Q - No 1-20 Numericals
Q - No 1-20 Numericals
Q - No 1-20 Numericals
ANS: Each part of a machine, which moves relative to some other part, is known as a kinematic link (or simply link) or element. A link may consist of several parts, which are rigidly fastened together, so that they do not move relative to one another. In order to transmit motion, the driver and the follower may be connected by the following three types of links: 1. Rigid link. A rigid link is one which does not undergo any deformation while transmitting motion. Strictly speaking, rigid links do not exist. However, as the deformation of a connecting rod, crank etc. of a reciprocating steam engine is not appreciable; they can be considered as rigid links. 2. Flexible link. A flexible link is one which is partly deformed in a manner not to affect the transmission of motion. For example, belts, ropes, chains and wires are flexible links and transmit tensile forces only. 3. Fluid link. A fluid link is one which is formed by having a fluid in a receptacle and the motion is transmitted through the fluid by pressure or compression only, as in the case of hydraulic presses, jacks and brakes.
4. What is a machine? Giving example, differentiate between a machine and a structure. ANS: A machine is a device which receives energy in some available form and utilizes it to do some particular type of work. A structure is an assemblage of a number of resistant bodies (known as members) having no relative motion between them and meant for carrying loads having straining action. A railway bridge, a roof truss, machine frames etc., are the examples of a structure. The following differences between a machine and a structure are important from the subject point of view: 1. The parts of a machine move relative to one another, whereas the members of a structure do not move relative to one another. 2. 2. A machine transforms the available energy into some useful work, whereas in a structure no energy is transformed into useful work. 3. The links of a machine may transmit both power and motion, while the members of a structure transmit forces only.
5. Write notes on complete and incomplete constraints in lower and higher pairs, illustrating your answer with neat sketches. ANS: Following are the three types of constrained motions: 1. Completely constrained motion. When the motion between a pair is limited to a definite direction irrespective of the direction of force applied, then the motion is said to be a completely constrained motion. For example, the piston and cylinder (in a steam engine) form a pair and the motion of the piston is limited to a definite direction relative to the cylinder irrespective of the direction of motion of the crank, as shown in Fig
2. Incompletely constrained motion. When the motion between a pair can take place in more than one direction, then the motion is called an incompletely constrained motion. The change in the direction of impressed force may alter the direction of relative motion between the pair. A circular bar or shaft in a circular hole, as shown in Fig. 5.4, is an example of an incompletely constrained motion as it may either rotate or slide in a hole.
6. Explain different kinds of kinematic pairs giving example for each one of them. ANS: The kinematic pairs may be classified according to the following considerations: 1. According to the type of relative motion between the elements. (a) Sliding pair. When the two elements of a pair are connected in such a way that one can only slide relative to the other, the pair is known as a sliding pair. The piston and cylinder, cross-head and guides of a reciprocating steam engine, etc are a few examples. (b) Turning pair. When the two elements of a pair are connected in such a way that one can only turn or revolve about a fixed axis of another link, the pair is known as turning pair. A shaft with collars at both ends fitted into a circular hole, the crankshaft in a journal bearing in an engine, lathe spindle supported in head stock, etc. are the examples of a turning pair. (c) Rolling pair. When the two elements of a pair are connected in such a way that one rolls over another fixed link, the pair is known as rolling pair. Ball and roller bearings are examples of rolling pair. (d) Screw pair. When the two elements of a pair are connected in such a way that one element can turn about the other by screw threads, the pair is known as screw pair. The lead screw of a lathe with nut, and bolt with a nut are examples of a screw pair. (e) Spherical pair. When the two elements of a pair are connected in such a way that one element (with spherical shape) turns or swivels about the other fixed element, the pair formed is called a spherical pair. The ball and socket joint, attachment of a car mirror, pen stand etc., are the examples of a spherical pair.
