Tripura Public Service Commission: Akhaura Road, Agartala - 799001. Application Form For Recruitment
Tripura Public Service Commission: Akhaura Road, Agartala - 799001. Application Form For Recruitment
Tripura Public Service Commission: Akhaura Road, Agartala - 799001. Application Form For Recruitment
Post/ Services Applied for .... ( Advt. No./.................. Item No. 1. Name of the Applicant : ____________________________________________________
( In capital letters ) Affix stamp size recent photograph with full signature thereon of the candidate
3. (a) Nationality________________________,(b) State belongs to___________________ 4. (a) Sex ( Male/Female) :_______________,(b) Mother tongue____________________ 5. Category (ST/SC/Others) : ______________Sub Tribe/ Caste __________________ 6. Whether SC/ST/Others Certificate issued by the competent authority of Govt. of Tripura Yes/No. 7. Whether Physically Handicapped: 8.Whether BPL Family Card Holder: 9.Whether currently employed in Govt. Deptt./PSU/Autonomous Body : a. b. If Yes, whether NOC enclosed: Applied through proper channel: Yes/No. Yes/No. Yes/No. Yes/No. Yes/No.
10.If Ex-serviceman , period of war service :_________________ 11.Fee paid Rs.: (Rupees ..)only (b) Fee : ________________ 12.Reason if claimed relaxation on (a) Age : ________________
Affix the Receipt of recruitment fee deposited to the A/C. No. 14711 of Tripura Gramin Bank, Agartala Branch payable through any of branch of Tripura Gramin Bank located at different places,for the applicants inside State. In cases of applicants from out side State, enclose the Demand Draft of any Nationalised Bank payable at Agartala in favour of the Secretary, TPSC and mention : D.D.No.. Dated. Issuing Bank Branch.
13.(a) Fathers Name:______________________________,(b) Mothers Name___________________________ 14.Husbands Name (In case of married women) : ________________________________________________ 15. Postal Address ( in capital letters): ____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________Pin_____________ Phone No_______________ 16. Permanent Address( in capital letters): ________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________Pin_____________ Phone No_______________ 17.Whether possess prescribed minimum qualifications & experiences as per advertisement : (a) Educational Qualification Yes/ No (b) Experience Yes/ No (c) In case of T.C.S./T.P.S./T.F.S./T.E.S. Examination, no of times indicating year(s) appeared in the said examination ( for UR candidates only ) :- . 18. Choice of Centre
( if other centers are notified : besides Agartala )
For Office Use Only Receipt Regd. No. Allotted Roll No Full Signature of the applicant ____________________________________
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19. Academic qualifications & desirable qualifications( if any) from Madhyamik onwards as on the closing date of submission of application: Sl No Examinations Passed Year of passing University/ Board Division % of marks
20. Nature & period of experience(s) possessed on full time employment after acquiring minimum qualification: ______________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ 21. Any other additional information like to mention in support of suitability for the post. :___________________________________________________________________________________________ 22. Proficiency in different languages :
( Yes/ No)
23. In case of Scheduled Examination ,where necessary to mention as per advertisement:(a) Physical measurement for the post :- Height _______________ cm, Weight_______________kg. Chest normal________cm, Chest expanded _______cm. (b) Any claim on relaxation in height : Yes/ No , if yes, reason:___________________________
24.(a) Name of optional papers/subjects :- 1._______________________________ 2.________________________________ 3.________________________________ (b) Whether opted for Bengali composition & translation Or Alternative English :-___________________________________ 25. Have you ever been debarred/disqualified by the U.P.S.C/ State P.S.Cs from appearing at its examination/selection. :-_______________________________ If yes, give details. I hereby declare that statements made and information furnished as above are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Place:Date:Full Signature of the Applicant ___________________________________ Enclo:-Self attested photocopies of the documents in respect of Sl No.2,3,5,7,8,9,10,19,20 & 21. N.B. 1) Attach extra sheet wherever necessary .
2) Strike out which is not applicable . Page-2 of 4
Name of the Examination/Screening Test : ______________________________________ Name of the candidate :_________________________________________________________
(block letters)
( block letters)
Affix stamp size recent photograph with full signature thereon of the candidate
2.________________________________ 3.________________________________ Whether Bengali Composition & Translation OR Alternative English :(When asked for) _________________________________
Date .
NB:1) 2) 3) 4)
Controller of Examinations.
The candidate is to bring and use HB category WOOD PENCIL for furnishing answers on supplied OMR sheets for preliminary exam. / screening test to be conducted under Multiple Choice Question system. This Admit card is provisional and do not confer any right against rejection of his/her candidature at any subsequent stage on detection of wrong / incorrect information towards eligibility. No TA/DA will be paid by the Commission for appearing at the Examination/ Screening Test. Instructions to the candidates appearing for the written examination/ Screening Test, any violation of which may lead to disciplinary action :
a) Not to carry Mobile phones/ electronic gadgets/ programmable calculator etc. in the examination campus. b) Not to enter in the Exam. Hall after 15 minutes from commencement and no books/ papers except Admit card will be allowed in the Examination Hall . c) Not to write anything in the Admit Card / Question paper . d) Not to adopt any unfair means or attempt to indulge in any disorderly or improper conduct in the Examination Hall e) Not to leave the Examination hall for toilet before completion of 1st one hour and during the last (half) an hour of the examination. f) Not to carry Examination materials to the toilet and slip away from toilet . g) Not to leave the examination hall till the examination is over & answer scripts are collected.
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2. a)
b) c) d) e) f) g)
h) i) j)
3. 4.
It is to be ensured that all the columns of the application form have been properly filled up and photocopies of all the documents as required have been attached . Any application incomplete in any form or defective or containing statements which are incorrect or false or if there is any suppression of facts, is liable to be summarily rejected. If such discrepancies detected even at the subsequent stage, it is also liable to be rejected . No correspondence or queries from applicants will be entertained. 6. No TA/DA will be paid by the Commission for appearing at the Written examination/Screening Test or Interview 7. The benefit of reservation of vacancy and upper age concession as admissible are applicable only to SC/ST candidates approved by the Govt. of Tripura as per Rule for the time being in force. SC/ST candidates of other states may apply for unreserved vacancy as general candidates. 8 The prescribed essential qualifications are minimum and mere possession of the same does not confer any right to the candidates to be called for interview except in case of scheduled Examination(s). Where the number of applications received in response to the advertisement is large and it will not be convenient or possible for the Commission to interview all those candidates, the Commission may restrict the number of candidates for interview to a reasonable limit on the basis of qualifications and experience higher than the minimum prescribed in the advertisement or by holding a Screening Test. 9. The number of vacancies is subject to increase or decrease as per requisition / Govt. decision. 10. Canvassing in any form at any stage will disqualify a candidate. N.B:- For detailed instructions to the candidates relating to examination may please visit the website. *********.
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