20 Niches

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20 Coaching Niches

20 Coaching Niches 2013 erickson.edu



This guide to coaching niches was created to give those
thinking about a career in coaching an idea of the different types
of coaching they could pursue.

This list is by no means exhaustive, there are still many smaller
niches that exist outside the ones listed or that use a
combination of the ones listed.

If you decide that coaching is for you, we recommend choosing
a niche that you have personal or professional experience in and
that you have a genuine passion for.

Erickson College is here for your coach training journey every
step of the way. If you have any questions about a specific niche,
even one that is not on this list, please contact us via
info@erickosn.edu and we will be more than happy to help.

Marilyn Atkinson, PhD

President Erickson College International

20 Coaching Niches

20 Coaching Niches 2013 erickson.edu


Life Coaching

3. What Is Life Coaching
4. Career Coaching
5. Couple Coaching
6. Divorce Coaching
7. Family Coaching
8. Health & Wellness Coaching
9. Holistic Health Coaching
10. Motivational Coaching.
11. Parent Coaching
12. Personal Development Coaching
13. Recovery Coaching
14. Relationship Coaching
15. Single Coaching
16. Spiritual Coaching
17. Success Coaching

Business Coaching

18. What Is Business Coaching
19. Business Management Coaching
20. Entrepreneur Coaching
21. Executive Coaching
22. Leadership Coaching
23. Sales Coaching
24. Marketing Coaching

25. About Erickson College

20 Coaching Niches

20 Coaching Niches 2013 erickson.edu

What Is Life Coaching?

Life Coaching is a set of tools that can be applied in various
situations, helping people with all aspects of their life. It can
address health, relationships, spirituality, and professional
success to name a few.

What makes a person happy, healthy and successful?

Every persons answer is unique. We all have different values
and beliefs about what we want to achieve, how we will achieve
it, and how we feel about success.

As a life coach, you will work with clients in regular sessions.
These can be face-to-face, over the phone or via the Internet
utilizing software such as Skype. During initial meetings, you
will prioritize strategies for success; gain insight into their
temperament, needs, and communication style to mention a
few. You will be instrumental to your clients success, helping
them to understand their vision, set priorities and develop an
action plan.

20 Coaching Niches

20 Coaching Niches 2013 erickson.edu

1. Career Coaching

Typical Clients
Clients looking for career coaching are aware of the difficulties
in the modern labor markets. They will likely be trying to find a
new job, advance up the corporate ladder or change fields

What Is Involved
A career coach is seldom attached to one specific field. Usually a
career coach works with clients in a variety of industries and job
levels. Your challenge will be to motivate, excite and help your
client land their first job or guide them through a transitional
period to their dream role.

In career coaching, you will:

Determine a clients strengths, talents, and goals.
Understand a clients needs and desires.
Guide them to overcoming workplace obstacles.
Help them develop an action plan to attain job satisfaction.
Help clients make tricky career decisions.
Help them understand how to network for better careers.
Assist with a targeted job search.
Prepare clients for a successful interview.
Help them evaluate a job offer.

20 Coaching Niches

20 Coaching Niches 2013 erickson.edu

2. Couples Coaching

Typical Clients
Couples Coaching clients can take the form of individuals or a
couple. They are likely to be having some kind of difficulty with
their relationship and are looking for guidance on improving
communication and enhancing their intimate relationship.

What Is Involved
You will impart techniques on how to better communicate,
resolve conflicts, listen to the others needs, and how to increase
their intimate bond.

As a Couples Coach, you will be tasked with helping them
identify a better path for their relationship. This could include

What are the current difficulties?
What common values do they hold?
What can they learn from each partners values and needs?
How do they communicate with each other?
Are their styles compatible?
How can they improve their communication skills?
What is their ultimate goal in couples coaching?
Identifying spaces for mutual growth.
Aligning personal values and needs with their partner.
What things can they do to show caring, respect, and love
to their partner?

20 Coaching Niches

20 Coaching Niches 2013 erickson.edu

3. Divorce Coaching

Typical Clients
Clients can include both men and women looking for support
and guidance through and after a divorce.

What Is Involved
During and after a divorce, a client will likely be experiencing
painful emotions and loss of direction. It is the divorce coachs
role to support their client through this tough time, helping
them to create a solution-focused action plan for living happily.

Specifically, clients may need guidance in establishing effective
communications with their ex-partner, arranging a healthy co-
parenting strategy and expanding their skills and mindset to
boost their independence and eventual happiness.

