Edexcel GCE: 6671 Pure Mathematics P1 (New Syllabus) Advanced/Advanced Subsidiary
Edexcel GCE: 6671 Pure Mathematics P1 (New Syllabus) Advanced/Advanced Subsidiary
Edexcel GCE: 6671 Pure Mathematics P1 (New Syllabus) Advanced/Advanced Subsidiary
Edexcel GCE
Pure Mathematics P1 (New Syllabus) Adva ced!Adva ced Subsidiary
"hursday 11 #a uary $%%1 M&r i ' "ime( 1 h&ur )% mi utes
Materials re*uired +&r exami ati& Answer Book (ABO4) Graph Paper (GPO2) Mathematical Formulae ,tems i cluded with *uesti& -a-ers Nil
Ca didates may & ly use & e &+ the +&ll&wi ' calculat&rs( Casi& +x./)0A &r +x./10A "exas , strume ts ",.)%s &r ",.)% ec&2S "exet Albert Shar- E3.1)1 (irres-ective &+ +&ll&wi ' letters) e4'4 E3.1)1G56 E3.1)135
, structi& s t& Ca didates n the !o"es on the answer !ook# write the name of the e"aminin$ !o%& ('%e"cel)# &our centre num!er# can%i%ate num!er# the unit title (Pure Mathematics P()# the paper reference ())*()# &our surname# initials an% si$nature+ ,hen a calculator is use%# the answer shoul% !e $i-en to an appropriate %e$ree of accurac&+ , +&rmati& +&r Ca didates A !ooklet .Mathematical Formulae an% /tatistical 0a!les1 is pro-i%e%+ Full marks ma& !e o!taine% for answers to A22 3uestions+ 0his paper has 4 3uestions+ Pa$es )# * an% 4 are !lank+ Advice t& Ca didates 5ou must ensure that &our answers to parts of 3uestions are clearl& la!elle%+ 5ou must show sufficient workin$ to make &our metho%s clear to the '"aminer+ Answers without workin$ ma& $ain no cre%it+
Printer1s s 2o$ No
0his pu!lication ma& onl& !e repro%uce% in accor%ance with '%e"cel cop&ri$ht polic&+ '%e"cel Foun%ation is a re$istere% charit&+ 8277( '%e"cel
Gi-en that (2 9 *)(4 *) : a 7 b*, where a an% b are inte$ers# (a) fin% the -alue of a an% the -alue of b. Gi-en that
2+ * 4+ *
($ mar8s)
(a) Pro-e# !& completin$ the s3uare# that the roots of the e3uation x2 9 2kx 9 c : 7# where k an% c are constants# are k (k2 c)+ (9 mar8s) 0he e3uation x2 9 2kx 94( : 7 has e3ual roots+ (b) Fin% the possi!le -alues of k. ($ mar8s)
Fin% all -alues of in the inter-al 7 ; <)7 for which (a) cos ( 7 *=) : 7+=, (b) sin 2 : 7+*# $i-in$ &our answers to one %ecima( place+ () mar8s) (1 mar8s)
R A B y:$ x y : 1 + $x x$
Fi$+ (
Fi$ure ( shows the cur-e with e3uation y : = + 2x x2 an% the line with e3uation y : 2+ 0he cur-e an% the line intersect at the points A an% B. (a) Fin% the ">coor%inates of A an% B. 0he sha%e% re$ion R is !oun%e% !& the cur-e an% the line+ (b) Fin% the area of R. (6 mar8s) () mar8s)
0he thir% an% fourth terms of a $eometric series are )+4 an% =+(2 respecti-el&+ Fin% (a) the common ratio of the series# (b) the first term of the series# (c) the sum to infinit& of the series+ ($ mar8s) ($ mar8s) ($ mar8s)
(d) ?alculate the %ifference !etween the sum to infinit& of the series an% the sum of the first 2= terms of the series+ (9 mar8s)
Fi$+ 2
0he points A (<# 7) an% B (7# 4) are two -ertices of the rectan$le ABCD, as shown in Fi$+ 2+ (a) ,rite %own the $ra%ient of AB an% hence the $ra%ient of BC. 0he point C has coor%inates (4# k)# where k is a positi-e constant+ (b) Fin% the len$th of BC in terms of k. Gi-en that the len$th of BC is (7 an% usin$ &our answer to part (b)# (c) fin% the -alue of k, (d) fin% the coor%inates of D. (9 mar8s) ($ mar8s) ($ mar8s) () mar8s)
74 A
P 1 cm Q
; cm
A circle# centre A an% ra%ius < cm# intersects AB an% AC at P an% Q respecti-el&# as shown in Fi$+ <+ (a) /how that# to < %ecimal places# BAC : (+=74 ra%ians+ ?alculate# (b) the area# in cm2# of the sector APQ# (c) the area# in cm2# of the sha%e% re$ion BPQC# (d) the perimeter# in cm# of the sha%e% re$ion BPQC. ($ mar8s) () mar8s) (9 mar8s) () mar8s)
x $x Fi$+ 4 A manufacturer pro%uces cartons for fruit @uice+ 'ach carton is in the shape of a close% cu!oi% with !ase %imensions 2" cm !& " cm an% hei$ht h cm# as shown in Fi$+ 4+ Gi-en that the capacit& of a carton has to !e (7<7 cm<# (a) e"press h in terms of x# (b) show that the surface area# A cm2# of a carton is $i-en !&
A = 4x 2 + <767 x
($ mar8s)
() mar8s)
0he manufacturer nee%s to minimise the surface area of a carton+ (c) Ase calculus to fin% the -alue of " for which A is a minimum+ (d) ?alculate the minimum -alue of A. (e) Pro-e that this -alue of A is a minimum+ (1 mar8s) ($ mar8s) ($ mar8s)