Marge Ktom Darshan PDF
Marge Ktom Darshan PDF
Marge Ktom Darshan PDF
Machine Structure
Parts of a machine move relative to one another Members of a structure do not move relative to
one another
The machine transforms the available energy In a structure, no energy is transformed into useful
into some useful work work
Links of a machine may transmit both power and Members of a structure transmit forces only
b) Flexible Link
A flexible link is one which is partly deformed in a manner not to affect the transmission of motion. For
example, belts, ropes, chains and wires are flexible links and transmit tensile forces only.
c) Fluid Link
A fluid link is one which is formed by having fluid in a receptacle and the motion is transmitted through
the fluid by pressure or compression only, as in the case of hydraulic presses, jacks and brakes.
Fig.1.5 - The motion of a shaft with collars at each end in a circular hole
c) Rolling pair
When the two elements of a pair are connected in such a way that one rolls over another fixed link, the pair
is known as rolling pair. Ball and roller bearings are examples of rolling pair.
Example: Ball bearing
d) Screw pair
When the two elements of a pair are connected in such a way that one element can turn about the other
by screw threads, the pair is known as screw pair. The lead screw of a lathe with nut and bolt with a nut
are examples of a screw pair.
e) Spherical pair
When the two elements of a pair are connected in such a way that one element (with the spherical shape)
turns or swivels about the other fixed element, the pair formed is called a spherical pair. The ball and
socket joint, attachment of a car mirror, pen stand etc., are the examples of a spherical pair.
Example: Ball and socket joint
b) Higher pair
When the two elements of a pair have a line or point contact when relative motion takes place and the
motion between the two elements is partly turning and partly sliding, then the pair is known as higher pair.
A pair of friction discs toothed gearing, belt and rope drives, ball and roller bearings and cam and follower
are the examples of higher pairs.
Example: Cam and Follower
Two elements connected together Four or more than four elements connected
Have constrained relative motion with respect to The motion of any point on the link with respect to
each other any other point follows a definite direction
Each pair has two links The chain has minimum four links. The first link
and last link are connected to form a closed chain
Kinematic pair is a part of the chain. Kinematic Chain is not a part of the Kinematic pair.
Examples: Examples:
1. Cylinder and Piston 1. Four bar chain
2. Crank and connecting rod 2. Slider crank chain
3. Piston and connecting rod 3. Double crank chain
When one of the links of a kinematic chain is fixed, the chain is known as a mechanism. It may be
used for transmitting or transforming motion e.g. engine indicators, typewriter etc.
A mechanism with four links is known as a simple mechanism.
When a mechanism is required to transmit power or to do some particular type of work, it then
becomes a machine.
In such cases, the various links or elements have to be designed to withstand the forces (both static and
kinetic) safely. A little consideration will show that a mechanism may be regarded as a machine in which
each part is reduced to the simplest form to transmit the required motion.
n = Number of degrees of freedom;
j = Number of binary joints;
h = Number of higher pairs;
l = Number of links
1. The mechanism, as shown in (a), has three links and three binary joints, i.e. l = 3 and j = 3.
n = 3 (3 – 1) – 2 × 3 = 0
2. The mechanism, as shown in (b), has four links and four binary joints, i.e. l = 4 and j = 4.
n = 3 (4 – 1) – 2 × 4 = 1
3. The mechanism, as shown in (c), has five links and five binary joints, i.e. l = 5, and j = 5.
n = 3 (5 – 1) – 2 × 5 = 2
In a four-bar chain, one of the links, in particular the shortest link, will make a complete revolution relative
to the other three links, if it satisfies the Grashof ’s law. Such a link is known as crank or driver.
AD (link 4) is a crank. The link BC (link 2) which makes a partial rotation or oscillates is known as lever or
rocker or follower and the link CD (link 3) which connects the crank and lever is called connecting rod or
coupler. The fixed link AB (link 1) is known as the frame of the mechanism.
Table 1.3 - Inversions of single slider crank chain and their application
Mechanism Application
Pendulum pump or Bull engine Duplex pump - supply feed water to boilers
Crank and slotted lever quick return motion mechanism Mostly used in shaping machines
The extreme positions of the crank are shown in Figure. We know that,
𝛼 𝐶𝐵1 120
𝑆𝑖𝑛 ∠𝐶𝐴𝐵1 = 𝑆𝑖𝑛 (90° − )= = = 0.4
2 𝐴𝐶 300
∴ ∠𝐶𝐴𝐵1 = (90° − ) = sin−1 (0.4) = 23.6°
∴ = (90° − 23.6°) = 66.4°
∴ 𝛼 = 2 × 66.4° = 132.8°
𝑻𝒊𝒎𝒆 𝒐𝒇 𝒄𝒖𝒕𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒔𝒕𝒓𝒐𝒌𝒆 360°− 𝛼 360°−132.8°
= = = 1.72
𝐓𝐢𝐦𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐧 𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐤𝐞 𝛼 132.8°
Ex. 1.2 In a crank and slotted lever quick return motion mechanism, the distance between the fixed
centres is 240 mm and the length of the driving crank is 120 mm. Find the time ratio of
cutting stroke to the return stroke. If the length of the slotted bar is 450 mm, find the length
of the stroke if the line of stroke passes through the extreme positions of the free end of the
Solution: Given Data:
𝐴𝐶 = 240 𝑚𝑚
𝐶𝐵1 = 120 mm
𝐴𝑃1 = 450 mm
To be Calculated:
a) The ratio of time of
cutting stroke to
time of return stroke
b) Length of stroke
1. Theory of Machines, Rattan S S, Tata McGraw-Hill
2. Theory of Machines and Mechanisms, Uicker J J Jr., Pennock G R, Shigley J E, Oxford Press
3. Theory of Machines, Khurmi R. S., Gupta J. K., S. Chand Publication
A frequent requirement in design is that of causing an output member to rotate, oscillate or reciprocate
according to a specified function of time or function of input motion. This is called function generation.
A simple example is that of synthesizing a four-bar linkage to generate the function y=f(x). In this case, x
would represent the motion (crank angle) of input crank, and the linkage would be designed so that the
motion (angle) of the output rocker would approximate the function y.
Other examples of function generation are as follows:
1. In a conveyor line the output member of a mechanism must move at the constant velocity of the
conveyor while performing some operations – Ex. bottle capping, return, pick up the next cap and
repeat the operation.
2. The output member must pause or stop during its motion cycle to provide time for another event.
The second event might be a sealing, stapling, or fastening operation of some kind.
3. The output member must rotate at a specified non-uniform velocity function because it is geared
to another mechanism that requires such a rotating motion.
b) Path Generation:
The second type of synthesis problem is called path generation. This refers to a problem in which a coupler
point is to generate a path having a prescribed shape. Common requirements are that a portion of the path
is a circular arc, elliptical or straight line. Sometimes it is required that the path cross over itself as in a
Prof. Sunil G. Janiyani, Department of Mechanical Engineering
2.2 Kinematics and Theory of Machines (3131906) |
Unit-2 Graphical and Analytical Linkage Synthesis
c) Body Guidance:
The third general class of synthesis problem is called body guidance. Here we are interested in moving an
object from one position to another.
The problem may call for a simple translation or a combination of translation and rotation (JCB example).
In the construction industry, for example, heavy parts such as scoops and bulldozer blades must be moved
through a series of prescribed positions.
Replace the link of four-bar linkage by position vector and write the vector equation.
𝑟1 + 𝑟2 + 𝑟3 + 𝑟4 = 0
In complex polar notation above equation can be written as
𝑟1 𝑒 𝑗𝜃1 + 𝑟2 𝑒 𝑗𝜃2 + 𝑟3 𝑒 𝑗𝜃3 + 𝑟4 𝑒 𝑗𝜃4 = 0
Above equation is transformed into complex rectangular form by putting
𝒆𝒋𝜽 = 𝐜𝐨𝐬 𝜽 + 𝒋 ∙ 𝐬𝐢𝐧 𝜽.
∴ 𝑟1 ( cos 𝜃1 + 𝑗 ∙ sin 𝜃1 ) + 𝑟2 ( cos 𝜃2 + 𝑗 ∙ sin 𝜃2 ) + 𝑟3 ( cos 𝜃3 + 𝑗 ∙ sin 𝜃3 ) + 𝑟4 ( cos 𝜃4 + 𝑗 ∙ sin 𝜃4 ) = 0
Now, if the real and imaginary components of the above equation are separated, we obtain the two
algebraic equations
𝑟1 cos 𝜃1 + 𝑟2 cos 𝜃2 + 𝑟3 cos 𝜃3 + 𝑟4 cos 𝜃4 = 0
𝑟1 sin 𝜃1 + 𝑟2 sin 𝜃2 + 𝑟3 sin 𝜃3 + 𝑟4 sin 𝜃4 = 0
In the above equation 𝐬𝐢𝐧 𝜽𝟏 = 𝟎 and 𝐜𝐨𝐬 𝜽𝟏 = −𝟏
∴ −𝑟1 + 𝑟2 cos 𝜃2 + 𝑟3 cos 𝜃3 + 𝑟4 cos 𝜃4 = 0
𝑟2 sin 𝜃2 + 𝑟3 sin 𝜃3 + 𝑟4 sin 𝜃4 = 0
= 𝑟12 − 2(𝑟2 cos 𝜃2 + 𝑟4 cos 𝜃4 )𝑟1 + (𝑟2 cos 𝜃2 + 𝑟4 cos 𝜃4 )2 + 𝑟22 sin2 𝜃2 + 2𝑟2 𝑟4 sin 𝜃2 sin 𝜃4
+ 𝑟42 sin2 𝜃4
= 𝑟12 − 2𝑟1 𝑟2 cos 𝜃2 − 2𝑟1 𝑟4 cos 𝜃4 + 𝑟22 cos2 𝜃2 + 2𝑟2 𝑟4 cos 𝜃2 cos 𝜃4 + 𝑟42 cos2 𝜃4 + 𝑟22 sin2 𝜃2
+ 2𝑟2 𝑟4 sin 𝜃2 sin 𝜃4 + 𝑟42 sin2 𝜃4
= 𝑟12 + 𝑟22 + 𝑟42 − 2𝑟1 𝑟2 cos 𝜃2 − 2𝑟1 𝑟4 cos 𝜃4 + 2𝑟2 𝑟4 (cos 𝜃2 cos 𝜃4 + sin 𝜃2 sin 𝜃4 )
∴ 𝑟32 − 𝑟12 − 𝑟22 − 𝑟42 + 2𝑟1 𝑟2 cos 𝜃2 + 2𝑟1 𝑟4 cos 𝜃4 = 2𝑟2 𝑟4 cos(𝜃2 − 𝜃4 )
Freudenstein’s equation enables us to perform this same task by analytical means. Thus suppose
we wish the output lever of a four-bar linkage to occupy the position ∅1 , ∅2 , and ∅3 corresponding
to the angular positions 𝜓1 , 𝜓2 , and 𝜓3 of the input lever. We simply replace 𝜃2 with 𝜓𝑖 , 𝜃4 with ∅𝑖 ,
and write the equation three times, once for each position.
Fig.2.6 - Rotation of input rocker O2A through the angle ψ12 cause rocker O4B to rock through the angle ∅12
To employ inversion as a technique of synthesis, let us hold O 4B stationary and permit the
remaining links, including the frame, to occupy the same relative positions.
The result is called inverting on the output rocker. Note that A 1B1 is positioned the same in the
below figure. Therefore the inversion is made on the O4B1 position. Because O4B1is fixed, the frame
will have to move in order to get the linkage to the A 2B2 position. In fact, the frame must move
backward through the angle ∅12. The second position is therefore O′2 A′2 B2′ O4.
The below figure illustrates a problem and the synthesized linkage in which it is desired to
determine the dimensions of a linkage in which the output lever is to occupy three specified
positions corresponding to three given positions of input lever.
The starting angle of the input lever is 𝜃2; and 𝜓12, 𝜓23, and 𝜓13 are swing angle respectively between
the three design positions 1 and 2, 2 and 3, and 1 and 3. Corresponding angles of swing ∅12, ∅23 and
∅13 are desired for the output lever. The length of link 4 and the starting position O4 are to be
We need to work with two or three or four positions of the linkage called precision positions and to
find a linkage that exactly satisfies the desired function at a few chosen positions.
Structural error is defined as the theoretical difference between the function produced by the
synthesized linkage and the function originally prescribed.
A very good trial for the spacing of these precision positions is called Chebychev spacing. For n
precision position in the range 𝑥0 ≤ 𝑥 ≤ 𝑥𝑛+1 , the Chebychev spacing according to Freudenstein
and Sandor, is
1 1 (2𝑗 − 1)𝜋
𝑥𝑗 = (𝑥𝑛+1 + 𝑥0 ) − (𝑥𝑛+1 − 𝑥0 )𝑐𝑜𝑠
2 2 2𝑛
Where 𝑗 = 1,2, … 𝑛 And n = No. of precision positions
∴ 𝜽𝟏 = 30 + 30(1.2 − 1) = 𝟑𝟔°
For j = 2,
∴ 𝜽𝟐 = 30 + 30(2.5 − 1) = 𝟕𝟓°
For j = 3,
∴ 𝜽𝟑 = 30 + 30(1.2 − 1) = 𝟏𝟏𝟒°
The three values of φ corresponding to three precision points are given by
𝜑 − 𝜑𝑆
𝜑𝑗 = 𝜑𝑆 + (𝑦 − 𝑦𝑆 )
𝑦𝐹 − 𝑦𝑆 𝑗
180 − 90 90
∴ 𝜑𝑗 = 90 + (𝑦𝑗 − 1) = 90 + (𝑦𝑗 − 1)
8−1 7
For j = 1,
∴ 𝝋𝟏 = 90 + (1.316 − 1) = 𝟗𝟒. 𝟎𝟔°
For j = 2,
∴ 𝝋𝟐 = 90 + (3.952 − 1) = 𝟏𝟐𝟕. 𝟗𝟓°
For j = 3,
∴ 𝝋𝟑 = 90 + (7.41 − 1) = 𝟏𝟕𝟐. 𝟒𝟏°
Ex. 2.2 [GTU; January-2017; 7 Marks] [GTU; December-2014; 7 Marks]
Design a four-bar mechanism to co-ordinate the input and output angles as follows:
Input angles = 15°, 30°, and 45°;
Output angles = 30°, 40°, and 55°.
Solution: Given Data:
1= 15; 2= 30; 3 = 45; φ1 = 30; φ2 = 40 and φ3 = 55
The solution to the problem is given in the figure and is based on inverting the linkage
on link 4.
First, we draw the input rocker O2A in the three specified positions and locate the
desired position for O4.
Because we will invert on link 4 in the first design position we draw a ray from O 4 to
A2 and rotate it backward through the angle 𝜙12 to locate 𝐴′2 .
Similarly, we draw another ray O4A3 and rotate it backward through the angle 𝜙13 to
locate 𝐴′3 .
Because we are inverting on the first design position, A 1 and A′1 are coincident.
Now we draw mid normals to the line A1 A′2 and A1 A′3 . These intersect at B1 and
define the length of coupler link 3 and the length of starting position of link 4.
Ex. 2.4 Four bar Crank-Rocker quick return linkage for specified time ratio. Time ratio = 1:1.25
with 45° output rocker motion. Design the synthesis.
Solution: 𝛼
𝑇𝑅 = 𝛼 + 𝛽 = 360°
Construction angle 𝛿 = |180 − 𝛼|
= |180 − 𝛽|
1. Draw the output link O4B in both extreme positions, in any convenient location, such that
the desired angle of motion 𝜃4 , is subtended.
2. Calculate 𝛼, 𝛽, and 𝛿 using equations. In this example, 𝛼 = 160°, 𝛽 = 200°, 𝛿 = 20°.
3. Draw a construction line through point B1 at any convenient angle.
4. Draw a construction line through point B2 at angle 𝛿 from the first line.
5. Label the intersection of the two construction lines O 2.
Prof. Sunil G. Janiyani, Department of Mechanical Engineering
2.12 Kinematics and Theory of Machines (3131906) |
Unit-2 Graphical and Analytical Linkage Synthesis
6. The line O2O4 now defines the ground link.
7. Calculate the lengths of crank and coupler by measuring O 2B1 and O2B2 and solve
Coupler + crank = 𝑂2 𝐵1
Coupler − crank = 𝑂2 𝐵2
Or we can construct the crank length by swinging an arc centered at O 2 from B1 to cut
line O2B2 extended. Label that intersection B1′ . The line B2 B1′ is twice the crank length.
Bisect this line segment to measure crank length O 2A1.
(a) (b)
(a) Construction of a quick return Grashof crank rocker
(b) The finished linkage in its two toggle positions
1. Theory of Machines, Rattan S S, Tata McGraw-Hill
2. Theory of Machines, Khurmi R. S., Gupta J. K., S. Chand Publication
Through a, draw a line perpendicular to AB. This line will represent the velocity of B with respect to
A, i.e. VBA.
Through o, draw a line parallel to v B intersecting the line of VBA at b.
Measure ob, which gives the required velocity of point B (vB), to the scale.
𝑣𝐴 × 𝑐𝑜𝑠 𝛼 = 𝑣𝐵 × 𝑐𝑜𝑠 𝛽
𝑣𝐴 𝑐𝑜𝑠 𝛽 𝑠𝑖𝑛(90 − 𝛽) Eq. (3.4)
= =
𝑣𝐵 𝑐𝑜𝑠 𝛼 𝑠𝑖𝑛(90 − 𝛼)
Applying Lami’s theorem to triangle ABI,
𝑠𝑖𝑛(90 − 𝛽) 𝑠𝑖𝑛(90 − 𝛼)
𝐴𝐼 𝑠𝑖𝑛(90 − 𝛽) Eq. (3.5)
𝐵𝐼 𝑠𝑖𝑛(90 − 𝛼)
From Eq. (3.4) and Eq. (3.5),
𝑣𝐴 𝑣𝐵
= = 𝜔
If C is any other point on a link, then
𝑣𝐴 𝑣𝐵 𝑣𝐶
= =
The instantaneous centres for a mechanism are of the following three types:
1. Fixed instantaneous centres,
2. Permanent instantaneous centres, and
3. Neither fixed nor permanent instantaneous centres.
The first two types i.e. fixed and permanent instantaneous centres are together known as primary
instantaneous centres and the third type is known as secondary instantaneous centres.
Consider a four-bar mechanism ABCD as shown in Fig.3.6.
The instantaneous centres I12 and I14 are called the fixed instantaneous centres as they remain in the same
place for all configurations of the mechanism.
The instantaneous centres I23 and I34 are the permanent instantaneous centres as they move when the
mechanism moves, but the joints are of permanent nature.
The instantaneous centres I13 and I24 are neither fixed nor permanent instantaneous centres as they vary
with the configuration of the mechanism.
The following rules may be used in locating the instantaneous centres in a mechanism:
1. When the two links are connected by a pin joint (or pivot joint), the instantaneous centre lies in the centre
of the pin as shown in Fig.3.7 (a). Such an instantaneous centre is of permanent nature, but if one of the
links is fixed, the instantaneous centre will be of fixed type.
2. When the two links have a pure rolling contact (i.e. link 2 rolls without slipping upon the fixed link 1
which may be straight or curved), the instantaneous centre lies on their point of contact, as shown in Fig.3.7
(b). The velocity of any point A on the link 2 relatives to fixed link 1 will be perpendicular to I12A and is
proportional to I12A.
3. When the two links have a sliding contact, the instantaneous centre lies on the common normal at the
point of contact. We shall consider the following three cases:
(a) When the link 2 (slider) moves on fixed link 1 having a straight surface as shown in Fig.3.7 (c),
the instantaneous centre lies at infinity and each point on the slider have the same velocity.
(b) When the link 2 (slider) moves on fixed link 1 having a curved surface as shown in Fig.3.7 (d),
the instantaneous centre lies on the centre of curvature of the curvilinear path in the configuration
at that instant.
(c) When the link 2 (slider) moves on fixed link 1 having a constant radius of curvature as shown
in Fig.3.7 (e), the instantaneous centre lies at the centre of curvature i.e. the centre of the circle, for
all configuration of the links.
