3IT1 MATHEMATICS III (Common to Comp. Engg. & Info. Tech)
Units Contents of the subject I Introduction: Engineering application of optimization, Statement and classification of optimization problem, single variable and multivariable optimization with and without constraints. II Linear Programming: Formulation of Linear Programming problem, Graphical Approach, General Linear Programming problem, Simple Method. Duality in Linear Programming and Transportation Problems. III Project Scheduling: Project Scheduling by PERT and CPM Network Analysis. Sequencing Theory: General Sequencing problem n-jobs through 2 machines & 3 machines and 2-jobs through m machines. IV LAPLACE TRANSFORM: Laplace transform with its simple properties. Inverse Laplace transform, convolution theorem (without proof), solution of ordinary differential equation with constant coefficient, solution of partial differential equation having constant coefficient with special reference to diffusion, Heat conduction and wave equation. Boundary value problems V NUMERICAL ANALYSIS: Difference operators forward, backward, control, shift and average operators and relation between them. Newtons and Gauss forward and backward interpolation formula for equal interval, Sterling & formula for control difference. Lagranges Interpolation formula. Inverse Interpolation. Numerical differentiation by Newtons, Gauss and Sterlings formula. Numerical Integration by Simpsons one third and there eight rule. Numerical Integration of ordinary differential equation of first order by Picards method, Eulers and modified Eulers method, Milures method and Runga Kutta fourth order method. Solution of difference equation.
Text/References: 1. Operation Research By Kanti Swaroop, P. K. Gupta & Manmohan, Sultan chand & sons 2. Integral Transform By Dr. R.K. Gupta, A.R. Vashishtha, Krishna Prakashan Mandir Meerut 3. Calculus of Finite Differences & Numerical Analysis By Dr. Gupta & Malik Krishna Prakashan Mandir Meerut 4. Engineering Mathematics III By J ain and Rawat, CBC 5. Engineering Mathematics III By Prof. K.C. Sarangi and others, Genius publications Class: III Sem. B.Tech. Evaluation Branch: I.T. Schedule per Week Lectures: 3, Tutorial: 1 Examination Time = Three (3) Hours Maximum Marks = 100 [Mid-term (20) & End-term (80)] 2 3IT2 ELECTRONIC DEVICES & CIRCUITS (Common to Comp. Engg. & Info. Tech) Units Contents of the subject I Mobility and conductivity, charge densities in a semiconductor, Fermi Dirac distribution, carrier concentrations and fermi levels in semiconductor, Generation and recombination of charges, diffusion and continuity equation, Mass action Law, Hall effect. J unction diodes, Diode as a ckt. element, load line concept, clipping and clamping circuits, Voltage multipliers. II Transistor characteristics, Current components, Current gains: alpha and beta. Operating point. Hybrid model, h-parameter equivalent circuits. CE, CB and CC configuration. DC and AC analysis of CE,CC and CB amplifiers. Ebers-Moll model. Biasing & stabilization techniques. Thermal runaway, Thermal stability. III SMALL SIGNAL AMPLIFIERS AT LOW FREQUENCY : Analysis of BJ T and FET, RC coupled amplifiers. Frequency response, midband gain, gains at low and high frequency. Millers Theorem. Cascading Transistor amplifiers, Emitter follower. J FET, MOSFET, Equivalent circuits and biasing of J FET's & MOSFETs. Low frequency CS and CD J FET amplifiers. FET as a voltage variable resistor. Source follower. IV FEEDBACK AMPLIFIERS : Classification, Feedback concept, Transfer gain with feedback, General characteristics of negative feedback amplifiers. Analysis of voltage-series, voltage-shunt, current- series and current-shunt feedback amplifier. Stability criterion. V OSCILLATORS : Classification. Criterion for oscillation. Tuned collector, Hartley, Colpitts, RC Phase shift, Wien bridge and crystal oscillators, Astable, monostable and bistable multivibrators. Schmitt trigger.
Text/References: 1. Electronic devices & circuits theory By R.L. Boylestad, Louis Nashelsky ,Pearson education 2. Integrated Electronics By Millman Halkias, T.M.H 3. Electronic devices & circuits By David Bell, Oxford Publications 4. Grobs Basic Electronics By Schultz, T.M.H. Class: III Sem. B.Tech. Evaluation Branch: I.T. Schedule per Week Lectures: 3 Examination Time = Three (3) Hours Maximum Marks = 100 [Mid-term (20) & End-term (80)] 3 3IT3 DATA STRUCTURES & ALGORITHMS (Common to Comp. Engg. & Info. Tech)
Units Contents of the subject I Definition & characteristics of algorithms, structures. Difficulties in estimating exact execution time of algorithms. Concept of complexity of program. Asymptotic notations: Big-Oh, theta, Omega- Definitions and examples, Determination of time and space complexity of simple algorithms without recursion. Representing a function in asymptotic notations viz 5n 2 -6n=(n 2 ) Arrays: Array as storage element, Row major & column major form of arrays, computation of address of elements of n dimensional array. II Arrays as storage elements for representing polynomial of one or more degrees for addition & multiplication, sparse matrices for transposing & multiplication, stack, queue, dequeue, circular queue for insertion and deletion with condition for over and underflow, transposition of sparse matrices with algorithms of varying complexity (Includes algorithms for operations as mentioned). Evaluation of Expression: Concept of precedence and associativity in expressions, difficulties in dealing with infix expressions, Resolving precedence of operators and association of operands, postfix & prefix expressions, conversion of expression from one form to other form using stack (with & without parenthesis), Evaluation of expression in infix, postfix & prefix forms using stack. Recursion. III Linear linked lists: singly, doubly and circularly connected linear linked lists- insertion, deletion at/ from beginning and any point in ordered or unordered lists. Comparison of arrays and linked lists as data structures. Linked implementation of stack, queue and dequeue. Algorithms for of insertion, deletion and traversal of stack, queue, dequeue implemented using linked structures. Polynomial representation using linked lists for addition, Concepts of Head Node in linked lists. Searching: Sequential and binary search IV Non-Linear Structures: Trees definition, characteristics concept of child, sibling, parent child relationship etc, binary tree: different types of binary trees based on distribution of nodes, binary tree (threaded and unthreaded) as data structure, Class: III Sem. B.Tech. Evaluation Branch: I.T. Schedule per Week Lectures: 3 Examination Time = Three (3) Hours Maximum Marks = 100 [Mid-term (20) & End-term (80)] 4 insertion, deletion and traversal of binary trees, constructing binary tree from traversal results. Threaded binary Tree. Time complexity of insertion, deletion and traversal in threaded and ordinary binary trees. AVL tree: Concept of balanced trees, balance factor in AVL trees, insertion into and deletion from AVL tree, balancing AVL tree after insertion and deletion. Application of trees for representation of sets. V Graphs: Definition, Relation between tree & graph, directed and undirected graph, representation of graphs using adjacency matrix and list. Depth first and breadth first traversal of graphs, finding connected components and spanning tree. Single source single destination shortest path algorithms. Sorting: Insertion, quick, heap, topological and bubble sorting algorithms for different characteristics of input data. Comparison of sorting algorithms in term of time complexity. NOTE: 1. Algorithm for any operation mentioned with a data structure or required to implement the particular data structure is included in the curriculum.
Text/References: 1. An introduction to data structures with applications By Jean-Paul Tremblay, P. G. Sorenson, TMH 2. Data Structures in C/C++, Horowitz, Sawhney 3. Data Structures in C/C++, Tanenbaum, PHI 5 3IT4 OBJECT ORIENTED PROGRAMMING (Common to Comp. Engg. & Info. Tech)
Units Contents of the subject I Introduction: Review of structures in C, accessing members of structures using structure variables, pointer to structures, passing structures to functions, structures as user defined data types. II Introduction to programming paradigms- (Process oriented and Object oriented). Concept of object, class, objects as variables of class data type, difference in structures and class in terms of access to members, private and public Basics of C++: Structure of C++programs, introduction to defining member functions within and outside a class, keyword using, declaring class, creating objects, constructors & destructor functions, Initializing member values with and without use of constructors, simple programs to access & manipulate data members, cin and cout functions. Dangers of returning reference to a private data member, constant objects and members function, composition of classes, friend functions and classes, using this pointer, creating and destroying objects dynamically using new and delete operators. Static class members, container classes and iterators, proxy classes. members of a class, data & function members. Characteristics of OOP- Data hiding, Encapsulation, data security. III Operator overloading: Fundamentals, Restrictions, operator functions as class members v/s as friend functions. Overloading stream function, binary operators and unary operators. Converting between types. IV Inheritance: Base classes and derived classes, protected members, relationship between base class and derived classes, constructors and destructors in derived classes, public, private and protected inheritance, relationship among objects in an inheritance hierarchy, abstract classes, virtual functions and dynamic binding, virtual destructors. V Multiple inheritance, virtual base classes, pointers to classes and class members, multiple class members. Templates, exception handling. Text/References: Class: III Sem. B.Tech. Evaluation Branch: I.T. Schedule per Week Lectures: 3 Examination Time = Three (3) Hours Maximum Marks = 100 [Mid-term (20) & End-term (80)] 6 1. How to Program C++, Dietel, Pearson 2. Mastering C++ By K.R.Venugopal, TMH 3. Object Oriented Programming in C++ By Robert Lafore, Pearson 4. Object Oriented Design & Modelling, Rambaugh, PHI
7 3IT5 DIGITAL ELECTRONICS (Common to Comp. Engg. & Info. Tech)
Units Contents of the subject I NUMBER SYSTEMS, BASIC LOGIC GATES & BOOLEAN ALGEBRA: Binary Arithmetic & Radix representation of different numbers. Sign & magnitude representation, Fixed point representation, complement notation, various codes & arithmetic in different codes & their inter conversion. Features of logic algebra, postulates of Boolean algebra. Theorems of Boolean algebra. Boolean function. Derived logic gates: Exclusive-OR, NAND, NOR gates, their block diagrams and truth tables. Logic diagrams from Boolean expressions and vica-versa. Converting logic diagrams to universal logic. Positive, negative and mixed logic. Logic gate conversion. II DIGITAL LOGIC GATE CHARACTERISTICS: TTL logic gate characteristics. Theory & operation of TTL NAND gate circuitry. Open collector TTL. Three state output logic. TTL subfamilies. MOS & CMOS logic families. Realization of logic gates in RTL, DTL, ECL, C-MOS & MOSFET. Interfacing logic families to one another. III MINIMIZATION TECHNIQUES: Minterm, Maxterm, Karnaugh Map, K map upto 4 variables. Simplification of logic functions with K-map, conversion of truth tables in POS and SOP form. Incomplete specified functions. Variable mapping. Quinn-Mc Klusky minimization techniques. IV COMBINATIONAL SYSTEMS: Combinational logic circuit design, half and full adder, subtractor. Binary serial and parallel adders. BCD adder. Binary multiplier. Decoder: Binary to Gray decoder, BCD to decimal, BCD to 7-segment decoder. Multiplexer, demultiplexer, encoder. Octal to binary, BCD to excess-3 encoder. Diode switching matrix. Design of logic circuits by multiplexers, encoders, decoders and demultiplexers. V SEQUENTIAL SYSTEMS: Latches, flip-flops, R-S, D, J -K, Master Slave flip flops. Conversions of flip-flops. Counters : Asynchronous (ripple), synchronous andsynchronous decade counter, Modulus counter, skipping state counter, counter design. Ring counter. Counter applications. Registers: buffer register, shift register.
Class: III Sem. B.Tech. Evaluation Branch: I.T. Schedule per Week Lectures: 3 Examination Time = Three (3) Hours Maximum Marks = 100 [Mid-term (20) & End-term (80)] 8 Text/References: 1. Digital integrated electronics, By Herbert Taub, Donald L. Schilling 2. Modern Digital Electronics By R.P. J ain, TMH 3. Digital Logic and Computer Design By M. Morris Mano, PHI 4. Fundamentals of Digital circuits By A. Anand kumar, PHI 5. Digital circuit design By S. Salivahanan, Sarivazhagan, Vikas publications 9 3IT6.1 OPTICAL COMMUNICATION (Common to Comp. Engg. & Info. Tech)
Units Contents of the subject I OPTICAL FIBERS - Basic optical laws and definitions, Principles of light propagation in fibers, Ray theory, Optical fiber modes and configurations, Step index and graded index fibers, Monomode and multimode fibers, Fiber materials, fiber fabrication, Fiber optic cables. Attenuation, signal distortion in optical fibers, Dispersion-intra modal & inter modal, Dispersion shifted and flattened fiber. II OPTICAL SOURCES - LEDs- Structure, Materials, Characteristics, Modulation, Power & efficiency, Laser Diodes - Basic concept, Hetro Structure, properties and modulation. III OPTICAL DETECTORS - PIN and Avalanche photo diodes, photo detector noise, detector response time, Avalanche multiplication noise. Photo diode materials. Fundamental of Optical Receiver Operation. IV OPTICAL FIBER COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS- Source to fiber coupling, fiber to fiber joints, fiber splicing, fiber connectors. Principle components. Link design calculation, Applications, Wavelength division multiplexing. V OPTICAL FIBER MEASUREMENTS: Measurements of Fiber attenuation, Dispersion, refractive index profile, Numerical aperture & diameter. Text/References: 1. Fiber optics communication By Harold Kolimbiris, Pearson education 2. Optical fiber communication By J ohn M.Senior, Pearson education 3. Fiber Optics and Optoelectronics By R.P. Khare, Oxford Publication 4. Principles of Optical Fiber By Gerd Keiser, TMH
Class: III Sem. B.Tech. Evaluation Branch: I.T. Schedule per Week Lectures: 3 Examination Time = Three (3) Hours Maximum Marks = 100 [Mid-term (20) & End-term (80)] 10 3IT6.2 FUNDAMENTALS OF LINUX SHELL PROGRAMMING (Common to Comp. Engg. & Info. Tech) Units Contents of the subject I Introduction: Logging in, changing password (passwd command only), man, xman, info commands to access on line help. Simple commands like ls, cp, mv, grep, head, tail, sort, uniq, diff, echo, date, which, whereis, whatis, who, finger w (option and variations included). Directory commands, access permissions, changing access permissions for files and directories, hard & symbolic links. Environment and path setting. II vi editor: Creating and editing files, features of vi, insertion deletion, searching, substitution operations, yank, put, delete commands, reading & writing files, exrc file for setting parameters, advance editing techniques. vim(improved vi). Programming utilities: Compiling & linking C, C++ programs, make utility, debugging C programs using gdb, system call. III Introduction to X-window system: x-window as client/ server system, concept of window manager, remote computing & local displays, xinitrc file, customize X work environment and applications, customizing the fvwm window manager. IV Shell: Meaning and purpose of shell, Introduction to types of shell. The command line, standard input and standard output, redirection, pipes, filters special characters for searching files and pathnames. Bourne Again SHell: shell script-writing and executing, command separation & grouping, redirection, directory stack manipulation, processes, parameters & variables, keyword variables. V Shell Programming: Control structures, the Here document, expanding NULL or USET variables, Builtins, functions, history, aliases, job control, filename substitution. source code management- RCS and CVS. awk utility. Text/References: 1. A practical Guide to Linux, Sobell, Pearson. 2. A Practical Guide to Linux Commands, Editors, and Shell Programming, Sobell, Pearson. 3. A Practical Guide to Fedora and Red Hat Enterprise Linux, Sobell, 5e, Pearson Class: III Sem. B.Tech. Evaluation Branch: I.T. Schedule per Week Lectures: 3 Examination Time = Three (3) Hours Maximum Marks = 100 [Mid-term (20) & End-term (80)] 11 3IT6.3 MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM (Common to Comp. Engg. & Info. Tech) Units Contents of the subject I Introduction to MIS: concept, Definition, role, Impact and effectiveness of MIS. E- business enterprise: Introduction, E-business, E-commerce, E-communication, E- collaboration. Information Security Challenges: Security Threats controlling and management. II Basic of Management Information System: Decision Making, Information and knowledge, OO- Technology and MIS, Business process Re-engineering. III Application of Management Information system: Application in manufacturing sector using for personal management, financial management, Production Management, Material Management, Marketing Management Application in Service Sector.
IV Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP): EMS, ERP, Benefits implementation, EMS & MIS. Case Studies: Application of SAP technologies in manufacturing sector V Database and client server architecture, Data Warehouse: architecture to implementation, E-business Technology: Electronic payment systems, Web enabled business management, MIS in web environment. Text/References: 1. Management Information Systems By W.S. Javadekar, T.M.H. 2. Management Information Systems By Laudon & Laudon, T.M.H. Class: III Sem. B.Tech. Evaluation Branch: I.T. Schedule per Week Lectures: 3 Examination Time = Three (3) Hours Maximum Marks = 100 [Mid-term (20) & End-term (80)] 12 3IT7 PROGRAMMING IN C++ (Common to Comp. Engg. & Info. Tech)
S. No. List of Experiments 1 To write a simple program for understanding of C++program structure without any CLASS declaration. Program may be based on simple input output, understanding of keyword using. 2 Write a C++program to demonstrate concept of declaration of class with public & private member, constructors, object creation using constructors, access restrictions, defining member functions within and outside a class. Scope resolution operators, accessing an objects data members and functions through different type of object handle name of object, reference to object, pointer to object, assigning class objects to each other. 3 Program involving multiple classes (without inheritance) to accomplish a task. Demonstrate composition of class. 4 Demonstration Friend function friend classes and this pointer. 5 Demonstration dynamic memory management using new & delete & static class members. 6 Demonstration of restrictions an operator overloading, operator functions as member function and/ or friend function, overloading stream insertion and stream extraction, operators, overloading operators etc. 7 Demonstrator use of protected members, public & private protected classes, multi- level inheritance etc. 8 Demonstrating multiple inheritance, virtual functions, virtual base classes, abstract classes
Class: III Sem. B.Tech. Evaluation Branch: I.T. Schedule per Week Practical Hrs.: 3 Examination Time = Three (4) Hours Maximum Marks = 100 [Sessional/Mid-term (60) & End-term (40)] 13 3IT8 DATA STRUCTURES LAB (Common to Comp. Engg. & Info. Tech)
S. No. List of Experiments 1 Write a simple C program on a 32 bit compiler to understand the concept of array storage, size of a word. The program shall be written illustrating the concept of row major and column major storage. Find the address of element and verify it with the theoretical value. Program may be written for arrays upto 4-dimensions. 2 Simulate a stack, queue, circular queue and dequeue using a one dimensional array as storage element. The program should implement the basic addition, deletion and traversal operations. 3 Represent a 2-variable polynomial using array. Use this representation to implement addition of polynomials. 4 Represent a sparse matrix using array. Implement addition and transposition operations using the representation. 5 Implement singly, doubly and circularly connected linked lists illustrating operations like addition at different locations, deletion from specified locations and traversal. 6 Repeat exercises 2, 3 & 4 with linked structures. 7 Implementation of binary tree with operations like addition, deletion, traversal. 8 Depth first and breadth first traversal of graphs represented using adjacency matrix and list. 9 Implementation of binary search in arrays and on linked Binary Search Tree. 10 Implementation of insertion, quick, heap, topological and bubble sorting algorithms.
Class: III Sem. B.Tech. Evaluation Branch: I.T. Schedule per Week Practical Hrs : 3 Examination Time = Three (4) Hours Maximum Marks = 100 [Sessional/Mid-term (60) & End-term (40)] 14 3IT9 ANALOG ELECTRONICS LAB (Common to Comp. Engg. & Info. Tech) S. No. List of Experiments 1 Plot V-I characteristic of P-N junction diode & calculate cut-in voltage, reverse Saturation current and static & dynamic resistances. 2 Plot V-I characteristic of zener diode and study of zener diode as voltage regulator. Observe the effect of load changes and determine load limits of the voltage regulator. 3 Plot frequency response curve for single stage amplifier and to determine gain bandwidth product. 4 Plot drain current - drain voltage and drain current gate bias characteristics of field effect transistor and measure of I dss & V p
5 Application of Diode as clipper & clamper 6 Plot gain- frequency characteristic of two stages RC coupled amplifier & calculate its bandwidth and compare it with theoretical value. 7 Plot gain- frequency characteristic of emitter follower & find out its input and output resistances. 8 Plot input and output characteristics of BJ T in CB, CC and CE configurations. Find their h-parameters. 9 Plot gain-frequency characteristics of BJ T amplifier with and without negative feedback in the emitter circuit and determine bandwidths, gain bandwidth products and gains at 1kHz with and without negative feedback. 10 Plot and study the characteristics of small signal amplifier using FET. 11 Study Wein bridge oscillator and observe the effect of variation in R & C on oscillator frequency 12 Study transistor phase shift oscillator and observe the effect of variation in R & C on oscillator frequency and compare with theoretical value. 13 To plot the characteristics of UJ T and UJ T as relaxation. 14 To plot the characteristics of MOSFET and CMOS.