As a divorce coach, some of your role may include helping your
client to:

Increase their self-confidence.
Move past the pain of divorce.
View themselves as whole and complete.
Communicate more effectively with their ex-spouse.
Address the barriers that keep them from moving forward.
Set clear co-parenting goals.
Separate the emotions from the legal issues.
Help transition from married life to being single again.
Set new goals for financial security and stability.
Realize the benefits of being single.
20 Coaching Niches

20 Coaching Niches 2013 erickson.edu

4. Family Coaching

Typical Clients
Clients often include families who are in crisis, new parents, and
adoptive parents who need help coping with a difficult

What Is Involved
Family Coaching requires a deep understanding of the
relationship between family members. You should be able to
empathize with parenting struggles and understand the
difficulties faced at various childrens development stages.
Assisting parents and working with children to educate and
explain the effects of outside influences are common roles.
Promoting continuous and trusted communication between
family members is also a key area.

Family Coaching clients may face issues such as:

New parent challenges.
Teen pregnancy.
Addiction and abuse.
School dropout prevention.
Anger or stress management.
Poor communication.
Marriage problems.
Parenting issues for different stages, such as toilet training,
separation anxiety, depression, or discipline.
20 Coaching Niches

20 Coaching Niches 2013 erickson.edu

5. Health & Wellness Coaching

Typical Clients
Clients are likely to include people with physical and mental
struggles in losing weight, increasing exercise, eating healthily,
or improving their mindset.

What Is Involved
A Health & Wellness Coachs role is to promote positivity. This
can be achieved by assisting clients overcome physical and
mental issues that result in negative mind-sets. By helping bring
their mind to balance, you will help them to feel better about
themselves, both in mind and body.

You will partner with your clients to deal with a variety of issues,

Healthful Eating
Time Management & Discipline
Positive Thinking
Goal Setting & Commitment
Potential Obstacles
Self Confidence
Stress Relief
Self-Esteem Issues
Increasing Awareness & Mindfulness
Accepting Responsibility & Accountability
20 Coaching Niches

20 Coaching Niches 2013 erickson.edu

6. Holistic Health Coaching

Typical Clients
Many Holistic Health Coaching clients already have an
understanding of the importance of mind-body-spirit balance,
however they have become stuck and need assistance in
reaching a new level of well being.

What Is Involved
One of a Holistic Health Coachs challenges is to help people
implement what they know will benefit them. Clients may well
understand the importance of mind-body-spirit balance and are
actively working towards a better state of well-being but need
assistance in overcoming particularly difficult aspects. These
could include weight loss, increasing energy, overcoming
addictions and physical pain.

Some may have looked for solutions using traditional methods
such as medication, counseling or therapy but have become
frustrated at their ineffectiveness.

Issues that Holistic Health Coaching clients may seek help with:

Guiding them through sickness and recovery.
Finding and strengthening inner wisdom.
Helping them cure themselves.
Helping them rid themselves of toxins.
Assisting them in finding mind-body-spirit balance.
Identifying the root of a symptom.

20 Coaching Niches

20 Coaching Niches 2013 erickson.edu

7. Motivational Coaching

Typical Clients
Clients often include individuals who are struggling to stay
positive and achieve their goals. Manager and business teams
also benefit from motivational coaching, especially in times of

What Is Involved
Individuals may come to a Motivational Coach to seek guidance
for personal issues they might not feel comfortable discussing
with friends and family. Your role is to help them identify the
issue they face, deconstruct it, and to help find a solution that
will transform their attitude.

Managers often come under severe stress from enormous
amounts of responsibility. When things are not going as smooth
as hoped they can turn to a Motivational Coach to help curb
their fears, apprehensions and self-demotion. Such times of
strife include economic uncertainty resulting in cutbacks and
layoffs of team members.

As a Motivational Coach, you will:

Help identify the clients core issues.
Dig deep with clients to realize their true motivations.
Find ways to fully utilize their motivations.
Help clients construct new attitudes towards issues.
Help clients visualize what a life full of motivation will look

20 Coaching Niches

20 Coaching Niches 2013 erickson.edu

8. Parenting Coaching

Typical Clients
Parents face a myriad of challenges when raising children and
some simply become overwhelmed when this major
responsibility controls their life. Parents want reciprocal loving
relationships with their children

What Is Involved
Parents strive for reciprocal loving relationships with their
children and a Parenting Coach helps them achieve this. You
should be able to assist struggling parents to learn effective ways
of nurturing their child through tough times, preparing them for
the road ahead. You will help the parent understand current
issues and assist them in creating a plan of action to resolve and
move forward. The result of Parent Coaching is a strengthened
parent-child relationship with successful open, honest and
loving communication. You will likely help with some of the
following parenting problems:

Dealing with Newborns.
Temper Tantrums.
Potty Training.
Anger & Hostility Issues.
Sleeping or Bedtime Problems / Bedwetting.
Picky Eaters.
Social Issues.
Teenage Sex & Pregnancy.
Depression or Suicidal Thoughts.
Drugs & Alcohol Abuse.
Creating spaces for healthy development.
20 Coaching Niches

20 Coaching Niches 2013 erickson.edu

9. Personal Development

Typical Clients
Personal Development Coaching clients are looking to improve
themselves in one or multiple ways. They understand that life is
precious and they want to get the most out of what they have.

