2014 Bulk Customer Survey Form

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Date Received by Respondent: ____/____/____ Date Returned to CSD

Survey No (SN): 2014 /______ /___________________/_______
Year / Sl. No. / Sector (Pvt./Govt./Gen) /Customer

: ____/____/____ Application No (If available):

Section A - General
A1. Responded by:

Project Owner

Project Developer

A2. Project Title: _________________________________________________________________________________

Entirely new (rst-time) survey for a new project

Update to an earlier survey (if existing project) SN: __________

A3. Project Location: City _________ Municipality ___________ Geographical Zone No.________ GIS PIN No._____

Electricity Meter No (if available).____________________ Water No_______________________ _ QID No./Establishment No./ Commercial Registration No.: ___________________________________________ _____
A4. Project Brief Scope and the Type of End-Product (E & W): ___________________________________ _
(Survey shall include all components of E&W such as construction of Camps, Labour Camps (Temporary & Permanent)

A5. Project Ownership:


Gov+ Private Joint Venture

Private Single Ownership

Private Joint Ownership

A6. Project Early Start:

Quarter: _____

Year: _____ Planning Tendering Not Budgeted

Project Early Finish: Feasibility Construction Budget Approved

Quarter: _____

Year: ____ Design

A7. Current Project Execution Status: A8. Current Project Financial Status:

Operation Finance Secured

A9. Project Developer's/Owner's Name: ___________________________________________________________ A10. Product End user (E&W): _____________________________________________________________________
(Customer is the nal End User of KM Services)

A11. Contractor's Name: __________________________________________________________________________ A12. Project Consultant's name: ___________________________________________________________________

Section B Project Demand Information

B1. Type of Supply:
Existing Additional New Temporary Others: ___________________

Important: If the Type of Supply is Temporary, Temporary Connection Forms and Metering Forms must be filled in when applying for supply. The form is available at Customer Services Department (Contact Head of Planning & Bulk Customers as Indicated below).
Note: Pages 1 to 7 of this form sho uld be filled in by the developer or owner of projects requiring a minimum demand of 5MW of electricity and/or 600 cubic meters/day (0.132 MIG) of water.

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CSD Mailing / Contact Details: Head of Bulk Customers Section, CSD, KAHRAMAA, P.O.Box 41, DOHA,Qatar Office: 44628395/ 44628269, Email: bulksurvey@km.com.qa

B2. Development Class (Detailed in page 6, item E7 to E11 under Specic Guide Lines):
Governmental For Industrial: Heavy Commercial Medium Industrial Residential Others _____________

Light (Classication as per Government License)

B3. Expected End-Use (%):

___ Lighting

Electricity Expected % of Ultimate Demand: ___ Air conditioning ___Motors ___ Arc Furnaces

___ Reactive Electricity Compensators ___ Labour Camp Water % of Ultimate Demand: ___ Agriculture ___ Process Water ___ Cooking ___ Landscaping ___ Cooling

___ Harmonic Generators ___ Others

___ Sanitation/Waste Disposal ___ Fire Protection ___ Drinking ___ Others

___ Washing/Cleaning ___ Labour Camp

B4. Project Specic Consumption Rates

B4.1 Average electrical energy consumption per unit of production: _______________________ (MWh/Unit) B4.2 Average water consumption per unit of production: ________________________________ (Cubic Meter/Unit)

B5. Yearly Maximum Demand & Quantity (See Table "B5")

Electricity Demand in the Year MWh/ Year

Note: Before filling inTable B5, please see the Section E- Notes & GuidelinesE7 to E11 on page6.
Project Execution Phase(Ref. A7)

Table B5 - Yearly Maximum Peak Demand & Quantity

Potable Water Demand in the Year


Facility Population in the Year (Refer E14 in Page 7)

Distillate Demand in the Year

Maximum Peak *MW (See E18)

Maximum Peak **MIGD (See E18)

MIG/ Year

Maximum Peak **MIGD


Past Years Historical Actual Demand 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Future Demand Forecast 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027

*MW= Megawatt

**MIGD= Million Imperial Gallons per day Page 2 of 7

CSD Mailing / Contact Details: Head of Bulk Customers Section, CSD, KAHRAMAA, P.O.Box 41, DOHA,Qatar Office: 44628395/ 44628269, Email: bulksurvey@km.com.qa

B 6 : Bulk Customer Electricity & Water Conrmation & Commitment Project Name/s (1) Electricity (MW) (2) Water (MIGD) (3)
Project Status (O,C,T,D,F,P) (4)







Electricity (MW) (2) Water (MIGD) (3)

Project Status (O,C,T,D,F,P) (4)

Electricity (MW) (2) Water (MIGD) (3)

Project Status (O,C,T,D,F,P) (4)

