101 Tech Tips For VB Developers 006

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For VB Developers

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VB4 16/32


These tips and tricks were submitted by professional developers using Visual Basic 3.0, Visual Basic 4.0, Visual Basic 5.0, Visual Basic for Applications (VBA), and Visual Basic Script (VBS). The tips were compiled by the editors at Visual Basic Programmers Journal. Special thanks to VBPJ Technical Review Board members Francesco Balena, Chris Kinsman, Karl E. Peterson, Phil Weber, and Jonathan Wood. Instead of typing the code published here, download the tips from the free, Registered Level of The Development Exchange at http://www.windx.com. If youd like to submit a tip to Visual Basic Programmers Journal, please send it to User Tips, Fawcette Technical Publications, 209 Hamilton Avenue, Palo Alto, California, USA, 94301-2500. You can also fax it to 650-853-0230 or send it electronically to vbpjedit@fawcette.com or 74774.305@compuserve.com. Please include a clear explanation of what the technique does and why it is useful, and indicate whether its for VBA, VBS, VB3, VB4 16- or 32-bit, or VB5. Please limit code length to 20 lines. Dont forget to include your e-mail and mailing address. If we publish your tip, well pay you $25 or extend your VBPJ subscription by one year.

Level: Intermediate


Unlike the Windows 95 common controls, the standard list box doesnt have a horizontal scrollbar when list items are too wide to fit within the list box. Fortunately, its not hard to direct a listbox control to display a horizontal scrollbar. Add this code to a forms Load event. It fills a list box with 100 long strings and calls SetHScroll to show a horizontal scrollbar in the list box:
Private Sub Form_Load() Dim i As Integer For i = 1 To 100 List1.AddItem CStr(i) & _ " bottle(s) of beer on the wall." Next i SetHScroll Me, List1, List1.List(0) End Sub

Add this code, which includes the required API declarations and the SetHScroll routine, to a BAS module. The SetHScroll routine uses the SendMessage API function to send the LB_SETHORIZONTALEXTENT message to a list box. The last argument is an item from the list, preferably one of the longest items. SetHScroll determines the strings width in pixels and passes this value to the list box along with the LB_SETHORIZONTALEXTENT message. The list box sets its horizontal extent to this value, and if it is wider than the list-box control, the list box displays a horizontal scrollbar:
#If Win32 Then Declare Function SendMessage Lib "user32" _ Alias "SendMessageA" ( _ ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal wMsg As Long, _ ByVal wParam As Long, lParam As Long) As Long #Else Declare Function SendMessage Lib "user32" _ Alias SendMessageA ( _ ByVal hwnd As Integer, ByVal wMsg As Integer, _ ByVal wParam As Integer, lParam As Long) As Long #End If 'Define constant for message to list-box control Const LB_SETHORIZONTALEXTENT = &H194 Public Sub SetHScroll(Frm As Form, Ctrl As _ Control, strText As String) Dim nScaleMode As Integer Dim nTextWidth As Integer 'Scale in pixels for window message nScaleMode = Frm.ScaleMode Frm.ScaleMode = 3 'Get the width, in pixels, of the text string nTextWidth = Frm.TextWidth(strText) 'Send a message to the list box SendMessage Ctrl.hwnd, _ LB_SETHORIZONTALEXTENT, nTextWidth, 0 'Restore previous scale mode Frm.ScaleMode = nScaleMode End Sub

VB4 16/32
Level: Intermediate


Visual Basic specifies a Booleans default values as zero for False and -1 for True. You may save and set the value of a check box, based on the absolute value of a Boolean variable, as these correspond to the intrinsic constants vbUnchecked and vbChecked:
Dim bBool as Boolean bBool = True '//If bBool = 0 the checkbox will be '//unchecked, if it is anything else it will '//be checked. Check1.Value = Abs(bBool)

Jeremy Boschen, Branchburg, New Jersey

Peter Gomis, Shelton, Connecticut


Visual Basic Programmers Journal FEBRUARY 1998

For VB Developers

VB4 32, VB5, VBA

Level: Intermediate

SaveSetting("MyApp", "OptionSettings", _ "OptionKey", OptionTrueIs(SomeOptionArray())


When attempting to determine which option buttons a user has selected from an array of option buttons, use this code instead of using an inefficient If-Then construct:
intSelectedItem = Option(0).Value * O - _ Option(1).Value*1 - Option(2).Value * 2

Load the routine using this code:

SomeOptionArray(GetSetting("MyApp", "", _ "OptionSettings", "OptionKey",0))=True

Or you can load the routine using this code:

SomePublicVariable = GetSetting("MyApp", "", _ "OptionSettings", "OptionKey",0)

Use this code to control a Select Case structure:

Select Case OptionTrueIs(SomeOptionArray()) Case 0: ' This code will execute if element 0 ' of SomeOptionArray() is selected. End Select

If you have more than a few items, put this code in a loop:
intSelectedItems = 0 For iCount = 0 to N 'N = total number of option boxes minus one intSelectedItem = - _ Option(iCount).Value * iCount Next

Use this code to test a condition:

If OptionTrueIs(SomeOptionArray()) = SomeValue Then ' This code will execute if element ' SomeValue of SomeOptionArray() is ' selected. End If

intSelectedItem is the index of the option button that the user selected. Bruce H. Bitterman, San Antonio, Texas

VB4 16/32, VB5

Level: Beginning

Roger Gilchrist, Ourimbah, New South Wales, Australia

VB4 16/32, VB5

Level: Intermediate


Setting an element in an array of option buttons to True is easy. Click on the option button, or use this code:
OptionArray(ThisOne) = True


Visual Basic gives you the option to turn off error trapping in your projects. This is useful when you suspect that your error handlers contain errors themselves. To turn off error handling globally, choose Options from the Tools menu. Select the General tab, and select Break on All Errors. The next time you run your project in the development environment, Visual Basic will break whenever an error occurs in your code, whether the error is trapped or not. Jeffrey P. McManus, San Francisco, California

ThisOne is the Index of the member you want to be selected. Getting the True member of an option array is not so simple. Because you need to perform this kind of task in almost any reasonably complex program, adding this function to your code library or generic module simplifies the task. You dont need to know the array size in advance:
Function OptionTrueIs(OptionArrayName As _ Variant) As Integer ' Returns the index of the True ' member of an option array Dim Ctl as Control For Each Ctl in OptionArrayName If Ctl.Value = True Then OptionTruels = Ctl.Index Exit For End If Next End Function

VB3, VB4 16/32, VB5

Level: Beginning


Use Private variables in BAS modules to protect data that the modules routines must access, but which should be hidden from the rest of the application:
Dim hidden_data As Integer Function GetData() As Integer GetData = hidden_data * 2 End Function

You can use the routine to set a Public variable from a Properties sheet using this format:
SomePublicVariable = OptionTrueIs(SomeOptionArray())

Rod Stephens, Boulder, Colorado

Or use this code to save a program variable between runs:

FEBRUARY 1998 Visual Basic Programmers Journal


For VB Developers

For even more tricks and tips go to http://www.windx.com

VB3, VB4 16/32, VB5, VBA

Level: Intermediate


It can be troublesome to convert a text file into an Access database. It takes a lot of time to open the file for sequential access and create new records using the AddNew method. Instead, use the Text ISAM driver and SQL to do the job for you. First, create a SCHEMA.INI file for the text file and place it in the same directory as the text file. Use this code to convert the database:
Dim db As Database, tbl as TableDef Set db = DBEngine.CreateDatabase(App.Path & _ "\mymdb.mdb", dbLangGeneral, dbVersion_0) Set tbl = db.CreateTableDef("Temp") tbl.Connect = "Text;database=c:\vbpj\data" tbl.SourceTableName = "Customer#txt" db.TableDefs.Append tbl db.Execute "Select Temp.* into NewTable from Temp" db.TableDefs.Delete tbl.Name db.Close Set tbl = Nothing Set db = Nothing

For Each v In txtFields If v.Text = "" Then MsgBox "All fields must be " & _ "filled out.", vbExclamation + _ vbOKOnly Exit Sub End If Next

Because txtFields is a collection, you can also determine how many text boxes are in the array by checking the value of txtFields.Count. For more information, see Karl E. Petersons Q&A column, The Keys to Your Controls [VBPJ August 1997]. Daniel Buskirk, The Bronx, New York

VB3, VB4 16/32, VB5, VBA

Level: Beginning


When you want to set a flag to True or False, depending on the results of a comparison, you dont need to use an If statement like this:
If x > 3 then Greater = True Else Greater = False End If

Now, you only need to create indexes. You can use this method to convert text files in excess of 100,000 records in a few seconds. Richard Mageau, Warren, Rhode Island

VB3, VB4 16/32, VB5, VBA

Level: Intermediate

Logical operators return a value like any other operator. Instead, use this syntax:
Greater = x > 3


To create a SCHEMA.INI file for a text file quickly and easily, let the ODBC setup and drivers do it for you. Go to the Control Panel and start ODBC. Click on the Add button and select the Text driver. Click on the Options button and describe how to arrange the text file. If your text file has a header record, click on the Guess button, and the ColumnNames will be filled out for you. On the last screen, choose Cancel to avoid setting up the data source. Check the directory where the text file resides, and youll find a new SCHEMA.INI file. Richard Mageau, Warren, Rhode Island

This way, you move directly to the result of the comparison in your flag. It is shorter and faster than the form example. Martin Girard, Chicoutimi, Quebec, Canada

VB3, VB4 16/32,VB5, VBA

Level: Intermediate


Often users print from applications that support a font the printer doesnt. An error occurs if an application uses a statement such as Printer.Print SomethingToPrint following a Printer.FontName = FontName statement, and the printer doesnt support the FontName. You can use this function procedure as a corrective measure after the error is trapped. This function procedure uses only one parameterthe font names specified by the application. If the printer doesnt support the font, the function procedure returns a font on the printer most similar to the font in the application:
Function FindFont (SpecifiedFont As String) 'find the font on the printer which is the 'closest to the font name passed to this procedure: Dim i%, tempfont% For i% = 1 To Printer.FontCount tempfont = InStr(Printer.Fonts(i%), SpecifiedFont) 'Get font's position. If tempfont <> 0 Then Exit For

VB4 16/32, VB5

Level: Intermediate


Most VB4 programmers know they can access a forms control collection using a For Each loop. Many, however, are not aware that individual control arrays are actually collections. This knowledge can be helpful when checking the properties of several controls, especially when new controls are loaded at run time. You might wish to create a form in which all text boxes must be filled out. Instead of assigning a unique name to each text box, create a control array with each text box named txtFields. You can use this name as you use the name of any collection in a For Each loop:
Dim v


Visual Basic Programmers Journal FEBRUARY 1998

For VB Developers

End If Next If tempfont <> 0 Then FindFont = Printer.Fonts(i%) Else 'take an action if no similar fonts are 'found on this printer End If End Function

VB3, VB4 16/32

Level: Intermediate

You can easily duplicate the tooltips that appear when you float the mouse over a button in Microsofts products. This code displays the tooltip in the lower right-hand corner of the control (normally a button):
' xTip: string to display as the tip ' xCtrl: control you want the tip to show for. ' xTipControl: control being used to display ' the tip (an SSPanel) Public Sub ShowTip(xTip As String, xCtrl As _ Control, xTipControl As Control) xTipControl.Left = xCtrl.Left + xCtrl.Width xTipControl.Top = xCtrl.Top + xCtrl.Height xTipControl.Caption = xTip xTipControl.Visible = True End Sub

In your error handler, use this function in conjunction with the FontName property of the Printer object. After you take this corrective measure, resume the execution of your program:
Printer.FontName = FindFont(SpecifiedFont) Resume Next

Brian Hunter, Brooklyn, New York

VB4 32, VB5, VBA

Level: Intermediate


Just about every VB developer uses the Move (Screen.Width Width) \ 2, (Screen.Height - Height) \ 2 method to center the forms on screen. However, when the user has the Windows 95 or NT 4.0 taskbar visible, your form centers on screen but doesnt take into account the position of the taskbar itself. The CenterForm32 routine centers a form in available screen area, taking into account the taskbar. Add this code to the Declarations section of a module, and put the code CenterForm32 Me on the Form_Load event of the forms you want to center:
Option Explicit Private Const SPI_GETWORKAREA = 48 Private Declare Function _ SystemParametersInfo& Lib "User32" _ Alias "SystemParametersInfoA" ( _ ByVal uAction As Long, _ ByVal uParam As Long, lpvParam As Any, _ ByVal fuWinIni As Long) Private Type RECT Left As Long Top As Long Right As Long Bottom As Long End Type Public Function CenterForm32 (frm As Form) Dim ScreenWidth&, ScreenHeight&, _ ScreenLeft&, ScreenTop& Dim DesktopArea As RECT Call SystemParametersInfo ( _ SPI_GETWORKAREA, 0, DesktopArea, 0) ScreenHeight = (DesktopArea.Bottom - _ DesktopArea.Top) * Screen.TwipsPerPixelY ScreenWidth = (DesktopArea.Right - _ DesktopArea.Left) * Screen.TwipsPerPixelX ScreenLeft = DesktopArea.Left * Screen.TwipsPerPixelX ScreenTop = DesktopArea.Top * Screen.TwipsPerPixelY frm.Move (ScreenWidth - frm.Width) _ \ 2 + ScreenLeft, (ScreenHeight - _ frm.Height) \ 2 + ScreenTop End Function

This code hides the tooltip:

' xTipControl : control which is being used to ' display the tip. Public Sub HideTip(xTipControl As Control) xTipControl.Visible = False End Sub

Place the ShowTip function in the MouseMove event of the control(s) for which you want to display a tip. Place the HideTip function in the other control(s) for which you dont want to display a tip:
Sub Command1_MouseMove (Button As Integer, _ Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single) ShowTip "Command1", Command1, SSPanel1 End Sub Sub Command2_MouseMove (Button As Integer, _ Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single) ShowTip "Command2", Command2, SSPanel1 End Sub Sub Form_MouseMove (Button As Integer, _ Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single) 'No tooltip for form HideTip Text1 End Sub

Andy McInturff, Erwin, Tennessee

Level: Intermediate


You can use subscripts and superscripts in a RichTextBox control. To prevent the control from truncating text that is raised or lowered too far, reduce the characters size accordingly:
Private Sub Form_Load() RichTextBox1.Font.Name = "Times New Roman" RichTextBox1.Font.Size = 10 RichTextBox1.Text = H2SO4 ' Move the numbers down 2 points.

