Report On Granite Industry

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Granite is one of the emerging industries of INDIA. According to estimates INDIA has over 297 billion tons of granite reserves and more than 100 types of colours and verities of granite are available in INDIA. This study is about Operations Planning and Control in a Granite Industry. Granite is a natural igneous rock composed of granular limestone or dolomite, which is crystallized by the influence of heat, pressure and aqueous solutions. This Metamorphic rock can be found in nature with different attractive colors and variegated varieties as well as quality. Cutting granite has got wide application in the building construction sector and can be processed in industries to produce various kinds of dimension stones. The products of dimension stone processing industries can be used for monuments, interiors decoration, statuary, table tops and novelties. But the principal application of granite is for exterior building works to provide a lasting endurance to walls.

This feasibility study aims at Understanding the Operations Concepts in a Granite Cutting and Polishing.

2.1. THE PRODUCT Granite is a product for decorating walls or interior space of buildings. It is now one of the most essential building materials for the decoration, durability and protection of the buildings.

Granite is igneous rock of visible crystalline formation and texture. It is composed of feldspar (usually potash feldspar and oligoclase) and quartz, with a small amount of mica (biotite or muscovite) and minor accessory minerals, such as zircon, apatite, magnetite, ilmenite, and sphene. Granite is usually whitish or gray with a speckled appearance caused by the darker crystals. Granite is mainly preferred for its use in the exterior applications including funeral trade.Variety of colours in Granite is traded in the world market with different price tags. High price is fetched for the rare colours including Jet-Black, Pearl Blue and Deep Green. These colours are found in South Africa, Brazil, Norway, India and INDIA. The specific gravity of Granite ranges from 2.63 to 3.30. Granite has greater strength than sandstone, limestone or Marble and is correspondingly more difficult to quarry. It is an important building stone, and its maximum usage is in the external flooring and facing followed by internal flooring. 2.2. MARKET POTENTIAL The international granite trade was valued at $2.5 billion in 2005, with production of about 19.6 million tons. Italy is the world leader in marble, granite, and stone sector, exporting over 38% of finished material and importing 18% of the world trade. INDIAs production is 1.3 m tons annually, with less than 10% exported (0.03% of world trade in 2002). China, which is physically near the major mining sites in INDIA, is the biggest importer of Raw & Finished marble slabs and tiles (nearly double that of USA) in the world.

2.3. OPPORTUNITY RATIONALE INDIA is bestowed with enormous mineral resources including Marble and Granite. Granite is used for both construction purposes and Handicrafts manufacturing, whereas, Onyx which is a semi- transparent and generally used by handicrafts manufacturing industry. Availability of high quality Granite reserves in INDIA in great quantities and the demand of its products in the export markets i.e. European Union countries, Central Asian countries etc. make this sector highly attractive. Foreign tourists are the main customers of the products made of marble and onyx and it has reached an all-time record Rs.763 million in 2004. Formalization of PASDEC (INDIA Stone Development Company) to for development Marble & Granite sector indicates governments interest in this secto r which is a positive and encouraging gesture for the investors in this industry.

2.4. NATURE OF WORK ON GRANITE 2.4.1. GRANITE OR SILICEOUS STONE Because of its uniform texture and hardness, Granite is preferred for external use. It is more durable as compared to Marble and is economical in maintenance. Granite does not need re-polishing once it is polished and fixed at the desired place, while Marble needs polishing every year or at least once in two years. The granular formation and compactness of Granite makes it non-porous and nonabsorbent hence more hygienic for the use in laboratories, kitchen, washrooms and other water exposed areas. Uniformity in texture gives better look to Granite and is thus convenient in its application at the desired place. Majority of the cities located closer to the sea, provide greater markets for Granite as it can withstand the weather effects (moisturizing) better than Marble. Usage of Granite in special work, mainly involved in the making and fabrication of sculptures, decoration items etc. is lower as compared to Marble. This is simply because Granite is a harder material to work on due to its compaction and silica contents.



3.1. WORLD GRANITE TRADE From a global view point the natural stone industry is growing rapidly. Since the beginning of the 1990s, production has risen annually by an average 7.3% and international trade has even increased by an average 8.7%. Worldwide natural stone extraction is meanwhile estimated at 150 million tons gross per year. Annual production after deduction of waste and cutting losses amounts to about 820 million square-meters referred to a slab thickness of 2 cm. The total production value is estimated at 40 billion US $. Technological changes in the last seventy years have increased the world production and consumption of dimensional stone. There are over 40 dimensional stone producing countries in the world. Amongst the 12 largest producing countries, 6 are in Europe and the same number in Asia and Africa. Dimensional stone processing is being done with different levels of technology in different countries but a few leading countries such as Italy, China, Spain, Japan, Taiwan, Portugal, Germany, France, USA, and Greece have developed highly efficient technology with good forward and backward linkages. India has also improved this sector considerably in the last two decades. Consumption on the other hand is more wide spread phenomena with over 50 countries of the world making use of dimensional stone in considerable quantities. Dimensional stones are produced in more than 42 countries of the world while 12 of these producers are dominant in the international market i.e. 6 European countries and 3 each from Asia and Africa. Technological advances in the last seventy years had increased the world production and consumption of dimensional stones to 150 million tons while, consumption came to about 8.8 billion square feet (820 million square meters), generating overall turnover of $40 billion2. The majority of world consumption comes from material that is quarried in different countries than those where it is eventually installed.

