Basic Striking Angles of Different Styles
Basic Striking Angles of Different Styles
Basic Striking Angles of Different Styles
1. Forehand Horizontal to ear 2. Backhand Horizontal to ear 3. Forehand Horizontal to ribs or elbow . Backhand Horizontal to ribs or elbow !. 0ow line thr#st to the groin or 'rostate gland %. Backhand Diagonal slash: left to right: sho#lder to toe (. Forehand Horizontal to knee ). Backhand thr#st to solar 'le6#s *. Forehand thr#st to heart 1,. "wo handed downward slash fro$ to' of head to either foot 11. "wo9handed gri' thr#st dri4ing ! degrees downward into the bridge of the nose 12. Single hand thr#st dri4ing ! degrees into the bridge of nose with si$#ltaneo#s 'al$ strike to groin with li4e hand.
0a$eco -scri$a
1. left ear 1forehand2 2. right knee 1back hand2 3. left knee 1fh2 . right ear 1bh2 !. thr#st to sto$ach 1forhand 'al$ down2 %. right elbow 1bh2 (. left elbow 1fh2 ). thr#st solar 'le6#s 1bh 'al$ #'2 *. right collar bone 1bh2 1,. thr#st heart 1fh 'al$ down2 11. left collar bone 1fh2 12. crown of head 1fh2
BalintawakA there are 12 basic strikes and 12 f#ll 'ower strikes 1altho#gh the syste$ #ses $any other striking techni;#es.
Basic 12A "he strikes are deli4ered at first as '#nches. By first controlling3foc#sing on the hand the 'ractitioner can better control where the stick follows. "he Balintawak 'ractitioner foc#ses on hitting the target with his fist. 0ater the strikes can t#rn into flicking strikes #sing the ti' or strikes with the $iddle of the stick and e4en b#tt strikes #tilizing the '#nyo: b#t initially the strikes are foc#sed as a '#nch and control of the stick is the e$'hasis.
Ass#$ing the fighter is holding the stick with his right hand the strikes go as followsA.... 12 &#nch to the o''onents left Baw 9fro$ right side 22'#nch to the o''onents right Baw fro$ left side32 '#nch to the o''onents right ribs or elbow if the elbow co4ers the rib9fro$ left side 2 '#nch to the o''onents left rib3elbow9fro$ right side !2 'oke 1thr#st2 to the o''onents abdo$en9fro$ right side %2 thr#st to the
o''onents right sho#lder region9 fro$ left side(2 thr#st to the o''onents left sho#lder region9 fro$ right side )2 '#nch to o''onents left knee9fro$ right side *2 '#nch to o''onents right knee9fro$ left side 1,2 thr#st to o''onents right eye9fro$ left side 112 thr#st to o''onents left eye9fro$ right side 122straight '#nch to o''onents chin9fro$ right side. "he f#ll 'ower strikes of the syste$ follow a si$ilar $atri6 to the basic 12: e6ce't $ost of the strikes follow thro#gh fro$ the left to the right side of the 'ractitioner.