Going To The Doctor
Going To The Doctor
Going To The Doctor
1a. Does your back hurt? Maybe you should see a chiropractor. 1b. Who do you see for your back?
a chiropractor__________________
2a. Do your teeth hurt? Make an appointment with a dentist. 2b. Who do you see for your teeth? _________________________
3a. Are you having a baby? Go see an obstetrician. 3b. Who do you see for your baby? ________________________
4a. Do you need an eye exam? Go to the ophthalmologist. 4b. Who do you see for your eyes? ________________________
5a. Are your children sick? Go see a pediatrician. 5b. Who do you see for your children? ________________________
6a. Do you have a problem with your feet? Go see a podiatrist. 6b. Who do you see for your feet? ________________________
1. chiropractor__________
2. _____________________
3. _____________________ 4. _____________________
5. _____________________
6. _____________________
one foot
one shoulder
one eye
two feet
two shoulders
two eyes
Directions: Practice saying each sentence. Write in the correct body part or parts by looking at each picture. 1. One foot ___ hurts. 2. Two ___________ hurt.
3. One
__________ hurts.
4. Two
__________ hurt.
5. One
__________ hurts.
6. Two
__________ hurt.
Directions: Make a sentence for each picture using my. My means mine. 7. My foot hurts.______________________________________.
My ______________________________________________.
My ______________________________________________.
10. My ______________________________________________.
Ophthalmologist: Whats the matter? Patient: I have ____________ache. (Tengo dolor de estmago) Podiatrist: Patient: What seems to be the problem? I have _________________. (Tengo dolor de espalda)
3. : ___________________ Patient:
4. : ___________________ Patient:
Conversation 1: A: Good Morning, Eastwood Medical Clinic. Can I help you? B: Yes, I would like to make an appointment. A: Can you tell me your name and phone number please? B: My name is Mary, my phone number is 495-30691155. A: What seems to be the problem Mary? Can you describe the symptoms? B: I feel hot, I think that I have a fever. A: How long have you had this problem? B: For three days. A: Have you seen a doctor about this problem before? B: No, I havent. A: Have you taken any medication for this problem? B: Only Aspirins. A: Can you make it to see Dr. Johnson on January 19th at 2:00 pm? B: I am busy that day. How about January the 20th, at two o clock? A: Yes, thats fine. B: Alright then, see you on January 20th at two o clock sharp.
Conversation 2: A: Good Afternoon, I am Dr. Johnson. What time did you say your appointment is for? B: 2:00 oclock. I'm sorry, I must be early. A: It's better to be early than late. Can you describe your symptoms to me? B: Yes, I feel achy, hot, I have a sore throat, a runny nose, and a cough. I think I have the flu. A: How long have you felt this way? B: For three days. A: Are you allergic to any medications? B: Not that I am aware of. A: You have the flu. I'm going to prescribe antibiotics. I want you to take these three times a day with food. B: Thank you. A: If you don't feel better in three days, call my office. B: Thank you very much, I'll be sure to do that.