What Is Involved
Personal Development Coaching covers a wide selection of
areas, from identifying ways to increase overall happiness, love,
wealth, and overall enjoyment of life. Clients have these things
inside of them already; it is a Personal Development Coachs role
to help the client become aware of them.

As a Personal Development Coach you will impart the
importance of self-love, confidence, and a positive mindset. You
will likely work on personal life issues, such as:

Personal Relationships.
Discovering the Authentic Self.
Positive Mindset.
Goal Setting.
Increased Income.
Increased Joy and Passion.
Increased Self Confidence.
Reducing Stress and Anxiety.
20 Coaching Niches

20 Coaching Niches 2013 erickson.edu

10. Recovery Coaching

Typical Clients
Recovery Coaching deals with individuals who are recovering
from forms of addiction, such as drugs, alcohol, sex, and
gambling. Addiction impacts people from all walks of life
meaning your clients could vary dramatically if you so choose to
enter this field.

What Is Involved
A Recovery Coach plays a slightly different role than an
addiction councilor. A Recovery Coach focuses on the
individuals life after the initial sober period. This can include
helping the client to set personal and professional goals, whist
remaining sober. A clients road to recovery is long and full of
daily struggles, including stress, time management and staying
focused. It is a Recovery Coachs role to remind them of why
they decided to become sober and provide the self-help tools
they need to succeed in their new life. Such tools can include:

Time Management & Goal Setting.
Stress Reduction.
Anger Management.
Improved Communication.
Career Decisions.
Job Application Process.
Increasing Income.
Increasing Self Esteem & Confidence.
Adopting a Healthy Lifestyle.
Work/Life Balance.
20 Coaching Niches

20 Coaching Niches 2013 erickson.edu

11. Relationship Coaching

Typical Clients
Relationship Coaches are often sought when an individual is
looking to enhance their personal and or professional

What Is Involved
Relationship Coaching extends beyond intimate relationships to
encompass any and all relationships with other people. A client
may choose to involve a Relationship Coach if they are having
trouble attracting friends, or simply the wrong type of friends.
They could be struggling with self-confidence issues, making
the process of networking particularly difficult. These types of
issues usually penetrate both personal and professional
relationships, limiting the clients success and happiness.

Clients may need help with the following:

Discovering the troubling aspects within a current
Identifying issues such as fear, low self-esteem, or anger.
Enhancing self-confidence to identify people who are not
good matches.
Helping to learn how to attract their ideal partner and build
a good relationship.
Working through communication missteps that may be
preventing happy relationships.
Identifying ways to set personal boundaries with others.
20 Coaching Niches

20 Coaching Niches 2013 erickson.edu

12. Singles Coaching

Typical Clients
People hire Singles Coaches to help them navigate through the
challenges of finding the right partner. However a big part of
Singles Coaching is also helping people enjoy themselves as a
single person and disassociate with the idea that they have to be
with someone to be happy. Clients can be very diverse; they can
be young or old, male or female, rich or poor.

What Is Involved
Singles Coaching clients often find meeting and dating the
opposite sex challenging, often creating a sense of anxiety and
self-doubt. It is the Singles Coachs role to help them feel
comfortable and confident in their own skin, addressing their
fears and assist them in taking steps to achieve successful
relationship. Singles Coaching clients may need help with some
of the following things:

Building stronger communication skills.
Increasing their self-confidence.
Understanding the signals of the opposite sex.
Identifying the best venues to meet people.
Learning how to build a relationship, from the initial
attraction to long-term relationships.
Transforming their feelings of desperation into being a
person happy with himself or herself.
Learning to identify potential and compatible partners.
Creating a vision of their ideal partner.
Designing an action plan to meet the perfect person.
20 Coaching Niches

20 Coaching Niches 2013 erickson.edu

13. Spiritual Coaching

Typical Clients
Clients interested in Spiritual Coaching often have some
experience in understanding their spiritual nature but require
some guidance in finding their center.