Miguel Santos, Aveiro, Portugal

FEBRUARY 1998 Visual Basic Programmers Journal


For VB Developers

For even more tricks and tips go to http://www.windx.com

MakeSubscript RichTextBox1, 1, 1, -2 MakeSubscript RichTextBox1, 4, 1, -2 End Sub Private Sub OffsetRichText(box As _ RichTextBox, start As Integer, _ length As Integer, offset As Integer) box.SelStart = start box.SelLength = length box.SelFontSize = box.Font.Size + offset box.SelCharOffset = -ScaleY(offset, _ vbPoints, vbTwips) box.SelStart = 0 box.SelLength = 0 End Sub

SND_NODEFAULT lRet = PlaySound(sSoundName, hInst, lFlags) End Sub

Note that you must compile this application and run the resulting EXE directly for this code to work because it relies on the application instance handle. While in the VB development environment, App.Instance returns an instance handle to the running VB32.EXE process, not the application under development. For a complete description of PlaySound( ), refer to the Multimedia section of the Win32 SDK. Steve Davis, Gaithersburg, Maryland

Rod Stephens, Boulder, Colorado

VB3, VB4 16/32, VB5

Level: Intermediate

VB4 32
Level: Advanced


Everyone loves a good sound bite. You can use the PlaySound( ) function in the Windows Multimedia DLL (WINMM.DLL) to play a wave (WAV) file that is stored as a resource. Although you can do this using the sndPlaySound function, sndPlaySound requires you to find, load, lock, unlock, and free the resource. PlaySound achieves all of this with a single line of code. Add this line of code to your resource file (RC) designating a name for the sound and its location:
MySound WAVE c:\music\vanhalen.wav


The algorithm shown in the tip, Swap Values Using Only Two Variables [101 Tech Tips for VB Developers, Supplement to the February 1997 issue of VBPJ, page 25], crashes not only if (a+b) >= 32K, but if (a+b) < -32K also. I usually use this algorithm instead:
a = a Xor b: b = a Xor b: a = a Xor b.

This works for almost any programming language. Alex Bootman, Foster City, California

VB4 32, VB5

Level: Intermediate

The name MySound is a placeholder for a name you supply to refer to this WAV resource in code. Compile the resource file using the resource compiler (RC.EXE) to create a RES file. Include this file in your VB project. Use this code to play the sound:
Private Declare Function PlaySound Lib _ "winmm.dll" Alias "PlaySoundA" ( _ ByVal lpszName As String, _ ByVal hModule As Long, _ ByVal dwFlags As Long) As Long Private Const SND_ASYNC& = &H1 ' Play asynchronously Private Const SND_NODEFAULT& = &H2 ' Silence if sound not found Private Const SND_RESOURCE& = &H40004 ' Name is resource name or atom Dim hInst As Long ' Handle to Application Instance Dim sSoundName As String ' String to hold sound resource name Dim lFlags As Long ' PlaySound() flags Dim lRet As Long ' Return value Private Sub Command1_Click() hInst = App.hInstance sSoundName = "MySound" lFlags = SND_RESOURCE + SND_ASYNC + _


When doing animation, such as scrolling a label or using picture boxes, I first used the method described by Eric Bernatchez (Smoother Control Animation, 101 Tech Tips for VB Developers, Supplement to the February 1997 issue of VBPJ, page 21). However, I found that while in the Do Loop, the CPU usage is 100 percent! Windows NT, Windows 95, and Win32 have an API call named SLEEP. This call suspends the called application for the supplied amount of milliseconds. When you change the code, the CPU usage on a Pentium 100 drops to 10 percent:
Declare Sub Sleep Lib "kernel32" ( _ ByVal dwMilliseconds As Long) Public Sub Scrolling() Label1.Left = Me.Width Do Sleep 100 Label1.Left = Label1.Left - 60 DoEvents Loop Until Label1.Left <= -(Label1.Width + 15) End Sub

The only problem with this method is that your app wont respond to user input while it sleeps, so dont let it sleep too long. Derek Robinson, Pretoria, South Africa


Visual Basic Programmers Journal FEBRUARY 1998

For VB Developers

VB4 16/32, VB5, VBA

Level: Intermediate


Use this code to get data out to different formats without requiring a complete copy of the DBMS on the user machine. Create a new project with a command button, and copy this code into the buttons Click event:
Dim db As Database Set db = Workspaces(0).OpenDatabase _ (App.Path & "\biblio.mdb") ' commented out syntax line followed by ' working example ' db.Execute "SELECT tbl.fields INTO ' [dbms type; DATABASE=path].[unqualified ' file name] FROM [table or tables]" db.Execute "Select * into [dBASE III; DATABASE=" & "C:\My Documents]. [testa] FROM [authors]

If (n <> Upper - Lower + 1) Then n = Upper - Lower + 1 i = 0 n1 = n k = 2 Do While k <= n1 If (n1 Mod k = 0) Then If (i = 0 Or PrimeFactor(i) <> k) Then i = i + 1 PrimeFactor(i) = k End If n1 = n1 / k Else k = k + 1 End If Loop b = 1 For j = 1 To I b = b * PrimeFactor(j) Next j If n Mod 4 = 0 Then b = b * 2 a = b + 1 c = Int(n * .66) t = True Do While t t = False For j = 1 To I If ((c Mod PrimeFactor(j) = 0) Or _ (c Mod a = 0)) Then t = True Next j If t Then c = c - 1 Loop Randomize s = Rnd(n) End If s = (a * s + c) Mod n Shuffle = s + Lower End Function

By using the brackets and the dot operator, you get a completely proper output in the ISAM database type of your choice. Also, if you choose Text as the database type, the statement creates a SCHEMA.INI for you automatically, or adds a new section for your new data file to a SCHEMA.INI already in the path folder. You can do any kind of export the client wants without using a DBMS on the machine. This makes your life easier when you notice that some users running Word 97 have problems mailmerging with text files you originally created with Write# and Print# methods. Robert Smith, San Francisco, California

VB3, VB4 16/32, VB5

Level: Intermediate

John W. Starner, El Paso, Texas


This code produces a random sequence of integers between specified Lower and Upper values without duplication. On the first call to the Shuffle routine with new values for Upper and Lower, Shuffle performs an efficient prime factorization, computes the constants for a linear sequence generator, and uses Randomize to generate a seed value. Each subsequent call with the same value of Upper and Lower uses this generator to return the next random number in the sequence. The sequence does not repeat until all possible values have been returned. This code fills the array with 20 random numbers between 1 and 100, without duplication:
For I = 1 To 20 num(I)=Shuffle(1,100) next I

VB4 16/32, VB5

Level: Intermediate


VB provides only single-line comment functions: REM and '. If youre looking for another way to comment out a block of code, use conditional compilation in VB4 instead. Define COMMENT = 0 in the Conditional Compilation Arguments field on the Advanced tab in the Options dialog of the Tools menu:
Public Sub TestingSub() Print "This subroutine is used to" Print "demonstrate block" Print "commenting in VB." #If COMMENT then Print "This line will not be printed." Print "Since this is commented out." Print "VB ignores these lines during compilation." #End If End Sub

Here is the Shuffle routine:

Static Function Shuffle (Lower As Integer, _ Upper As Integer) As Integer Static PrimeFactor(10) As Integer Static a As Integer, c As Integer, b As Integer Static s As Integer, n As Integer Dim i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer Dim m As Integer

This trick also works with VB5, but you might find the Comment Block command on the Edit toolbar much handier. Frewin Chan, Scarborough, Ontario, Canada

FEBRUARY 1998 Visual Basic Programmers Journal

For VB Developers

For even more tricks and tips go to http://www.windx.com

VB4 32, VB5

Level: Advanced

Else .dmFields = DM_PELSWIDTH Or _ DM_PELSHEIGHT Or DM_BITSPERPEL End If .dmPelsWidth = Width .dmPelsHeight = Height If Color <> -1 Then .dmBitsPerPel = Color End If End With pDevmode = lstrcpy(NewDevMode, NewDevMode) SetDisplayMode = ChangeDisplaySettings(pDevmode, 0) End Function


When writing a game for Windows 95, set the display resolution to 640-by-480, set the color palette to True Color when it runs, and restore it to its initial mode when it ends. Use this function to implement it:
' Declares Private Declare Function lstrcpy _ Lib "kernel32" Alias "lstrcpyA" _ (lpString1 As Any, lpString2 As Any) _ As Long Const CCHDEVICENAME = 32 Const CCHFORMNAME = 32 Private Type DEVMODE dmDeviceName As String * CCHDEVICENAME dmSpecVersion As Integer dmDriverVersion As Integer dmSize As Integer dmDriverExtra As Integer dmFields As Long dmOrientation As Integer dmPaperSize As Integer dmPaperLength As Integer dmPaperWidth As Integer dmScale As Integer dmCopies As Integer dmDefaultSource As Integer dmPrintQuality As Integer dmColor As Integer dmDuplex As Integer dmYResolution As Integer dmTTOption As Integer dmCollate As Integer dmFormName As String * CCHFORMNAME dmUnusedPadding As Integer dmBitsPerPel As Integer dmPelsWidth As Long dmPelsHeight As Long dmDisplayFlags As Long dmDisplayFrequency As Long End Type Private Declare Function _ ChangeDisplaySettings Lib _ "User32" Alias "ChangeDisplaySettingsA" (_ ByVal lpDevMode As Long, _ ByVal dwflags As Long) As Long ' code ' Here is the function that sets the display ' mode. Width is the width of screen, Height ' is the height of screen, Color is the number ' of bits per pixel. Set the Color value to -1 ' if you only want to change the screen ' resolution. Public Function SetDisplayMode(Width As _ Integer,Height As Integer, Color As _ Integer) As Long Const DM_PELSWIDTH = &H80000 Const DM_PELSHEIGHT = &H100000 Const DM_BITSPERPEL = &H40000 Dim NewDevMode As DEVMODE Dim pDevmode As Long With NewDevMode .dmSize = 122 If Color = -1 Then .dmFields = DM_PELSWIDTH Or DM_PELSHEIGHT

You can change the display mode easily with this function. For example, write this code that changes the resolution to 640by-480 and the color palette to 24-bit True Color:
i = SetDisplayMode(640, 480, 24)

If the function is successful, it returns zero. Huang Xiongbai, Shanghai, China

Level: Intermediate


Upon initialization, the VB5 IDE presents you with a list of project types, such as Standard EXE or ActiveX EXE. You can also create new project types yourself by creating templates and saving them to the Projects folder in your Templates directory. To find the Templates directory on your system, look in Options under the Tools menu, then select the Environment tab. The Templates directory is listed at the bottom of the dialog. After you create a template, its icon appears with the predefined project types whenever you start VB or use the FileNew command. What is a template anyway? Its simply a project you save to the Projects folder. It includes all forms, controls, classes, code, and other elements in the project. It serves as a foundation for a new project and can have as much or as little prebuilt content as you need. Ron Schwarz, Mt. Pleasant, Michigan

VB3, VB4 16/32, VB5

Level: Beginning


Many commercial apps select the contents of the text box automatically whenever it gets focus. You can do the same in your apps with a few VB statements. Invoke the SelStart and SelLength functions within a TextBox controls GotFocus event:
Private Sub Text1_GotFocus() Text1.SelStart = 0 Text1.SelLength = Len(Text1) End Sub

Or place the code in a public Sub procedure and call it from any text box in your project:


Visual Basic Programmers Journal FEBRUARY 1998

For VB Developers

Private Sub Text2_GotFocus() PreSel Text2 End Sub Public Sub PreSel(txt As Control) If TypeOf txt Is TextBox Then txt.SelStart = 0 txt.SelLength = Len(txt) End If End Sub

VB3, VB4 16/32, VB5

Level: Beginning


You can use static variables to perform one-time initialization:
Private Sub GetValue() Static initialized As Boolean If Not initialized Then ' Perform one-time initialization. : initialized = True End If ' Do other stuff. : End Sub

Because you can call the PreSel procedure from anywhere, you should limit the procedure to acting on TextBox controls to prevent errors. The TypeOf function tests if youve passed the procedure a TextBox control, and if not, it skips over the selection code. Ron Schwarz, Mt. Pleasant, Michigan

VB3, VB4 16/32, VB5

Level: Intermediate

Rod Stephens, Boulder, Colorado


To close forms uniformly, treat the system menus Close command and your File menus Exit command in the same manner. In your Exit command, simply unload the form. Let the forms QueryUnload event handler see if it is safe to exit. If not, cancel the Exit by setting Cancel to True:
Private Sub mnuFileExit_Click() Unload Me End Sub Private Sub Form_QueryUnload(Cancel _ As Integer, UnloadMode As Integer) Cancel = (MsgBox("Are you sure you " & _ "want to exit?", vbYesNo) = vbNo) End Sub

VB4 16/32, VB5

Level: Intermediate


You can create property procedures in a BAS module. The rest of your program treats the property like any other variable, but the property procedures can perform error checking and one-time initialization. Rod Stephens, Boulder, Colorado

VB4 16/32, VB5

Level: Intermediate

Rod Stephens, Boulder, Colorado


It is much faster to use explicit object data types instead of generic ones. In this test that simply sets an objects public variable, the generic object takes more than 150 times longer than the specific object:
Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim specific As MyClass Dim generic As Object Dim start_time As Single Dim stop_time As Single Dim i As Long Set specific = New MyClass Set generic = New MyClass start_time = Timer For i = 1 To 100000 specific.value = i Next i stop_time = Timer MsgBox Format$(stop_time - start_time) start_time = Timer For i = 1 To 100000 generic.value = i Next i stop_time = Timer MsgBox Format$(stop_time - start_time) End Sub

VB3, VB4 16/32, VB5

Level: Beginning


Use the Format$ function to produce right- or left-justified text:
Format$(123, "@@@@@@") gives Format$(123, "!@@@@@@") gives " 123" "123 "

Rod Stephens, Boulder, Colorado

VB4 16/32, VB5

Level: Beginning


You can use a control arrays UBound and LBound properties to determine how many controls are loaded. This code fills a string with the captions in the Label1 control array:
For i = Label1.LBound To Label1.UBound txt = txt & Label1(i).Caption & ", " Next i

Rod Stephens, Boulder, Colorado

Rod Stephens, Boulder, Colorado

FEBRUARY 1998 Visual Basic Programmers Journal


For VB Developers

For even more tricks and tips go to http://www.windx.com

VB3, VB4 16/32, VB5

Level: Advanced

VB3, VB4 16/32, VB5

Level: Advanced


You can make a form always remain above others, even when it does not have focus. Use this code in a BAS module:
#If Win16 Then Declare Sub SetWindowPos Lib "User" ( _ ByVal hWnd As Integer, _ ByVal hWndInsertAfter As Integer, _ ByVal X As Integer, ByVal Y As Integer, _ ByVal cx As Integer, ByVal cy As Integer, _ ByVal wFlags As Integer) #Else Declare Function SetWindowPos Lib _ "user32" (ByVal hwnd As Long, _ ByVal hWndInsertAfter As Long, _ ByVal x As Long, ByVal y As Long, _ ByVal cx As Long, ByVal cy As Long, _ ByVal wFlags As Long) As Long #End If Public Const SWP_NOMOVE = &H2 Public Const SWP_NOSIZE = &H1 Public Const HWND_TOPMOST = -1 Public Const HWND_NOTOPMOST = -2


Enter this code in a BAS module to let users move a window without a title bar:
Declare Function ReleaseCapture Lib "user32" () As Long Declare Function SendMessage Lib "user32" _ Alias "SendMessageA" ( _ ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal wMsg As Long, _ ByVal wParam As Long, lParam As Any) As Long Public Const HTCAPTION = 2 Public Const WM_NCLBUTTONDOWN = &HA1

To give users a way to begin the move, place a little colored PictureBox in one corner of the form and let its MouseDown event begin the process:
Private Sub Picture1_MouseDown(Button As _ Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single) ReleaseCapture SendMessage hwnd, WM_NCLBUTTONDOWN, HTCAPTION, 0& End Sub

Rod Stephens, Boulder, Colorado

Use this code to make the form stay on top in the form module:
SetWindowPos hwnd, HWND_TOPMOST, 0, 0, 0, 0, _ SWP_NOMOVE + SWP_NOSIZE

Level: Beginning


An enumerated type is simply a list of constants, each of which has a unique value. An Enum can improve the readability of your code by allowing you to declare a variable of your enumerated type, then assign one of the elements of the Enum to the value of the variable. Visual Basic makes this easy by providing you with a list of values for your variable as you use it:
Public Enum TimeOfDay Morning = 0 Afternoon = 1 Evening = 2 End Enum Sub Main() Dim RightNow As TimeOfDay If Time >= #12:00:00 AM# And Time < #12:00:00 PM# Then RightNow = Morning ElseIf Time >= #12:00:00 PM# And Time < #6:00:00 PM# Then RightNow = Afternoon ElseIf Time >= #6:00:00 PM# Then RightNow = Evening End If End Sub

Use this code to make the form no longer stay on top in the form module:
SetWindowPos Parent.hwnd, HWND_NOTOPMOST, _ 0, 0, 0, 0, SWP_NOMOVE + SWP_NOSIZE

In 16-bit systems, use the 16-bit equivalents. Rod Stephens, Boulder, Colorado

VB3, VB4 16/32, VB5

Level: Intermediate


You can use the Printers scale properties to set margins. Set the properties so the position (0, 0) is mapped to where you want the margins. This code makes the left margin 0.5 inch and the top margin 0.75 inch. The factor of 1440 converts inches into twips:
Printer.ScaleLeft = -0.75 * 1440 Printer.ScaleTop = -0.5 * 1440 Printer.CurrentX = 0 Printer.CurrentY = 0

Rod Stephens, Boulder, Colorado

Validity checking is not done when assigning values to the special-typed variable. Even though the TimeOfDay values range from zero to two, VB doesnt attempt to keep you from assigning a value of four, or another number, to such a variable. Be especially aware of this when writing Property Let procedures, which accept an enumerated parameter. Charles Caison, Greensboro, North Carolina


Visual Basic Programmers Journal FEBRUARY 1998

For VB Developers

VB3, VB4 16/32, VB5, VBA, VBS

Level: Intermediate


Arrays can reduce the amount of code you must write to perform an operation, especially when used with a loop. By using the same array element in multiple places in your code, you can increase the speed with which your code executes if you resolve the array only once. This code determines if the value of the array element is this value, or if the value of the array element is that value:
If intArray(intArrayIndex) = 5 or _ intArray(intArrayIndex) = 10 Then

the variable iCounter, it returns Integer rather than Variant. In addition to specifying a specific character, you can also specify a range or list of letters. This code assigns variables that begin with the letters i, j, or k as integers, and those variables that begin with s or c as strings:
DefStr s, c DefInt i-k Dim iCounter ' an integer Dim sName ' a string

Here are more default variable type declarations: DefBool (Boolean) DefByte (Byte) DefLng (Long) DefCur (Currency) DefSng (Single) DefDbl (Double) DefDec (Decimal) DefDate (Date) DefStr (String) DefObj (Object) DefVar (Variant) Charles Caison, Greensboro, North Carolina

Because Visual Basic must calculate the location of the array element to resolve its value ( base + intAr rayIndex * sizeof_intArray_type), it makes sense that the code executes faster the less the calculation is performed. This code provides a faster implementation:
TheValue = intArray(intArrayIndex) If TheValue = 5 or TheValue = 10 Then

This technique offers performance gains that are even more dramatic when used in a loop:
For intArrayIndex = 0 to 10 TheValue = intArray(intArrayIndex) If TheValue = 5 or TheValue = 10 Then ' Do something here End If Next

VB3, VB4 16/32, VB5, VBA, VBS

Level: Intermediate


Due to a minor bug, the Internet Transfer Control cannot use the username and password properties if they are set before the URL property. Because of this, you should always set the URL property first. This code will fail:
Inet1.Password = "Chicken_Feet" Inet1.UserName = "JohnnyW" Inet1.URL = FTP://ftp.32X.com Inet1.Text = Inet1.OpenURL

By eliminating the redundant subexpression and assigning the value to the variable named TheValue only once per loop (executes 10 times) instead of twice per loop (executes 20 times), you significantly reduce the amount of work that VB must perform to complete this loop. Charles Caison, Greensboro, North Carolina

VB3, VB4 16/32, VB5, VBA

Level: Intermediate

This code, however, should work properly:

Inet1.URL = FTP://ftp.32X.com Inet1.Password = "Chicken_Feet" Inet1.UserName = "JohnnyW" Inet1.Text = Inet1.OpenURL


Hungarian notation and similar naming schemes tell you at a glance the data type of any variable in your code. You know that the variable intCounter is an integer, and you know that strName is a string. You can simplify your variable declarations by telling VB that any variable you declare that begins with a certain letter will always be a certain type. This relieves you of having to include the AS DataType clause in your variable declarations, but you can still take advantage of the benefits of explicit variable type declaration. This code informs VB that all variables beginning with the letter i will be integers:
DefInt i Dim iCounter

The first section of code fails because the URL is set after the username and password are set. The second section of code works because the URL is set first. Charles Casion, Greensboro, North Carolina

VB3, VB4 16/32, VB5

Level: Beginning


Under VB3, IsDate returns True only if the string corresponds to the date format indicated by the Regional or International settings in the Control Panel. Under VB4 and VB5, however, IsDate returns True if the date is a valid date in any format (mm/dd/yy or dd/mm/yy).

If you use the Visual Basic function TypeName( ) and pass it

10 FEBRUARY 1998 Visual Basic Programmers Journal

For VB Developers

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There are two morals to this story. First, if your VB3 apps claim that dates are invalid when they look correct, check the Control Panel settings. Second, if you need to enforce a particular date format in your VB4 and VB5 programs, you need to take steps beyond using IsDate. For example, you can use maskededit controls or extra code to validate date formats. Jon Pulsipher, Plano, Texas

' PictureBox, hide taskbar ElseIf (X > PicTaskBar.Width) Then PicTaskBar.Visible = False End If End Sub

Pete Rodriguez, Jersey City, New Jersey

VB4 16/32, VB5

Level: Beginning

VB3, VB4 16/32, VB5

Level: Intermediate


The Windows 95 taskbar (with the Auto Hide check box set) is quite attractive and provides a compact, nonintrusive way to access and organize information. You can easily simulate this functionality in a VB program and provide a useful alternative to a pull-down menu and/or SpeedButton. To set up such a taskbar in your VB application, include a control that can act as a container for other controls in your VB form. The PictureBox control looks good and works well; or you can use a Panel or a Frame. Set the PictureBoxs Align and AutoSize properties. The Align property indicates where the taskbar will reside on the form, and the AutoSize property ensures that the PictureBox is sized to fit the contours of its parent form whenever the form is resized. Set the PictureBoxs Visible property to False. Make sure your custom taskbar is not visible until the mouse is moved over a defined hot zone on the form. A hot zone is a location on the screen defined in X or Y coordinates. You can use these coordinates in any unit of measurement, such as twips or pixels. Set the Parent forms ScaleMode property to the unit of measurement you wish to work in. Set the Width and/or Height of the PictureBox to appropriately show embedded controls or information. Set up code in the Forms MouseMove event to handle the taskbar. This code aligns the taskbar to the left of the screen:
'Object '-----'Form ' 'PictureBox ' ' ' Property -------Name ScaleMode Name Align AutoSize Visible Setting ------FrmTaskBarEx Pixel PicTaskBar Align Left True False


To make certain that you declared your variables, place Option Explicit in your Declarations section. Using a mixture of upper and lower case in variable names, you can easily verify that you dont misspell variable names as you type them. By entering the names in all lower or upper case, the editor changes the variables appearance automatically to match the declared syntax:
Public strFetchThis as String Public iCountMe as Integer

When you declare these variables, typing STRFETCHTHIS or icountme results in the editors changing them to the declared appearance when you move on. Randall Arnold, Coppell, Texas