The acceleration of B with respect to A i.e. aBA has the following two components:
The radial component of the acceleration of B with respect to A i.e. 𝒂𝒓𝑩𝑨
The tangential component of the acceleration B with respect to A i.e. 𝒂𝒕𝑩𝑨
Draw vector a’x parallel to the link AB such that,
𝑟 2 ⁄
𝑣𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑜𝑟 𝑎′ 𝑥 = 𝑎𝐵𝐴 = 𝑣𝐵𝐴 𝐴𝐵
From point x, draw vector xb’ perpendicular to AB or vector a’x and through o’ draw a line parallel
to the path of B to represent the absolute acceleration of B i.e. a B.
By joining the points a' and b' we may determine the total acceleration of B with respect to A i.e.
aBA. The vector a' b' is known as acceleration image of the link AB.
For any other point C on the link, draw triangle a' b' c' similar to triangle ABC. Now vector b' c'
represents the acceleration of C with respect to B i.e. a CB, and vector a' c' represents the
acceleration of C with respect to A i.e. aCA. As discussed above, aCB and aCA will each have two
components as follows:
a. aCB has two components; 𝒂𝒓𝑪𝑩 and 𝒂𝒕𝑪𝑩 as shown by triangle b’zc’ in fig.b
b. aCA has two components; 𝒂𝒓𝑪𝑨 and 𝒂𝒕𝑪𝑨 as shown by triangle a’yc’
The angular acceleration of the link AB is obtained by dividing the tangential component of
acceleration of B with respect to A to the length of the link.
𝑡 ⁄
𝛼𝐴𝐵 = 𝑎𝐵𝐴 𝐴𝐵
Prof. Sunil G. Janiyani, Department of Mechanical Engineering
Kinematics and Theory of Machines (3131906) | 3.9
Unit-3 Velocity and Acceleration Analysis
3.8 Acceleration in Slider Crank Mechanism
𝑎′𝑒′⁄𝑎′𝑏′ = 𝐴𝐸 ⁄𝐴𝐵
g) The angular acceleration of the connecting rod A B may be obtained by dividing the tangential
component of the acceleration of A with respect to B to the length of AB. In other words, the angular
acceleration of AB,
𝑡 ⁄
𝛼𝐴𝐵 = 𝑎𝐴𝐵 𝐴𝐵
Ex. 3.1 In a four-bar chain ABCD, AD is fixed and is 150 mm long. The crank AB is 40 mm long and
rotates at 120 r.p.m. clockwise, while the link CD = 80 mm oscillates about D. BC and AD are
of equal length. Find the angular velocity of link CD when angle BAD = 60°.
Solution: Given Data:
NBA = 120 r.p.m.
ωBA = 2 π × 120/60 = 12.568 rad/s
Since the length of crank AB = 40 mm = 0.04 m, therefore the velocity of B with respect to A or velocity
of B, (because A is a fixed point),
vBA = vB = ωBA × AB = 12.568 × 0.04 = 0.503 m/s
Since the link AD is fixed, therefore points a and d are taken as one point in the velocity diagram.
Draw vector ab perpendicular to BA, to some suitable scale, to represent the velocity of B with respect
to A or simply velocity of B (i.e. vBA or vB) such that
Vector ab = vBA = vB = 0.503 m/s
Now from point b, draw vector bc perpendicular to CB to represent the velocity of C with respect to B
(i.e. vCB) and from point d, draw vector dc perpendicular to CD to represent the velocity of C with respect
to D or simply velocity of C (i.e. vCD or vC). The vectors bc and dc intersect at c.
By measurement, we find that
VCD = vC = vector dc = 0.385 m/s
Angular velocity of link CD,
𝑣𝐶𝐷 0.385
𝜔𝐶𝐷 = = = 4.8 𝑟𝑎𝑑⁄𝑠
𝐶𝐷 0.08
Ex. 3.2 The crank and connecting rod of a theoretical steam engine are 0.5 m and 2 m long
respectively. The crank makes 180 r.p.m. in the clockwise direction. When it has turned
45° from the inner dead centre position, determine: 1. The velocity of the piston, 2. Angular
velocity of connecting rod, 3. The velocity of point E on the connecting rod 1.5 m from the
gudgeon pin, 4. velocities of rubbing at the pins of the crankshaft, crank and crosshead
when the diameters of their pins are 50 mm, 60 mm and 30 mm respectively, 5. Position and
linear velocity of any point G on the connecting rod which has the least velocity relative to
the crankshaft.
Solution: Given Data:
NBO = 180 r.p.m.
ωBO = 2 π × 180/60 = 18.852 rad/s
Draw vector ob perpendicular to BO, to some suitable scale, to represent the velocity of B with respect to
O or velocity of B such that
vector ob = vBO = vB = 9.426 m/s
From point b, draw vector bp perpendicular to BP to represent the velocity of P with respect to B (i.e. vPB)
and from point o, draw vector op parallel to PO to represent the velocity of P with respect to O (i.e. vPO or
simply vP). The vectors bp and op intersect at point p.
By measurement, we find that velocity of piston P,
𝒗𝑷 = 𝒗𝒆𝒄𝒕𝒐𝒓 𝒐𝒑 = 𝟖. 𝟏𝟓 𝒎/𝒔
From the velocity diagram, we find that the velocity of P with respect to B,
𝒗𝑷𝑩 = 𝒗𝒆𝒄𝒕𝒐𝒓 𝒃𝒑 = 𝟔. 𝟖 𝒎/𝒔
Since the length of connecting rod PB is 2 m, therefore the angular velocity of the connecting rod,
𝒗𝑷𝑩 𝟔. 𝟖
𝝎𝑷𝑩 = = = 𝟑. 𝟒 𝒓𝒂𝒅/𝒔
𝑷𝑩 𝟐
𝒗𝑬 = 𝒗𝒆𝒄𝒕𝒐𝒓 𝒐𝒆 = 𝟖. 𝟓 𝒎/𝒔
The velocity of rubbing at the pin of crank-shaft,
= × 𝜔𝐵𝑂 = 0.47 𝑚/𝑠
The velocity of rubbing at the pin of the crank,
= (𝜔𝐵𝑂 + 𝜔𝑃𝐵 ) = 0.6675 𝑚/𝑠
The velocity of rubbing at the pin of the crank,
= × 𝜔𝑃𝐵 = 0.051 𝑚/𝑠
By measurement, we find that,
𝑣𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑜𝑟 𝑏𝑔 = 5 𝑚/𝑠
By measurement, we find the linear velocity of point G,
𝑣𝐺 = 𝑣𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑜𝑟 𝑜𝑔 = 8 𝑚/𝑠
Since the crank length AB = 150 mm = 0.15 m, therefore velocity of B with respect to A or simply velocity
of B (because A is a fixed point),
vBA = vB = ωBA × AB = 4 π × 0.15 = 1.885 m/s
First of all, draw the space diagram, to some suitable scale, as shown in the figure. Now the velocity
diagram is drawn as discussed below:
Since the points A and D are fixed, therefore these points are marked as one point as shown in the
figure. Now from point a, draw vector ab perpendicular to A B, to some suitable scale, to represent the
velocity of B with respect to A or simply velocity of B, such that
Vector ab = vBA = vB = 1.885 m/s
Ex. 3.4 The crank of the slider-crank mechanism rotates clockwise at a constant speed of 300
RPM. The crank is 150 mm and the connecting rod is 600 mm long. Determine:
1. Linear velocity and acceleration of the midpoint of the connecting rod, and
2. Angular velocity and angular acceleration of the connecting rod, at a crank
angle of 45° from the inner dead centre position
Solution: Given Data:
NBO = 300 r.p.m. or ωBO = 2 π × 300/60 = 31.42 rad/s;
OB = 150 mm = 0.15 m ; BA = 600 mm = 0.6 m
We know that linear velocity of B with respect to O or velocity of B,
𝑣𝐵𝑂 = 𝑣𝐵 = 𝜔𝐵𝑂 × 𝑂𝐵 = 31.42 × 0.15 = 4.713 𝑚/𝑠
Draw vector ob perpendicular to BO, to some suitable scale, to represent the velocity of B with respect
to O or simply velocity of B i.e. vBO or vB, such that
vector ob = vBO = vB = 4.713 m/s
From point b, draw vector ba perpendicular to BA to represent the velocity of A with respect to B i.e. v AB,
and from point o draw vector oa parallel to the motion of A (which is along AO) to represent the velocity
of A i.e. vA. The vectors ba and oa intersect at a.
By measurement, we find the velocity A with respect to B,
𝑣𝐴𝐵 = 𝑣𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑜𝑟 𝑏𝑎 = 3.4 𝑚/𝑠
𝑣𝐴 = vector oa = 4 m/s
Ex. 3.5 An engine mechanism is shown in the figure. The crank CB = 100 mm and the connecting
rod BA = 300 mm with the centre of gravity G, 100 mm from B. In the position shown, the
crankshaft has a speed of 75 rad/s and angular acceleration of 1200 rad/s 2. Find:
1. The velocity of G and angular velocity of AB, and
2. Acceleration of G and angular acceleration of AB.
Solution: Given Data:
ωBC = 75 rad/s ; αBC = 1200 rad/s2, CB = 100 mm = 0.1 m; B A = 300 mm = 0.3 m
We know that velocity of B with respect to C or velocity of B
vBC = vB = ωBC × CB = 75 × 0.1 = 7.5 m/s
𝑣𝐴2 (4)2
𝑎𝐴𝐵 = = = 53.3 𝑚⁄𝑠 2
𝐶𝐵 0.3
𝑣𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑜𝑟 𝑐 ′ 𝑏 ′′ = 𝑎𝐵𝐶 = 562.5 𝑚/𝑠 2
𝑣𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑜𝑟 𝑏 ′′ 𝑏 ′ = 𝑎𝐵𝐶 = 120 𝑚/𝑠 2
𝑣𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑜𝑟 𝑏 ′ 𝑥 = 𝑎𝐴𝐵 = 53.3 𝑚/𝑠 2
1. Theory of Machines, Rattan S S, Tata McGraw-Hill
2. Theory of Machines, Khurmi R. S., Gupta J. K., S. Chand Publication
The cams are usually rotated at a uniform speed by a shaft, but the follower motion is
predetermined and will be according to the shape of the cam.
Applications: The cams are widely used for operating the inlet and exhaust valves of internal
combustion engines, automatic attachment of machinery, paper cutting machines, spinning and
weaving textile machinery, feed mechanism of automatic lathes etc.
Fig.4.8 - (a) Cylindrical cam with a reciprocating follower (b) Cylindrical cam with oscillating follower
1. Base circle: It is the smallest circle that can be drawn to the cam profile.
2. Trace point: It is a reference point on the follower and is used to generate the pitch curve.
In the case of knife-edge follower, the knife-edge represents the trace point and the pitch curve
corresponds to the cam profile.
In a roller follower, the centre of the roller represents the trace point.
3. Pressure angle: It is the angle between the direction of the follower motion and a normal to the
pitch curve
This angle is very important in designing a cam profile. If the pressure angle is too large, a
reciprocating follower will jam in its bearings.
4. Pitch point: It is a point on the pitch curve having the maximum pressure angle.
5. Pitch circle: It is a circle drawn from the centre of the cam through the pitch points.
6. Pitch curve: It is the curve generated by the trace point as the follower moves relative to the cam.
For a knife-edge follower, the pitch curve and the cam profile are the same whereas, for a roller
follower, they are separated by the radius of the roller.
7. Prime Circle: It is the smallest circle that can be drawn from the centre of the cam and tangent to
the pitch curve.
For a knife-edge and a flat face follower, the prime circle and the base circle are identical.
For a roller follower, the prime circle is larger than the base circle by the radius of the roller.
8. Lift or stroke: It is the maximum travel of the follower from its lowest position to the topmost
4.5.1 Displacement, Velocity and Acceleration Diagrams when the Follower Moves with
Uniform Velocity
Fig.4.10 - Displacement, velocity and acceleration diagrams when the follower moves with uniform velocity
The displacement, velocity and acceleration diagrams when a knife-edged follower moves with
uniform velocity are shown in Fig.4.10.
The abscissa (base) represents the time (i.e. the number of seconds required for the cam to
complete one revolution) or it may represent the angular displacement of the cam in degrees. The
ordinate represents the displacement or velocity or acceleration of the follower.
Since the follower moves with uniform velocity during its rise and return stroke, therefore the slope
of the displacement curves must be constant. In other words, AB1 and C1D must be straight lines.
4.5.2 Displacement, Velocity and Acceleration Diagrams when the Follower Moves with Simple
Harmonic Motion (S.H.M.)
Fig.4.11 - Displacement, velocity & acceleration diagrams when follower moves with simple harmonic motion
The displacement, velocity and acceleration diagrams when the follower moves with simple
harmonic motion are shown in Fig.4.11. The displacement diagram is drawn as follows:
1. Draw a semi-circle on the follower stroke as diameter.
2. Divide the semi-circle into any number of even equal parts.
3. Divide the angular displacements of the cam during outstroke and return stroke into the
same number of equal parts.
4. The displacement diagram is obtained by projecting the points.
Since the follower moves with a simple harmonic motion, therefore velocity diagram consists of a
sine curve and the acceleration diagram is a cosine curve.
𝜋 ×𝑠 1 𝜋 ×𝑠 𝜔
𝑣𝑝 = × = ×
2 𝑡0 2 𝜃0
Maximum velocity of the follower on the outstroke,
𝜋 ×𝑠 𝜔 𝜋 × 𝜔 ×𝑠
𝑣0 = 𝑣𝑝 = × =
2 𝜃0 2 𝜃0
We know that the centripetal acceleration of the point P
𝑣𝑝 2 𝜋 × 𝜔 ×𝑠 2 2 𝜋 2 × 𝜔2 × 𝑠
𝑎𝑝 = = ( ) × =
𝑜𝑝 2 𝜃0 𝑠 2 × (𝜃0 )2
Maximum acceleration of the follower on the outstroke,
𝜋 2 × 𝜔2 × 𝑠
𝑎0 = 𝑎𝑝 =
2 × (𝜃0 )2
𝜋× 𝜔 ×𝑆
𝑣𝑅 =
2 𝜃𝑅
Maximum acceleration of the follower on the return stroke
𝜋 2 𝜔2 𝑆
𝑎𝑅 =
2 (𝜃𝑅 )2
4.5.3 Displacement, Velocity and Acceleration Diagrams when the Follower Moves with
Uniform Acceleration and Retardation
Fig.4.13 - Displacement, velocity and acceleration diagrams when the follower moves with uniform
acceleration and retardation
The displacement, velocity and acceleration diagrams when the follower moves with uniform
acceleration and retardation are shown in Fig.4.13.
1. Divide the angular displacement of the cam during outstroke (O) into an even number of
equal parts (say eight) and draw vertical lines through these points.
2. Divide the stroke of the follower (S) into the same number of equal even parts.
3. Join Aa to intersect the vertical line through point 1 at B. Similarly, obtain the other points
C, D etc. Now join these points to obtain the parabolic curve for the outstroke of the
4. In a similar way, the displacement diagram for the follower during return stroke may be
Since the acceleration and retardation is uniform, therefore the velocity varies directly with the
We know that time required for the follower during outstroke,
𝑡0 =
The time required for the follower during the return stroke,
𝑡𝑅 =
Mean velocity of the follower during outstroke
𝑣0 =
Since the maximum velocity of the follower is equal to twice the mean velocity, therefore the
maximum velocity of the follower during outstroke,
2𝑆 2𝜔𝑆
𝑣0 = =
𝑡0 𝜃0
Similarly, the maximum velocity of the follower during the return stroke,
𝑣𝑅 =
Maximum acceleration of the follower during outstroke,
𝑣0 2 ×2𝜔𝑠 4 𝜔2 . 𝑆
𝑎0 = = =
𝑡0 ⁄2 𝑡0 𝜃0 (𝜃0 )2
Similarly, the maximum acceleration of the follower during the return stroke,
4 𝜔2 𝑆
𝑎𝑅 =
(𝜃𝑅 )2
4.5.4 Displacement, Velocity and Acceleration Diagrams when the Follower Moves with
Cycloidal Motion
The displacement, velocity and acceleration diagrams when the follower moves with cycloidal
motion are shown in Fig.4.14.
We know that cycloid is a curve traced by a point on a circle when the circle rolls without slipping
on a straight line.
Fig.4.14 - Displacement, velocity and acceleration diagrams when the follower moves with the cycloidal
2. Divide the circle into any number of six even parts. Project these points horizontally on the
vertical centre line of the circle. These points are shown by a’ and b’.
3. Divide the angular displacement of the cam during outstroke into the same number of equal
even parts as the circle is divided. Draw vertical lines through these points.
4. Join AB which intersects the vertical line through 3’ at c. From a’ draw a line parallel to AB
intersecting the vertical lines through 1’ and 2’ at a and b respectively.
5. Similarly, from b’ draw a line parallel to AB intersecting the vertical lines through 4’ and 5’
at d and e respectively.
6. Join the points A a b c d e B by a smooth curve. This is the required cycloidal curve for the
follower during outstroke.
𝜃 1 2𝜋𝜃
𝑥=𝑆 [ − sin ( )]
𝜃0 2 𝜋 𝜃0
The velocity of the follower after time t seconds,
𝑑𝑥 1 𝑑𝜃 2 𝜋 𝜃 2 𝜋 𝜃 𝑑𝜃
=𝑆 [ × − cos ( ) ]
𝑑𝑡 𝜃0 𝑑𝑡 𝜃0 𝜃0 𝑑𝑡
𝑆 𝑑𝜃 2𝜋𝜃
= × [1 − cos ( )]
𝜃0 𝑑𝑡 𝜃0
𝜔𝑆 2𝜋𝜃
= [1 − cos ( )]
𝜃0 𝜃0
The velocity is maximum, when
cos ( ) = −1
= 𝜋
Similarly, the maximum velocity of the follower during the return stroke,
𝑣𝑅 =
Now, acceleration of the follower after time t sec,
𝑑2𝑥 𝜔𝑆 2𝜋 2 𝜋 𝜃 𝑑𝜃
= [ sin ( ) ]
𝑑𝑡 2 𝜃0 𝜃0 𝜃0 𝑑𝑡
2 𝜋 𝜔2 𝑆 2𝜋𝜃
= 2
sin ( )
(𝜃0 ) 𝜃0
The acceleration is maximum, when
sin ( )=1
2 𝜋 𝜔2 𝑆
𝑎0 =
(𝜃0 )2
2 𝜋 𝜔2 𝑆
𝑎𝑅 =
(𝜃𝑅 )2
Fig.4.16 - Profile of the cam when the line of stroke of the follower passes through the axis of the camshaft
Fig.4.20 - The profile of the cam when the axis of the follower is offset from the axis of the camshaft
2𝜋𝑁 2 𝜋 (240)
𝜔= = = 25.14 𝑟𝑎𝑑/𝑠
60 60
Maximum velocity of the follower on the outstroke,
𝜋 × 𝜔 ×𝑠 𝜋 × 25.14 × 0.04
𝑣0 = = = 1 𝑚/𝑠
2 𝜃0 2 × 1.571
Maximum velocity of the follower on the return stroke,
𝜋 × 𝜔 ×𝑠 𝜋 × 25.14 × 0.04
𝑣𝑅 = = = 1.51 𝑚/𝑠
2 𝜃𝑅 2 × 1.047
𝜋 2 × 𝜔2 × 𝑠 𝜋 2 × (25.14)2 × 0.04
𝑎0 = = = 50.6 𝑚/𝑠 2
2 × (𝜃0 )2 2 × (1.571)2
Maximum acceleration of the follower on the return stroke,
𝜋 2 × 𝜔2 × 𝑠 𝜋 2 × (25.14)2 × 0.04
𝑎𝑅 = = = 113.8 𝑚/𝑠 2
2 × (𝜃𝑅 )2 2 × (1.047)2
Ex. 4.3 A cam drives a flat reciprocating follower in the following manner:
During the first 120° rotation of the cam, the follower moves outwards through a distance
of 20 mm with simple harmonic motion. The follower dwells during next 30° of cam
rotation. During the next 120° of cam rotation, the follower moves inwards with simple
harmonic motion. The follower dwells for the next 90° of cam rotation. The minimum
radius of the cam is 25 mm. Draw the profile of the cam.