What Is Involved
A Spiritual Coach guides a client on their spiritual journey or
awakening. They help connect the client to their unconscious
self while disassociating from their ego. Clients are often
searching for inner peace and their true life purpose. Spiritual
Coaches show their clients the direction, and encourage them
along their journey to enlightenment and joy.

Spiritual Coaches help clients with the following:

Re-discovering and re-connecting with their identity.
Tapping into their spiritual wisdom.
Boosting their self-confidence.
Enhancing their self-love and self-respect.
Understanding their life purpose.
Creating action steps to take control over their lives.
Opening up spiritual awareness.
Setting new and exciting goals.
Helping them solve physical, mental, emotional and
spiritual issues with their inner solutions.

20 Coaching Niches

20 Coaching Niches 2013 erickson.edu

14. Success Coaching

Typical Clients
Success Coaching clients often seek help because they feel
unfulfilled and are constantly searching for personal success or
happiness without joy.

What Is Involved
Success is different for every individual. It is the Success Coachs
role to help the client identify what truly matters to them. This
usually involves surpassing the tangible measurement of
monetary wealth and possessions to find happiness and success
in more human aspects of life and living. You will help your
client identify short and long-term goals that will resonate with
the idea of success you identified with them. With your
guidance, your clients will learn how to:

Boost their self-confidence to take on any challenge.
Increase their feelings of self-worth.
Learn how to communicate well with others.
Identify their talents and abilities.
Build on their strengths to achieve everything they want.
Determine their short and long terms plans.
Design an action plan for reaching their goals.
Understand how to reward and motivate themselves.
Build a personal support system.
Set goals, small and large, that will keep them on track.
Overcome negative mindsets & adopt the attitude of
20 Coaching Niches

20 Coaching Niches 2013 erickson.edu

What Is Business Coaching?

An astute Business Coach will be able to identify a persons
strengths, skills, talents and work with them to truly reach their
full potential.

You will guide a person in developing action steps that
maximize a persons expertise and mindset. You will provide
feedback and encouragement to your clients as they progress to
their goals.

Successful people understand that success happens by diligently
following clear-cut steps, measuring progress, and celebrating
the milestones along the way. As a business coach, you will be
trained to understand successful business practices, conducive
work environments, motivational approaches, and tools to
overcome any obstacles.

20 Coaching Niches

20 Coaching Niches 2013 erickson.edu

1. Business Management

Typical Clients
The client base for Business Management Coaching is very
diverse, including managers and leaders from start-ups, small,
medium, and large corporations.

What Is Involved
The Business Management Coach plays a wide variety of
business roles, not concentrating on one specific field. Instead,
they take a holistic view of the clients business to aid the client
in asking the right strategic questions to improve their business.

Business Management Coaches should have significant
experience in business management, having managed several
aspects of businesses themselves. Some Business Management
Coaches have large amounts of experience in certain industries,
whilst others maintain a broader appeal. The Business
Management Coach develops a goal-oriented plan with their
client to help reach their business goals.

A Business Management Coach can help a client with many
business areas, such as:

Communication with employees.
Communication with suppliers & vendors.
Time management.
Organizational skills.
Measured goals for increased profitability.
Gaining self-confidence as a successful business owner.
20 Coaching Niches

20 Coaching Niches 2013 erickson.edu

2. Entrepreneur Coaching

Typical Clients
Entrepreneurs range from the very young with little experience
and big ambitions, to older, more experienced business people
who may feel they need support in certain areas of
entrepreneurship. Clients may be in the process of starting a
new business venture or struggling to make their current
venture reach their goals.

What Is Involved
Entrepreneur Coaching is much more than simply pointing an
enthusiastic business-person in the right direction. You have to
have a deep knowledge of how to start a business, along with
how to navigate the myriad of practical and emotional issues
that come with it. You will help your clients through the various
stages of business, such as:

Improving time management to help them stay on task.
Improving their leadership style.
Identifying supports (family, friends, contacts & investors).
Understand marketing techniques and personal branding.
Expanding business contacts for greater success.
Developing methods for leveraging time and income.
Utilizing technology to increase performance and growth.
Strategizing the best plan of action in alignment to a
persons vision, resources, support system, time, and

20 Coaching Niches

20 Coaching Niches 2013 erickson.edu

3. Executive Business Coaching

Typical Clients
Executive Business Coaching extends to a very wide market that
includes corporate business managers, leaders, and owners in
every industry.

What Is Involved
You will be working with highly skilled and motivated
individuals who hire you to help them reach their business (and
personal) goals faster than they would on their own. You will be
expected to have a deep understanding of their role with their
company and industry. Clients will be looking for insights on
overcoming obstacles they have had previous difficulty with, as
well as drawing a greater sense of satisfaction from their work.

