Basic Striking Angles of Different Styles

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Basic Angles Strike of Different Styles

Modern Arnis Basic 12 Angles

1. Forehand Diagonal to collarbone 2. Backhand Diagonal to collarbone 3. Forehand Horizontal to ribs or elbow . Backhand Horizontal to ribs or elbow !. "hr#st to sto$ach %. &al$ #' "hr#st to chest (. &al$ down thr#st to chest ). Downward strike to to' of head *. +'ward diagonal fro$ right to left 1,. +'ward diagonal fro$ left to right 11. Downward strike to to' of head 12. +'ward "hr#st to throat

Doce &ares -skri$a .acoy .anetes 12 strikes

1. /#$'ida Downward to .rown 2. 0eft Abanico to 0eft "e$'le 3. /ight Abanico to /ight "e$'le . 0eft /#$'ida +'ward 1backhand2 to /ibs !. /ight /#$'ida +'ward 1forehand2 to /ibs %. 0eft &lancada 1backhand2 to 0eft -lbow3Hi's (. /ight &lancada 1forehand2 to /ight -lbow3Hi's ). 0eft /e4ersal .rosada 1backhand2 to 0eft 5nee *. /ight /e4ersal .rosada 1forehand2 to /ight 5nee 1,. 0eft S#ngkiti to the 0eft -ye 11. /ight S#ngkiti to the /ight -ye 12. S#ngkiti to Solar &le6#s 17a$ +'2

Doce &ares -skri$a

1. Diagonal forehand strike to left sho#lder 2. Diagonal backhand strike to right sho#lder 3. Horizontal forehand strike to left ribs . Horizontal backhand strike to right ribs !. &al$ down thr#st to sto$ach %. &al$ #' thr#st to sto$ach (. Diagonal forehand strike to left knee ). Diagonal backhand strike to right knee *. &al$ down thr#st to chest 1,. &al$ #' thr#st to chest 11. Downward strike to to' of head 12. Backhand strike 18itik2 to te$'le

&ekiti9"irsia 5ali Basic 12 Angles

1. Forehand Horizontal to ear 2. Backhand Horizontal to ear 3. Forehand Horizontal to ribs or elbow . Backhand Horizontal to ribs or elbow !. 0ow line thr#st to the groin or 'rostate gland %. Backhand Diagonal slash: left to right: sho#lder to toe (. Forehand Horizontal to knee ). Backhand thr#st to solar 'le6#s *. Forehand thr#st to heart 1,. "wo handed downward slash fro$ to' of head to either foot 11. "wo9handed gri' thr#st dri4ing ! degrees downward into the bridge of the nose 12. Single hand thr#st dri4ing ! degrees into the bridge of nose with si$#ltaneo#s 'al$ strike to groin with li4e hand.

San Mig#el -skri$a Mo$oy .anete

1. Diagonal forehand slash to neck or collarbone 2. Diagonal backhand slash to neck or collarbone 3. Horizontal forehand slash to waist: hi': or elbow . Horizontal backhand slash to waist: hi' or elbow !. "hr#st to lower right ;#adrant < 'al$ down %. "hr#st to lower left ;#adrant < 'al$ #' (. +'ward forehand diagonal slash to knee or hi' ). +'ward backhand diagonal slash to knee or hi' *. "hr#st to #''er right ;#adrant < 'al$ down 1,. "hr#st to #''er left ;#adrant < 'al$ #' 11. =ertical slash downward to crown of head 12. High 'al$9down thr#st to te$'le or eye

>ll#strisi$o ?#$bering Syste$

1. Downward diagonal fro$ right to left 2. Horizontal fro$ left to right 3. Horizontal fro$ right to left . Downward diagonal fro$ left to right !. Stab to $idsection th#$b #' %. +'ward diagonal fro$ left to right (. +'ward diagonal fro$ right to left ). Stab to sho#lder3neck th#$b #' *. Stab to sho#lder3neck th#$b down 1,. =ertical downward strike thro#gh to' of sk#ll 11. 0ow downward diagonal fro$ right to left 12. 0ow downward diagonal fro$ left to right

0a$eco -scri$a

1. left ear 1forehand2 2. right knee 1back hand2 3. left knee 1fh2 . right ear 1bh2 !. thr#st to sto$ach 1forhand 'al$ down2 %. right elbow 1bh2 (. left elbow 1fh2 ). thr#st solar 'le6#s 1bh 'al$ #'2 *. right collar bone 1bh2 1,. thr#st heart 1fh 'al$ down2 11. left collar bone 1fh2 12. crown of head 1fh2

8-D@ @cho "eros < -ight .o#nt

1. Forehand Diagonal to collarbone 2. Backhand Diagonal to collarbone 3. +'ward diagonal fro$ right to left . +'ward diagonal fro$ left to right !. "hr#st to sto$ach %. &al$ #' "hr#st to chest (. &al$ down thr#st to chest ). Downward strike to to' of head

.inco "eros < Fi4e .o#nts

Angle 19 ! degree strike to the #''er region Angle 29 0eft side ! degree strike to #''er region Angle 39 /ight side *, degree strike to $id region Angle 9 0eft side *, degree strike to $id region Angle !9 straight thr#st to $id section

BalintawakA there are 12 basic strikes and 12 f#ll 'ower strikes 1altho#gh the syste$ #ses $any other striking techni;#es.
Basic 12A "he strikes are deli4ered at first as '#nches. By first controlling3foc#sing on the hand the 'ractitioner can better control where the stick follows. "he Balintawak 'ractitioner foc#ses on hitting the target with his fist. 0ater the strikes can t#rn into flicking strikes #sing the ti' or strikes with the $iddle of the stick and e4en b#tt strikes #tilizing the '#nyo: b#t initially the strikes are foc#sed as a '#nch and control of the stick is the e$'hasis.

Ass#$ing the fighter is holding the stick with his right hand the strikes go as followsA.... 12 &#nch to the o''onents left Baw 9fro$ right side 22'#nch to the o''onents right Baw fro$ left side32 '#nch to the o''onents right ribs or elbow if the elbow co4ers the rib9fro$ left side 2 '#nch to the o''onents left rib3elbow9fro$ right side !2 'oke 1thr#st2 to the o''onents abdo$en9fro$ right side %2 thr#st to the

o''onents right sho#lder region9 fro$ left side(2 thr#st to the o''onents left sho#lder region9 fro$ right side )2 '#nch to o''onents left knee9fro$ right side *2 '#nch to o''onents right knee9fro$ left side 1,2 thr#st to o''onents right eye9fro$ left side 112 thr#st to o''onents left eye9fro$ right side 122straight '#nch to o''onents chin9fro$ right side. "he f#ll 'ower strikes of the syste$ follow a si$ilar $atri6 to the basic 12: e6ce't $ost of the strikes follow thro#gh fro$ the left to the right side of the 'ractitioner.

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