Solution: Given Data:
S = 20 mm; Minimum Radius of the Cam = 25 mm
Fig.4.25 - Profile of the cam when the line of stroke of the follower is offset by 15 mm
2𝜋𝑁 2 𝜋 (900)
𝜔= = = 94.26 𝑟𝑎𝑑/𝑠
60 60
Maximum velocity of the follower on the outstroke,
2 × 𝜔 ×𝑠 2 × 94.26 × 0.04
𝑣0 = = = 4.32 𝑚/𝑠
𝜃0 1.745
Maximum velocity of the follower on the return stroke,
2 × 𝜔 ×𝑠 2 × 94.26 × 0.04
𝑣𝑅 = = = 4.8 𝑚/𝑠
𝜃𝑅 1.571
Maximum acceleration of the follower on the outstroke,
4 × 𝜔2 × 𝑠 4 × (94.26)2 × 0.04
𝑎0 = = = 467 𝑚/𝑠 2
(𝜃0 )2 (1.745)2
Maximum acceleration of the follower on the return stroke,
4 × 𝜔2 × 𝑠 4 × (94.26)2 × 0.04
𝑎𝑅 = = = 576 𝑚/𝑠 2
(𝜃𝑅 )2 (1.571)2
Ex. 4.5 A cam rotating clockwise at a uniform speed of 1000 r.p.m. is required to give a roller
follower the motion as defined below:
1. A follower to move outwards through 50 mm during 120° of cam rotation,
2. A follower to dwell for next 60° of cam rotation,
3. A follower to return to its starting position during next 90° of cam rotation,
4. A follower to dwell for the rest of the cam rotation.
The minimum radius of the cam is 50 mm and the diameter of the roller is 10 mm. The line
of stroke of the follower is off-set by 20 mm from the axis of the camshaft. If the
displacement of the follower takes place with uniform and equal acceleration and
retardation on both the outward and return strokes, draw the profile of the cam and find
the maximum velocity and acceleration during out stroke and return stroke.
Solution: Given Data:
S = 50 mm = 0.05 m; Minimum Radius of the Cam = 50 mm;
o = 120° = 120 (/180) rad = 2.1 rad; R = 90° =/2 rad = 1.571 rad; N = 1000 r.p.m.
2𝜋𝑁 2 𝜋 (1000)
𝜔= = = 104.7 𝑟𝑎𝑑/𝑠
60 60
Maximum velocity of the follower on the outstroke,
2 × 𝜔 ×𝑠 2 × 104.7 × 0.05
𝑣0 = = = 5 𝑚/𝑠
𝜃0 2.1
Maximum velocity of the follower on the return stroke,
2 × 𝜔 ×𝑠 2 × 104.7 × 0.05
𝑣𝑅 = = = 6.66 𝑚/𝑠
𝜃𝑅 1.571
Maximum acceleration of the follower on the outstroke,
4 × 𝜔2 × 𝑠 4 × (104.7)2 × 0.05
𝑎0 = = = 497.2 𝑚/𝑠 2
(𝜃0 )2 (2.1)2
Maximum acceleration of the follower on the return stroke,
4 × 𝜔2 × 𝑠 4 × (104.7)2 × 0.05
𝑎𝑅 = = = 888 𝑚/𝑠 2
(𝜃𝑅 )2 (1.571)2
Ex. 4.6 Construct the profile of a cam to suit the following specifications:
Camshaft diameter = 40 mm ; Least radius of cam = 25 mm ; Diameter of roller = 25 mm;
The angle of lift = 120°; Angle of fall = 150°; Lift of the follower = 40 mm; Number of pauses
are two of the equal interval between motions. During the lift, the motion is S.H.M. During
the fall the motion is uniform acceleration and deceleration. The speed of the camshaft is
uniform. The line of stroke of the follower is offset 12.5 mm from the centre of the cam.
Fig.4.29 - Profile of the cam when the line of stroke of the follower is offset by 12.5 mm
1. Theory of Machines, Rattan S S, Tata McGraw-Hill
2. Theory of Machines, Khurmi R. S., Gupta J. K., S. Chand Publication
The flexibility of belt and rope is due to the property of their materials whereas chains have a
number of small rigid elements having relative motion between the two elements.
Belt and rope transmit power due to friction between them and the pulley. If the power transmitted
exceeds the force of friction, the belt or rope slips over the pulley.
Belts and ropes are strained during motion as tensions are developed in them.
Owing to slipping and straining action belts and ropes are not positive drive, i.e., velocity ratio are
not constant. Chain and gears have a constant velocity ratio.
Power to be transmitted.
Space available.
Service conditions.
Small power.
Medium power
Large power
Materials are leather, rubber, canvas, cotton & rubber Balata (higher strength than rubber belt). V- Belt
Used in the industry where a moderate amount of power to be transmitted.
Made of rubber impregnated fabric with the angle of V between 30° to 40°.
Note: In multiple V – belt drive all the belt should be stretch at the same rate so that load is equally
divided. When one of the selves of belt break, the entire set should be replaced at the same drive.
If one belt is replaced the new unworn and unstressed will be more tightly stretched and will more
with different velocity. Ropes
Used where a higher amount of power to be transmitted distance up to 30m apart.
Generally, the centre distance for open belt drive is 14 – 16 m. if the distance is too large, the belt
whips i.e. vibrate in a direction perpendicular to the direction of motion.
For very shorter distance, the belt slips increase.
While transmitting power, one side of the belt is more tightened (known as a tight side) as
compared to other (known as a slack side).
In the case of horizontal drives, it is always desired that the tight side is at the lower side of two
pulleys. This is because the sag of the belt will be more on the upper side than the lower side. This
slightly increases the angle of wrap of the belts on the two pulleys than if the belt had been perfectly
straight between the pulleys.
In case the tight side of the belt is on the upper side, the sag will be greater at the lower side,
reducing the angle of wrap and slip could occur earlier. This ultimately affects the power to be
A crossed belt drive is used when the driven pulley is to be rotated in the opposite direction to that
of the driving pulley.
A crossed belt drive can transmit more power than an open belt drive as the angle of wrap is more.
However, the belt has to bend in two different planes and it wears out more. To avoid this the shaft
should be placed at a max dist. 20 b where b = width of belt and speed should be less than 15 m
With constant use, the belt is permanently stretched in a little longer. This reduces the initial tension
in the belt leading to lower power transmission capacity. However, the tension in the belt can be
restored to the original value.
A bell – crank lever, hinged on the axis of the smaller pulley, supports adjustable weights on its one
arm and the axis of a pulley on the other. The pulley is free to rotate on its axis and is known as an
idler pulley. Owing to weights on one arm of the lever, the pulley exerts pressure on the belt
increasing the tension and the angle of contact. Thus, the life of the belt is increased and the power
capacity is restored to the original value.
The motion of one shaft can be transmitted to two or more than two shafts by using a number of
the idler pulley.
When it is required to have large velocity ratios, ordinarily the size of the larger pulley will be quite
big. However, by using an intermediate (counter-shaft) pulley, the size can be reduced.
A stepped cone pulley drive is used for changing the speed of the driven shaft while the main or
driving shaft runs at a constant speed.
This is done by shifting the belt from one part of the step to the other.
Many times, it is required to drive several machines from a single main shaft. In such a case, some
arrangement to link or delink a machine to or from the main shaft has to be incorporated as all the
machines may not be operating simultaneously. The arrangement usually provided is that of using
a loose pulley along with a fast pulley.
A fast pulley is keyed to the shaft and rotates with it at the same speed and thus transmits power.
A loose pulley is not keyed to the shaft and thus is unable to transmit any power.
Whenever a machine is to be driven, the belt is mounted on the fast pulley and when it is not
required to transmit any power, the belt is pushed to the loose pulley placed adjacent to the fast
It should be observed that it is not possible to operate the belt in the reverse direction without
violating the law of belting. Thus, in the case of non – parallel shafts, motion is possible only in one
direction. Otherwise, the belt is thrown off the pulley.
However, it is possible to run a belt in either direction on the pulley of two non – parallel or
intersecting shafts with the help of guide pulleys. The law of belting is satisfied.
N1 = Speed of driving pulley
N2 = Speed of driven pulley
D1 = Diameter of the driving pulley
D2 = Diameter of the driven pulley
T = thickness of the belt
Neglecting slip between belt & pulley and consider belt to be inelastic.
Let, the speed of belt on driving pulley = speed of belt on driven pulley
D1 N1 D2 N2
π = π
60 60
t t
(D1 + 2 ) N1 = (D2 + 2 ) N2
2 2
Or Velocity Ratio (VR)
N2 D1 + t
(VR) = =
N1 D2 + t
N2 d1 E + √σ2
Velocity ratio = [ ]
N1 d2 E + √σ1
Dr. A. J. Makadia, Department of Mechanical Engineering
5.8 Kinematics and Theory of Machines (3131906) |
Unit-5 Belt, Ropes and Chains
σ1 = Stress on the tight side of the belt
σ2 = Stress on the slack side of the belt
E = Young modulus for the belt material
Arc EJG = 2 Arc JE = 2 ( + α) ∙ r1
Arc FKH = 2 Arc FK = 2 ( − α) ∙ r2
r1 − r2
sin α =
= √(x)2 − (r1 − r2 )2
r1 − r2 2
= x √1 − ( )
π (r1 − r2 )2 π
∴ L = 2 [( + α) r1 + x − + ( − α) r2 ]
2 2x 2
π (r1 − r2 )2 π
= 2 [r1 ∙ + r1 ∙ α + x − + r2 ∙ − r2 ∙ α ]
2 2x 2
π (r1 − r2 )2
= 2 [ (r1 + r2 ) + α (r1 − r2 ) + x − ]
2 2x
(r1 − r2 )2
= π (r1 + r2 ) + 2 α (r1 − r2 ) + 2x −
r1 − r2
sin α =
[ x ]
α is small
∴ sin α = α
r1 − r2 (r1 − r2 )2
= π (r1 + r2 ) + 2 ( ) (r1 − r2 ) + 2x −
𝑥 x
(r1 − r2 )2 (r1 − r2 )2
= π (r1 + r2 ) + 2 + 2x −
x x
(r1 − r2 )2
L = π (r1 + r2 ) + 2x + In terms of Radius
𝛑 (𝐝𝟏 − 𝐝𝟐 )𝟐
𝐋 = (𝐝 + 𝐝𝟐 ) + 𝟐𝐱 + 𝐈𝐧 𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐦𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐝𝐢𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐫
𝟐 𝟏 𝟒𝐱
= √𝑥 2 − (r1 + r2 )2
r1 + r2 2
= x √1 − ( )
1 r1 + r2 2
= x [1 − ( ) + ⋯⋯⋯]
2 𝑥
(r1 + r2 )2 Eq. (5.9)
= x−
Putting value of Eq. (5.7), Eq. (5.8) & Eq. (5.9) in Eq. (5.6)
π (r1 + r2 )2 π
∴ L = 2 [r1 ( + α) + x − + r2 ( + α)]
2 2x 2
π (r1 + r2 )2 π
= 2 [r1 ∙ + r1 ∙ α + x − + r2 ∙ + r2 ∙ α ]
2 2x 2
π (r1 + r2 )2
=2 [ (r ) (r )
+ r2 + α 1 + r2 + x − ]
2 1 2x
(r1 + r2 )2
= π (r1 + r2 ) + 2 α (r1 + r2 ) + 2x −
sin α = α
As α is very small
[ r1 + r2 ]
sin α =
r1 + r2 (r1 + r2 )2
= π (r1 + r2 ) + 2 ( ) (r1 + r2 ) + 2x −
𝑥 x
(r1 + r2 )2 (r1 + r2 )2
= π (r1 + r2 ) + 2 + 2x −
x x
(r1 + r2 )2
L = π (r1 + r2 ) + 2x + In terms of Radius
𝛑 (𝐝𝟏 + 𝐝𝟐 )𝟐
𝐋 = (𝐝 + 𝐝𝟐 ) + 𝟐𝐱 + 𝐈𝐧 𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐦𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐝𝐢𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐫
𝟐 𝟏 𝟒𝐱
δθ δθ
μR + T cos − (T + δT) cos =0
2 2
μR + T − (T + δT) = 0
As δθ is small
[ δθ ]
cos ≈1
δT Eq. (5.10)
Resolving the forces in Radial Direction (Vertically),
δθ δθ
R − T sin − (T + δT) sin =0
2 2
∴ = μ δθ
Integrating between proper limits,
T1 θ
∫ = ∫ μ δθ
T2 0
∴ log e = μθ
Note: The above relation is valid only when the belt is on the point of slipping on the pulleys.
2μR + T − T − δT = 0
As δθ is small
[ δθ ]
cos ≈1
δT = 2μR Eq. (5.12)
2R sin α = 2
Tδθ Eq. (5.13)
2 sin α
From Eq. (5.12) and Eq. (5.13)
Tδθ δT μ δθ
δT = 2 μ or =
2 sin α T sin α
Integrating between proper limits,
T1 θ
δT μ δθ
∫ = ∫
T sin α
T2 0
T1 μθ
∴ log e =
T2 sin α
= 𝐞𝛍𝛉⁄sin α = 𝐞𝛍𝛉 𝐜𝐨𝐬𝐞𝐜𝛂
The expression is similar to that for a flat belt drive except that μ is replaced byμ⁄sin θ, i.e., the
coefficient of friction is increased by 1⁄sin θ. Thus, the ratio T1 ⁄T2 is far greater in the case of V –
belts & ropes for the same angle of lap θ and coefficient of friction μ.
Above expression is derived on the assumption that the belt is on the point of slipping.
If it is the relationship between T1 and T2 for a flat belt is given by T1⁄T2 = eμθ. If it is not, no particular
relation is available to calculate T1 and T2 .
While in motion, as a belt passes over a pulley, the centrifugal effect due to its own weight tends
to lift the belt from the pulley.
TC δθ = m v 2 δθ
∴ 𝐓𝐂 = 𝐦 𝐯 𝟐
TC = σ ∙ A (Max tension in belt)
T = T1 + TC
P = (T1 − T2 ) ∙ v
= T1 (1 − )∙ v
= T1 (1 − )∙ v
(T1 )
= eμθ
[ 1 − = k constant]
= T1 k ∙ v
= ( T − TC ) ∙ k ∙ v
T = T1 + TC
[ ]
∴ T1 = T − TC
= kTv − TC ∙ kv
= kTv − (m v 2 ) ∙ kv
P = kTv − kmv 3
Here maximum tension T in the belt should not exceed permissible value. Hence treating T as constant
and differentiating the power with respect to v and equating the same equal to zero.
∴ = kT − 3 v 2 (k m) = 0
∴ kT = 3 v 2 k m
T = 3 mv 2
T = 3 TC or 𝐓𝐂 =
For maximum power transmission, the centrifugal tension in the belt is equal to 1/3 of the maximum
allowable belt tension and belt should be on the point of slipping.
Also T = T1 + TC
T 2T
=T− =
3 3
Also T = 3TC
= 3 ∙ m v2
∴ Vmax = √
T1 + T2
∴ T0 = = Mean of tight side & 𝑠𝑙𝑎𝑐𝑘 𝑠𝑖𝑑𝑒 𝑡𝑒𝑛𝑠𝑖𝑜𝑛𝑠
∴ T1 + T2 = 2(T0 − TC )
[Let = eμθ = k]
k T2 + T2 = 2 (T0 − TC )
(T0 − TC )
T2 = 2
k +1
T1 = T2 ∙ k
2 k (T0 − TC ) Eq. (5.16)
T1 =
(k + 1)
2 k (T0 − TC ) (T0 − TC )
∴ T1 − T2 = − 2
(k + 1) k +1
2 (k − 1)(T0 − TC )
T1 − T2 =
(k + 1)
2 (k − 1)(T0 − TC )
= ∙v
(k + 1)
2 (k − 1)(T0 − m v 2 )
= ∙ v
2 (k − 1)(T0 v − m v 3 )
To find the condition for maximum power transmission,
= T0 − 3mv 2 = 0
∴ T0 = 3mv 2
5.16 Advantages & Disadvantages of V – Belt drive over Flat Belt drive
5.16.1 Advantages
V - Belt drive gives compactness due to a small distance.
Power transmission is more due to wedging action of the belt in the groove.
5.16.2 Disadvantages
V – Belt drive can’t use for a large distance.
Construction of pulley for V – Belt is more complicated than the pulleys for a flat belt.
Since V – Belts are subjected to a certain amount of creep, so they are not suitable for constant
speed application such as synchronous machines, timing devices etc.
Belt life is effect with temperature changes, improper belt tension and mismatching of belt length.
The centrifugal tension prevents the use of V – Belts at speed below 5 m/s and above 50 m/sec.
The number of separate drives may be taken from one driving pulley.
Manila ropes are more durable and stronger than cotton rope. (Hempropes have less strength
compared to Manila ropes).
Cotton ropes are costlier than Manila ropes.
When a large amount of power is to be transmitted over a long distance (≅ 150 m apart) then wire
ropes are used.
The wire ropes are used in elevators, mine hoists, crane, conveyors, and suspension bridges.
The wire rope runs on grooved pulleys, but they rest on the bottom of the grooves and are not
wedged between the sides of the grooves.
Wire ropes are made from cold drawn wires, various materials are wrought iron, cast steel, alloy
steel, copper, bronze, aluminium, alloys, S.S. etc.
1. Constant velocity due to no-slip, so it is a positive drive.
2. No effect on overload on the velocity ratio.
3. Oil or grease on the surface does not affect the velocity ratio.
4. Chains occupy less space as they made of metals.
5. Lesser loads are put on the shaft.
6. High transmission efficiency due to “No-slip”.
7. Through one chain only motion can be transmitted to several shafts.
1. It is heavier as compared to the belt.
2. There are gradual stretching and an increase in the length of chains. From time to time some
of its links have to be removed.
3. Lubrication of its parts is required.
4. Chains are costlier compared to belts.
Dr. A. J. Makadia, Department of Mechanical Engineering
Kinematics and Theory of Machines (3131906) | 5.23
Unit-5 Belt, Ropes and Chains
5.18.1 Relation between Pitch and Pitch circle diameter for Chain
Fig.5.22 - Relation between Pitch and Pitch circle diameter for Chain
The distance between roller centres of two adjacent links is known as pitch (p) of a chain.
A circle through the roller centre of wrapped chain around a sprocket is called pitch circle and its
diameter as pitch circle diameter (d).
T = No. of teeth on the sprocket
∅ = Angle subtended by the chord of a link at the centre of the sprocket
r= Radius of the pitch circle
∅ p⁄2 ∅ p
sin = ∴ sin =
2 r 2 2r
∅ 360° 180°
∴ p = 2r sin = 2r sin ( ) = 2r sin ( )
2 2T T
p p 180°
∴ r= = cosec ( )
180° 2 T
2 sin ( T )
𝐝 = 𝐩 𝐜𝐨𝐬𝐞𝐜 ( )
R & r = Radius of the pitch circle of two sprockets having T & t teeth.
C = centre distance between sprocket = k ∙ p
p = Pitch of chain
Dr. A. J. Makadia, Department of Mechanical Engineering
5.24 Kinematics and Theory of Machines (3131906) |
Unit-5 Belt, Ropes and Chains
(R − r)2
L = π (R + r) + 2C +
p 180°
R= cosec ( )
2 T
p 180°
[𝑟 = 2
cosec (
t ]
p 180° p 180°
(2 cosec ( T ) − 2 cosec ( t ))
pT + pt
L= + 2(kp) +
2 kp
Hoisting chain includes an oval link and stud link chains. An oval link is a common form of hoisting
chain. It consists of an oval link and is also known as coil chain. Such chains are used for lower
speed only.
This type of chain is mainly used for transmission of power at low speeds. Sometimes they are
also used as conveyor chains in place of malleable conveyor chains.
b. Roller Chain
A bushing is fixed to an inner link whereas the outer link has a pin fixed to it. There is only sliding
motion between pin and bushing. The roller is made of hardened material and is free to turn on the
c. Silent Chain (Inverted tooth chain)
Though roller chain can run quietly at fairly high speed. The silent chains are used where maximum
quietness is desired. Silent chains do not have rollers. The links are so shaped as to engage directly
with the sprocket teeth. The included angle is either 60° or 75°.
