Making Reading Communicative Word 2007

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Making reading communicative

Patrick Howarth, Teacher, Trainer, Spain If telling my students "And now we're going to practise listening," elicits looks of dread and fear, announcing reading practice can often elicit yawns, heads descending to desks, or eyes ascending heavenwards. And these reactions are from my adult students. My young learners' reactions may be even more extreme. "I can read at home, I come to lessons to speak " more than one of my students has told me. Many students do seem to regard reading is a waste of class time but how many of these students will read outside class without encouragement inside! "he aim of this article is to consider a few approaches to making classroom reading more communicative, by which I mean integrating it with other skills work, so that students can see its value.

#an reading be communicative! $trategies I use for communicative reading %re&reading tasks 'hile&reading tasks 'hile&reading tasks leading into post&reading tasks %ost&reading tasks #onclusion

Can reading be communicative? #ommunication suggests interaction of some sort, perhaps in many students' minds between speaker and listener. Is reading, therefore, since it is often a solitary activity, a non&communicative activity! $urely not since the reader is interacting with the writer, albeit in a less direct way than speaker and listener. (eading is, of course, )ust as communicative as any other form of language use and as teachers our aim is to bring out that communicative element. *or example by establishing direct communication between reader and writer by exploiting students' written work for reading practice +see below for ideas,. Another feature of real reading is that while we may read alone we communicate what we read to others constantly. "alking about what we have read is a rich source of classroom possibilities. Strategies I use for communicative reading -ne of the things to bear in mind when lesson planning is that classroom reading is not the same as real reading. #lassroom reading aims at helping students develop the skills they need to read more effectively in a variety of ways +the same variety of ways as they can employ in their own languages, of course,. "o enable this we plan 'pre& reading', 'while&reading', and 'post&reading' stages. "hese stages can help us make reading more communicative. Pre-reading tasks %re&reading tasks often aim to raise the readers' knowledge of what they are about to read +their schematic knowledge, as this knowledge will help them to understand the text. In our ./ we use this knowledge subconsciously and as a result need to raise it consciously in an .0. "his raising of awareness is most effectively done collaboratively. Approaches I use include1 2

"ell your partner what you know about the topic 3o a 4ui5 in pairs to find out what you know about the topic .ook at some pictures related to the topic $kimming the first paragraph for gist and then predicting.

'hen reading in our ./ we are constantly using our schematic and linguistic knowledge to predict content +both related to the topic and the language itself,. In class, predictions can be communicated to colleagues, of course. $ome examples of what predictions can be based upon include1

A title 6isuals 7nowledge of the author A skim of the first paragraph A set of keywords from the text (eading the end, predicting the beginning. (eading the middle, predicting the beginning and the end.

While-reading tasks Although reading is often a solitary activity and the idea of 'reading in pairs' seems odd, reading can be collaborative. Approaches I use include1 (unning and reading1 this approach especially lends itself to scanning as the idea is to encourage the students to read as 4uickly as possible in a race. /. 0. 9. ;. <. 3ivide the class into student A and student 8 pairs. $tudent A sits at one end of the classroom. $tick the text to be read on the wall at the other end of the room. :ive student A a list of 4uestions. $tudent A reads the first 4uestion to student 8 who has to run down the classroom to find the answer in the text, and then run back to dictate the answer to student A, who then tells 8 4uestion 0 and so on. "he first pair to answer all the 4uestions wins. +I ask the students to swap roles halfway through so everyone gets a chance to scan,.

$lashed = #ut up texts1 "his is a genuinely collaborative reading approach. /. 0. 9. ;. <. %hotocopy a suitable text and cut it diagonally into four. $eat students in fours. :ive a piece of the text to each student. "hey mustn't show their piece to the others. :ive each group a set of 4uestions. "he group have to work collaboratively to answer the 4uestions since no one has the whole of the text. :roups can compare answers when they have finished.

>sing websites1 if you have a computer room available this is a very effective way of promoting communication as students can work on a reading task in pairs reading from the same screen. While-reading tasks leading into post-reading tasks ?igsaw reading is an old favourite but perennially effective. /. 0. 9. ;. 3ivide a text into two parts or find two +or three, separate texts on the same topic. $tudents A get one text and a related task, students 8 get the other text and task. $tudents A complete their tasks in a group. $tudents 8 likewise. #ompare answers in A @ 8 groups. $tudents get into A @ 8 pairs and tell each other about their tasks.

#reating a class text bank1 I encourage students to bring in interesting texts that they have found +perhaps as a homework task using the Internet, which can be submitted to the class text bank. *or weekend homework each

student selects a text to take away which they then discuss with the student who originally submitted it. "his is, of course, what readers do in real life. Axploiting graded readers1 this is a good way to help with detailed reading since this implies reading for pleasure. I have used two approaches1 /. 0. >sing a class set of the same reader so that everyone reads the same book. "his leads into class discussions of what everyone has read. $tudents read different books and then recommend their book +e.g. by writing reviews, to their colleagues.

Axploiting students' written work1 I often put students written work up on the walls for the others to read. "asks can include guessing who the author is, voting on which is the most interesting, selecting some for a class maga5ine. Post-reading tasks As mentioned above, telling someone about what we have read is a very natural reaction to a text. I have already mentioned a few in connection to 'while&reading' +e.g. recommending readers to the class, but other ideas I have used include1

3iscussions about the text $ummarising texts (eviewing texts >sing a 'follow&up' speaking task related to the topic .ooking at the language of the text +e.g. collocations,.

Conclusion I would not be exaggerating to say that one of the things that all the most successful language learners I have met have in common is that they are dedicated readers in Anglish. "hey all recognised the value of reading as a way to develop their language independently of the classroom but e4ually saw the value of investing class time in becoming more effective readers in Anglish. "hey were willing to make this investment because they realised that reading could be fully integrated into other skills work and thereby be )ust as communicative as any other classroom practice. "his article published1 Bth Covember, 0DDE

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