1. These are the Project Names on KM Records. Please add/amend as required, denoting as existing and new project loads. 2. Electricity - Peak demand (in MW) 3. Water- Peak demand (in MIGD) total for potable & distillate 4. Project Status: O Operation, C Construction , T Tender ,D Design , F Feasibility , P - Planning

Section C In-House Electricity and Water Production Information

C1. Do you intend to supply your Electricity/Water demand through in-house production? (Y/N) _____ If Yes, please indicate the percentage of your requirements you intend to provide through your in-house production. C1.1 Electricity (%) _______ C1.2 Water (%) ______

C2. Do you need backup supply from Kahramaa? (Y/N) _____ If Yes, please tick mark if one or both apply: Require Backup during Kahramaa's System Peak Periods. Require Backup during Kahramaa's System Off-Peak Periods. Electricity Electricity Water Water

C3. Please provide your in-house capability to produce electricity and/or water, if any: ELECTRICITY
Unit No. Generating Unit Description Capacity (MW) Type of generation technology (STGT-CC etc......). Unit No.

Water ProductionUnit Description Capacity (MIGD)

Type of Technology (MSF, MED, RO)

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CSD Mailing / Contact Details: Head of Bulk Customers Section, CSD, KAHRAMAA, P.O.Box 41, DOHA,Qatar Office: 44628395/ 44628269, Email: bulksurvey@km.com.qa

C4. Do you intend to haveElectricity/water exchange with Kahramaa? (Y/N) ___ If Yes, please provide the following details:
Type of Exchange E Export I Import


Quantity (MWh/Year) Indicative Tariff (QR/kWh) Year


Type of Exchange E Export I Import Quantity (Cubic Meter / Year) Indicative Tariff (QR/Cubic Meter)


Please suggest any provisional key commercial terms for Export and Import in the following space provided. If the space is insufcient please attach a separate sheet. The terms you suggest are for survey purposes only and do not constitute any commitments by either party. Please contact the Head of Business Development, Corporate Planning & Business Development department if you need to discuss further, at Telephone 484-5475.

Section D Attachments
Please tick-mark if the following attachments are attached to the survey form or not. D1. Project Location Map (Hardcopy & Electronic digital Auto Cad les Copies) including proposed substation location with Coordinates for Electricity. D2. Project Master Schedule D3. Yearly Load Demand Curves D4. Proposed Electricity & Water Exchange Terms Yes Yes Yes Yes No. No No No

Section E Notes & Guidelines

General Notes: E1. By signing this survey form the respondentwarrants thatall information provided are accurate and reliable to the best of Project Owners knowledge and Project Owner is properly authorized to provide such information to Kahramaa. E2. The respondent must be aware and acknowledge that all the information provided are for Kahramaa's planning purposes only and does not imply commitment by the Project Owner or Kahramaa. If the Project Owner requires a commitment to supply then he must fill in and submit the Application Form which is ava ilable at Customer Services Department E3. Normally Kahramaa is expected to be able to meet any bulk demand three (3) years prior the year at which the supply is required. requires a minimum lead time of three years to prepare for any future additional capacity required. Kahramaa

E4. As per Qatar Ministry of Energy regulations, customers are not allowed to generate and meet their own electricity and water d emand without prior permission from Kahramaa. E5. At its own discretion, Kahramaa may conduct an independent investigation to verify the accuracy of any and all information provided in this survey form by the respondent. E6. The information provided by the respondent about sites & corridors are considered as provisional only. In case of conflict between customer's project sites &/ routes and KAHRAMAA existing and/or future sites and/or routes, the customer shall be responsible for the cost of any relocation of KAHRAMAA exis ting installations and obtaining the alternative sites and/or routes for future and/or relocated installations which are in conflict with his project sites and/or routes. Page 4 of 7
CSD Mailing / Contact Details: Head of Bulk Customers Section, CSD, KAHRAMAA, P.O.Box 41, DOHA,Qatar Office: 44628395/ 44628269, Email: bulksurvey@km.com.qa

Specic Guidelines for lling Item B2 in Page 1 : CLARIFICATIONS AND DEFINITIONS OF DEVELOPMENT CLASS IN 2013 SURVEY FORM E7. GOVERNMENTAL : Projects sponsored, financed, owned and contracted by Government Agencies like Qatar Government directly or

Agencies like UPDA, MMAA, Qatar Foundation, NationalHealth Authority , Kahramaa, Hamad Medical Corporation, and such others.

E8. COMMERCIAL : All Projects used for Business Purposes other than Industrial and Residential, which are Private like City Centre, Land

Mark, Dasman Centre, Lulu Centre, Villagio, Hotels and such other Entities.

E9. RESIDENTIAL : All Individual Flats, Apartments, Grouped Buildings and Residential Complexes, Villas and Independent Houses used for

purely for Residential Purposes of Families or Individuals.