Ex. 5.1 A shaft runs at 80 rpm and drives another shaft at 150 rpm through a belt drive. The
diameter of the driving pulley is 600 mm. determine the diameter of the driven pulley in
the following cases.
a) Neglecting belt thickness.
b) Taking belt thickness as 5mm.
c) Assuming for case (ii) total slip of 4%.
d) Assuming for case (ii) a slip of 2% on each pulley.
N2 D1 N1 D1 80 600
D2 320 mm
N1 D2 N2 150
Case (ii) Belt thickness = 5mm
N2 D1 t N1 D1 t
D2 t
N1 D2 t N2
80 605
D2 5 D2 317.67 mm
Case (iii) Total Slip is 4%
N2 D1 t S
N1 D2 t 100
150 600 5 4
1 D2 304.76 mm
80 D2 t 100
N2 D1 t S
N1 D2 t 100
S S1 S2 0.01 S1 S2
2 2 0.01 2 2
150 600 5 3.96
1 D2 304.88 mm
80 D2 t 100
Ex. 5.2 Two parallel shafts connected by a crossed belt, are provided with pulleys 480 mm and
640 mm in diameters. The distance between the centre line of the shaft is 3 m. Find by how
much the length of the belt should be changed if it is desired to alter the direction of
rotation of the driven shaft.
Ex. 5.3 A belt runs over a pulley of 800 mm diameter at a speed of 180 rpm. The angle of the lap
is 165° and the maximum tension in the belt is 2kN. Determine the power transmitted if the
coefficient of friction is 0.3.
Solution: Given Data:
T1 2000 N
d 0.8 mtr.
N 180 rpm
165 rad
2.88 rad
2.3log10 1 0.3 2.88
T 2000 N
T1 1
2.37 T 1 843N
T 2000
2.37 2.37
Power T1 T2 v
8724 W
P 8.724 kW
Ex. 5.4 A casting weights 6 kN and is freely suspended from a rope which makes 2.5 turns round
a drum of 200 mm diameter. If the drum rotates at 40 rpm, determine the force required
by a man to pull the rope from the other end of the rope. Also, find the power to raise the
casting. The coefficient of friction is 0.25.
Solution: Given Data:
W T1 6000 N
2.5 2 15.70 rad
d 0.20 mtr.
N 40 rpm
T2 ?
P ?
dN 0.2 40
V 0.419 m / sec
60 60
2.3log10 0.25 15.70
50.87 T2 117.93N
Power T1 T2 v
2464 Watt
P 2.46 kW
P 8 103 watt
N1 240 rpm , d1 0.600 m (Smaller pulley)
N2 160 rpm
x 5m
t 8 mm
3N / mm2
N1 d1 N2 d2
N1 d1 240 0.6
d2 0.900 mtr. (bigger pulley)
N2 160
Angle of contact 180 2
180 r r 0.450 0.300
sin 1 2
180 2 1.71 X 5
180 1.71
3.08 rad
2.3log10 0.25 3.08
d1 N1
Velocity v 60
Power T1 T2 v
0.6 240
8000 T1 T2 7.54
T1 T2 1061 60
v 7.54 m / sec
Max tension T1 b t T1
1975 b t 2.16 & T1 T2 1061
1975 3 b 8 T2
b 82.29 mm T 914 N ,T 1975N
1 2
Angle of contact 180 2
180 r r 0.450 0.300
sin 1 2
180 2 8.62 X 5
180 8.62 rad
2.3log10 0.25 3.443
T1 T2 1061 & 2.36
Max tension T1 b t T2
T 780 N,T 1840 N
2 1
1840 3 b 8
b 76.6 mm
Ex. 5.6 A 100 mm wide and 10 mm thick belt transmits 5 kW of power between two parallel shafts.
The distance between the shaft centres is 1.5 m and the diameter of the smaller pulley is
440 mm. The driving and the driven shafts rotate at 60 rpm and 150 rpm respectively. The
coefficient of friction is 0.22. Find the stress in the belt if the two pulleys are connected by
(i) an open belt drive (ii) a cross belt drive.
Solution: Given Data:
b 100 mm , t 10 mm
P 5 103 watt
x 1.5m
N1 60 rpm
N2 150 rpm , d2 440 mm
open ?
cross ?
N1 d1 N2 d2
N2 d2 150 440
N1 60
d1 1100 mm
(i) Open Belt drive,
2.3log10 0.22 2.697
1.81 ______(1)
t 2 N2
v r r 2 60
Power T1 T2 v considering thickness of
5 103 T1 T2 3.535 belt
T1 T2 1414.5N _____(2) 3535mm / sec
v 3.535m / sec
From equation (1) & (2)
T1 3160.8 N
T2 1746.2 N
3.16 N / mm2
(ii) Cross Belt drive,
r r 0.55 0.22
Angle of contact 180 2 sin 1 2
180 X 1.5
180 2 30.88
2.3log10 0.22 4.22
T1 T2 1414.5 & 2.53
5000 T1 T2 3.535 T2
T 924.5N, T 2339 N
2 1
T1 T2 1414.5N
2.339 N / mm2
Ex. 5.7 An open belt drive is required to transmit 10 kW of power from a motor running at 600 rpm.
The diameter of the driving pulley is 250 mm. Speed of the driven pulley is 220 rpm. The
belt is 12 mm thick and has a mass density of 0.001 g/mm 2. Safe stress in the belt is not
to exceed 2.5 N/mm2. Two shafts are 1.25 m apart. Take µ = 0.25. Determine the width of
the belt.
Solution: Given Data:
P 10 103 watt
N 600 rpm
x 1.5m
Speed of Driving pulley N1 600 rpm
Diameter of driving pulley d1 250 mm
Speed of Drivenpulley N2 220 rpm
t 12 mm
0.001 g / mm3 3
10 103 kg / m3
3 3
10 10 3
m 3
2.5N / mm 2.5 10 N / m
2 6 2
x 1.25m
b ?
N1 d1 N2 d2
N1 d1 600 250
N2 220
d2 681.81mm
t t 2 N
v r r
2 2 60
12 2 600
2 60
8230 mm / sec
v 8.23 m / sec
P T1 T2 v
10 103 T1 T2 8.23
T1 T2 1215 _____(1)
0.25 2.79
2.01 ______(2)
openbelt drive
180 2 rad where sin r1 r2
180 X
180 2 9.94 340.90 125
180 1.25
2.79 9.94 rad
From equation (1) & (2)
T2 1203N
T1 2418 N
Centrifugal Tension (Tc)
30,000 b
d1 N1
1 220
v 11.52 m / sec 10
TC m v2
1.2 (11.52)2
TC 159 N
180 2 rad
r1 r2
where sin
180 2 (4.91) X
2.97 rad 0.5 0.2
Max Tension
2.3log10 1 0.28 2.97 1 C
1.8 10 T1 159
T 1641N
T2 714 N
Dr. A. J. Makadia, Department of Mechanical Engineering
Kinematics and Theory of Machines (3131906) | 5.35
Unit-5 Belt, Ropes and Chains
Power transmitted P T1 T2 v
(1641 714) 11.52
10679 watt
P 10.679 kw
3. Power lost in friction,
N1 d1 N2 d2
N2 d2 300 800
d1 320 mm
N1 750
T b t
2.2 350
T 770 N
openbelt drive
r r
T1 T TC 180 2 rad sin 1 2
180 X
770 283.5
T1 486.5N 180 2 9.20 400 160
2.82 rad 9.20 rad
2.3 log10 cosec
0.28 2.82
11.3 T2 43.1N
Power T1 T2 v
(486.5 43.1 ) 30
13302 Watt
P 13.3kW
r r
L o r1 r2 2x 1 2
0.4 0.16
Velocity for Max Power v
3 0.3
v 23.23m / sec
2.3 log10 cosec
0.2 2.53
sin 17.5
Centrifugal Tension TC m v 2
0.3(23.23)2 162 N Max Tension condi.
T T 486 162 N
C 3 3
5.39 T2 60.2N
Max Power P T1 T2 v
6128.074 Watt
P 6.12 kW
Ex. 5.11 The grooves on the pulleys of a multiple rope drive have an angle of 50° and accommodate
rope of 22 mm diameter having a mass of 0.8 kg/metre length for which a safe operating
tension of 1200 N has been laid down. The two pulleys are of equal size. The drive is
designed for max power conditions. Speeds of both pulleys are 180 rpm. Assuming µ =
0.25. Determine the diameter of pulleys and no. of ropes when power is transmitted 150
Solution: Given Data:
Rope Drive
2 50
d dia. of rope 22 mm
m 0.8 kg / m
T 1200 N
d1 d2 dia. of pulley 180
Max Power conditions
N1 N2 180 rpm
P 150 103 Watt
d1 d2 ?
No. ofRopes ?
TC m v 2 T 1200
400 0.8 v2 v
v 22.36 m / sec 3m 3 0.8
22.36 m / sec
D1 N1
Velocity v
D1 180
23.36 D1 2.37m
2.3 log10 cosec
0.25 180
180 sin25
6.42 T2 124.61N
Power P T1 T2 v
P 15.10 kW / Rope
TotalPower 150 kW
No. of Ropes 9.93 10 Ropes
Power / Rope 15.10 kW
The following data relate to a rope drive
Ex. 5.12
Power transmitted = 20kW
Diameter of pulley = 480 mm
Speed = 80 rpm
Angle of lap on smaller pulley = 160°
No. of Ropes =8
Mass of Rope / m length = 48 G2 kg
Limiting working tension = 132 G2
Coefficient of friction = 0.3
Angle of groove = 44°
If G is the girth of rope in m, determine the initial tension and diameter of each rope.
Solution: Given Data:
P 20 103 Watt
d dia. of pulley 0.48 m
N 80 rpm
160 rad
n No. of Ropes 8
m 48 G2 kg / m
T 132 G2 kN
2 44
T0 ?
dia. of Rope ?
20 103
Power transmitted / Rope 2500 Watt
dN 0.48 80
Velocity of Rope 2.01m / sec
60 60
Dr. A. J. Makadia, Department of Mechanical Engineering
5.40 Kinematics and Theory of Machines (3131906) |
Unit-5 Belt, Ropes and Chains
Power P T1 T2 v
2500 T1 T2 2.01
T1 T2 1244 N
2.3 log10 cosec
0.3 160
180 sin22
Solving equation
9.38 T1 1392.44
T2 T2 148.44
T1 T2
Initial Tension T0 770.44 N
Total Tension T T1 TC
132 103 G2 1392.44 48 G2 (2.01)2
G 0.1028
Ex. 5.13 2.5 kW power is transmitted by an open belt drive. The linear velocity of the belt is 2.5
m/sec. The angle of the lap on the smaller pulley is 165°. The coefficient of friction is 0.3.
Determine the effect on power transmission in the following cases:
(i) Initial tension in the belt is increased by 8%.
(ii) Initial tension in the belt is decreased by 8%.
(iii) The angle of the lap is increased by 8% by the use of an idler pulley, for the same
speed and the tension on the tight side.
(iv) Coefficient of friction is increased by 8% by suitable dressing to the friction surface
of the belt.
Solution: Let,
Power P T1 T2 v
2500 T1 T2 2.5
2.3log10 0.3 165
T2 180
2.37 _____(2)
By Solving,
T2 729.9 N
T1 1729.92 N
T1 T2
Initial Tension T0 1229.9 N
Initial Tension increased by 8%,
T1 T2
Or T0
T1 T2
1328.30 T1 T2 2656.60 N _____(3)
As µ and θ remain unchanged,
2.37 _____(4)
T1 1868.3N
T2 788.30 N
Power P T1 T2 v
2.7 2.5
increase inpower 0.08 8%
Initial Tension decreased by 8%,
T1 T2
Or T0
T1 T2
1131.50 T1 T2 2263N _____(5)
As µ and θ remain unchanged,
T1 1591.5N
T2 671.5N
Power P T1 T2 v
2.5 2.3
decrease inpower 0.08 8%
The angle of Lap (θ) is increased by 8% with the same speed and T1,
2.3log10 0.3 165 1.08
T2 180
T1 is the same.
T1 1729.92 N
T2 681.07 N
Power P T1 T2 v
2.62 2.5
increase inpower 0.048 4.8%
Coefficient of friction is increased by 8%,
0.3 1.08 165
2.54 _____(7)
T1 T2
T0 1229.9
Dr. A. J. Makadia, Department of Mechanical Engineering
Kinematics and Theory of Machines (3131906) | 5.43
Unit-5 Belt, Ropes and Chains
T1 T2 2459.8N _____(8)
By solving equation (7) & (8),
T2 694.9 N
T1 1764.9 N
Power P T1 T2 v
2.67 2.5
increase inpower 0.07 7%
Ex. 5.14 In a belt-drive, the mass of the belt is 1 kg/m length and its speed is 6 m/sec. The drive
transmits 9.6 kW of power. Determine the initial tension in the belt and strength of the belt.
The coefficient of friction is 0.25 and the angle of the lap is 220°.
Solution: Given Data:
m 1kg / m
v 6 m / sec
P 9.6 103 Watt
T0 ?
Strength ?
220 rad
Power P T1 T2 v
9600 T1 T2 6
T1 T2 1600N ______(1)
0.25 220
2.31 _____(2)
T1 2594 N
T2 994 N
T1 T2 2594 994
Initial Tension T0 TC 36 1830 N
2 2
Strength of the belt Total Tension on tight side
2594 36 2630 N
Ex. 5.15 In an open bet drive, the diameters of the larger and smaller pulley are 1.2 m & 0.8 m
respectively. The smaller pulley rotates at 320 rpm. The centre distance between the
shafts is 4 m. When stationary, the initial tension in the belt is 2.8 kN. The mass of the belt
is 1.8 kg/m and µ = 0.25. Determine the power transmitted.
Solution: Given Data:
d1 1.2 m, N1 ?
d2 0.8 m, N2 320 rpm
x 4m
T0 2800 N
m 1.8 kg / m
Power ?
d2 N2 0.8 320
Velocity of Belt 13.40 m / sec
60 60
Centrifugal Tension TC m v2
1.8 (13.4)2 323.4 N
T1 T2
Initial Tension T0 TC
2800 1 2 323.4
T1 T2 4953N _____(1)
For open belt drive,
r r 0.6 0.4
sin 1 2
Angle of contact 180 2 X 4
180 2.86
180 2 2.86
0.25 3.042
T1 3376 N
T2 1577 N
Power P T1 T2 v
3376 157713.4 24106 Watt 24.10 kW
Ex. 5.16 The initial tension in a belt drive is found to be 600 N and the ratio of friction tension is 1.8.
The mass of the belt is 0.8 kg/m length. Determine:
(i) The velocity of the belt for maximum power transmission
(ii) Tension on the tight side of the belt when it is started
(iii) Tension on the tight side of the belt when running at maximum speed
T0 600
v 15.81m / sec
3m 3 0.8
2 k T0 2 1.8 600
T1 771.4 N
k 1 1.8 1
(iii) Tension on the tight side when the belt is running at max speed
2 k T0 TC
k 1
2 1.8 600 199.7
1.8 1 TC m v2
T1 514.6 N
0.8 15.8 199.7 N
T1 T2
2 …………….. with this equation you can solve the problem.
T1 T2
T1 1
600 1.8 199.7
T1 514.6 N
N2 D1 E 2
( Velocity Ratio with creep )
N1 D2 E 1
N2 320 1024 rpm
Speedlost due to creep 1024 1021 3rpm
Ex. 5.18 The centre to centre distance between two sprockets of a chain drive is 600 mm. The chain
drive is used to reduce the speed from 180 rpm to 90 rpm on the driving sprocket has 18
teeth and a pitch circle diameter of 480 mm. Determine:
(i) No. of teeth on the driven sprocket
(ii) Pitch and the length of chain
N2 T1 N1
T2 T1
N1 T2 N2
18 36 Teeth
180 180
p 2R sin 2 0.240 sin 0.04183m 41.83mm
T 36
3. Length of chain (L)
180 180
cosec cosec
Tt T t
L p 2k
2 4k
180 180
cosec cosec
36 18 36 18
L 0.04183 2 14.343
2 4 14.343
C centre dist. between sprocket
k p
C 0.600
k 14.343
p 0.04183
Therefore, L 2.351m
1. Theory of Machines, Rattan S S, Tata McGraw-Hill
2. Theory of Machines, Khurmi R. S., Gupta J. K., S. Chand Publication
Let a small horizontal force F be applied to the body to move it on the surface. So long the body is unable
to move, the equilibrium of the body provides,
Rn= W and
F = F’
where F’= Horizontal force resisting the motion of the body. As force F is increased, the relative
force F’ also increased accordingly.
F’ and Rn, the friction and the normal reaction force can be combined into a single reaction force R with
angle θ.
R cosθ = W and
R sinθ= F
At a moment, when the force F would just move the body, the value of F’ or R sinθ (equal to F) is called the
static force of friction. Angle θ attains the value φ and the body is in equilibrium under the action of three
forces as follow:
1. F, in the horizontal direction
2. W, in the vertically downward direction and
3. R, at an angle φ with the normal (inclined towards the force of friction).
𝐹′ ∝ 𝑅𝑛
where μ = coefficient of friction
= 𝜇𝑅𝑛
In Fig.6.1 (c)
F' R n
Rn Rn
The angle φ is known as “limiting angle of friction” or simply “angle of friction”.
Dr. A. J. Makadia, Department of Mechanical Engineering
Kinematics and Theory of Machines (3131906) | 6.3
Unit-6 Friction, Clutch and Brake
6.1.4 Angle of Repose
When a body is at rest on an inclined plane making an angle α with the horizontal, the forces acting on the
body are:
W, the weight of the body in a downward direction
Rn, normal reaction
F’, the force resisting the motion of the body.
From equilibrium conditions,
W sinα = F’ and W cosα = Rn
If the angle of inclination of the plane is increased, the body will just slide down the plane of its own when
W sinα = F’ = μ Rn
W sinα = μ (W cosα)
tanα = μ = tanφ
This maximum value of angle of inclination of the plane with the horizontal when the body starts sliding
of its own is known as the angle of repose or limiting angle of friction.
sin 180 sin 180
sin sin
W sin
W sin W sin
F W tan
sin 90 cos
W sin
W sin
sin 90
W sin
sin 90
W sin
sin 1
The angle between F and the inclined plane should be equal to the angle of friction. In that case,
Fmin W sin
Efficiency: It is defined as the ratio of the forces required to move the body without consideration and with
consideration of the force of friction. F0 F
W sin
F0 No friction 0
W sin
cos cos
sin sin
sin sin sin
sin cos cos
sin sin
sin sin
cot cot
cot cot
If 90
cot cot 90
cot cot 90
cot cot 90
cot cot 90
In Eq. (6.1), F is positive only for φ> α and when φ = α, the force required to slide the body down is zero or
body is on the point of moving down under its own weight W.
When φ<α, i.e. the angle of friction < the angle of the inclined plane, F will be negative meaning that a force
equal to F is to be applied in the opposite direction to resist the motion.
For a given value of α, F is minimum when the denominator of Eq. (6.1) is maximum.
Fmin W sin
W sin
F0 No friction 0
W sin
Note: The force is negative indicating that in the absence of the force of friction.
Efficiency: It is defined as the ratio of the forces required to move the body with and without the
consideration of force of friction.
F W sin sin
F0 sin W sin
sin sin cos cos sin
sin cos cos sin sin
cos cos
sin sin
sin sin sin
cos cos sin
sin sin
sin sin
cot cot
cot cot
cot tan
cot tan
In Fig.6.5, d = diameter of cylinder and l = lead (or p = pitch for single start thread)
Length of base = circumference of the cylinder of screw thread = πd
l p
d d
W sin
F (Taken 90)
sin 90
W sin
W tan
tan tan
1 tan tan
W d d
l tan
l d
d l
A bar is usually fixed to the screw head to use as a lever for the application of force.
