ME9203 Kinematics of Machines Syllabus

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ME9203 KINEMATICS OF MACHINES 1. BASICS OF MECHANISMS Classification of mechanisms Basic kinematic concepts and definitions Degree of freedom, Mobility Kutzbach criterion, Grueblers criterion Grashofs Law Kinematic inversions of four-bar chain and slider crank chains Limit positions Mechanical advantage Transmission Angle Description of some common mechanisms Quick return mechanisms, Straight line generators, Dwell mechanisms, Ratchets and Escapements, Universal Joint Basic structures of Robot Manipulators (serial & parallel) Design of quick return crank-rocker mechanisms. 2. KINEMATICS OF LINKAGE MECHANISMS: Displacement, velocity and acceleration analysis of simple mechanisms Graphical method Velocity and acceleration polygons Velocity analysis using instantaneous centres Kinematic analysis by complex algebra methods Vector approach Computer applications in the kinematic analysis of simple mechanisms Coincident points Coriolis component of Acceleration. 3. KINEMATICS OF CAM MECHANISMS Classification of cams and followers Terminology and definitions Displacement diagrams Uniform velocity, parabolic, simple harmonic, cycloidal and polynomial motions Derivatives of follower motions Layout of plate cam profiles Specified contour cams Circular arc and tangent cams Pressure angle and undercutting sizing of cams. 4. GEARS AND GEAR TRAINS Law of toothed gearing Involutes and cycloidal tooth profiles Spur Gear terminology and definitions Gear tooth action contact ratio Interference and undercutting Non-standard gear teeth Helical, Bevel, Worm, Rack and Pinion gears [Basics only] Gear trains Speed ratio, train value Parallel axis gear trains Epicyclic Gear Trains Differentials Automobile gear box. 5. FRICTION Surface contacts Sliding and Rolling friction Friction drives Friction in screw threads Bearings and lubrication Friction clutches Belt and rope drives Friction aspects in brakes Friction in vehicle propulsion and braking. TEXT BOOK 1. Ambekar A.G, Mechanism and Machine Theory Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi, 2007. 2. Shigley J.E. ,Pennock G.R.and Uicker.J.J., Theory of Machines and Mechanisms, Oxford University Press,2003. REFERENCE 1. Thomas Bevan, Theory of Machines, CBS Publishers and Distributors, 1984. 2. Ghosh.A, and A.K.Mallick, Theory of Mechanisms and Machines, Affiliated East -West Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 1988. 3. Rao.J.S. and Dukkipati.R.V. Mechanisms and Machine Theory, Wiley- Eastern Ltd., New Delhi, 1992. 4. John Hannah and Stephens R.C., Mechanics of Machines, Viva Low-Prices Student Edition, 1999. 5. V.Ramamurthi, Mechanics of Machines, Narosa Publishing House, 2002. 6. Robert L.Norton, Design of Machinery, McGraw-Hill, 2004.

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