Strength Program

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Dear Football Player: The Power Football Program has established a new level of excellence. We are stepping into uncharted territory and we as a team must improve every aspect of the game in order to have success at this level and to become a dominant force in our style of play. We must wor! harder than ever to !eep getting better. From the time this program begins you will obtain new lifting goals by the end of the program. While most collegiate programs are based on maintenance ours will be based on "#$%$%"& What will follow are many important steps you need to ta!e to be successful. The power football strength program is designed to get you stronger bigger faster and more flexible. 'ach wor!out is important to your success. The program is designed to improve you as a football player not a weigh(lifter or bodybuilder. )emember your dream is to be a dominant player. To claim our turf you must push your limits in the weight room so we can push our opponents around on the "ridiron.
Power Football Strength *oordinator

Coach C

Strength + *onditioning
#ll Players will wear their school football grays or school attire during designated football lifting hours& %o other school attire will be allowed during this time. %o street clothes or boots. $f you do more then what you are as!ed in your program you run the ris! of %,T gaining. -ou are #.. football players / So if you are a 012 pound linebac!er or a 322 pound lineman "'T $%T, the weight room. -ou should be training your butt off to get bigger and stronger. #.. other players across the nation are lifting running and securing high goals for next season all ready. So should you. ,r you will be pushed around. $ don4t li!e to be pushed. Do you5 *lean(up and strip weights During lifting times all above rules will be in effect. The door will be closed and unless $ am notified by you personally and you miss a form of punishment will be enforced. $f the passion to perform better in football is not in you then $ will enforce a punishment to get you in the weight room. #.. W,)6,7TS 87ST 9' S$"%'D 9- 8' ,) #% #SS$ST#%T *,#*: at the end of each wor!out. $f you are in;ured you are not exempt from doing this program. $f you cannot wal! you will train your upper body / $f you cannot use your upper body then you will train your legs twice a wee!. $ will not help those who do not help themselves. $s that clear enough for you&

0. With WEIGHTLIFTING / always STRETCH before + after each wor!out. 7se the flexibility stretches at the end of the weightlifting section. WARM-UP: <Perform warm(up drill listed below before weight training. 0. =ump )ope > min.

0. ALL Varsity will wor! out ?@A D#-S P') W''6 / 8onday Tuesday Thursday and Friday. #lways stretch before and after each wor!out. 3. #ll wor!outs should be pursued with a high level of $%T'%S$T-. B. This training program is bro!en down into a very simple percentage and rep scheme. @. This is the last and most important step. ,nly do the recommended number of repetitions that are indicated on your wor!out chart. Determine your strength level or ?0 rep maxA for the recommended exercises.
"o to percentage chart ?located in bac! of manualA find your strength levels in the left column then locate at top the percentage that matches your wor!out.

Flexibility is a !ey component in avoiding in;ury by increasing the ;oints range of motion. $t is also a factor in increasing strength and speed. There are two types of stretching ballistic and static. 9allistic stretching involves stretching exercises that reCuire movement usually some sort of bouncing. These tend to be better suited for warming up rather than increasing flexibility. $n order to increase long(term flexibility static type stretching is reCuired. Static stretches should be held for a period of 32(@>seconds. -ou should attempt to stretch as far as possible without any pain. Do not force stretches or have a partner push you through your stretches this can result in in;ury. -our stretching should be done systematically similar to your approach to any type of training. Produce goals for your flexibility and wor! toward that goal in every stretch session. For example you may want to place your palms on the floor when doing a standing toe touch stretch. Wee! by wee! wor! towards the above by putting your palms on your shoes and progressing downward. For your stretching program to be successful you must wor! at it. ,nly stretch when your muscles are warm the best time for this is after a wor!out. ,n the following pages are a variety of stretching exercises that you may choose from. Try to incorporate 0 or more stretches for each body part listed. This stretch period should ta!e between 02(0> minutes. #nother type of static stretching is called P%F ?proprioreceptive neuromuscular facilitationA stretching. This stretching must be done with a partner. The athlete should assume the stretch position and hold it for D(02 seconds. #fter the D(02 seconds the partner will apply force to hold the athlete in his stretch position the athlete should try to overcome this force and be held in an isometric contraction. This pattern should be followed for B cycles and the athlete should increase the stretch for each one. )emember utiliEe the static type stretches only stretch when warm and ma!e flexibility one of your goals.

