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Part II: Reflection
Insights into Chloees Reading:
Some of Chloees responses from the preliminary questioning led me to believe that she thinks reading fast and sounding out difficult words were important parts of reading. Examples include when Chloee responded that she is a good reader because she reads really fast and can read a lot of hard words in response to number two of the !eading Self"Evaluation# and in response to number three of the $urke she said that her friend %argaret is a good reader because shes fast and good and understands all of the words. &lso# in response to number seven in the $urke# she responded that her teacher would help someone by letting the person sound it out first# then tell them the word if they did not know it. 'o me# these comments indicated that she put more emphasis on each individual word than constructing meaning. ( thought her reading may therefore be choppy)word by word or in short phrases. ¬her implication that made me think Chloee may not place importance on making sense as shes reading was her response to number * of the Student !eading &ttitude Survey) she has a little trouble understanding what she reads. 'his also made me think she may struggle with the retell. <hough Chloee said that she reads really fast# this was not exemplified in her reading of $abysitting. She read at an acceptable pace and slowed down when she was thinking or anticipated a difficult word. She frequently did resort to graphic details when she was unsure of a word and accepted some nonsense words +previously mentioned in ,art (-. .owever# out of twenty seven substitutions/partials# seven were self"corrected# and only eight caused a change in meaning. 'herefore# at times# Chloee used context clues and prior knowledge to make meaning and correct herself. Some other strategies Chloee mentioned in the $urke were skipping unknown words and asking someone later +number one- or asking her teacher +number five-. ( did notice that when she was not certain of the name Sybil# she put in a name that sounded okay to her and read on. She never did get the name# but she always put something in and kept reading. (n the ma0ority of the sentences# Chloee also produces language structures that are acceptable
Insights into Chloees Reading Process: Chloee has an apparent understanding of English grammar. She applies this knowledge in her reading and therefore 112 of the coded sentences she read were syntactically and semantically acceptable +see Classroom ,rocedure Coding 3orms-. %ost of her miscues that were syntactically acceptable were also semantically acceptable# and if they were not# mostly she corrected them. 3or example# in line 4564 she read 'hree were and then corrected herself 'here were. (n the ma0ority of the sentences# Chloee uses her knowledge of grammar to generate language structures that are acceptable in English. 'here are# however# a few instances where the sentence structure is not acceptable# but she does not attempt to correct. 'his could be because the loss of meaning was not significant enough for her to notice. 3or example# she omitted to in line 567 and read# She wanted to go clucking practice# but who8
How this project has helped me with other students in my class: 'his pro0ect has helped me look at reading and listen to readers in a different way. ( recently began doing 9!&s with my students so ( can group them for :uided !eading after ;inter $reak. ( found myself discarding the scoring pages and using the (nformal ,rocedure instead after using the initial part of the 9!& that introduces the story and has a picture walk. <ne of the books +a =evel >- is about things you can see by a pond. ( found myself adding a question during the introduction +thinking about how much we discussed childrens prior experiences and knowledge-? 9o you know what a pond is@ &t least half of them responded no. So we discussed parks and lakes# etc.# first to help them make some meaningA ( also found myself listening for high"quality miscues and monitoring if ( thought they were making meaning as they were reading +for those at =evel 5 and higher-. ( now also now know to focus more on constructing meaning instead of 0ust the words. 'his means analyBing patterns in miscues and giving students the tools to improve on their own. (t is better to model and teach them strategies good readers use to help them progress into proficient readers. ( also know to put more emphasis on comprehension. ( used to be more concerned with making sure students could read all of the words correctly in their books. What I might do differently next year: 'his year and in years to come# ( think ( will frequently use <ver the Shoulder and (nformal procedures instead of running records. (n the past# after :uided !eading sessions# the children would get to keep their books in their book buckets for Silent !eading time. ( would listen to them read their books in subsequent days and keep running records to check for fluency. $ut ( did not check for comprehension. ( was more concerned about them reading the words correctly. ( will not be doing this any longerA ( know now that# even for Cindergarten# it is okay to talk with children about their miscues. (t is more than okay# it is beneficial# to discuss their high"quality and low"quality miscues to make them more metacognitive about their reading and the strategies they employ while doing so. Since we are 0ust about to begin :uided !eading this year in Danuary# ( am thinking about teaching my students some of the miscue terminology. 'his is a fragile time for some of them who do not see themselves as readers yet. Some of them surprised themselves when they could read a 9!& bookA 'herefore# it is a crucial time to help them see that everybody miscues# and to begin teaching them to read for meaning. <ur current reading curriculum# :ood .abits :reat !eaders# is strategy"based. 'his is the first year we have been able to use it from day one of school. =ast year# we began it in Danuary. Each week has one big strategy such as activating prior knowledge# and a book that is conducive to teaching# modeling# and practicing it. Each day# we practice using the strategy in a different way. ( introduce and model# then we discuss with partners and/or whole group# and review the strategy. 'here are :uided !eading books and lessons that correspond with the strategies each week as well. ( have seen many positive results because of it. 'he children are using many of the strategies. (t is like a recipe# but ( think in con0unction with the %iscue &nalysis perspective# it could be a balanced and wholesome reading program. ( am also thinking about doing the $urke with all of my students to get an idea of how they feel about reading and what they think is important when they read. ( can look at their responses collectively# and plan whole group mini"lessons accordingly. (n addition# ( can use them for individual conferencing# or in case ( need to do a %iscue &nalysis.
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