A Network On Chip Architecture and Design Methodology
A Network On Chip Architecture and Design Methodology
A Network On Chip Architecture and Design Methodology
like structure) so that they are able to communicate with
each other by sending messages. A resource R is a selection selection
logic logic
computation or storage unit or their combination. A
Design of a new product using NOC architecture is We have investigated some physical issues in the
similar to the problem of designing a computer network design of the switches and the inter-switch connections for
with some computing and communication requirements. on-chip communication networks like NOC [18]. In
We have adapted ns-2 from Univ. of Berkeley at particular, we have compared two distinct layouts for a
California, to study various design options in NOC switch, called “thin switch” and “square switch”. In thin
architecture and their effect on performance[ 17]. switch, the switch functionality is distributed around a
0,2 resource and wires are routed across the resources. A
square switch is placed on the crossings in dedicated
Traffic rates channels left between resources. The wires are routed in
0,15 80 Mb/sec these channels.
100 Mb/sec
We have considered wireability, delay and maximum
Drop Probability
120 Mb/s
150 Mb/s
190 Mb/s
signal bandwidth between switches, positioning of pads
and positioning of repeaters in our study. The study has
been conducted based on the 60nm CMOS technology
0,05 expected in about 6 years. The main conclusion is that in
five years 10 x 10 NOC architectures will be feasible. It
will be possible to route 256 wires between a resource and
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
a switch and between two neighboring switches in the
log2 Buffer size mesh. The study also shows that the square switch option
is superior with respect to performance and bandwidth
Figure 5. Drop probability vs. buffer size. while the thin switch requires relatively low area.
We have used a homogeneous 5 x 5 NOC architecture 5.2. System development
for our simulation experiments. In particular, we have
studied the effect of buffer size in switches and network The main objective for the NOC development
traffic (called network load) on delay and probability of environment will be to separate different concerns and
message loss. These simulation experiments have been activities and to shield some tools and design tasks from
carried out using various types of network traffic cases like details in other tools and tasks.
random traffic and local traffic and mix of these. The The BPS methodology tries to benefit from reuse as
figure below shows relationship between the probability of much as possible and to give support for application
a packet being dropped verses the size of buffer in the development. The idea has also been to find an optimal
switch for each direction. We have assumed that a link balance between manufacturing and system level
between two switches supports a maximum traffic of integration platforms. The role of the backbone is to
200Mbits/sec. Various lines in the graph show the drop provide a solid starting point for ASIC design with
probability verses buffer size for various actual traffic rates. guidelines and flexibility.
We observe that for actual traffic of up to 100Mbits/sec, The NOC system development environment will
the drop probability is very close to zero if a buffer size of provide layered system services, which will shield an
four packets is used. Traffic rate is controlled by application developer from the details of the NOC lower
controlling the rate at which a subset of resources generate level architecture. It will provide application level
packets and by controlling the destination address of the communication, synchronization, memory management,
generated packets. The traffic generated for this study had a and resource management services.
mix of local and random traffic. We have carried out many Design tools, which map applications onto the NOC,
other similar experiments [17]. must eventually implement all communications between
These simulation studies have resulted in many resources by means of the three protocol layers provided by
interesting conclusions: For moderate traffic, a buffer size the network. This can be considered as a contract. If the
of 8 messages for each direction leads to almost zero drop applications comply with these protocols the network
probability. Message delay increases with buffer size as guarantees the communication services. Ideally we would
well as network load. Message delay is more sensitive to like to extend this contract also to performance issues, for
network load than to buffer size. If the network load instance with a contract where applications guarantee a
increases beyond 50% of network capacity, then it is maximum number of messages per time unit and the
impossible to avoid message drop even with large buffers. network guarantees a maximum transport delay of all
This study helps us to decide size of buffer in switches. messages. It is part of our future work to define the
It also emphasizes the need for good mapping of conditions under which such a contract is feasible.
applications to the NOC architecture so that the resulting
traffic is local to a small area of the NOC. This will reduce
network traffic.