Class: III Sem. B.Tech. Evaluation Branch: I.T. Schedule per Week Practical Hrs : 3 Examination Time = Three (4) Hours Maximum Marks = 100 [Sessional/Mid-term (60) & End-term (40)] 15 3IT10 DIGITAL ELECTRONICS LAB (Common to Comp. Engg. & Info. Tech)
S. No. List of Experiments 1 To verify the truth tables of basic logic gates: AND, OR, NOR, NAND, NOR. Also to verify the truth table of Ex-OR, Ex-NOR (For 2, 3, & 4 inputs using gates with 2, 3, & 4 inputs). 2 To verify the truth table of OR, AND, NOR, Ex-OR, Ex-NOR realized using NAND & NOR gates. 3 To realize an SOP and POS expression. 4 To realize Half adder/ Subtractor & Full Adder/ Subtractor using NAND & NOR gates and to verify their truth tables. 5 To realize a 4-bit ripple adder/ Subtractor using basic Half adder/ Subtractor & basic Full Adder/ Subtractor. 6 To verify the truth table of 4-to-1 multiplexer and 1-to-4 demultiplexer. Realize the multiplexer using basic gates only. Also to construct and 8-to-1 multiplexer and 1- to-8 demultiplexer using blocks of 4-to-1 multiplexer and 1-to-4 demultiplexer 7 Design & Realize a combinational circuit that will accept a 2421 BCD code and drive a TIL -312 seven-segment display. 8 Using basic logic gates, realize the R-S, J -K and D-flip flops with and without clock signal and verify their truth table 9 Construct a divide by 2,4 & 8 asynchronous counter. Construct a 4-bit binary counter and ring counter for a particular output pattern using D flip flop. 10 Perform input/output operations on parallel in/Parallel out and Serial in/Serial out registers using clock. Also exercise loading only one of multiple values into the register using multiplexer. Note: As far as possible, the experiments shall be performed on bread board. However, experiment Nos. 1-4 are to be performed on bread board only. Class: III Sem. B.Tech. Evaluation Branch: I.T. Schedule per Week Practical Hrs : 3 Examination Time = Three (4) Hours Maximum Marks = 50 [Sessional/Mid-term (30) & End-term (20)] 16 4IT1 MICROPROCESSOR AND INTERFACES (Common to Comp. Engg. & Info. Tech) Units Contents of the subject I Introduction to Microprocessors, microcontroller; 8085 Microprocessor Architecture, pin description, Bus concept and organization; concept of multiplexing and demultiplexing of buses; concept of static and dynamic RAM, type of ROM, memory map. II Software architecture registers and signals, Classification of instruction, Instruction set, addressing modes, Assembly Language Programming and Debugging, Programming Technique, instruction Format and timing. III Advance Assembly Language Programming, Counter and time delay; types of Interrupt and their uses, RST instructions and their uses, 8259 programmable interrupt controller; Macros, subroutine; Stack- implementation and uses with examples; Memory interfacing. IV 8085 Microprocessor interfacing:, 8255 Programmable Peripheral Interface, 8254 programmable interval timer, interfacing of Input/output device, 8279 Key board/Display interface. V Microprocessor Application: Interfacing scanned multiplexed display and liquid crystal display, Interfacing and Matrix Keyboard, MPU Design; USART 8251, RS232C and RS422A, Parallel interface- Centronics and IEEE 488 . Text/References: 1. Microprocessor architecture, programming, and applications with the 8085 By Ramesh S. Gaonkar 2. Introduction to Microprocessor By Aditya P. Mathur, TMH 3. Microprocessor & Interfaceing By Douglas V. Hall,TMH 4. Microprocessor & Peripheral By A.K.Ray, K.M. Bhurchandi,TMH
Class: IV Sem. B.Tech. Evaluation Branch: I.T. Schedule per Week Lectures: 3 Examination Time = Three (3) Hours Maximum Marks = 100 [Mid-term (20) & End-term (80)] 17 4IT2 PRINCIPLES OF PROGRAMMING LANGUAGES (Common to Comp. Engg. & Info. Tech) Units Contents of the subject I Programming Language: Definition, History, Features. Issues in Language Design: Structure and Operation of computer, Programming Paradigms. Efficiency, Regularity. Issues in Language Translation: Syntax and Semantics. II Specifications and Implementation of Elementary and Structured Data Types. Type equivalence, checking and conversion. Vectors and Arrays, Lists, Structures, Sets, Files. III Sequence control with Expressions, Conditional Statements, Loops, Exception handling. Subprogram definition and activation, simple and recursive subprogram, subprogram environment. IV Scope Static and Dynamic, Block structures, Local Data and Shared Data, Parameters and Parameter Transmission. Local and Common Environments, Tasks and Shared Data. V Abstract Data type, information hiding, encapsulation, type definition. Static and Stack-Based Storage management. Fixed and Variable size heap storage management, Garbage Collection. Text/References: 1. Programming languages: design and implementation, Terrence W. Pratt. 2. Programming languages: concepts and constructs, Ravi Sethi, ISBN 9780201590654. 3. Programming Language Pragmatics, Scott, ELSEVIER
Class: IV Sem. B.Tech. Evaluation Branch: I.T. Schedule per Week Lectures: 3 Examination Time = Three (3) Hours Maximum Marks = 100 [Mid-term (20) & End-term (80)] 18 4IT3 DISCRETE MATHEMATICAL STRUCTURES (Common to Comp. Engg. & Info. Tech)
Units Contents of the subject I Language of Logic: Proposition, Compound Proposition, Conjunction, Disjunction, Implication, Converse, Inverse & Contrpositive, Biconditional Statements, tautology, Contradiction & Contingency, Logical Equivalences, Quantifiers, Arguments. II Proof Methods: Vacuous, Trivial, Direct, Indirect by Contrapositive and Contradiction, Constructive & Non-constructive proof, Counterexample. The Division Algorithm, Divisibilty Properties (Prime Numbers & Composite Numbers), Principle of Mathematical Induction, The Second Principle of Mathematical Induction, Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic. Algorithm Correctness: Partial Correctness, Loop Invariant. Testing the partial correctness of linear & binary search, bubble & selection sorting. III Graph Theory: Graphs Directed, Undirected, Simple,. Adjacency & Incidence, Degre of Vertex, Subgraph, Complete graph, Cycle & Wheel Graph, Bipartite & Complete Bipartite Graph, Weighed Graph, Union of Simple Graphs. Complete Graphs. Isomorphic Graphs, Path, Cycles & Circuits Euclerian & Hamiltonian Graphs. Planar Graph: Kuratowskis Two Graphs, Eulers Formula, Kuratowskis Theorem. Trees: Spanning trees- Kruskals Algo, Finding Spanning Tree using Depth First Search, Breadth First Search, Complexity of Graph, Minimal Spanning Tree. IV Sets: Definition and types, Set operations, Partition of set, Cardinality (Inclusion- Exclusion & Addition Principles), Recursive definition of set. Functions: Concept, Some Special Functions (Polynomial, Exponential & Logarithmic, Absolute Value, Floor & Ceiling, Mod & Div Functions), Properties of Functions, Cardinality of Infinite Set, Countable & Uncountable Sets, The Pigeonhole & Generalized Pigeonhole Principles, Composition of Functions. V Relations: Boolean Matrices, Binary Relation, Adjacency Matrix of Relation, Properties of Relations, Operations on Relations, The Connectivity Relations, Transitive Closure-Warshalls Algorithm, Equivalence relations- Congruence Relations, Equivalence Class, Number of Partitions of a Finite Set, Partial & Total Orderings. Text/References: Class: IV Sem. B.Tech. Evaluation Branch: I.T. Schedule per Week Lectures: 3, Tutorial:1 Examination Time = Three (3) Hours Maximum Marks = 100 [Mid-term (20) & End-term (80)] 19 1. Discrete Mathematics with Applications, Koshy, ELSEVIER 2. Discrete Mathematical Structures By Lipschutz & Lipson, TMH 3. Discrete Mathematical Structures, Kolman et.al, Pearson 20
4IT4 STATISTICS & PROBABILITY THEORY (Common to Comp. Engg. & Info. Tech)
Units Contents of the subject I Introduction & Discrete random variables Sample space, events, algebra of events, Bernoullis trials, Probability & Bayes theorem. Random variable & their event space, probability generating function, expectations, moments, computations of mean time to failure, Bernoulli & Poisson processes. II Discrete & continuous distributions Probability distribution & probability densities: Binomial, Poisson, normal rectangular and exponential distribution & their PDFs, moments and MGFs for above distributions. III Correlation & Regression Correlation & regression: Linear regression, Rank correlation, Method of least squares Fitting of straight lines & second degree parabola. Normal regression and correlation analysis. IV Queuing Theory Pure birth, pure death and birth-death processes. Mathematical models for M/M/1, M/M/N, M/M/S and M/M/S/N queues. V Discrete Parameter mark on chains: M/G/1 Queuing model, Discrete parameter birth-death process.
Text/References: 1. Probability, Statistics & Random Process By T. Veerajan, TMH 2. Fundamental of Mathematical Statistics By S.C.Gupta and V.K. Kapoor, Sultanchand & sons. 3. Statistics and Probability Theory By Jain & Rawat ,CBC 4. Statistics and Probability Theory By Schaums, T.M.H.
Class: IV Sem. B.Tech. Evaluation Branch: I.T. Schedule per Week Lectures: 3, Tutorial:1 Examination Time = Three (3) Hours Maximum Marks = 100 [Mid-term (20) & End-term (80)] 21 4IT5 SOFTWARE ENGINEERING (Common to Comp. Engg. & Info. Tech) Units Contents of the subject I System Analysis: Characteristics, Problems in system Development, System Level project Planning, System Development Life cycle (SDLC), computer system engineering & system analysis, modeling the architecture, system specification. II Software & its characteristics: Software Development, Process Model, Prescriptive model, The water fall model, Incremental Process Modes, Evolutionary process model, specialized process model. III Requirement Analysis: Requirement analysis tasks, Analysis principles, Software prototyping and specification data dictionary finite state machine (FSM) models. Structured Analysis: Data and control flow diagrams, control and process specification behavioral modeling, extension for data intensive applications. IV Software Design: Design fundamentals, Effective modular design: Data architectural and procedural design, design documentation, coding Programming style, Program quality, quantifying program quality, complete programming example V Object Oriented Analysis: Object oriented Analysis Modeling, Data modeling Object Oriented Design: OOD concepts and methods class and object definitions, refining operations, Class and object relationships, object modularization, Introduction to Unified Modeling Language
Text/References: 1. Software Engineering By Roger S. Pressman, TMH 2. Software Engineering Fundamental By Ali Behforooz, Frederick J Hudson, Oxford University Press Class: IV Sem. B.Tech. Evaluation Branch: I.T. Schedule per Week Lectures: 3 Examination Time = Three (3) Hours Maximum Marks = 100 [Mid-term (20) & End-term (80)] 22 4IT6.1 ANALOG & DIGITAL COMMUNICATION (Common to Comp. Engg. & Info. Tech)
Units Contents of the subject I AMPLITUDE MODULATION: Frequency translation, Recovery of base band signal, Spectrum & power relations in AM systems. Methods of generation & demodulation of AM-DSB, AM-DSB/SC and AM-SSB signals. Modulation & detector circuits for AM systems. AM transmitters & receivers. II FREQUENCY MODULATION : Phase & freq. modulation & their relationship, Spectrum & band width of a sinusoidally modulated FM signal, phasor diagram, Narrow band & wide band FM. Generation & demodulation of FM signals. FM transmitters & receivers. Comparison of AM, FM & PM. Pre emphasis & de- emphasis. Threshold in FM, PLL demodulator. III PCM & DELTA MODULATION SYSTEMS : Uniform and Non-uniform quantization. PCM and delta modulation, Signal to quantization noise ratio in PCM and delta modulation. DPCM, ADM, T1 Carrier System, Matched filter detection. Error probability in PCM system. IV BASE BAND TRANSMISSION: Line coding(RZ,NRZ): Polar, Bipolar, Manchester, AMI. Inter symbol interference, Pulse shaping, Nyquist criterion, Raised cosine spectrum. PULSE ANALOG MODULATION: Practical aspects of sampling: Natural and flat top sampling. PAM, PWM, PPM modulation and demodulation methods, PAM- TDM. V DIGITAL MODULATION TECHNIQUES : Geometric interpretation of signals, Orthogonalization. ASK, BPSK, BFSK, QPSK, MSK modulation techniques and Coherent detection of these techniques. Calculation of error probabilities.
Text/References: 1. Principles of communication systems By Taub Schilling, T.M.H. 2. Fundamentals of communication systems By Proakis & Salehi, Pearson education 3. Analog & Digital Communication By Simon Haykin, John Wiley 4. Communication Systems (Analog and Digital) By R.P. Singh, S.D. Sapre, T.M.H. 5. Modern Digital & Analog Communication By B.P. Lathi, Oxford Publications 6. Digital & Analog Communication Systems By K.S. Shanmugam, John Wiley Class: IV Sem. B.Tech. Evaluation Branch: I.T. Schedule per Week Lectures: 3 Examination Time = Three (3) Hours Maximum Marks = 100 [Mid-term (20) & End-term (80)] 23 4IT6.2 LINEAR INTEGRATED CIRCUITS (Common to Comp. Engg. & Info. Tech)
Units Contents of the subject I OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIERS: Basic differential amplifier analysis, Single ended and double ended configurations ,Op-amp configurations with feedback, Op-amp parameters, Inverting and Non- Inverting configuration, Comparators, Adder. II OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIER APPLICATIONS: Integrator, Differentiator, Voltage to frequency & Frequency to voltage converters. Oscillators: Phase shift, Wien bridge, Quadrature, square wave, triangular wave, sawtooth oscillators. Voltage controlled oscillators. III ACTIVE FILTERS: Low pass, high pass, band pass and band reject filters,All pass filter, Switched capacitor filter, Butterworth filter design, Chebyshev Filter design. IV PHASE-LOCKED LOOPS: Operating Principles of PLL, Linear Model of PLL, Lock range, Capture range, Applications of PLL as FM detector, FSK demodulator, AM detector, frequency translator, phase shifter, tracking filter, signal synchronizer and frequency synthesizer, Building blocks of PLL, LM 565 PLL. V LINEAR ICs: Four quadrant multiplier & its applications, Basic blocks of linear IC voltage regulators, Three terminal voltage regulators, Positive and negative voltage regulators. The 555 timer as astable and monostable multivibrators. Zero crossing detector, Schmitt trigger. Text/References: 1. Op-amp and Linear integrated circuits By Gayakwad, Pearson education 2. Operational amplifier and Linear integrated circuits By Coughlin & Driscoll, Pearson education 3. Integrated circuits By K.R. Botkar, Khanna Publishers Class: IV Sem. B.Tech. Evaluation Branch: I.T. Schedule per Week Lectures: 3 Examination Time = Three (3) Hours Maximum Marks = 100 [Mid-term (20) & End-term (80)] 24 4IT6.3 LOGIC AND FUNCTIONAL PROGRAMMING (Common to Comp. Engg. & Info. Tech) Units Contents of the subject I PROPOSITIONS AND PREDICATES: Evaluation of constant propositions, Evaluation of proposition in a state. Precedence rules for operators, Tautologies, Propositions a sets of states and Transforming English to propositional form. Introduction to first-order predicate logic, Quantifiers and Reasoning. II LOGIC PROGRAMMING USING PROLOG: Constants, Goals and Clauses, Facts, Rules, Semantics, Rules and Conjunction, Rules and Disjunction, Search strategy, Queries. III ADVANCED LOGIC PROGRAMMING USING PROLOG: - Unification, Recursion, Lists, Cut operator, and Sorting. Data structures, Text strings, Searching state space, Operators and their precedence, and Parsing in Prolog. IV FUNCTIONAL PROGRAMMING: Introduction to lambda calculus-Syntax and semantics, Computability and correctness, Lazy and Eager Evaluation Strategies, comparison of functional and imperative languages. V FUNCTIONAL PROGRAMMING USING HASKELL: Introduction, lists, User- defined data types, type classes, and arrays in Haskell. Input/Ouput in Haskell - type classes IO and Monad, Simple applications/programs in Haskell.
Text/References: 1. Logical foundations of functional programming By Gerard Huet, Addison- Wesley Longman Publishing Co. 2. Mathematical Logic for Computer Science By M. Ben- Ari, Prentice Hall 3. The Essence of Logic By John Kelly, Prentice-Hall of India Class: IV Sem. B.Tech. Evaluation Branch: I.T. Schedule per Week Lectures: 3 Examination Time = Three (3) Hours Maximum Marks = 100 [Mid-term (20) & End-term (80)] 25 4IT7 MICROPROCESSOR LAB (Common to Comp. Engg. & Info. Tech) S. No. List of Experiments 1 Add the contents of memory locations XX00 &XX01 & place the result in memory location XX02. 2 Add the 16 bit numbers stored in memory location & store the result in another memory location. 3 Transfer a block of data from memory location XX00 to another memory location XX00 in forward & reverse order. 4 Write a program to Swap two blocks of data stored in memory. 5 Write a program to find the square of a number. 6 Write a main program & a conversion subroutine to convert Binary to its equivalent BCD. 7 Write a program to find largest & smallest number from a given array. 8 Write a program to Sort an array in ascending & descending order. 9 Write a program to multiply two 8 bit numbers whose result is 16 bit. 10 Write a program of division of two 8 bit numbers. 11 Generate square wave from SOD pin of 8085 & observe on CRO. 12 Write a program to perform traffic light control operation. 13 Write a program to control the speed of a motor. Class: IV Sem. B.Tech. Evaluation Branch: I.T. Schedule per Week Practical Hrs.: 3 Examination Time = Three (4) Hours Maximum Marks = 50 [Sessional/Mid-term (30) & End-term (20)] 26 4IT8 COMMUNICATION LAB (Common to Comp. Engg. & Info. Tech)
S. No. List of Experiments 1 Harmonic analysis of a square wave of modulated waveform Observe the amplitude modulated waveform and measures modulation index. Demodulation of the AM signal 2 To modulate a high frequency carrier with sinusoidal signal to obtain FM signal. Demodulation of the FM signal 3 To observe the following in a transmission line demonstrator kit : i. The propagation of pulse in non-reflecting Transmission line. ii. The effect of losses in Transmission line. iii. The resonance characteristics of al half wavelength long x-mission line. 4 To study and observe the operation of a super heterodyne receiver 5 To modulate a pulse carrier with sinusoidal signal to obtain PWM signal and demodulate it. 6 To modulate a pulse carrier with sinusoidal signal to obtain PPM signal and demodulate it. 7 To observe pulse amplitude modulated waveform and its demodulation. 8 To observe the operation of a PCM encoder and decoder. To consider reason for using digital signal x-missions of analog signals. 9 Produce ASK signals, with and without carrier suppression. Examine the different processes required for demodulation in the two cases 10 To observe the FSK wave forms and demodulate the FSK signals based on the properties of (a) tuned circuits (b) on PI.L. 11 To study & observe the amplitude response of automatic gain controller (AGC ).