E10. MIXED COMPLEXES (RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL): All projects whichmay be a combination of both Residential & Commercial in

nature such as The Pearl Qatar, Barwa, Lusail Development, North Beach Resort Projects, and such other Entities.

E11. INDUSTRIAL : All Projects, Which are basically Process /Production / Manufacturing in nature such as Qatar Steel, Qatar National

Cement Company (QNCC), Qatar Fertilizers, All QP Process Projects and such othe r entities of this nature, other than Residential, Commercial & Mixed Residential Commercialnature. This Industrial class may be categorized into3 categories: eg., Heavy, Medium and Light Industr ial.

Specic Guidelines for lling Table B5: E12. Last 6 Years Historical Actual Demand . For the 6 Years before the Survey year, please provide Actual Demand Figures for Projectsthat are

in Operationphase.

E13. Future Deman d. For the succeeding future years, please provide supply requirements in all the various phases of the Project. The information

is to be providedby the respondentfor a period not less than 14 years from the start of the planning phase.

E14. Facility Population . Provide the number of people requiring electricity and water for all phases of the project foreach year. E15. Project Execution Phase .

Write the appropriate letter for each phase or a combination of the same (for parallel phase) as appropriate against each year with P =Planning, F =Feasibility, D=Design, T =Tendering, C =Construction,O=Operation. First, fill in the historical demand for the last 6 years, if any. Then fill in the future demands in the succeeding future years Attaching yearly demand curves will also help Kahramaa understand your requirements better.

E16. Electricity Demand, Potable Water Demand and Distillate Demand.

. E17. Peak Demand for Water: Means the highest Monthly Average Demand in Million Imperial Gallons per Day (MIGD) during the Year
E18. Peak Demand for Electricity : Means the highest Electricity Demand in Megawatts (MW) during the Year . Specic Guidelines for lling Table B6.1 to B6.5: E19. Facility Population . Provide the number of peoplerequiring electricity and water for all phases of the project for each month. E20. Project Execution Phase.

Write the appropriate letter for each phase or a combination of the same (for parallel phase) as appropriate against each month with P =Planning, F =Feasibility, D=Design, T =Tendering, C =Construction,O=Operation. Fill in the

E21. Electricity MW, Electricity MWh /Month, Potable Water MIGD, Potable Water MIG/Month , Distillate MIGD, Distillate MIG/Month.

future demand information on each month of the year.

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CSD Mailing / Contact Details: Head of Bulk Customers Section, CSD, KAHRAMAA, P.O.Box 41, DOHA,Qatar Office: 44628395/ 44628269, Email: bulksurvey@km.com.qa

Section F Respondent Contact Information

Name Address Telephone Signature : ___________________________________ Designation: _________________________________

: ___________________________________________________________________________________ : ______________ Mobile: _____________ Fax: ______________ Email: _____________________ : ___________________________________ Date (dd/mm/yy): ____/____/____

Note: If Joint Venture Project then Joint Venture Leader shall sign.

If any respondent data is provided by the Consultant, please provide the consultant's contact details as required below: Name Address Telephone Signature : ___________________________________ Designation: _________________________________

: ___________________________________________________________________________________ : ______________ Mobile: _____________ Fax: ______________ Email: _____________________ : ___________________________________ Date (dd/mm/yy): ____/____/____

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CSD Mailing / Contact Details: Head of Bulk Customers Section, CSD, KAHRAMAA, P.O.Box 41, DOHA,Qatar Office: 44628395/ 44628269, Email: bulksurvey@km.com.qa

Section G Survey Preliminary Analysis

For Kahramaa Ofcial Use Only

Date Survey Form Received by CPBD from CSD (dd/mm/yy): ____/____/____

Internal Circulation Process: 1. After receiving from CSD, lled up Survey Forms shall be circulated by CPBD to all concerned departments. Department shall communicate their comments through a formal IDM to CPBD. If the space provided is insufcient for comments, they can separately attach more sheets. 2. If no comments from other departments are received by CPBD within 2 weeks after circulation, it shall be assumed that they have no further comments. 3. Should CPBD deem it necessary to verify any doubts on survey data in this form, CPBD shall require other departments to investigate further.





Date (dd/mm/yy)

Date Comments Received by CPBD











Note: Pages 1 to 7 of this form should be filled in by the developer or owner of projects requiring a minimum demand of 5MW of electricity and/or 600 cubic meters/day (0.132 MIG) of water. Page 7 of 7

CSD Mailing / Contact Details: Head of Bulk Customers Section, CSD, KAHRAMAA, P.O.Box 41, DOHA,Qatar Office: 44628395/ 44628269, Email: bulksurvey@km.com.qa

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