The leading producers -- China, India, Italy, Spain and Portugal account for 53% of world quarrying production. The driving force in the sector was international trade, which is just under 29.6 million tons and equal to about 4.8 billion square feet (450 million equivalent square meters) and has reached US$ 8.6 billions mark in 2004 with an annual average increase of 13% while China has shown the largest increase in its export value i.e almost 28% annually over 4 years. Italy, China and Spain are the major players in the international market and exported more than 55% of the dimensional ston es products (blocks and processed) by value. Other major exporters include Brazil, Spain, India, Turkey and Portugal. Major importers of Granite products (processed and unprocessed) are Italy, USA, Japan, Germany, Italy and China and more than 60% of the products are directed toward these countries.

3.2. INDIA DIMENSIONAL STONE INDUSTRY Granite is included in the list of largest minerals extracted among coal, chromites, rock salt, lime stone, china clay, dolomite, fire clay, gypsum, silica sand etc. Since 1990 mining & quarrying as consistently contributed 0.5 percent to the Gross Domestic Product. Production of Granite has grown substantially in the last twenty five years with total standing at about 5 million tons in 2003. It has been accompanied with high quarry wastage ranging from 61-73% in addition to poor quality, mainly due to unwieldy blasting techniques.

Processing industry is using wide array of technological options for basic as well as finishing stage, all of vintage age. Due to technological imbalance, wastages are around 52% to 55%. Presently the processing industry relies upon local manufacturers of machinery and equipment with a very few calibrated and high efficiency machines from reputable international suppliers. The Granite Processing industry is closely related to the development of building materials, the modernization and vitalization of which leads to the progress of the tile industry. It shows a trend towards increasing use in modern architecture.

3.6. Prime location for Granite Quarrying


Granite is a common type of hardest affordable natural stone. Although available in a wide variety of colors it is usually white. Its massive, hard and tough nature makes a wide spread use as construction stone. Its application includes floor, tiles, bathrooms, gardens, steps and many more. The extensive usage of granite as a dimension stone as well as flooring and tiles for public and commercial buildings and monuments constitute the top demand sectors of the granite market. Recently, application of natural stone in the rapidly developing urban areas has increased. Supply of granite is met mainly from the domestic producers. Although the expanding building and construction sector has given rise to granite cutting opportunities and it is a well known fact that more granite is produced, official

statistics is not available. Failing to assess the demand for granite based on the supply, end use approach is applied. The demand for granite primarily is concerned with the construction sector. According to a study conducted on Problems and Prospects of Housing Development in Ethiopia with particular emphasis on the city of Addis Ababa, the annual new dwelling units required is 29,272. Assuming a minimum average consumption of 5.5m granite per housing unit, the current effective demand for granite at Addis Ababa is estimated to be 153,678m . Further assuming this volume to cover 80% of the national consumption of granite, the current effective demand for granite is estimated at 192,098m .
2 2 2

2. Projected Demand The rapid development of urban areas, high-rise buildings, housing complexes, malls, governmental and non governmental buildings make use of granite for both their interiors and exteriors. Once limited to the wealthy, granite has now become a part of the common peoples use because of the supply of granite from the new granite industries.

The demand for granite is directly related with the growth in the construction sector which in turn depends on the overall economic development of the country. Therefore, demand is projected at the annual GDP growth rate achieved in 2004/5 or 8.7%. Projected demand is presented in Table 3.1. Table 3.1 PROJECTED DEMAND FOR GRANITE Year 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017


Demand (M ) 208,811 226,977 246,724 268,189 291,521 316,884 344,453 374,420 406,995 442,404


This is the Company which we have visited as a part of our Field study.Their we got know about the Process of Granite Cutting and Polishing. In the process of study, we collected some information about their Work Flow and some other relevant data.

1. Procurement of Granite Stones :

They get the granite stones from the nearby quaries .They get the raw materials depending on the demand from customers. Usually they unload the stones using cranes. Cost of the stone ranges from Rs12000 to Rs 28000 per cubic meter. Cost varies depending on the color. Usually Pure Black Stone is most when compared to other color. For loading the stones from quaries into vehicles they charge Rs.75-Rs.150 per sq.ft

2. Process:
The process actually begins with marking the dimensions by the marker. Marker sets the dimensions in the machine which is used for cutting the Granite stone.Usually Marker charges Rs.500 per Cu.m. The machines which are bought from Germany are used here for cutting Process.After cutting the Granite stones they are sent for polishing.


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