Let, f = force applied at the end of the bar of length L
W sin
F (Taken 90)
W sin
sin 90
W sin
W tan
Fr Wr
f tan
This is maximum, when 0.
d tan
d tan
sec2 tan sec2 tan
tan 2
sec2 tan sec 2 tan 0
tan tan
sin sin
cos 2 cos 2
cos cos
sin cos sin cos
2sin cos 2sin cos
sin 2 sin 2
tan 45
tan 45
tan 45
tan 45
𝜑 𝜑
tan45° − tan 1 − tan45°tan
=( 2 2
𝜑) ( 𝜑)
1 + tan45°tan tan45° + tan
2 2
𝜑 𝜑
(1 − tan ) (1 − tan )
= 2 2
𝜑 𝜑
(1 + tan ) (1 + tan )
2 2
𝜑 2
(1 − tan 2 )
𝜑 2
(1 + tan )
sin 𝜑⁄2
(1 − )
cos 𝜑⁄2
= 2
sin 𝜑⁄2
(1 + )
cos 𝜑⁄2
𝜑 𝜑 2
(cos 2 − sin 2 )
𝜑 𝜑 2
(cos + sin )
2 2
𝜑 𝜑 𝜑 𝜑
cos2 + sin2 − 2cos sin
= 2 2 2 2
2 𝜑 2 𝜑 𝜑 𝜑
cos + sin + 2cos sin
2 2 2 2
𝜑 𝜑
1 − 2cos 2 sin 2
= 𝜑 𝜑
1 + 2cos sin
2 2
2L L L
l l d r tan
d 2
(For self locking screw )
tan 2
2 tan
1 tan
1 tan 2
2 2
Note: The efficiency of the self-locking screw is less than 50%. If it is greater than 50% then the screw is
overhauling screw.
6.2.2 V Threads
In the case of V-threads, the faces are inclined to the axis of the spindle even if the helix angle is neglected.
Fig.6.6 shows a section through a V-thread in which 2β is the angle between the faces of the thread (α has
not been considered Thus, not shown).
If Rn, is the normal reaction then clearly the axial component of Rn, must be equal to W, i.e.,
W '
cos cos
Assume the intensity of pressure over the entire bearing surface is constant.
P = constant
Load W
Bearing surface area R 2
Tr Fr r
P 2rdr r
2 Pr 2 dr
Total torque on the bearing,
T Tr dr
2 Pr 2dr
2 P
3 0
2 P
W R3 W
2 P
R 2 3 R 2
Assuming that wear is uniform over the entire bearing surface, i.e. Pr = constant = C. Hence, P=C/r.
Load acting on the ring,
W P dA
P 2rdr
W 2Cdr
The total load transmitted,
W 2C dr
2C r 0
Frictional torque at the ring,
Tr 2 Pr 2 dr
C 2
2 r dr
Total torque,
T Tr dr
2 0
W R2
2R 2
a) Uniform pressure
Load W
Area R12 R 22
For flat pivot bearing torque on the ring,
Tr 2 Pr 2 dr
Total torque,
T Tr dr
2 Pr
r3 1
2P P constant
3 R2
R13 R 32
W R13 R 32
R12 R 22 3
2 R13 R 32
T W 2
3 R1 R 22
Assuming that wear is uniform over the entire bearing surface, i.e. Pr = constant = C. Hence P=C/r.
Load acting on the ring,
W P dA
P 2rdr
W 2Cdr
The total load transmitted,
W 2C dr
2C r R1
W 2C R1 R 2 C
2 R1 R 2
Total torque,
T Tr dr
r2 1
2 R2
R12 R 22
2 R 1 R 2 2
T W R1 R 2
Load Load W
Area no. of collar bearing surface area n R12 R 22 Conical pivot bearing
Pn 2r dr
2 0
W R 2 Pn Pn i.e. pressure is uniformly distributed
R 2
Frictional resistance at radius r,
Fr Wn
Pn 2rdr cosec 2 Pn cosec rdr
Frictional torque,
Tr Fr r
2 Pn cosec
3 0
W R3
2 cosec
R 2 3
T WR cosec
b) Uniform wear
Assuming that wear is uniform over the entire bearing surface, i.e. Pn r = constant = C. So Pn = C/r.
Vertical load on the ring,
W Pn 2rr
Dr. A. J. Makadia, Department of Mechanical Engineering
Kinematics and Theory of Machines (3131906) | 6.19
Unit-6 Friction, Clutch and Brake
2C r 0
We know that frictional torque on the ring,
2 C cosec rdr
2 C cosec
2 0
W R2
2 cosec
2R 2
T WR cosec
Consider a small ring of radius r, thickness dr and truncated length dl. We have derived the equation for
frictional conical pivot bearing torque,
r3 1
2 Pn cosec
3 R2
R 3
1 R 32
R12 R 22 3
R 3
1 R 32 cosec
3 R 2
1 R 22
b) Uniform wear
Assuming that wear is uniform over the entire bearing surface, i.e. Pn r = constant = C. So Pn=C/r.
Vertical load on the ring,
W Pn 2rr
2C r R 2
W 2C R1 R 2 C
2 R1 R 2
As we know that frictional torque on the ring,
R12 R 22
2 R1 R 2 2
T W R1 R 2 cosec
The friction rings are splined on their outer circumference and engage with corresponding splines on the
flywheel. They are free to slide axially. The friction material thus rotates with the flywheel and the engine
shaft. The number of friction rings depends upon the torque to be transmitted.
The driven shaft also supports discs on the splines which rotate with the driven shaft and can slide axially.
If the actuating force on the pedal is removed, a spring presses the discs into contact with the friction
rings and the torque is transmitted between the engine shaft and the driven shaft.
If n is the total number of plates both on the driving and the driven members, the number of active surfaces
will be n – 1.
When the clutch is engaged, the torque is transmitted from the driving shaft to the driven shaft through
the flywheel and the friction cones. For disengaging the clutch, the cone B is pulled back through a lever
system against the force of the spring. The advantage of a cone clutch is that the normal force on the
contact surfaces is increased.
If F= Axial force
Fn= Normal force
α= Semi angle of the cone
Applying uniform wear theory,
𝐹 Eq. (6.2)
𝐹𝑛 =
Axial force, F Axial force on elemetnt area
Pressure on element Area
P 2r dr
Pr C
2r dr
2C dr
2C r R o
2 Pr R o R i
2r R o R i
2 Pr R o R i
R Ri
sin o
sin b width of cone face
Fn 2 Prb
1 R Ri 1
T F o T W R o R i cosec
2 sin 2
Here R m Mean radius
Fn sin R o R i
sin 2
Ro Ri
T Fn R m
However, cone clutches have become obsolete as small cone angles and exposure to dust and dirt tend
to bind the two cones and it becomes difficult to disengage them.
Centrifugal clutches are being increasingly used in automobiles and machines. A centrifugal clutch has a
driving member consisting of four sliding blocks (Fig.6.16).
The centrifugal force exerted by each shoe at the time of engagement with the rim = mr ' = resisting
= mr 2 '2
The frictional force acting tangentially on each shoe
= mr 2 '2
Frictional torque acting on each shoe
= mr 2 '2 R
Total frictional torque acting
= mr 2 '2 R n
If p is the maximum pressure intensity exerted on the shoe, then
l Length of shoe
mr 2 '2 p lb
b Width of shoe
Note: Usually, the clearance between the shoe and the rim is very small and is neglected.
6.5 Brakes
A brake is defined as a mechanical device that is used to absorb the energy possessed by a moving system
or mechanism by the friction. The primary purpose of the brake is to slow down or completely stop the
motion of moving systems such as rotating drums, machines or vehicles. It is also used to hold the parts
of the system in position at rest.
An automobile brake is used either to reduce the speed of the car or bring it to rest. It also used to keep
the car stationary on the downhill road. The energy absorbed by the brake can be either kinetic or potential
or both. In automobile applications, the brake absorbs the kinetic energy of moving vehicles.
The ability of the brakes to dissipate heat that is equivalent to the energy being absorbed.
KE m v12 v 2 2
Where KE = kinetic energy absorbed by the brake (J)
m = mass of the system (kg)
v1 and v2 = initial and final velocities of the system (m/s)
Similarly, the kinetic energy of the rotating body is given by
KE I 12 2 2
KE mk 2 12 2 2
where I =mass moment of inertia of the rotating body (kg-m2)
k = radius of gyration of the body (m)
ω1, ω2 = initial and final angular velocities of the body (rad/s)
Assuming that normal reaction Rn and frictional force Ff act at the midpoint of the block.
F Rn b c / a
which shows that the required force F will be far greater than what it would be when the drum rotates
If the pivot lies on the line of action of Ef, i.e., at O’, c = 0 and F Rn ,
which is valid for clockwise as well as for counterclockwise rotation.
If c is made negative, i.e., if the pivot is at O’’,
b c
F Rn for counter clockwise rotation
b c
F Rn for clockwise rotation
In case the pivot is provided on the same side of the applied force and the block as shown in Fig.6.17 (c),
the equilibrium condition can be considered accordingly.
In the above treatment, it is assumed that the normal reaction and the frictional force act at the midpoint
of the block. However, this is true only for small angles of contact. When the angles of contact are more
than 40°, the normal pressure is less at the ends than at the center.
In that case, µ has to be replaced by an equivalent coefficient of friction µ’ given by
Dr. A. J. Makadia, Department of Mechanical Engineering
Kinematics and Theory of Machines (3131906) | 6.29
Unit-6 Friction, Clutch and Brake
4 sin 2
As T1> T2 and a> b under all conditions, the effectiveness of the brake will depend upon the force F.
Dr. A. J. Makadia, Department of Mechanical Engineering
6.30 Kinematics and Theory of Machines (3131906) |
Unit-6 Friction, Clutch and Brake
(b) Rotation Clockwise
In this case, the tight and the slack sides are reversed as shown in Fig.6.19.
F l – T2 a + T 1 b = 0
𝑇2 𝑎 − 𝑇1 𝑏
∴ 𝐹=
As T2< T1 and a> b, the brake will be effective as long as T 2. a is greater than T1. b
T2 b
T2 a T1 b or
Or T1 a
i.e., as long as the ratio of T2 to T1 is greater than the ratio b/a.
T2 a
When 1 b F is zero or negative, i.e., the brake becomes self – locking as no force is needed to
apply the brake. Once the brake has been engaged, no further force is required to stop the rotation
of the drum.
Once T2 / T1 becomes equal to a/b, F required is zero and the brake becomes self – locking.
(b) Rotation Clockwise
The tight and slack sides are shown in Fig.6.20 (b).
From Fig.6.20 (b),
T1 b T2a
F l T1 b T2 a 0 or F
As T1> T2 and b> a, under all conditions, the effectiveness of the brake will depend upon the force F.
When a = b, the band cannot be tightened and thus, the brake cannot be applied.
F T1 T2 al
Band brake offers the following advantages:
(i) Band brake has a simple construction. It has a small number of parts. These features reduce the
cost of a band brake.
(ii) Most equipment manufacturers can easily produce band brake without requiring specialized
facilities like a foundry or forging shop. The friction lining is the only part that must be purchased
from outside agencies.
(iii) A band brake is more reliable due to the small number of parts.
(iv) Band brake requires little maintenance.
Band brakes are used in applications like bucket conveyors, hoists and chain saws. They are more popular
as back-stop devices.
1 T0
T1 T0 1
1 0 1 0
tan 1
1 0 1 0
tan 1
T2 1 tan
and so on
T1 1 tan
Tn 1 tan
Tn1 1 tan
Tn Tn Tn1 T2 T1
T0 Tn1 Tn2 T1 T0
1 tan
1 tan
FB h RB x RA L x FB RB
RB h RB x (m g cos RB ) L x RA m g cos RB
RB h x m g cos L x RB L x
RB h x L x m g cos L x
m g cos L x
L h
RA m g cos RB
m g cos L x
m g cos
L h
m g cos x h
L h
From Eq. (6.3)
FB m g sin m
FB m g sin
g sin
a g sin Putting value of RB in equation
m g cos (L x)
L h g sin
g cos (L x)
a g sin
L h
g (L x)
L h
(2) When a vehicle moves down a plane, Eq. (6.3) becomes FB m g sin ma
a g sin
g sin
g cos (L x)
a g sin
L h
FA h RB x RA (L x ) RB m g cos RA
Putting values....
RA h m g cos R A x R A L x
RA h mg cos x RA L
RA L h m g cos x
m g cos x
L h
Eq. (6.9)
RA RB m g cos
RB m g cos R A
m g cos x
m g cos
L h
m g cos 1
L h
L h x
RB m g cos
L h
Eq. (6.5)
FA m g sin ma
FA m g sin
RA m g sin
Putting Value of RA
m g cos x
m g sin
L h
m g cos x m g x
L h
L h
cos 0 1
L h x m g L h x
RB m g cos
L h L h
g cos x
a g sin cos 0 1
L h sin 0 0
L h
FA m g sin ma
FA m g sin
m m
g sin
g cos x
g sin
L h
Note: A little consideration will show that when the brakes are applied to all the four wheels, the braking
distance (i.e. the distance in which the vehicle is brought to rest after applying the brakes) will be the least.
It is due to this reason that the brakes are applied to all the four wheels.
Resolving the forces,
FA + FB + m g Sin α = m a Eq. (6.7)
R A + R B = m g Cosα Eq. (6.8)
RB m g cos RA
Putting values in eq.(6.9)
RA RB h m g cos R A x R A ( L x )
m g cos h x
RB m g cos R A
h x
m g cos m g cos
L h x
m g cos
Eq. (6.7)
FA FB m g sin ma
RA RB m g sin m a
m g cos m g sin m a RA RB m g cos
a g cos sin
Notes: (1) On a Road level α = 0,
m g cos h x mg h x
L h x
RB m g
(2) If the vehicle moves down the plane, then it may be written as,
FA FB m g sin ma
RA RB m g sin m a
m g cos m g sin m a RA RB m g cos
a g cos sin
R n 277 Rn (1)
277 277
160 W (2)
W 160
(b) Consider the push Fig. (b)
R n 329 Rn (3)
329 329
W 190 (4)
W 190
Comparing equations (3) & (4),
277 329
W 2024.4 N
W 160 W 190
Ex. 6.2 A body is to be moved up an inclined plane by applying a force parallel to the plane surface.
It is found that a force of 3 KN is required to just move it up the plane when the angle of
inclination is 10° whereas the force needed increase to 4 KN when the angle of inclination
is increased to 15°. Determine the weight of the body and the coefficient of friction.
Solution: When the force applied is parallel to the plane surface,
F W sin cos
3000 W sin10 cos10 (1)
& 4000 W sin15 cos15 (2)
Dr. A. J. Makadia, Department of Mechanical Engineering
Kinematics and Theory of Machines (3131906) | 6.41
Unit-6 Friction, Clutch and Brake
Dividing equation (2) by (1),
p p 10
Let d(mean dia .) d c Also tan 0.1061
2 d 30
25 30mm 6.05
& tan tan 1 0.12 6.84
Total torque T T1 T2
41192.44 0.16 12 103 30
p p 12
Let d(mean dia .) d o Also tan 0.0707
2 d 54
60 54mm 4.046
Total torque T T1 T2
d R R2
F 1W 1
2 2
54 40 24
106.42 0.14 500
2 2
T 5113.34 5.11 N.m
Given data:
p = 8 mm, d = 30 mm, μ = 0.12, W = 2000 N
To be Calculated:
p 8
tan 0.0848 4.85 & tan tan 1 0.12 6.84
d 30
Torque on each rod T F r
W tan r
2000 tan 4.85 6.84
6.20 N.m
Total torque on coupling nut 2 T 2 6.20 12.4 N.m
In one complete revolution of the road, each coach will move through a distance equal to
Number of turns required to move the coaches through a distance by 160 mm,
160 2 p 160 2 8 10
0.1 p 6
' 0.113 & tan 0.0707 3.42
cos cos 27.5 d 32
Also ' tan tan 1 0.113 6.48
p 10
tan 0.0758 4.335 & tan tan 1 0.12 6.843
d 42
Let torque T F r
W tan r
15 103 tan 4.335 6.843
Let Torque T Force Length
62245.99 120 l
l 518.7 mm
W 15 103
Mechanical Advatage (MA)
F 120
MA 125
T1 F r W tan r
20 103 tan 3.64 5.71 20
65.86 N.m
Torque to lower the load (T2),
T2 F r W tan r
20 103 tan 5.71 3.64 20
14.46 N.m
T1 65.86
Ratio 4.56
T2 14.46
tan 3.64
tan 3.64 5.71
Ex. 6.9 In a screw jack, the diameter of the threaded screw is 40 mm and the pitch is 8 mm. The
load is 20 KN and it does not rotate with the screw but is carried on a swivel head having a
bearing diameter of 70 mm. The coefficient of friction between the swivel head and the
spindle is 0.08 and between the screw and nut is 0.1. Determine the total torque required
to raise the load and efficiency.
Solution: Given data:
Total torque T T1 T2
Torque to raise the load Torque due to collar friction
3293.049 0.08 20 103 35
T 121.86 N.m
p 10
tan 0.0568 3.25 & tan tan 1 0.11 6.28
d 56
Torque to raise the load T1 F r
W tan r
16 103 tan 3.25 6.28
T1 75.21 N.m
150 (dist .)
Number of revolutions by screw 15
10 (pitch)
tan 3.25
tan 3.25 6.28
(2) When the load does not rotate with the screw
1 50 10
Mean diameter of bearing surface R 15 mm
2 2
T T1 T2
75.21 26.4
T 101.61N.m
Total work done in raising the load T.2.N
101.61 215
9577 N.m
2 R 3 R 32
T W 12 2
3 R1 R 2
3 0.16 0.10
2 3 3
0.06 80 10
0.16 0.10
2 2
Pf T.
2 400
26602.03 W
Pf 26.60 kW
Let P
R12 R 22
18 103
300 103
2.5R 22 R 22
R1 0.0603 m
R 2 0.1508 m
2 R13 R 32
Let T W cosec 2 2
3 R1 R 2
2 0.15083 0.06033
0.05 18 10 cosec50
0.1508 0.0603
2 2
Pf T.
2067 W
Pf 2.067 kW
Ex. 6.13 A thrust bearing of a propeller shaft consists of a number of collars. The shaft is of 400
mm diameter and rotates at a speed of 90 rpm. The thrust on the shaft is 300 KN. If the
intensity of pressure is to be 200 KN/m2 and the coefficient of friction is 0.06. Determine
the external diameter of the collar and the number of collars. The power lost in friction is
not to exceed 48 KW.
Solution: Given data:
R2 = 200 mm, N = 90 rpm, W = 300 KN, P = 200 KN/m2 = 0.2 N/mm2, μ = 0.06, Pf = 48 kW
To be Calculated:
External diameter of the collar and the number of collars
Let Pf
2 90 T
48 103 T 5093 N.m
n R12 R 22
P R12 R 22
300 103
0.2 3522 2002
Ex. 6.14 The inner and the outer radii of a plate clutch are 40 mm and 80 mm respectively.
Determine the maximum, minimum and the average pressure when the axial force is 3 KN.
Solution: Maximum pressure will be at inner radius,
F 2Pi R i R o R i F 2Pr R o R i
3000 2Pi 0.04 0.08 0.04
F 2Po R o R o R i
3000 2Po 0.08 0.08 0.04
Po(min) 149.2 103 N / m 2
Po(min) 149.2 kN / m 2
Ro Ri
Let R m 4.5 R o R i 4.5b
Ro Ri 9 Ro Ri
8R o 10R i
R o 1.25R i
In the clutch, it is safer to apply uniform wear theory and maximum pressure is at the inner
radius, i.e., Pi = 70 KN/m2
8 103 T
T 76.39 N.m
1 n Number of surfaces 2
Torque, T F R o R i n
2 F 2Pi R i R o R i
2Pi R i R o R i R o R i 2
76.39 2 70 103 R i 1.25R i R i 1.25R i R i
76.39 0.25 2 70 103 0.5625R 3i
R i 0.1073 m
R o 0.1341 m
R m 4.5 R o R i
4.5 0.1341 0.1073
R m 0.1207 m
R m 0.1207
Width w
4.5 4.5
0.0268 m
w 26.8 mm
Ex. 6.16 A single plate clutch transmits 25 KW at 900 RPM. The maximum pressure intensity
between the plates is 85 KN/m2. The outer diameter of the plate is 360 mm. Both sides of
the plate are effective and the coefficient of friction is 0.25. Determine
i. The inner diameter of the plate
ii. Axial force to engage the clutch.
