channels.
the capacitance of each interconnect stage, C
, is
calculated taking into account the specific layout of each
topology. C
can be estimated according to the
following expression:
i i C
. 8
where C
is the wire capacitance per unit length and n
is the wire length between two consecutive switches; C
are the gate and junction capacitance of a minimum size
Fig. 8. Variation of accepted traffic with injection load. (a) Poisson. (b) Self-similar.
Fig. 9. Variation of throughput under localized traffic (number of vc = 4). (a) Poisson. (b) Self-similar.
Fig. 10. Latency variation with injection load for spatially uniform traffic distribution. (a) Poisson. (b) Self-similar.
inverter, respectively, i denotes the number of inverters
(when buffer insertion is needed) in a particular interswitch
wire segment, and iis their corresponding size with respect
to a minimum size inverter. While calculating C
, we have
considered the worst-case switching scenario, where the two
adjacent wires switch in the opposite direction of the signal
line simultaneously [6].
In all the subsequent experiments, we consider each
system to be consisting of 256 functional IP blocks, i.e.,
` 256. Table 1 summarizes the simulation parameters.
Fig. 11. Top: Latency variation with injection load (localization factor = 0.3). (a) Poisson. (b) Self-similar. Middle: Latency variation with
injection load (localization factor = 0.5). (c) Poisson. (d) Self-similar. Bottom: Latency variation with injection load (localization factor = 0.8).
(e) Poisson. (f) Self-similar.
6.1 Throughput and Latency
We now compare the throughput and latency character-
istics of the various NoC architectures. The throughput of
the communication infrastructure generally depends on the
traffic pattern. Fig. 6 shows the variation of throughput with
the number of virtual channels for all the topologies,
determined through simulation using (1). Measuring
throughput under uniform spatial distribution assumptions
is an accepted metric [22] for evaluating parallel systems.
Throughput is the maximum traffic accepted by the
network and it relates to the peak data rate sustainable by
the system. The accepted traffic depends on the rate at
which the functional IP blocks are injecting data into the
network. Ideally, accepted traffic should increase linearly
with this injection load. However, due to the limitation of
routing resources (switches and interconnect wires), ac-
cepted traffic will saturate at a certain value of the injection
load. Similarly to the throughput, the unit of measure for
injection load is also flits/cycle/IP. For both Poisson and
self-similar injection rates, the variation of throughput with
virtual channels has similar characteristics. From Fig. 6,
when the number of virtual channels is increased beyond
four, there is a trend toward throughput saturation.
However, each additional virtual channel implies an
increased silicon area.
Fig. 7 shows the variation of latency with the number of
virtual channels. The average message latency depends on
the number of virtual channels and injection load. In this
case, the average latency generally increases with the
number of virtual channels. To keep the latency low while
simultaneously maintaining a considerable throughput, the
number of virtual channels is constrained to four in the
design of the switches. Consequently, a system with four
virtual channels strikes an appropriate balance between
high throughput, low latency, and conservation of silicon
area. This result is consistent with previous research on the
optimal number of virtual channels [36] and, in part,
validates the modeling and simulation approach used to
generate the results in this paper.
The plots in Fig. 6 also indicate that, under the uniform
traffic assumption, BFT, CLICH

EE, and Folded Torus provide

a lower throughput thando SPINandOctagon. This happens
due to the fact that SPIN and Octagon have more links
between a source and a destination pair than do the others.
The role of injection load on the accepted traffic was
also studied and shown in Fig. 8. We observe that the
accepted traffic increases linearly with the injection load
up to the throughput saturation point. Fig. 8b shows that
self-similar traffic saturates the networks at slightly lower
average data rates.
While these results are as one would expect, the
assumption of spatial uniformity of traffic is not very
realistic in an SoC environment since different functions
will be mapped to different parts of the SoC and they will
exhibit highly localized patterns. Hence, we studied the
effect of traffic localization on throughput for both types of
injection processes and considered the illustrative case of
spatial localization where local messages travel from a
source to the set of the nearest destinations. In the case of
BFT and SPIN, localized traffic is constrained within a
cluster consisting of a single subtree, while, in the case of