Class: IV Sem. B.Tech. Evaluation Branch: I.T. Schedule per Week Practical Hrs : 3 Examination Time = Three (4) Hours Maximum Marks = 50 [Sessional/Mid-term (30) & End-term (20)] 27 4IT9 ADVANCE OBJECT ORIENTED PROGRAMMING (Common to Comp. Engg. & Info. Tech)
S. No. List of Experiments 1. Write a C++Object Oriented Code for Huffman Coding & Decoding. The code must have implementation of Binary tree, binary Search, Scanning of Input Stream, Generation of Code. The input Stream and codes may be stored in files. 2. Write a C++Object Oriented Code for representing a graph using adjacency list. Perform depth first and breadth first search starting from any node. Also find the shortest path between single sources all destinations. Also carry out topological sorting. 3. Create a C++template for matrix. Include procedures for multiplication of 2 matrices. Use the same class for multiplication of more than two matrices. 4. Create a C++class for implementation of AVL tree to store a symbol table. 5. Create a new string class say NewString. Define functions as defined in the system string class.
Class: IV Sem. B.Tech. Evaluation Branch: I.T. Schedule per Week Practical Hrs : 3 Examination Time = Three (4) Hours Maximum Marks = 100 [Sessional/Mid-term (60) & End-term (40)] 28 4IT10 COMPUTER AIDED SOFTWARE ENGINEERING LAB (Common to Comp. Engg. & Info. Tech) For the instructor: Assign any two projects two a group of exactly two students covering all of the experiments from given experiment list. Each group is required to prepare the following documents for projects assigned to them and develop the software using software engineering methodology. 1. Problem Analysis and Project Planning Thorough study of the problem- identify project scope, infrastructure. 2. Software Requirement Analysis- Describe the individual Phases/modules of the project deliverables. 3. Data Modeling Use work products data dictionary, use case diagrams and activity diagrams, build and test lass diagrams, sequence diagrams and add interface to class diagrams. 4. Software Developments and Debugging. 5. Software Testing Prepare test plan, perform validation testing coverage analysis, memory leaks, develop test case hierarchy, Site check and site monitor. 6. Describe: Relevance of CASE tools, high end and low end CASE tools, automated support for data dictionaries, DFD, ER diagrams.
S. No. List of Experiments Software Required: 1 Course Registration System Case Tools: Rational Suite, Win runner, Empirix Languages: C/C++/J DK, J SDK, INTERNET EXPLORER UML Front End: VB, VC++, Developer 2000, .NET Back End: Oracle, MS Access, SQL
2 Quiz System 3 Online ticket reservation system 4 Remote computer monitoring 5 Students marks analyzing system 6 Expert system to prescribe the medicines for the given symptoms 7 Platform assignment system for the trains in a railway station 8 Stock maintenance 9 Student Marks Analyzing System 10 Online Ticket Reservation System 11 Payroll System 12 Export System
Class: IV Sem. B.Tech. Evaluation Branch: I.T. Schedule per Week Practical Hrs : 3 Examination Time = Three (4) Hours Maximum Marks = 100 [Sessional/Mid-term (60) & End-term (40)] 12.07.2010 RAJASTHAN TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Detailed Syllabus B.Tech. (InIo. Tech.) V-VI Sem. 2010-11
5IT1 COMPUTER ARCHITECTURE (Common to Comp. Engg. & Info. Tech)
Units Contents of the subject I Introduction to Computer Architecture and Organization. Von Neuman Architecture, Flynn ClassiIication. Register TransIer and Micro operations: Register transIer language, Arithmetic Micro-operations, Logic Micro-operations, ShiIt Micro-operations, Bus and memory transIers. Computer Organization and Design: Instruction cycle, computer registers, common bus system, computer instructions, addressing modes, design oI a basic computer II Central Processing Unit: General register organization, stack organization, Instruction Iormats, Data transIer and manipulation, program control. RISC, CISC characteristics. Pipeline and Vector processing: Pipeline structure, speedup, eIIiciency, throughput and bottlenecks. Arithmetic pipeline and Instruction pipeline. III Computer Arithmetic: Adder, Ripple carry Adder, carry look Ahead Adder, Multiplication: Add and ShiIt, Array multiplier and Booth Multiplier, Division: restoring and Non-restoring Techniques. Floating Point Arithmetic: Floating point representation, Add, Subtract, Multiplication, Division. IV Memory Organization: RAM, ROM, Memory Hierarchy, Organization, Associative memory, Cache memory, and Virtual memory: Paging and Segmentation. V Input-Output Organization: Input-Output InterIace, Modes oI TransIer, Priority Interrupt, DMA, IOP processor. ReIerences: 1. Computer Organization and Architecture - William Stallings (Pearson Education Asia) 2. Computer Organization and Architecture -John P. Hayes (McGraw -Hill) 3. Computer Organization -V. Carl. Hamacher (McGraw-Hill) Class: V Sem. B.Tech. Evaluation Branch: I.T. Schedule per Week Lectures: 3, Tutorial: 1 Examination Time Three (3) Hours Maximum Marks 100 Mid-term (20) & End-term (80)] 12.07.2010 RAJASTHAN TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Detailed Syllabus B.Tech. (InIo. Tech.) V-VI Sem. 2010-11
5IT2 Digital Signal Processing ( Info. Tech.)
Class: V Sem. B.Tech. Evaluation Branch: I.T. Schedule per Week Lectures: 3 Examination Time Three (3) Hours Maximum Marks 100 Mid-term (20) & End-term (80)] Units Contents of the subject I INTRODUCTION: Discrete time signals and systems, properties oI discrete time systems, Linear time invariant systems - discrete time. Properties oI LTI systems and their block diagrams. Convolution, Discrete time systems described by diIIerence equations. II Fourier TransIorm: Discrete time Fourier transIorm Ior periodic and aperiodic signals. Properties oI DTFT. Z-transIorm: The region oI convergence Ior the Z- transIorm. The Inverse Z-transIorm. Properties oI Z transIorm. III SAMPLING: Mathematical theory oI sampling. Sampling theorem. Ideal & Practical sampling. Interpolation technique Ior the reconstruction oI a signal Irom its samples. Aliasing. Sampling in Ireq. domain. Sampling oI discrete time signals. IV THE DISCRETE FOURIER TRANSFORMS (DFT): Properties oI the DFT, Linear Convolution using DFT. EIIicient computation oI the DFT: Decimation in-Time and Decimation-in Irequency FFT Algorithms. V FILTER DESIGN TECHNIQUES: Structures Ior discrete-time systems- Block diagram and signal Ilow graph representation oI LCCD (LCCD Linear Constant CoeIIicient DiIIerence) equations, Basic structures Ior IIR and FIR systems, Transposed Iorms. Introduction to Iilter Design: Butterworth & Chebyshev. IIR Iilter design by impulse invariance & Bilinear transIormation. Design oI FIR Iilters by Windowing: Rectangular, Hamming & Kaiser. ReIerences: 1. Oppenheim, Discrete-Time Signal Processing, 2/e, Pearson Education 2. Proakis, Digital Signal Processing, 4/e, Pearson Education 3. S.K.Mitra, Digital Signal Processing, 2/e, Tata McGraw Hill 12.07.2010 RAJASTHAN TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Detailed Syllabus B.Tech. (InIo. Tech.) V-VI Sem. 2010-11
5IT3 TELECOMMUNICATION FUNDAMENTALS (Common to Comp. Engg. & Info. Tech) I Data Transmission: Terminology, Frequency, spectrum, bandwidth, analog and digital transmission, Transmission impairments, channel capacity including sampling theorem and Fourier series. Transmission Media: Transmission oI signals through Twisted pair, Coaxial cable, optical Iibre (SM, MM, Graded Index). Wireless Transmission: Antenna and antenna gain, introduction to terrestrial and satellite microwave, Propagation oI wireless signals, Iree space loss Ior LOS communication. Review oI Line Encoding Schemes. Concept oI bit period, eIIect oI clock skew, Synchronous and Asynchronous communication Network ReIerence Models (OSI/ISO and TCP/IP) II Data Link Layer: Functions perIormed by data link layer, Data link Layer design issues Error Control Coding: Error Detection, Two Dimensional Parity Checks, Internet Checksum. Polynomial Codes, Standardized polynomial codes, error detecting capability oI a polynomial codes. Linear codes, perIormance oI linear codes, error detection & correction using linear codes. Flow Control: Flow control in loss less and lossy channels using stop-and-wait, sliding window protocols. PerIormance oI protocols used Ior Ilow control. III Data Link Control: HDLC & PPP including Irame structures, MAC sublayer: Pure and slotted Aloha, CSMA, CSMA/CD, collision Iree multiple access. Throughput analysis oI pure and slotted Aloha, delay & throughput analysis oI CSMA and CSMA/CD IV Multiplexing: Frequency division, time division (Synchronous and statistical) multiplexing. ADSL, DS1 and DS3 carriers. Multiple Accesses: PerIormance oI FDMA- FM-FDMA, Single channel per carrier. TDMA Irame structure, TDMA Burst Structure, TDMA Frame eIIiciency, TDMA SuperIrame structure, Frame acquisition and synchronization, Slip rate and in digital terrestrial networks. Switching: Qualitative description oI Space division, time division and space-time-space division switching. V Spread Spectrum Techniques :Direct sequence(DSSS) & Irequency hopping(FHSS); PerIormance consideration in DSSS & FHSS; Code division Multiple access (CDMA) :Irequency & channel speciIications, Iorward & reverse CDMA channel, pseudo noise(PN) sequences, m-sequence, gold sequence, orthogonal code, gold sequences, Walsh codes synchronization, power control, handoII ,capacity oI CDMA system , IMT- 2000, WCDM ReIerences: 1. Stallings, Data and computer communication, 8 th ed. Pearson 2. Tri.T.Ha, Digital Satellite Communications, 2/e, Tata McGraw Hill 3. Alberto Leon-Garcia, Indra Widjaja, COMMUNICATION NETWORKS, 2 nd ed., TMH 4. Wireless communications,2/e, Rappaport, PHI 5. Analysis oI Computer and Communication Networks, ISBN: 0387744363, Fayez Gebali, 2008, Springer-Verlag, 1st Ed.
Class: V Sem. B.Tech. Evaluation Branch: I.T. Schedule per Week Lectures: 3 Examination Time Three (3) Hours Maximum Marks 100 Mid-term (20) & End-term (80)] 12.07.2010 RAJASTHAN TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Detailed Syllabus B.Tech. (InIo. Tech.) V-VI Sem. 2010-11
5IT4 DATABASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS (Common to Comp. Engg. & Info. Tech)
Units Contents of the subject I Inrroducrion Inrroducrion Inrroducrion Inrroducrion: Applicarions, Furpose, File Sysrem v/s DBMS, Dara ALsrracrion (vievs), Srrucrure of a DBMS-Query Frocessor, DaraLase Users and Adminisrraror, Dara Dicrionary, Transacrion Manager, Srorage Manager. Dara Models Inrroducrion-Nervork Model, Hierarchical Model, Relarional Model, Enriry Relarionship Model and OLjecr Orienred Model. 1] Enriry Relarionship Model Enriry Relarionship Model Enriry Relarionship Model Enriry Relarionship Model: Srrucrure of RDMS and DaraLase Schema, Enriries, ArrriLures and Enriry Sers, Relarionship and Relarionship Sers, Key Consrrainrs, Farriciparion Consrrainrs (Mapping Cardinaliries), Inregriry Consrrainrs, Weak Enriry Ser, Design issues, Exrended Fearures- Aggregarion, Generalizarion and Specializarion, case srudy of an Enrerprise. 1] II Relarional AlgeLra Relarional AlgeLra Relarional AlgeLra Relarional AlgeLra: : : : Operarions: Selecrion, Frojecrion, Ser, Renaming, Joinrs, Division. Relarional calculus- Tuple Relarional Calculus, Domain Relarional Calculus. 2] Query Languages: Query Languages: Query Languages: Query Languages: Frocedural and Non Frocedural, DDL, DCL and DML. SQL-Clauses, Nesred Queries, SQL Funcrions- Single Rov Funcrion, Mulrigroup Funcrions, Ser Operarions, Aggregare Operarors, Null Values, EmLedded SQL, Dynamic SQL. 2] III Schema Refinemenr And Normal Forms: Schema Refinemenr And Normal Forms: Schema Refinemenr And Normal Forms: Schema Refinemenr And Normal Forms: Inrroducrions ro Schema Refinemenr, Funcrional Dependencies, Boyce-Codd Normal Forms, Third Normal Form, Normalizarion-Decomposirion inro BCNF Decomposirion inro 3-NF, Denormalizarion, Triggers. 2] Transacrion Frocessing: Transacrion Frocessing: Transacrion Frocessing: Transacrion Frocessing: Inrroducrion-Transacrion Srare, Transacrion properries, Concurrenr Execurions. Need of SerializaLiliry, Conflicr vs. Viev SerializaLiliry, Tesring for SerializaLiliry, RecoveraLle Schedules, Cascadeless Schedules. 2] IV Concurrency Conrrol: Concurrency Conrrol: Concurrency Conrrol: Concurrency Conrrol: Implemenrarion of Concurrency: Lock-Lased prorocols, Timesramp-Lased prorocols, Validarion-Lased prorocols, Deadlock handling, 1] DaraLase Failure and Recovery: DaraLase Failure and Recovery: DaraLase Failure and Recovery: DaraLase Failure and Recovery: DaraLase Failures, Recovery Schemes: Shadov Faging and Log-Lased Recovery, Recovery virh Concurrenr rransacrions. 1] V Indexing and Hashing Indexing and Hashing Indexing and Hashing Indexing and Hashing: Basic Conceprs, Ordered Indices, B + -Tree Index Files, B-Tree Index Files, Mulriple Key Access, Sraric Hashing, Dynamic Hashing, Comparison of Ordered Indexing and Hashing, Birmap Indices, Index Definirion in SQL. 1]
ReIerences: Class: V Sem. B.Tech. Evaluation Branch: I.T. Schedule per Week Lectures: 3 Examination Time Three (3) Hours Maximum Marks 100 Mid-term (20) & End-term (80)] 12.07.2010 RAJASTHAN TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Detailed Syllabus B.Tech. (InIo. Tech.) V-VI Sem. 2010-11
Text/ReIerences: 1. H.I. Korth and Silberschatz: Database Systems Concepts, McGraw Hill 2. Almasri and S.B. Navathe: Fundamentals oI Database Systems, 3. Ramakrishnan and Gehrke: DaraLase Managemenr Sysrem, McGrav Hill 4. C.J. Date: Data Base Design, Addison Wesley. 5. Hansen and Hansen : DBM and Design, PHI 12.07.2010 RAJASTHAN TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Detailed Syllabus B.Tech. (InIo. Tech.) V-VI Sem. 2010-11
5IT5 OPERATING SYSTEMS (Common to Comp. Engg. & Info. Tech)
Units Contents of the subject I Inrroducrion and need of operaring sysrem, layered archirecrure/logical srrucrure of operaring sysrem, Type of OS, operaring sysrem as resource manager and virrual machine, OS services, BIOS, Sysrem Calls/Moniror Calls, Firmvare- BIOS, Boor Srrap Loader. Froces Froces Froces Frocess managemenr s managemenr s managemenr s managemenr- Frocess model, crearion, rerminarion, srares & rransirions, hierarchy, conrexr svirching, process implemenrarion, process conrrol Llock, Basic Sysrem calls- Linux & Windovs. Threads- processes versus rhreads, rhreading, conceprs, models, kernel & user level rhreads, rhread usage, Lenefirs, mulrirhreading models. II Inrerprocess communicarion Inrerprocess communicarion Inrerprocess communicarion Inrerprocess communicarion- Inrroducrion ro message passing, Race condirion, crirical secrion proLlem, murual exclusion virh Lusy vairing- disaLling inrerruprs, lock variaLles, srricr alrerarion, Fererson's solurion, TSL insrrucrions, Lusy vairing, sleep and vakeup calls, semaphore, monirors, classical IFC proLlems. Frocess scheduling Frocess scheduling Frocess scheduling Frocess scheduling- Basic conceprs, classificarion, CFU and I/O Lound, CFU scheduler- shorr, medium, long-rerm, disparcher, scheduling:- preemprive and non-preemprive, Sraric and Dynamic Frioriry, Co-operarive & Non-cooperarive, Crireria/Goals/Ferformance Merrics, scheduling algorirhms- FCFS, SJFS, shorresr remaining rime, Round roLin, Frioriry scheduling, mulrilevel queue scheduling, mulrilevel feedLack queue scheduling, Fair share scheduling. III Deadlock Deadlock Deadlock Deadlock- Sysrem model, resource rypes, deadlock proLlem, deadlock characrerizarion, merhods for deadlock handling, deadlock prevenrion, deadlock avoidance, deadlock derecrion, recovery from deadlock. Memory managemenr Memory managemenr Memory managemenr Memory managemenr- conceprs, funcrions, logical and physical address space, address Linding, degree of mulriprogramming, svapping, sraric & dynamic loading- crearing a load module, loading, sraric & dynamic linking, shared liLraries, memory allocarion schemes- firsr fir, nexr fir, Lesr fir, vorsr fir, quick fir. Free space managemenr- Lirmap, link lisr/free lisr, Luddy's sysrem, memory prorecrion and sharing, relocarion and address rranslarion. IV Virrual Memory Virrual Memory Virrual Memory Virrual Memory- concepr, virrual address space, paging scheme, pure segmenrarion and segmenrarion virh paging scheme hardvare supporr and implemenrarion derails, memory fragmenrarion, demand paging, pre-paging, vorking ser model, page faulr frequency, rhrashing, page replacemenr algorirhms- oprimal, NRU, FIFO, second chance, LRU, LRU- approximarion clock, WS clock, Belady's anomaly, disrance srring, design issues for paging sysrem- local versus gloLal allocarion policies, load conrrol, page size, separare insrrucrion and dara spaces, shared pages, cleaning policy, TLB ( rranslarion look aside Luffer) reach, inverred page raLle, I/O inrerlock, program srrucrure, page faulr handling, Basic idea of MM in Linux & vindovs. V File Sysrem File Sysrem File Sysrem File Sysrem- conceprs, naming, arrriLures, operarions, rypes, srrucrure, file organizarion & access(Sequenrial, Direcr ,Index Sequenrial) merhods, memory mapped files, direcrory srrucrures- one level, rvo level, hierarchical/rree, acyclic graph, general graph, file sysrem mounring, file sharing, parh name, direcrory operarions, overviev of file sysrem in Linux & vindovs. Inpur/Ourpur suLsysrems- conceprs, funcrions/goals, inpur/ourpur devices- Llock and characrer, spooling, disk srrucrure & operarion, disk arrachmenr, disk srorage capaciry, disk scheduling algorirhm- FCFS, SSTF, scan scheduling, C-scan schedule.
Texr/Reference Books: Texr/Reference Books: Texr/Reference Books: Texr/Reference Books: Class: V Sem. B.Tech. Evaluation Branch: I.T. Schedule per Week Lectures: 3 Examination Time Three (3) Hours Maximum Marks 100 Mid-term (20) & End-term (80)] 12.07.2010 RAJASTHAN TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Detailed Syllabus B.Tech. (InIo. Tech.) V-VI Sem. 2010-11
1. A. SilLerscharz and Ferer B Galvin: Operaring Sysrem Frincipals, Wiley India Fvr. Lrd. 2. Achyur S GodLole: Operaring Sysrems, Tara McGrav Hill 3. TanenLaum: Modern Operaring Sysrem, Frenrice Hall. 4. DM Dhamdhere: Operaring Sysrems A Conceprs Based Approach, Tara McGrav Hill 5. Charles Crovly: Operaring Sysrem A Design Orienred Approach, Tara McGrav Hill. 12.07.2010 RAJASTHAN TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Detailed Syllabus B.Tech. (InIo. Tech.) V-VI Sem. 2010-11
5IT6.1 ADVANCED DATA STRUCTURE (Common to Comp. Engg. & Info. Tech)
Units Contents of the subject I ADVANCED TREES: DeIinitions, Operations on Weight Balanced Trees (HuIIman Trees), 2-3 Trees and Red- Black Trees. Dynamic Order Statistics, Interval Tree; Dictionaries. II MERGEABLE HEAPS: Mergeable Heap Operations, Binomial Trees, Implementing Binomial Heaps and its Operations, 2-3-4. Trees and 2-3-4 Heaps. Amortization analysis and Potential Function oI Fibonacci Heap, Implementing Fibonacci Heap. III GRAPH THEORY DEFINITIONS: DeIinitions oI Isomorphic Components. Circuits, Fundamental Circuits, Cut-sets. Cut- Vertices Planer and Dual graphs, Spanning Trees, Kuratovski's two Graphs. GRAPH THEORY ALGORITHMS: Algorithms Ior Connectedness, Finding all Spanning Trees in a Weighted Graph, Breadth First and Depth First Search, Topological Sort, Strongly Connected Components and Articulation Point. Single Min-Cut Max-Flow theorem oI Network Flows. Ford-Fulkerson Max Flow Algorithms. IV SORTING NETWORK: Comparison network, zero-one principle, bitonic sorting and merging network sorter. Priority Queues and Concatenable Queues using 2-3 Trees. Operations on Disjoint sets and its union-Iind problem, Implementing Sets. V NUMBER THEORITIC ALGORITHM: Number theoretic notions, Division theorem, GCD, recursion, Modular arithmetic, Solving Modular Linear equation, Chinese Remainder Theorem, power oI an element, Computation oI Discrete Logarithms, primality Testing and Integer Factorization.