Let P T
2 900
25 103 T
T 265.25 N.m
1 n Number of surfaces 2
Torque, T F R o R i n
2 F 2Pi R i R o R i
2Pi R i R o R i R o R i n
265.25 0.25 85 103 R i 0.18 R i 0.18 R i 2
R i 0.1315 m
R i 131.5 m m
F 2Pi R i R o R i
2100 103 0.06 0.1 0.06
1508 N
Torque T Ro Ri n
0.3 1508
0.1 0.06 2
72.38 N.m
t 60t
22 50
60 t
t 2.35 s
F 1508
P 75000 N / m2 75 kN / m 2
R o2 R i2
0.1 0.06
2 2
2 R 3o R i3
Also T F 2 n
3 R o R i2
2 0.13 0.063
0.3 1508 2 2
2 n Number of surface 2
3 0.1 0.06
73.89 N.m
F 2Pi R i R o R i
2160 103 0.08 0.1143 0.08
2759 N
T F R o R i
0.1 2759 0.1143 0.08
26.78 N.m / surface
P 55 103
T 291.8 N.m
Number of friction surface required n 10.9 11
Note: There will be 12 plates. 6 plates (rings) revolve with the driving or engine shaft and the
other 6 with the driven shaft.
Ex. 6.19 A multi-plate disc clutch transmits 30 KW of power at 1800 RPM. It has four discs on the
driving shaft and three discs on the driving shaft and three discs on the driven shaft
providing six pairs of contact surfaces. The external and internal diameters of the contact
surface are 200 mm and 100 mm respectively.
Assuming the clutch to be new, find the total spring load pressing the plates together. The
coefficient of friction is 0.3.
Also, determine the maximum power transmitted when the contact surface has worn away
by 0.4 mm. There are 8 springs and the stiffness of each spring is 15 KN/m.
Solution: Given data:
P = 30KW, N = 1800rpmμ = 0.3, contact surface = 6 pair = 12, Ro = 100mm, Ri = 50mm,
8 springs with stiffness k = 15KN/m = 15N/mm
To be Calculated:
The total spring load and the maximum power transmitted
New clutch has uniform pressure distribution
2 R 3 R 3i
T F 2o n
3 R o R i2
2 1003 503
159.15 0.3 F 2
100 50
F 1137 N
1 1
T F R o R i n 0.3 561 0.1 0.05 6
2 2
75.735 N.m
Pmax T.
Pmax 14.275 kW
Ex. 6.20 A torque of 350 N.m is transmitted through a cone clutch having a mean diameter of 300
mm and a semi cone angle of 15°. The maximum normal pressure at the mean radius is
150 KN/m2. The coefficient of friction 0.3. Calculate the width of the contact surface. Also,
find the axial force to engage the clutch.
Solution: Given data:
T = 350 Nm, Dm = 300mm Rm =150 mm, α = 15°, Pmax = 150 KN/m2, μ = 0.3
To be Calculated:
The width of the contact surface and the axial force to engage the clutch
For cone clutch,
T Fn R m
350 0.3 Fn 0.150
Fn 7778 N
Axial force,
F Fn sin
7778 sin15
F 2012.4 N
Ex. 6.21 The semi cone angle of a cone clutch is 12.5° and the contact surfaces have a mean
diameter of 80 mm. coefficient of friction 0.32. What is the minimum torque required to
produce slipping of the clutch for an axial force of 200 N? If the clutch is used to connect
an electric motor with a stationary flywheel, determine the time needed to attain the full
speed and the energy lost during slipping. Motor speed is 900 rpm and the moment of
inertia of the flywheel is 0.4 KG.m2.
Solution: Given data:
α = 12.5°, Rm =0.04 m, μ = 0.32, F = 200 N, N = 900 rpm, I = 0.4 KG.m2
To be Calculated:
Minimum torque required and time needed to attain the full speed
Let Torque
T I. a a Angular acceleration
Fn R m I. a
R m I. a
0.32 0.04 0.4 a
a 29.57 rad / s 2
2 900
29.57 60 t 3.187 s
Ro Ri Ro Ri
sin 2
R Ri
R o R i sin15 o
R o R i 0.129R o 0.129R i
R o 0.129R o 0.129R i
T Fn
Ro Ri
F Ro Ri
sin 2
2.Pi .R i R o R i R o R i
R i R o2 R i2
0.25 100 103
R i 1.296R i R i2
R i 0.0917 m 91.7 mm
R o 91.7 1.296 118.8 mm
F 2Pi R i R o R i
2100 103 0.0917 0.1188 0.0917
F 1561 N
Ex. 6.23 A centrifugal clutch transmits 20 KW of the power at 750 RPM. The engagement of the
clutch commences at 70% of the running speed. The inside diameter of the drum is 200
mm and the distance of the center of mass of each shoe is 40 mm from the contact surface.
Assume µ=0.25 and spring stiffness 150 KN/m. Determine:
i. Mass of each shoe
ii. Net force exerted by each shoe on the drum surface
iii. Power transmitted when the shoe is worn 2 mm and is not readjusted.
2 750
78.53 rad / s ' 0.7 78.5 55 rad / s
P T.
20 103 T 78.53 T 254.8 N.m
The total frictional torque acting mr 2 '2 .R.n
254.8 0.25 m 0.16 78.52 552 0.2 4
m 2.538 kg
mr 2 '2
2.538 0.16 78.5 2
1274 N
(iii) Spring force exerted by each spring = 2.538 x 0.16 x 552
= 1228.4 N
When the shoe wears 2 mm, each shoe has to move forward by 2 mm. This increases the
distance of the center of mass of the shoe from 160 mm to 162 mm. Also, the spring force
is increased due to its additional displacement of 2 mm.
Additional spring force = Stiffness x Displacement
= 150 x 103 x 0.002
= 300 N
mr2 1528.4
2.538 0.162 78.52 1528.4
1005.2 N
Total frictional torque acting F.R.n
Given data:
Tb = 360 N.m, d = 300 mm, μ = 0.3
(a) (b)
For the clockwise rotation of the brake drum, the frictional force or the tangential force (F t)
acting at the contact surfaces is shown in Fig. (a)
Braking torque, Tb = Ft x r
= μ RN x r
360 = 0.3 x RN x 0.15
Dr. A. J. Makadia, Department of Mechanical Engineering
6.60 Kinematics and Theory of Machines (3131906) |
Unit-6 Friction, Clutch and Brake
Normal force, RN = 8000 N
Now taking moments about the fulcrum O,
P (600 + 200) + Ft x 50 = RN x 200
P x 800 + (0.3 x 8000) 50 = 8000 x 200
P x 800 = 1480 x 103
P = 1850 N
For the counterclockwise rotation of the brake drum, the frictional force or the tangential
force (Ft) acting at the contact surfaces is shown in Fig. (b)
Now taking moments about the fulcrum O,
P (600 + 200) = Ft x 50 + RN x 200
P x 800 = (0.3 x 8000) 50 + 8000 x 200
P x 800 = 1720 x 103
P = 2150 N
Location of the pivot or fulcrum to make the brake self-locking
The clockwise rotation of the brake drum is shown in Fig. (a). Let x be the distance of the
pivot or fulcrum O from the line of action of the tangential force (F t). Taking moments about
the fulcrum O,
P (600 + 200) + Ft (x) – RN x 200 = 0
In order to make the brake self-locking, Ft (x) must be equal to RN x 200, so that the force P
is zero.
Ft (x) = RN x 200
2400 (x) = 8000 x 200
x = 667 mm
Ex. 6.25 A simple band brake is shown in Figure below is applied to a shaft carrying a flywheel of
mass 400 kg. The radius of gyration of the flywheel is 450 mm and runs at 300 RPM. The
coefficient of friction is 0.2 and the brake drum diameter is 240 mm. Take b = 120 mm, l =
420 mm, = 210, then find out the followings:
(i) The torque applied due to hand load of 100 N
(ii) The number of turns of the flywheel before it is brought to rest
The time required to bring it to rest from the moment of the application of the brake.
T1 350
2.081 2.081
T2 = 168.188 N
Braking torque,
Tb = F t x r
= (T1– T2) x r
= (350 – 168.188) x 0.12
= 21.817 N.m
Work done against friction due to absorption of K.E.
Ft S mv 2
Ft S m (r) 2
m dN
Ft 2 60
181.81 2 60
= 15.63 m
No. of turns, n
0 t
2 300
0 0.269 t
t = 116.78 sec
Ex. 6.26 A band brake shown in the Figure below is used to balance a torque of 980 N-m at the drum
shaft. The drum diameter is 400 mm (rotating in the clockwise direction) and the allowable
pressure between lining and drum is 0.5 MPa. The coefficient of friction is 0.25. Design
the steel band, shaft, brake lever, and fulcrum pin, if all these elements are made from
steel having permissible tensile stress 70 MPa and shear stress 50 MPa.
Given data:
Tb = 980 N.m, d = 400 mm, p = 0.5 MPa, μ = 0.25, σt = 70 MPa, τ = 50 MPa,
= 120 = 2.094 rad
Braking torque,
Tb = F t x r
= (T1– T2) x r
980 x 103 = (T1– T2) x 200
T1– T2 = 4.9 x 103
e e0.252.094
Tb dS
980 103 dS 50
dS = 46.388 mm
Shaft diameter, dS ≈ 50 mm
Design of Lever
t1 = thickness of the lever
B = width of the lever
Maximum bending moment at fulcrum O due to force P,
M = P x l = 949.612 x 600
= 569767.2
Section modulus,
1 1
Z t1 B2 t1 (2t1 ) 2
6 6 (Assuming B = 2t1)
= 0.67 t13 mm3
Bending stress
0.67 t13
t1 = 22.988 mm ≈ 23 mm
B = 2t1
= 46 mm
Design of Pins
d1 = diameter of pins
l1 = length of pins = 1.25 d1
12022.09 2 (d12 ) 2 (140) 2
4 4
= 0.39 MPa
This induced stress is quite within permissible limits.
The pin may be checked for induced bending stress.
5 5
Maximum bending moment, M W.l1 12022.09 175
24 24 (W= T1)
= 438305.36 N-mm
sec tion modulus, Z (d1 ) (140)3
32 32
269391.57 mm3
M 438305.36
Bending stress
Z 269391.57
=1.627 MPa
The induced bending stress is within safe limits of 70 MPa.
The lever has an eye hole for the pin and connectors at band have a forked end.
l1 175
Thickness of each eye, t 2 87.5 mm
2 2
Outer diameter of the eye, D= 2d1 = 2 x 140 = 280 mm
A clearance of 1.5 mm is provided on either side of the lever in the fork.
A brass bush of 3 mm thickness may be provided in the eye of the lever.
Diameter of hole in the lever = d1 + 2 x 3 = 140 + 2 x 3 = 146 mm
175 2803 1463
Sec tion modulus, Z 12
280 / 2
= 1962485.83 mm3
M 569767.2
Bending stress 0.29 MPa
Z 1962485.83
The induced bending stress is within safe limits of 70 MPa.
Ex. 6.27 A differential band brake has a drum with a diameter of 800 mm. The two ends of the band
are fixed to the pins on the opposite sides of the fulcrum of the lever at distances of 40
mm and 200 mm from the fulcrum. The angle of contact is 270° and the coefficient of
friction is 0.2. Determine the brake torque when a force of 600 N is applied to the lever at
a distance of 800 mm from the fulcrum.
Solution: Given data:
e e 180
T1 2.57
Braking Torque,
TB T1 T2 r 2602.5 1012.7 0.4 635.92 N m
Braking Torque,
TB T1 T2 r 12691 4938 0.4 3101 N m
Assuming a = 40 mm, b = 200 mm, i.e., a < b, F must act upward to apply the brake.
(a) Anticlockwise Rotation
Braking Torque,
TB T1 T2 r 12691 4938 0.4 3101 N m
Braking Torque,
TB T1 T2 r 1012.7 2602.5 0.4 636 N m
Note: The above results show that the effectiveness of the brake in one direction of rotation
is equal to the effectiveness in the other direction if the distance of the pins on the opposite
sides of the fulcrum is changed and the force is applied in the proper direction so that the
band is tightened.
Ex. 6.28 A simple band brake is applied to a shaft carrying a flywheel of 250 kg mass and of the
radius of gyration of 300 mm. the shaft speed is 200 rpm. The drum diameter is 200 mm
and the coefficient of friction is 0.25. Determine the
1. brake torque when a force of 120 N is applied at the lever end
2. number of turns of the flywheel before it comes to rest
3. time is taken by the flywheel to come to rest.
F l T1 a
120 280 T1 100 T1 0.25 3.93
e e
T1 336 N T2
T T1 2.67
T2 1 125.8 N T2
Braking Torque,
TB T1 T2 r 336 125.8 0.1 21 N m
Given data:
d 560 mm N 240 rpm
270 a 140 mm ,
l 800 mm 0.3
P 40 kW
thickness t 3mm
40 N / mm2
Note: It can be observed from the figure that to tighten the band, the force is to be applied
upwards. If the drum rotates counterclockwise, the tight and slack sides will be as shown.
T1 T2 r
2 240
40 103 T1 T2 0.28
T1 T2 5684 ________(1)
0.3 270
e e 180
4.11 _______(2)
From equation (1) & (2)
T2 1828 N
T1 7514 N
F l T2 140 cos 45
F 800 1828 140 cos 45
F 226.2 N
T1 b t
7514 40 b 3
b 62.6 mm
Note: If the drum rotates clockwise, the brake is less effective as in that case tight and slack
sides are interchanged and the force required to apply the same braking torque is more.
F l T1 140 cos 40
F 800 7514 140 cos 40
F 930 N
Ex. 6.30 A crane is required to support a load of 1.2 tonnes on the rope around its barrel of 400 mm
diameter. The brake drum which is keyed to the same shaft as the barrel has a diameter of
600 mm. The angle of contact of the band brake is 275° and the coefficient of friction is
0.22. Determine the force required at the end of the lever to support the load. Take a = 150
mm and l = 750 mm.
Given data:
W 1.2 1000 9.81N
R 300 mm r 200 mm
0.22 275
For equilibrium position,
T 1
T2 R W r
2.87 T 2
T2 300 1.2 1000 9.81 200
T2 4197 N m T1
0.22 275
e e 180
and T1 12045N m T2
Taking moment about O,
F l T1 a
F 750 12045 150
F 2409 N
Assume a > b, F must be a downward and clockwise rotation for maximum braking torque.
The moment about O,
F l T0 a T14 b 0
F 600 9564 210 31887 50 0
F 690 N
Dr. A. J. Makadia, Department of Mechanical Engineering
6.72 Kinematics and Theory of Machines (3131906) |
Unit-6 Friction, Clutch and Brake
Ex. 6.32 A band and block brake having 12 blocks, each of which subtends an angle of 16° at the
center, is applied to a rotating drum with a diameter of 600 mm. The blocks are 75 mm
thick. The drum and the flywheel mounted on the same shaft have a mass of 1800 kg and
have a combined radius of gyration of 600 mm. The two ends of the band are attached to
pins on the opposite sides of the brake fulcrum at distances of 40 mm and 150 mm from
it. If a force of 250 N is applied on the lever at a distance of 900 mm from the fulcrum, find
1. Maximum braking torque
2. Angular retardation of the drum
3. Time is taken by the system to be stationary from the rated speed of 300 rpm.
Solution: Given data:
16 n 12 blocks
d 600 mm t 75mm
m 1800 kg k 600 mm
a 150 mm , b 40 mm
F 250 N l 900 mm
N 300 rpm 0.3
T12 1 tan
T0 1 tan
T14 1 0.3 tan8
T0 1 0.3 tan8
F l T0 a T12 b 0
250 900 T0 (150) T12 40 0
T0 150 2.752 40 250 900
T0 5636 N
T12 15511 N
TB T12 T0 r
0.6 0.075 2
15511 5636
2 d d 2 t
3703N m 2 2
TB I m k2
3703 1800 0.6
0 t
Final Angular speed 0
0 31.4 5.71 t
2 N 2 300 31.4 rad / sec
t 5.5 sec
60 60
Ex. 6.33 A car moving on a level road at a speed 50 km/h has a wheelbase 2.8 meters, the distance
of C.G. from ground level 600 mm, and the distance of C.G. from rear wheels 1.2metres.
Find the distance traveled by car before coming to rest when brakes are applied,
1. to the rear wheels,
2. to the front wheels, and
3. to all the four wheels.
The coefficient of friction between the tyres and the road may be taken as 0.6.
Solution: Given data:
u 50 km / hr 13.89 m / sec
L 2.8 m h 600 mm
x 1.2 m 0.6
1. Rear Wheels
Here vehicle moves on a level road, so retardation of the car is
v2 u2 2 s a
0 u2 2 s a
u2 13.892
s 32.4 m
2 a 2 2.98
2. Front Wheels
Here vehicle moves on a level road, so retardation of the car is
s 33.26 m
2 2.9
u2 13.892
s 16.4 m
2 a 2 5.886
Ex. 6.34 A vehicle moving on a rough plane inclined at 10° with the horizontal at a speed of 36 km/h
has a wheelbase 1.8 meters. The center of gravity of the vehicle is 0.8 meters from the
rear wheels and 0.9 meters above the inclined plane. Find the distance traveled by the
vehicle before coming to rest and the time is taken to do so when
1. The vehicle moves up the plane, and
2. The vehicle moves down the plane.
The brakes are applied to all the four wheels and the coefficient of friction is 0.5.
u 36 km / h 10 m / sec
L 1.8 m
x 0.8 m
h 0.9 m
1. The vehicle moves up (All Four wheels)
a g cos sin
9.81 0.5 cos 10 sin10
6.53 m / sec2
u2 102
s 7.657 m
2 a 2 6.53
The final velocity of a vehicle
a g cos sin
9.81 0.5 cos 10 sin10
3.13 m / sec2
u2 102
s 16 m
2 a 2 3.13
The final velocity of a vehicle
v uat
0 10 3.13 t
t 3.2 sec
1. Theory of Machines, Rattan S S, Tata McGraw-Hill
2. Theory of Machines, Khurmi R. S., Gupta J. K., S. Chand Publication
Spur gear
The two parallel and co-planar shafts connected by the gears are called spur gears. These gears have
teeth parallel to the axis of the wheel.
They have straight teeth parallel to the axes and thus are not subjected to axial thrust due to tooth
At the time of engagement of the two gears, the contact extends across the entire width on a line
parallel to the axis of rotation. This results in the sudden application of the load, high impact stresses
and excessive noise at high speeds.
If the gears have external teeth on the outer surface of the cylinders, the shaft rotates in the opposite
In internal spur gear, teeth are formed on the inner surface of an annulus ring. An internal gear can
mesh with an external pinion (smaller gear) only and the two shafts rotate in the same direction.
Spur rack is a special case of a spur gear where it is made of infinite diameter so that the pitch surface
is plane.
The spur rack and pinion combination converts rotary motion into translator motion, or vice-versa.
It is used in a lathe in which the rack transmits motion to the saddle.
In helical gears, the teeth are curved, each being helical in shape. Two mating gears have the same
helix angle but have teeth of opposite hands.
At the beginning of the engagement, contact occurs only at the point of the leading edge of the curved
teeth. As the gears rotate, the contact extends along a diagonal line across the teeth. Thus, the load
application is gradual which results in low impact stresses and reduction in noise. Therefore, the
helical gear can be used at higher velocities than the spur gears and have a greater load-carrying
Helical gears have the disadvantage of having end thrust as there is a force component along the gear
axis. The bearing and assemblies mounting the helical gears must be able to withstand thrust loads.
Double helical: A double-helical gear is equivalent to a pair of helical gears secured together, one
having a right-hand helix and another left-hand helix.
The teeth of two rows are separated by groove used for tool run out.
Axial thrust which occurs in the case of single-helical gears is eliminated in double-helical gears.
This is because the axial thrusts of the two rows of teeth cancel each other out. These can be run at
highs speeds with less noise and vibrations.
Herringbone gear
If the left and the right inclinations of a double-helical gear meet at a common apex and there is no
groove in between, the gear is known as Herringbone gear.
The two non-parallel or intersecting, but coplanar shafts connected by gears are called bevel gears
When teeth formed on the cones are straight, the gears are known as bevel gears when inclined, they
are known as spiral or helical bevel.
Straight Bevel Gears
The teeth are straight, radial to the point of intersection of the shaft axes and vary in cross-section
throughout their length.
Usually, they are used to connect shafts at right angles which run at low speeds
Gears of the same size and connecting two shafts at right angles to each other are known as “Mitre”
When the teeth of a bevel gear are inclined at an angle to the face of the bevel, they are known as spiral
bevels or helical bevels.