The running program has been designed to accomplish several goals that apply specifically to football. The areas that are incorporated are form speed wor! conditioning and plyometrics. # description of drills will be supplied for each aspect of the running wor!outs. For the first six wee!s the running will be done two times per wee!F while the last six wee!s running will be done three times per wee!. These wor!outs should not ta!e more than one hour to complete. $f scheduling is a problem running days can be combined with lifting days. $t is important that you wait about 3(B hours between these wor!outs. Ma ! s"r! y#" $# %#t r"% &!'#r! s("atti%)*

R"%%i%) S+,!$"-!
WEEK . /AY .
0. 3. B. Warm(up Form / )un Speed Wor! a* S i--!$ P#siti#%s 3 x @@2 yds at G2 secs (( 3 min. rest in between @ x 332 yds at @2 sec (( 3 min. rest in between @ x 022 yds at 0> secs (( D2 sec. rest in between &* Li%!0!% > x 022 yds at 0> secs (( G2 sec. rest in between 02 x >2 yds at 1 sec (( full recovery in between 32 x B2 yds at H speed (( full recovery in between Stretch 02(0> min.


/AY 1
0. Warm(up 3. Form / )un B. Plyometrics ?see plyometric drills sectionA

WEEK 1 /ay .
0. 3. B. Warm(up Form / )un Speed Wor! a* S i--!$ P#siti#%s 0 x @@2 yds at 1I secs (( G2 sec. rest in between > x 332 yds at @2 secs (( 3 min. rest in between > x 022 yds at 0> secs (( D2 sec. rest in between &* Li%!0!% > x 022 yds at 0> secs (( G2 sec. rest in between 02 x >2 yds at 1 sec (( full recovery 0> x 32 yds at H speed (( full recovery 32 x 02 yds at full speed (( full recovery Stretch 02(0> min.


/AY 1
0. 3. B. @. Warm(up Form / )un Plyometrics ?see plyometric drill sectionA Stretch 02(0> min.

R"%%i%) S+,!$"-!
WEEK 2 /AY .
0. Warm(up 3. Form / )un B. Speed Wor! a* S i--!$ P#siti#%s @ x 332 yds at BD secs (( 1 x 022 yds at 0@ secs (( @ x >2 yds at H speed (( &* Li%!0!% > x 022 yds at 0> secs (( > x D2 yds at H speed (( 02 x B2 yds at full speed 32 x 02 yds at full speed @. Stretch 02(0> min.

3 min. rest in between D2 sec. rest in between D2 sec. rest in between G2 sec. rest in between full recovery (( full recovery (( full recovery

/AY 1
0. 3. B. @. Warm(up Form / )un Plyometrics ?see plyometric drills sectionA Stretch 02(0> min.

WEEK 3 /AY .
0. Warm(up 3. Form / )un B. Speed Wor! a* S i--!$ P#siti#%s 3 x 332 yds at B> secs (( G2 sec. rest in between 1 x 022 yds at 0B secs (( D2 sec. rest in between 02 x >2 yds at H speed (( D2 sec. rest in between &* Li%!0!% > x 022 yds at 0> secs (( G2 sec. rest in between > x D2 yds at H speed (( full recovery 02 x B2 yds at full speed (( full recovery 0> x 02 yds at full speed (( full recovery @. Stretch 02(0> min.

/AY 1
0. 3. B. @. Warm(up Form / )un Plyometrics ?see plyometric drills sectionA Stretch 02(0> min.

R"%%i%) S+,!$"-!
WEEK 4 /AY .
0. Warm(up 3. Form / )un B. Speed Wor! a* S i--!$ P#siti#%s > x 022 yds at 0B secs (( D2 sec. rest in between 1 x D2 yds at 1 secs (( D2 sec. rest in between 02 x 32 yds at full speed (( D2 sec. rest in between &* Li%!0!% 3 x 022 yds at 0> secs (( G2 sec. rest in between @ x D2 yds at H speed (( full recovery 02 x B2 yds at full speed (( full recovery 02 x 02 yds at full speed (( full recovery @. Stretch 02(0> min.

/AY 1
0. 3. B. @. Warm(up Form / )un Plyometrics ?see plyometric drills sectionA Stretch 02(0> min.

WEEK 5 /AY .
0. Warm(up 3. Form / )un B. Speed Wor! a* S i--!$ P#siti#%s > x 12 yds at 02 sec (( D2 sec. rest in between 1 x >2 yds at I sec (( D2 sec. rest in between 03 x 0> yds at full speed (( D2 sec. rest in between &* Li%!0!% 3 x 12 yds at 03 sec (( G2 sec. rest in between D x >2 yds at H speed (( full recovery D x B2 yds at full speed (( full recovery 02 x 02 yds at full speed (( full recovery @. Stretch 02(0> min.