VB3, VB4 16/32, VB5, VBA

Level: Intermediate


This function returns week identifier information, such as Week Beginning/Ending date, and makes it more generic to return a date of any previous or following weekday. You can use this function in VB5 and VBA5; with minor modifications to the optional arguments, you can also use it in VB3 and VB4:
Public Function SpecificWeekday(d As Date, _ Optional ByVal WhatDay As Byte = _ vbSaturday, Optional ByVal GetNext _ As Boolean = True) As Date 'Purpose: Returns a date of the 'Next/Previous specific weekday for a given date ' Input: d - Date for which next/previous ' weekday is needed ' WhatDay - optional (byte) ' argument (default = vbSaturday) ' specifying what weekday to find ' GetNext - optional (Boolean) ' argument: True for ' Next(default), False for Previous 'Output: Date of the next/previous specific weekday 'Note: If both optional arguments are ' omitted, returns Week-Ending Date ' If passed date (d) falls on the ' same weekday as WhatDay, the ' function returns the passed date ' unchanged. Dim iAdd As Integer iAdd = (WhatDay - WeekDay(d)) If GetNext Then SpecificWeekday = DateAdd("d", IIf(_ iAdd >= 0, iAdd, 7 + iAdd), d)

Private Sub Form_Load() ' Set Width of PictureBox to 1/4 size of Parent form ' when form is loaded. This is wide enough to show ' all of the controls I embedded in the PictureBox, ' and will vary with each application. PicTaskBar.Width = Me.ScaleWidth / 4 End Sub Private Sub Form_MouseMove(Button As _ Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single) ' When the horizontal mouse position is less ' than or equal to defined hot zone ' (in this case, horizontal pixel position 4), show taskbar If (X <= 4) Then PicTaskBar.Visible = True ' When the horizontal mouse position is ' greater than the width of the


Visual Basic Programmers Journal FEBRUARY 1998


For VB Developers

Else SpecificWeekday = DateAdd("d", IIf(_ iAdd <= 0, iAdd, iAdd - 7), d) End If End Function

VB4 16/32, VB5

Level: Beginning

Serge Natanov, received by e-mail


Arrays take less memory and are faster than collections. If you dont need to use a collections keyed lookup, easy extensibility, and other features, use an array instead. Rod Stephens, Boulder, Colorado


Level: Intermediate


Implement a low-tech trace of your application by writing a message whenever your code enters and exits a subroutine. This can help you locate elusive bugs, because you can turn on the trace and run your application until failure. The last entry in your log indicates what subroutine you were executing when the failure occurred. Enter this code in the General Declarations section of a module:
Public DebugMode as Boolean

VB3, VB4 16/32, VB5, VBA, VBS

Level: Beginning


You can create complex shapes easily if you have a copy of Microsoft PowerPoint, CorelDraw, or any other graphics editor. Using your graphic editors drawing tools, draw the shape you want in the presentation document. PowerPoint features a wide range of drawing tools and autoshapes that let you combine a variety of basic shapes and styles into complex images that you can fill, shade, or rotate to any angle. When youre satisfied with your complex shape, choose Select from the Edit menu, and Copy from the Edit menu in PowerPoint. You can also save the image as a Windows metafile from packages that support that option. Switch tasks to your VB IDE, add an Image control to the active form, and paste the metafile that was copied from PowerPoint into the Image. When you want to draw the stored shape in your running VB application, assign the metafile from the Image control to the destination drawing object:
picDraw.Picture = imgMetafile.Picture

Normally, you should set this variable to False. During debugging, however, set it to True (DebugMode = True). Place this sub in the module:
Public Sub WriteDebugMessage(ByVal Msg as String) If DebugMode then 'write a message, including the system time End If End Sub

Enter this code as the first statement in every subroutine and function in your project:
Call WriteDebugMessage("Entering NameOfSubroutine")

Enter this code as the last statement in every subroutine and function:
Call WriteDebugMessage("Exiting NameOfSubroutine")

VB4 introduced conditional compilation, which offers a simpler way to implement this scheme. By defining a conditional compiler constant rather than a global flag variable, you can optimize your final EXE by toggling the constant to False. Conditional calls to the WriteDebugMessage routine wont be compiled into your shipping build:
#Const DebugMode = False ' for final code, true to test #If DebugMode Then Call WriteDebugMessage("Important Info") #End If

Use drag-and-drop to copy the image from the source control to the drop target control. All scaling and drawing is handled automatically. You dont need to set the ScaleMode property of your destination object. You can use this technique when you want to decorate forms with complex shapes or create a Balloon Help form, a process control modeling application in which the images represent the elements of the production flow, or a flow-chart application. Rob Parsons, Dee Why, New South Wales, Australia

VB3, VB4 16/32, VB5

Level: Beginning


Its fairly common practice to add buttons to your date and numeric fields to allow users to select and display a popup calendar or calculator. However, to display a calculator or calendar without allowing it to communicate with the calling application defeats the purpose of giving the user these capabilities. The called dialog is only an appendage that cannot pass the users calculation back to the field from which the resource was called. To solve this problem, add a button to a form next to a numeric input field (txtAmount). In the Click event of this button, place a Load statement for the form you want to show the user:
Sub cmd_Click() Load Calculator_Dialog Calculator_Dialog.Show 1 End Sub

Use this code to write other debug information to the log, such as variable values. Dont forget to turn off Debug mode when youre not using it to avoid writing massive amounts of unneeded data to the log. Shannon Huggins, Lancaster, South Carolina

' modal


FEBRUARY 1998 Visual Basic Programmers Journal


For VB Developers

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Pass parameters to a form by writing a wrapper utility that handles the passing of these parameters to and from the called dialog:
Sub cmd_Click() CalculatorDialog_Show txtAmount End Sub Sub CalculatorDialog_Show (C As Control) '' Display the Calculator_Dialog and return '' the calculated value as a string Load Calculator_Dialog Calculator_Dialog.lblReadout = _ Format(Val(C.Text), "#.###############") ' Pass the number to dialog Calculator_Dialog.Op1 = Format(Val(C.Text), _ #.###############) ' simulate user input Calculator_Dialog.LastInput = "NUMS" Calculator_Dialog.Show 1 ' modal If Calculator_Dialog.Action = True Then C.Text = Format(Calculator_Dialog._ lblReadout, "General Number") End If Unload Calculator_Dialog Set Calculator_Dialog = Nothing End Sub

RunLongProcess CmdStartStop.Enabled = True End If End Sub Private Sub RunLongProcess() Do While Running ' Do something repeatedly. : DoEvents Loop End Sub

Rod Stephens, Boulder, Colorado

VB3, VB4 16/32, VB5

Level: Beginning


Although the new VB5 Application Wizard can build a shell application with an Explorer-like interface, it is often desirable to drop a quick Explorer form into your code without the toolbar or the extra code included by the wizard. You can use only three controls to create a form quickly with the Explorer split-panel look and feel. To get an Explorer interface up and running, drop a picture box onto a form and set the BorderStyle property to zero (none). Add two controls to the picture box. These controls will represent the left and right panels. Drop in this code:
Private Sub Form_Resize() ' Optionally, resize manually if you don't ' want container to cover entire form and ' resize with form. Picture1.Move 0, 0, Me.ScaleWidth, Me.ScaleHeight End Sub Private Sub Picture1_Resize() Dim offset As Integer Static percent As Single offset = 4 * Screen.TwipsPerPixelX If percent = 0 Then percent = 0.5 Else percent = (Text1.Width + offset) / _ Picture1.Width End If Text1.Top = 0 Text1.Left = 0 Text1.Width = Picture1.Width * percent - offset Text1.Height = Picture1.Height Text2.Top = 0 Text2.Left = Text1.Width + offset Text2.Width = Picture1.Width - Text2.Left Text2.Height = Picture1.Height End Sub Private Sub Picture1_MouseMove(Button As _ Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, _ Y As Single) Dim offset As Integer, pwidth As Integer offset = 2 * Screen.TwipsPerPixelX pwidth = Picture1.Width If Button = vbLeftButton And X > 20 * _ offset And X < pwidth - 20 * offset Then Text1.Width = X - offset ElseIf X < 20 * offset Then Text1.Width = 19 * offset ElseIf X > pwidth - 20 * offset Then Text1.Width = pwidth - 19 * offset

The parameters are passed to hidden label controls on the Calculator_Dialog form between the time the form is loaded and the time its displayed. A hidden label control on the Calculator_Dialog (Action) indicates whether the user chose the OK or Cancel button to exit the dialog. Rather than unload the Calculator_Dialog when the user presses the OK or Cancel button, the form hides until the calling sub (CalculatorDialog_Show) processes the value of Calculator_Dialog.lblReadout. The form is then unloaded, and the Set-to-Nothing statement is executed to purge memory of the forms controls and procedures. This technique works with any version of VB. Starting with VB4, you can add properties and methods to forms, which is a preferable method to relying on hidden labels for interobject communication. Rob Parsons, Dee Why, New South Wales, Australia

VB3, VB4 16/32, VB5

Level: Intermediate


To allow the user to control long operations, use a single CommandButton to control starting and stopping a looping process:
Dim Running As Boolean Private Sub CmdStartStop_Click() If Running Then ' Stop the process. Running = False CmdStartStop.Caption = "Start" CmdStartStop.Enabled = False Else ' Start the process. Running = True CmdStartStop.Caption = "Stop"


Visual Basic Programmers Journal FEBRUARY 1998


For VB Developers

End If Text2.Left = Text1.Width + 2 * offset Text2.Width = pwidth - Text2.Left End Sub

VB4 32, VB5

Level: Intermediate


You can easily create a hyperlink in a VB form to let your users connect to a Web page or send e-mail by clicking on the hyperlink. To do this, add a Label control to your form, and set the AutoSize property to True to ensure the label is exactly the same size as your text. Set the Caption property to the text you want, such as Click here to send e-mail. Set the Font property to Underline. Set the ForeColor property to Blue or your favorite hyperlink color. Set the MousePointer property to 99 - Custom. Set the MouseIcon property to file H_POINT.CUR from your VB CD-ROM (vb\graphics\cursors). The familiar mouse cursor that browsers display over hyperlinks will be displayed when the mouse moves over the label. Double-click on the Label control to open the code window, and add this code to the Click event:
Private Sub Label1_Click() Dim lRet As Long Dim sText As String sText = "http://www.yourURL.com" lRet = ShellExecute(hwnd, "open", sText, _ vbNull, vbNull, SW_SHOWNORMAL) If lRet >= 0 And lRet <= 32 Then MsgBox "Error executing command!" End If End Sub

In this example, I used two multiline text boxes with scrollbars, but TreeView and ListView controls work just as well. David Grantier, Atlanta, Georgia

Level: Intermediate


Dont you hate that VB5s Setup Wizard doesnt include all the files you reference in your application? For example, if you access a picture or animation file at run time using syntax such as Animation1.Open App.Path & "\MyVideo.AVI", VB5s Setup Wizard doesnt include this file in its setup list. To make VB5s Setup Wizard include files in the setup automatically, you can declare a fictional API procedure in the Declarations section of any module that references the file within a conditional compilation construct:
#If False Then Private Declare Sub Foo Lib "VIDEO.AVI" () 'Fake Declare #End If

Because the condition is False, Visual Basic ignores this statement. However, the Setup Wizard interprets this line as a function declaration, locates the file (in this case, VIDEO.AVI), and includes it in the setup list. Setup Wizard will default to placing these files in your App folder, so change it accordingly. Miguel Santos, Aveiro, Portugal

Add these declarations to the top of your form module:

Private Declare Function ShellExecute Lib _ "shell32.dll" Alias "ShellExecuteA" ( _ ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal lpOperation As String, _ ByVal lpFile As String, ByVal lpParameters As String, _ ByVal lpDirectory As String, _ ByVal nShowCmd As Long) As Long Private Const SW_SHOWNORMAL = 1

VB3, VB4 16/32, VB5

Level: Beginning


You can read and write arrays quickly from files using Put and Get. This approach is faster than reading and writing the array one entry at a time:
Dim arr(1 To 100000) As Long Dim fnum As Integer fnum = FreeFile Open "C:\Temp\xxx.dat" For Binary As fnum Put #fnum, , arr Close fnum

In the labels Click event, you can change the value assigned to sText to specify what action ShellExecute performs. If you specify a URL, ShellExecute launches your Web browser and points it to the specified Web site. You can also use the mailto syntax (mailto:yourname@youraddress.com) to instruct ShellExecute to launch your e-mail program. You can even specify a file name, and ShellExecute automatically loads the file into the program registered to use it. For example, specifying a file with the DOC extension loads Microsoft Word on systems that have Word installed. Jos Rodrguez Alvira, San Juan, Puerto Rico

Rod Stephens, Boulder, Colorado

VB4 16/32, VB5

Level: Intermediate

VB3, VB4 16/32, VB5

Level: Intermediate


Black and white printers cannot print gray lines, but they can dither to create gray areas. To create a gray border around an area, draw thin gray boxes with DrawStyle = vbInvisible (5) so they have no borders. Rod Stephens, Boulder, Colorado