They are smoother in action and quieter than straight tooth bevels as there are gradual load
applications and low impact stresses. Of course, there exists an axial thrust calling for stronger
bearings and supporting assemblies.
These are used for the drive to the differential of an automobile.
Spiral bevel gears with curved teeth but with a zero degree spiral angle are known as zero bevel gears.
Their tooth action and the end thrust are the same as that of straight bevel gears and, therefore, can
be used in the same mountings.
However, they are quieter in action than the straight bevel type as the teeth are curved.
The two non-intersecting and non-parallel i.e. non-coplanar shaft connected by gears are called skew
bevel gears or spiral gears and the arrangement is known as skew bevel gearing or spiral gearing.
In these gears teeth have point contact.
These gears are suitable for transmitting small power.
A worm gear is a special case of a spiral gear in which the larger wheel, usually, has a hollow shape
such that a portion of the pitch diameter of the other gear is enveloped on it.
5. Pressure angle or angle of obliquity. It is the angle between the common normal to two gear teeth at
the point of contact and the common tangent at the pitch point.
For more power transmission lesser pressure on the bearing and pressure angle must be kept small.
It is usually denoted by ø.
The standard pressure angles are 20° and 25°.Gears with 14 ° pressure angle has become obsolete.
Circular pitch, pc
Where d= Diameter of the pitch circle, and
T = Number of teeth on the wheel.
The angle subtended by the circular pitch at the center of the pitch circle is known as the pitch angle.
Also pc m
Pitch of two mating gear must be the same.
24. Diametral Pitch (P)It is the number of teeth per unit length of the pitch circle diameter in inch.
It is the ratio of no. of teeth to pitch circle diameter in inch.
The recommended series of modules in Indian Standard are 1, 1.25, 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 12,
16, and 20. The modules 1.125, 1.375, 1.75, 2.25, 2.75, 3.5, 4.5, 5.5, 7, 9, 11, 14 and 18 are of second
25. Gear Ratio (G). It is the ratio of the number of teeth on the gear to that on the pinion.
G Where T= No of teeth on a gear
t = No. of teeth on the pinion
26. Velocity Ratio (VR) The velocity ratio is defined as the ratio of the angular velocity of the follower to
the angular velocity of the driving gear.
2 N2 d1 T1
1 N1 d2 T2
27. Length of the path of contact. It is the length of the common normal cut-off by the
Addendum circles of the wheel and pinion.
The locus of the point of contact of two mating teeth from the beginning of the engagement to the end of
engagement is known as the contact.
a. Path of Approach Portion of the path of contact from the beginning of the engagement to
the pitch point.
b. Path of Recess Portion of the path of contact from the pitch point to the end of the
28. Arc of Contact The locus of a point on the pitch circle from the beginning to the end of the engagement
of two mating gears is known as the arc of contact.
a. Arc of Approach It is the portion of the arc of contact from the beginning of the engagement
to the pitch point.
b. Arc of Recess The portion of the arc of contact from the pitch point to the end of
engagements the arc of recess.
29. The angle of Action (𝜹) It is the angle turned by gear from the beginning of the engagement to the end
of engagement of a pair of teeth, i.e., the angle turned by arcs of contact of respective gear wheels.
Where =Angle of approach
Dr. A. J. Makadia, Department of Mechanical Engineering
Kinematics and Theory of Machines (3131906) | 7.9
Unit-7 Gears and Gear Trains
=Angle of recess
30. Contact ratio. It is the angle of action divided by the pitch angle
Contact ratio
Arcof contact
Contact ratio
7.2.1 Condition for Constant Velocity Ratio of Toothed Wheels – Law of Gearing
To understand the theory consider the portions of two gear teeth gear 1 and gear 2. The two teeth come
in contact at point C and the direction of rotation of gear 1 is anticlockwise & gear 2 is clockwise.
Let TT be the common tangent & NN be the common normal to the curve at the point of contact C. From
points O, & O2, draw O1A & O2B perpendicular to common normal NN. When the point D is considered on
gear 1, the point C moves in the direction of “CD” & when it is considered on gear 2. The point C moves in
the direction of “CE”.
O1 A
But from O1 AC, cos
O1 C
O2 B
and from O2 BC, cos
O2 C
If it is desired that the angular velocities of two gear remain constant, the common normal at the point of
contact of two teeth always passes through a fixed point P. This fundamental condition is called as law
of gearing which must be satisfied while designing the profiles of teeth for gears.
a) 14 composite system:
This type of profile is made with circular arcs at the top and bottom portion and the middle portion is a
straight line. The straight portion corresponds to the involute profile and the circular arc portion
corresponds to the cycloidal profile. Such profiles are used for general purpose gears.
Fig.7.12 - 14 composite system
Fig.7.13 - 14 full depth involute system
This type of profile is made straight line except for the fillet arcs. The whole profile corresponds to the
involute profile. Therefore manufacturing of such profiles is easy but they have interface problems.
This type of profile is the same as 14 the full depth involute system except for the pressure angle. The
increase of pressure angle from 14 to 20 results in a stronger tooth, since the tooth acting like a beam,
is wider at the base. This type of gears also has an interference problem if the number of teeth is less.
When the pinion rotates in the clockwise direction, the contact between a pair of involute teeth
begins at K (on the flank near the base circle of pinion or the outer end of the tooth face on the
wheel) and ends at L (on the flank near the base circle of the wheel).
MN is the common normal at the point of contact and the common tangent to the base circles.
The point K is the intersection of the addendum circle of the wheel and the common tangent.
The point L is the intersection of the addendum circle of pinion and common tangent.
The length of the path of contact is the length of the common normal cutoff by the addendum
circles of the wheel and the pinion.
Thus the length of the path of contact is KL which is the sum of the parts of the path of contacts
KP and PL. The part of the path of contact KP is known as the path of approach and the part of the
path of contact PL is known as the path of recess.
where, KP = path of approach
PL = path of recess
Considering the arc of contact GPH, it is divided into two parts i.e. arc GP and arc PH. The arc GP
is known as arc of approach and the arc PH is called the arc of recess.
The angles subtended by these arcs at O1 are called angle of approach and angle of recess
A pinion with centerO1, in mesh with wheel or gear with centreO2. MN is the common tangent to
the base circles and KL is the path of contact between the two mating teeth.
A little consideration will show that if the radius of the addendum circle of pinion is increased to
O1N, the point of contact L will move from L to N. When this radius is further increased, the point
of contact L will be on the inside of base circle of wheel and not on the involute profile of tooth on
wheel. The tip of the tooth on the pinion will then undercut the tooth on the wheel at the root and
remove part of the involute profile of the tooth on the wheel. This effect is known as interference
and occurs when the teeth are being cut. In brief, the phenomenon when the tip of the tooth
undercuts the root on its mating gear is known as interference.
Similarly, if the radius of the addendum circles of the wheel increases beyond O2M, then the tip of
the tooth on the wheel will cause interference with the tooth on pinion.
The points M and N are called interference points. Interference may be avoided if the path of
contact does not extend beyond interference points. The limiting value of the radius of the
addendum circle of the pinion is O1N and the wheel is O2M.
r R sinø
RA2 Rcos ø Rsin ø rsinø
Path of recess, PL PN
rA2 rcos ø rsin ø Rsinø
Length of the path of contact KP PL
1 1
2 2
r R sinø
R2 sin2 ø 2Rsin2 ø
O1N2 r2 1
r2 r
R2 sin2 ø 2Rsin2 ø
O1N2 r2 1
r2 r
O1N2 r2 1 2 sin2 ø
O1N r 1 2 sin2 ø
mt RR
O1N 1 2 sin2 ø
2 rr
Let Ap m = Addendum of the pinion, where AP is a fraction by which the standard addendum of
one module for the pinion should be multiplied in order to avoid interference.
mt TT mt
AP .m 1 2 sin2 ø
2 tt 2
mt TT mt
AP .m 1 2 sin2 ø
2 tt 2
mt T T 2
AP .m 1 2 sin ø 1
2 tt
mt T T 2
AP .m 1 2 sin ø 1
2 tt
t TT
AP . 1 2 sin2 ø 1
2 tt
t TT
AP 1 2 sin2 ø 1
2 tt
2 AP
TT 2
1 2 sin ø 1
1 G G 2 sin2 ø 1
If the pinion and wheel have equal teeth, then G = 1.
1 3sin2 ø 1
Table 7.1 - Min. no of teeth on pinion
Sr. No. System of Gear Tooth Min. no. of teeth on the pinion
1 14 ° Composite 12
2 14 2 °Full depth involute 32
4 20°Stub involute 14
r2 sin2 ø 2rsin2 ø
O2M2 R2 1
R2 R
O2M R 1 2 sin2 ø
mT rr
O2M 1 2 sin2 ø
2 RR
Addendum of the wheel O2M – O2P
mT tt mT
Aw m 1 2 sin2 ø
2 TT 2
mT tt 2
Aw m 1 2 sin ø 1
2 TT
mT tt 2
Aw m 1 2 sin ø 1
2 TT
T tt
Aw 1 2 sin2 ø 1
2 TT
2 Aw
tt 2
1 2 sin ø 1
11 2
1 2 sin ø 1
From the above equation, we may also obtain the minimum number of teeth on the pinion. Multiplying
both sides by t/T,
2 Aw
t T
T 11 2
1 2 sin ø 1
2 Aw
G 1 2 sin2 ø 1
If wheel and pinion have equal teeth, then G = 1,
1 3sin2 ø 1
Dr. A. J. Makadia, Department of Mechanical Engineering
Kinematics and Theory of Machines (3131906) | 7.19
Unit-7 Gears and Gear Trains
7.4.4 Minimum Number of Teeth on a Pinion for Involute Rack in Order to Avoid Interference
AR m = Addendum for the rack, where AR is the fraction by which the standard addendum of one
module for the rack is to be multiplied.
Addendum for the rack, AR m LH
AR m PL sin
AR m r sin φ sin φ
AR m r sin2φ
mt sin2φ
AR m
t 2 R
sin φ
In the case of pinion, max. value of addendum radius to avoid interference if AF
O2M2 AF2
Pressure angle varies from a maximum at the The pressure angle is constant throughout the
beginning of the engagement, reduces to zero engagement of teeth. This results in the
at the pitch point and again increases to a smooth running of the gears.
maximum at the end of the engagement
resulting in the smooth running of gears.
It involves double curves for the teeth, It involves the single curves for the teeth
epicycloid, and hypocycloid. This complicates resulting in simplicity of manufacturing and of
the manufacturer. tool
Owing to the difficulty of the manufacturer, These are simple to manufacture and thus are
these are costlier. cheaper.
Exact center distance is required to transmit a A little variation in a center distance does not
constant velocity ratio. affect the velocity ratio.
The phenomenon of interference does not Interference can occur if the condition of
occur at all. minimum no. of teeth on a gear is not followed.
The teeth have spreading flanks and thus are The teeth have radial flanks and thus are
stronger. weaker as compared to the Cycloidal form for
the same pitch.
In this, a convex flank always has contact with Two convex surfaces are in contact and thus
a concave face resulting in less wear. there is more wear.
A helical gear has teeth in the form of the helix around the gear. Two such gears may be used to
connect two parallel shafts in place of the spur gear. The helixes may be right-handed on one wheel
and left-handed on the other.
Dr. A. J. Makadia, Department of Mechanical Engineering
Kinematics and Theory of Machines (3131906) | 7.21
Unit-7 Gears and Gear Trains
The pitch surfaces are cylindrical as in spur gearing, but the teeth instead of being parallel to the
axis, wind around the cylinders helically like screw threads.
The teeth of helical gears with parallel axis have line contact, as in spur gearing. This provides
gradual engagement and continuous contact of the engaging teeth. Hence helical gears give
smooth drive with high efficiency of transmission.
The helical gears may be of the single helical type or double helical type. In the case of single
helical gears, there is some axial thrust between the teeth, which is a disadvantage.
In order to eliminate this axial thrust, double helical gears are used. It is equivalent to two single
helical gears, in which equal and opposite thrusts are produced on each gear and the resulting axial
thrust is zero.
The following definitions may be clearly understood in connection with a helical gear:
1. Normal pitch. It is the distance between similar faces of adjacent teeth, along a helix on the pitch
cylinder normal to the teeth. It is denoted by pN.
2. Axial pitch. It is the distance measured parallel to the axis, between similar faces of adjacent
teeth. It is the same as circular pitch and is therefore denoted by pc. If α is the helix angle, then
Circular pitch, pc
Note: The helix angle is also known as the spiral angle of the teeth.
cos 2 d2 N2
cos 1 d1 N1
d2 T2Cos1
d1 T1Cos2
N2 T1
N1 T2
cos 2 cos 1
cos 1 cos 2
cos A cosB cos A B cos A B
cos cos 1 2
cos cos 1 2
1 2
Since the angle and are constants, therefore the efficiency will be maximum, when cos 1 2
is maximum, i.e. cos 1 2 =1
1 2 0
1 2 and 2 1
Since 1 2 therefore
1 2 1 OR 1
Similarly 2
Substituting 1 2 and 2 1 in equation (5) we get
cos 1
cos 1
r1 r2 r3 r4
Also, the circular pitch or module of all the gears is assumed to be the same; therefore the number of teeth
on each gear is directly proportional to its circumference or radius.
T1 T2 T3 T4
Product of number of teeth on drivens
Product of number of teeth on drivers
N1 T2 T4
N4 T1 T3
The reverted gear trains are used in automotive transmissions, lathe back gears, industrial speed reducers,
and in clocks (where the minute and hour hand shafts are co-axial).
1 Arm fixed - gear A rotates +1 revolution (anticlockwise) 0 +1
2 Arm fixed - gear A rotates through + x revolutions 0 x x
4 Total motion y x y y- x
The epicyclic gear trains are useful for transmitting high-velocity ratios with gears of moderate size in a
comparatively lesser space. The epicyclic gear trains are used in the back gear of lathe, differential gears
of the automobiles, hoists, pulley blocks, wristwatches, etc.
Revolution of Elements
Conditions of motion Gear Compound Gear
No. Arm Gear A
D (B-C)
4 Total motion +y xy yx yx
Ex. 7.1 Two spur gears have a velocity ratio of 1/3 the driven gear has 72 teeth of 8 mm module
and rotates at 300 RPM. Calculate the number of teeth and Speed of driver. What will be
the pitch line velocity?
Solution: Given data Find
VR 1 / 3 Vp ?
T2 72 teeth T1 ?
m 8 mm
N2 300
N2 T1
N1 T2
1 300 T1
3 N1 72
VP r11 r22
2N1 d1
60 2
2N1 mT1
60 2
2 900 8 24
60 2
9047.78 mm / sec
Ex. 7.2 The number of teeth of spur gear is 30 and it rotates at 200 RPM. What will be its circular
pitch and the pitch line velocity if it has a module of 2 mm?
Solution: Given data Find:
T 30 Pc ?
N 200 rpm Vp ?
m 2 mm
Circular pitch, Pc m
2N d
60 2
2 200 2 30
60 2
628.3mm / s
Ex. 7.3 The following data relate to two meshing gears velocity ratio = 1/3, module = 1mm,
Pressure angle 20°, center distance= 200 mm. Determine the number of teeth and the
base circle radius of the gear wheel.
Solution: Given data Find:
VR 1 / 3 T1 ?
Ø 20 T2 ?
C 200 mm Base circle radius of gear wheel ?
m 4 mm
N 2 1 T1
N1 3 T2
T2 3T1 (1)
d1 d 2
Center distance C
m T1 T2 d
200 m
2 2
4 T1 T2
T1 T2 100 (2)
By solving equation (1) & (2)
T1 25
T2 75
No of teeth of the gear wheel T2 75
But m
d2 mT2
d2 300mm
Base circle radius db2 cos
2.25 8
d 2r
Let, m
t T
mT 8 48
R r
2 2
R r 192mm
Also, Ra ra ( toothsizesame)
L.P.C 53.14 mm
Rcosø Rsinø
rcosø rsinø
53.14 2 RA2 Rcoscosø R+r sinø RA rA
Rcosø Rsinø
2222 216cos20
rcosø rsinø
782 72cos20
72 sin20
Pathof contact
Arcof contact
16.04 14.18
Lengthof arcof contact 360
Angleturnedthroughbypinion( )
32.16 360
2 72
Dr. A. J. Makadia, Department of Mechanical Engineering
Kinematics and Theory of Machines (3131906) | 7.33
Unit-7 Gears and Gear Trains
Max.velocityof sliding (p g ) KP
KP V r
r R
1500 1500
72 216
445.6mm / sec
Ex. 7.6 Two involute gears in a mesh have a module of 8 mm and a pressure angle of 20°. The
larger gear has 57 while the pinion has 23 teeth. If the addendum on pinion and gear
wheels are equal to one module, Determine
i. Contact ratio (No. of pairs of teeth in contact )
ii. The angle of action of pinion and gear wheel
iii. The ratio of sliding to the rolling velocity at the
a. Beginning of the contact.
b. Pitch point.
c. End of the contact.
KP = R A
- Rcosø - Rsinø
= 2362 - 228cos20o - 228sin20o
= 20.97 mm
PL = rA 2 - rcosø - rsinø
1002 92cos20
= 18.79mm
Pathof contact
Arcof contact
20.97 18.79
Dr. A. J. Makadia, Department of Mechanical Engineering
7.34 Kinematics and Theory of Machines (3131906) |
Unit-7 Gears and Gear Trains
Lengthof arcof contact
1.68 say 2
Lengthof arcof contact 360
Angleof actionofpinion(p )
42.31 360
2 92
Lengthof arcof contact 360
Angleof actionofpinion(g )
circumferenceof gear
42.31 360
2 228
iii. The ratio of sliding to rolling velocity:
a. Beginning of contact
Slidingvelocity p g KP
Rollingvelocity pr
p P 20.97
p 92
b. Pitch point
Slidingvelocity p g KP
Rollingvelocity pr
p g 0
c. End of the contact
Slidingvelocity p g PL
Rollingvelocity pr
p P 18.79
p 92
Ex. 7.7 Two 20° gears have a module pitch of 4 mm. The number of teeth on gears 1 and 2 is 40
and 24 respectively. If the gear 2 rotates at 600 rpm, determine the velocity of sliding
when the contact is at the tip of the tooth of gear 2. Take addendum equal to one module.
Also, find the maximum velocity of sliding.
PL r
rcosø rsinø
522 48cos20
The velocity of sliding,
(p g ) PL
600 360 9.458
Ng t 24
Ng 600 360rpm
NP T 40
956.82mm / sec
Path of recess,
Rcosø Rsinø
842 80cos20
80 sin20
Max. Velocity of sliding,
p g KP
(600 360) 10.108
1016.16mm / sec
Ex. 7.8 Two 20° involute spur gears mesh externally and give a velocity ratio of 3. The module is
3 mm and the addendum is equal to 1.1 module. If the pinion rotates at the 120 rpm,
determine a minimum no of teeth on each wheel to avoid interference and contact ratio.
2 1.1
1 1 2
1 2 sin 20 1
3 3
T 49.44 teeth
T 51
T 51teeth And t 17teeth
3 3
mt 3 17 mT 3 51
r 25.5mm R 76.5mm
2 2 2 2
ra r Add. 25.5 (1.1 3) 28.8mm RA R Add. 76.5 (1.1 3) 28.8mm
cos Pc
Rcosø Rsinø
r A
rcosø rsinø
cos20 3
79.8 76.5cos20 76.5sin20 28.82 25.5cos0
2 2
cos20 3
Thus 1 pair of teeth will always remain in contact whereas, for 78 % of the time, 2 pairs of
teeth will be in contact.
Ex. 7.9 Two involute gears in a mesh have a velocity ratio of 3. The arc of approach is not to be
less than the circular pitch when the pinion is the driver The pressure angle of the involute
teeth is 20°. Determine the least no of teeth on each gear. Also, find the addendum of the
wheel in terms of module.
Solution: Given data Find:
Ø 20 least no of teeth on the each gear ?