/AY 1 )'ST

R"%%i%) S+,!$"-!
WEEK 6 /AY .
0. Warm(up 3. Speed Wor! a* S i--!$ P#siti#%s B x 0>2 yds at 3> secs (( D2 sec. rest in between 02 x 022 yds at 0> secs (( D2 sec. rest in between 02 x B> yds at full speed (( full recovery &* Li%!0!% 02 x 12 yds at 03 secs (( D2 sec. rest in between 02 x B2 yds at H speed (( full recovery 32 x 0> yds at full speed (( full recovery B. Stretch 02(0> min.

/AY 1
0. Warm(up 3. Form / )un B. Speed Wor! a* S i--!$ P#siti#%s > x B2 yds at full speed (( B2 sec. rest in between D x D2 yds at :21 sec (( D2 sec. rest in between B x 022 yds at H speed (( ?hold formA &* Li%!0!% 32 x 02 yds at full speed (( B2 sec. rest in between 1 x B2 yds at H speed (( full recovery > x D2 yds at :2G sec (( full recovery

/AY 2
0. Warm(up 3. Plyometrics ?see plyometric drills sectionA B. Stretch 02(0> min.

R"%%i%) S+,!$"-!
WEEK 7 /AY .
0. Warm(up 3. Speed Wor! a* S i--!$ P#siti#%s 02 x 022 yds at 0@ secs (( D2 sec. rest in between 1 x D2 yds at 02 secs (( D2 sec. rest in between 02 x B2 yds at full speed &* Li%!0!% 02 x 12 yds at 03 secs (( D2 sec. rest in between 02 x B2 yds at H speed (( full recovery 32 x 02 yds at full speed (( full recovery B. Stretch 02(0> min.

/AY 1
0. Warm(up 3. Form / )un B. Speed Wor! a* S i--!$ P#siti#%s > x B> yds at full speed (( B2 sec. rest in between D x >> yds at :2I secs (( D2 sec. rest in between B x 022 yds at H speed (( ?hold formA &* Li%!0!% 0> x 0> yds at full speed (( B2 sec. rest in between D x 3> yds at H speed (( full recovery @ x >2 yds at :2G secs (( full recovery

/AY 2
0. Warm(up 3. Plyometrics ?see plyometric drills sectionA B. Stretch 02(0> min.

R"%%i%) S+,!$"-!
WEEK 8 /AY .
0. Warm(up 3. Speed Wor! a* S i--!$ P#siti#%s 02 x 022 yds at 0@ secs (( D2 sec. rest in between 1 x @> yds at :2D secs (( full recovery 02 x 32 yds at full speed (( full recovery 02 x 02 yds starts full speed (( full recovery &* Li%!0!% 02 x 12 yds at 03 secs (( D2 sec. rest in between 02 x 32 yds at H speed (( full recovery 0> x 02 yds at full speed (( full recovery B. Stretch 02(0> min.

/AY 1
0. Warm(up 3. Form / )un B. Speed Wor! a* S i--!$ P#siti#%s @ x >2 yds at full speed (( B2 sec. rest in between > x I2 yds at :2G secs (( D2 sec. rest in between B x 022 yds at H speed (( ?hold formA &* Li%!0!% 0B x 0> yds at full speed (( B2 sec. rest in between @ x B2 yds at H speed (( full recovery @ x >2 yds at :2G secs (( full recovery

/AY 2
0. Warm(up 3. Plyometrics ?see plyometric drills sectionA B. Stretch 02(0> min.

R"%%i%) S+,!$"-!
WEEK .9 /AY .
0. Warm(up 3. Speed Wor! a* S i--!$ P#siti#%s 1 x 022 yds at 0B sec (( D2 sec. rest in between D x D2 yds at 1 sec (( full recovery 02 x 3> yds at full speed 02 x 02 starts at full speed &* Li%!0!% 1 x 12 yds at 03 sec (( D2 sec. rest in between 03 x 32 yds at H speed (( full recovery 0B x 02 yds at full speed (( full recovery > x > yds starts at full speed B. Stretch 02(0> min.

/AY 1
0. Warm(up 3. Form / )un B. Speed Wor! a* S i--!$ P#siti#%s D x B> at full speed (( B2 sec. rest in between > x D2 yds at :21 sec (( D2 sec. rest in between B x 022 yds at H speed (( ?hold formA &* Li%!0!% 03 x 0> yds at full speed (( B2 sec. rest in between I x 3> yds at H speed (( full recovery @ x >2 yds at :2G sec (( full recovery

/AY 2
0. Warm(up 3. Plyometrics ?see plyometric drills sectionA B. Stretch 02(0> min.