Sometimes it is useful to know if your program is running within Visual Basics Integrated Development Environment (IDE) or as a standalone EXE. This routine returns True if the program is running within VBs IDE:
Public Function RunningInIDE() As Boolean 'Assume running as EXE for now


FEBRUARY 1998 Visual Basic Programmers Journal


For VB Developers

For even more tricks and tips go to http://www.windx.com

RunningInIDE = False 'Trap errors On Error GoTo RunningInIDEErr 'Divide by zero (fails within IDE) Debug.Print 1 / 0 'Exit if no error Exit Function RunningInIDEErr: 'We get error if Debug.Print was 'evaluated (i.e. running in the VB IDE) RunningInIDE = True End Function

up this routine by using SendMessage instead of VB statements:

Sub ToggleSelectAll (lst As ListBox, _ ByVal bState As Integer) Dim i As Integer Dim nRet As Long lst.Visible = False For i = 0 To lst.ListCount - 1 nRet = SendMessage(lst.hWnd, LB_SETSEL, bState, i) Next i lst.Visible = True End Sub

RunningInIDE performs a division by zero in a Debug.Print statement. Within the IDE, this causes a divide overflow, which the function traps in an error handler. When the program is run as a standalone EXE, Debug.Print statements are not evaluated and no error occurs. Jeffrey Sahol, Greensboro, North Carolina

You can speed up this routine significantly by taking advantage of the fact that the LB_SETSEL message sets the state of all items in the list box at once if the index argument is -1. Because this approach uses a single call to SendMessage, you dont need to worry about setting the list boxs Visible property to False to prevent multiple redraws:
Sub ToggleSelectAll (lst As ListBox, _ ByVal bState As Integer) Dim nRet As Long nRet = SendMessage(lst.hWnd, LB_SETSEL, bState, -1) End Sub

VB4 16/32, VB5

Level: Intermediate


Starting with Visual Basic 4.0, you can add conditional compilation statements and use them to create different versions for 16bit and 32-bit environments or to call debugging DLLs while testing your applications. However, you have to be careful when you use the setup wizard to generate the installation package because those files will be included unless you remove them from the distribution list. It is even worse when 16-bit code is upgraded to VB5 because some of the 16-bit DLLs are no longer included in the operating system, such as USER.DLL. In this case, you have to comment out all the references to these libraries. Gerardo Villeda, Drexel Hill, Pennsylvania

Use these 16-bit declarations:

Declare Function SendMessage Lib "User" ( _ ByVal hWnd As Integer, ByVal wMsg As Integer, _ ByVal wParam As Integer, ByVal lParam As Long) As Long Global Const WM_USER = &H400 Global Const LB_SETSEL = (WM_USER + 6)

Or use these 32-bit declarations:

Public Declare Function SendMessage Lib _ "User32" Alias "SendMessageA" ( _ ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal wMsg As Integer, _ ByVal wParam As Long, ByVal lParam As Long) As Long Public Const WM_USER = &H400 Public Const LB_SETSEL = (WM_USER + 6)

VB3, VB4 16/32, VB5

Level: Intermediate

Garold Minkin, Brooklyn, New York


Try this routine to select or deselect all items in a list box. Add a list box to your form with the MultiSelect property set to Simple or Extended, and add items to the list box:
Sub ToggleSelectAll (lst As ListBox, ByVal bState As Integer) Dim i As Integer lst.Visible = False 'Avoid redraws for each item For i = 0 To (lst.ListCount - 1) lst.Selected(i) = bState Next i lst.Visible = True End Sub

VB4 32, VB5

Level: Beginning


Have you ever tried to create tools on a toolbar using an image list, only to find that you must detach the toolbar from the list and reset all the toolbar button properties every time you want to add to the image list? Annoying, isnt it? Before adding anything to the image list, cut the toolbar object. Then you can revise the image list with no complaints from the IDE. Provided that you retain all the original image indexes, you can paste the toolbar object back on the form and retain the toolbars link to the image list. David J. Schraff, Cleveland, Ohio

This routine sets the list boxs Visible property to False to prevent the list box from repainting itself after each item is selected. This makes the routine more efficient. However, you can speed


Visual Basic Programmers Journal FEBRUARY 1998


For VB Developers

VB4 32, VB5

Level: Intermediate


Use this code to create a tree of folders on Windows 95 or NT 4.0 in one line:
Private Declare Function _ MakeSureDirectoryPathExists Lib "IMAGEHLP.DLL" _ (ByVal DirPath As String) As Long Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim MyPath As String Dim bResult As Long 'Specify the directory that we need MyPath = "C:\Win95\Temp\MyFolder\" & _ "MyFolder\Fld1\Fld2\" 'Now create that directory if it does exist. 'The entire path will be created if needed bResult = MakeSureDirectoryPathExists(MyPath) 'Test for failure If bResult = 0 Then MsgBox "MakeSureDirectoryPathExists failed!" End If End Sub

'Traverse left branch If Not LeftBranch Is Nothing Then LeftBranch.TraverseTree End If 'Display this node MsgBox NodeData 'Traverse right branch If Not RightBranch Is Nothing Then RightBranch.TraverseTree End If End Sub

Test this class by creating a new CBinarySearchTree object, calling AddNode a few times to store data, and then calling TraverseTree to see the results. Binary search trees dont get much simpler than this. David Doknjas, Surrey, British Columbia, Canada

VB3, VB4 16/32, VB5

Level: Advanced


To make a form use a small toolbar-style title bar, set the forms WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW extended style:
Declare Function GetWindowLong Lib "user32" _ Alias "GetWindowLongA" ( _ ByVal hwnd As Long, _ ByVal nIndex As Long) As Long Declare Function SetWindowLong Lib "user32" _ Alias "SetWindowLongA" ( _ ByVal hwnd As Long, _ ByVal nIndex As Long, _ ByVal dwNewLong As Long) As Long Public Const WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW = &H80& Public Const GWL_EXSTYLE = (-20) Declare Function SetWindowPos Lib "user32" ( _ ByVal hwnd As Long, _ ByVal hWndInsertAfter As Long, _ ByVal x As Long, ByVal y As Long, _ ByVal cx As Long, ByVal cy As Long, _ ByVal wFlags As Long) As Long Public Const SWP_FRAMECHANGED = &H20 Public Const SWP_NOMOVE = &H2 Public Const SWP_NOZORDER = &H4 Public Const SWP_NOSIZE = &H1 Private Sub Form_Load() Dim old_style As Long old_style = GetWindowLong(hwnd, GWL_EXSTYLE) old_style = SetWindowLong(hwnd, _ GWL_EXSTYLE, old_style Or _ WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW) SetWindowPos hwnd, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, _ SWP_FRAMECHANGED Or SWP_NOMOVE Or _ SWP_NOZORDER Or SWP_NOSIZE End Sub

Mordechai Eli, received by e-mail

VB4 16/32, VB5

Level: Intermediate


A binary search tree can be useful when you have to traverse a lot of data in sorted order. As this CBinarySearchTree class demonstrates, you can implement binary search trees easily using objects and recursion (both data recursion and procedural recursion):
'class properties: Private LeftBranch As CBinarySearchTree Private RightBranch As CBinarySearchTree Private NodeData As String 'Adds a new value to the binary tree Public Sub AddNode(NewData As String) If Len(NodeData) = 0 Then 'Store data in current node if empty NodeData = NewData ElseIf NewData < NodeData Then 'Store data in left branch if NewData < NodeData If LeftBranch Is Nothing Then Set LeftBranch = New CBinarySearchTree End If LeftBranch.AddNode NewData Else 'Store data in right branch if NewData '>= NodeData If RightBranch Is Nothing Then Set RightBranch = New CBinarySearchTree End If RightBranch.AddNode NewData End If End Sub 'Displays all values in this tree 'If called on a child node, displays all 'values in this branch Public Sub TraverseTree()

Rod Stephens, Boulder, Colorado

VB4 32, VB5

Level: Intermediate


If you write programs that access information on a network


FEBRUARY 1998 Visual Basic Programmers Journal

For VB Developers

For even more tricks and tips go to http://www.windx.com

server, you never want to hard-code drive letters. Not all software vendors take advantage of the Uniform Naming Convention (UNC) (for example, \\SERVER\VOLUME\ ) technology. Use these API declarations:
Public Declare Function GetVolumeInformation _ Lib "kernel32" Alias "GetVolumeInformationA" ( _ ByVal lpRootPathName As String, _ ByVal lpVolumeNameBuffer As String, _ ByVal nVolumeNameSize As Long, _ lpVolumeSerialNumber As Long, _ lpMaximumComponentLength As Long, _ lpFileSystemFlags As Long, _ ByVal lpFileSystemNameBuffer As String, _ ByVal nFileSystemNameSize As Long) As Long Public Function GetNetworkDrive(FileSystem _ As String, VolumeName As String) As String 'Returns the first mapped drive letter 'if successful or "NODRIVE" if fails. 'FileSystem and SysName refer to the 'Network file system type: 'NWCOMPA => Novell 'NTFS => Microsoft 'FAT => Local\Microsoft Dim Dim Dim Dim Dim SerialNum As Long, SysFlags As Long retVal As Long, Complength As Long VolBuff As String * 255, SysName As String * 255 DrivePath As String i As Integer

Vol1Drive = GetNetworkDrive("NWCOMPA","VOL1") If Vol1Drive = "NODRIVE" Then MsgBox "Unable to open database. " & _ "The user does not have a " & _ "drive letter mapped to VOL1" Else filespec = Vol1Drive & _ "\PUBLIC\APPS\BTRIEVE\MYDB.RDB" 'Some third-party control that opens 'the database file. ... ... ... End If End Sub

Charles Douglas, New Orleans, Louisiana

VB4 32, VB5

Level: Intermediate


This wait routine suspends your code and waits for the shelled process to finish. It comes in handy when you need to run another script\batch file during your process. Use this calling syntax:
Private sub cmdPrint_Click() WaitForProcessToEnd "C:\PLOTTER.BAT" 'Let the user know when the process is finished. MsgBox "The process is finished! " End Sub

GetNetworkDrive = "NODRIVE"

Here are the API declarations:

For i = 70 To 90 DrivePath = Chr(i) & ":\" retVal = GetVolumeInformation _ (DrivePath, VolBuff, 255, _ SerialNum, Complength, SysFlags, SysName, 255) If (Mid$(VolBuff, 1, Len(VolumeName)) _ = UCase$(VolumeName)) And(Mid$(SysName,1, Len _ (FileSystem)) = FileSystem) Then GetNetworkDrive = DrivePath Exit For End If Next i End Function Public Const INFINITE = -1& Public Declare Function WaitForSingleObject _ Lib "kernel32" (ByVal hHandle As Long, _ ByVal dwMilliseconds As Long) As Long Public Declare Function OpenProcess Lib _ "kernel32" (ByVal dwAccess As Long, _ ByVal fInherit As Integer, _ ByVal hObject As Long) As Long Public Sub WaitForProcessToEnd(cmdLine As String) 'You can substitute a discrete time 'value in milliseconds for INFINITE. Dim retVal As Long, pID As Long, pHandle _ As Long pID = Shell(cmdLine) pHandle = OpenProcess(&H100000, True, pID) retVal = WaitForSingleObject(pHandle, INFINITE) End Sub

Heres the wrong and right ways to refer to network drives:

Option Explicit Public Sub OpenDatabase() 'The Wrong Way! Dim filespec as String filespec = "H:\PUBLIC\APPS\BTRIEVE\MYDB.RDB" 'Some third-party control that opens the 'database file. ... ... ... End Sub Public Sub OpenDatabase() 'A Better Way! Dim filespec as String Dim Vol1Drive As String

Charles Douglas, New Orleans, Louisiana

VB4 32
Level: Advanced


I would like to add a few things to the Building a Better Mouse Trap tip [VBPJ November 1996, page 56]. This approach also works for any message, including button-up and button-down messages. Windows 95 calls the appropriate function and passes the mouse coordinates and other information in lParam and
Visual Basic Programmers Journal FEBRUARY 1998 17


For VB Developers

wParam, which, in the case of the MouseMove event, VB converts to the Button, Shift, X, and Y arguments. If the user clicks on the icon in the system tray, Windows passes 513 and 514 (WM_LBUTTONDOWN and WM_LBUTTONUP) to VB, and VB performs a conversion that leaves the original mouse message in X. If ScaleMode of the invisible form, frmOmni in the example, is left as Twips, this tip wont work for every system. To make this tip work on every system, set ScaleMode of the invisible form to Pixels. Goran Stijacic, San Diego, California

' *** Return our nicely formatted GUID CreateGUIDKey = strFormattedGUID End Function