VR 3 Addendum ?
m cos20
2.952m (1)
Let the max lengthofpathof approach rsin
0.171mt (2)
0.171mt 0.2952m
t 17.26 18 teeth
T 18 3 54 teeth
mt 11 2
A wmax 1 2 Sin 1
2 G G
m 54 11 2
1 2 Sin 20 1
2 3 3
Ex. 7.10 Two 20° involute spur gears have a module of 10 mm. The addendum is equal to one
module. The larger gear has 40 teeth while the pinion has 20 teeth will the gear interfere
with the pinion?
Solution: Given Data:
Ø = 20°
m = 10 mm
Addendum = 1 module
To be Calculated: Interference or not?
t = 20 teeth
T = 40 teeth
Pathof approach R A
R cosø Rsinø
2102 200cos20
To avoid interference,
100 Sin20
34.20mm 25.29mm
mt 10 13 mT 10 50
r 65mm R 250mm
2 2 2 2
ra r Add. 65 10 75mm RA R Add. 250 10 260mm
250Cos20 250Sin20
Here actual addendum radius Ra (260 mm) > Ra max value
So interference will occur.
The new value of ø can be found by comparing
Ra max Ra
Ra Ra max
Dr. A. J. Makadia, Department of Mechanical Engineering
Kinematics and Theory of Machines (3131906) | 7.39
Unit-7 Gears and Gear Trains
RCos RSin rSin
Cos2 0.861
Note: If pressure angle is increased to 21.88° interference can be avoided.
Ex. 7.12 The following data related to meshing involute gears:
No. of teeth on gear wheel = 60
Pressure angle = 20°
Gear ratio = 1.5
Speed of gear wheel = 100 rpm
Module = 8 mm
The addendum on each wheel is such that the path of approach and path of recess on
each side are 40 % of the maximum possible length each. Determine the addendum for
the pinion and the gear and the length of the arc of contact.
Solution: Given Data:
T = 60
Ø = 20°
G = 1.5
Ng = 100 rpm
m = 8 mm
To be Calculated:
Addendum for gear and pinion
Length of arc of contact
Let pinion is the driver.
Max. Possible length of the path of approach rsin
The actual length of the path of approach 0.4 rsin (Given in data)
Same way, the actual length of the path of the recess 0.4 Rsin (Given in data)
0.4 r sin R A
Rcosø Rsinø
0.4 160sin20 R A
240cos20 240sin20
Ra 248.33 mm
rsin Rsin 0.4
160 240 sin20 0.4
58.2 mm
Ex. 7.13 A pinion of 20 ° involute teeth rotating at 274 rpm meshes with gear and provides a gear
ratio of 1.8. The no. of teeth on the pinion is 20 and the module is 8 mm. If interference
is just avoided, determine:
1. Addendum on wheel and pinion
2. Path of contact
3. Maximum velocity of sliding on both side of pitch point
Solution: Given data Find:
Ø 20 1.Addndum on wheel and pinion ?
m 8 mm 2.Path of contact ?
Np 275 rpm 3.Max. velocity of sliding onboth side of pitchpoint ?
T 36
t 20
80sin20 144sin20
27.36 49.25
76.6 mm
The velocity of sliding on one side of the approach
2 275
P 28.8 rad / sec
p g Path of approach
16 rad / sec
1.8 G
28.8 16 27.36
1225.72 mm / sec
The velocity of sliding on side of the path of recess
p g Path of recess
KL 34.8
Length of Arc of Contact 36.68 mm
cos cos18.439
Ex. 7.15 In a spiral gear drive connecting two shafts, the approximate center distance is 400 mm
and the speed ratio = 3. The angle between the two shafts is 50° and the normal pitch is
18 mm. The spiral angles for the driving and driven wheels are equal. Find:
1. Number of teeth on each wheel,
2. Exact center distance,
3. The efficiency of the drive, if friction angle = 6°,
4. Maximum efficiency.
Solution: Given data:
L 400 mm 50 G 3
6 PN 18 mm
Dr. A. J. Makadia, Department of Mechanical Engineering
Kinematics and Theory of Machines (3131906) | 7.43
Unit-7 Gears and Gear Trains
1. No. of teeth on a wheel:
PN T1 1 G
2 cos 1 cos 2
PN T1 1 G
2 cos 1
1 2
18 T1 1 3 1 2
2 cos25 50 21
1 25
T1 31.64 32
T2 3T1 96
PN T1 1 G
2 cos 1 cos 2
PN T1 1 G
( 1 2 )
2 cos 1
18 32 1 3
2 cos25
404.600 mm
cos 2 cos 1
cos 1 cos 2
cos 1
( 1 2 )
cos 1
cos 25 6
cos 25 6
90.655 %
4. Maximum efficiency:
cos 1
cos 1
cos 50 6 1
cos 50 6 1
90.685 %
PN 12.5mm
L 134 mm
G 1.25
We know that........
d2 T2Cos1
d1 T1Cos2
T1Cos2 T2Cos1 ( d1 d2 )
Cos1 1.25Cos2 ( 1 G 1.25)
Cos1 1.25 Cos( 1 ) ( 1 2 )
Cos1 1.25 Cos(80 1 )
Cos1 1.25 Cos80 Cos1 Sin80 Sin1
Cos(A B) CosA CosB SinA SinB
𝐵𝑦 𝑠𝑜𝑙𝑣𝑖𝑛𝑔,
tan𝛼1 = 0.636
∴ 𝛼1 = 32.46∘
𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝛼2 = 80∘ − 32.46∘ = 47.54∘
cos 2 cos 1
cos 1 cos 2
cos 47.24 6 cos32.46
cos 32.46 6 cos47.24
83 %
d1 d2
134 1 ( d1 d2 )
d1 134 mm
d1 p T
Let pc1 d1 c1 1
d1 N 1
cos 1
d cos 1
T1 1
134 cos32.24
T1 28.4 30 nos.
T1 T 30
Now, G 1.25 T2 1
T2 G 1.25
T2 24 nos.
4. Maximum efficiency:
cos 1
cos 1
cos 80 6 1
cos 80 6 1
83.8 %
Ex. 7.17 The addendum of the teeth is 0.84 module and the power component is 0.95 times the
normal thrust. Find the minimum no. of teeth on the gear wheel and the arc of contact (in
terms of the module) to avoid the interference in the following cases:
2 Aw
11 2
1 2 sin ø 1
2 Aw G
G2 1 2G sin2 ø G
2 0.84 1
12 1 2 (0.3123)2 1
T 13 teeth
t 13 teeth
3.876m 3.876m
cos ø 0.95
L.A.C 4.08m
2 Aw
11 2
1 2 sin ø 1
2 Aw G
G2 1 2G sin2 ø G
Rcos ø Rsin ø
rA2 rcos ø rsin ø
m t m 15
r 2 2 7.5m
rA r addendum
7.5m 0.84m
mT m 45
R 22.5m
2 2
RA R addendum
22.5m 0.84m
(23.34m) 22.5m 0.95 22.5m 0.3122 (8.34m) 7.5m 0.95 7.5m 0.3122
2 2 2 2
4.343m 3.876m
cos ø 0.95
L.A.C 4.57m
2 AR 2 0.84
sin (0.3123)2
t 17.23
t 18
mt 18m
r 2 2 9m
2 (9.84) 9m 0.95 9m 0.3123
2 2
9m 0.84m
rA r addendum
4.12m 4.12m
cos ø 0.95
L.A.C 4.337m
Ex. 7.18 The gearing of a machine tool is shown in the figure. The motor shaft is connected to
gear A and rotates at 975 RPM. The gear wheels B, C, D, and E are fixed to parallel shafts
rotating together. The final gear F is fixed on the output shaft. What is the speed of gear
F? The number of teeth on each gear is as given below:
Gear A B C D E F
No. of teeth 20 50 25 75 26 65
Solution: Given Data:
TA 20 NF ?
TB 50
TC 25
TD 75
TE 26
TF 65
NA 975 rpm
NF 20 20 26
975 50 75 65
NF 52 rpm
Dr. A. J. Makadia, Department of Mechanical Engineering
Kinematics and Theory of Machines (3131906) | 7.49
Unit-7 Gears and Gear Trains
Ex. 7.19 In an epicyclic gear train, an arm carries two gears A and B having 36 and 45 teeth
respectively. If the arm rotates at 150 rpm in the anticlockwise direction about the center
of the gear A which is fixed, determine the speed of gear B. If the gear A instead of being
fixed makes 300 rpm in the clockwise direction, what will be the speed of gear B?
TA 36 Gear A fixed NB ?
TB 45 NA 300(Clockwise) NB ?
NC 150(Anticlockwise)
4 Total motion y x y y- x
y (150)
270rpm (Anticlockwise)
Here given
x y 300
x 150 300
x 450 rpm
150 (450)
510 rpm(Anti clockwise)
Ex. 7.20 In a reverted epicyclic gear train, the arm A carries two gears B and C and a compound
gear D - E. The gear B meshes with gear E and the gear C meshes with gear D. The number
of teeth on gears B, C and D are 75, 30 and 90 respectively. Find the speed and direction
of gear C when gear B is fixed and the arm A makes 100 rpm clockwise.
Solution: Given Data:
TB 75 GearBfixed NC ?
TC 30 NA 100 NC ?
TD 90
NA 100(Clockwise)
4 Total motion y x y yx yx
GearBis fixed y x 0
100 x 0
x 166.67
Speed of gear C (NC ) y x
100 (166.67)
400 rpm(Anti clockwise)
4 Total motion y x y yx yx
Now NC y x
75 90
100 100
45 30
NC 400 rpm (Anticlockwise)
Ex. 7.21 An epicyclic gear consists of three gears A, B and C as shown in the figure. The gear A
has 72 internal teeth and gear C has 32 external teeth. The gear B meshes with both A
and C and is carried on an arm EF which rotates about the center of A at 18 RPM. If the
gear A is fixed, determine the speed of gears B and C.
rA rC 2rB
TB 20
4 Total motion y x+y yx yx
Gear Ais fixed y x 0
18 x 0
x 40.5
Speedof gearB y x
18 40.5
46.8 rpm
46.8 rpm (intheopposite direction of arm)
Ex. 7.22 Two shafts A and B are co-axial. A gear C (50 teeth) is rigidly mounted on shaft A. A
compound gear D-E gears with C and an internal gear G. D has 20 teeth and gears with C
and E has 35 teeth and gears with an internal gear G. The gear G is fixed and is concentric
with the shaft axis. The compound gear D-E is mounted on a pin which projects from an
arm keyed to the shaft B. Sketch the arrangement and find the number of teeth on internal
gear G assuming that all gears have the same module. If the shaft A rotates at 110 rpm,
find the speed of shaft B.
Revolution of element
Condition of motion Gear C Compound
No. Arm C Gear G
(Shaft A) Gear (D-E)
4 Total motion y x+y yx yx
dG dC dD dE
2 2 2 2
dG dC dD dE
TG 50 20 35
TG 105
Dr. A. J. Makadia, Department of Mechanical Engineering
Kinematics and Theory of Machines (3131906) | 7.55
Unit-7 Gears and Gear Trains
Speed of shaft B
y x 0
50 35
y x 0
20 105
y x 0 (1)
x y 110 (2)
x 60
y 50
Ex. 7.23 In an epicyclic gear train, as shown in the figure, the number of teeth on wheels A, B and
C are 48, 24 and 50 respectively. If the arm rotates at 400 rpm, clockwise,
1. Speed of wheel C when A is fixed, and
2. Speed of wheel A when C is fixed
4 Total motion y x y yx yx
1. Speed of wheel C when A is fixed
When A is fixed
x 400 0
NC y x
400 400
16 rpm
NC 16 rpm (Clockwise direction)
2. Speed wheel A when C is fixed
When C is fixed
NC 0
y x A 0
400 x 0
x 416.67
NA x y
416.67 400
NA 16.67 (Anticlockwise)
Ex. 7.24 An epicyclic gear train, as shown in the figure, has a sun wheel S of 30 teeth and two
planet wheels P-P of 50 teeth. The planet wheels mesh with the internal teeth of a fixed
annulus A. The driving shaft carrying the sun wheel transmits 4 kW at 300 RPM. The
driven shaft is connected to an arm which carries the planet wheels. Determine the speed
of the driven shaft and the torque transmitted, if the overall efficiency is 95%.
TS 30 TP 50 TA 130
NS 300 rpm P 4 KW
From the geometry of the figure,
rA 2rP rS
2 50 30
Revolution of element
Condition of motion
Arm C Gear A Gear B Gear C
4 Total motion y x y yx yx
NS 300rpm
x y 300 (1)
y x 0
y x 0
y 0.23x (2)
x 243.75
y 56.25
Pout Pin
3.8 KW
2 56.30T
3.8 103
T 644.5 N m
Ex. 7.25 An epicyclic gear train is shown In figure. Find out the rpm of pinion D if arm A rotates at
60 rpm in the anticlockwise direction.
4 Total motion y x y yx yx
4 Total motion y x y yx yx
Motor shaft is fixed with gear S
x y 1450 (1)
And Annular A is fixed
y x 0
y x 0
y x (2)
By solving equation (1) & (2)
x 1268.76
y 181.25
Speed of output shaft y = 181.25 rpm
Torque on sun wheel (S) (input torque)
P 60
2 103 60 2
1.35HP 1KW 2 HP KW
1.35 2 1450 1.35
9.75N m
P 60
2 103 60
1.35 2 181.25
78.05 N m
Fixing torque
To Ti
78.05 9.75
68.3N m
Ex. 7.27 If wheel D of gear train as shown in the figure, is fixed and the arm A makes 140
revolutions in a clockwise direction. Find the speed and direction of rotation of B & E. C
is a compound wheel.
TB 30 TC 35 TD 19 TE 30
From the geometry of figure,
rA 2rB 2rC rD
150 50 2TC 40
TC 30
4 Total motion y x y yx yx yx
4 Total motion y x y yx yx
TA 40 TC 50 TB 30
NX NA 100rpm(Clockwise)
Speedof arm 100rpm
4 Total motion y x y yx yx
Here speed of arm = y =+100 rpm (given)
TA 40
TD 90
First of all, let us find the number of teeth on gear B and C (i.e. T B and Tc). Let dA, dB, dC, dD be the pitch
circle diameter of gears A, B, C, and D respectively. Therefore from the geometry of fig,
dA + dB + dC = dD or dA + 2 dB = dD ...( dB = dC )
Since the number of teeth is proportional to their pitch circle diameters, therefore,
TA + 2 TB = TD or 40 + 2 TB = 90
TB = 25, and TC = 25 ...( TB = TC )
Revolutions of elements
Conditions of motion Compound
No. Arm Gear A Gear D
Gear B-C
4 Total motion y x y x y x y
1. Speed of arm when A makes 1 revolution clockwise and D makes half revolution
Since the gear A makes 1 revolution clockwise, therefore from the fourth row of the table,
x y 1 or x y 1 ...(1)
Also, the gear D makes half revolution anticlockwise, therefore
TA 1
x y
TD 2
40 1
x y
90 2
40x 90y 45
x 2.25y 1.125 ...(2)
Ex. 7.32 In an epicyclic gear train, the internal wheels A and B and compound wheels C and D
rotate independently about axis O. The wheels E and F rotate on pins fixed to the arm G.
E gears with A and C and F gears with B and D. All the wheels have the same module and
the number of teeth are: TC = 28; TD = 26; TE = TF = 18. 1. Sketch the arrangement; 2.
Find the number of teeth on A and B; 3. If the arm G makes 100 r.p.m. clockwise and A is
fixed, find the speed of B; and 4. If the arm G makes 100 r.p.m. clockwise and wheel A
makes 10 r.p.m. counter-clockwise; find the speed of Wheel B.
Solution: Given Data:
TC = 28 ; TD = 26 ; TE = TF = 18
1. Sketch the arrangement
The arrangement is shown in the figure.
Arm fixe, A TA TE TA TD TF
1 0 1
+1 revolution TE TA TC TF TA TD
(Anti clockwise) TC TC TB
Arm fixed A
2 rotates through + 0 x x x x x
x revolutions
Add +y
3 revolutions to all y y y y y y
4 Total motion y x y TA TA TA TD TA TD
x y yx y x y x
Since the arm G makes 100 r.p.m. clockwise, therefore from the fourth row of the table
y = 100
Also, wheel A is fixed, therefore from the fourth row of the table,
x+y=0 or x = -y=100
Speedof wheel B y x
64 26
-100 100
28 62
-100 95.8 r.p.m. - 4.2r.p.m
Speedof wheel B 4.2 r.p.m (Clockwise)
4. Speed of wheel B when arm G makes 100 r.p.m. clockwise and wheel A makes 10 r.p.m. counter-
Since the arm G makes 100 r.p.m. clockwise, therefore from the fourth row of the table
y 100 ...(3)
Also, wheel A makes 10 r.p.m. counter-clockwise, therefore from the fourth row of the table,
Ex. 7.33 The figure shows diagrammatically a compound epicyclic gear train. Wheels A, D and E
are free to rotate independently on spindle O, while B and C are compound and rotate
together on spindle P, on the end of arm OP. All the teeth on different wheels have the
same module. A has 12 teeth, B has 30 teeth and C has 14 teeth cut externally. Find the
number of teeth on wheels D and E which are cut internally. If the wheel A is driven
clockwise at 1 r.p.s. while D is driven counter-clockwise at 5 r.p.s., determine the
magnitude and direction of the angular velocities of arm OP and wheel E.
4 Total motion y x y x y x y x y
Since the wheel A makes 1 r.p.s. clockwise, therefore from the fourth row of the table,
x y 1
x y 1 (1)
Also, the wheel D makes 5 r.p.s. counter-clockwise, therefore
x y5
x A C y 5
12 14
x y 5
30 56
0.1x y 5 (2)
From equations (1) and (2),
x 5.45 and y -4.45
Angular velocity of arm OP
y (4.45) 4.45 r.p.s
4.45 2 27.964rad / sec (Anti clockwise)
x y 1
NC y x
1 1
Dr. A. J. Makadia, Department of Mechanical Engineering
7.72 Kinematics and Theory of Machines (3131906) |
Unit-7 Gears and Gear Trains
And the revolutions of gear D,
TA 100
ND y x 1
TD 99
From above we see that for one revolution of the arm B, the gear C rotates through 1/101 Revolution in
the same direction and the gear D rotates through 1/99 revolutions in the opposite direction.
Ex. 7.35 The figure shows an epicyclic gear train. Pinion A has 15 teeth and is rigidly fixed to the
motor shaft. The wheel B has 20 teeth and gears with A and also with the annular fixed
wheel E. Pinion C has 15 teeth and is integral with B (B, C being a compound gear wheel).
Gear C meshes with annular wheel D, which is keyed to the machine shaft. The arm
rotates about the same shaft on which A is fixed and carries the compound wheel B, C. If
the motor runs at 1000 r.p.m., find the speed of the machine shaft. Find the torque
exerted on the machine shaft, if the motor develops a torque of 100 N-m.
Revolution of element
Condition of motion Pinion Compound
No. Arm Wheel D Wheel E
A wheel D-C
Arm fixe, gear A rotates
1 +1 0 +1 A
4 Total motion y x y yx yx yx
Solution: NS
Given NC
1. Number of teeth on different wheels
The arrangement of the epicyclic gear train is shown in the figure. Let TS and TE as the number of teeth
on the sun wheel S and the internal gear E respectively. The table of motions is given below:
Revolutions of elements
Conditions of motion Plant carrier Sun wheel Planet
No. Internal Gear E
C S Wheel P
Planet carrier C fixed,
sun wheel S rotates
1 0 +1
through + 1 revolution TP TP TE TE
Planet carrier C fixed,
2 sun wheel S rotates 0 x x x
through + x revolutions
Add + y revolutions to
3 y y y y
all elements
4 Total motion y x y yx yx
We know that when the sun wheel S makes 5 revolutions, the planet carrier C makes 1 revolution.
Therefore from the fourth row of the table,
y 1, and x y 5
x 4
Let dS, dP, and dE be the pitch circle diameters of wheels S, P and E respectively. Now from the geometry
of Fig
dS + 2 dP = dE
Assuming the module of all the gears to be the same, the number of teeth is proportional to their pitch
circle diameters.
16 2TP 64
TP 24
1. Theory of Machines, Rattan S S, Tata McGraw-Hill
2. Theory of Machines, Khurmi R. S., Gupta J. K., S. Chand Publication
3. Theory of machines and mechanisms, Ballaney P. L., Khanna Publishers