According to the type of contact between the elements. (a) Lower pair. When the two elements of a pair have a surface contact when relative motion takes place and the surface of one element slides over the surface of the other, the pair formed is known as lower pair. It will be seen that sliding pairs, turning pairs and screw pairs form lower pairs. (b) Higher pair. When the two elements of a pair have a line or point contact when relative motion takes place and the motion between the two elements is partly turning and partly sliding, then the pair is known as higher pair. A pair of friction discs, toothed gearing, belt and rope drives, ball and roller bearings and cam and follower are the examples of higher pairs.
3. According to the type of closure. (a) Self closed pair. When the two elements of a pair are connected together mechanically in such a way that only required kind of relative motion occurs, it is then known as self closed pair. The lower pairs are self closed pair. (b) Force - closed pair. When the two elements of a pair are not connected mechanically but are kept in contact by the action of external forces, the pair is said to be a forceclosed pair. The cam and follower is an example of force closed pair, as it is kept in contact by the forces exerted by spring and gravity.
8. In what way a mechanism differ from a machine? ANS: When one of the links of a kinematic chain is fixed, the chain is known as mechanism. It may be used for transmitting or transforming motion e.g. engine indicators, typewriter etc. When a mechanism is required to transmit power or to do some particular type of work, it then becomes a machine. In such cases, the various links or elements have to be designed to withstand the forces (both static and kinetic) safely.
13. In a four bar chain ABCD, AD is fixed and is 150 mm long. The crank AB is 40 mm long and rotates at 120 r.p.m. clockwise, while the link CD = 80 mm oscillates about D. BC and AD are of equal length. Find the angular velocity of link CD when angle BAD = 60. ANS: Given: NBA = 120 r.p.m. or BA = 2 120/60 = 12.568 rad/s Since the length of crank AB = 40 mm = 0.04 m, therefore velocity of B with respect to A or velocity of B, (because A is a fixed point), vBA= vB = BA AB = 12.568 0.04 = 0.503 m/s
vector ab = vBA = vB = 0.503 m/s By measurement, we find that vCD = vC = vector dc = 0.385 m/s We know that CD = 80 mm = 0.08 m Angular velocity of link CD,
14. A four bar mechanism has the following dimensions: DA = 300 mm; CB = AB = 360 mm; DC = 600 mm. The link DC is fixed and the angle ADC is 60. The driving link DA rotates uniformly at a speed of 100 r.p.m. clockwise and the constant driving torque has the magnitude of 50 N-m. Determine the velocity of the point B and angular velocity of the driven link CB. Also find the actual mechanical advantage and the resisting torque if the efficiency of the mechanism is 70 per cent.
ANS: Given : NAD = 100 r.p.m. or AD = 2 100/60 = 10.47 rad/s ; TA = 50 N-m Since the length of driving link, DA = 300 mm = 0.3 m, therefore velocity of A with respect to D or velocity of A (because D is a fixed point), vAD = vA = AD DA = 10.47 0.3 = 3.14 m/s . . . (Perpendicular to DA) vector da = vAD = vA = 3.14 m/s By measurement, we find that velocity of point B, vB = vBC = vector cb = 2.25 m/s Ans.
16. The crank of a slider crank mechanism rotates clockwise at a constant speed of 300
r.p.m. The crank is 150 mm and the connecting rod is 600 mm long. Determine : 1. Linear velocity and acceleration of the midpoint of the connecting rod, and 2. Angular velocity and angular acceleration of the connecting rod, at a crank angle of 45 from inner dead centre position.
18. A pinion having 18 teeth engages with an internal gear having 72 teeth. If the gears have involute profiled teeth with 20 pressure angle, module of 4 mm and the addenda on pinion and gear are 8.5 mm and 3.5 mm respectively, find the length of path of contact. Solution. Given : t = 18 ; T = 72 ; = 20 ; m = 4 mm ; Addendum on pinion = 8.5 mm ; Addendum on gear = 3.5 mm We know that the length of path of contact is the length of the common tangent to the two base circles cut by the addendum circles. From Fig. 12.12, we see that the addendum circles cut the common tangents at points K and L. Therefore the length of path of contact is KL which is equal to the sum of KP (i.e. path of approach) and PL (i.e. path of recess).
