Daily Lesson Plan Year 4

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DAILY LESSON PLAN YEAR 4 WEEK 1 Focused Skills Date Time Class Number of Pupils Proficiency Level Theme

Topic Content Standard Listening and Speaking 9th April 2014 9.00 10.00 am 4 Jaguh 19 Intermediate World of Knowledge Insects Investigator The Life Cycle of a Ladybug 1.1 By the end of the 6-year primary schooling, pupils will be able to pronounce words and speak confidently with the correct stress, rhythm and intonation. 1.1.1 Learning Standard : 1.1.2 Able to speak with correct word stress. Able to talk about related topics with guidance.

1.3.1 Able to listen to and demonstrate understanding of oral texts by: (a) asking and answering questions

By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to: i. Objectives ii. Match five words with its meaning and pronounce the words individually Complete the puzzle on the life cycle of a ladybug and talk in front of the class based on their puzzle. iii. Answer eight simple true or false questions based on the video entitled The Life Cycle of a Ladybug individually.

Teaching Aids

Short video clip entitled Ladybug, Ladybug Song, Word cards and phrase cards, video entitled The Life Cycle of a Ladybug, puzzle on the Life Cycle of a Ladybug, worksheet 1.


Study Skills

Educational Emphases:

MI: Visual Spatial, Interpersonal, Verbal Linguistic MV: Love towards insect OV: Joy of effort

Stage Set Induction ( 5 minutes)

Teaching and Learning Strategy / Activity 1. Teacher shows a short video clip entitled Ladybug, Ladybug Song. 2. Teacher and pupils sing the song in the video together. 3. Teacher asks a few questions based on the video clip. 4. Pupils respond to teachers questions. 5. Teacher links pupils responses to the topic to be learned.

Remark Teaching aid: Short video clip entitled Ladybug, Ladybug Song. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z6oLjM J2FMQ) 2 minutes, 46 second Lyrics: Ladybug, Ladybug Song Ladybug, ladybug, Landed on my thumb, Crawled on to my wrist, And crawled up to my elbow. Ladybug, ladybug, Crawled up my arm, And then she flew away! Ladybug, ladybug Landed on my toe Crawled on to my ankle And crawled up to my knee. Ladybug, ladybug, Crawled up to my leg, And then she flew away! Oh Ladybug! Oh Ladybug! Oh wont you be my friend? Oh ladybug, Oh Ladybug! Wont you come and visit me again? Wont you come and visit me again? Ladybug, ladybug, Landed on my head, Crawled on to my nose, And over to my ear.


Teaching and Learning Strategy / Activity

Remark Ladybug, ladybug, Crawled on my neck, And then she flew away! Oh Ladybug! Oh Ladybug! Oh wont you be my friend? Oh ladybug, Oh Ladybug! Wont you come and visit me again? Wont you come and visit me again?

Examples of the questions: 1. What is the name of the insect in the video? 2. What is the colour of the ladybug? 3. What was the ladybug doing in the video? 1. Teacher picks a few words from the video entitled The Life Cycle of a Ladybug. 2. Teacher shows each word using word card and pronounces it. 3. Pupils repeat after teacher. 4. Teacher explains the meaning of the words using respective pictures by showing it in a power point presentation.
clusters shed hatch

Development Stage 1 (15 minutes)

Teaching aid: Word cards and phrase cards:

species fade


Teaching and Learning Strategy / Activity


MI : Verbal linguistic

Stage 2 (20 minutes)

1. Teacher instructs the pupils to number themselves. 2. Teacher makes them into 4 groups and asks them to sit according to the group. 3. Teacher tells the pupils that they are going to watch to the video entitled The Life Cycle of a Ladybug. 4. Teacher tells pupils to watch and listen to the video carefully. 5. Teacher plays the video entitled The Life Cycle of a Ladybug. 6. After watching the video, teacher asks pupils two simple questions orally based on the audio text. 7. Teacher distributes the picture puzzle of the life cycle of lady bug. 8. Teacher asks the pupils to complete the puzzle in given time. 9. Teacher calls each group to paste their puzzles randomly on the board and talk about their puzzle in front of the class. 10. After that teacher asks any pupils to arrange the picture MV : Love towards insect OV : Joy of effort MI : Interpersonal Two oral questions: 1. What is the video about? 2. What are the stages of the life cycle of a ladybug? Teaching aid: Video entitled The Life Cycle of a Ladybug, picture puzzles, Worksheet 1

puzzle in a correct cycle. 11. Teacher distributes worksheet 1 containing eight true or false statements on The Life Cycle of a Ladybug. 12. Teacher asks the pupils to read the statements. 13. Teacher replays again the video entitled The Life Cycle of a Ladybug. 14. Pupils complete the worksheet individually. 15. Teacher discusses the answers with the pupils. Stage Teaching and Learning Strategy / Activity Remark TA : Pictures of life cycle of other insects MV : Love towards insects

Stage 3 (15 minutes)

1. Teacher asks the pupils to be remains in the same group. 2. Teacher distributes pictures of life cycle of other insects in an envelope to each group. 3. Pupils arrange the life cycle of insects by using the previous knowledge. 4. Teacher discusses the correct life cycle with pupils. 1. Teacher plays the short video clip entitled Ladybug, Ladybug Song again. 2. Teacher and pupils sing the song in the video together. 3. Teacher asks pupils what they have learned. 4. Teacher concludes the lesson of the day.

Closure ( 5 minutes)

Teaching aid: Video clip entitled Ladybug, Ladybug Song. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v= Z6oLjMJ2FMQ)

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