R"%%i%) S+,!$"-!
WEEK .. /AY .
0. Warm(up 3. Speed Wor! a* S i--!$ P#sti#%s 3 x 022 yds at 0B sec (( D2 sec. rest in between @ x D2 yds at :21 sec (( full recovery 1 x B2 yds at full speed 1 x 02 yds starts at full speed &* Li%!0!% @ x D2 yds at 03 sec (( D2 sec. rest in between 02 x 32 yds at H speed (( full recovery 03 x 02 yds at full speed (( full recovery > x > yds starts at full speed B. Stretch 02(0> min.

/AY 1
0. Warm(up 3. Form / )un B. Speed Wor! a* S i--!$ P#siti#%s D x @2 yds at full speed (( B2 sec. rest in between > x >2 yds at :2D sec (( D2 sec. rest in between B x 12 yds at H speed (( ?hold formA &* Li%!0!% 02 x 0> yds at full speed (( B2 sec. rest in between D x 3> yds at H speed (( full recovery @ x >2 yds at :2G sec (( full recovery

/AY 2
0. Warm(up 3. Plyometrics ?see plyometric drills sectionA B. Stretch 02(0> min.

R"%%i%) S+,!$"-!
WEEK .1 /AY .
0. Warm(up 3. Speed Wor! a* S i--!$ P#siti#%s @ x D2 yds at :21 sec (( D2 sec. rest in between @ x @2 yds at :2> sec (( full recovery D x 32 yds at full speed D x 02 yds starts at full speed &* Li%!0!% @ x @2 yds at :2D sec (( D2 sec. rest in between 02 x 32 yds at full speed (( full recovery 02 x 0> yds at full speed (( full recovery > x > yds starts at full speed B. Stretch 02(0> min.

/AY 1
0. Warm(up 3. Form / )un B. Speed Wor! a* S i--!$ P#siti#%s D x @2 at full speed (( B2 sec. rest in between @ x >2 yds at :2D secs (( D2 sec. rest in between @ x D2 yds at H speed (( ?hold formA &* Li%!0!% 02 x 0> yds at full speed (( B2 sec. rest in between @ x 3> yds at H speed (( full recovery @ x @2 yds at :2> secs (( full recovery

/AY 2
0. Warm(up 3. Plyometrics ?see plyometric drills sectionA B. Stretch 02(0> min.

P-y#0!tri+ /ri--s
0. #lways WARM-UP before doing these drills. 7se 3(B sets of 02 reps at B2 yards. )emember to STRETCH after completing these warm(up drills. 3. The following exercises are used for speed agility and vertical ;ump improvements. They are ESSENTIAL FOR IMPROVEMENT ON THE FOOTBALL FIEL/*

0. S:UAT ;UMP Starting Position: 8otion:

Feet parallel shoulder width apart fingers loc!ed behind head. #thlete sCuats to a parallel position approximately 0BD degrees to 002 degrees !nee flexion then move vertically in an explosive rapid movement raising !nees parallel to the waist then returns to starting position. Feet parallel shoulder width apart fingers loc!ed behind your head. #thlete springs upward using a single foot ta!eoff until thighs are parallel with the ground. %ext he grabs both !nees with hands and pulls toward chest then return to starting position. ,ne leg in front of the other with a G2 degree angle of flexion at the hip an !nee ?in a semi(lunge positionA. 6eep bac! straight. $nterchange legs while doing the exercise ;ump approximately DJ off the ground while changing stance. Feet together. #thlete should ;ump laterally ?side to sideA over an ob;ect ranging from 1J to 32J !eeping feet together.

3. SINGLE LEG TUCK Starting Position: 8otion:

B. SPLIT S:UATS Starting Position: 8otion: @. LATERAL HOPS Starting Position: 8otion:

>. STAN/ING LONG ;UMP Starting Position: Feet together. 8otion: #thlete bends !nees then explodes outwardly in front to cover as much distance as possible landing with feet together. D. /OUBLE LEG HOPS Starting Position: Feet together body erect. 8otion: #thlete ;umps up and out with double arm action with maximum effort for B(> reps. 9y *urtis SchultE. *urtis is a contributing writer for various health bodybuilding and collegiate sports publications. *urtis has a 9.S. in Sports #dministration and is a .evel $ 7SWF ,lympic *oach. :e is a collegiate strength coach who has wor!ed with many high(level athletes ranging from %F. stars to top(level bodybuilders. Powerlifting State and )egional champion in the 3@3 and 3I> classes. :e is also an ##7 and 7SPF referee. *urtis was a three(year Karsity football letter winner #ll

greater )ochester .ineman in high school and then =unior *ollege and 7niversity #ll(conference lineman.

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