ReIerences: 1. Cormen, Leiserson, Rivest: Introduction to Algorithms, Prentice Hall oI India. 2. Horowitz and Sahani: Fundamental oI Computer algorithms. 3. Aho A.V , J.D Ulman: Design and analysis oI Algorithms, Addison Wesley 4. Brassard : Fundamental oI Algorithmics, PHI. Class: V Sem. B.Tech. Evaluation Branch: I.T. Schedule per Week Lectures: 3 Examination Time Three (3) Hours Maximum Marks 100 Mid-term (20) & End-term (80)] 12.07.2010 RAJASTHAN TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Detailed Syllabus B.Tech. (InIo. Tech.) V-VI Sem. 2010-11
5IT6. 2 E-Commerce (Info. Tech.) Class: V Sem. B.Tech. Evaluation Branch: I.T. Schedule per Week Lectures: 3 Examination Time Three (3) Hours Maximum Marks 100 Mid-term (20) & End-term (80)]
Units Contents of the subject I Introduction: Motivation, Forces behind E-Commerce Industry Framework, BrieI history oI Ecommerce, Inter Organizational E-Commerce Intra Organizational ECommerce, and Consumer to Business Electronic Commerce, Architectural Iramework, Network InIrastructure Ior E-Commerce Network InIrastructure Ior ECommerce, Market Iorces behind I Way, Component oI I way Access Equipment, Global InIormation Distribution Network, Broad band Telecommunication. II Mobile Commerce: Introduction to Mobile Commerce, Mobile Computing Application, Wireless Application Protocols, WAP Technology, Mobile InIormation Devices, Web Security, Introduction to Web security, Firewalls & Transaction Security, Client Server Network, Emerging Client Server Security Threats, Iirewalls & Network Security. III Encryption: World Wide Web & Security, Encryption, Transaction security, Secret Key Encryption, Public Key Encryption, Virtual Private Network (VPM), Implementation Management Issues. IV Electronic Payments: Overview oI Electronics payments, Digital Token based Electronics payment System, Smart Cards, Credit Card I Debit Card based EPS, Emerging Iinancial Instruments, Home Banking, Online Banking. V Net Commerce: EDA, EDI Application in Business, Legal requirement in E Commerce, Introduction to supply Chain Management, CRM, issues in Customer Relationship Management. ReIerences: 1. Electronic e-commerce II Edition: Pete Loshin, Paul A Murphy, Jaico book. 2. The Business oI e-commerce: Paul May, Cambridge University Press. 12.07.2010 RAJASTHAN TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Detailed Syllabus B.Tech. (InIo. Tech.) V-VI Sem. 2010-11
5IT6.3 SATELLITE & MICROWAVE COMMUNICATION (Info. Tech.) Class: V Sem. B.Tech. Evaluation Branch: I.T. Schedule per Week Lectures: 3 Examination Time Three (3) Hours Maximum Marks 100 Mid-term (20) & End-term (80)]
Units Contents of the subject I WAVE GUIDES: Introduction oI Microwaves and their applications. Rectangular Waveguides, Solution oI Wave equation in TE and TM modes. Power transmission and Power losses. Excitation oI modes in Rectangular waveguides, circular waveguides : Basic idea oI TE and TM modes, Iield patterns, TEM mode oI propagation. II WAVEGUIDE COMPONENTS : Scattering matrix representation oI networks. Rectangular cavity and circular cavity resonators. Waveguide Tees, Magic Tees. Hybrid rings. Waveguide corners, Bends and twists. Directional couplers, Circulators and isolators. Broadband Wireless 802.16 III Elements oI satellite communication: Frequency bands, Transmission and multiplexing. Modulation, Multiple access techniques. IV Satellite orbit and description- orbital period and velocity, eIIects oI orbital inclination, Azimuth and elevation, Coverage angle and slant range, Geostationary orbit, V Satellite description: Communications subsystems. Earth Station: Antenna, high- power ampliIier, low-noise ampliIier, up converter, down converter, monitoring and control, reliability. Satellite Link: basic link analysis.
ReIerences: 1. Liao, Microwave Devices and Circuits, 3/e, Pearson Education 2. Tri.T.Ha, Digital Satellite Communications, 2/e, Tata McGraw Hill 3. Communication Systems, Simon Haykin, John Wiley. 12.07.2010 RAJASTHAN TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Detailed Syllabus B.Tech. (InIo. Tech.) V-VI Sem. 2010-11
5IT7 DATABASE LAB (Common to Comp. Engg. & Info. Tech) Class: V Sem. B.Tech. Evaluation Branch: I.T. Schedule per Week Practical Hrs.: 3 Examination Time Four (4) Hours Maximum Marks 100 Sessional/Mid-term (60) & End-term (40)]
Objectives: At the end of the semester, the students should have clearly understood and implemented the following: 1. Stating a database design problem. 2. Preparing ER diagram 3. Finding the data fields to be used in the database. 4. Selecting fields for keys. 5. Normalizing the database including analysis of functional dependencies. 6. nstalling and configuring the database server and the front end tools. 7. Designing database and writing applications for manipulation of data for a stand alone and shared data base including concepts like concurrency control, transaction roll back, logging, report generation etc. 8. Get acquainted with SQL. n order to achieve the above objectives, it is expected that each students will chose one problem. The implementation shall being with the statement of the objectives to be achieved, preparing ER diagram, designing of database, normalization and finally manipulation of the database including generation of reports, views etc. The problem may first be implemented for a standalone system to be used by a single user. All the above steps may then be followed for development of a database application to be used by multiple users in a client server environment with access control. The application shall NOT use web techniques. One exercise may be assigned on creation of table, manipulation of data and report generation using SQL. Suggested TooIs: For standalone environment, Visual FoxPro or any similar database having both the database and manipulation language may be used. For multi-user application, MYSql is suggested. However, any other database may also be used. For front end, VB.Net, Java, VB Script or any other convenient but currently used by industry may be chosen. Indicative List of exercises: 1. Student information system for your college. 12.07.2010 RAJASTHAN TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Detailed Syllabus B.Tech. (InIo. Tech.) V-VI Sem. 2010-11
2. Student grievance registration and redressal system. 3. A video library management system for a shop. 4. nventory management system for a hardware/ sanitary item shop. 5. nventory management system for your college. 6. Guarantee management system for the equipments in your college. 12.07.2010 RAJASTHAN TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Detailed Syllabus B.Tech. (InIo. Tech.) V-VI Sem. 2010-11
S. No. List of Experiments 1. TDM oI two band limited signals. 2. ASK and FSK generation and detection 3. PSK generation and detection 4. DPSK generation and detection 5. QPSK generation and detection 6. PCM generation and detection using a CODEC Chip 7. Measurement oI losses in a given optical Iiber ( propagation loss, bending loss) and numerical aperture 8. Analog and Digital (with TDM) communication link using optical Iiber. 9. Measurement oI Irequency, guide wavelength, power, VSWR and attenuation in a microwave test bench 10. Measurement oI directivity and gain oI antennas: Standard dipole (or printed dipole), microstrip patch antenna and Yagi antenna (printed). 11 Determination oI coupling and isolation characteristics oI a stripline (or microstrip) directional coupler (a) Measurement oI resonance characteristics oI a microstrip ring resonator and determination oI dielectric constant oI the substrate. (b) Measurement oI power division and isolation characteristics oI a microstrip 3 dB power divider. Class: V Sem. B.Tech. Evaluation Branch: I.T. Schedule per Week Practical Hrs : 2 Examination Time Four (4) Hours Maximum Marks 75 Sessional/Mid-term (45) & End-term (30)] 12.07.2010 RAJASTHAN TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Detailed Syllabus B.Tech. (InIo. Tech.) V-VI Sem. 2010-11
5IT9 OPERATING SYSTEMS SIMULATION LAB (Common to Comp. Engg. & Info. Tech)
Objectives: Understand the basic Iunctions oI operating systems. In depth knowledge oI the algorithms used Ior implementing the tasks perIormed by the operating systems. Understand & simulate strategies used in Linux & Windows operating systems. Develop aptitude Ior carrying out research in the area oI operating system. Suggested Tools: Operating system simulator- MOSS preIerably on Linux platIorm. Recommended Excercises: A. Exercises shall be given on simulation oI algorithms used Ior the tasks perIormed by the operating systems. Following modules oI the simulator may be used: Scheduling Deadlock Memory Management Systems File system simulator Algorithms described in the text may be assigned. The simulation results such as average latency, hit & Miss Ratios or other perIormance parameters may be computed. B. One exercise shall be on simulation oI algorithms reported in the recent conIerences/ journals and reproducing the results reported therein. Class: V Sem. B.Tech. Evaluation Branch: I.T. Schedule per Week Practical Hrs : 3 Examination Time Four (4) Hours Maximum Marks 100 Sessional/Mid-term (60) & End-term (40)] 12.07.2010 RAJASTHAN TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Detailed Syllabus B.Tech. (InIo. Tech.) V-VI Sem. 2010-11
5IT10 DIGITAL HARDWARE DESIGN LAB (Common to Comp. Engg. & Info. Tech) Class: VI Sem. B.Tech. Evaluation Branch: I.T. Schedule per Week Practical Hrs : 3 Examination Time Four (4) Hours Maximum Marks 75 Sessional/Mid-term (45) & End-term (30)]
Objectives: At the end oI course, the students shall be able to Should be able to design datapath Ior digital systems Create a digital system using discrete digital ICs Design a hard wired / micro-programmed control circuit Simulate a digital datapath in Hardware Description Language Understand IC descriptions and select proper IC in a given circuit based on its timing characteristics Suggested Methodology and tools: Hardware description language like verilog /VHDL can be used Ior simulation. The exercise shall involve design oI datapath, its simulation and Iinally realization on breadboard. Library oI digital ICs have to be built. Similarly, manuals oI Digital IC Iamilies have to be placed in the laboratories Ior reIerence by students. Suggested Exercises Create a microprocessor Irom ALU 74181. For this, the students may design a small instruction set and attach necessary registers and suitable control unit to realize a microprocessor. Simulate and realize a Cordic calculator. Simulate & realize a Four Lir Adder Design and simularion of a 4-Lir Adder VHDL/verilog HDL (Hardvare descriprion language) Inrerfacing 7-segmenr decoder ComLinarional Mulriplier 4x4-Lir mulriplier Binary-ro-BCD conversion Timing Consrrainrs CRC checksum generator & veriIier Realizing a carry look ahead adder
12.07.2010 RAJASTHAN TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Detailed Syllabus B.Tech. (InIo. Tech.) V-VI Sem. 2010-11
6IT1 COMPUTER NETWORKS (Common to Comp. Engg. & Info. Tech) NOTE: The first 2 lectures shall be devoted to review of the basis architectures and responsibilities of different layers. Units Contents of the subject I Network layer- Network layer design issue, routing algorithms: Optimally principle short path, Ilooding, Distance vector, link state, hierarchical, Broadcast routing. Congestion control: General principle oI congestion control, congestion prevention policies, congestion control in Datagram subnets, load shedding, jitter control Quality oI service: requirements and techniques. II Internetworking: DiIIerences in networks, connecting networks, concatenated virtual circuit, connectionless internetworking, Tunneling, Internetwork routing, Fragmentation Network layer in the Internet: IPV4, IP addressing including Subnet addressing CIDR, NAT, ICMP, OSPF, BGP, IGMP, ARP, RARP, BOOTP, DHCP(only working and purpose, packet headers etc. not included), DiIIerences in IPV6 over IPV4 III Transport layer: Services provided, Transport service primitives. Elements oI Transport protocols: addressing, connection Establishment, connection release, Flow control & BuIIering, Multiplexing, Crash Recovery, UDP, RPC, RTP. Principles oI Reliable Data TransIer: Reliable data transIer over a perIectly reliable channel, Channel with bit errors and Lossy Channel with bit errors. IV Transport Layer in the Internet: Introduction to TCP, TCP service Model, TCP Header and segment structure, TCP connection establishment and release, transmission policy, timer management, Transactional TCP. TCP Congestion Control: Fairness, TCP delay modeling. V Application Layer: Service needs. Domain Name System: Name Space, resource record, name servers, resolution process, introduction to DNS poisoning. Electronic Mail: Architecture and services, MIME message Iormats, SMTP, POP3, IMAP. World Wide Web: Architecture, responsibilities oI client and server sides, HTTP, perIormance enhancement. P2P File Sharing: Centralized Directory, Query Ilooding, exploiting heterogeneity. ReIerences: 1. Tanenbaum; Computer Network, 4th Ed., Pearson. 2. Kurose; Computer Networking, 3rd Ed., Pearson. 3. Peterson, Davie; Computer Networks, 4th Ed., ELSEVIER Class: VI Sem. B.Tech. Evaluation Branch: I.T. Schedule per Week Lectures: 3 Examination Time Three (3) Hours Maximum Marks 100 Mid-term (20) & End-term (80)] 12.07.2010 RAJASTHAN TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Detailed Syllabus B.Tech. (InIo. Tech.) V-VI Sem. 2010-11
6IT 2 DESIGN AND ANALYSIS OF ALGORITHMS (Common to Comp. Engg. & Info. Tech) Class: VI Sem. B.Tech. Evaluation Branch: I.T. Schedule per Week Lectures: 3 Examination Time Three (3) Hours Maximum Marks 100 Mid-term (20) & End-term (80)]
Units Contents of the subject I BACKGROUND: Review oI Algorithm Complexity, Order Notations: deIinitions and calculating complexity. DIVIDE AND CONQUER METHOD: Binary Search, Merge Sort, Quick sort and strassen's matrix multiplication algorithms. GREEDY METHOD: Knapsack Problem, Job Sequencing, Optimal Merge Patterns and Minimal Spanning Trees. II DYNAMIC PROGRAMMING: Matrix Chain Multiplication. Longest Common Subsequence and 0/1 Knapsack Problem. BRANCH AND BOUND: Traveling Salesman Problem and Lower Bound Theory. Backtracking Algorithms and queens problem. III PATTERN MATCHING ALGORITHMS: Nave and Rabin Karp string matching algorithms, KMP Matcher and Boyer Moore Algorithms. ASSIGNMENT PROBLEMS: Formulation oI Assignment and Quadratic Assignment Problem. IV RANDOMIZED ALGORITHMS. Las Vegas algorithms, Monte Carlo algorithms, randomized algorithm Ior Min-Cut, randomized algorithm Ior 2-SAT. Problem deIinition oI Multicommodity Ilow, Flow shop scheduling and Network capacity assignment problems. V PROBLEM CLASSES NP, NP-HARD AND NP-COMPLETE: DeIinitions oI P, NP- Hard and NP-Complete Problems. Decision Problems. Cook's Theorem. Proving NP- Complete Problems - SatisIiability problem and Vertex Cover Problem. Approximation Algorithms Ior Vertex Cover and Set Cover Problem. ReIerences: 1. Cormen, Leiserson, Rivest: Introduction to Algorithms, Prentice Hall oI India. 2. Horowitz and Sahani: Fundamental oI Computer algorithms. 3. Aho A.V , J.D Ulman: Design and analysis oI Algorithms, AddisonWesley 4. Brassard : Fundamental oI Algorithmics, PHI. 12.07.2010 RAJASTHAN TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Detailed Syllabus B.Tech. (InIo. Tech.) V-VI Sem. 2010-11
6IT3 THEORY OF COMPUTATION (Common to Comp. Engg. & Info. Tech)
Units Contents of the subject I Finite Automata & Regular Expression: Basic Concepts oI Iinite state system, Deterministic and non-deterministic Iinite automation and designing regular expressions, relationship between regular expression & Finite automata minimization oI Iinite automation mealy & Moore Machines. II Regular Sets oI Regular Grammars: Basic DeIinition oI Formal Language and Grammars. Regular Sets and Regular Grammars, closure proportion oI regular sets, Pumping lemma Ior regular sets, decision Algorithms Ior regular sets, MyhellNerod Theory & Organization oI Finite Automata. III Context Free Languages& Pushdown Automata: Context Free Grammars Derivations and Languages Relationship between derivation and derivation trees ambiguity simpliIication oI CEG Greiback Normal Iorm Chomsky normal Iorms Problems related to CNF and GNF Pushdown Automata: DeIinitions Moves Instantaneous descriptions Deterministic pushdown automata Pushdown automata and CFL - pumping lemma Ior CFL - Applications oI pumping Lemma. IV Turing Machines: Turing machines Computable Languages and Iunctions Turing Machine constructions Storage in Iinite control multiple tracks checking oI symbols subroutines two way inIinite tape. Undecidability: Properties oI recursive and Recursively enumerable languages Universal Turing Machines as an undecidable problem Universal Languages Rice`s Theorems. V Linear bounded Automata Context Sensitive Language: Chomsky Hierarchy oI Languages and automata, Basic DeIinition & descriptions oI Theory & Organization oI Linear bounded Automata Properties oI context-sensitive languages ReIerences 1. Aho, Hopcropt and Ullman, Introduction to Automata Theory, Formal Languages and Computation, Narosa 2. Cohen, Introduction to Computer Theory, Addison Wesley. 3. Papadimitriou, Introduction to Theory oI Computing, Prentice Hall. Class: VI Sem. B.Tech. Evaluation Branch: I.T. Schedule per Week Lectures: 3, Tutorial:1 Examination Time Three (3) Hours Maximum Marks 100 Mid-term (20) & End-term (80)] 12.07.2010 RAJASTHAN TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Detailed Syllabus B.Tech. (InIo. Tech.) V-VI Sem. 2010-11
6IT4 PROGRAMMING IN 1AVA (Common to Comp. Engg. & Info. Tech)
ReIerences 1. Herbert Schildt: JAVA 2 - The Complete ReIerence, TMH, Delhi 2. Deitel: How to Program JAVA, PHI 3. U.K. Chakraborty and D.G. Dastidar: SoItware and Systems An Introduction, Wheeler Publishing, Delhi. 4. Joseph O'Neil and Herb Schildt: Teach YourselI JAVA, TMH, Delhi. Class: VI Sem. B.Tech. Evaluation Branch: I.T. Schedule per Week Lectures: 3 Examination Time Three (3) Hours Maximum Marks 100 Mid-term (20) & End-term (80)] Units Contents of the subject I JAVA: Introduction to Object Orientated Programming, Abstraction, Object Oriented Programming Principles, Features oI JAVA, Introduction to Java byte code, Java Virtual machine. PROGRAM ELEMENTS: Primitive data types, variables, assignment, arithmetic, short circuit logical operators, Arithmetic operators, bit wise operators, relational operators, Boolean logic operators, the assignment operators, operator precedence, Decision and control statements, arrays. II CONTROL STATEMENTS: Java`s Selection Statements, iI statement, switch statement, Iteration Statements, while, do-while, Ior, Ior-each, Nested Loops, Jump Statements, Using break, Using continue, return. OBJECTS AND CLASSES: Objects, constructors, returning and passing objects as parameter, Nested and inner classes, Single and Multilevel Inheritance, Extended classes, Access Control, usage oI super, Overloading and overriding methods, Abstract classes, Using Iinal with inheritance. III PACKAGE AND INTERFACES: DeIining package, concept oI CLASSPATH, access modiIiers, importing package, DeIining and implementing interIaces. STRING HANDLING: String constructors, special string operations, character extraction, searching and comparing strings, string BuIIer class. IV EXCEPTION HANDLING: Exception handling Iundamentals, Exception types, uncaught exceptions, try, catch and multiple catch statements. Usage oI throw, throws and Iinally FILE HANDLING: I/O streams, File I/O. V CONCURRENCY: Processes and Threads, Thread Objects, DeIining and Starting a Thread, Pausing Execution with Sleep, Interrupts, Joins, Synchronization. APPLET: Applet Fundamentals, using paint method and drawing polygons. 12.07.2010 RAJASTHAN TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Detailed Syllabus B.Tech. (InIo. Tech.) V-VI Sem. 2010-11
6IT5 INFORMATION THEORY & CODING (Info. Tech) Class: VI Sem. B.Tech. Evaluation Branch: I.T. Schedule per Week Lectures: 3 Examination Time Three (3) Hours Maximum Marks 100 Mid-term (20) & End-term (80)]
Units Contents of the subject I Introduction to inIormation theory. Uncertainty, InIormation and Entropy, InIormation measures Ior continuous random variables, source coding theorem. Discrete Memory less channels, Mutual inIormation, Conditional entropy. II Source coding schemes Ior data compaction: PreIix code, HuIIman code, Shanon-Fane code & Hempel-Ziv coding channel capacity. Channel coding theorem. Shannon limit. III Linear Block Code: Introduction to error connecting codes, coding & decoding oI linear block code, minimum distance consideration, conversion oI non systematic Iorm oI matrices into systematic Iorm. IV Cyclic Code: Code Algebra, Basic properties oI Galois Iields (GF) polynomial operations over Galois Iields, generating cyclic code by generating polynomial, parity check polynomial. Encoder & decoder Ior cyclic codes. V Convolutional Code: Convolutional encoders oI diIIerent rates. Code Tree, Trllis and state diagram. Maximum likelihood decoding oI convolutional code: The viterbi Algorithm Iee distance oI a convolutional code.
