Delhi Metro Rail Corporation LTD.: Advt No.: DMRC / Om / HR / I / 2014

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Registration Slip

Registration Slip :: Page No. 2


(A JO INT VENTUR E O F GO VER NMENT O F INDIA AND GO VT O F DELHI) R e gistration Slip for Post Jr.Engineer/ Electronics (Please take the Printout in A-4 size Paper only) ADVT NO. : DMRC / OM / HR / I / 2014


Registration No : 4036834 Date of Birth: 12/12/1987 Gender: MALE Qualifying Exam/Disc. : Name : Father's/ Husband Name : Address :

Date: 07 Apr 2014

Category: GENERAL

Email ID: Ex-Serviceman: NO Degree - Electronics & Communication MAHENDRA PRATAP SINGH GAVAR POORAN SINGH GAVAR 251 NEW HOSPITAL ROAD , SHANKARANANDPURI IGLAS ,ALIGARH , UTTAR PRADESH - (202124 ) 1401041320515 010218043 , Dated/ Amount: 07/04/2014 / 400

Bank Ref. No.: Journal No. :

Please write the following declaration in your Own hand writing in running hand and not in Capital Letters in the space provided below: Declaration: I hereby declare that all the statements made by me in the application are true and complete to the best of my knowledge and belief and nothing has been concealed or suppressed. I also understand that in case, any of my statement is found untrue during any stage of recruitment or thereafter shall disqualify me for the post applied for and/or I shall be liable for any other action under the extant rules.

Copy the above declaration in your own hand writing here : ______________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________ Candidate's Signature : Date: Place: CARE TO BE TAKEN WHILE SUBMITTING HARD COPY OF THE FORM TO DMRC:
1. Candidates are advised to take 2 (two) print outs of the Registration slip (two pages). One copy to be retained by the candidate for future reference and one copy of registration slip (two pages) should be sent to DMRC. 2. Please Paste his/her recent passport size colored photograph (3.5 cm X 3.5 cm) at appropriate place. 3. Put your signature at the allocated place and put your left thumb impression on the relevant place allocated in the page no. 1 and page no. 2 of Registration slip. The thumb impression must be clear and complete. Ridges of the thumb impression must be clearly visible. 4. Please fill in the declaration given on the registration slip in your own handwriting. Handwriting should be in free flow and not in capital letters. 5. C andidates must ensure that the photograph must be in colour, not more than 3 months old from the date of the publication of this notification and it should be of good quality with fine print. Applications with mutilated or deformed photographs will summarily be rejected by DMRC . The other copy of the registration slip should be kept with the candidate for future reference. 6. Documents to be sent with the duly filled registration slip (two pages). a)Original copy of the payment challan meant for DMRC . b)C andidates belonging to SC /ST categories must attach an attested copy of their SC /ST certificates with the registration slip. OBC candidates (central list) are also required to attach the attested copy of their certificate. Please arrange all documents as per sequence given in page no. 1. 7. The candidate has to ensure that they meet all eligibility conditions desired for the post as notified in the Advertisement failing which his/her candidature will be summarily rejected at any stage of verification & Scrutiny of Application during the selection process. 8. Please send one copy of Registration Slip (two pages) duly completed as explained above so as to reach the address given here under latest by 22.04.2014, positively via Ordinary Post. DMRC LIMITED, POST BAG No. 9, LODHI ROAD POST OFFICE NEW DELHI- 110003 In case of non receipt of hard copy of application along with requisite documents, Your candidature will be summurily rejected. 9. The envelope should be properly sealed and super scribed with UR/OBC /SC /ST/Ex-Servicemen (as the case may be). a) Name of the post & post code. and b) C ategory


UR/OBC /SC /ST/Ex-Servicemen (as the case may be).

Registration Slip

Page No. 2



Registration Slip

Registration Slip :: Page No. 1

Registration No : Applied Post : Date of Birth : Name : Father's/Husband Name : 4036834 Jr.Engineer/ Electronics - 04 12/12/1987 MAHENDRA PRATAP SINGH GAVAR POORAN SINGH GAVAR



Left Thumb Impression

Photo Note: This Page is for official use only. You should paste your recent passport size photograph as in registration slip, your thumb impression and sign in the above box. You have to send this duly completed page alongwith the registration slip page no. 2. Arrange your all documents in following sequence:
1. 2. 3. 4. Page No. 1 Page No. 2 DMRC C hallan C opy C ertificate(s)

Important: 1. One envelop should carry only one application. 2. Please take extra care while filling the registration slip in terms of Photo/Signature/ Thumb Impression/ Declaration (where a tick mark is mentioned) and ensure it before sending this Registration slip to us.

Page No. 1


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