Doug Olson, Eden Prairie, Minnesota

VB4 32, VB5

Level: Advanced

VB4 32, VB5

Level: Advanced


If you have an application that must run unattended and you want it to alert you if something goes wrong, your application can send you a message through WinPopUp. WinPopUp uses a mail slot to communicate with other computers in the network. Choose a mail slot name, such as \\computername \mailslot\messngr, and use this code:
Option Explicit Private Declare Function CloseHandle Lib _ "kernel32" (ByVal hHandle As Long) As Long Private Declare Function WriteFile Lib _ "kernel32" (ByVal hFileName As Long, _ ByVal lpBuff As Any, _ ByVal nNrBytesToWrite As Long, _ lpNrOfBytesWritten As Long, _ ByVal lpOverlapped As Long) As Long Private Declare Function CreateFile Lib _ "kernel32" Alias "CreateFileA" ( _ ByVal lpFileName As String, _ ByVal dwAccess As Long, _ ByVal dwShare As Long, _ ByVal lpSecurityAttrib As Long, _ ByVal dwCreationDisp As Long, _ ByVal dwAttributes As Long, _ ByVal hTemplateFile As Long) As Long Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Const Const Const Const Const Const Const Const Const OPEN_EXISTING = 3 GENERIC_READ = &H80000000 GENERIC_WRITE = &H40000000 GENERIC_EXECUTE = &H20000000 GENERIC_ALL = &H10000000 INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE = -1 FILE_SHARE_READ = &H1 FILE_SHARE_WRITE = &H2 FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL = &H80


I use this routine in almost every application I develop. Its handy whether you need a key for a collection or whether you use it in a database:
Option Explicit Private Declare Function CoCreateGuid Lib _ "OLE32.DLL" (pGuid As GUID) As Long Private Declare Function StringFromGUID2 Lib _ "OLE32.DLL" (pGuid As GUID, _ ByVal PointerToString As Long, _ ByVal MaxLength As Long) As Long ' Private members Private Const GUID_OK As Long = 0 Private Type GUID Guid1 Guid2 Guid3 Guid4(0 To 7) End Type

As As As As

Long Integer Integer Byte

Public Function CreateGUIDKey() As String '*** Possible max length for buffer Const GUID_LENGTH As Long = 38 Dim udtGUID As GUID 'User Defined Type Dim strFormattedGUID As String 'The formatted string Dim lngResult As Long 'Useless result flag '*** Create a 'raw' GUID lngResult = CoCreateGuid(udtGUID) If lngResult = GUID_OK Then '*** Pre-allocate space for the ID strFormattedGUID = String$(GUID_LENGTH, 0) '*** Convert the 'raw' GUID to a 'formatted string StringFromGUID2 udtGUID, _ StrPtr(strFormattedGUID), GUID_LENGTH + 1 Else '*** Return nothing or handle error strFormattedGUID = "" End If

Function SendToWinPopUp(PopFrom As String, _ PopTo As String, MsgText As String) As Long ' parms: PopFrom: user or computer that ' sends the message ' PopTo: computer that receives the ' message ' MsgText: the text of the message ' to send Dim rc As Long Dim mshandle As Long Dim msgtxt As String Dim byteswritten As Long Dim mailslotname As String ' name of the mailslot mailslotname = "\\" + PopTo + _ "\mailslot\messngr" msgtxt = PopFrom + Chr(0) + PopTo + Chr(0) + _ MsgText + Chr(0) mshandle = CreateFile(mailslotname, _


FEBRUARY 1998 Visual Basic Programmers Journal


For VB Developers

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GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_READ, 0, _ OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, 0) rc = WriteFile(mshandle, msgtxt, _ Len(msgtxt), byteswritten, 0) rc = CloseHandle(mshandle) End Function

VB3, VB4 16/32, VB5

Level: Intermediate

Mauro Mariz, Trento, Italy


To decide when it is safe to exit your program, use a DataUnsafe function. Set the DataModified variable to False when you load or save data, or when you start a new file. Set DataModified to OK to remove the current data:
Dim DataModified As Boolean Private Function DataUnsafe() As Boolean If DataModified Then Select Case MsgBox _ ("Save changes to the data?", vbYesNoCancel) Case vbYes ' Save the data. SaveData should ' set DataModifed False if successful. SaveData DataUnsafe = DataModified Case vbNo ' OK to clear data. DataUnsafe = False Case vbCancel ' Cancel operation and keep data. DataUnsafe = True End Select Else ' The data is not modified. DataUnsafe = False End If End Function Private Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer) Cancel = DataUnsafe() End Sub

VB4 16/32, VB5

Level: Beginning


Use this code to fill a list box with the values from a database table. The first field in the query provides the ItemData for the list:
Call FillList(dbase, "select personno, " & _ "personname from tblperson order by " & _ "personname;", lstperson) Sub FillList(thedb As Database, thesql As _ String, THELIST As Control) On Error Resume Next THELIST.Clear Call FillListAp(thedb, thesql, THELIST) End Sub Sub FillListAp(thedb As Database, thesql As _ String, THELIST As Control) On Error Resume Next Dim theset As Recordset Dim inlist As String Dim I As Integer Set theset = thedb.OpenRecordset(thesql, _ dbOpenSnapshot) While Not theset.EOF For I = 1 To theset.Fields.Count - 1 If I = 1 Then If IsNull(theset.Fields(I)) Then inlist = "Null" Else inlist = theset.Fields(I) End If Else If IsNull(theset.Fields(I)) Then inlist = inlist & Chr(9) & "Null" Else inlist = inlist & Chr(9) & _ theset.Fields(I) End If End If Next I THELIST.AddItem inlist THELIST.ItemData(THELIST.NewIndex) = _ theset.Fields(0) theset.MoveNext Wend theset.Close End Sub

Rod Stephens, Boulder, Colorado

VB3, VB4 16/32, VB5

Level: Beginning


While developing a database front end for hand-tool management, I discovered a need to handle both fractional and decimal representations of dimensions in the same text box. This makes it easier on users who worked from a variety of prints to input part feature sizes. To accomplish this, place this function in the LostFocus event of any text box that can receive numerical input. You can also cycle through the appropriate text boxes and run the function against the text value of each. In addition, this function only checks for the inches character (double quotes) at the end of the text string of fractional dimensions. It also looks for spaces and/ or dashes between whole numbers and fractions and checks for both forward and backward slashes within fractions. It doesnt work with negative values:
Private Function ReturnDecimalValue(Size As _ String) As String Dim strSize As String Dim iGap As Integer Dim iSlash As Integer Dim sWhole As Single If Size <> "" Then Size = LTrim(RTrim(Size))

Tim Miller, received by e-mail


Visual Basic Programmers Journal FEBRUARY 1998


For VB Developers

'previous code may have stripped text to nothing 'if it was just spaces, so test If Size <> "" Then 'strip off inch character (double 'quotes) if it's there If Right(Size, 1) = Chr$(34) Then _ Size = Left(Size, Len(Size) - 1) iGap = InStr(Size, "-") If iGap = 0 Then iGap = InStr(Size, " ") If iGap Then sWhole = CSng(Left(Size, iGap - 1)) strSize = Right(Size, Len(Size) - iGap) iSlash = InStr(strSize, "/") 'user may have input backward slash 'in fraction instead of forward slash; 'verify If iSlash = 0 Then iSlash = InStr(strSize, "\") 'convert result to decimal form for 'saving in database If iSlash Then Size = CStr(sWhole + _ (CSng(Left(strSize, iSlash - 1)) / _ CSng(Right(strSize, Len(strSize) - iSlash)))) End If ReturnDecimalValue = Size End Function

For example, the Caption statement in this code sets the caption on the automatically created instance. When the instance FRM appears, its caption is not set:
Dim frm As New MyForm MyForm.Caption = "This is the single instance" frm.Show

Even more confusing problems can arise if you use MyForm within the MyForm code module, when an instance such as FRM might accidentally set properties on the automatically created form rather than itself. For this reason, never use MyForm within the MyForm code module. Rod Stephens, Boulder, Colorado

VB3, VB4 16/32, VB5

Level: Beginning


Assume you want a text control with a vertical scrollbar, but you dont want users to be able to modify it and you dont want users to see any caret in the control when they click on it. However, you still want users to be able to scroll all text. Here is the solution. First, put a Text1 control and a Command1 control on Form1. Change the Text1 control property to Locked = True. Change the Text1 control property to MousePointer = 1 - Arrow. Change the Text1 control property to ScrollBars = 2 - Vertical, and enter this code:
'code in Form1 Private Sub Form_Load() 'make Command1 control disappear when the form shows Command1.Left = -2000 End Sub 'code in Text1 control Private Sub Text1_GotFocus() 'move the focus to somewhere else Command1.SetFocus End Sub

Randall Arnold, Coppell, Texas

VB3, VB4 16/32, VB5

Level: Intermediate


You can use Rnd followed by Randomize to seed Visual Basics random number generator. Whenever you use the same seed, Rnd produces the same sequence of random numbers:
Rnd -1 Randomize seed

Rod Stephens, Boulder, Colorado

VB4 16/32, VB5

Level: Beginning

The Auto-Propercase Text Box at Entry tip [VBPJ May 1997, page 63] has a simpler solution. The StrConv function can propercase any string. You can achieve the same effect with this code in the KeyUp event of a text box:
Private Sub Text1_KeyUp(KeyCode As Integer, _ Shift As Integer) Dim iCurPos As Integer iCurPos = Text1.SelStart Text1.Text = StrConv(Text1, vbProperCase) Text1.SelStart = iCurPos End Sub

Jian Wang, Woodside, New York

VB3, VB4 16/32, VB5

Level: Beginning


Use the built-in AppActivate command to switch to another application easily if you know its title. You can even close the application programmatically:
'This will close app Private Sub CloseApp (AppTitle As String) On Error GoTo ErrExit AppActivate AppTitle SendKeys "%{F4}", True ErrExit: End Sub

Manish Garg, Bloomington, Minnesota

VB3, VB4 16/32, VB5

Level: Intermediate


When you define a form named MyForm, Visual Basic creates one instance with the name MyForm. Many programmers confuse this special instance with other instances created using Dim.
20 FEBRUARY 1998 Visual Basic Programmers Journal

Ketan Patel, Lansing, Michigan


For VB Developers

For even more tricks and tips go to http://www.windx.com

VB3, VB4 16/32, VB5

Level: Intermediate


If you want to print text on an object with 3-D effects, use this subroutine to convert fonts into 3-D fonts with borders. In this routine, the user can define shadow length, shadow color, font color, border color, and position of text on the object. Note that all color values are in the range of 0-15 because they are used as arguments for the QBColor function:
Sub Fonts3d(Print_Object As Object, Text1 As _ String, postx As Single, Posty As _ Single, Shadow_Length As Integer, _ FontsColor As Integer, ShadowColor As _ Integer, BorderColor As Integer) Dim I As Integer, Prev_Scale_Mode As Integer Prev_Scale_Mode = Print_Object.ScaleMode If postx = -1 Then 'for center align postx = (Print_Object.ScaleWidth - _ Print_Object.TextWidth(Text1)) / 2 End If Print_Object.ForeColor = QBColor(ShadowColor) 'Generate shadow For I = 1 To Shadow_Length * 16 Step 8 Call PrintText(Print_Object, _ postx + I, Posty + I, Text1) Next I 'Print border Print_Object.ForeColor = QBColor(BorderColor) Call PrintText(Print_Object, postx - 15, Posty, Text1) Call PrintText(Print_Object, postx + 15, Posty, Text1) Call PrintText(Print_Object, postx, Posty - 15, Text1) Call PrintText(Print_Object, postx, Posty + 15, Text1) Print_Object.ForeColor = QBColor(FontsColor) Call PrintText(Print_Object, postx, Posty, Text1) End Sub Sub PrintText(Print_Object As Object, _ Xposition As Single, Yposition As _ Single, Text1 As String) Print_Object.CurrentX = Xposition Print_Object.CurrentY = Yposition 'Print text on object Print_Object.Print Text1 End Sub ' example of usage: Call Fonts3d(Picture1, "WELCOME TO T.T.T.I.", _ 50, 150, 5, 6, 11, 12)

Private ThisControl As Control Private Sub Command1_MouseUp(Button As _ Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single) If Button = vbRightButton Then Set ThisControl = Command1 PopupMenu mnuBtnContextMenu End If Set ThisControl = Nothing End Sub Private Sub mnuBtnWhatsThis_Click() ThisControl.ShowWhatsThis End Sub

Blue Sky Software Technical Support

Level: Beginning


The WhatsThisButton property returns or sets a value that determines whether the WhatsThisButton appears in the title bar of a Form object during run time. For the WhatsThisButton to appear on your form, set the WhatsThisButton and WhatsThisHelp properties to True; the ControlBox property to True; the BorderStyle property to Fixed Single or Sizable; and the MinButton and MaxButton properties to False, or the BorderStyle property to Fixed Dialog. Blue Sky Software Technical Support

VB4 16/32, VB5

Level: Advanced


You can provide Print Preview at different scales. First, make your printing routine take on the object it should draw as a parameter. Then, for printing, pass the routine the Printer object. For preview, pass the routine a hidden PictureBox. Then use PaintPicture to copy the hidden picture to a visible PictureBox at the desired scale. Drawing at full scale on the hidden PictureBox allows you to scale fonts and other graphics without distortion. Rod Stephens, Boulder, Colorado