ReIerences 1. Digital Communication, Simon Haykin, 12.07.2010 RAJASTHAN TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Detailed Syllabus B.Tech. (InIo. Tech.) V-VI Sem. 2010-11
6IT6.1 ADVANCE TOPICS IN OPERATING SYSTEMS (Common to Comp. Engg. & Info. Class: VI Sem. B.Tech. Evaluation Branch: I.T. Schedule per Week Lectures: 3 Examination Time Three (3) Hours Maximum Marks 100 Mid-term (20) & End-term (80)] Tech) U UU Unirs nirs nirs nirs Conrenrs of rhe suLjecr Conrenrs of rhe suLjecr Conrenrs of rhe suLjecr Conrenrs of rhe suLjecr I Operaring sysrem srrucrures Operaring sysrem srrucrures Operaring sysrem srrucrures Operaring sysrem srrucrures policies & mechanism, Srrucrures- monolirhic, layered, virrual machines, micro kernel, exokernels, clienr- server model. Examples from Linux & Windovs. Threads Threads Threads Threads Advance Conceprs Advance Conceprs Advance Conceprs Advance Conceprs LiLraries- Frhreads, vin32 rhreads, Java rhreads, Inrroducrion ro rhreading issues, sysrem calls, cancellarion, signal handling, rhread pool, rhread specific dara, vindov rhreads, Linux rhreads, Solaris Threads. Massage Fassing Sysrem Massage Fassing Sysrem Massage Fassing Sysrem Massage Fassing Sysrem Need of Message Fassing Sysrems, design issues, naming, synchronizarion, ImplemenrarionLuffering and delivery, mailLoxes, RFC & RMI. Examples Sysrems Linux, Windovs. II File Sysrem File Sysrem File Sysrem File Sysrem- -- - file sysrem layours, file sysrem implemenrarion, conragious allocarion, link lisr allocarion, indexed allocarion, file allocarion raLle, virrual file sysrem, direcrory implemenrarion- linear lisr and hash raLle. File Sysrem reliaLiliry and inregriry. I/O sysrem I/O sysrem I/O sysrem I/O sysrem: device drivers/ conrrollers, Lusses and inrerfaces- USB, IDE, SCSI, IEEE1394, RAID sysrem, disk caching and Luffering, disk managemenr-disk formarring, RAID Srrucrure, Loor Llock, Lad Llock, svap-space managemenr. Sysrem Securiry: Sysrem Securiry: Sysrem Securiry: Sysrem Securiry: Securiry FroLlems, Frogram Threars, Sysrem Nervork Threars, Cryprography as a Securiry Tool, User Aurhenricarion, Implemenring Securiry Defenses, Firevalling ro Frorecr Sysrems and Nervork, Compurer Securiry Classificarions. Overviev of securiry in Windovs. 4] III The Linux OS: The Linux OS: The Linux OS: The Linux OS: Unix Vs Linux, Design Frinciples, Kernel Srrucrure, componenrs Kernel Modules, Shell- usage, rypes, An overviev of- Frocess Managemenr, Thread Managemenr and Scheduling, Memory Managemenr, Frocess Scheduling in Linux, File Sysrem srrucrure & implemenrarion, I/O Managemenr, Nervork File Sysrem, Inrer-process Communicarions, Booring and login process, securiry.3] IV The Windov OS: The Windov OS: The Windov OS: The Windov OS: Design Frinciples, Sysrem Componenrs- Hardvare ALsrracrion layer, Kernel, Execurives, Environmenral SuLsysrems- MS-DOS Environmenr, 16-Lir Windovs Environmenr, Win32 AFI, FOSIX suLsysrem, Exceprion and Inrerruprs, An overviev of-memory managemenr, process managemenr and rhread, Frocess Scheduling in Windovs, File Sysrems: Inrernal Layour, recovery, Volume Managemenr and Faulr Tolerance, FAT and NTFS, Securiry fearures, vindov regisrry, OS organizarions.3] V Mulriprocessor Mulriprocessor Mulriprocessor Mulriprocessor Operaring Sysrems: Operaring Sysrems: Operaring Sysrems: Operaring Sysrems: Archirecrure of Mulriprocessor Sysrems, 12.07.2010 RAJASTHAN TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Detailed Syllabus B.Tech. (InIo. Tech.) V-VI Sem. 2010-11
Overviev of Mulriprocessor OS, Kernal Srrucrure and Mulriprocessing supporr in Linux & Windovs, Frocess Synchronizarion- Queued Lock, Spin Lock, Sleep Lock, Frocess Scheduling. Mulrimedia Opera Mulrimedia Opera Mulrimedia Opera Mulrimedia Operaring Sysrem ring Sysrem ring Sysrem ring Sysrem- -- - Inrroducrion ro Mulrimedia & Dara Compression- conceprs, common graphics file formars, common audio file formars, Video server, Frocess managemenr- real rime scheduling, Mulrimedia file sysrems, Mulrimedia file srorage mechanisms, Video sever organizarion.2] MoLile Operaring Sysrem MoLile Operaring Sysrem MoLile Operaring Sysrem MoLile Operaring Sysrem- Windovs CE, Falm OS, SymLian OS, JAVA card, Mulros.
Texr/Reference Books: Texr/Reference Books: Texr/Reference Books: Texr/Reference Books: 1. DM Dhamdhere: Operaring Sysrems A Conceprs Based Approach, Tara McGrav Hill 2. Achyur S GodLole: Operaring Sysrems, Tara McGrav Hill 3. TanenLaum: Modern Operaring Sysrem, Frenrice Hall 4. A. SilLerscharz and Ferer B Galvin: Operaring Sysrem Frincipals, Wiley India Fvr. Lrd. 5. Charles Crovly: Operaring Sysrem A Design Orienred Approach, Tara McGrav Hill. 6. Bach, Design of Unix Operaring Sysrems. 12.07.2010 RAJASTHAN TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Detailed Syllabus B.Tech. (InIo. Tech.) V-VI Sem. 2010-11
6IT6.2 BIO INFORMATICS (Info. Tech) Class: VI Sem. B.Tech. Evaluation Branch: I.T. Schedule per Week Lectures: 3 Examination Time Three (3) Hours Maximum Marks 100 Mid-term (20) & End-term (80)]
Units Contents of the subject I Principles oI mass and energy conservation. Thermodynamic properties oI pure substances. Equations oI state. Correlations Ior physical and transport properties. Material and energy balances Ior steady state processes involving single and multiphase systems. Reactive and non-reactive processes. II Energy Ilow in biological systems. Energetic oI metabolic path ways. Coupled reactions, microbial growth kinetics, Stoichiometry and energetic analysis oI cell growth and product Iormation. Yield and maintenance coeIIicients. Oxygen consumption and heat evolution in aerobic cultures. Thermodynamic eIIiciency oI growth. III Introduction to Iermentation, Design oI a an industrial Iermented, Process calculations Ior design oI typical industrial Iermentation processes. Medium Iormulation. Batch and continuous heat sterilisation oI liquid media. Requirements Ior process utilities (compressed air, cooling water, steam etc.). Material and energy balances Ior downstream processing and waste water treatment processes, Bioremediation. IV Introduction to industrial bio-process: A historical overview oI industrial Iermentation processes and products. Role oI a bio-process engineer in the biotechnology industry. Outline oI the various unit operations involved in an integrated bio-process. Process Ilow sheeting. A brieI survey oI organisms, processes products and market economics relating to modern industrial bio- technology. Raw materials Ior Iermentation process: Isolation, preservation and improvement oI industrial micro-organisms Ior overproduction oI primary and secondary metabolites. Medium requirements Ior Iermentation process carbon, nitrogen, minerals, vitamins and other nutrients. Examples oI simple and complex media. Production oI primary metabolites: A brieI outline oI processes Ior the production oI some commercially important organic acids (e.g. citric acid, itaconic acid, lactic acid, acetic acid, gluconic acid etc.), amino acids (glutamic acid, lysine, aspartic acid, phenylalanine etc.) and alcohols (ethanol 2.3, butanediol etc.) V Production oI secondary metabolites: Study oI production processes Ior various classes oI low molecular weight secondary metabolites. Antibiotics-beta-lactams (penicillins, cephalosporins etc.), aminoglycosides (streptomycin, kanamycin etc.), macrolides (erythromycin), quinines, aromatics etc. Vitamins and steroids. Production oI commercially important enzymes and recombinant proteins: Proteases, amylases, lipases, cellulases, pectinases, isomerases and other commercially important enzymes Ior the Iood and pharmaceutical industries. Production oI recombinant poteins having therapeutic and diagnostic applications. Production oI vaccines. ReIerences 1. Bryan Bergerson, BioinIormatics Computing, Pearson Education. 12.07.2010 RAJASTHAN TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Detailed Syllabus B.Tech. (InIo. Tech.) V-VI Sem. 2010-11
2. Pierre Baldi, BioinIormatics: The Machine Learning Approach, Second Edition (Adaptive Computation and Machine Learning), MIT Press 3. David W. Mount, BioinIormatics: Sequence and Genome Analysis, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory 4. Warren J. Ewens & Gregory R. Grant, Statistical Methods in BioinIormatics, Springer Verlag 5. Andreas D. Baxevanis & B. F. Francis Ouellette, BioinIormatics: A Practical Guide to the Analysis oI Genes and Proteins, Wiley Interscience 12.07.2010 RAJASTHAN TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Detailed Syllabus B.Tech. (InIo. Tech.) V-VI Sem. 2010-11
6IT6.3 HUMAN COMPUTER INTERFACE (Common to Comp. Engg. & Info. Tech) Class: VI Sem. B.Tech. Evaluation Branch: I.T. Schedule per Week Lectures: 3 Examination Time Three (3) Hours Maximum Marks 100 Mid-term (20) & End-term (80)]
Units Contents of the subject I The Human: input-output channels, Human memory, thinking, emotions, individual diIIerences, psychology and the design oI interactive systems. The Computer: Text entry devices with Iocus on the design oI key boards, positioning, pointing and drawing, display devices. The Interaction: Models oI interaction, ergonomics, interaction styles, elements oI WIMP interIaces, interactivity, experience, engagement and Iun. Paradigms Ior Interaction. II Design Process: The process oI design, user Iocus, scenarios, navigation design screen design and layout, iteration & prototyping. Usability Engineering Design rules: Principles to support usability, standards, guidelines, rules and heuristics, HCI patterns. III Evaluation Techniques: DeIinition and goals oI evaluation, evaluation through expert analysis and user participation, choosing an evaluation method. User support, requirement, approaches, adaptive help systems, designing user support systems IV Cognitive methods: Goals and task hierarchies, linguistic models, challenges oI display based systems, physical and device models, cognitive architectures. V Communications and collaborations models: Face to Face communication, conversations, Text based communication, group working. Task Analysis: DiIIerences between task analysis and other techniques, task decomposition, knowledge based analysis, ER based analysis, sources oI inIormation and data collection, use oI task analysis. ReIerences: 1. Human Computer Interaction; Alan Dix et.al, 3rd ed., Pearson 12.07.2010 RAJASTHAN TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Detailed Syllabus B.Tech. (InIo. Tech.) V-VI Sem. 2010-11
6IT7 JAVA PROGRAMMING LAB (Info. Tech) Class: VI Sem. B.Tech. Evaluation Branch: I.T. Schedule per Week Practical Hrs.: 3 Examination Time Five (4) Hours Maximum Marks 100 Sessional/Mid-term (60) & End-term (40)]
Objectives: Ar rhe end of rhe semesrer, rhe srudenrs should have clearly undersrood and implemenred rhe folloving: 1. Develop an in depth understanding of programming in 1ava: dara rypes, variaLles, operarors, operaror precedence, Decision and conrrol sraremenrs, arrays, svirch sraremenr, Irerarion Sraremenrs, Jump Sraremenrs, Using Lreak, Using conrinue, rerurn. 2. Write Object Oriented programs in 1ava: OLjecrs, Classes consrrucrors, rerurning and passing oLjecrs as paramerer, Inherirance, Access Conrrol, Using super, final virh inherirance Overloading and overriding merhods, ALsrracr classes, Exrended classes. 3. Develop understanding to developing packages & Interfaces in 1ava: Fackage, concepr of CLASSFATH, access modifiers, imporring package, Defining and implemenring inrerfaces. 4. Develop understanding to developing Strings and exception handling: Srring consrrucrors, special srring operarions, characrer exrracrion, searching and comparing srrings, srring Buffer class. Exceprion handling fundamenrals, Exceprion rypes, uncaughr exceprions, rry, carch and mulriple carch sraremenrs. Usage of rhrov, rhrovs and finally. 5. Develop applications involving file handling file handling file handling file handling: I/O srreams, File I/O. 6. Develop applications involving concurrency: Frocesses and Threads, Thread OLjecrs, Defining and Srarring a Thread, Fausing Execurion virh Sleep, Inrerruprs, Joins, and Synchronizarion. 7. Develop applications involving Appler: Appler: Appler: Appler: Appler Fundamenrals, using painr merhod and draving polygons. Ir is expecred rhar each laLorarory assignmenrs ro given ro rhe srudenrs virh an aim ro In order ro achieve rhe aLove oLjecrives Indicative List of exercises: 1. Frograms ro demonsrrare Lasic conceprs e.g. operarors, classes, consrrucrors, conrrol & irerarion sraremenrs, recursion erc. such as complex arirhmeric, marrix arirhmeric, rover of Hanoi proLlem erc. 2. Developmenr of programs/projecrs ro demonsrrare conceprs like inherirance, exceprion handling, packages, inrerfaces erc. such as applicarion for elecrriciry deparrmenr, liLrary managemenr, ricker reservarion sysrem, payroll sysrem erc. 3. Developmenr of a projecr ro demonsrrare various file handling conceprs. 4. Developmenr of a projecr ro demonsrrare various appler conceprs. 12.07.2010 RAJASTHAN TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Detailed Syllabus B.Tech. (InIo. Tech.) V-VI Sem. 2010-11
6IT8 GUI DESIGN LAB. (Info. Tech)
S. No. List of Experiments 1. Adding Lurrons, edir fields, and orher child-vindov componenrs 2. Implemenr rhe COLjecr deLugging aLiliry and Common MFC proLlems 3. Implemenr GDI Funcrions, and rhe CDC class (Texr, Draving shapes, Birmaps ) 4. Implemenring Viev class funcrions I. Inreracring virh rhe user II. Evenr Handling III. Responding ro evenrs from differenr conrrol rypes 5. Implemenring Viev class funcrions I. GDI Funcrions, and rhe CDC class II. Texr III. Draving shapes IV. Birmaps 6. Implemenring Dialog Block class Crearing a Dialog Lox Invoking and displaying Serring and rerrieving values from a dialog Lox 7. Implemenring Dialog Boxes, Complerion DaraLase Classes I. ODBC vs. DAO II. DaraLases and Record sers III. Queries (filrering and ordering) 8. Frinring and Frinr Freviev I. DaraLase-sryle reporrs II Common Dialog inrerface
Class: VI Sem. B.Tech. Evaluation Branch: I.T. Schedule per Week Practical Hrs : 3 Examination Time Four (4) Hours Maximum Marks 100 Sessional/Mid-term (60) & End-term (40)] 12.07.2010 RAJASTHAN TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Detailed Syllabus B.Tech. (InIo. Tech.) V-VI Sem. 2010-11
Class: VI Sem. B.Tech. Evaluation Branch: I.T. Schedule per Week Practical Hrs : 2 Examination Time Four (4) Hours Maximum Marks 50 Sessional/Mid-term (30) & End-term (20)]
S. No. List of Experiments 1. Use of Basic Unix Shell Commands: ls, mkdir, rmdir, cd, car, Lanner, rouch, file, vc, sorr, cur, grep, dd, dfspace, du, ulimir. 2. Commands relared ro inode, I/O redirecrion and piping, process conrrol commands, mails. 3. Shell Frogramming: Shell scripr exercises Lased on folloving (i) Inreracrive shell scriprs (ii) Fosirional paramerers (iii) Arirhmeric (iv) if- rhen-fi, if-rhen-else-fi, nesred if-else (v) Logical operarors (vi) else + if equals elif, case srrucrure (vii) vhile, unril, for loops, use of Lreak (viii) Meracharacrers (ix) Sysrem adminisrrarion: disk managemenr and daily adminisrrarion 4. Wrire a shell scripr ro creare a file in $USER /class/Larch direcrory. Follov rhe insrrucrions (i) Inpur a page profile ro yourself, copy ir inro orher exisring file, (ii) Srarr prinring file ar cerrain line (iii) Frinr all rhe difference Lerveen rvo file, copy rhe rvo files ar $USER/CSC/2007 direcrory. (iv) Frinr lines marching cerrain vord parrern. 5. Wrire shell scripr for- (i) Shoving rhe counr of users logged in, (ii) Frinring Column lisr of files in your home direcrory (iii) Lisring your joL virh Lelov normal prioriry (iv) Conrinue running your joL afrer logging our. 6. Wrire a shell scripr ro change dara formar .Shov rhe rime raken in execurion of rhis scripr 7. Wrire a shell scripr ro prinr files names in a direcrory shoving dare of crearion & serial numLer of rhe file. 8. Wrire a shell scripr ro counr lines, vords and characrers in irs inpur(do nor use vc). 9. Wrire a shell scripr ro prinr end of a Glossary file in reverse order using Array. (Use avk rail) 10. Wrire a shell scripr ro check vherher Ram logged in, Conrinue checking furrher afrer every 30 seconds rill success. 11. Wrire a shell scripr ro compure gcd lcm & of rvo numLers. Use rhe Lasic funcrion ro find gcd & lcm of N numLers. 12. Wrire a shell scripr ro find vherher a given numLer is prime. Take a large numLer such as 15 digirs or higher and use a proper algorirhm.