We know that pitch circle radius of the pinion, r = O1P = m.t / 2 = 4 .18/ 2 = 36 mm and pitch circle radius of the gear, R = O2P = m.T / 2 = 4 . 72/ 2 = 144 mm Thus, Radius of addendum circle of the pinion, rA =O1L=O1P+ Addendum on pinion = 36 + 8.5 = 44.5 mm and radius of addendum circle of the gear, RA = O2K = O2P Addendum on wheel = 144 3.5 = 140.5 mm From Fig., radius of the base circle of the pinion, O1M = O1P cos = r cos = 36 cos 20 = 33.83 mm and radius of the base circle of the gear, O2N = O2P cos = R cos = 144 cos 20 = 135.32 mm We know that length of the path of approach, KP = PN KN = O2 P sin 20 (O2K) (O2N) = 144 0.342 (140.5)2 (135.32)2 = 49.25 37.8 = 11.45 mm
20. A pair of gears, having 40 and 20 teeth respectively, are rotating in mesh, the speed of the smaller being 2000 r.p.m. Determine the velocity of sliding between the gear teeth faces at the point of engagement, at the pitch point, and at the point of disengagement if the smaller gear is the driver. Assume that the gear teeth are 20 involute form, addendum length is 5 mm and the module is 5 mm. Also find the angle through which the pinion turns while any pairs of teeth are in contact.
52. A pulley is driven by a flat belt, the angle of lap being 120. The belt is 100 mm wide by 6 mm thick and density1000 kg/m3. If the coefficient of friction is 0.3 and the maximum stress in the belt is not to exceed 2 MPa, find the greatest power which the belt can transmit and the corresponding speed of the belt.
51. Two pulleys, one 450 mm diameter and the other 200 mm diameter are on parallel shafts 1.95 m apart and are connected by a crossed belt. Find the length of the belt required and the angle of contact between the belt and each pulley. What power can be transmitted by the belt when the larger pulley rotates at 200 rev/min, if the maximum permissible tension in the belt is 1 KN, and the coefficient of friction between the belt and pulley is 0.25?
50. Find the power transmitted by a belt running over a pulley of 600 mm diameter at 200 r.p.m. The coefficient of friction between the belt and the pulley is 0.25, angle of lap 160 and maximum tension in the belt is 2500 N.
49. The power is transmitted from a pulley 1 m diameter running at 200 r.p.m. to a pulley 2.25 m diameter by means of a belt. Find the speed lost by the driven pulley as a result of creep, if the stress on the tight and slack side of the belt is 1.4 MPa and 0.5 MPa respectively. The Youngs modulus for the material of the belt is 100 MPa
48. Define the following terms as applied to cam with a neat sketch:(a) Base circle: It is the smallest circle that can be drawn to the cam profile. (b) Pitch circle: It is a circle drawn from the centre of the cam through the pitch points
(c) Pressure angle: It is the angle between the direction of the follower motion and a normal to the pitch curve. This angle is very important in designing a cam profile. If the pressure angle is too large, a reciprocating follower will jam in its bearings (d) Stroke of the follower. It is the maximum travel of the follower from its lowest position to the topmost position.
47. Why a roller follower is preferred to that of a knife-edged follower? ANS: It is seldom used in practice because the small area of contacting surface results in excessive wear. In knife edge followers, a considerable side thrust exists between the follower and the guide. In roller followers, the rolling motion takes place between the contacting surfaces (i.e. the roller and the cam), therefore the rate of wear is greatly reduced. In roller followers also the side thrust exists between the follower and the guide. Due to these reasons, the roller followers are preferred over knife edge followers.