sst309 Ila
sst309 Ila
sst309 Ila
GLCE Alignment
4-E1.03 Descri e ho! "ositi#e and negati#e incenti#es in$l%ence eha#ior in a mar&et economy. 4-E1.0' E("lain ho! com"etition among %yers res%lts in higher "rices and com"etition among sellers res%lts in lo!er "rices )e.g.* s%""ly*demand+.
,air -rade. )non-$iction+ Charlie and the Chocolate ,actory y /oald Dahl )$iction+
The Supply and Demand Song Tune: The Farmer in the Dell
1) Supply and Demand, Supply and Demand, Hi Ho the Market O! Supply and Demand. 2) If buyers demand more, If buyers demand more, Hi Ho the Market O! The price will go up. The price will go up. The price will go up. Hi Ho the Market O! The price will go up. 3) If buyers demand less, If buyers demand less, Hi Ho the Market O! The price will go down. The price will go down. The price will go down. Hi Ho the Market O! The price will go down. 4+ I$ sellers s%""ly more* I$ sellers s%""ly more* 3i 3o the 4ar&et 56 -he "rice !ill go do!n. -he "rice !ill go do!n* -he "rice !ill go do!n* 3i 3o the 4ar&et 56 -he "rice !ill go do!n. 7+ I$ sellers s%""ly less* I$ sellers s%""ly less* 3i 3o the 4ar&et 56 -he "rice !ill go %". -he "rice !ill go %". -he "rice !ill go %". 3i 3o the 4ar&et 56 -he "rice !ill go %". '+ -he "rice -he "rice 3i 3o the -he "rice
goes %" and do!n. goes %" and do!n. 4ar&et 56 goes %" and do!n.
htt"122!!!.st%dies!ee&ly.com2"% lications24ichiga
:ideo Cli"
htt"s122!!!.yo%t% e.com2!atch.#;<g3=30de(<4 Story o$ the h%la hoo" and ho! s%""ly and demand in$l%enced its "rice
Can go !ith a lesson a o%t s%""ly and demand. 3o! can this man sell lemonade $or ?@00 in the desert.
,olda le
St%dents can &ee" trac& o$ #oca and dra!ings !ith this #is%al
St%dents create "rod%cts %sing 0layDo%gh and m%st decide ho! m%ch to sell them $or %sing s%""ly and demand
Lesson Idea
AIn this lesson st%dents re#ie! the "rod%cti#e reso%rces %sed to "rod%ce goods and ser#ices* and they learn ho! decisions are made in a mar&et economy thro%gh the interactions o$ %yers and sellers.B
9e sites
htt"122" s&ids.org2rogers2
htt"122!!!.socialst%dies$or&ids.com2s% Eects2ec
5nline Games
S%""ly and Demand Interacti#e Charts and Games
htt"s122americanheritage. y%.ed%20ages2Game
Fingo Game
F%lletin Foard
4ono"oly themed oard Can e %sed $or #oca %lary or st%dents2teacher can de#elo" incenti#e "rogram $or the classroom
htt"s122americanheritage. y%.ed%20ages2GamesandActi#ities24ar&"( 4ister /ogersN <eigh orhood . )n.d.+. 4ister /ogersN <eigh orhood G 0FS KIDS. /etrie#ed ,e r%ary 1H* @014* $rom htt"122" s&ids.org2rogers2 4oser* 9. )@01@* A"ril @C+. ,ood Deserts and the 3ome Economic /e#i#al. Chicago maga8ine. /etrie#ed ,e r%ary 1H* @014* $rom htt"122!!!.chicagomag.com2Chicago-4aga8ine2-he-31@2A"ril-@01@2,ood-Deserts-and-the-3ome-Economics-/e#i#al2
0rod%cing 5hio1 5nline Acti#ities1 -he Changing 0rice o$ Corn. )n.d.+. 0rod%cing 5hio1 Creating 5%r Economy. /etrie#ed ,e r%ary 1H* @014* $rom htt"122!!!."rod%cingohio.org2action2corn2corn1.html
0rod%ctsD 0rices. )n.d.+. 4ichigan ,o%rth Grade. /etrie#ed ,e r%ary 1H* @014* $rom htt"122!!!.st%dies!ee&ly.com2"% lications24ichigan-,o%rth-Grade-Social-St%dies Co"y D 0aste G 0arenthetical
0ro"erty -a(es )0enn1 health ins%rance* closing* incomes+ - 0age 4 - City-Data ,or%m. )n.d.+. 0ro"erty -a(es )0enn1 health ins%rance* closing* incomes+ - 0age 4 - City-Data ,or%m. /etrie#ed ,e r%ary 1H* @014* $rom htt"122!!!.city-data.com2$or%m2"itts %rgh213744''-"ro"erty-ta(es-4.html Co"y D 0aste G 0arenthetical
-he S%""ly and Demand Song . )n.d.+. -he S%""ly and Demand Song G KidsEcon 0osters 9est La$ayette* I<. /etrie#ed ,e r%ary 1H* @014* $rom
0rod%ctsD 0rices. )n.d.+. 4ichigan ,o%rth Grade. /etrie#ed ,e r%ary 1H* @014* $rom htt"122!!!.st%dies!ee&ly.com2"% lications24ichigan-,o%rth-Grade-Social-St%dies
0ro"erty -a(es )0enn1 health ins%rance* closing* incomes+ - 0age 4 - City-Data ,or%m. )n.d.+. 0ro"erty -a(es )0enn1 health ins%rance* closing* incomes+ - 0age 4 - City-Data ,or%m. /etrie#ed ,e r%ary 1H* @014* $rom htt"122!!!.city-data.com2$or%m2"itts %rgh213744''-"ro"erty-ta(es-4.html
-he S%""ly and Demand Song . )n.d.+. -he S%""ly and Demand Song G KidsEcon 0osters 9est La$ayette* I<. /etrie#ed ,e r%ary 1H* @014* $rom htt"122!!!.&idsecon"osters.com2singalongs2the-s%""ly-and-demand-song2
-hin& Garden1Edi le Economics. )n.d.+. 0FS Learning4edia. /etrie#ed ,e r%ary 1H* @014* $rom htt"122!!!." slearningmedia.org2reso%rce2thn&gard.sci.ess.edecon2thin&-garden-edi le-economics2 -hose Golden Leans. )n.d.+. Economic lesson "lans* 0ersonal ,inance lesson "lans and reso%rces $or ed%cators* st%dents and a$terschool "ro#iders. /etrie#ed ,e r%ary 1H* @014* $rom htt"122!!!.econedlin&.org2lessons2inde(."h". lid;77CDty"e;ed%cator OCharlie and the Chocolate ,actory y /oald Dahl. )n.d.+. EconKids. /etrie#ed ,e r%ary 1H* @014* $rom htt"122econ&ids.r%tgers.ed%2incenti#es214'4-charlie-and-the-chocolate-$actoryC'