12.07.2010 RAJASTHAN TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Detailed Syllabus B.Tech. (InIo. Tech.) V-VI Sem. 2010-11
ReI: UNIX Shell programming, By Stephen G. Kochan, Patrick H. Wood 12.07.2010 RAJASTHAN TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Detailed Syllabus B.Tech. (InIo. Tech.) V-VI Sem. 2010-11
6IT10 DESIGN AND ANALYSIS OF ALGORITHMS (Common to Comp. Engg. & Info. Tech)
Objectives: Upon successIul completion oI this course, students should be able to: Prove the correctness and analyze the running time oI the basic algorithms Ior those classic problems in various domains; Apply the algorithms and design techniques to solve problems; Analyze the complexities oI various problems in diIIerent domains. Suggested Tools: For implementation and estimation oI running time on various sizes oI input(s) or output(s) as the case may be, Linux platIorm is suggested. Suggested Exercises: A. It is expected that teachers will assign algorithms to the students Ior estimation oI time & space complexity. Algorithms reported in various research journals may be chosen by the teachers. B. Problem on designing algorithms to meet complexity constraints may be assigned. For example, a problem on design, analysis and implementation Ior transposing a sparse matrix requiring not more than one pass Irom the original matrix may be assigned. C. A guide to such problems is given below: 1. ExpIoring a Binary Heap: Consider a binary heap containing n numbers (the root stores the greatest number). You are given a positive integer k < n and a number x. You have to determine whether the k th largest element of the heap is greater than x or not. Your algorithm must take O(k) time. You may use O(k) extra storage.
2. Merging two search trees: You are given two height balanced binary search trees T and T', storing m and n elements respectively. Every element of tree T is smaller than every element of tree T'. Every node u also stores height of the subtree rooted at it. Using this extra information how can you merge the two trees in time O(log m + log n) (preserving both the height balance and the order)?
3. CompIete binary tree as an efficient data-structure: You are given an array of size n (n being a power of two). All the entries of the array are initialized to zero. You have to perform a sequence of the following online operations : 1. (i) Add(i,x) which adds x to the entry A[i]. Class: VI Sem. B.Tech. Evaluation Branch: I.T. Schedule per Week Practical Hrs : 3 Examination Time Four (4) Hours Maximum Marks 100 Sessional/Mid-term (60) & End-term (40)] 12.07.2010 RAJASTHAN TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Detailed Syllabus B.Tech. (InIo. Tech.) V-VI Sem. 2010-11
2. (ii) Report sum(i,j) = sum of the entries in the array from indices i to j for any 0 < i < j <= n. t can be seen easily that we can perform the first operation in O(1) time whereas the second operation may cost O(n) in worst case. Your objective is to perform these operations efficiently. Give a data- structure which will guarantee O(log n) time per operation.
4. ProbIems on Amortized AnaIysis a. Delete-min in constant time !!! Consider a binary heap of size n , the root storing the smallest element. We know that the cost of insertion of an element in the heap is O( log n) and the cost of deleting the smallest element is also O( log n). Suggest a valid potential function so that the amortized cost of insertion is O( log n) whereas amortized cost of deleting the smallest element is O( 1). b. mplementing a queue by two stack c. Show how to implement a queue with two ordinary stacks so that the amortized cost of each Enqueue and each Dequeue operation is O(1).
5. Computing a spanning tree having smaIIest vaIue of Iargest edge weight: Describe an efficient algorithm that, given an undirected graph G, determines a spanning tree of G whose largest edge weight is minimum over all spanning trees of G.
6. Shortest Path ProbIems: i. From a subset of vertices to another subset of vertices a. Given a directed graph G(V,E), where edges have nonnegative weights. S and D are two disjoint subsets of the set of vertices. Give an O(|V| log |V| + |E|) time algorithm to find the shortest path among the set of paths possible from any node in S to any node in D. ii. Paths in Directed Acyclic Graph a. Counting the number of paths Given two nodes u,v in a directed acyclic graph G(V,E). Give an O(|E|) time algorithm to count all the paths from u to v. b. Path passing through a subset of nodes Given two nodes u,v and a set of vertices w 1 , w 2 ,...,w k in a directed acyclic graph G(V,E). Give an O(|E|) time algorithm to output a path(if exists) from u to v which passes through each of the nodes w 1 ,...,w k . f there is no such path then your algorithm must report that "no such path exists".
7. Searching for a friend: You are standing at a crossing from where there emerge four roads extending to infinity. Your friend is somewhere on one of the four roads. You do not know on which road he is and how far he is from you. You have to walk to your friend and the total distance traveled by 12.07.2010 RAJASTHAN TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Detailed Syllabus B.Tech. (InIo. Tech.) V-VI Sem. 2010-11
you must be at most a constant times the actual distance of your friend from you. n terminology of algorithms, you should traverse O(d) distance, where d is the distance of your friend from you. 8. A simpIe probIem on sorted array: Design an O(n)-time algorithm that, given a real number x and a sorted array S of n numbers, determines whether or not there exist two elements in S whose sum is exactly x .
9. Finding the decimaI dominant in Iinear time: You are given n real numbers in an array. A number in the array is called a decimal dominant if it occurs more than n/10 times in the array. Give an O(n) time algorithm to determine if the given array has a decimal dominant.
10. Finding the first one: You are given an array of infinite length containing zeros followed by ones. How fast can you locate the first one in the array?
11. Searching for the CeIebrity: Celebrity is a person whom everybody knows but he knows nobody. You have gone to a party. There are total n persons in the party. Your job is to find the celebrity in the party. You can ask questions of the form Does Mr. X know Mr. Y ?. You will get a binary answer for each such question asked. Find the celebrity by asking only O(n) questions.
12. Checking the Scorpion: An n-vertex graph is a scorpion if it has a vertex of degree 1(the sting) connected to a vertex of degree two (the tail) connected to a vertex of degree n-2 (the body) connected to the other n-3 (the feet). Some of the feet may be connected to other feet. Design an algorithm that decides whether a given adjacency matrix represents a scorpion by examining only O(n) entries.
13. EndIess Iist: You are having a pointer to the head of singly linked list. The list either terminates at null pointer or it loops back to some 12.07.2010 RAJASTHAN TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Detailed Syllabus B.Tech. (InIo. Tech.) V-VI Sem. 2010-11
previous location(not necessarily to the head of the list). You have to determine whether the list loops back or ends at a null location in time proportional to the length of the list. You can use at most a constant amount of extra storage.
14. Nearest Common Ancestor: Given a rooted tree of size n. You receive a series of online queries: "Give nearest common ancestor of u, v ". Your objective is to preprocess the tree in O(n) time to get a data structure of size O(n) so that you can answer any such query in O(log n) time.
Final 21.07.2010 RAJASTHAN TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Detailed Syllabus B.Tech. (Info. Tech.) VII & VIII Sem. 2011-12 onwards 7IT1 SOFTWARE PROJECT MANAGEMENT (Common to Comp. Engg. & Info. Tech) Class: VII Sem. B.Tech. Evaluation Branch: Info. Tech Schedule per Week Lectures: 3 Examination Time = Three (3) Hours Maximum Marks = 100 [Mid-term (20) & End-term (80)]
Units Contents of the subject I Project Management: The management spectrum, the people, the product, the process, the project, the W 5 HH principle, critical practices Metrics for Process and Project: Metrics in the process and project Domains, software measurements, metrics for software quality, integrating metrics within software process, metrics for small organizations, establishing a software metrics program. II Estimation: Observations, Project planning Process, software scope and feasibility, resources, software project estimation, decomposition techniques, empirical estimation models, estimation for object oriented projects, estimation for Agile development and web engineering projects, the make/buy decision. III Project Scheduling: Basic concepts, project scheduling, defining a task set and task network, scheduling, earned value analysis. Risk Management: Reactive V/S proactive Risk Strategies, software risks, Risk identification, Risk projection, risk refinement, risk mitigation, monitoring and management, the RMMM plan Quality Planning.: Quality Concepts, Procedural Approach to Quality Management, Quantitative Approaches to Quality Management, Quantitative Quality Management Planning, Setting the Quality Goal, Estimating Defects for Other Stages, Quality Process Planning, Defect Prevention Planning. IV Quality Management: Quality Concepts, Software Quality assurances, software reviews, formal technical reviews, Formal approaches to SQA, Statistical Software Quality assurances, Change Management: software Configuration Management, The SCM repository, SCM Process, Configuration Management for Web Engineering V Project Execution And Closure: Reviews. The Review Process, Planning, Overview and Preparation, Group Review Meeting, Rework and Follow-up, One-Person Review, Guidelines for Reviews in Projects, Data Collection, Analysis and Control Guidelines, Introduction of Reviews and the NAH Syndrome. Project Monitoring and Control: Project Tracking, Activities Tracking, Defect Tracking, Issues Tracking, Status Reports, Milestone Analysis, Actual Versus Estimated Analysis of Effort and Schedule, Monitoring Quality, Risk-Related Monitoring. Project Closure: Project Closure Analysis, The Role of Closure Analysis, Performing Closure Analysis. References: 1. R. S. Pressman, Software Engineering 2. Pankaj Jalote, Software project management in practice, Addison-Wesley 3. B. Hughest & M. Cotterell, Software Project Management. Final 21.07.2010 RAJASTHAN TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Detailed Syllabus B.Tech. (Info. Tech.) VII & VIII Sem. 2011-12 onwards 7IT2 WIRELESS COMMUNICATION & NETWORKS (Common to Comp. Engg. & Info. Tech.) Class: VII Sem. B.Tech. Evaluation Branch: Info. Tech. Schedule per Week Lectures: 3 Examination Time = Three (3) Hours Maximum Marks = 100 [Mid-term (20) & End-term (80)]
Units Contents of the subject I Inrroducrion ro Wireless Communicarion Sysrems: Inrroducrion ro Wireless Communicarion Sysrems: Inrroducrion ro Wireless Communicarion Sysrems: Inrroducrion ro Wireless Communicarion Sysrems: Evolurion of moLile Radio Communicarions, Applicarions of moLile communicarion, MoLile Radio Sysrems Around rhe World, Example of Wireless Communicarion Sysrems, Second Generarion(2G) Cellular Nervorks, Third Generarion(3G) Wireless Nervorks, Frequency Reuse, Channel Assignmenr Srraregies, Handoff Srraregies, Inrerference and Sysrem Capaciry, Improving Coverage and Capaciry in Cellular Sysrems 3].Frequencies for radio rransmission & regularions 1]. Inrroducrion ro signals, analog & digiral dara rransmission, rransmission impairmenrs, effecr of mulriparh propagarion, rype of fading & error compensarion 2]. II Medium access conrrol: Medium access conrrol: Medium access conrrol: Medium access conrrol: need for specialized MAC, hidden and exposed rerminal, near and far rerminals, MAC schemes: Fixed TDMA, Aloha, CSMA, DAMA, FRMA, reservarion TDMA, MACA, polling, ISMA, CDMA- SAMA, comparisons 1]. Telecommunicarion sysrems: Telecommunicarion sysrems: Telecommunicarion sysrems: Telecommunicarion sysrems: GSM: moLile services, sysrem archirecrure, radio inrerface, prorocols, localizarion and calling, handover, securiry, nev dara services-HSCSD, inrroducrion ro GFRS 1,3]. III Wireless LAN: Wireless LAN: Wireless LAN: Wireless LAN: advanrages, disadvanrages and design goals, infra red v/s radio rransmission, infrasrrucrure and ad-hoc nervork, IEEE 802.11: Sysrem archirecrure, prorocol archirecrure, physical layer, medium access conrrol layer, MAC managemenr and funcrions, Lrief idea of - 802.11L, 802.11a, never developmenrs 1]. HIFERLAN: HIFERLAN: HIFERLAN: HIFERLAN: HIFERLAN 1, Blueroorh: user scenarios, archirecrure, radio layer, Lase Land layer, link manager prorocol, L2CAF, securiry, SDF, profiles, IEEE 802.15 1]. IV MoLile nervork MoLile nervork MoLile nervork MoLile nervork layer: layer: layer: layer: moLile IF - Goals, assumprions and requiremenrs, enriries and rerminology, IF packers delivery, agenr discovery, regisrrarion, runneling and encapsularion, oprimizarions, reverse runneling, DHCF. MoLile Ad hoc nervork usage & rouring- gloLal srare rouring (GSR), Desrinarion sequenced disrance vecror rouring (DSDV), Dynamic source rouring (DSR), Ad Hoc on demand disrance vecror rouring (AODV), Temporary ordered rouring algorirhm (TORA) 1]. MoLile rransporr layer: MoLile rransporr layer: MoLile rransporr layer: MoLile rransporr layer: Implicarions of moLiliry in Tradirional TCF, classical TCF improvemenrs: indirecr TCF, snooping TCF, moLile TCF, fasr rerransmir/fasr recovery, rransmission/rime-our freezing, selecrive rerransmission, rransacrion-orienred TCF 1]. V Supporr for moLiliry: Supporr for moLiliry: Supporr for moLiliry: Supporr for moLiliry: File sysrems - Inrroducrion ro coda, lirrle vork, Ficus, MIo-NFS, rover. World vide veL - hyperrexr rransfer prorocol, hyperrexr language, sysrem archirecrure. Wireless Applicarion Frorocol - archirecrure, vireless daragram prorocol, vireless rransporr layer securiry, vireless rransacrion prorocol, vireless session prorocol, vireless applicarion environmenr, vireless markup language, WML Scripr, vireless relephony applicarion, push archirecrure, push/pull services, example sracks virh WAF1.x 1]. Texr Books & References Texr Books & References Texr Books & References Texr Books & References: : : : 1. MoLile Communicarions, Schiller, 2 nd Ed., Fearson. 2. Wireless Communicarions, Theodore S. Rappaporr, 2 nd Ed., FHI. 3. Wireless Communicarions, William Srallings, Frenrice Hall 4. WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS & NETWORKING, Vijay Garg, The Morgan Kaufmann Series in Nervorking
Final 21.07.2010 RAJASTHAN TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Detailed Syllabus B.Tech. (Info. Tech.) VII & VIII Sem. 2011-12 onwards 7IT3 DATA MINING & WARE HOUSING (Info. Tech.) Class: VII Sem. B.Tech. Evaluation Branch: Info. Tech. Schedule per Week Lectures: 3 Examination Time = Three (3) Hours Maximum Marks = 100 [Mid-term (20) & End-term (80)]
Units Contents of the subject I Overviev, Morivarion(for Dara Mining),Dara Mining-Definirion & Funcrionaliries, Dara Frocessing, Form of Dara Freprocessing, Dara Cleaning: Missing Values, Noisy Dara, (Binning, Clusrering, Regression, Compurer and Human inspecrion), Inconsisrenr Dara, Dara Inregrarion and Transformarion. Dara Reducrion:-Dara CuLe Aggregarion, Dimensionaliry reducrion, Dara Compression, Numerosiry Reducrion, Clusrering, Discrerizarion and Concepr hierarchy generarion. II Concepr Descriprion: Concepr Descriprion: Concepr Descriprion: Concepr Descriprion: Definirion, Dara Generalizarion, Analyrical Characrerizarion, Analysis of arrriLure relevance, Mining Class comparisons, Srarisrical measures in large DaraLases. Measuring Cenrral Tendency, Measuring Dispersion of Dara, Graph Displays of Basic Srarisrical class Descriprion, Mining Associarion Rules in Large DaraLases, Associarion rule mining, mining Single-Dimensional Boolean Associarion rules from Transacrional DaraLases Apriori Algorirhm, Mining Mulrilevel Associarion rules from Transacrion DaraLases and Mining Mulri- Dimensional Associarion rules from Relarional DaraLases. III Whar is Classificarion & Fredicrion, Issues regarding Classificarion and predicrion, Decision rree, Bayesian Classificarion, Classificarion Ly Back propagarion, Mulrilayer feed-forvard Neural Nervork, Back propagarion Algorirhm, Classificarion merhods K-nearesr neighLour classifiers, Generic Algorirhm. Clusrer Analysis: Dara rypes in clusrer analysis, Caregories of clusrering merhods, Farririoning merhods. Hierarchical Clusrering- CURE and Chameleon. Densiry Based Merhods-DBSCAN, OFTICS. Grid Based Merhods- STING, CLIQUE. Model Based Merhod Srarisrical Approach, Neural Nervork approach, Ourlier Analysis IV Dara Warehousing: Dara Warehousing: Dara Warehousing: Dara Warehousing: Overviev, Definirion, Delivery Frocess, Difference Lerveen DaraLase Sysrem and Dara Warehouse, Mulri Dimensional Dara Model, Dara CuLes, Srars, Snov Flakes, Facr Consrellarions, Concepr hierarchy, Frocess Archirecrure, 3 Tier Archirecrure, Dara Mining. V Aggregarion, Hisrorical informarion, Query Faciliry, OLAF funcrion and Tools. OLAF Servers, ROLAF, MOLAF, HOLAF, Dara Mining inrerface, Securiry, Backup and Recovery, Tuning Dara Warehouse, Tesring Dara Warehouse. Texr Books & References Texr Books & References Texr Books & References Texr Books & References: 1. Dara Warehousing in rhe Real World Anahory and Murray, Fearson Educarion. 2. Dara Mining Conceprs and Techniques Jiavai Han and Micheline KamLer. 3. Building rhe Dara Warehouse WH Inmon, Wiley. Final 21.07.2010 RAJASTHAN TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Detailed Syllabus B.Tech. (Info. Tech.) VII & VIII Sem. 2011-12 onwards 7IT4 INTERNET PROGRAMMING (Info. Tech.) Class: VII Sem. B.Tech. Evaluation Branch: Info. Tech Schedule per Week Lectures: 3 Examination Time = Three (3) Hours Maximum Marks = 100 [Mid-term (20) & End-term (80)]