EE and Folded Torus, it is constrained within the four

destinations placed at the shortest Manhattan distance [14].
In the case of Octagon, the local traffic is the traffic
constrained within the basic group of eight IP blocks. We
define the localization factor as the ratio of local traffic to total
traffic. For example, if the localization factor is 0.3, then
30 percent of the traffic generated by an IP occurs within its
cluster, while the rest of the traffic is randomly distributed
in the remainder of the entire SoC.
Fig. 9 shows the effect of traffic localization on
throughput for all the topologies. We assumed that the
number of virtual channels (vc) is four, based on the
previously described experiments. Localization of traffic
does not have much impact on SPIN and Octagon, but it
enhances the throughput of BFT, CLICH

EE, and Folded

Torus considerably. Though SPIN and Octagon have very
high throughput for the uniformly distributed traffic, they
lack the ability to exploit the traffic localization inherent in
SoC architectures.
In Fig. 10, we show the variation of latency with injection
load in the case of both Poisson and self-similar distribu-
tions for uniform traffic. The injection load directly affects
the average message latency. As the injection load ap-
proaches the accepted traffic (throughput) limit, there will
be more message contention and latency will increase. At
the limit, latency increases exponentially when the injection
load reaches the saturation point. Consequently, the
desirable point of operation for the system should be well
below network saturation. The self-similar traffic distribu-
tion yields higher average message latency, principally due
to its bursty nature. We considered the effect of traffic
localization on the latency. Variation of latency with
localization factors of 0.3, 0.5, and 0.8 is shown in Fig. 11a,
Fig. 11b, Fig. 11c, Fig. 11d, Fig. 11e and Fig. 11f. One
important effect of localization on the latency characteristic
is that it allows a higher injection load. Consequently, more
traffic can be processed without the network being
saturated. Eventually, this will enhance the overall data-
rate of the system.
It is seen from Fig. 11 that, similar to the case of
throughput characteristics, traffic localization does not have
significant impact on the latency variations for SPIN and
6.2 Energy Dissipation
While evaluating the feasibility of an interconnect infra-
structure, its energy dissipation profile must be considered
as it can be a significant portion of the overall SoC energy
budget. The metric for comparing the NoC architecture
Fig. 12. Average energy dissipation per packet.
with respect to the energy dissipation is the average
dynamic energy dissipated when a packet moves between
a pair of source and destination IP blocks. This average
energy dissipation, in turn, depends on the number of
virtual channels and injection load. Fig. 12 shows the
variation of average energy dissipation per packet as a
function of the number of virtual channels (the same for
both Poisson and self-similar traffic) assuming the networks
to be operated at the peak sustainable data rate. We can
observe that the energy dissipation increases linearly with
the number of virtual channels for all the architectures.
Consequently, a system with four virtual channels per
physical link will give reasonably low energy dissipation
without compromising throughput.
The effect of injection load on the energy dissipation for a
uniform traffic distribution for both Poisson and self-similar
injection process is shown in Fig. 13. Similar to the nature of
accepted traffic variations, the energy dissipation profiles
showa saturating characteristic occurring when the injection
load reaches the throughput limit. Beyond saturation, no
additional messages can be injected successfully into the
systemand, consequently, noadditional energyis dissipated.
We also consider the effect of traffic localization on the
energy dissipation profile for all the NoC architectures.
Fig. 14a, Fig. 14b, Fig. 14c, Fig. 14d, Fig. 14e, and Fig. 14f
show the energy dissipation profile for localization factors
of 0.3, 0.5, and 0.8, respectively. The benefits of traffic
localization are evident from these figures: Increasing the
amount of traffic localization causes more messages to be
injected without increasing the average energy dissipation.
This happens due to the fact that, on the average, messages
will traverse fewer stages in the case of a greater amount of
localization. Consequently, the functional mapping should
be performed so as to exploit the advantages of spatial
locality, i.e., the blocks that communicate more frequently
should be placed close to each other. This will reduce the
use of long global paths and the energy dissipation.
From Figs. 13 and 14, we can infer that the architectures
with a higher degree of connectivity like SPIN and Octagon
have greater average energy dissipation at saturation than
the others, though they provide higher throughput and
lower latency on the average.
6.3 Area Overhead
In the NoC design paradigm, the silicon area overhead
arises due to the presence of the switches, the interswitch
repeaters, and the interfaces between the functional IP
blocks and the network.
Regardless of the specific topology used by the inter-
connect infrastructure, each functional IP blocks needs to
have the OCP-IP interface. Consequently, in our analysis,
we consider the whole interfacing circuitry a part of the
functional IP blocks.
From our detailed circuit level design and synthesis, we
deduce that, within a switch, the buffer area significantly
dominates the logic [25]. The buffer area, in turn, largely
depends on the number of virtual channels and the flit
length. In a networked SoC, IPs can be divided into two
groups, functional and infrastructure IPs (switches). Hence,
the distribution of functional IPs and I
Ps depends on their
respective sizes and interconnect topology. Letting
denote the area of the functional IP blocks and
the area of the switches, then