You may assist Executives in some of the following situations:

Help teams to learn to agree on the right course of action.
Motivate employees to adopt an owner mindset.
Create ways to increase workers sense of accountability.
Decide best ways to recruit and retain top leaders.
Form a marketing or business plan.
Create more autonomy in workers.
Reduce a high turnover rate.
Leadership transition.
Decide on the organizations priorities.
How to delegate appropriately.
Attract the bosses attention and receive recognition for
achievements and value to the company.
20 Coaching Niches

20 Coaching Niches 2013 erickson.edu

4. Leadership Coaching

Typical Clients
Leadership Coaching extends to any business leader looking for
guidance on ways to improve their communication and
relationship with colleagues and team members. They typically
include Presidents, CEOs, COOs, CFOs, Managing Directors, and
other key decision makers.

What Is Involved
Leaders are often high achievers, usually with a very busy
schedule. It is the Leadership Coachs role to aid their client in
learning the best leadership techniques whilst not getting in the
way of day-to-day business. Leadership Coaches should be able
to empathize with their clients positive and negative situations
and assist them in asking the right questions to reach higher
levels of success.

Situations may include coaching on short-term issues such as
dealing with a crisis or a severe lack of team motivation.

Leadership issues vary, but common themes include:

Leadership techniques.
Handling difficult situations, such as lay-offs.
Emotional maturity of leaders.
Motivating team members to give 110%.
Empowering others to take responsibility& accountability.
Improving communication between management and
team members.
20 Coaching Niches

20 Coaching Niches 2013 erickson.edu

5. Sales Coaching

Typical Clients
Sales Coaching extends to individuals who hold the roles of
Sales Managers, Sales VPs, CSOs, Sales Team Leaders, Sales
Executives, Sales Consultants, Entrepreneurs and even Coaches.

What Is Involved
While the people in those roles have specific needs, they also
share many similarities. They are concerned with finding new
business partners, creating ways to increase sales, grow the
stability of the business, and increase their bottom line.

Even though the depth of the above role varies, they also share
many strategic similarities. As a Sales Coach you will have
significant experience in a variety of sales environments, which
you can draw on to help your clients increase sales, reach goals,
organize teams, and increase their bottom line. Your Sales
Coaching clients may need help with the following issues:

Increase their client base.
Learn tools that ensure closing the deal every time.
Overcome shyness, fear, or low self-esteem.
Grow confidence to meet any challenge and reach all goals.
Learn stronger sales methods and techniques.
Create solid support systems.
Create clear and concise steps to increase sales.
Learn the art of negotiation.

20 Coaching Niches

20 Coaching Niches 2013 erickson.edu

6. Marketing Coaching

Typical Clients
Marketing Coaching extends to individuals who hold the roles of
Marketing Managers, Marketing VPs, CMOs, Marketing Team
Leaders, Marketing Executives, Marketing Consultants,
Entrepreneurs and even Coaches.

What Is Involved
Marketers are concerned with creating dynamic strategies that
communicate the right messages to the right people at the right

As a Marketing Coach you should have a deep knowledge and
relevant experience in marketing your clients products and or
services. Understanding the consumer behavior of your clients
market is essential so that you can ask them the right questions
that aid them in adapting communications to influence their
target markets perceptions.

Your Marketing Coach clients may need assistance with:

Primary and secondary market research.
Understanding their customers attitudes and behaviors.
Focusing on a target niche.
Deciphering long-term strategy from short-term goals.
Implementing new communication channels.
Creating compelling marketing messages.
Attracting the right customers for their business.
Understanding online and digital marketing.
20 Coaching Niches

20 Coaching Niches 2013 erickson.edu

About Erickson College

Since 1980 Erickson College International has been pioneering the
most effective Coach Training and Business Leadership Programs in
the world. Established in over 36 countries and 60 cities, Erickson
Coaches integrate the cutting-edge research of founder Dr. Marilyn
Atkinson to provide innovative education to our global community.

Our vision is to change the world one conversation at a time.

Our courses combine Masterful Coaching with proven Ericksonian
principles and our unique Solution Focused Methodologies. The
result is our renowned ICF accredited program The Art and Science
of Coaching, the Erickson Business Center, and our Corporate Coach
Training Programs. Each of our training programs deliver leading
edge material that is proven to enhance your interpersonal
communication and effectiveness, in ways that are fun, engaging,
and deeply meaningful.


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Barbara Wainwright (2006) - 52 Coaching Niches That Are Working Miracles Everyday

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