Units Contents of the subject I Introduction , Editing XHTML , First XHTML Example , W3C XHTML Validation service , Headings, Linking , Images , Special Characters and horizontal rules, Lists, Tables, forms, Internet linking, web resources. Cascading Style Sheets Introduction , Inline Styles, Embedded Style Sheets, Conflicting Styles , Linking External Style Sheets, Positioning Elements , Backgrounds , Element Dimensions , Box Model and Text Flow Media types, Building a CSS drop-down menu, User Style Sheets ,CSS3, Web Resources II JavaScript: Introduction to Scripting, Control Structures, Functions, Arrays, Objects, and Document object model (DOM): Objects and Collections, Events. XML and RSS: Introduction, XML basics, structuring data, XML namespaces, document type definitions (DTDs), W3C XML schema documents ,XML vocabularies, Extensible style sheet language and XSL transformations, Document object model(DOM),RSS III Ajax-enabled rich internet applications: introduction , traditional web applications vs Ajax application , rich internet application (RIAs)with Ajax, history of Ajax, Raw Ajax example using the XMLHttpRequest object , using XML and the DOM, creating a full-scale Ajax enabled application ,dojo toolkit Web Servers (IIS and Apache): introduction, HTTP transactions , multi tier application architecture ,client-side scripting versus server-side scripting ,accessing web servers, Microsoft internet information services(IIS), Apache HTTP server, requesting documents. IV PHP: Introduction, PHP basics, string processors and regular expressions , form processing and business logic, connecting to a database, using cookies, dynamic content, operator precedence chart ASP.NET 2.0 and ASP.NET Ajax: introduction, creating and running a simple web form example, web controls, session tracking case study : connecting to a database in ASP.NET V Java Server Faces Web applications: introduction, java web technologies, creating and running a simple application in NetBeans, JSF components , session tracking
References 1. Internet & WWW, How to program, DEITEL P.J., H.M., Prentice Hall Final 21.07.2010 RAJASTHAN TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Detailed Syllabus B.Tech. (Info. Tech.) VII & VIII Sem. 2011-12 onwards 7 IT 5 COMPUTER GRAPHICS & MULTIMEDIA TECHNIQUES (Common to Comp. Engg. & Info. Tech.) Class: VII Sem. B.Tech. Evaluation Branch: Info. Tech Schedule per Week Lectures: 3 Examination Time = Three (3) Hours Maximum Marks = 100 [Mid-term (20) & End-term (80)]
Units Contents of the subject I Inrroducrion: Inrroducrion: Inrroducrion: Inrroducrion: Inrroducrion ro Rasrer scan displays, Srorage ruLe displays, refreshing, flicking, inrerlacing, color monirors, display processors, resolurion, Inrroducrion ro Inreracrive. Compurer Graphics: Ficrure analysis, Overviev of programmer's model of inreracrive graphics, Fundamenral proLlems in geomerry. Scan Conversion: poinr, line, circle, ellipse polygon, Aliasing, and inrroducrion ro Anri Aliasing (No anri aliasing algorirhm). II 2D & 3D Co 2D & 3D Co 2D & 3D Co 2D & 3D Co- -- -ordinare sysrem ordinare sysrem ordinare sysrem ordinare sysrem: :: : Homogeneous Co-ordinares, Translarion, Rorarion, Scaling, Reflecrion, Inverse rransformarion, Composire rransformarion. Folygon Represenrarion, Flood Filling, Boundary filling. Foinr Clipping, Cohen-Surherland Line Clipping Algorirhm, Folygon Clipping algorirhms. III Hidden Lines & Surfaces Hidden Lines & Surfaces Hidden Lines & Surfaces Hidden Lines & Surfaces: Image and OLjecr space, Deprh Buffer Merhods, Hidden Facers removal, Scan line algorirhm, Area Lased algorirhms. Curves and Splines Curves and Splines Curves and Splines Curves and Splines: Faramerric and Non paramerric Represenrarions, Bezier curve, B- Spline Curves. IV Rendering Rendering Rendering Rendering: :: : Basic illuminarion model, diffuse reflecrion, specular reflecrion, phong shading, Gourand shading, ray rracing, color models like RGB, YIQ, CMY, HSV V Mulrimedia: Mulrimedia: Mulrimedia: Mulrimedia: Mulrimedia componenrs, Mulrimedia Inpur/Ourpur Technologies: Srorage and rerrieval rechnologies, Archirecrural considerarions, file formars. Animarion: Animarion: Animarion: Animarion: Inrroducrion, Rules, proLlems and Animarion rechniques. Text/References: 1. J. Foley, A. Van Dam, S. Feiner, J. Hughes: Computer Graphics- Principles and Practice, Pearson 2. Hearn and Baker: Computer Graphics, PHI 3. Multimedia Systems Design, Prabhat Andleigh and Thakkar, PHI. 4. Multimedia Information Networking, N.K.Sharda, PHI.. Final 21.07.2010 RAJASTHAN TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Detailed Syllabus B.Tech. (Info. Tech.) VII & VIII Sem. 2011-12 onwards 7IT6.1 ADVANCE DATABASE MANGEMENT SYSTEMS (Common to Comp. Engg. & Info. Tech.) Class: VII Sem. B.Tech. Evaluation Branch: Info. Tech. Schedule per Week Lectures: 3 Examination Time = Three (3) Hours Maximum Marks = 100 [Mid-term (20) & End-term (80)]
Units Contents of the subject I Query Frocessing a Query Frocessing a Query Frocessing a Query Frocessing and Oprimizarion nd Oprimizarion nd Oprimizarion nd Oprimizarion: Overviev of Relarional Query Oprimizarion, Sysrem Caralog in a Relarional DBMS, Alrernarive Flans, Translaring SQL, Queries inro AlgeLra, Esrimaring rhe Cosr of a Flan, Relarional AlgeLra Equivalences, Enumerarion of Alrernarive Flans. 2] II OLjecr DaraLase Sysrems OLjecr DaraLase Sysrems OLjecr DaraLase Sysrems OLjecr DaraLase Sysrems: Morivaring Examples, Srrucrured Dara Types, Operarions On Srrucrured Dara, Encapsularion and ADT's, Inherirance, OLjecrs, OIDs and Reference Types, DaraLase Design for an ORDBMS, ORDBMS Implemenrarion Challenges, ORDBMS, Comparing RDBMS, OODBMS, and ORDBMS. III Farallel Farallel Farallel Farallel a aa and DisrriLured DaraLases nd DisrriLured DaraLases nd DisrriLured DaraLases nd DisrriLured DaraLases: Archirecrures for Farallel, DaraLases, Farallel Query Evaluarion, Farallelizing Individual Operarions, Farallel Query Oprimizarion, DisrriLured DBMS Archirecrures, Sroring Dara in a DisrriLured DBMS, DisrriLured Caralog Managemenr, DisrriLured Query Frocessing, Updaring DisrriLured Dara, Inrroducrion ro DisrriLured Transacrions, DisrriLured Concurrency Conrrol, DisrriLured Recovery. 2] IV DaraLase Securiry DaraLase Securiry DaraLase Securiry DaraLase Securiry a aa and Aurhorizarion nd Aurhorizarion nd Aurhorizarion nd Aurhorizarion: Inrroducrion ro DaraLase Securiry, Access Conrrol, Discrerionary Access Conrrol- Granr and Revoke on Vievs and Inregriry Consrrainrs, Mandarory Access Conrrol- Mulrilevel Relarions and Folyinsranriarion, Coverr Channels, DoD Securiry Levels, Addirional Issues Relared ro Securiry- Role of rhe DaraLase Adminisrraror, Securiry in Srarisrical DaraLases, Encryprion. 2] V FOSTGES FOSTGES FOSTGES FOSTGES: FOSTGRES user inrerfaces, sql variarions and exrensions, Transacrion Managemenr, Srorage and Indexing, Query processing and oprimizarions, Sysrem Archirecrures. XML: XML: XML: XML: Morivarion, Srrucrure of XML dara, XML Documenr Schema, Querying and Transformarion, Applicarion Frogram Inrerface ro XML, Srorage of XML Dara, XML applicarions. 2] Text/References 1. Elmasri R and Navathe SB, Fundamentals of Database Systems, 3rd Edition, Addison Wesley, 2000. 2. Connolly T, Begg C and Strachan A, Database Systems, 2 nd Edition, Addison Wesley, 1999 3. Ceri Pelagatti , Distributed Database: Principles and System - (McGraw Hill) 4. Simon AR, Strategic Database Technology: Management for the Year 2000, Morgan Kaufmann, 1995 5. A. Silversatz, H. Korth and S. Sudarsan: Database Cocepts 5 th edition, Mc-Graw Hills 2005. Final 21.07.2010 RAJASTHAN TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Detailed Syllabus B.Tech. (Info. Tech.) VII & VIII Sem. 2011-12 onwards 7 IT 6.2 INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS (Info. Tech)
Units Contents of the subject I Inrroducrion, FroLlems & Heurisr Inrroducrion, FroLlems & Heurisr Inrroducrion, FroLlems & Heurisr Inrroducrion, FroLlems & Heurisric Search: ic Search: ic Search: ic Search: The AI FroLlems and assumprion, AI Technique, FroLlem, FroLlem space, Froducrion Sysrem & characrerisrics, FroLlem characrerisrics, Heurisrics search Technique Heurisrics search Technique Heurisrics search Technique Heurisrics search Technique- -- - Generare and resr, Hill ClimLing, BFS, FroLlem Reducrion, consrrainr sarisfacrion, Means-ends analysis. II Knovledge Represenrarion: Knovledge Represenrarion: Knovledge Represenrarion: Knovledge Represenrarion: Represenrarion and Mapping, approaches, Issue, Fredicare Logic-Represenrarion of Simple facrs in logic, insrance and ISA represenrarion, compuraLle funcrions and predicares, Resolurion, narural deducrion. Represenring Knovledge Using Rules- Frocedural v/s Declararive Knovledge, Forvarded v/s Backvard Reasoning, Logic Frogramming, and Marching. III Game playing Game playing Game playing Game playing- -- - Inrroducrion, , , , Minimax Search Frocedure, adding Alpha Bera Curoff, addirional refinemenrs, Irerarive Deepings, reference on specific games. Flanning Flanning Flanning Flanning- -- - Componenr of Flanning Sysrem, Goal Srack Flanning, Nonlinear Flanning, Hierarchical Flanning and Reacrive Sysrem. Undersranding. IV Learning Learning Learning Learning- -- - Inrroducrion, role of learning, learning in proLlem solving, example and explanarion Lased learning, discovery, analogy, formal learning rheory. Connecrionisr model Connecrionisr model Connecrionisr model Connecrionisr model- -- - Inrroducrion ro neural nervorks, hopfield nervorks, learning in Neural Nervork applicarion of neural nervork, recurrenr nervork. V Experr sysrem Experr sysrem Experr sysrem Experr sysrem- Inrroducrion, represenring using domain knovledge, experr sysrem shell, explanarion and knovledge acquisirion. Fuzzy Logic Sysrem Fuzzy Logic Sysrem Fuzzy Logic Sysrem Fuzzy Logic Sysrem- -- - Inrroducrion, Crisp Sers, Fuzzy Sers, Fuzzy Terminology, Fuzzy Logic Conrrol, Fuzzy Inference Frocessing. Generic algorirhms Generic algorirhms Generic algorirhms Generic algorirhms- -- - Inrroducrion, significance of generic operarors, rerminarion paramerers, niching & speciarion, evolving neural nervorks, ANT algorirhms. Texr Books & References: 1. Arrificial Inrelligence: Elaine Rich, Kevin Knighr, Mc-Grav Hill. 2. Inrroducrion ro AI & Experr Sysrem: Dan W. Farrerson, FHI. 3. Arrificial Inrelligence Ly Luger (Fearson Educarion) 4. Russel & Norvig, Arrificial Inrelligence: A Modern Approach, Frenrice-Hall
Class: VII Sem. B.Tech. Evaluation Branch: Info. Tech Schedule per Week Lectures: 3 Examination Time = Three (3) Hours Maximum Marks = 100 [Mid-term (20) & End-term (80)] Final 21.07.2010 RAJASTHAN TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Detailed Syllabus B.Tech. (Info. Tech.) VII & VIII Sem. 2011-12 onwards 7IT 6.3 SPEECH PROCESSING (Info. Tech) Class: VII Sem. B.Tech. Evaluation Branch: Info. Tech Schedule per Week Lectures: 3 Examination Time = Three (3) Hours Maximum Marks = 100 [Mid-term (20) & End-term (80)]
Units Contents of the subject I The speech chain: current capabilities in synthesis and recognition. Acoustic phonetics. Vocal tract physiology: voiced excitation, unvoiced excitation (bursts, frication). Acoustics of uniform tubes, of two- and three- tube models. Comparison to speech data. II Synthesis: Formant synthesis (series, parallel), Articulatory synthesis, Concatenative Synthesis, Text-to-Speech (normalisation, linguistic units, rules). Articulatory parameters, shape-to-sound transformation, vocal tract imaging, revising the acoustic model. III Letter-sound relations, phonology; prosody, intelligibility, quality assessment. Ear physiology. Auditory perception. Speech perception. IV Recognition: Template matching. (Training, distance measures, dynamic time warping), Stochastic models. (Hidden Markov models, Baum-Welch and Forward-Backward algorithms). Large-Vocabulary Recognition. (Phonemic baseforms, language models), Artificial Neural Networks. (Overview, hybrid systems). V Assessing recognition performance; improving recognition performance; Knowledge-based approaches, auditory models. References: 1. J N Holmes and W. Holmes, Speech Synthesis and Recognition, 2nd ed., Taylor and Francis, 2001. 2. B. Gold and N. Morgan, Speech and Audio Signal Processing, Wiley and Sons, 2000. 3. G. Childers, Speech Processing and Synthesis Toolboxes, Wiley and Sons, 2000. 4. J. R. Deller, J. R. Proakis, J. H. L. Hansen, Discrete-Time Processing of Speech Signals, Prentice-Hall 1993. 5. P. B. Denes and E. N. Pinson, The Speech Chain, W. H. Freeman & Co 1993. 6. S Furui, Digital Speech Processing, Synthesis and Recognition, Marcel Dekker Inc 1989. 7. D O'Shaughnessy, Speech Communications: Human & Machine, IEEE Press 1999. 8. L R Rabiner and R W Schafer, Digital Processing of Speech Signals, Prentice-Hall 1978. 9. K. N. Stevens, Acoustic Phonetics, MIT Final 21.07.2010 RAJASTHAN TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Detailed Syllabus B.Tech. (Info. Tech.) VII & VIII Sem. 2011-12 onwards 7IT7 COMPUTER GRAPHICS & MULTIMEDIA LAB (Common to Comp. Engg. & Info. Tech) Class: VII Sem. B.Tech. Evaluation Branch: Info. Tech. Schedule per Week Practical Hrs.: 2 Examination Time = Four (4) Hours Maximum Marks = 50 [Sessional /Mid-term (30) & End-term (20)]
Objectives: At the end of the semester, the students should have clearly understood and implemented the following: 1. To produce a single pixel and pre specified pattern on screen: 2. To implement features like changing background color, foreground color, resizing of window, repositioning of window: 3. To implement mid point algorithm to draw circle and ellipse: 4. Use the line drawing & circle drawing programs to draw composite objects containing only circle & lines. You can take shapes like a cart, car etc. 5. To Implement Clipping (various algorithms). 6. Simple fonts, graphical fonts, scalable fonts. 7. Input a polygon by drawing lines, use appropriate methods for filling and filling convex & concave polygons.
Suggested Platform/Tools: 1. For this lab, the students can choose any platform either Microsoft Windows or Linux. 2. Compilers & Libraries: Microsoft Platform- Visual Studio.Net, Linux Xlib. 3. No turbo C/C++. No library function except the one required to put a single pixel on the screen.
Indicative List of Experiments: 1. Programs to produce a single pixel produce a pre specified pattern with features like changing background color, foreground color, resizing of window, repositioning of window must be demonstrated. 2. Use Mid Point algorithm to draw line between two points. The program must be independent of the slope i.e. lines of all slopes must be drawn. 3. Use Mid Point algorithm to draw ellipse. Implement circle drawing as a special case of ellipse. Extend this to draw arcs between points. 4. Programs to draw composite objects containing circles & lines, drawing lines thicker than one pixel, you can take shapes like a cart, car etc. 5. Programs to demonstrate text generation e.g. simple fonts, graphical fonts, and scalable fonts. 6. Programs to demonstrate filling algorithms eg. filling convex & concave polynomials. The program must be able to (i) input a polynomial by drawing lines (ii) determine whether convex or concave (iii) use appropriate methods for filling. 7. Programs to demonstrate clipping algorithms eg. program to clip a (i) line and (ii) polygon using Cohen-Sutherland Clipping algorithm(s), clipping lines, circles against a rectangular clip area. 8. Programs to demonstrate presentation of geometrical objects e.g.circle and rectangle with audio description i.e. size, color of boundary and interior etc. played synchronously one after another. Final 21.07.2010 RAJASTHAN TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Detailed Syllabus B.Tech. (Info. Tech.) VII & VIII Sem. 2011-12 onwards 7 IT 8 UML Lab (Info. Tech) Objectives: 1. The students shall be able to use following modules of UML for system description, implementation and finally for product development.
- Capture a business process model. - The User Interaction or Use Case Model - describes the boundary and interaction between the system and users. Corresponds in some respects to a requirements model. - The Interaction or Communication Model - describes how objects in the system will interact with each other to get work done. - The State or Dynamic Model - State charts describe the states or conditions that classes assume over time. Activity graphs describe the workflows the system will implement. - The Logical or Class Model - describes the classes and objects that will make up the system. - The Physical Component Model - describes the software (and sometimes hardware components) that make up the system. - The Physical Deployment Model - describes the physical architecture and the deployment of components on that hardware architecture.