VB3, VB4 16/32, VB5

Level: Intermediate

Atmabodh Hande, Shamla Hills, Bhopal, India

Level: Beginning


This method is handy when the user enters data that you need to validate against a lookup table. Validating the value by querying the database is out of the question because of the relatively slow response time. An alternative is to keep the lookup table locally in a sorted array, or in a list-box or a combo-box control whose Sorted property is set to True. Lookup tables are static, so you dont need to worry about the local copy being out of sync with the database. For large sorted arrays of strings or for list-box or combo-box controls with large sorted lists (in the range of 10,000 entries), you will find the binary search to be 10 to 20 times faster than calling the API, and hundreds of times faster than a sequential search. The difference becomes dramatic if the operation needs to be done multiple times. If you want to
Visual Basic Programmers Journal FEBRUARY 1998 21


By default, the right-click functionality needed for Whats This? Help is not available in VB. Selecting a menu command from a context menu created for the button lets you display the Whats This? Help topic when the user right-clicks on a command button. First, set the WhatsThisHelp property of the form to True. Place a CommandButton control on the form. Using the Menu Editor, create a menu with a top-level invisible item named mnuBtnContextMenu, and a submenu named mnuBtnWhatsThis with a caption of Whats This?. Finally, place this code in the MouseUp event of the command button:


For VB Developers

use an array instead of a combo-box or a list-box control, there is no API call you can use. Use this code for an array:
'In: 'Array to search Dim rasArray() As String 'String to search for Dim vsName As String 'Out: 'Index in the array of the string if found Dim rlIndex As Long 'Local variables: 'Index in the array Dim lnIdx As Long 'Lower bound of the search interval Dim lnMin As Long 'Upper bound of the search interval Dim lnMax As Long 'Return an invalid index, if string is not found rlIndex = LBound(rasArray) - 1 lnMax = UBound(rasArray) lnMin = LBound(rasArray) 'lookup vsName in rasArray() Do While lnMin <= lnMax lnIdx = (lnMax + lnMin) \ 2 If vsName = rasArray(lnIdx) Then rlIndex = lnIdx Exit Do ElseIf vsName < rasArray(lnIdx) Then lnMax = lnIdx - 1 Else lnMin = lnIdx + 1 End If Loop Loop

Else lnMin = lnIdx + 1 lnIdx = (lnMax + lnMin) \ 2 End If

Adrian Cerchia, received by e-mail

VB3, VB4 16/32, VB5

Level: Intermediate


When developing relational database applications, you often need to use list boxes or combo boxes to store records with alphanumeric keys. You can load numeric keys into the ItemData array of combo boxes and list boxes as Long integers. Programmers traditionally store alphanumeric keys in a String array with the index of the array elements stored in ItemData. However, for four-character, alphanumeric keys, avoid the overhead of an array by using CodeCrypt to convert the key into a Long integer. CodeCrypt accepts a variant and returns a variant. If a fourcharacter string is received, then CodeCrypt converts it to a Long integer. Each character, in turn, is converted to its ASCII value. The value in CodeCrypt is multiplied by 256 to shift the current value left by one byte. The ASCII value is then added to CodeCrypt (filling the empty low-order byte). Because a Long integer is made up of 32 bits (four bytes), up to four characters can now be stored in ItemData. If CodeCrypt receives a Long integer, the process is reversed and a string is returned:
Function CodeCrypt(pvInput As Variant) As Variant Dim i As Integer, temp As Long If UCase(TypeName(pvInput)) = "LONG" Then temp = pvInput Do While temp > 0 CodeCrypt = Chr$(temp Mod 256) & CodeCrypt temp = CLng(temp / 256) Loop Else If Len(pvInput) > 4 Then Exit Function For i = 1 To Len(pvInput) CodeCrypt = CodeCrypt * 256 + _ Asc(UCase$(Mid$(pvInput, i, 1))) Next i End If End Function

You can easily modify this code for a combo-box control to use with list-box controls as well:
'In: 'Combo to search ' (change into As ListBox for listbox controls ' or use As Controls to use with both types ' of controls) Dim rcboCombo As ComboBox 'String to search for Dim vsName As String 'Out: 'Index in the combo if the string is found Dim rlIndex As Long 'Local variables 'Index in the array Dim lnIdx As Long 'Lower bound of the search interval Dim lnMin As Long 'Upper bound of the search interval Dim lnMax As Long 'Return an invalid index, if string is not found rlIndex = -1 lnMin = 0 lnMax = rcboCombo.ListCount - 1 lnIdx = lnMax \ 2 'lookup name in the combo Do While rlIndex = -1 And lnMin <= lnMax If vsName = rcboCombo.List(lnIdx) Then rlIndex = lnIdx ElseIf vsName < rcboCombo.List(lnIdx) Then lnMax = lnIdx - 1 lnIdx = (lnMax + lnMin) \ 2

Use this code to add alphanumeric code to lstBox.ItemData:

lstBox.AddItem text lstBox.ItemData(lstBox.NewIndex) = CodeCrypt(code)

Use this code to get alphanumeric code back from lstBox.ItemData:

sCode = CodeCrypt(lstBox.ItemData(lstBox.ListIndex))

This routine is unable to deal with strings whose first character is greater than Chr$(127). Matthew B. Butler and Steve Hochreiter, San Angelo, Texas


FEBRUARY 1998 Visual Basic Programmers Journal


For VB Developers

For even more tricks and tips go to http://www.windx.com

Level: Intermediate

Else 'change the color less frequently iIncrement = 1 iCheckpoint = iIterations \ 510 + 1 End If sAddIncrement = "&H0000" & _ Format$(iIncrement, "00") & "00" sSubIncrement = "&H0000" & _ Format$(iIncrement, "0000") SSPanel1.FloodColor = &HFF 'start the panel at Red 'At your preference show the 'percentage. However, the tighter 'the loop, the less valuable this is. SSPanel1.FloodShowPct = True For i = 0 To iIterations - 1 'do your real processing here If i / iCheckpoint = i \ iCheckpoint Then With SSPanel1 If i <= iMidPoint Then .FloodColor = _ .FloodColor + sAddIncrement Else .FloodColor = _ .FloodColor - sSubIncrement End If .FloodPercent = (i + 1) / iIterations * 100 End With End If 'if the loop is tight, be sure to 'release the processor 'occasionally - also, some flood 'controls (other than SSPanel) 'may require this to get the 'color updated in the control DoEvents Next MsgBox "All done!", vbOKOnly + vbInformation SSPanel1.FloodPercent = 0 SSPanel1.FloodShowPct = False End Sub


Suppose you have a database field that returns a date in the Short Date format. Neither a numeric sort nor a string sort would order this column correctly. To sort by date, you need to add an extra column to the grid and set its width to zero. Populate the column with values obtained by converting the date to a number, and sort on that column as demonstrated here (this code assumes the date field is in column 2):
Dim Ro As Integer Dim SortCol As Integer Dim SortDate As Double 'add a column to hold the sort key MSFlexGrid1.Cols = MSFlexGrid1.Cols + 1 SortCol = MSFlexGrid1.Cols - 1 MSFlexGrid1.ColWidth(SortCol) = 0 'invisible 'calculate key values & populate grid For Ro = 1 To MSFlexGrid1.Rows - 1 SortDate = DateValue(MSFlexGrid1.TextMatrix(Ro, 2)) MSFlexGrid1.TextMatrix(Ro, SortCol) = SortDate Next Ro 'do the sort MSFlexGrid1.Col = SortCol 'set the key MSFlexGrid1.Sort = flexSortNumericAscending

VideoSoft Tech Support

VB4 16/32
Level: Intermediate


The tip Color Status Indicator [101 Tech Tips for VB Developers, Supplement to the February 1997 issue of VBPJ, page 26] got me thinking that it would look even more attractive to have the status change color in gradient steps. Instead of changing the color at particular points, start at red, blend to orange, then yellow, and finally green. To try this, place a Sheridan 3-D panel on your form and set the FloodType property to 1 (Left to Right) and ShowFloodPct to False. Place a command button and a text box (set the Caption to blank) on the form to do your testing. Place this code in the form:
Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim i As Integer, iIncrement As Integer Dim iMidPoint As Integer, iCheckpoint As Integer Dim j As Integer, sAddIncrement As String Dim sSubIncrement As String iIterations = Val(Text1) iMidPoint = iIterations * 0.5 - 1 ' find the midpoint If iIterations / 510 = iIterations \ 510 Then 'perfect algorithm iIncrement = 1 iCheckpoint = 1 ElseIf iIterations < 510 Then 'increment the color faster iIncrement = 510 \ iIterations iCheckpoint = 1

The effect works best when your video is set to at least 16-bit (High Color). Because there are exactly 510 progressive gradients between red and green, the number of iterations you enter will influence what shade of green you end up with. As the iterations increase (>900), youll end up with bright green. Jim Poland, Cedar Rapids, Iowa

VB3, VB4 16/32, VB5

Level: Intermediate


To add user-defined properties to controls, use this code to store them in the controls tag. You can define multiple additional properties at design or run time. You can easily retrieve the value stored:
Control.Tag = AddParam((Control.Tag), _ "tooltip", "Close this window.") Control.Tag = AddParam((Control.Tag), "user", "True") Tooltip = GetParam((Control.Tag), "tooltip") Function AddParam (Text As String, _ Param As String, Value) As String Dim Text1 As String If Not IsNull(GetParam(Text, Param)) Then Text1 = DelParam(Text, Param)


Visual Basic Programmers Journal FEBRUARY 1998


For VB Developers

Else Text1 = Text End If If Text1 <> "" Then Text1 = Text1 & ";" End If AddParam = Text1 & Param & "=" & (Value) End Function Function DelParam (Text As String, _ Param As String) As String Dim i As Integer Dim j As Integer Dim s1 As String Dim s2 As String Dim Text1 As String Text1 = Text i = InStr(UCase(Text), UCase(Param) & "=") If i > 0 Then If i = 1 Then s1 = "" Else s1 = Left(Text, i - 2) End If j = InStr(i, Text, ";") If j > 0 Then s2 = Mid(Text, j + 1) Else s2 = "" End If If s1 = "" Or s2 = "" Then Text1 = s1 & s2 Else Text1 = s1 & ";" & s2 End If End If DelParam = Text1 End Function Function GetParam (Text, Param) Dim i As Integer Dim j As Integer Dim Text1 As String If Len(Text) Then If Left(Text, 1) <> "'" Then Text1 = ";" & Text & ";" i = InStr(LCase(Text1), ";" _ & LCase(Param) & "=") + 1 If i > 1 Then j = InStr(i + Len(Param), Text1, ";") GetParam = Mid(Text1, i + Len(Param) + 1, _ j - i - Len(Param) - 1) Else GetParam = Null End If Else GetParam = Null End If Else GetParam = Null End If End Function

VB4 16/32, VB5

Level: Beginning


My code often has a lot of nested procedure calls, which can be painful to trace while doing walk-throughs. Developers might be unaware of the Procedure Definition (Shift+F2) feature, which provides a way to go to the code of a called procedure. This is particularly convenient if you like to keep your hands on the keyboard as much as possible. Simply place the cursor on the procedure call, and press Shift+F2 to get to the procedures code. When youre done, Ctrl+Shift+F2 takes you back. Aseem Pitamber, Haryana, India

VB3, VB4 16/32, VB5

Level: Intermediate


Visual Basic includes constants, such as vbActiveTitleBar and vbButtonFace, for Windows system colors, which the user might change through the Control Panel. (In VB3, these constants are defined in the file CONSTANT.TXT.) When you assign one of these constants to a VB color property, Visual Basic automatically translates it to the actual color the user has chosen for that item. You cannot, however, use VBs system color constants directly with API functions, such as SetPixel, that expect a color as one of their parameters. VBs system color constants are the same as those defined by the Windows API, except that VBs constants have the high bit set. You can use this function to translate both VB and Windows system color constants into the corresponding RGB color value, suitable for use in API calls:
' 32-bit Option Explicit Declare Function GetSysColor Lib "User32" ( _ ByVal nIndex As Long) As Long Public Function SysColor2RGB(ByVal lColor As Long) As Long lColor = lColor And (Not &H80000000) SysColor2RGB = GetSysColor(lColor) End Function

For 16-bit versions of VB, replace the GetSysColor declaration with this code:
Declare Function GetSysColor Lib "User" ( _ ByVal nIndex As Integer) As Long

Steve Cisco, Perrysburg, Ohio

Dean Genner, North Sydney, Australia

VB3, VB4 16/32, VB5

Level: Beginning


To change the ToolTips background color, open the Control Panels Display tool. Click on the Appearance tab. In the Item combo box, select ToolTip. Click on the little color box to change the color. Rod Stephens, Boulder, Colorado
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VB3, VB4 16/32, VB5

