Tech Lesson Plan 1
Tech Lesson Plan 1
Tech Lesson Plan 1
3rd Grade
Language Arts
1.0 Written and Oral English Language Conventions
Students write and speak with a command of standard English conventions appropriate
to this grade level.
Sentence Structure
1.1 Understand and be able to use complete and correct declarative, interrogative,
imperative, and exclamatory sentences in writing and speaking.
1.2 Identify subjects and verbs that are in agreement and identify and use
pronouns, adjectives, compound words, and articles correctly in writing and
42 cards, each with a different subject and predicate
Student journals
Anticipatory Set:
Put sentence fragments on the smartboard. Ask students whats wrong or weird
about the sentences. (They are missing something)
Ask what we can add to each to make the sentences complete. (either subject or
Tell students sentences that have a part missing are called fragments.
State Objective: Tell students we will be learning about fragments and the parts that
make up a complete sentence so we always write complete sentences.
Subject= who or what the sentence is about (noun)
Predicate= what happens to the subject (verb)
Ask for volunteers to give (complete) sentences, write these on the
smartboard. Ask volunteers to break sentences into subject and predicate. Ask,
What makes each sentence complete?
To contrast, ask for volunteers to give examples of incomplete sentences.
Explain directions for matching activity (model with a sample card and give
another sample card to a volunteer).
Activity/Guided Practice: Each student gets one card with either a subject or
predicate written on it. Students try to find the card with the matching subject or
predicate that completes the sentence. When everyone has found his/her match, they
read their sentence in front of the class. This can be repeated with another set of cards if
time allows and students understand what to do.
More Info/Reinforcement:
After the activity, have all the students holding a subject come to one side of the
room, and all the predicates to the other side.
Ask, What do all of our subjects have in common? (They all tell who or what, or
the noun, the sentence is about) Ask the same for the predicates (they all tell
what happens to the subject/the verb).
Students complete double-sided worksheet.
One side: Connecting Subjects and Predicates
Other side: Writing Subjects and Predicates
Extension Activities
Gifted students receive a variation of the original worksheet with more
challenging sentences.
Students who finish early write their own sentences and then identify the two
parts in each.
If all students finish with more time to spare, go on to Connecting Words lesson.
o Connecting words: and, but, so
o Explain that sentences cannot begin with the connecting words and, but,
and so because these are meant to connect 2 sentence parts together.
o Other connecting words: then, because, also, again