The students are expected to use the UML models, prepare necessary documents using UML and implement a system. Some hardware products like digital clock, digital camera, washing machine controller, air conditioner controller, an electronic fan regulator, an elementary mobile phone etc. may also be chosen. The students shall be assigned one problem on software based systems and another involving software as well as hardware. Class: VII Sem. B.Tech. Evaluation Branch: Info.Tech. Schedule per Week Practical Hrs : 3 Examination Time = Four (4) Hours Maximum Marks = 100 [Sessional/Mid-term (60) & End-term (40)] Final 21.07.2010 RAJASTHAN TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Detailed Syllabus B.Tech. (Info. Tech.) VII & VIII Sem. 2011-12 onwards 7 IT 9 INTERNET PROGRAMMING LAB (Info. Tech) Objectives: At the end of the semester, the students should have clearly understood and implemented the following: 1. Develop basic understanding of HTML script: overview of HTML, basic HTML tags, title, head and body. 2. Write web pages in HTML: formatting text in HTML, inserting photographs on the page, drawing tables, creating hyperlinks-internal and external, creating hyperlinks of external web sites. 3. Develop understanding of creating standard view of web site: displaying multiple pages over a single page, displaying it as standard view like header and footer, creating standard text formatting over the web site. 4. Develop understanding common formation over a web site: creating and using css, understanding importance of common text formatting over a website. 5. Develop understanding of server side scripting language: basic concepts of scripting language, client side and server side scripting, introduction to php, variable, control statements, loops . 6. Develop applications using php and MySQL: using php to access database, mysql database selection, create, update and delete script in php. It is expected that each laboratory assignments to given to the students with an aim to In order to achieve the above objectives Indicative List of Experiments: 1. Develop a static html page using style sheet to show your own profile. Add pages one by one to show 5 photos, to show your academics in tabular format, a page containing 5 links to your favorite website, navigational links to all above pages (menu), header, footer, left-sidebar, right sidebar etc. 2. Use Cascading Style Sheets to format your all pages in a common format. 3. Write a simple "hello word" program using php. 4. Write a program to accept two strings (name and age) from user. Print welcome statement e.g. Hi Ram, your age is 24." 5. Write a program to create a calculator, which can support addition, subtraction, multiply and division operations. 6. Write a program to take input parameters for a table (no. of rows and no. of columns) and create the desired table. 7. Create a "Contact Me" page -Ask user to enter his name, email ID, Use Java-Script to verify entered email address. Store submitted value in a MySql database. Display latest 5 submitted records in contact me page. Display above record with navigation support. e.g. (next, previous, first, last) Class: VII Sem. B.Tech. Evaluation Branch: Info. Tech. Schedule per Week Practical Hrs : 2 Examination Time = Four (4) Hours Maximum Marks = 50 [Sessional/Mid-term (30) & End-term (20)] Final 21.07.2010 RAJASTHAN TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Detailed Syllabus B.Tech. (Info. Tech.) VII & VIII Sem. 2011-12 onwards 8 IT 1 SOFTWARE TESTING & VALIDATION (Info. Tech) Class: VIII Sem. B.Tech. Evaluation Branch: Info. Tech Schedule per Week Lectures: 3 Examination Time = Three (3) Hours Maximum Marks = 100 [Mid-term (20) & End-term (80)]
Units Contents of the subject I Sofrvare Verificarion and Validarion Sofrvare Verificarion and Validarion Sofrvare Verificarion and Validarion Sofrvare Verificarion and Validarion- Inrroducrion, Verificarion, Merhod of Verificarion, Validarion, Level of Validarion, Frinciple of resring, conrexr of resring in producing sofrvare, Whire Box resring- Definirion, Sraric resring, Srrucrural resring, , Black Lox resring, II Inregrarion Tesring Inregrarion Tesring Inregrarion Tesring Inregrarion Tesring- Scenario Tesring, Defecr Lash, Sysrem and acceprance resring- funcrional, non-funcrional resring, Ferformance resring- merhodology, rools & Frocess III Regression Tesring, Inrernarionalizarion Tesring Regression Tesring, Inrernarionalizarion Tesring Regression Tesring, Inrernarionalizarion Tesring Regression Tesring, Inrernarionalizarion Tesring-Inrroducrion, Tesr Fhases of Inrernarionalizarion resring, EnaLling resring, Locale Tesring, Language resring, Localizarion resring, Ad-hoc resring- Overviev, Buddy resring, Fair Tesring, Explorarory Tesring, Irerarive resring Agile and Exrreme Tesring IV Tesring Of OLjecr Tesring Of OLjecr Tesring Of OLjecr Tesring Of OLjecr-orienred sysrems: orienred sysrems: orienred sysrems: orienred sysrems: Inrroducrion, Frimer on oLjecr orienred sofrvare, Differences in OO resring. U UU UsaLiliry And AccessiLiliry Tesring saLiliry And AccessiLiliry Tesring saLiliry And AccessiLiliry Tesring saLiliry And AccessiLiliry Tesring- vhar is usaLiliry resring, approach ro usaLiliry, vhen ro do usaLiliry resring, hov ro achieve usaLiliry, qualiry facrors for usaLiliry, accessiLiliry resring, rools for usaLiliry, V Tesr planning, Tesr Managemenr, Tesr Frocess and reporring, Sofrvare Tesr Auromarion- Scope of Auromarion, Design and Archirecrure of auromarion, Frocess Model for Auromarion, Tesr marrices and measuremenr- Type of Merrics, Frojecr Merrics, Froducriviry Merrics, Frogress Merrics, Release Merrics
Texr Books & References: 1. Sofrvare resring, Srinivasan D., Gopalsvami R. Fearson Educarion 2. Sofrvare Tesring M G Limaye TMH 3 .Sofrvare Engineering Sommerville Fearson Educarion Final 21.07.2010 RAJASTHAN TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Detailed Syllabus B.Tech. (Info. Tech.) VII & VIII Sem. 2011-12 onwards 8 IT 2 INFORMATION SYSTEM SECURITY (Common to Comp. Engg. & Info. Tech) Class: VIII Sem. B.Tech. Evaluation Branch: Info. Tech. Schedule per Week Lectures: 3 Examination Time = Three (3) Hours Maximum Marks = 100 [Mid-term (20) & End-term (80)] Units Contents of the subject I Elements of Number Theory: Divisibility and Euclid Algorithm, Primes and the Sieve of Eratosthenes, testing for primes, Prime Number Theorem, Eulers, Fermats Little theorems, Congruences, Computing Inverse in Congruences, Legendre and Jacobi Symbols, Chinese Remainder Theorem, Algebraic Structures in Computing (Definitions, properties and Elementary Operations Only): Groups, subgroup, order of group, cyclic group, ring, field, division algorithm, polynomial over a field. Galois Field Elements of Information Theory: Entropy, redundancy of language, Key Equivocation & Unicity Distance, equivocation of a simple cryptographic system II Security Attacks: Active V/S Passive, Security Services, Security Mechanisms. Symmetric Cipher Model, Types of attacks on Encrypted messages. Classical Cipher Techniques: Caeser, Affine, Mono-alphabetic, Transposition, Poly- alphabetic Ciphers Private Key Cryptosystems: Block Cipher Principles, Fiestel Cipher, Concept of Confusion and Diffusion in block ciphers, Product Ciphers, Lucifer Algorithm. DES Algorithm, DES modes of operations, IDEA. Differential & Linear Cryptanalysis (Introduction Only). S-box theory: Boolean Function, S-box design criteria, Bent functions, Propagation and nonlinearity, construction of balanced functions, S-box design. Link Vis End-to-End Encryption, Key Distribution in Symmetric Encryption III Public Key Cryptosystems: Principles of Public Key Cryptosystems, Factorization, RSA Algorithm, security analysis of RSA, Exponentiation in Modular Arithmetic. Key Management in Public Key Cryptosystems: Distribution of Public Keys, Distribution of Secret keys using Public Key Cryptosystems. Discrete Logarithms, Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange. IV Message Authentication & Hashing: Birthday Paradox and General case of Duplications, Basic functions of Message Authentication and Hashing, Introduction to Hash & MAC algorithms. Digital Signatures: RSA Based, ElGamal Signatures, Undeniable Signatures. Authentication: Model of Authentication Systems, Impersonation, Substitution and spoofing games, Authentication schemes for mutual authentication based on shared secret, two-way public key, one-way public key, Mediated Authentication, One way Authentication. V X.509 Authentication Service: Certificates, Authentication Procedure, X.509 Version 3. E-Mail Security: PGP including management of keys in PGP, S/MIME. Network Security: IPSec, AH & ESP in Transport and Tunnel mode with multiple security associations (Key Management not Included). SSL (Protocols Only) Intrusion Detection: Audit Reports, Statistical Anomaly Detection, Rule based detection, honeypots, intrusion detection exchange formats. Password Protection: Lamport Hash, EKE Protocol. Text/References: 1. Stalling Williams: Cryptography and Network Security: Principles and Practices, 4th Edition, Pearson Education, 2006. 2. Kaufman Charlie et.al; Network Security: Private Communication in a Public World, 2nd Ed., PHI/Pearson. 3. Pieprzyk Josef and et.al; Fundamentals of Computer Security, Springer-Verlag, 2008. 4. Trappe & Washington, Introduction to Cryptography, 2nd Ed. Pearson. Final 21.07.2010 RAJASTHAN TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Detailed Syllabus B.Tech. (Info. Tech.) VII & VIII Sem. 2011-12 onwards 8 IT 3 Data Compression Techniques (Info. Tech)
Units Contents of the subject I Compression Techniques: Lossless, lossy, measure of performance, modeling & coding. Lossless compression: Derivation of average information, data models, uniquely decodable codes with tests, prefix codes, Kraft-Mc Millan inequality. Huffman coding: Algorithms, minimum variance Huffman codes, optimality, length extended codes, adaptive coding, Rice codes, using Huffman codes for lossless image compression. II Arithmetic coding with application to lossless compression. Dictionary Techniques: LZ77, LZ78, LZW Predictive coding: Burrows-Wheeler Transform and move-to-front coding, JPEG-LS Facsimile Encoding: Run length, T.4 and T.6 III Lossy coding- Mathematical preliminaries: Distortion criteria, conditional entropy, average mutual information, differential entropy, rate distortion theory, probability and linear system models. Scalar quantization: The quantization problem, uniform quantizer, Forward adaptive quantization, non-uniform quantization-Formal adopting quantization, companded Quantization Vector quantization: Introduction, advantages, The Linde-Ruzo-Grey algorithm, lattice vector quantization. IV Differential encoding Introduction, Basic algorithm, Adaptive DPCM, Delta modulation, speech and image coding using delta modulation. Sampling in frequency and time domain, z-transform, DCT, DST, DWHT, quantization and coding of transform coefficient. V Sub band coding: Introduction, Filters, Basic algorithm, Design of Filter banks, G.722, MPEG. Wavelet based compression: Introduction, wavelets multi-resolution analysis and the scaling function implementation using filters. References: 1. Sayood K: Introduction to Data Compression: ELSEVIER 2005. Class: VIII Sem. B.Tech. Evaluation Branch: Info. Tech Schedule per Week Lectures: 3 Examination Time = Three (3) Hours Maximum Marks = 100 [Mid-term (20) & End-term (80)] Final 21.07.2010 RAJASTHAN TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Detailed Syllabus B.Tech. (Info. Tech.) VII & VIII Sem. 2011-12 onwards
8 IT 4.1 MOBILE COMPUTING (Info. Tech) Class: VIII Sem. B.Tech. Evaluation Branch: Info. Tech Schedule per Week Lectures: 3 Examination Time = Three (3) Hours Maximum Marks = 100 [Mid-term (20) & End-term (80)]
Units Contents of the subject I MoLile compuring: MoLile compuring: MoLile compuring: MoLile compuring: Definirions, adapraLiliry issues (rransparency, Environmenral Consrrainrs, applicarion avare adaprarion), mechanisms for adaprarion and incorporaring adaprarions. MoLiliry managemenr: MoLiliry managemenr: MoLiliry managemenr: MoLiliry managemenr: moLiliry managemenr, locarion managemenr principle and rechniques, Energy efficienr nervork prorocols, FCS locarion managemenr Scheme, Energy efficienr indexing on air and algorirhm. II Dara disseminarion and managemenr: challenges, Dara disseminarion, Landvidrh allocarion for puLlishing, Lroadcasr disk scheduling, moLile cache mainrenance schemes, MoLile WeL Caching. Inrroducrion ro moLile middlevare, Middlevare for applicarion developmenr: adaprarion. MoLile Agenrs- inrroducrion, moLile agenr compuring, model, rechnologies, applicarion ro DBMS, MoLile Agenr Securiry and Faulr Tolerance using DisrriLured Transacrions, ReliaLle Agenr Transfer, Archirecrure of a Secure Agenr Sysrem, Nervork Securiry Tesring Using MoLile Agenrs, Nervork Securiry Tesring Using MoLile Agenrs. III Service Discovery Middlevare: Service Discovery Middlevare: Service Discovery Middlevare: Service Discovery Middlevare: Service Discovery & srandardizarion Merhods (Universally Unique Idenrifiers, Texrual Descriprion & using inrerfaces), unicasr Discovery, Mulricasr Discovery & adverrisemenr, service caralogs, GarLage Collecrion, Evenring, securiry. Universal Flug and Flay, Jini, Salurarion. IV Fervasive compuring: Fervasive compuring: Fervasive compuring: Fervasive compuring: Inrroducrion, FrinciplesDecenrralizarion, Diversificarion, Connecriviry, Simpliciry, Fervasive Informarion Technology, MoLile Devices Classificarion, Characrerisrics, Limirarions, Smarr Idenrificarion Smarr Card, Smarr LaLel, Smarr Tokens, Smarr Sensors and Acruarors, Smarr Home. V WeL Services, WeL Service Archirecrure, WSDL, UDDI, SOAF, WeL Service Securiry, WeL Services for Remore Forrals. Inrerner Forrals Funcrional Overviev, Type B2E Forrals, Forral Infrasrrucrure. Srandards: Srandards: Srandards: Srandards: DECT, TETRA, UMTS, IMT-2000, IrDA-Archirecrure & prorocol sracks.
References: 1. Frank Adelstein, Sandeep Gupta, Golden Richard III, Loren Schwiebert, Fundamentals of Mobile and Pervasive Computing, TMH. 2. Principles of mobile computing Hansmann & Merk., Springer 3. Mobile communications Jochen Schiller , Pearson 4. 802.11 wireless networks Matthew S.Gast, OREILLY. 5. Wireless LANs: Davis & McGuffin, McGraw Hill Final 21.07.2010 RAJASTHAN TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Detailed Syllabus B.Tech. (Info. Tech.) VII & VIII Sem. 2011-12 onwards 8 IT 4.2 Network Management (Info. Tech)
Unirs Unirs Unirs Unirs Conrenrs of rhe suLjecr Conrenrs of rhe suLjecr Conrenrs of rhe suLjecr Conrenrs of rhe suLjecr I Foundarion Foundarion Foundarion Foundarion of policy of policy of policy of policy managemenr: managemenr: managemenr: managemenr: inrroducrion, definirion of policy managemenr, morivarion for policy managemenr, need for a nev shared informarion model, Lenefirs of FBNM. Folicy Managemenr Fundamenrals : Folicy Managemenr Fundamenrals : Folicy Managemenr Fundamenrals : Folicy Managemenr Fundamenrals : The need for oLjecr-orienred analysis, design, and modeling in FBNM sysrems, Conceprual policy model, Definirion of FBNM sysrem, Folicy rerminology, Essenrial rerminology for FBM sysrem, nev rerminology nor covered in RFC198, Definirion of policy-Lased managemenr & nervork managemenr. II Folicy Managemenr and rhe Sharing of Dara : Folicy Managemenr and rhe Sharing of Dara : Folicy Managemenr and rhe Sharing of Dara : Folicy Managemenr and rhe Sharing of Dara : inrroducrion- The need ro express informarion in a common vay, Hov ro solve currenr in sharing and reusing dara, Exisring approaches ro sharing informarion, Hov ro express informarion in a common vay, The nev DEN-ng approach, III Folicy Operarion in a FBNM Sysrem : Folicy Operarion in a FBNM Sysrem : Folicy Operarion in a FBNM Sysrem : Folicy Operarion in a FBNM Sysrem : Folicy communicarion, General managemenr issues, Folicy operarion, Musings on implemenrarion IV Represenring High Represenring High Represenring High Represenring High- -- -Level F Level F Level F Level Folicies : olicies : olicies : olicies : Inrroducrion- High-level policy specificarion, Basic policies for specifying Lusiness-driven Lehavior, DEN-ng addirions ro rhe ponder framevork of Lasic, Composire policies, Use of high-level policies example V Componenrs of FBNM: Requiremenrs of Differenr Folicies, Life of a Folicy, Building Blocks of FBNM, Archirecrure of FBNM. References: Srrassner, Folicy Based Nervork Managemenr: Solurions for rhe Nexr Generarion, ELSEVIER Class: VIII Sem. B.Tech. Evaluation Branch: Info. Tech Schedule per Week Lectures: 3 Examination Time = Three (3) Hours Maximum Marks = 100 [Mid-term (20) & End-term (80)] Final 21.07.2010 RAJASTHAN TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Detailed Syllabus B.Tech. (Info. Tech.) VII & VIII Sem. 2011-12 onwards 8 IT 4.3 DIGITAL IMAGE PROCESSING (Common to Comp. Engg. & Info. Tech)
Units Contents of the subject I Image Representation, Two-Dimensional Systems, Two-Dimensional Fourier Transform, Image Stochastic Characterization, Psychophysical Vision Properties, Light Perception, Eye Physiology, Visual Phenomena, Monochrome Vision Model, Color Vision Model, photometry. II Image Sampling and Reconstruction Concepts, Image Sampling Systems, Image Reconstruction Systems, Discrete Image Mathematical Representation, Vector-Space Image Representation, Generalized Two-Dimensional Linear Operator, Image Statistical Characterization, Image Probability Density Models, Linear Operator Statistical Representation, Image Quantization, Scalar Quantization, Processing Quantized Variables, Monochrome Image Quantization. III Superposition and Convolution: Finite-Area Superposition and Convolution, Sampled Image Superposition and Convolution, Superposition and Convolution Operator Relationships, 8 Unitary Transforms, General Unitary Transforms, Fourier Transform, Cosine, Sine, and Hartley Transforms, Hadamard, Haar, Linear Processing Techniques, Transform Domain Processing, Transform Domain Superposition. IV IMAGE IMPROVEMENT: Image Enhancement, Contrast Manipulation, Histogram Modification, Noise Cleaning, Edge Crispening, Image Restoration Models, General Image Restoration Models, Optical Systems Models, Photographic Process Models, Discrete Image Restoration Models, Point and Spatial Image Restoration Techniques, Sensor and Display Point Nonlinearity Correction, Continuous Image Spatial Filtering Restoration, Statistical Estimation Spatial Image Restoration, Geometrical Image Modification, Translation, Minification, Magnification, and Rotation, Perspective Transformation, Camera Imaging Model, V Morphological Image Processing, Binary Image Connectivity, 6 Gray Scale Image Morphological Operations, Edge Detection, Edge, Line, and Spot Models, First-Order Derivative Edge Detection, Second-Order Derivative Edge Detection, Image Feature Extraction: Image Feature Evaluation, Amplitude Features, Transform Coefficient Features, Texture Definition, Image Segmentation , Amplitude Segmentation Methods, Clustering Segmentation Methods, Region Segmentation Methods, Boundary Detection, References 1. DIGITAL IMAGE PROCESSING: PIKS Inside, Third Edition, WILLIAM K. PRATT, PixelSoft, Inc., Los Altos, California, ISBN: 9780471374077 2. Anil Jain: Digital Image Processing, 3. Gonzalez Woods: Image Processing
Class: VIII Sem. B.Tech. Evaluation Branch: Info. Tech Schedule per Week Lectures: 3 Examination Time = Three (3) Hours Maximum Marks = 100 [Mid-term (20) & End-term (80)] Final 21.07.2010 RAJASTHAN TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Detailed Syllabus B.Tech. (Info. Tech.) VII & VIII Sem. 2011-12 onwards 8 IT 5 Software Testing Lab. (Info. Tech)
S. No. List of Experiments 1 Hands on Sofrvare Engineering principles Infrasrrucrure. 2. usage of Fronr-end and Back-end rechnologies and packages Frepare rhe folloving documenrs for rhree of rhe experimenrs lisred Lelov using sofrvare engineering merhodology. 1. Frogram Analysis and Frojecr Flanning. 2. Thorough srudy of rhe proLlem Idenrify projecr scope, OLjecrives, 3. Sofrvare requiremenr Analysis 3 DescriLe rhe individual Fhases / Modules of rhe projecr, Idenrify deliveraLles 4 Sofrvare Design a. Use vork producrs Dara dicrionary, Use case diagrams and acriviry diagrams, Luild and resr class diagrams, L. Sequence diagrams and add inrerface ro class diagrams, DFD, ER diagrams c. Sofrvare Developmenr and DeLugging using any Fronr end and Back end rool d. Sofrvare Verificarion and Validarion procedures
Class: VIII Sem. B.Tech. Evaluation Branch: Info.Tech. Schedule per Week Practical Hrs.: 3 Examination Time = Four (4) Hours Maximum Marks = 75 [Sessional/Mid-term (60) & End-term (40)] Final 21.07.2010 RAJASTHAN TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Detailed Syllabus B.Tech. (Info. Tech.) VII & VIII Sem. 2011-12 onwards 8IT6 DATA COMPRESSION LAB (Info. Tech)
S. No. List of Experiments 1 Compress a file (Lirmap formar) having some diagram in ir. Transfer rhe file ro anorher sysrem & decompress ro display rhe original file. 2 Compress an audio file. Transfer rhe file ro anorher sysrem & decompress ro display rhe original file. 3 Compress a video file. Transfer rhe file ro anorher sysrem & decompress ro display rhe original file. 4 Implemenr Huffman coding virh minimum variance, oprimal, non-Linary, exrended, adaprive. 5 Implemenr Applicarions and limirarions of Huffman codes (Run lengrh encoding, Arirhmeric coding, Fredicrive coding) 6 Implemenr Lossy Compression Techniques JFEG and irs applicarion Error derecrion and correcrion: Fariry, 1,2,n dimensions, Hamming codes, p-our-of-q codes 7 Implemenr Dicrionary Lased compression - Lempel-Ziv-Welch, LZ77 and LZ- 78 Quanrizarion Scalar and Vecror Quanirizarion. 8 Implemenr Shannon Fano Algorirhm
Class: VIII Sem. B.Tech. Evaluation Branch: Info.Tech. Schedule per Week Practical Hrs : 3 Examination Time = Four (4) Hours Maximum Marks = 75 [Sessional/Mid-term (60) & End-term (40)] 8IT7: Data Mining & Ware Housing 0L+2P MM:50 Lab Exercises EXPERIMENT-1 To perform various commands given in PL/SQL in Oracle 8.0(For brushing up.) EXPERIMENT-2 To perform multi-dimensional data model using SQL queries. E.g. Star, snowflake and Fact constellation schemas EXPERIMENT-3 To perform various OLAP operations such slice, dice, roll up, drill up, pivot etc EXPERIMENT-4 To perform the text mining on the given data warehouse EXPERIMENT-5 To perform the correlation ship analysis between for the given data set. EXPERIMENT-6 To perform the attribute relevance analysis on the given data. EXPERIMENT-7 To perform the information gain for a particular attribute in the given data. EXPERIMENT-8 To perform the experiment to predict the class using the Bayesian classification EXPERIMENT-9 Write a program to find out a weight or bias updating using the back propagation in Neural Network EXPERIMENT-10 To perform various data mining algorithms on the give data base using Clementine Final 21.07.2010 RAJASTHAN TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Detailed Syllabus B.Tech. (Info. Tech.) VII & VIII Sem. 2011-12 onwards 8IT8 Seminar on Information Technology Acts (Common to Comp. Engg. & Info. Tech) Course Objectives: 1. Study the acts dealing with the cyber crimes in different countries viz., India, USA, European Union. 2. Study the Intellectual Property Rights and the acts dealing with these rights. 3. Study the Copyright acts with reference to publishing the material on the web. Students are expected to prepare reports on: Various acts dealing with cyber crimes in the countries. What constitutes a cyber crime in the country? Definitions of electronic documents, evidences, the approved algorithms etc. Investigation methods. Intellectual Property, rights of the creator of the property and legal framework dealing with these rights. Similarly on Copyright acts. Further, every student is required to deliver a seminar on a case study involving cyber crimes/ Intellectual Property, Copyright acts. The seminar shall focus on the methodology and tools used in the investigation, and enforcement of the applicable acts.. The seminar may also be presented on new ways of committing cyber crimes particularly Phishing, botnet etc. The corresponding acts are the reference material.
Class: VIII Sem. B.Tech. Evaluation Branch: Info. Tech. Schedule per Week Practical Hrs : 2 Examination Time = Four (2) Hours Maximum Marks = 50 [Sessional/Mid-term (30) & End-term (20)]