MME206: Kinematics and Dynamics: Mechanism and Machine Theorys, Prentice Hall, 2013
MME206: Kinematics and Dynamics: Mechanism and Machine Theorys, Prentice Hall, 2013
MME206: Kinematics and Dynamics: Mechanism and Machine Theorys, Prentice Hall, 2013
Text Books:
[1]Wilson, CE, Sadler, JP,Kinematics and Dynamics of Machinery,,Prentice Hall Publication,
3rd Edition, 2001
[2]Uicker J J Jr., Pennock G R, Shigley J E , Theory of Machines and Mechanisms, 8/eMc
Oxford Press, 3rd Edition, 2013
[3]Norton R L,Kinematics and Dynamics of Machinery, McGraw Hill, 1st Edition,1995
Reference books:
[1] Ambekar, A G, Mechanism and Machine Theorys, Prentice Hall, 2013
[2] Singh Sadhu, Theory of Machines, Pearson Education, 2007
Course Outcomes(COs):(Program Outcomes can be obtained from the HOD and is unique for
every programme(eg. B.Tech in ECE))
The Outcomes of this Course are Student will be Correlates to Program outcomes
Acquire the knowledge ofdegree of freedom, joints, pairs and
couplings of machinery components of system.
Able to analyzethe relative velocities and accelerations of
various links of different mechanisms such four bar, crank-
rocker, quick return, mechanisms through graphical and
analytical methods.
Acquire knowledge of static and dynamic forces acting on
the different link of machineries. Able to understand the
gyroscopic forces and principles of governor, vibrations in
engineering application.
Acquire the knowledge to deal with Kinematic Analysis of
Spatial Mechanisms.
Able to perform the analysis ondifferent types of gears and
their characteristics.
Able to analyze the kinematics of Cams and Followers
Department of Mechanical Mechatronics Engineering The LNM IIT, Jaipur
Course Topics:
Total 40 40