Level: Beginning


This routine parses a string and returns an equivalent string where all the instances of a given substring are doubled. This is especially useful for doubling quotes within SQL statements to be passed to Access or other database engines that expect double quote marks to represent a single quote mark:
Public Function DoubleString ( _ ByVal str As String, _ ByVal strDoubleString As String) As String Dim intStringLength As Integer Dim intDoubleStringLength As Integer Dim intPosition As Integer Dim strTemp As String intStringLength = Len(str) intDoubleStringLength = Len(strDoubleString) strTemp = str If intStringLength >= _ intDoubleStringLength And _ intDoubleStringLength > 0 Then intPosition = 1 Do While (intPosition > 0) And _ (intPosition <= intStringLength) intPosition = InStr(intPosition, _ strTemp, strDoubleString) If intPosition > 0 Then strTemp = Left(strTemp, _ intPosition - 1 + _ intDoubleStringLength) & _ strDoubleString & _ Mid(strTemp, intPosition + _ intDoubleStringLength, _ intStringLength) intStringLength = Len(strTemp) intPosition = intPosition + _ (intDoubleStringLength * 2) End If Loop End If DoubleString = strTemp End Function

'iTimes sets the number of flashes Call FlashWindow(hFlash, True) Dim Start As Single Start = Timer ' Set start time. ' sInterval sets the time between flashes Do While Timer < Start + sInterval DoEvents ' Yield to other processes Loop Next i ' Puts everything back to normal Call FlashWindow(hFlash, False) End Sub

Add this code to a button:

Private Sub Command1_Click() 'Start the fun... Flash Me.hWnd, 20, 0.5 End Sub

Ivn Mrquez, Miranda, Venezuela

Level: Beginning


To use a picture on a CommandButton, you must set its Picture property and set its Style to 1 - Graphical. Otherwise, the picture will be ignored. Rod Stephens, Boulder, Colorado

Level: Intermediate


One of the enhancements to the RichTextBox control in VB5 is the addition of an OLEObjects collection, which allows Rich Text documents to include linked or embedded OLE objects. However, the RichTextBox control provides no interactive way for users to insert such objects; they must be added by means of the Add method of the OLEObjects collection. You can, however, use the Insert Object dialog provided by VBs OLE Container control to allow the user to insert an OLE object into a RichTextBox. Add an OLE Container control (oleObj) to your form, and set its Visible property to False. Then add this code behind a button or menu item:
Private Sub cmdInsertObject_Click() Dim sClass As String ' Show OLE Container control's ' Insert Object dialog oleObj.InsertObjDlg ' If user makes a selection, add it to ' RichTextBox's OLEObjects collection sClass = oleObj.Class If Len(sClass) Then rtfText.OLEObjects.Add , , , sClass ' Clear OLE Container's object to conserve memory oleObj.Class = "" End If End Sub

Eric Lynn, Ballwin, Missouri

VB4 32, VB5

Level: Intermediate


Do you want your programs to call users attention? Use the APIs FlashWindow function. Put this code in a module:
Option Explicit Declare Function FlashWindow Lib "user32" ( _ ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal bInvert As Long) As Long Sub Flash(hFlash As Long, iTimes As Integer, _ sInterval As Single) Dim i As Integer For i = 0 To iTimes

Basil Hubbard, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada

Visual Basic Programmers Journal FEBRUARY 1998 25


For VB Developers

VB3, VB4 16/32, VB5

Level: Beginning

the printer. This code uses the Windows API AbortDoc to prevent this. Put a button named cCancel on the form and caption it Abort Printing. Add this declaration to your program:
Declare Function AbortDoc% Lib "GDI" ( _ ByVal hDC As Integer)


Do you have an application you need to launch on Windows startup? Typically, you do this by placing an item in the Startup directory. However, you can also do this with a registry entry. Add a new string value using the name of your application. The value is the path to your executable:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\_ Windows\CurrentVersion\Run

Add this code to the cCancel buttons Click event procedure:

Sub cCancel_Click () dim i% AbortPrintFlag=True On Local Error Resume Next i = AbortDoc(Printer.hDC) End Sub

A sample entry might look like this:

MyApp C:\Program Files\MyApp\MyApp.exe

Add this code to the print routine:

AbortPrintFlag=False Do While ...... Printer.Print ...... DoEvents If AbortPrintFlag then exit do Loop On Local Error resume next Printer.EndDoc

Kevin Gilchrist, Glendale, Arizona

Level: Beginning

Instead of going to the Edit menu to comment out a section of code, you can add the comment command to the shortcut menu you access by right-clicking in a code window. Select View/ Toolbars/Customize. On the Toolbars tab of the Customize dialog, click on the Shortcut Menus check box. On the toolbar that pops up, click on Code Windows... Code Window. On the Commands tab of the Customize dialog, select Edit in the categories list box. Drag and drop Comment Block and Uncomment Block from the Commands list box to the code window menu. Hit the Close button on the Customize dialog. Now go to a code window, drag the mouse over a section of code, right-click, and select Comment code. Greg Ellis, St. Louis, Missouri

Dennis E. Hining, Houston, Texas

VB3, VB4 16/32, VB5, VBA, VBS

Level: Beginning


If old words or marks have dried on a white board and you cant wipe them off, write on top of them with a fresh pen and then rub them off. This also works if someone has used a permanent pen. Rob Parsons, DeeWhy, New South Wales, Australia

VB3, VB4 16/32, VB5, VBA

Level: Intermediate

VB4 32, VB5

Level: Intermediate

Have you ever needed to determine if an object variable is holding a valid reference? TypeName( ) returns a class name if the object holds a valid reference. It returns the word Nothing if it does not:
Public Function IsObjValid(objTest As Object) As Boolean Dim vntResult As Variant vntResult = TypeName(objTest) If vntResult <> "Nothing" Then _ IsObjValid = TrueEnd Function


Use this code to create a comma-separated value (CSV) file from a recordset based on a SQL query. A number of applications, including Excel and Access, can read CSV files:
Function CSVExport(sSQL As String, sDest As _ String) As Boolean On Error goto Err_Handler Set snpExport = db.OpenRecordset(sSQL, dbOpenSnapshot) Open App.Path & "\" & sDest For Output As #1 For iLoop = 0 To snpExport.Fields.Count _ - 1 'Export Field Names sFieldText = "" & _ (snpExport.Fields(iLoop).Name) Write #1, sFieldText; Next Write #1, snpExport.MoveFirst Do While snpExport.EOF = False

Lee Taylor, Cornelius, North Carolina

VB3, VB4 16
Level: Advanced


In the tip, Please Stop Printing! [101 Tech Tips for VB Developers, Supplement to the August 1997 issue of VBPJ, page 13], the code works fine with one exception. If you use PrintManager, anything printed before you press the Abort button is sent to
26 FEBRUARY 1998 Visual Basic Programmers Journal


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For even more tricks and tips go to http://www.windx.com

For iLoop = 0 To snpExport.Fields.Count - 1 sFieldText = "" & (snpExport.Fields(iLoop)) Write #1, sFieldText; Next Write #1, snpExport.MoveNext Loop CSVExport = True Exit Function Err_Handler MSGBOX("Error: " & Err.Description) CSVExport=False End Function

VB4 16/32, VB5

Level: Beginning


To return to a previous location in your code, press Ctrl+Shift+F2. This way you dont need to set bookmarks. VB only keeps track of the last eight lines of code that you accessed or edited. This feature is available in design time and in break mode. Trish Anders, Peoria, Arizona

Kevin ODonnel, Mission Viejo, California

VB4 32, VB5

Level: Intermediate

VB3, VB4 16/32, VB5

Level: Beginning


This small subroutine iterates through and closes all databases in the Databases collection of the Workspaces object. For each database in the collection, it iterates through each Recordset and closes it first:
Public Sub DBCloseAll() Dim DBInstance As Database Dim RSInstance As Recordset On Error Resume Next For Each DBInstance In Workspaces(0).Databases 'For all open databases.... For Each RSInstance In DBInstance.Recordsets 'For all open=20 Recordsets.... RSInstance.Close 'Close all Recordsets Next DBInstance.Close ' Close DB Next End Sub


To quickly go to the code for a called function, subroutine, or property, simply place your cursor on the called routine and hit Shift+F2. VB will immediately go to the routine as long as it is defined in your project. Fred Meyer, Iowa City, Iowa

VB4 16/32, VB5

Level: Beginning


To change text in a text box to uppercase as soon as the user types it in, use this code:
Private Sub txtname_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer) 'Puts in uppercase as soon as typed KeyAscii = Asc(UCase(Chr(KeyAscii))) End Sub

Trish Anders, Peoria, Arizona

Marcus Cedergren, Gothenburg, Sweden

VB4 32, VB5

Level: Intermediate

VB3, VB4 16/32, VB5

Level: Intermediate


The ID (counter field) of a newly inserted record is available immediately after the AddNew method executes. Retrieving the ID at this point means you dont have to mess with the LastModified property and bookmarks. You can clear the variable used to store the ID if you cancel the update. Try this code from a button Click event:
With Data1.Recordset .AddNew MsgBox !ID .CancelUpdate End With


Use the Win32 API to set tab stops in a Visual Basic list box by creating these declarations and routine in a module:
Public Const LB_SETTABSTOPS = &H192 Declare Function SendMessage Lib "user32" _ Alias "SendMessageA" (ByVal hwnd As Long, _ ByVal wMsg As Long, ByVal wParam As Long, _ lParam As Any)As Long Sub SetListTabStops(iListHandle As Long) ' sets 2 tab stops in a list box at the 24th ' and 48th character ' iListHandle = the window handle of the list box Dim iNumColumns As Long Dim iListTabs(1) As Long Dim Ret As Long iNumColumns = 2

Joe Maki, received by e-mail


Visual Basic Programmers Journal FEBRUARY 1998


For VB Developers

iListTabs(0) = 96 ' 96/4 = 24 characters iListTabs(1) = 192 ' 192/4 = 48 characters Ret = SendMessage(iListHandle, _ LB_SETTABSTOPS, iNumColumns, iListTabs(0)) End Sub

VB3, VB4 16/32, VB5, VBA

Level: Beginning

In your form, create a list box called lstMyListBox. Call this routine in the form load to set your tab stops:
Call SetListTabStops(lstMyListBox.hwnd)


When creating menus and command buttons, use the ampersand symbol to create a shortcut key for that option. For example, you might use &Cancel for a command button with a Cancel button used to cancel an event. To create menu options or command buttons with an ampersand in the caption, set the Caption property (either by coding or through the property settings form), using && to place it in the caption. James Kahl, St. Louis Park, Minnesota

Then add items to the list box using vbTab:

lstMyListBox.AddItem "Column 1 data" & _ vbTab & "Column 2 data"

Catherine Spence, Hollis, New Hampshire

VB3, VB4 16/32, VB5

Level: Intermediate

VB4 32, VB5

Level: Advanced


VB doesnt have a function to replace part of a string (of n-length) with another string (of x-length). The Mid( ) statement works only with target and replacement strings of the same length. Use this code to solve the problem:
Function ReplaceText( _ ByVal sOriginalString As String, _ ByVal sTargetString As String, _ ByVal sReplacement As String) As String Dim iOriginalLen As Integer Dim iTargetLen As Integer Dim iReplaceLen As Integer Dim iTargetLoc As Integer iOriginalLen = Len(sOriginalString) iTargetLen = Len(sTargetString) iReplaceLen = Len(sReplacement) If (iTargetLen = 0) Or (iOriginalLen = 0) Or _ (iReplaceLen = 0) Then ReplaceText = sOriginalString 'Improper use of function. Else iTargetLoc = InStr(sOriginalString, sTargetString) ReplaceText = Iif( iTargetLoc = 0, sOriginalString, _ Left(sOriginalString, iTargetLoc - _ 1) & sReplacement & Right( _ sOriginalString, iOriginalLen - _ iTargetLoc iTargetLen + 1) ) End If End Function


Not all ActiveX DLL and OCX files include installation programs to properly register the control. You need to run REGSVR32.EXE manually to perform the registration. You can save time by creating a shortcut in your WINDOWS\SENDTO folder called Register ActiveX Control. Use the target name of C:\WINDOWS\REGSVR32.EXE for the shortcut. When you have an ActiveX control you wish to register, right-click on the file name to display the context menu, click on Send To, and click on Register ActiveX Control. The RegSvr32 program will display a message box indicating the success or failure of the registration. Tony Pappas, Calabasas, California

VB4 16/32, VB5

Level: Intermediate


Many programmers mistakenly believe they can remove all the items from a collection by setting the collection itself to Nothing:
Dim children as New Collection ... Set children = Nothing

Bruce Goldstein, Highlands Ranch, Colorado

This technique only works if you dont have another object variable pointing to the same collection. In this case, setting the children variable to Nothing doesnt destroy the collection; instead, it decreases its internal reference counter. The only way to remove all the items of the collection is with a loop of Remove methods:
Do While children.Count children.Remove 1 Loop

Francesco Balena, Bari, Italy


FEBRUARY 1998 Visual Basic Programmers Journal


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