. 9
where `
and `
are the number of functional and
infrastructure IPs, respectively, and ico
is the total
area of the SoC under consideration. For a BFT, `
for SPIN architecture, `

, and, for all the others,
. These numbers help to determine the distribution
of functional and infrastructure IP blocks in an SoC.
Through RTL level design and synthesis, we found that
the switches consist of approximately 30K gates,
while the
OCP-IP interface accounted for around 1,400 gates. Using
(9) and the constraints on `
and `
, we can determine the
distribution of functional and infrastructure IP blocks in all
the topologies. We consider the case where functional
IP blocks are constrained to be of the order of 100K gates, as
suggested in [6]. Table 2 shows the maximum number of
100K blocks that can be integrated within an SoC in
different technology nodes [9].
The distribution of functional and infrastructure IP blocks
is indicated in Table 3.
Under these assumptions, we determined the silicon area
consumed by the switch blocks for all the architectures.
3. Here, we consider a 2-input NAND structure as a reference gate.
Fig. 13. Energy dissipation profile for uniform traffic. (a) Poisson. (b) Self-similar.
The other factors contributing to the area overhead are
the interswitch repeaters. The wire length between switches
in the BFT and SPIN architectures depends on the levels of
the switches. Consequently, to keep the interswitch wire
delay within one clock cycle, some of them need to be
buffered [8]. In CLICH

EE and Folded Torus, all the

interswitch wires are of equal length and their delay is
always within one clock cycle [8]. Therefore, no repeater
insertion is required. In Octagon, the interswitch wires
connecting functional IP blocks in disjoint octagon units [19]
need to be buffered.
Fig. 14. Top: Energy dissipation profile for localized traffic (localization factor = 0.3). (a) Poisson. (b) Self-similar. Middle: Energy dissipation profile
for localized traffic (localization factor =0 .5). (c) Poisson. (d) Self-similar. Bottom: Energy dissipation profile for localized traffic (localization factor =
0.8). (a) Poisson. (b) Self-similar.
Maximum Number of 100K IP Blocks in
Different Technology Nodes
The silicon area overhead in different technology nodes
can be estimated for all the interconnect architectures as the
sum of the area due to the switches (ico
) and repeaters
. 10
Fig. 15 reports the silicon area overhead for all the
platforms under consideration across different technology
nodes, assuming a die size of 20ii 20ii and that each
functional IP block consists of 100K equivalent 2-input
NAND gates.
From Fig. 15, we see that both SPIN and Octagon have a
considerably higher silicon area overhead. This happens
due to the fact that both these architectures provide a higher
degree of connectivity. The percentage of silicon area
overhead for different platforms increases slightly with
technology scaling. However, the relative area overhead
between any two platforms remains almost unchanged.
6.4 Wiring Complexity
The complexity of the wire area estimation problem
involves determination of the longest wire segments that
may arise in each architecture and their distribution. The
long wire segments block wiring channels and force other
wires to become longer. From our experience, there will be
additional area consumed by the wires than what is
predicted by the first order analysis. Assuming this kind
of overhead, our aim is to estimate the distribution of wire
lengths in all the interconnect architectures under con-
sideration. In an NoC environment, the interswitch wire
segments are the longest on-chip wires except for clock,
power, and ground wires [34]. Due to the structured nature
of NoC-based interconnects, the interswitch wire lengths
can be determined a priori. The wire lengths between
switches in the BFT and the SPIN architectures depend on
the levels of the switches. On the other hand, the number of
switch levels can be expressed as a function of system size
(N) as |c.c|: log
` for both, where N is the number of
functional IP blocks in an SoC. The interswitch wire length
is given by the following expression [21]:

. 11
where n
is the length of the wire spanning the
distance between level o and level o 1 switches, where
o can take integer values between 0 and |c.c|: 1. For

EE and Folded Torus, all wire segments are of the

same length, respectively; the interswitch wire lengths of

EE architecture can be determined from the

following expression:


. 12
while, for the Folded Torus, all the interswitch wire lengths
are double those for CLICH

EE [28].
Considering a die size of 20ii 20ii and a system
size of 256 IP blocks, we determined the number of
interswitch links and their lengths for all the NoC
architectures under consideration. We calculated the inter-
switch wire lengths in the cases of CLICH

EE, Folded Torus,

BFT, and SPIN using (11) and (12) and Figs. 1 and 16.
For Octagon, we determined the interswitch wire lengths
following the low wiring complexity scaling strategy shown
in [20]. As shown in Fig. 16, in each basic octagon unit, we
can differentiate three types of links: long links (connecting
blocks 0-4 and 7-3), medium length links (connecting blocks
0-7, 3-4, 1-5, and 2-6), and short links (connecting blocks 0-1,
1-2, 2-3, 4-5, 5-6, and 6-7). These link lengths can be
determined by assuming the 256 IP blocks divided into
32 basic octagons, with four placed horizontally and eight
placed vertically.
Fig. 17 shows the distribution of interswitch wire lengths
for all of the NoC architectures. From this figure, we can
qualitatively infer that SPIN will have the highest degree of
wiring complexity, while CLICH

EE and Folded Torus will

have the lowest complexity. Consequently, for the SPIN
topology, the layout of interswitch wire segments will have
the greatest impact on area overhead. CLICH

EE and Folded
Torus are the simplest ones from a layout perspective, while
BFT and Octagon stand between these two groups.
Distribution of Functional and Infrastructure IP Blocks
Fig. 15. Area overhead.
To illustrate how system designers can use the analytical
and experimental procedures outlined in this paper to
estimate the performance of an SoC application, we
simulated a multiprocessor SoC, a network processing
platform, mapped to different NoC communication fabrics
we described in earlier sections. Among all the architectures
under consideration, Octagon and SPIN have the higher
throughput, but their energy dissipation is much greater
than that of the others. In addition, the silicon area overhead
due to the infrastructure IP blocks is also higher. Taking
these facts into account, we considered the architectures
with a lower energy dissipation profile, i.e., BFT, CLICH

