MME206: Kinematics and Dynamics: Mechanism and Machine Theorys, Prentice Hall, 2013

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Department of Mechanical Mechatronics Engineering The LNM IIT, Jaipur

MME206: Kinematics and Dynamics

Programme: B. Tech Year : Second Semester : Second

Course :Core Credits :4 Hours : 40

Course Overview and Context:

The course objective is to highlight the fundamental concepts in Engineering Mechanics and
their applications for the determination of the motion and interaction of machine elements as
well as forces acting on machines and mechanisms. Specific applications will be made to
mechanisms such as rotating machinery, cams, gears, and flywheels. The final objectives will
be able to synthesize mechanisms and machine elements for specified performance, and then
analyze the given mechanism for position, velocity, accelerations, static loads, and dynamic

Prerequisites Courses:Engineering Mechanics.

Text Books:
[1]Wilson, CE, Sadler, JP,Kinematics and Dynamics of Machinery,,Prentice Hall Publication,
3rd Edition, 2001
[2]Uicker J J Jr., Pennock G R, Shigley J E , Theory of Machines and Mechanisms, 8/eMc
Oxford Press, 3rd Edition, 2013
[3]Norton R L,Kinematics and Dynamics of Machinery, McGraw Hill, 1st Edition,1995

Reference books:
[1] Ambekar, A G, Mechanism and Machine Theorys, Prentice Hall, 2013
[2] Singh Sadhu, Theory of Machines, Pearson Education, 2007

Course Outcomes(COs):(Program Outcomes can be obtained from the HOD and is unique for
every programme(eg. B.Tech in ECE))
The Outcomes of this Course are Student will be Correlates to Program outcomes
Acquire the knowledge ofdegree of freedom, joints, pairs and
couplings of machinery components of system.
Able to analyzethe relative velocities and accelerations of
various links of different mechanisms such four bar, crank-
rocker, quick return, mechanisms through graphical and
analytical methods.
Acquire knowledge of static and dynamic forces acting on
the different link of machineries. Able to understand the
gyroscopic forces and principles of governor, vibrations in
engineering application.
Acquire the knowledge to deal with Kinematic Analysis of
Spatial Mechanisms.
Able to perform the analysis ondifferent types of gears and
their characteristics.
Able to analyze the kinematics of Cams and Followers
Department of Mechanical Mechatronics Engineering The LNM IIT, Jaipur

Course Topics:

Kinematics and Dynamics

S. Hour
No. Topics s
The Components of Mechanism:
Review of classical mechanics, Joints, Pairs and Couplings, Mobility,
Grashof’s Law
1 3 3
Linkage Design:
Four-Bar Mechanism and Crank-Rocker Mechanism, Drag-Link Mechanics,
Designing for prescribed Velocity or Torque
2 7 7
Dynamics of Planar Systems:
Static Force Analysis, Planar Dynamic Force Analysis, Methods of Linkage
Force Analysis, Force Calculations for Flywheel, Gyroscopic Forces,
Dynamic Modeling and Analysis Techniques Velocity and Acceleration
Diagrams, Instantaneous Centre of Velocity, Rubbing Velocity, Velocity and
Acceleration Images, Corioli’s component of acceleration. Working principle
3 of governor. Introduction to vibration 12 12
Spatial Mechanisms:
Mobility, Describing Spatial Motions, Kinematic Analysis of Spatial
4 6 6
Gears and Gear Trains:
Terminology, Law of Gearing, Characteristics of involute and cycloidal
action, Interference and undercutting, Centre distance variation, Minimum
number of teeth, Contact ratio, Spur, Helical, Spiral bevel and Worm gears,
Problems. Gear Trains: Synthesis of simple, compound and reverted gear
trains, Analysis of Epicyclic gear trains
5 6 6
Cams and Followers:
Introduction, Classification of Cams and Followers, nomenclature,
Displacement diagrams of follower motion, Kinematic coefficients of
follower motion. Synthesis and analysis: Determination of basic dimensions
and synthesis of cam profiles using graphical methods, cams with specified
6 contours 6 6

Total 40 40

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