and Folded Torus, for further evaluation. For illustrative
purposes, we mapped the network processing platform
onto these three interconnect architectures. The functional
block diagram of the network processor is shown in Fig. 18,
based on a commercial design [26]. All the functional blocks
are divided into five clusters. Initially, we assumed the
traffic to be uniformly distributed among these five clusters.
The micro-engines (MEs) in clusters 2 and 3 are the
programmable engines specialized for network processing.
MEs do the main data plane [26] processing for each packet
and communicate in a pipelined fashion within each
ME cluster. Consequently, the traffic will be highly
localized within these two clusters (clusters 2 and 3).
As discussed earlier, we assumed localization factors of
0.3, 0.5, and 0.8 for the traffic within these two clusters,
while the rest of the traffic is assumed to be uniformly
random. We also assumed a self-similar injection process.
Under the stated traffic distributions, we simulated the
performance of the network processor SoC shown in Fig. 18.
From the throughput characteristics, we can project the
aggregate bandwidth [35] sustainable by the SoC platform
by using the following expression:
qqicqotc 1oidnidt/ `ni/ci o) 11 /|oc/:
1|it |ciqt/ cccjtcd tio))ic c|oc/ iotc.
Table 4 shows the projected bandwidth, assuming a clock
rate of 500 MHz (typical for an SoC implemented in a
130 nm process) and 16-bit flit length, average message
latency, and average energy dissipation.
As expected and discussed in Section 6.1, throughput
increases significantly with traffic localization, which in
turn gives rise to higher aggregate bandwidth. The value of
average latency is measured at an injection load below
saturation. The effect of traffic localization on average
latency is that it allows a higher injection load without
saturating the network. The message latency, at a lower
injection load (below saturation), remains largely unaf-
fected by traffic localization. While measuring the average
energy dissipation, to have a consistent comparison, we
kept the system throughput at the same level for all the
architectures, while varying the amount of localized traffic.
When the factor of localization is varied from 0.3 to 0.8, the
bit energy savings relative to the uniformly distributed
traffic scenario vary from 20 percent to 50 percent.
As shown in this case study, it is possible to project the
achievable performance of a typical multicore SoC imple-
mented using the NoC design paradigm.
Fig. 16. Simplified layout examples of SPIN, OCTAGON, and BFT.
Fig. 17. Interswitch wire length distribution. Fig. 18. Functional block diagram of a typical network processor.
Networks-on-chip (NoC) are emerging as a viable inter-
connect architecture for multiprocessor SoC platforms. In
this new paradigm, infrastructure IPs are used to establish
the on-chip communication medium. NoC-based architec-
tures are characterized by various trade-offs with regard to
functional, structural, and performance specifications. Here,
we carried out detailed comparisons and contrasted
different NoC architectures in terms of throughput, latency,
energy dissipation, and silicon area overhead. We illu-
strated that some architectures can sustain very high data
rates at the expense of high-energy dissipation and
considerable silicon area overhead, while others can
provide a lower data rate and lower energy dissipation
levels. Our principal contribution lies in the establishment
and illustration of a consistent comparison and evaluation
methodology based on a set of readily quantifiable
parameters for NoCs. Our methodology sets an important
basis for the optimal evaluation and selection of inter-
connect infrastructures for large and complex SoCs. Though
the parameters considered in our benchmarking are
considered by experts in the field to be among the most
critical, they do not constitute a unique set nor are they
exhaustive. Different applications or circumstances may
require this set to be altered or augmented, e.g., by
including parameters such as testability, dependability,
and reliability. However, they are an important set to
characterize the emerging NoC architectures.
The authors thank Micronet, PMC-Sierra, Gennum, and
NSERCfor their financial support andthe CMCfor providing
access to CAD tools. The authors also thank Pierre Paulin of
ST Microelectronics and Allan Nakamoto of PMC Sierra for
their feedback. In addition, they wish to thank the expert
reviewers for their extremely valuable comments, which
helped them enhance the quality of their work.
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Partha Pratim Pande is completing his PhD
degree studies in VLSI design at the Department
of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Uni-
versity of British Columbia, Canada. His PhD
thesis evolved around the topic Network on
Chip. Before this, he received the MSc degree
in computer science from the National University
of Singapore in 2001 and the bachelors degree
in electronics and communication engineering
from Calcutta University, India, in 1997. After
receiving the bachelors degree, he worked in industry for a couple of
years as a digital system design engineer. At the end of 1999, he
returned to academia to pursue higher studies. He has received several
national scholarships from the government of India for academic
excellence. In addition to this, he received the International Graduate
student scholarship from the National University of Singapore. He is a
student member of the IEEE.
Cristian Grecu received the BS and MEng
degrees in electrical engineering from the
Technical University of Iasi, Romania, and the
MASc degree from the University of British
Columbia. He is a doctoral student in the
Department of Electrical and Computer Engi-
neering, University of British Columbia, Canada.
His research interests focus on design and test
of large SoCs, with particular emphasis on their
data communication infrastructures.
Michael Jones received the BSc degree in
computer engineering from Queens University,
Kingston, Ontario, Canada, in 2002 and the
MASc degree from the University of British
Columbia, Vancouver, Canada, in 2005. Since
2005, he has moved on to work as a software
engineer in the high tech industry.
Andre Ivanov received the BEng (Hon.), MEng,
and PhD degrees in electrical engineering from
McGill University. He is a professor in the
Department of Electrical and Computer Engi-
neering at the University of British Columbia
(UBC). He spent a sabbatical leave at PMC-
Sierra, Vancouver, British Columbia. He has
held invited professor positions at the University
of Montpellier II, the University of Bordeaux I,
and Edith Cowan University in Perth, Australia.
His primary research interests lie in the area of integrated circuit testing,
design for testability, and built-in self-test for digital, analog, and mixed-
signal circuits and systems-on-a-chip (SoCs). He has published widely
in these areas and holds several patents in IC design and test. Besides
testing, he has interests in the design and design methodologies of large
and complex integrated circuits and SoCs. He has served and continues
to serve on numerous national and international steering, program, and/
or organization committees in various capacities. Recently, he was the
program chair of the 2002 VLSI Test Symposium (VTS 02) and the
general chair for VTS 03 and VTS 04. In 2001, he cofounded Vector 12,
a semiconductor IP company. He has published more than 100 papers
in conference and journals and holds four US patents. He serves on the
editorial board of IEEE Design and Test and Kluwers Journal of
Electronic Testing: Theory and Applications. He is currently the chair of
the IEEE Computer Societys Test Technology Technical Council
(TTTC). He is a Golden Core Member of the IEEE Computer Society,
a senior member of the IEEE, a fellow of the British Columbia Advanced
Systems Institute, and a Professional Engineer of British Columbia.
Resve Saleh received the PhD and MS degrees
in electrical engineering from the University of
California, Berkeley, and the BS degree in
electrical engineering from Carleton University,
Ottawa, Canada. He is currently a professor and
the NSERC/PMC-Sierra Chairholder in the
Department of Electrical and Computer Engi-
neering at the University of British Columbia,
Vancouver, Canada, working in the field of
system-on-chip design, verification, and test.
He received the Presidential Young Investigator Award in 1990 from
the US National Science Foundation. He has published more than 50
journal articles and conference papers. He is a senior member of the
IEEE and served as general chair (1995), conference chair (1994), and
technical program chair (1993) for the Custom Integrated Circuits
Conference. He recently held the positions of technical program chair,
conference chair, and vice-general chair of the International Symposium
on Quality in Electronic Design (2001) and has served as an associate
editor of the IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design. He recently
coauthored a book entitled Design and Analsys of Ditigal Integrated
Circuit Design: In Deep Submicron Technology. He was a founder and
chairman of Simplex Solutions, which developed CAD software for deep
submicron digital design verification. Prior to starting Simplex, he spent
nine years as a professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer
Engineering at the University of Illinois, Urbana, and one year teaching
at Stanford University. Before embarking on his academic career, he
worked for Mitel Corporation in Ottawa, Canada, Toshiba Corporation in
Japan, Tektronix in Beaverton, Oregon, and Nortel in Ottawa, Canada.
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